翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Technical Cooperation Trust Fund for the United Nations Environment Programme's Implementation of the Activities Funded by the Global Environment Facility;联合国环境规划署执行全球环境基金所资助的活动技术合作信托基金;; Technical Cooperation Trust Fund for UNEP's Implementation of the Activities Funded by the Interim Multilateral Fund Established under the Montreal Protocol;环境规划署实施根据蒙特利尔议定书设立的临时多边基金资助的活动技术合作信托基金;; Technical Cooperation Trust Fund for UNEP's Implementation of the Multilateral Fund Activities;环境规划署执行多边基金活动技术合作信托基金;; Technical Cooperation Trust Fund on Land Degradation Assessment and Mapping;土地退化评估和绘图技术合作信托基金;; Technical Cooperation Trust Fund to Assist Developing Countries to Take Action for the Protection of the Ozone Layer;协助发展中国家采取行动堡臭氧层的技术合作信托基金;; Technical Cooperation Trust Fund to Assist Implementation of the Montreal Protocol on Substance that Deplete the Ozone Layer in Developing Countries;协助发展中国家执行关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书的技术合作信托基金;; Technical Cooperation Trust Fund to Develop and Coordinate the Implementation of the Plan for the Survey, Assessment and Dealing with the Consequences of Environmental Damage Caused by the Conflict between Kuwait and Iraq;制定并协调执行调查、评估和处理科威特与伊拉克间冲突所造成的环境损害后果计划的技术合作信托基金;; Technical Cooperation Trust Fund to Provide an expert to the Ozone Secretariat;向臭氧秘书处提供一位专家的技术合作信托基金;; Technical Cooperation Trust Fund to Provide Consultancies to Developing Countries;向发展中国家提供咨询服务的技术合作信托基金;; Technical Cooperation Trust Fund to Provide Experts to the Secretariat of SADCC;向南部非洲发展协调会议秘书处提供专家的技术合作信托基金;; Technical Cooperation Trust Fund to Provide Experts to the UNEP Global Resources Information Database;向环境规划署全球资源信息数据库提供专家的技术合作信托基金;; Technical Cooperation Trust Fund to Provide Experts to UNEP to Assist in the Development and Implementation of Policy Response Options related to Climate Change;向环境规划署提供专家协助拟定并执行有关气候变化的对策选择技术合作信托基金;; Technical Cooperation Trust Fund to Support the Clearing House Mechanism through Provision of Consultants to Developing Countries for Dealing with Serious Environmental Problems;向发展中国家提供顾问处理严重环境问题以支助情报交换所机制的技术合作信托基金;; Technical Cooperation Trust Funds;技术合作信托基金;; Technical Cooperation Unit;技术合作股;; Technical Cooperation Trust Fund for the Establishment of the International Environmental Technology Centre in Japan;在日本设立国际环境技术中心技术合作信托基金;; Technical Department A B,C,D;第一二、三、四技术部;; Technical Department Working Group;技术部工作组;TDWG; technical devices for the disables;残疾人使用的器械设备;; Technical Division;技术司;; technical expertise;技术知识;; technical field adviser;外地技术顾问;; technical grade;工业级;; Technical Guidelines for the Environmentally Sound Management of Wastes Subject to the Basel Convention;巴塞尔公约所列废物的无害环境管理的技术准则;; Technical Guidelines on Hazardous Waste: Waste Oils for Petroleum Origins and Sources;有害废物技术准则: 石油原产地和来源的废油;; Technical Guidelines on Hazardous Wastes from the Production and Use of Organic Solvents;关于因生产和使用有机溶液引起的有害废物的技术准则;; Technical Guidelines on Wastes collected from Households;从住家收集废物的技术准则;; Technical Guidelines on Wastes comprising or containing PCBs, PCTs and PBBs;关于有聚氯联苯、多氯三苯及溴联苯成分的废物的技术准则;; technical information;技术信息;; technical information bank;技术信息库;; Technical Information Pilot System;技术信息试验系统;TIPS; Technical