翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Hardnester 锉屑 filings 锉屑 limatura 锉屑 raspings 锊 ancient unit of weight 锍 sulfonium 锒 chain 锒 ornament 锔 mend chinaware with staples 锔 curium 锕 actinium 锕类 acitinide 锕射气 actinon 锕铀 actinouran 锘 nobelium 锝 technetium 锞 grease-pot for cart 锞 ingot 锟 steel sword 锢 obstinate disease 锢 restrain 锢 to stop 锬 long spear 锱 ancient weight 锱 one-eighth of a tael 锲 cut 锲 to carve 锴 high quality iron 锶 strontium 锶沸石 brewsterite 锶磷灰石 fermorite 锷 blade edge 锷 sharp 锾 ancient measure 锾 money 锿 einsteinium 镂 engrave 镂 hard steel 镂刻 enchase 镂刻 enchasing 锵 tinkling of small bells 镄 fermium 镅 americium 镅酸盐 americate 镉 cadmium 镉 cadimium 镉尘肺 cadmiosis 镉黄 cadmopone 镉试剂 cadion 镌 degrade 镌 engrave wood or stone 镌版术 engraving 镎 neptunium 镏 lutecium 镒 abrasion 镒 gold-20 taels in weight 镓 gallium 镓 gllium 镔 fine steel 镖 a throwing weapon 镖 dart 镖客 armed escort of travellers or merchants' caravans 镗 noise of drums 镘 side of coin without words 镘 trowel 镘平 trowelling 镛 large bell 镞 arrowhead 镞 sharp 镞 Arrowhead 镞型的 sagittate 镟 lathe 镟 thread in screw 镟床 lathe 镝 dysprosium 镡 knob on a sword-handle 镤 protoactinium 镤 protactinium 镥 cassiopeium 镥 lutetium 镦 upsetting forged pieces 镦粗试验 jumptest 镧 lanthanum 镧石 lanthanite 镧系元素 lanthanon 镨 praseodymium 镪 sulfuric acid 镪 money 镪 string of coins 镫 stirrup 镫骨 stapes 镫骨成形术 stapedioplasty 镫骨肌 stapedius 镫骨松动术 stapediolysis 镬 boiler or caldron 镬 wok 镯 bracelet 镱 ytterbium 镳 darts 镳 escort 镳 horsebit 锺 ancient measure 锺 surname 矧 interrog. 矬 short 矬 dwarfish 雉 ringed pheasant 雉鸡 pheasant 雉科 Phasianidae 雉子延之类 tormentil 秕 grain not fully grown 秕 husks 秕 withered grain 秕 unripe grain 秕糠 chaff 秕糠 worthless stuff 秕子 blighted grain 秭 billion 秣 feed a horse with grain 秣 horse feed 秣草 stover 秫 Panicum italicum 嵇 name of a mountain 稂 grass 稂 weeds 稞 wheat 稔 ripe grain 稹 accumulate 稹 fine and close 稷 millet 穑 gather in harvest 黏 sticky 黏度 viscocity 黏合性 adhesivity 黏土工人 cementer 黏住 cling 穰 abundant 穰 stalk of grain 皈 comply with 皈 follow 皈依 Convert 皈依基督教 christianise 皈依者 Convert 皈依者 devotee 皈依者 idolater 皎 bright 皎 white 皓 bright 皓 d 19th 皓 white 皓矾 goslarite 皙 white 皤 white 瓞 young melon 瓠 gourd 瓠果 pepo 甬 5 pecks M 甬 Ningpo 鸠 turtle-dove 鸠 Turtur orientalis 鸢 kite 鸢烘 devilfish 鸢尾 fleur-de-lis 鸢尾草 orris 鸢尾草的根 orrisroot 鸢尾酚 eleutherinol 鸢尾花 iris flower 鸢尾花 flower-de-luce 鸢尾黄酮 tectorigenin 鸢尾黄酮甙 tectoridin 鸢尾科 Iridaceae 鸢尾科 freesia 鸢尾科的 iridaceous 鸢尾属 Jris 鸢尾属的 iridaceous 