翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Togo;多哥;; TOGO, Fumihiko;东乡文彦;; TOGO, Takehiro;都甲岳洋;; Togolese People's Rally;多哥人民联盟;; TOHA, Jose;何塞·托亚;; Toho Seimei Building;东方生命大厦;; TOIVA, Herman;赫尔曼·托伊瓦;; TOIVO, Andimba;安迪姆巴·雅·托伊;; TOIVO, Herman Toivo Ya;赫尔曼·托伊沃·雅·托伊沃;; Tokai Bank [Nagoya], Ltd, Japan;日本东海银行;; Tokaido line;东海道线;; Tokelau Island;托克劳群岛;; Tokelau Public Service;托克劳公共事务处;; token role;象征性角色;; tokenism;象征主义;; TOKO, Djomatchoua;琼马乔阿·托科;; Tokto Island;独岛;; TOKUHISA, Shigeru,;德久茂;; Tokyo Conference;东京会议;; Tokyo Conference on Global Change and Modelling;全球变化和模型制作东京会议;; Tokyo Conference on Global Environmental Action;东京全球环境行动会议;; Tokyo Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft;关于在航空内进行犯罪和某些其他行为的东 京公约;; Tokyo Declaration on the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Cambodia;关于柬埔寨恢复与重建的东京宣言;; Tokyo Declaration on Cambodia Peace Process;关于柬埔寨和平进程的东京宣言;; Tokyo Declaration on Enhanced Regional Cooperation for Drug Abuse Control in Asia and the Pacific;亚洲及太平洋加强区域合作管制药物滥用东京宣言;; Tokyo Declaration on Financing Global Environment and Development;关于全球环境与发展资金筹措的东京宣言;; Tokyo Declaration on Human Settlement and Development;人类住区和发展问题东京宣言;; Tokyo Declaration on the Cambodia Peace Process;关于柬埔寨和平进程的东京宣言;; Tokyo Declaration on the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction;国际减少自然灾害十年东京宣言;; Tokyo Declaration on the Multilateral Trade Negotiations;东京多边贸易谈判宣言东京宣言;;东京宣言 Tokyo Forum;东京论坛;; Tokyo Forum on the development problems of the least developed countries;最不发达国家发展问题东京论坛;; Tokyo International Conference on African Development;第X次非洲发展问题东京国际会议 第X次东京会议;TICAD;第X次东京会议 Tokyo Ministerial Conference on the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Cambodia;柬埔寨恢复和重建问题部长级东京会议;; Tokyo Office;东京办事处;; Tokyo Pledge;东京认捐;; Tokyo Programme on Technology for Development in Asia and the Pacific;亚洲及太平洋技术促进发展东京方案;; Tokyo Round Codes;东京回合规则;; Tokyo Rules United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for Non-custodial Measures;东京规则 联合国非拘禁措施最低限度标准规则;;联合国非拘禁措施最低限度标准规则 Tokyo Shimbun;东京新闻;; Tokyo Symposium on the Evolution of the United Nations Peace-keeping Operations: Recent Experiences and Future Prospects;联合国维持和平行动的演变: 最近的经验和未 来的前景东京专题讨论会;; TOLBA, Mostafa Kamel;穆斯塔法·卡迈勒·托尔巴;; TOLBERT, William R.;威廉·托尔伯特;; TOLEDAUA;托莱达纳;; TOLEDO, Alfredo;阿尔弗雷多·托莱多;; TOLENTINO, Andre Corsino;安德烈·科尔西诺·托伦蒂诺;; TOLENTINO, Arturo;阿图罗·托伦蒂努;; TOLENTINO, Rora;罗莎·托伦蒂诺;; TOLENTINO, Salvador C.;萨尔瓦多·托伦蒂诺;; TOLEQUE, Angeline;昂热利纳·托莱克;; tolerance;忍受; 耐受;; tolerate;默认;; Tolilali;工人报;; toll-processing;委托提炼;; TOLLE, Esther Mshai;埃斯特·姆谢·托尔;; Tolstoy Foundation, Inc.;托尔斯泰基金会;; toluene;甲苯;; TOMA, Maiava Iulai;迈阿瓦·伊乌莱·托马;; Tomahawk land-attach missile with nuclear warhead;战斧陆地进攻核弹头导弹;TLAM/N; Tomahawk missile;战斧导弹;; TOMAN, Jiri;伊里·托曼;; TOMASCHEK, Hans Friedrich;汉斯·弗里德里希·托马斯歇克;; TOMASSON, Tomas;托马斯·托马松;; tomato paste;西红柿酱;; Tomb of the Patriarch;始祖墓;; TOMBALBAYE, Ngarta;恩加尔塔·托姆巴巴耶;; TOME, Javier