Innovation Board;技术革新委员会;; technical instructions;技术性指示;; Technical Investment Committee;投资技术委员会;; technical know-how;专门技能;; technical knowledge;技术知识;; technical manual on electronic data processing in criminal justice management;刑事司法管理电子数据处理技术手册;; Technical Meeting for the Analysis of Intraregional Trade and the Development of the Mining and Metallurgical Sector;区域内贸易分析和采矿与冶金部门发展技术会议;; Technical Meeting on Consulting Services for Industry;工业咨询事务技术会议;; Technical Meeting on the International Year and the International Decade of the World's Indigenous People;世界土著人民国际年和国际十年技术会议;; Technical Meeting on the International Year for the World's Indigenous People;世界土著人民国际年技术会议;; Technical Meeting on the use of Industrial Consultants in Developing Countries;发展中国家聘用工业顾问问题技术会议;; Technical Memoranda;技术备忘录;; Technical Mission;技术特派团;; technical officer;技术干事;; technical oils;工业用油;; technical oilseeds;工业用油籽;; Technical Operations and Publications Service;技术业务和出版物处;; Technical Panel on Biomass;生物质量技术小组;; Technical Panel on Computer Security;计算机安全技术小组;; Technical Panel on Electronic Records Management;电子记录管理技术小组;; technical panel on information access and dissemination;信息存取和传播技术小组;TP/IAD; Technical Panel on Information Security;信息安全技术小组;TP/SEC; Technical Panel on Interlibrary Cooperation, Standards and Management;图书馆间合作、标准和管理技术小组 图书馆技术组;TP/LIB;图书馆技术组 Technical Panel on Ocean Energy Tidal and Wave Power and Thermal Gradients;海洋能潮汐波力和温度梯度技术小组;; Technical Panel on Records Management;记录管理技术小组;; Technical Panel on the United Nations Telecommunications Network;联合国电信网技术小组电信网技术组;TP/NET;电信网技术组 technical paper;技术文件;; Technical Preparation Committee of the Whole;技术筹备全体委员会;TEPCOW; Technical Preparatory Committee of the Whole;技术筹备全体委员会;; technical programme;技术方案;; technical reference point;技术参考点;; Technical Regulations;技术规则; 技术规范;; Technical Report Series;技术报告汇编;TRS; technical reserve;技术储备金;; Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration;选举管理技术秘书处;; technical secretariat input;技术性的秘书处服务;; Technical Secretariat of the Regional Social Affairs Commission;区域社会事务委员会技术秘书处;ST-CRAS; technical secretariat services;秘书处技术服务;; Technical Seminar of Experts on the Zone of Peace and Cooperation of the South Atlantic on the Law of the Sea;南大西洋和平与合作区专家关于海洋法的技术讨论会;; Technical Seminar on Financing of Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises and Development of the Stock Market in Latin American Countries;拉丁美洲国家中小型企业资金筹措和发展股票市场技术讨论会;; Technical service contract;技术服务合同;; Technical Service for the Committee for Development Planning;发展规划委员会技术事务处;; Technical Services Branch;技术服务处;TSB; Technical Services Support at the programme level;方案一级的技术服务支助;TSS-1; Technical Standards Institute;技术标准研究所;; Technical Subcommittee of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space;和平利用外层空间委员会技术小组委员会;; Technical Subgroup on Adjustment;结构调整技术分组;; Technical Support Facility;技术支助设施;; Technical Support Groups;技术支助组技支组;TSGs;技支组 Technical Support Programme on Children Disability;儿童残疾技术支助方案;; Technical Support Project for the Promotion of Cultural Industries;促进文化业技术支助项目;; Technical Support Service 1 financing;方案一级技术支助服务筹资;TSS1; Technical Support Service;技术支助处;ODT; Technical Support Services TSS;技术支助服务;TSS; Technical Support Services at the Programme Level;方案一级技术支助服务;TSS1; Technical