鸢尾甙元 irigenin 鸨 Chinese bustard 鸨 procuress 鸨鸟 bustard 鸨母 bawd 鸨母 ponce 鸨母的 bawdy 鸩 addicted to liquor 鸩 poisonous 鸩 to poison 鸪 partridge 鸪 Francolinus chinensis 鸫 thrush 鸫 Tardus fuscatus 鸫类 merle 鸫鸟之类 thrasher 鸬 fishing cormorant 鸬鹚 cormorant 鸲 mynah 鸱 scops owl 鸶 heron 鸸 emu 鸷 birds of prey 鸺 owl 鸾 mythical bird 鹁 woodpidgeon 鹁鸽 pigeon 鹄 swan 鹄 white-haired 鹆 mynah 鹈 pelican 鹈鹕鸟 pelican 鹉 parrot 鹌 quail 鹌鹑 quail 鹑 quail 鹑鸡类的 gallinaceous 鹕 pelican 鹗 fish eagle 鹗 fish hawk 鹗 osprey 鹗科 pandionidae 鹜 tame duck 鹞 sparrow hawk 鹞 Accipiter nisus 鹞 snipe 鹞类 willet 鹣 mythical bird with 1 eye and 1 wing 鹦 parrot 鹦形目 Psittaciformes 鹦嘴鱼科 Scaridae 鹦鹉 parrot 鹦鹉 parakeet 鹦鹉 popinjay 鹦鹉病 psittacosis 鹦鹉科 Psittacidae 鹦鹉螺 nautilus 鹦鹉螺号 nautilus 鹦鹉螺科 Nautilidae 鹦鹉螺目 Nautiloidea 鹦鹉螺亚纲 Nautiloidea 鹧 partridge 鹧 Francolinus chinensis 鹧鸪 partridge 鹧鸪菜 caloglossa 鹧鸪之属 francolin 鹩 eastern wren 鹪 eastern wren 鹫 black eagle 鹫 condor 鹫 cruel 鹫鸟座 Aquila 鹬 common snipe 鹭 heron 鹭 aigrette 鹭类 umbrette 鹭鹰科 Sagittariidae 鹭鸶 bittern 鹭鸶毛帽饰 aigrette 鹳 crane 鹳 stork 鹳 marabou 鹳科 Ciconiidae 鹳毛 marabou 鹳形目 Ciconiiformes 疔 boil 疔 carbuncle 疔疮 furuncle 疖 furuncle 疖病 furunculosis 疠 sore caused by varnish poisoning 疝 hernia 疝穿刺术 herniopuncture 疝刀 herniotome 疝的 hernial 疝根治术 hernioplasty 疝气 colic 疝气 hernia 疝气 mulligrubs 疝气痛的 colicky 疝切开术 herniotomy 疝痛 colic 疝形成 herniation 疣 nodule 疣 wart 疣 verruca 疣病 verrucosis 疣的 verrucous 疣海胆目 Phymosomatoida 疣猴 guereza 疣壳孢科 Excipulaceae 疣肿 verruca 疣猪 aethiopicus 疣猪 warthog 疣状的 verrucose 疣状突起 verruca 疣足 parapodia 疣足 parapodium 疳 rickets 疴 malady 疸 jaundice 痄 mumps 疱 pimple 疱 vesication 疱疹 bleb 疱疹 herpes 疱疹病毒 herpesvirus 疱疹的 dartrous 疱疹的 herpetic 疱疹素体质 herpetism 疱疹性的 herpetic 疱疹样的 herpetiform 痂 scab 痂皮脱落 decrustation 痖 tanager 痖[欧洲产] greenfinch 痖地 voicelessly 痍 bruise 痍 sores 痣 birthmark 痣 mole 痣 spiloma 痣脂瘤 nevolipoma 痨 tuberculosis 痨病患者 tisic 痨病妄想 phthisiomania 痨病学 phthisiology 痨病学家 phthisiologist 痨病治疗 phthisiotherapeutics 痨病治疗 phthisiotherapy 痨病治疗学家 phthisiotherapist 痦 flat mole 痤 acne 痤疮炎 acnitis 痫 epilepsy 痫 insanity 痧 cholera 瘃 chilblain 痱 prickly heat 痱子 miliaria 痼 obstinate disease 痿 atrophy 瘐 maltreat as prisoners 瘀点 petechia 瘀点计 petechiometer 瘀血 haemostasis 瘀血肿 ecchymoma 瘅 disease 瘅 to hate 瘌 scabies 瘌 scald-head 瘗 bury 瘗 sacrifice 瘊 wart 瘥 recover from disease 瘘管 fistula 瘘管 fistulae 瘘管切除术 fistulectomy 瘘管切除术 syringectomy 瘘管切开术 fistulatomy 瘘管形成 fistulation 瘘管形成 fistulization 瘘管造影术 fistulography 瘕 obstruction