Suazo;苏亚索·托梅;; TOMEH, George J.;乔治·图迈赫;; TOMIHARI, Shinitiro;富张 伸一郎;; TOMIKAWA, Akinori;富川明宪;; Tomislavgrad;托米斯拉夫格拉德;; TOMKA, Peter;彼得·通卡;; TOMKINGSON, Corinne;科琳·汤姆金森;; TOMKINSON, Corinne;科琳·汤姆金森;; TOMKO, Jan;扬·托姆科;; tommies, British;英国兵;; tomorrow today;明天今日;; TOMS;臭氧总量绘图系统;TOMS; TOMUSCHAT, Christian;克里斯蒂安·托穆沙特;; ton coal equivalent;吨煤当量;TCE; TON Duc Thang;孙德胜;; TON NU THI NINH;孙努氏宁;; ton oil equivalent per day toe;每天吨石油当量;toe; Tonan Trading Company;东南贸易会社;; Toncontin Agreement;通孔廷协定;; TONDER, William T. van;威廉·范汤德;; TONDO, Songa Johnny Edwardo;索加·托多 约翰尼·爱德华多;;约翰尼·爱德华多 tone-controlled satellite imagery;色调控制卫星成象;; toned;减脂牛奶;; TONEY, Joey G;乔尔·托内;; Tong Hua Yid Pao;中华日报;; Tong Kook University;东国大学;; TONG ZHIGUANG;佟志广;; Tonga;汤加;; Tonga Ilbo;东亚日报;; Tonghwa News Agency;东华通讯社;; TONGOGARA, Josiah;乔西亚·通戈加拉;; TONHA, Pedro Maria;佩德罗·马里亚·托尼亚;; tonic;强心剂;; TONKA, Peter;彼得·通卡;; tonnage;吨位;; tonnage dues;吨税;; Tonyang News Agency;东洋通讯社;; TONYE, Felix;弗利克斯·托尼耶;; too young, too old, too frequent and too many pregnancies;太小、太老、太频和太多的怀孕;; tools of trade;营业用具;; TOOMATA, Terry;特里·图马塔;; top;树梢;; top caps/bottom caps;顶盖/底盖;; top professional grades;高级专业职等;; top secret;绝密;; top up;薪酬补贴;; top-of-the-atmosphere fluxes;大气顶部通量;; TOPCUOGLU, Hikmet;希克梅特·托普丘奥鲁;; topic;专题;; topical action;局部作用;; topographic feature;地形要素; 地形特征;; topographic mapping;地形制图;; topographic pattern;地形图形; 地形类型;; topographical map;地形图;; topography;地形;; toponymy;地名学;; toponymy programme;地名方案;; topotype material of induex fossils;指标化石的地域型材料;; topping up;薪酬补贴;; topsoil;表土耕层;; Topusko;托普斯科;; Torah;神训;; TORAN, Jose;何塞·托兰;; TORCH Programme;火炬计划;; Tories;王党; 保守党;; TORNUDD, Klaus;克劳斯·特尔努德;; TORO, Don Luis;唐路易斯·托罗;; Toronto Conference;多伦多会议;; Toronto Economic Summit;多伦多经济首脑会议;; Toronto-Dominion Bank;多伦多自治领银行;; TOROU, Darnace;达纳斯·图鲁;; torpedo boat;鱼雷艇;; torr;托;; TORRAS, Pelegrin;佩莱格林·托拉斯;; TORRE, Enrique de la;恩里克·德拉托雷;; TORREALBA, Ernesto;埃内斯托·托雷亚尔瓦;; Torremolinos International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels;1977年国际渔船安全托雷莫利诺斯公约;; Torremolinos Protocol;托雷莫利诺斯议定书;; TORRES MANZO, Carlos;卡洛斯·托雷斯·曼索;; TORRES, Iluminado;伊卢米纳多·托雷斯;; TORRES, Roberto Gaspary;罗伯托·加斯帕里·托雷斯;; TORRES, Santiago de;圣地亚哥·德托雷斯;; TORRES, Sinclitica;辛克莱蒂卡·托雷斯;; torrid zone;热带; 炎热地带;; TORRIJOS, Omar;奥马尔·托里霍斯;; Torrijos-Carter Treaties;托里霍斯-卡特条约;; TORSTILA, Pertti;佩尔蒂·托尔斯蒂拉;; tort;私犯; 侵权行为;; tort action;侵权行动;; tort claim;侵权索赔要求;; tort law;侵权行为法;; tort liability;侵权行为责任;; torture;酷刑;; Torture Committee;酷刑问题委员会;; tortures and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment;酷刑和残忍,不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚;; TORUNO, Rodolfo Quezada;鲁道夫·克萨达·托鲁尼奥;; TOSEVSKI, Ivan;伊万·托舍夫斯基;; TOSHIO, Mochizuki;望月敏夫;; TOSHIO, Omura;大村俊雄;; Toshkent;塔什干;; TOTAH, Selim;塞利姆·托塔;; total;共计;; Total Agreement on a Firm and Lasting Peace Ending the Internal Armed Conflict;结束内部武装冲突现稳固和持久和平的全面 协定;; total airborne