Support System;技术支助系统;TSS; Technical Support Team;技术支助队;; Technical Support to the World Food Programme;向世界粮食计划署提供技术支助;; Technical Survey Mission to Namibia;纳米比亚技术调查团;; Technical Survey Mission to Western Sahara and Neighbouring Countries;派往西撒哈拉及其邻国的技术调查团;; Technical Task Force;技术工作队;; Technical Team;技术队;; Technical Working Group of Experts on a Code of Practice for International Transactions Involving Radioactive Waste;关于涉及放射性废物国际交易业务守则的专家技术工作组;; Technical Working Group of the Administrative Committee on Coordination Task Force on Sustainable Development;行政协调委员会可持续发展工作队技术工作组;; Technical working group of the Basel Convention;巴塞尔公约技术工作组;; Technical Working Group on Industry;工业技术工作组;; Technical Working Group on Issues relating to the Monitoring of Social Trends;与监测社会趋势有关的问题技术工作组;; Technical Working Group on Statistical Data Bases;统计数据库技术工作组;; Technical Working Group on Urban Environmental Indicators;城镇环境指标技术工作组;; technical/substantive support of programmes;方案技术/实务支助 方案技实支助;TSS1;方案技实支助 technical/substantive support of programmes and projects;方案和项目技术/实务支助 方案项目技实支助;TSS1 & TSS2;方案项目技实支助 technical/substantive support of projects;项目技术/实务支助 项目技实支助;TSS2;项目技实支助 technically qualified;技术上合格的;; technicians;技术员; 技师;; technicon;技术学院;; technique of crop substitution;作物取代技术; 作物取代办法;; techno-economic;技术经济;; techno-economic study;技术经济研究报告;;报告 techno-economic viability report;技术-经济可行性报告;; Technocratism;技术至上主义;; technological adaptation;技术的适应性改造;; technological advances;技术进步;; technological advisory services programme;技术咨询服务方案;; technological articles;技术论文;; technological break-through;技术上的突破;; technological change;技术变革;; technological complexity analysis;技术复杂性分析;; technological gap;技术上的差距;; technological hazard;工艺危害; 技术危害;; Technological Information Exchange Network;技术信息交换网;TIEN; Technological Information Exchange System;技术信息交换系统技交系统;TIES;技交系统 technological information profiles;技术资料简介;; technological innovations;技术革新;; Technological Innovations Board;技术革新委员会;; Technological Innovations Services;技术革新处;; technological installations;技术设备;; technological items;技术物品; 技术产品;; technological know-how;专门技术知识; 技术诀窍;; Technological Laboratory of Uruguay;乌拉圭技术研究所;LATU; technological line;技术生产线;; technological plastics;高级技术塑料; 工艺塑料;; technological requirements;技术要求; 技术规格;; technological revolution;工艺革命; 技术革命;; Technological Services Delivery System;技术服务提供系统;TSDS; technological spin-offs;技术外溢技术副产品;; technological state of the art;最先进技术水平;; Technological Support Service;技术支助处;; technology;技术; 工艺学;; technology absorption;技术吸收;; Technology Acquisition and Negotiation Section;技术引进和谈判科;TAN; technology acquisition and project preparation;技术引进和项目准备;; technology alert network;技术通报网;TAN; Technology and Environment Branch;技术和环境处技术处;TEAB;技术处 Technology Assessment Network;技术评价网;TAN; Technology Atlas;技术图册;; Technology Development and Promotion Division;技术开发促进司;TDP; Technology Expert Knowledge System;技术专家知识系统;TEKSYST; Technology for Development Intergovernmental Group of Experts to Study a Financing System for Science and;研究科学和技术促进发展筹资系统政府间专家组;; technology for the people;技术用于人民;TFTP; Technology Incubation Centre;技术孵化中心 技孵中心;TIC;技孵中心 technology intensive production;技术密集生产;; technology license agreement;技术专利权使用协议;; technology licensing;发放技术许可证;; technology