in the intestine 瘼 distress 瘼 sickness 瘢 mark 瘢 scar on the skin 瘢痕 scar 瘢痕 cicatrix 瘢痕的 cicatricial 瘢痕疙瘩 keloma 瘢痕瘤 keloma 瘢痕瘤病 keloidosis 瘢痕瘤切除术 keloidectomy 瘢痕切除术 cicatrectomy 瘢痕切开术 cicatricotomy 瘢痕切开术 cicatrisotomy 瘢痕性的 cicatricial 瘢痕性的 scarred 瘢痕性的 ulotic 瘢痕性红斑 ulerythema 瘢痕样的 ouloid 瘠 barren 瘠 lean 瘠地 barrens 瘭 whitlow 瘰 scrofula 瘰 tuberculosis of glands 瘿 goitre 瘿 knob on tree 瘿 wart 瘿峰总科 Cynipoidea 瘿螨科 Eriophyidae 瘵 foci of tubercular infection 癃 infirmity 癃 retention of urine 瘾 addiction 瘾 craving 瘾君子 pothead 瘳 convalesce 瘳 recover 瘳 heal 癞 scabies 癞 skin disease 癞哈蟆 toad 癞疥 mange 癔病 hysteria 癔病 hysterism 癔病 mythoplasty 癔病性吐涎 sialemesis 癔病性躁狂 hysteromania 癔病性癫痫 hysteroepilepsy 癜 erythema 癜 leucoderm 癖 habit 癖 hobby 癖嗜学 addictology 癫 convulsions 癫 crazy 癫狂 daftness 癫狂的 daft 癫狂地 daftly 癫痫的 epileptic 癫痫患者 epileptic 癫痫性的 epileptic 癫痫学 epileptology 癫痫学家 epileptologist 癫痫症 epilepsy 翊 assist 翊 ready to fly 翊 respect 竦 horrified 竦 incite 竦 raise 穹 arched 穹 lofty 穹 vast 穹棱间曲面 sectroid 穹窿 groin 穹窿穿刺 culdocentesis 穹隆之内面 intrados 穹束 fornix 穹形 quaquaversal 穹形鳞片 fornix 穹隅 pendentive 穹状 quaquaversal 穹状的 periclinal 窀 grave 窆 put a coffin in grave 窈 deep 窈 quiet and elegant 窈窕的 sylphlike 窕 quiet and elegant 窦 sinus anatom. 窦 antrum 窦 sinus 窦刀 antrotome 窦房的 sinuauricular 窦切除术 antrectomy 窦切开器 antrotome 窦切开术 antrotomy 窦切开术 sinusotomy 窦炎 antritis 窦炎 sinusitis 窦状隙 sinusoid 窦状隙 sinusoidal 窦状小管 sinusoid 窦状小管 sinusoidal 窠 nest 窬 hole in a wall 窨 to scent tea with flowers 窨 cellar 窭 poor 窭 rustic 窳 bad 窳 useless 窳 weak 衩 open seam of a garment 衩 shorts 衩 panties 衩 slit on either side of robe 衲 cassock 衲 to line 衽 overlapping part of Chinese gown 衿 overlapping part of Chinese gown 袂 sleeve of a robe 袢状的 ansiform 裆 crotch 裆 seat of a pair of trousers 袷 lined 裢 pouch hung from belt 裎 take off clothes 裱 hang paper 裱 mount painting 裱好的 mounted 裱糊 wall paper 裱糊 paperhanging 裱糊 papering 裱糊工人 paperhanger 褚 surname 裨 to benefit 裨 to aid 裨 advantageous 裨 profitable 裨 assistant 裨 small 裨益 benefit 裨益 advantage 裨益 profit 裨益 bestead 裨益 subservience 裨益 subserviency 裾 garment 褡 cummerbund 褙 paper or cloth pasted together 褓 cloth for carrying baby on back 褓姆 bonne 褛 soiled 褛 tattered 褊 narrow 褊 urgent 褊狭的 intolerant 褊狭性 insularism 褴 ragged garments 褴褛的 footy 褴褛的 scruffy 褴褛的 tagrag 褴褛的 tattered 褫 strip 褫 deprive of 褫 to discharge 褫 dismiss 褫 undress 褫夺 devest 褫夺公权 disenfranchise 褶 pleat 褶边 ruche 褶边装置 bluffing 褶带 ruche 褶合 faltung 褶积 faltung 褶颊虫亚目 Ptychopariina 褶饰 ruche 褶饰 ruching 褶皱 drape 褶皱带 foldbelt 褶状物 pleat 褶襞 plica 褶襞 shirring 襁 cloth for carrying baby on back 襁褓 swaddle 襦 jacket 襦 short coat 疋 a bolt of cloth 胥 all 胥 assist 胥 to store 皲 to chap 皴 chapped 皴 cracked 皴裂 chap lips, skin, etc. 