fraction;污染物在大气中的总份额;; total aircraft/months;飞机/月 共计;; total allowable catch;总可捕量;TAC; total amount committed;承诺总额;; total amount outstanding;未退款合计;; total amount payable;应付的总额;; total amount programmed;方案制定总额;; total and subsectors;共计和分部门小计;; total annual compensation;总年薪;; total annual remuneration;每年总薪酬;; total approvals;核定总额;; total assets;资产总额;; total assets at book value;按帐面价值计的总资产;; total assistance from the United Nations system;联合国系统援助总额援助总额;TAS;援助总额 total benefits payable;应付养恤金总额;; total book value of the portfolio;投资组合的总面值;; total capital surplus;资本盈余总额;CST; total cash;现金总额;; total cash holding;现金储备总额;; total changes in net worth;净值变动总额;CWT; total chlorine or nitrogen;氯或氮的总量;; total cloud cover;总云量; 云的覆盖总量;; total column ozone depletion;臭氧气柱消耗总量;; total commitments;承付总额;; total commitments approved;核定承付款总数;; Total Compagnie francaise des petroles SA CIE;法国托塔尔石油公司;; total compensation;报酬总数;; total compensation comparison methodology;报酬总额比较法;; total compensation studies;报酬总额研究;; total consumption of the population by commodity;全国人口消费总额,按商品分列;; total contingent liabilities;或有负债总额;; total contributions;缴款总值;; total cost;总成本;; total defence;全面防御;; total deposition;沈积总量;; total dissolved solids;溶解固体总量;; total dollar equivalent;美元等值总额;; total domestic product;国内产品总量;; total economy;经济总体;; total ecosystem management;全生态系统管理;; total embargo;全面禁运;; total employment;雇用总人数;; total estimates;估计数总额;; total excess;超出总额; 总溢额;; total exchange capacity;交换总容量;; total expenditure in the biennium;两年期支出总额;; total extrabudgetary expenditures;预算外开支总额;TEBE; total FDI;外国直接投资总额;; total fertility rate;总和生育率;TFR; total financial requirement;共需...资金;; total follow up investment commitments;后继投资承诺总额;; total funds available;可用款项共计;; total funds received;进款共计;; total general government outlays by function and type;政府一般支出总额,按职能和类别分列;; total gross appropriations;经费总额;; total head;总水头; 总能头;; total income available;可用收入共计;; Total Independence;彻底独立;; total indirect costs;间接成本共计;; total invalidity for work;完全丧失工作能力;; total inventories at year-end;年终存货总值;; total investment cost;总投资费用;; total IPF-funded projects;指规数出资的全部项目;; total liabilities and net worth;负债总额和净值;; total liabilities at book value;按帐面价值计的总负债;; total loss;全损;; total matches;对等捐助总数;; total mortality rate;总死亡率;; total negation;完全否定Res/2922; 完全违反Res/2919;;Res/2919 total net additional costs;费用净增加数总额;; total new commitments;新承付款项合计;; total nitrogen;氮的总量;; total obligations incurred;承付款项总额;; total of appointments;任用人次总数;; total operating expenses;业务开支共计;; total organic carbon;有机碳总量;TOC; total oxidant;氧化剂总量;; total oxygen demand;总需氧量;TOD; total ozone column;臭氧气柱总量;; total ozone content;臭氧总含量;; total ozone deviation;臭氧总量离差;; Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer;臭氧总量绘图系统;TOMS; total ozone oscillation;臭氧总量振荡; 臭氧总量起伏;; total ozone unit;总臭氧单位;; total package comparisons;整套比较;; total permissible export tonnage;准许出口总吨数;; total