management;技术管理;; technology markets;技术市场;TECHMART; technology monitoring;技术监测;; Technology Monitors Unit;技术监测组;TM; technology of production;生产技术;; Technology Planning in Developing Countries;发展中国家的技术规划;; technology policy and planning;技术政策和规划;; Technology Promotion Branch;技术促进处;TP; Technology Research Programme;技术研究方案;TRP; Technology Rights Bank;技术专利库;; Technology Section;技术科;; Technology Service;技术处;; technology supplier;技术供应者;; Technology Supply Data Base;技术供应数据库;; technology supplying firm;技术供应公司;; technology transactions;技术交易;; Technology Transfer Group;技术转让小组;; Technology Transfer on Selected Food Crops for the Semi-Arid Tropics;半干旱热带地区特定粮食作物的技术转让;; Technology Transfers Registries;技术转让注册部门;; Technology Trends Series;技术趋势丛书;; Technology Utilization Programme;技术利用方案;; technology-intensive;技术密集;; technology-supplying countries;技术提供国;; TECHNONET ASIA;亚洲技术网;TECHNONET AS; Technopromexport;技术工业出口署;; technostructure;技术专家控制体制;; Tedorovo;特多罗沃;; TEEHANKEE, Claudio;克劳迪奥·特安凯;; TEEHANKEE, Juan Ricardo;胡安·里卡多·特安凯;; TEELOCK, Leckraz;莱克拉兹·蒂洛克;; teenage mothers;少龄母亲;; teenage pregnancy;少女怀孕;; Teenstand;“青年帮”;; TEFERI, Bante;特费里·本蒂;; TEFERI, Mulualem;穆卢亚伦·特费里;; TEFERRA, Tadelle;塔德尔·特费拉;; teff;画眉草;; Tegucigalpa Agreement on Human Development, Childhood and Youth;特古西加尔巴人类发展、儿童和青年问题协 定;; Tegucigalpa Commitments;特古西加尔巴承诺;; Tegucigalpa Commitments on Peace and Development in Central America;特古西加尔巴中美洲和平与发展承诺;; Tegucigalpa Declaration;特古西加尔巴宣言;; Tegucigalpa International Declaration on Peace and Development in Central America;特古西加尔巴中美洲和平与发展国际宣言;; Tegucigalpa Protocol;特古西加尔巴议定书;; Tehiya Movement Party;特希雅运动党;;党 Tehran Declaration Launching the Second Round of Negotiations within the GSTP;关于开展在全球优惠制内第二回合谈判的德黑兰宣言;; Tehran Declaration on Strengthening Regional Cooperation for Technology-led Industrialization in Asia and the Pacific;加强亚洲及太平洋技术引导工业化方面区域合作的德黑兰宣言;; Tehran Declaration towards a New Partnership for Development;建立新的发展伙伴关系的德黑兰宣言;; Teikoku Oil Co. Ltd.;帝国石油公司;; Teikoku Sekiyu Kabushiki Kaisha;帝国石油公司;; TEIRLINCK, Adrien;阿德里安·泰尔林克;; TEISEIRA, Constantino;康斯坦蒂诺·特谢拉;; TEIXEIRA, Anette Ramos;阿内特·拉莫斯·特谢拉;; TEIXEIRA, Oscar;奥斯卡·特谢拉;; TEJEIRA, Hernan;埃尔南·特黑拉;; TEJERA-PARIS, Enrique;恩里克·特赫拉-帕里斯;; TEKAAI, Tekaai;特卡伊·特卡伊;; TEKAYA, Mohamed Salah;穆罕默德·萨拉赫·特卡亚;; TEKINEL, Ismail Hakki;伊斯梅尔·哈克·泰基内尔;; TEKOAH, Yosef;约瑟夫·特科阿;; tel quel or Tale Quale T.Q.;现状条件;TQ; Tela Declaration;特拉声明;; Tela Meeting;特拉会议;; Tele-x satellite communication system;Tele-x 卫星通信系统;; telecommunication infrastructure;电信基础设施;; Telecommunication Operations Section;电信业务科;; telecommunication services;电信服务;; Telecommunication Sub-Committee;电信小组委员会;; Telecommunication Training Institute;电信训练所;; Telecommunication Unit;电信股;; Telecommunications and Computer Operations Service;电信和计算机业务处;; Telecommunications Cooperative Network;电信合作网;TCN; Telecommunications Development Bureau;电信发展局;BDT; telecommunications equipment;电信设备;; Telecommunications Exchange Service;电信交换服务;; Telecommunications Information Exchange Services System;电信信息交换服务系统 电信信息系统;TIES;电信信息系统 Telecommunications Journal;电信杂志;; telecommunications networks;电信网;; Telecommunications Operations Section;电信业务科;; Telecommunications Operations Unit;电信业务股;; Telecommunications Relay Centre;电信中继中心;; Telecommunications Relay Unit;电信中继股;; Telecommunications Services