翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 author 作者 writer 作者 penster 作者 rhapsodist 作者 scribe 作者:雷军 raminit 作者:周辉 ntshell 作者:周辉 qdict 作者不详的 Anonymous 作者不详的 ano 作者不详的 | unfathered 作者的 author's 作者的身份 authorship 作整容手术 face-life 作证 verification 作证者 verifier 作皱褶 goffer 作猪哼者猪 grunter 作嗖嗖声 swoosh 作汨汨声 guggle 作汩汩声 gurgle 坐 to sit 坐 to take a seat 坐 to take a bus, aeroplane etc. 坐标 coordinates 坐标变形试验 photogrid 坐标偏角 gisement 坐标仪 coelosphere 坐标轴 Axis 坐耻骨连接处 ischiopubis 坐船遇难者 castaway 坐凳子的人 bencher 坐骨 hucklebone 坐骨 ischium 坐骨的 ischiac 坐骨的 ischiadic 坐骨的 ischial 坐骨的 sciatic 坐骨肛门的 ischioanal 坐骨后的 postischial 坐骨脊椎的 ischiovertebral 坐骨寄生肢畸胎 ischiomelus 坐骨结节炎 ischionitis 坐骨孔疝 ischiocele 坐骨联胎 ischiodidymus 坐骨联胎畸形 ischiodymia 坐骨神经的 sciatic 坐骨神经痛 ischialgia 坐骨神经痛 sciatica 坐骨痛风 ischiagra 坐骨细胞 scleroblast 坐骨直肠的 ischiorectal 坐好 to sit properly 坐好 to sit up straight 坐节 ischicerite 坐节 ischiopodium 坐牢 imprisonment 坐牢 imprisoned 坐卧两用长椅 daybed 坐下 sit down 坐小橇内滑雪 luge 坐眼的 edriophthalmic 坐药 suppository 坐肢节 ischiopodite 座 to sit 座 to take a seat 座板 saddling 座标 coordinate 座的修整 reseating 座谈会 conversazione 座套 seating 座位 seat 座位 seater 座位数 seating 座椅安全带 seatbelt 座右铭 motto 座钟 timepiece 亍 step with the right foot 丌 surname 兀 cut off the feet 兀龙属 Gyposaurus 丐 beg for alms 丐 beggar 廿 twenty 卅 thirty 丕 grand 亘 extend across 亘 through 丞 deputy 鬲 earthen pot 鬲 iron caldron 噩 startling 禺 place 禺 district 匕 an ancient type of spoon 匕 dagger 匕 ladle 匕首 dagger 匕首 dirk 匕首 poniard 匕首 stylet 夭 tender 夭 gentle 夭 to die prematurely 爻 lines on a trigram 卮 goblet 氐 name of an ancient tribe 氐 foundation 氐 on the whole 囟 skull 囟 top of head 囟 fontanel 囟 fontanelle 囟门 fonticulus 胤 heir 胤 inherit 馗 cheekbone 馗 crossroads 馗 high 毓 nourish 毓 rear 睾 bank 睾 marsh 睾 testicles 睾内脂 testolactone 睾丸 testicle 睾丸 ballocks 睾丸 spermary 睾丸 testis 睾丸成形术 orchioplasty 睾丸的 testicular 睾丸机能亢进 hyperorchidism 睾丸激素 testosterone 睾丸激素 testoterone 睾丸间介细胞功能缺失 aleydigism 睾丸精原细胞瘤 seminoma 睾丸瘤 orchidoncus 睾丸瘤 orchiocele 睾丸旁的 paradidymal 睾丸鞘膜 perididymis 睾丸鞘膜低位穿刺术 hyposcheotomy 睾丸鞘膜切除术 vaginectomy 睾丸鞘膜炎 periorchitis 睾丸切除术 orchectomy 睾丸切除术 orchiectomy 睾丸切开术 orchidotomy 睾丸切开术 orchiotomy 睾丸融合症 synorchidism 睾丸痛 orchialgia 睾丸痛 orchidalgia 睾丸突出 orchiocele 睾丸萎缩 orchiatrophy 睾丸炎 orchiditis 睾丸炎 orchitis 睾丸炎 testitis 睾丸炎球菌 orchiococcus 睾丸异位 parorchidium 睾丸粘连 synorchidism 亟 urgent 亟 repeatedly 亟 frequently 鼐 incense tripod 