portfolio;有价证券投资组合合计;; total price;总价;; total production cost;生产总成本;; total programme commitments;方案承付款项合计;; total project approvals;项目核准总额;; Total Quality Management;全面质量管理;TQC; total radiation;全辐射; 总辐射;; total relief absorbed by high income countries;高收入国家负责承受的宽减总额;; total resources available;可以取用的总资源;; total revalued 19xx -19xx resources base;重新估价后的19xx-19xx 年资源基数共计;; total revalued resource base;重新估价后的资源基数共计;; total revenue;总收入;; total revised appropriations;订正拨款总额;; total sales;销售总额;; total soil water potential;土壤水总潜力;; total strength of their forces, organization, precise number and location of deployments;总兵力, 编制, 部署的确切人数及位置;; total sulphur;硫的总量;; total sum;总数;; total supply of goods and services;物品和劳务供应总额;; total suspended particulates;悬浮微粒总量;TSP; total suspended solids;悬浮固体总量;TSS; total technical cooperation project expenditures;技术合作项目支出总额;; total UNICEF programme expenditure by different programme fields;儿童基金会不同方案领域的方案总开支;; total value added;增加共计;; total war;总力战 [朝鲜]; 总体战 [纳粹];; Total Warrior;全能战士;; total world exports;世界出口总额;; Total, line 1;第1项共计;; total, regular programme;经常方案共计;; TOTAL-Compagnie Africaine des Petroleos;托塔尔--非洲石油公司;; TOTH, Arpad;奥尔帕德·托特;; TOTH, Tibor;蒂博尔·托特;; totol compensation;报酬总数;; TOTU, Ioan V.;伊万·托图;; TOUBA, Paul;保罗·图巴;; Touche Ross Management Consultants;塔奇·罗斯咨询管理公司;; TOUKABRI, Abderrahman;阿卜杜勒·拉赫曼·图卡布里;; tour operators;旅行社;; TOURE CHEAKA, Aboudou;阿布杜·图雷·谢卡;; TOURE, Ahmed Sekou;艾哈迈德·塞古·杜尔;; TOURE, Boubacar;博巴卡尔·托雷;; TOURE, El Hadj Abdoulaye;哈吉·阿卜杜拉耶·杜尔;; TOURE, Ibrahima Kalil;易卜拉希马·卡利尔·图雷;; TOURE, Ismael;伊斯梅尔·杜尔;; TOURE, Kandet Oumar;坎德特·乌马尔·图雷;; TOURE, Marico Aminata;马里科·阿米纳塔·图雷;; TOURE, Mohamed Alhousseyni;穆罕默德·阿勒胡塞尼·图雷;; TOURE, Souare;苏阿雷·杜雷;; Tourism Council of the South Pacific;南太平洋旅游业理事会;TCSP; Tourism Documentation Center;旅游业文件中心;; tourism resources;旅游资源;; Tourism Section;旅游科;; Tourist Code;游客守则;; Tourist Organization of Thailand;泰国旅游组织;TOT; tourist traffict;游客往来;; TOURNYOL DU CLOS, Jean- Francois;让-弗朗索瓦·图尔尼奥尔·迪克洛;; TOURQUI, Said Ali;赛义德·阿里·图尔基;; TOUSIGNANT, Guy;盖伊·图西格南特;; TOUSSAINT, Marie-Claude;马里耶-克洛德·图森;; TOVAR, Alvaro Valencia;阿尔瓦罗·巴伦西亚·托瓦尔;; TOVS;泰罗斯业务垂直探空器;TOVS; Tovuz;托武兹;; Tow anti-tank missile;“陶”式反坦克导弹;; towage dues;拖船费;; Toward a Literate World: a report on progress and problems;建立一个无文盲的世界:关于进展和问题的报告;; Towards 2000: without nuclear weapons, for peace, equality and development;面向2000年:无核武器、和平、平等与发展;; Towards a society for all: long-term strategy to implement the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons to the Year 2000 and Beyond;建立一个人人共享的社会: 到2000年及其后 执行《关于残疾人的世界行动纲领》的长期战略;; Towards a System of Demographic and Social Statistics;建立人口统计和社会统计制度;; Towards comprehensive security through the enhancement of the role of the United Nations;加强联合国的作用以实现全面安全;; Towards full integration of persons with disabilities in society: a continuing world programme of action;争取实现残疾人充分参与社会: 一项持续的 世界行动纲领;; Towards Greater