Unit;电信事务股;; telecommunications studios and offices;电信室和办事处;; Telecommunications Sub-Committee;电信小组委员会;; Telecommunications Systems Operations;电信系统业务;; Telecommunications Unit;电信股;FSIT; teleconferencing;电信会议 [ 英汉科技词天]; 电视商谈; 电视会谈[如与某个候选人会谈, 不需到总部来]; 电视会议;; telecopy;电传印单;; Telectronucs;澳大利亚雪梨电子医疗仪器制造厂;; Telegram dated 18 March 1975 from the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Royal Government of National Union of Cambodia addressed to the Secretary-General;1975年3月18日柬埔寨王国民族团结政府外交 大臣给秘书长的电报;; Telegraph and Telephone Regulations;电报电话条例;; Telegraph Convention;电报公约;; telegraph switching system;自动电报接转系统;; telegraph transmitter;发报机;; Telegraph Unit;电报股;; telegraphic transfer;电汇;T/T; telegraphic transfer rate;电汇汇价;; telegraphic transfer reimbursement;电汇偿付;; Telemedicine Spacebridge;远距医学空间桥梁;; telemeter;遥测器;; telemetering;遥测;; telemetry;遥测技术;; telemetry service;遥测服务;; telemetry system;遥测系统;; telephone assistant;电话助理;; telephone bridge;电话桥;; telephone exchange;电话局; 电话交换台;; telephone operators;电话接线员;; telephone-feed;电话传输;; telephote;传真电报机;; telephoto;传真;; telephotography;传真照片;; teleprinter;电传打印机;; teleputer;电视计算机电视电脑;; TELES, J. M. Galvao;加尔旺·特莱斯;; TELESAT Canada;加拿大通信卫星机构;; Telespacio;空间通信局;; teletex;电视教学;; teletype machine;电传打字机;; teletype news circuit;电传打字新闻传送网;; teletype operator;电传打字电报员;; televising;播送电视;; Television Administration and Liaison Office;电视行政和联络事务处;; Television and Film Section;电视和电影科;; Television and Infra-red Observational Satellite;电视与红外观察卫星泰罗斯卫星;TIROS;泰罗斯卫星 television colour camera;彩色电视摄象机;; television coordinator;电视协调员;; Television Infrared Observational Satellite;电视红外观测卫星;Tiros; television magazines;电视杂志;; Television Production Office;电视制作处;; television spot;电视插播公告; 电视插播节目;; Television Trust for the Environment;环境电视信托基金;TVE; TELEWODA, Youngor;扬格·特勒沃达;; telework;电传工作;; telex;用户电报;; Telex Operator;用户电报报务员;; TELL, Moraiwid M.;莫拉伊威德·特尔;; TELLA, Guido DI;吉多·迪特利亚;; teller;计票人;; TELLES RIBEIRO, Edgar;埃德加·特莱斯·里贝罗;; TELLES, Vera Regina Delayti;维拉·雷吉纳·德莱蒂· 特莱斯;; TELLEZ, ARGUELLO, Oscar RAMON;奥斯卡·拉蒙·特列斯·拉圭略;; TELLI, Diallo;迪阿洛·泰利;; TELLMANN, Erik;埃里克·泰尔曼;; TELLO, Manuel;曼努埃尔·特洛;; tellurium compounds;碲化合物;; Telstar;电星;; TEMA Training, Education and Mutual Assistance;训练、教育和互助;TEMA; temazepam;替马西泮;; TEMEL, Nizamettin;尼轧梅廷·泰梅尔;; Temperance Committee;禁酒委员会;; temperate forest biosphere;温带森林生物层;; temperate products;温带产品;; temperate zone;温带;; temperate zone foodstuffs;温带食品;; temperate zone products;温带产品;; temperature inversion;逆温;; temperature lapse rate;温度直减率;; temperature pill;温度药丸;; temperature stratification;温度分层; 热结层;; temperature, salinity and current report;温度含盐量及海流观测报告; 温盐流报告;; Temple;圣寺法律学院; [犹太教]圣殿 为Inns of Court之一;;为Inns of Court之一 Temple Mount;圣殿山;; Temple Shalom;和平殿;; temporal jurisdiction;属时管辖权;; temporal method;时率法;; temporal resolution;时间分辨率;; temporal trend;时间趋势;; temporary accommodation;临时住处;; temporary assistance;临时助理人员;; temporary assistance for meetings;会议临时助理人员;; temporary chairman;临时主席;; Temporary Commercial Agreement;临时商业协定;; Temporary Commission;临时委员会;; Temporary Committee for the Follow-up of the Situation in East Timor;东帝汶局势跟踪临时委员会;; Temporary Committee on Korean Relief Needs;韩国救济需要临时委员会;; Temporary Council Committee;理事会暂设委员会;; temporary disablement;暂时残疾;; temporary dislocation of national