矜 boast 矜 esteem 矜 sympathize 矜夸的 toplofty 耒 plough 耔 hoe up soil around plants 耜 plough 耜 ploughshare 耦 pair 耦 mate 耦 ploughshare 耦合 coupling 耦合摆 undercoupling 耦合不足 undercoupling 耧 drill for sowing grain 耩 to plough 耩 to sow 耨 hoe 耵聍分泌过多 ceruminosis 聃 ears without rim 聆 apprehend 聆 hear 聆 listen 聩 born deaf 聩 deaf 聱 difficult to pronounce 覃 deep 顸 dawdling 颀 tall 颃 fly down 颉 fly upwards 颉 neck 颉草的 valeric 颉草属植物 valerian 颌 maxilla and mandible 颌部寄生胎 polygnathus 颌成形术 gnathoplasty 颌端点 gnathion 颌骨增大症 cherubism 颌角鞘 dertrotheca 颌旁寄生胎 paragnathus 颌下的 submaxillary 颌下点 gnathion 颌炎 gnathitis 颌缘牙 acrodont 颍 name of a river 颍悟地 perspicaciously 颏 chin 颏 mentum 颏成形术 genioplasty 颏成形术 genoplasty 颏唇的 mentolabial 颏点 pogonion 颏兜 chincap 颏尖 genion 颏帽装置 chincap 颏前点 pogonion 颏上的 supramental 颏舌肌 genioglossus 颏下的 submental 颏下点 gnathion 颏下片 hypoglottis 颔 chin 颔 nod assent 颚 jaw 颚 palate 颚 jowl 颚 mandible 颚板 gnathostegite 颚的 gnathic 颚的 mandibular 颚的 maxillary 颚骨 maxilla 颚骨 maxillary 颚骨的 maxillary 颚化的 decticous 颚基 gnathobase 颚基窝 camerostome 颚水虱类 Gnathiides 颚体 gnathosoma 颚下腺 submaxilary 颚形附器 gnathite 颚音化 palatalization 颚肢 gnathopodite 颚舟叶 scaphognathite 颛 good 颛 simple 颞 temporal bones 颟 dawdling 颡 forehead 颡 kowtow 颢 bright 颢 white 颦 knit the brows 虍 stripes of tiger 虔 devout 虔诚 sincere 虔诚 godliness 虔诚 prayerfully 虔诚 religiosity 虔诚 religiousness 虔诚的 Pietistic 虔诚的 devotional 虔诚的 devout 虔诚的 god-fearing 虔诚的 godly 虔诚的 prayerful 虔诚的 reverent 虔诚的 reverential 虔诚地 devotionally 虔诚地 piously 虔诚地 religiously 虔诚地 reverentially 虔诚地 reverently 虔敬的 devout 虔信派 Pietism 虔信派的 Pietistic 虔信派教徒 Pietist 虔信主义 Pietism 虬 young dragon with horns 虮 nymph of louse 虿 scorpion 虿 an insect 虺 sick 虺 with no ambition 虺 poisonous snakes 虼 flea 虻 Tabanus trigonus 虻 house fly 虻 tabanid 虻虫 Tabanus 虻虫 gradfly 虻科 Tabanidae 蚨 water-beetle 蚨 money 蚋 mosquito 蚋 Simulia lugubris 蚋 blackfly 蚋科 Simuliidae 蚋属 Simulium 蚬 Cyclina orientalis 蚝 oyster 蚝绿素 marennin 蚝中毒 ostreotoxism 蚧 horned toad 蚣 scolopendra centipede 蚪 tadpole 蚓 earthworm 蚓体 vermis 蚓状体 lyssa 蚓状体 lytta 蚓蜥科 Amphistaenidae 蚓螈 caecilian 蚩 ignorant 蚩 worm 蚶 small clam 蚶 arca inflata 蛄 mole-cricket 蚵 oyster 蛎 oyster 蚰 house centipede 蚱 grasshopper 蚱蜢 grasshopper 蚯 earthworm 蚯蚓 