Order, Coherence and Coordination in the United Nations System;联合国系统争取更完善的秩序、一致性和协调;; Towards International Standardization of Corporate Accounting and Reporting;公司合计和报告的国际标准化;; Towards Sustainable Environmental and Resource Management Futures for Sub-Saharan Africa;撒哈拉以南非洲迈向可持续环境和资源管理的未来;; Towards the Technological Transformation of the Developing Countries;促成发展中国家的技术转变;; tower internals and stage pumps;塔内构件和多级泵;; TOWIL, Ibrahim;易卜拉欣·塔瓦勒;; Town Affiliation Association of United States, Inc.;美国市镇联谊会;; Town and Country Planning Association;城乡规划协会;; Town and Country Planning Office;城乡规划处;; town arrest order;城内软禁令; 禁止离城;; town council;市议会;; town twinning;城市结谊; 城市成对; 姐妹城市;; township hospital;市镇医院;; township superintendents;城镇首长;; TOWPIK, Andrzej;安杰伊·托夫皮克;; toxaemia;毒血症;; toxic chemical;有毒化学品;; toxic chemical substances;有毒化学剂;; toxic concentration low;低毒性浓度;; toxic dose low;低毒性剂量;; toxic effect;毒素效应;; toxic rain;毒雨;; toxicant;毒; 毒素; 毒物; 毒剂; 毒药; 有毒的;; toxicant monitoring;毒物监测;; toxicity assessment;毒性评价;; toxicity elimination;消除毒性; 清除毒性;; toxicity emission factor;毒性排放系数;; toxicity hazard zone;毒性危害区; 毒性风险区;; toxicity index;毒性指数;; toxicity limit;毒性极限; 毒性阈值;; toxicity mode;毒性类; 毒性型;; toxicology;毒理学;; toxics;毒物; 毒剂;; toxoid;类毒素;; toy bombs;饵雷玩具;; TOYA, Fumiaki;户谷文聪;; TOYAMA, Yoshikazu;远山义和;; Toyota Motor;丰田汽车工业公司;; TPPs;三聚二缩磷酸盐或酯;TPPs; TPS;重过磷酸盐;TPS; TR-demoninated;以转帐卢布为计算单位;; Trabalhista Party;劳工党;; trace v.;追踪追查;; trace analysis;痕量分析;; trace element;痕量元素微量元素;; trace gas;痕量气体; 微量气体;; tracer;示踪剂;; tracer dilution technique;示踪剂稀释技术;; tracer solution;示踪剂溶液;; tracheobronchitis;气管支气管炎;; trachoma;沙眼;; trachurus picturatus symmetricus;北太平洋竹荚鱼;; trachurus symmetricus murphyi;秘鲁竹荚鱼;; trachurus trachurus;竹荚鱼;; tracing;追查;; track of a cyclone;气旋路径;; tracked excavatro;履带挖土机;; Tracking and Data Relay Satellite-C;跟踪和数据中继卫星-C;TDRS-C; Tracking Register;跟踪目录;; tracking station;追踪站;; traction equipment;牵引设备;; tractor truck;拖拉机车;; tractor-drawn lawn mower;牵引割草机;; Tradability of services;劳务贸易能力;; tradable emission rights;可以转让的排放权;; tradable goods and services;可买卖货物和劳务;; tradables;可转让的,可买卖的;; trade access;贸易机会;; Trade Advisory Committee to OECD;经合组织工会咨询委员会;TUAC; trade agreement;贸易协定;; trade among countries having different economic and social systems;不同经济和社会制度国家间的贸易;; Trade Analysis and Information System;贸易分析和信息系统贸易信息系统;TRAINS;贸易信息系统 Trade and Development Bank;贸易和开发银行;; Trade and Development Board;贸易和发展理事会贸发理事会;TDB;贸发理事会 Trade and Development Finance Division;贸易和发展财务司;; Trade and Development Report;贸易和发展报告;; Trade and Finance Section;贸易和金融科;; Trade and Investment Division;贸易和投资司;; Trade and Investment Promotion Package;促进贸易与投资一揽子计划;; Trade and Investment Promotion Service;贸易和投资促进服务贸促服务;TIPS;贸促服务 Trade and Payments Agreement;贸易协定和支付协定;; Trade and Payments Branch;贸易和支付处;; Trade and Technology Division;贸易和技术司 贸技司;TTD;贸技司 trade and trade-related aspects of industrial collaboration arrangements;工业协作安排中贸易和与贸易有关问题;; Trade