economics;国民经济暂时脱节会费问题;;会费问题 Temporary Exclusion List;临时排除产品清单;; Temporary Executive Authority, UN;联合国临时执行局;UNTEA; Temporary Executive Committee Working Group on Programme, Budgetary, Administrative and Organizational Matters;临时执行委员会方案、预算、行政和组织事项工作组;; temporary headquarters of the Government of Kuwait;科威特政府临时总部;; Temporary Income Support Programme;临时收入支助方案;PAIT; Temporary International Presence in Hebron;希布伦临时国际驻留人员希布伦临时人员;TIPH;希布伦临时人员 temporary investments;临时投资;; Temporary Mixed Commission;临时混合委员会;; Temporary Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Western Sahara;主管西撒哈拉事务的秘书长特别代表临时办 公室;; PFANZELTER, Gerhard;格哈德·普范策尔特;; temporary Peace-keeping Reserve Fund;维持和平临时储备基金;; temporary position;临时职位;; temporary posts;临时员额;; Temporary President;临时主席;; temporary relocation;临时搬迁费;; temporary residence;临时住所;; temporary site;临时地址;; Temporary Social Commission;临时社会委员会;; temporary sovereignty;暂时主权;; temporary staff;临时工作人员;; temporary suspension of operation;暂时停止施行;; Temporary Trusteeship Committee;临时托管委员会;; Temporary Working Group;临时工作组;; TEMTEM, Adera;阿德拉·特姆特姆;; Ten Nation Committee;十国委员会;; Ten Steps to 2000;迈向2000年的十大步骤;; Ten-Nation Disarmament Committee;十国裁军委员会;TNDC; Ten-Point Agreement;十点协定;; Ten-Point Programme of Great Unity of the Whole Nation for Reunification of the Country;争取祖国统一的全民族大团结十大纲领;; Ten-Year Action Programme to Control Vitamin A Deficiency, Xerophthalmia and Nutritional Blindness;防治维生素A缺乏症、干眼病和营养性失明 十年行动纲领;; Ten-Year Plan for the Development of Science and Technology;科学和技术发展十年计划;; Ten-year Plan of Action for the Development of Crafts in the World;世界手工艺发展十年行动计划;; Tenamfetamine;替苯丙胺;MDA; Tenamfetamine hydrochloride;盐酸替苯丙胺;; tenancy agreements;租约;; tenant association;佃农协会;; tenant company;租户公司;; tenant extras;租户额外费;; tenant farmer;佃农;; tenant-holder;佃农;; tender;补给船; 投标;; tender bond;投标保函; 投标保证金;; tender documents;投标文件;; tender good offices;出任调停; 斡旋;; tender guarantee;投标保函; 投标保证金; 提供保证;; tender years, a child of;幼龄儿童;; tendered votes;特别选票;; tendering procedure;投标程序;; TENEKIDES, Georges;乔治斯·特内基德斯;; tenement;租屋;; tenement housing;低级公共住宅;; TENG Weizao;滕维藻;; TENNE, Arie;艾里·坦尼;; Tennessee Valley Authority;田纳西流域管理局田域局;TVA;田域局 tenocyclidine;替诺环定噻恩环己哌啶;; Tenocyclidine hydrochloride;盐酸噻恩环己哌啶;; Tensia Group Belgium;坦锡亚集团;; tension spring;巧;; tent stoves;帐篷火炉;; Tentara Nasional Indonesia;印度尼西亚国军;; Tentara Republik Indonesia;印度尼西亚共和国陆军印尼陆军;TRI;印尼陆军 tentative agreement on north-south basic relations;南北基本关系试行协议;; tentative forecast of the programme of work of the Security Council for the month of ...;安全理事会...月份工作方案暂定预报;; tentative projection;暂定预测;; tentative proposed allocations;暂定提议拨款额;; tentative standard;暂行标准;; tentative target establishment;暂定员额;; Tenth Anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration on the preparation of Societies for Life in Peace;为各国社会共享和平生活做好准备的宣言通过十周年纪念;; Tenth Anniversary of UNPA;邮管处十周年纪念;; Tenth Meeting of Experts on the United Nations Programme in Public Administration and Finance;第十次联合国公共行政和财政方案专家会议;; Tenth Special Session of the General Assembly;大会第十届特别会议;; tenure;终身任职制;; tenure conversion;地权变更;; tenure of office;任期;; tenure status;土地保有权的地位;; TEO Kah Beng;张家明;; TEO, Eric;张子超;; Teocak;特奥察克;; TEODORO, Maria de Lurdes;玛丽亚·德卢尔德斯·特奥多罗;; TEP KHUNNAL;代昆南;; TEPARAK, Pasan;帕三·德帕拉;; TEPAVITCHAROV, Christo;克里斯托·泰帕维契洛夫;; TER