乜 squint 乩 to divine 亓 his 亓 her 亓 its 亓 their 芈 surname 孛 comet 孛 change color in the face 孛 quince 啬 stingy 嘏 good fortune 嘏 longevity 嘏 far 嘏 grand 仄 oblique tone 厍 surname 厝 bury 厝 to place 厝 dispose 厣 operculum 厥 his 厥 its 厮 servant 靥 dimple 赝 false 赝对称 pseudosymmetry 赝晶 pseudocrystal 赝晶体 pseudocrystal 赝品 goldbrick 赝品 shoddy 赝品 snide 赝品 stumer 赝像 pseudomorphism 匚 box 匚 basket 叵 not 叵 thereupon 匦 small box 匮 lacking 匮 empty 匮 exhausted 匾 a tablet 匾 a board with an inscription 匾 a sign hung above a door 匾 basket-couch in coffin 匾 plaque 匾额 a horizontal inscribed board 匾额 stele 赜 mysterious 卦 divinatory trigram 卣 wine container 刈 to regulate 刈 mow 刈剪树枝 disbranch 刎 cut across throat 刎颈自尽 jugulate 刭 cut the throat 刳 to cut open 刳 rip up 刳 scoop out 刳刀 drawshave 刿 cut 刿 injure 剀 carefully 剀 moderately 剀切地 cogently 剌 to slash 剌 cruel 剌 obstinate 剞 curved wood graver 剡 easy 剡 quiet 剡 river in Zhejiang 剡 sharp 剜 scoop out 剜出器 enucleator 蒯 a rush 蒯 scirpus cyperinus 剽 to rob 剽 swift 剽 nimble 剽悍 swift and fierce 剽窃 pirate 剽窃 to plagiarize 剽窃 piracy 剽窃 plagiaristic 剽窃 plagiarize 剽窃 plagiary 剽窃者 borrower 剽窃者 cribber 剽窃者 plagiarist 剽窃者 plagiarizer 劂 chisel 劂 engrave 劓 cut off the nose 罔 deceive 罔 there is none 仃 alone 仉 mother 仉 surname of Mencius 仂 surplus 仉 tithe 仡 strong 仡 brave 仞 measure 伛 hunchbacked 仳 to part 佤 Kawa 仵 opponent 伥 groping 伥 rash 伥 reckless 伧 low fellow 伧 rustic 伧 rude 伧 rough 伉 husband 伉 wife 佞 eloquent 佞 talent 佚 idle 佚名的 Anonymous 佚名的 ano 佝偻病 rachitis 佝偻病 rckets 佝偻病 rckety 佝偻病的 rachitic 佝偻病体质 rachitism 佝偻地 stoopingly 佟 surname 佗 carry on the back 伽 phonetic 伽柏 Gabor 伽利略 Galileo 伽利略 galilei 伽利略的 Galilean 伽马 gamma 伽马射线 gamma rays 伽马射线穿透仪 penetron 伽密 gammil 佶 difficult to pronounce 佴 assistant 侑 urge to eat 侃 bold 侏 dwarf 侏罗纪 Jurassic 侏罗纪的 Jurassic 侏罗系的 Jurassic 侏囊菌属 Nannocystis 侏儒 Lilliputian 侏儒 gnome 侏儒 homuncle 侏儒 homuncule 侏儒 homunculus 侏儒 manikin 侏儒 mannikin 侏儒 midge 侏儒 pygmy 侏儒的 gnomish 侏儒的 pygmean 侏儒鸟科 Pipridae 侏儒症 midgetism 佾 row of dancers at sacrifices 侪 a class 侪 a company 侪 companion 佼 handsome 侬 you Shanghai dial. 