and Transport Committee;贸易和运输委员会;; trade and transport margins;贸易和运输费用;; trade association;工会;; trade barrier;贸易壁垒;; trade between countries having different economic and social systems;不同经济和社会制度国家间的贸易;; trade bill;商业汇票;; Trade Committee;贸易委员会;; trade control measures;贸易管制措施;TCM; Trade Control Measures Database;贸易管制措施数据库;; Trade Control Measures Information System;贸易管制措施信息系统;TCMIS; trade credit and advances;贸易信用和预付款;; Trade Data Elements Directory;贸易数据要素指南;; trade deficit;贸易逆差;; Trade Development Decade for Africa;非洲贸易发展十年;; Trade Development Support for Structural Adjustment Programmes;贸易发展支助结构调整方案;; Trade Division;贸易司;; Trade Division of the Federal Department of Public Economy;联邦公共经济部贸易司;; Trade Efficiency Initiative;贸易效率倡议;; Trade Efficiency Programme;贸易效率方案;; trade embargo against Nicaragua;对尼加拉瓜的贸易禁令;; trade expansion;贸易扩展;; trade expansion programme;贸易扩展方案;TEP; trade facilitation;简化贸易手续;; Trade Facilitation News;简化贸易手续新闻;; trade fair;贸易展览会商品展销会;; Trade Financing Facility;贸易筹资机制;; Trade Financing Programme;贸易筹资方案;; trade framework;贸易框架;; trade gap;贸易差距;; Trade Impact Analysis Model;贸易影响分析模型;TIAM; trade in arms;军火买卖;; trade in services;服务贸易;; Trade Information Network;贸易信息网;TINET; Trade Information Sources Data Bank;贸易信息来源数据库;; Trade Information Sources Directory;贸易信息来源目录;; Trade Information System;贸易信息系统;TIS; Trade Law Library;贸易法图书馆;; trade liberalization;贸易自由化;; trade mark;商标;; Trade Mark Law Treaty;商标法条约;; trade mark registration fee;商标注册费;; Trade marks;商标;; trade matrix;贸易矩阵;; trade measures;贸易措施;; trade name;商名; 商品名;; Trade Negotiation Group;贸易谈判小组;TNG; Trade Negotiations Committee;贸易谈判委员会;TNC; trade partners;贸易伙伴;; trade patterns;贸易形态;; Trade Point;贸易点;; Trade Point Global Network;贸易点全球网络;; Trade Point Programme;贸易点方案;; Trade Policy Division;贸易政策司;; Trade Policy Review Body;贸易政策审查机构;TPRB; Trade Policy Review Mechanism;贸易政策审查机制;TPRM; trade practices;贸易惯例;; Trade Procedures Guide;贸易程序指南;; Trade Profiles;贸易简介;; trade promotion;贸易促进;; Trade Promotion Advisory Service;贸易促进咨询处贸促处;TPAS;贸促处 Trade Promotion and Services Section;贸易促进和服务科;; Trade Promotion and Training Centre for Eastern and Southern Africa;东部和南部非洲贸易促进和训练中心;; Trade Promotion Centre;贸易促进中心贸促中心;TPC;贸促中心 Trade Promotion in Asia and the Far East;亚洲及远东贸易促进丛刊;; trade promotion staff;贸易促进人员;; trade regulations;贸易条例;; trade relations;贸易关系;; trade representative;贸易代表;; trade restrictions;贸易限制;; Trade Section;贸易科;; trade surplus;对外贸易顺差贸易出超;; trade union;工会;; Trade Union Advisory Committee;工会咨询委员会工会咨委会;TUAC;工会咨委会 Trade Union and Trade Disputes Cancellation and Arbitration Ordinance, 1947;1947年工会和劳资纠纷取消和公断法;; Trade Union Confederation;工会联合会;; Trade Union Congress;工会大会;TUC; Trade Union Congress of South Africa;南非工会大会;TUCSA; Trade Union Council of Andean workers;安第斯工人工会理事会;CSTA; Trade Union Council of Caribbean Workers;加勒比工人工会理事会;CSTC; Trade Union Council of South Africa;南非工会协进会;TUCSA; Trade Union