HAAR, H.J.;特尔哈尔;; TER HORST, Enrique;恩里克·特尔·霍斯特;; TER-PETROSYAN, L.;列翁·捷尔-彼得罗相;; tera goule;万亿焦耳;TJ; tera watt hr;万亿瓦小时;TWh; TERADA,, Terusuke;寺田辉介;; TERAN RODRIGUEZ, Madelaine;马德莱内·特兰·罗德里格斯;; TERANISHI, Chiyoko;寺西千代子;; teratogen;致畸物;; teratogency;产生畸形;; terawatt-hours TWh;万亿瓦小时;TWh; TEREKHOV, Valdislav Petrovich;弗拉基斯拉夫·彼得罗维奇·特里科夫;; TERENCE, Nsanze;恩桑泽·特伦斯;; TERFA, Solomon;所罗门·特尔法;; term of office;任期;; term of office and placement;任期和接替;; term profile;术语统计图;; terminal computer;终端;; terminal assessment reports;最后评价报告;TAR; Terminal Control Zone;终点控制区控制区;CTR;控制区 terminal evaluation;终期评价;; terminal expenses;起终点费用;TE; terminal funding;期终拨资法;; terminal operator;港口经营人;; terminal payments;各种离职费;; terminal reports;最终报告;; terminal tripartite reviews;最后三方审查;; terminal years;起讫年度终端年度;; termination;终止;; Termination by Member States of Consular representation in Namibia through the Government of South Africa or the South African Administration in the Territory;会员国结束它通过南非政府或南非在纳米比 亚领土的行政当局而在纳米比亚建立的领事 代表关系;; termination indemnity;解雇偿金;; termination of outputs within programme elements;方案构成部分内产出的终止;; termination rate;退学率;; Terminologist;名词员;; terminology bulletins;名词汇辑;; Terminology Information and Bulletin Production System;名词信息和名词汇辑制作系统 名词制作系统;TIBPS;名词制作系统 terminology notes and bulletins;名词通知和汇辑;; terminology officer;名词干事;; Terminology Section;名词科;; terminus a quo;出发点开始期;; terminus ad quem;归结点终止期目标;; terms and conditions;条款和条件;; terms of borrowing;借贷条件;; terms of mandate;任务范围;; terms of payment;付款办法;; terms of price;价格条件;; Terms of Reference for the Establishment and Operation of the UNDP Focal Point for Short-Term Advisory Services;开发计划署短期咨询服务协调中心的建立和业务职权范围;; Terms of Reference of the International Nickel Study Group;国际镍研究组职权范围;; Terms of Reference of the International Tin Study Group;国际锡研究组职权范围;; Terms of Reference, Guidelines and Rules of the Secretar-General's Trust Fund to Assist States in the Settlement of Dispute through the International Court of Justice;秘书长关于协助各国通过国际法院解决争端的信托基金的职权范围、准则和规则;; terms of sale;销售条件;; terms of settlement;解决条件;; terms of the treaty;条约用语条约条款;; terms of trade;贸易条件;TOT; terms of trade as a % of GDP;贸易条件占国内总产值百分数;; terms of trade gains or losses;贸易条件收益或亏损损益;;损益 terms used;用语;; terms-of-trade adjustment;贸易条件调整;; TERONISHI, Shiyoko;寺西千代子;; terra incognita;未知之地域;; terra nullius;无主地;; terrae potestas finitur ubi finitur armrum vis;沿岸驳弹距离说;; terrain;地形; 地面; 地区;; Terre des Hommes;地球社;; TERREFE, Tadesse;塔德塞·特雷费;; terrestrial biological resources;陆地生物资源;; terrestrial biota;陆地生物;; terrestrial ecology;陆地生态学;; terrestrial ecosystems;地球生态系统;; Terrestrial Ecosystems Branch;地球生态系统处;; terrestrial non-thermal-continuum radiation;地球非热连续辐射;; terrestrial radiation;地球辐射;; terrestrial radio aids;地面无线电辅助设备;; terrestrial search rescue;地面搜索救援;; terrestrial techniques;地面技术;; territorial ambitions;领土野心;; territorial application;适用领土;; territorial asylum;领土庇护;; Territorial Asylum Conference;领土庇护会议;; territorial bay;领湾; 领海湾;; territorial bioproductivity;陆地生物繁殖;; territorial community;领土行政区;; Territorial Congress;领地议会;; territorial connection;领土关系;; Territorial Coordinating Commission;领土协调委员会;; territorial court;领土所属国法院;; Territorial Decoration;地方军勋章;TD; Territorial Defence units;领土防卫部队;; Territorial Development