earthworm 蚯蚓 angleworm 蚯蚓 fishworm 蚯蚓 rainworm 蚯蚓的 lumbrical 蚯蚓粪 wormcast 蚯蚓素 lumbricin 蚯蚓状的 lumbricoid 蛉 sandfly 蛏 mussel 蛏 razor clam 蛏 Solecurtus constricta 蚴 larva 蚴疹 kabure 蛩 anxious 蛩 grasshopper 蛩 a cricket 蛱 butterfly 蛲虫 pinworm 蛲虫 threadworm 蛲虫病 enterobiasis 蛲虫属 Enterobius 蛭 fluke 蛭 leech 蛭 hirudinea 蛭纲 Hirudinea 蛭弧菌属 Bdellovibrio 蛭纽虫目 Bdellomorpha 蛭石 roseite 蛭石 vermiculite 蛭态目 Bdelloidea 蛳 snail 蛐 cricket 蜓 dragonfly 蛴 larva 蛴 maggot 蛴螬形 scarabeiform 蛟 scaly dragon 蛑 marine crab 蜃 mythical animal 蜃 clam 蜃 sea-serpent 蜃景 mirage 蜇 to sting 蜇 jellyfish 蛸 long-legged spider 蛸 Octopus octopodia 蛸 mantis egg nest 蜈 centipede 蜈蚣 centipede 蜈蚣 scolopendra 蜈蚣科 Scolopendridae 蜈蚣之类 chilopod 蜊 clam 蜍 Bufo vulgaris 蜍 toad 蜉 dragon fly 蜉 large ant 蜉 wasp 蜉蝣 dayfly 蜉蝣 ephemera 蜉蝣 ephemerid 蜉蝣 ephemeron 蜉蝣类 mayfly 蜣 dung beetle 蜣螂线 scarabee 蜻 dragonfly 蜻科 Libellulidae 蜻蜓 dragonfly 蜻蜓超目 Odonatoidea 蜻蜓目 Odonata 蜞 grapsus 蜥 chameleon 蜥 Eumeces latiscutatus 蜥蜴 lizard 蜥蜴类 saurian 蜥蜴类的 saurian 蜮 mythical creature 蜮 toad 蜮 worm 蜚 gad-fly 蜾 Eumenes pomiformis 蝈 cyrtophyllus sp. 蜴 chameleon 蜴 Eumeces latiscutatus 蜱 insect 蜱 egg of mantis 蜱蝇属 Melophagus 蜩 cicada 蜷 Melania libertina 蜷 wriggle as a worm 蜷发的 frizzly 蜷发的 frizzy 蜷面 helicoidal 蜷缩 kink 蜷缩 scrunch 蜷缩的 frizzly 蜷缩的 frizzy 蜿 to move as snake 蜿蜒的 wandering 螂 dragonfly 螂 mantis 蜢 grasshopper 蝾 salamander 蝾螈 axolotl 蝾螈 newt 蝾螈毒素 salamanderin 蝻 immature locusts 蝠 bat 蝠蝇科 Streblidae 蝠鲼科 Mobulidae 蝰蛇毒蛋白 echidnotoxin 蝰蛇毒素 echidnin 蝰蛇毒素 viperin 蝰蛇科 Viperidae 蝌 tadpole 蝌蚪 polliwog 蝌蚪 pollywog 蝮 venomous snake 蝮蛇止血素 bothropase 蝓 snail 蝣 Ephemera strigata 蝼 mole-cricket 蝼 Gryllotalpa africona 蝤 larva 蝤 grub 蝙 bat 蝙鱼 bream 蝙蝠 bat 蝙蝠 batted 蝙蝠的 batty 蝙蝠蛾科 Hepialidae 蝙蝠蛾总科 Hepialoidea 蝙蝠葛新诺林碱 dauricinoline 蝙蝠科 Vespertilionidae 蝥 Spanish fly 蝥 grain-eating grub 螓 small cicada with a square head 螯 Astacus fluviatilis 螯 nipper 螯 sea turtle 螯 pincer 螯 pincers 螯合 chelate 螯合测定法 chelatomery 螯合滴定法 chelatometry 螯合滴定法 chelometry 螯合剂 chelator 螯合酶 chelatase 螯合物 chelate 螯合作用 chelation 螯龙虾 Homarus 螯龙虾科 Homaridae 螯器 cheliform 螯虾病 Krebspest 螯形的 chelate 螯肢 chelicera 螯肢动物亚门 Chelicerata 螯足 cheliped 螨 acarid 螨 acaridan 螨 mite 螨病 acariasis 螨病 acaridiasis 螨病 acarinosis 螨巢 acrodomatia 螨的 acarian 螨科 Acaridae 螨恐怖 acarophobia 螨卵酯 chlorfenson 螨猛 Chinon 螨目 Acarina 螨学 acarology 螨样的 acaroid 螨植共生 acarophily 螨蜱目 Acarina 螨酯醚混剂 Neosappiran 蟒 Python molurus 蟒蛇 boa 蟒蛇科 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司