International of Agricultural and Forestry and Plantation Workers;农林种植园工人国际工会;TUIAFPW; Trade Union International of Textile, Clothing, Leather and Fur Workers, Prague;布拉格纺织、成衣、皮革和毛皮工人国际工会;; Trade Union International of Public and Allied Employees;公务员工会国际;TUIPAE; Trade Union of Educational and Scientific Workers of Czechoslovakia;捷克斯洛伐克教育和科学工作者工会;; Trade Union of Engineering, Metal and Electrical Industries;工程、金属和电力工业工会;; trade union parallelism;御用工会思想;; trade union right;工会权利;; Trade Union Rights Defence Command;保卫工会权利指挥部;; trade unionism;工会运动;; Trade Unions International Chemical, Oil and Allied Workers;化学、石油和有关工人工会国际化学工会国际;ICPS; Trade Unions International of Agricultural, Forestry and Plantation Workers;农业、林业和种植园工人工会国际农林业和种植园工人工会;TUIAFPW;农林业和种植园工人工会 Trade Unions International of Chemical, Oil and Allied Workers;化学、石油和有关工人工会国际化学工会国际;ICPS; Trade Unions International of Food, Tobacco, Hotel and Allied Industries' Worker;国际食品、烟草、旅馆及有关工业工人工会;; Trade Unions International of Textile, Clothing, Leather and Fur Workers;国际纺织、服装、皮革、毛皮工人工会;; Trade Unions International of Transport Workers;国际运输工人工会;; Trade Unions International of Workers in Commerce;商业工人工会国际;UISTC; Trade Unions International of Workers of the Building, Wood and Building Material;建筑、木材和建筑材料工业工人工会国际;UIBWM; trade war;贸易战;; trade winds;信风; 贸易风;; Trade Yearbook;贸易年鉴;; Trade, Development Finance, Economic Cooperation and Integration Division;贸易、发展金融、经济合作和一体化司;; Trade, Economic Cooperation and Integration Division;贸易、经济合作和一体化司;; Trade, Fiscal and Monetary Affairs Division;贸易、财政和货币事务司贸财货币司;TPMD;贸财货币司 Trade, Transport and Industry Sector;贸易、运输和工业部门贸运工部门;TTI;贸运工部门 Trade, Transport and Industry Sector of the Action Programme for Economic Cooperation;经济合作行动纲领的贸易、运输和工业部门经合行动纲领/贸运工部门;APEC/TTI;经合行动纲领/贸运工部门 trade-based entitlements;从交易而来的所有权;; trade-in;折价换新;; trade-in of property;财产折价换新;; trade-off;交易; 交换; 权衡; 折衷;; Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights;与贸易有关的知识产权方面;TRIPS; Trade-Related Investment Measures;与贸易有关的投资措施;TRIMs; trade-weighted conversion factors;贸易加权换算系数;; Trade/Transit Facilitation Committee;贸易/过境手续简化委员会;; tradable conservation credit;可转让养护信贷;TCC; Trademark Registration Treaty;商标注册条约;TRT; trades and crafts;工匠;; Trading company;贸易公司;; Trading concerns;贸易公司;; trading possibilities;贸易可能性;; trading profit;营业利润;; trading transnational corporation;贸易跨国公司;; traditional authority;传统当局;; traditional birth attendant;传统助产士产婆;TBA; traditional chief;世袭酋长;; traditional energy;传统能源;; traditional family structure;传统的家庭结构;; traditional folk arts;传统民间艺术;; traditional forces;传统力量;; traditional healer;传统疗法术士土医郎中旧式行医者;; Traditional Medicine Programme;传统药物方案;; traditional midwife;传统助产士;; traditional practices;传统做法;; traditional products;传统产品;; traditional sector;传统经济部门;; traditionally male-dominated occupations;一贯由男性控制的职业;; Traffic in and disposal, control and transboundary movements of toxic and dangerous products and