and Reserve Fund;领土发展和储备基金;; territorial domain of States;国家领域;; territorial enclaves;领土飞地;; territorial expansion;领土扩张;; territorial integrity;领土完整;; territorial integrity and inviolability;领土完整与不容侵犯;; territorial jurisdiction;属地管辖权;; territorial limit;领土界限;; territorial power;领土国;; territorial principle;领土原则; 领土法权主义;; territorial problems;地区问题;; Territorial Research and Analysis Section;领土研究和分析科;; Territorial Revenue Fund;领土收入基金;; territorial sea;领海;; territorial sovereignty;领土主权;; territorial state;领土所属国;; territorial straits;领峡;; territorial waters;领水;; territorialism;领海主义;; territorialist;领海主义者;; territoriality;属地主义; 属地性原则;; territoriality of crime;犯罪属地主义;; territories under colonial domination;殖民统治领土;; territories under hostile occupation;敌方占领的领土;; territory of Brunei;文莱领土;; Territory of Delhi;德里地区;; Territory of Hong Kong;香港地区;; Territory of Namibia under the direct responsibility of the United Nations and now illegally occupied by the Government of South Africa;联合国负有直接责任而现由南非政府非法占领的纳米比亚;; Territory's Tourist Board;领土旅游局;; territory, territorial sea and air space;领土, 领海和领空;; Terrorism Act;恐怖行为治罪法;; terrorist act;恐怖行为;; terrorist activities;恐怖主义活动;; terrorist criminal activity;恐怖主义犯罪活动;; tertiary and emergency care;三级及急诊护理;; tertiary education;高等教育;; tertiary rules;第三级规则;; tertiary sector;第三产业部门;; tertiary treatment;废水的三级处理;; TERZI DI SANT'AGATA, Giulio;朱利奥·泰尔齐·迪圣阿加塔;; TERZI, zehdi Labib;祖赫迪·拉比卜·特尔齐;; TERZI, Zuhdi Labib;祖赫迪·拉比卜·特尔齐;; TES programme Programme for Training European Statisticians for the countries of the former Soviet Union;为前苏联各国设立的统计员培训方案 欧洲统计员培训方案 前苏联各国统计员培训方案;TES-FUS;前苏联各国统计员培训方案 TESAC;温度含盐量及海流观测报告温盐流报告;TESAC;温盐流报告 Tesanj;泰萨尼;; TESCHABAEV, Fateh Ghulamovich;法特赫·古拉莫维奇·特夏巴耶夫;; TESHABAYEV, Fatih G.;法季赫·塔沙巴耶夫;; Tesoro Beach Agreement;特索罗海滩协定;; TESSA, Paul;保罗·特萨;; TESSEMA, Endale;恩达莱·特塞马;; TESSEMA, Fesseha Asghedom;费塞哈·阿斯格东·特塞马;; Test and Repair Centres;试验和修理中心;; Test Ban Treaty;禁试条约;TBT; test bed;试验台;; test cycle;试验阶段; 试用期;; test data;试点数据;; test equipment;测试设备;; test observatory;试验性观测台;; test pattern generator;图象发生器;; test piece support structures;测试部件支助结构;; test procedures;试验程序;; test run;试运转; 试车;; test, manufacture, produce, stockpile, install or deploy nuclear weapons;试验、制造、生产、储存、安装或部署核武器;; testify v.;作证,确言;; testify against himself;自白;; testimony;证词;; testing campaign;举办考试;; testing for drugs in body fluids;体液所含毒品的测定;; testing ground;试验场;; tetanus;破伤风;; tetanus neonatorum;新生儿破伤风;; tetanus toxoid;破伤风类毒素;; tetanus toxoid coverage;破伤风病毒免疫;; tetanus toxoid two doses;分两次接种的破伤风类毒素;TT2; Tete-a-Boeuf Peasant Movement;德塔伯夫农民运动;; TETENS, Spyros;斯·泰泰内斯;; Tethered Remover Satellite;系绳式残块移走卫星;TERESA; tetrabutyl titanate;钛酸四丁酯;TBT; tetrachlorethylene Cl2C=CCl2;四氯乙烯;Cl2C; tetrachlorodifluoroethane;四氯二氟乙烷;C2Cl4F2; tetrachloroethylene;四氯乙烯;; tetrachloromethane;四氯甲烷;; tetrafluorodichloroethane;四氟二氯乙烷;; tetrafluoromethane;四氟甲烷;CF4; tetragraph;四合字母;; Tetrahedron Prize;“四面体”奖;; Tetrahydrocannabinol;四氢大麻酚;THC; tetrarchy;四头政治;; Tetrazepam;四氢西泮;; TETTAMANTI, Pablo Anselmo;巴勃罗·安塞尔莫·特塔曼蒂;; TETU, Richard;理查德·泰蒂;; TEWFIG, Yusef Ibrahim;尤塞夫·伊布拉欣·特夫菲克;; TEXEL, Kenrich J.;肯里施·特克塞尔;; TEXIER, Philippe;菲利普·特克西尔;; text for printers;送印底稿;; text of reservation;保留案文;; text processing;文本处理;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司