wastes;有毒和危险产品及废物的贩运和处置、管制 和越境转移;; traffic in cultural property;买卖文物;; traffic in dangerous drugs;贩卖危险药物;; traffic in persons;贩卖人口;; traffic in transit;过境运输;; traffic in women;贩卖妇女;; traffic in women and children;贩卖妇女和儿童;; traffic in women and exploitation of the prostitution of women;贩卖妇女和强迫妇女卖淫对她们进行剥削的行为;; traffic pollution;交通污染;; traffic route;贩运路线; 贩毒路线;; traffic separation schemes;分道通航制;TSS; Traffic Unit;交通股;; Traffic/Travel/Movement Control Officer;交通/旅行/流动管制干事;; trafficker sexual trafficking;淫媒;; trafficking group;贩运集团; 贩毒集团;; trafficking in undocumented migrants;贩运无证移民;; trafficking in women;贩卖妇女;; Trail Smelter Arbitration Case;特雷耳炼锌厂仲裁案;; trailer tractor;牵引车;; train on the job;在职训练;; TRAIN-SEA-COAST programme;海洋-海岸训练方案 海训方案;TSC;海训方案 trainee;受训人员; 见习员;; trainee guard;见习警卫;; trainees;受训人员;; trainer's training programme;训练员培训方案;TTP; Trainers' Guide on Human Rights Reporting;人权报告培训员指南;; Trainers' Guide on International Labour Standards and Development;国际劳工标准和发展培训员指南;; Training Adviser;训练顾问;; training aids;培训器材;; Training and Coordination Unit;训练和协调股;; Training and Education in Marine Science;海洋科学训练和教育方案海洋训教方案;TREDMAR;海洋训教方案 Training and Examination Service;训练和考试事务处;; training and human resource development in the field of foreign trade programme;对外贸易领域中的训练和人力资源开发方案;TRAINFORTRAD; Training and Information Programme on Water and Waste Management;水和废物管理训练和信息方案;; Training and Research Centre for the Performing Arts;表演艺术训练和研究中心;; Training and Research Centre for Women;妇女训练和研究中心;; Training and Research Institute for Agrarian Reform of Chile;智利土地改革训练研究所;; Training and Research Programme in Biological Sciences;生物科学训练和研究方案;; Training and Research Programme in Population and Development Planning;人口与发展规划训练和研究方案;; Training Centre for International Cooperation and Socio-economic Development;国际合作与社会经济发展训练中心;; Training Centre for Regional Economic Development;区域经济发展训练中心区域经发训练中心;CETREDE;区域经发训练中心 Training Centres for the Promotion of Progressive Education;促进进步教育训练中心;; Training Committee;训练委员会;; training component;训练部分;; training course for legislative draftsmen;法律起草人员训练班;; training course on Communications Technology for Development;通信技术促进发展训练班;; Training Course on Drought Assessment and Vegetation Monitoring using Weather Satellite and Other Space Data;利用气象卫星和其他空间数据进行干旱评估和植被监测训练班;; Training Course on human rights information handling and technology;人权资料处理和技术训练班;; training course on remote sensing applications to geological sciences;遥感应用于地质科学训练班;; training course on remote sensing education for educators;教育工作者遥感教育训练班;; training course on remote sensing technology for development;遥感技术促进发展训练班;; training development for civil aviation;民用航空的训练发展;; training development in the field of maritime transport;海运训练发展方案;TRAINMAR; Training Focal Point;训练协调中心;; Training Focal Point for Palestine;巴勒斯坦训练协调中心;; training for rural artisans;对农村手者的训练;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司