侔 similar 侔 comparable 侔 equal 俦 comrades 俦 friends 俦 companions 俨 majestic 俨 dignified 俨然 just like 俨然 solemn 俨然 dignified 俨然的 peremptory 俨然女王的 queenlike 俨然以恩人态度的 patronizing 俪 husband and wife 俅 ornamental cap 俚 rustic 俚语 slang 俚语的 slangy 俣 big 俜 forlorn 俑 wooden figures buried with the dead 俟 until 俟 wait for 俸 salary 俸禄 vicarage 倩 niece 倩 plagiarize 倩 winsome 偌 so 偌 such 偌 to such a degree c so big 偌 such a big 俳 irresolute 俳 not serious 俳 variety show 倭 Japanese 倭 dwarf 倭黑猩猩 bonobo 倭水牛 anoa 俾 to cause 俾 to enable 俾斯麦 Bosmarck 倜 energetic 倜 exalted 倜 magnanimous 倌 a groom 倥 ignorant 倥 blank-minded 倥 urgent 倥 pressed 倨 stubborn 倨傲的 disdainful 偾 instigate 偾 ruin 偾 destroy 偃 to lie supine 偃 to stop 偃 to fall down 偕 in company with 偈 Buddhist hymn 偈 forceful 偈 martial 偎 to cuddle 偬 busy 偬 hurried 偬 despondent 偻 hunchback 傥 if 傥 unexpectedly 傧 best man 傧 entertain 傧相 attendant of the bride or bridegroom at a wedding 傩 exorcise demons 傺 detain 傺 hinder 僖 cautious 僖 merry 僖 joyful 儆 warn 儆 admonish 僭 usurp 僭称的罗马教皇 antipope 僭越 arrogate 僭越 arrogation 僭越的 assuming 僭越的 self-assumed 僭越地 assumingly 僬 clever 僬 pigmies 僦 hire 僦 to rent 僮 boy 僮 name of an ethnic group in Guangxi 儇 ingenious 儇 frivolous 儋 carry 仝 together 仝 same 氽 boil for a short time 佘 surname 佥 all 俎 a stand for food at sacrifice 龠 ancient measure 龠 flute 龠 key 籴 buy up grain 兮 part. 巽 a sign in the trigram 巽 obey 馘 cut off the left ear of the slain 冁 smilingly 夔 one-legged monster 夔 respectful 匍 crawl 匍 lie prostrate 匍匐的 groveling 匍匐的 procumbent 匍匐风铃草 rampion 匍匐搜索 grabble 匍匐枝 stolon 訇 sound of a crash 匐 fall prostrate 匐滴虫病 herpetomoniasis 匐行性脱发 ophiasis 匐行疹 serpigo 凫 mallard 凫 Anas platyrhyncha 夙 morning 兕 rhinoceros indicus 兖 place name 衮 imperial robe 袤 length 袤 distance from north to south 亵 licentious 亵渎 blaspheme 亵渎 desecrate 亵渎 profanity 亵渎 unhallow 亵渎的 profanatory 亵渎的话 blasphemy 亵渎神明 blasphemy 亵渎神明的 blasphemous 亵渎神明的言词 blasphemy 亵渎神圣 desecration 亵渎圣物 sacrilege 亵渎者 blasphemer 亵渎者 desecrater 亵渎者 desecrator 脔 skinny 脔 sliced meat 裒 collect 禀 natural property or endowment 禀 report to a superior 禀赋 natural endowment 禀赋 gift 禀告 report to one's superior 禀性 natural disposition 嬴 full 嬴 overplus 嬴 profit 嬴 win 蠃 solitary wasp 羸 entangled 羸 lean 冱 congealed 冱 frozen 冽 cold and raw 冼 surname 冢 great 冢 mound 冥 dark 冥 deep 冥川 styx 冥府 DIS 冥府 Hades 冥府 Hel 冥府 sheol 冥王星 Pluto 冥想的 contemplative 冥想者 contemplator 讠 pure gold 讦 accuse 讦 pry 讪 abuse 讪 slander 讴 sing ballads 讴 songs 讵 how interj. of surprise 讷 large 讷 speak cautiously 诂 comment 诂 explain 诃 to blame 诃 ridicule in loud voice 诋 defame 诋 to slander 诋毁 bespatter 诋毁 decry 诋毁 denigrate 诋毁 vilipend 诏 imperial order 诏书 rescript 诎 to bend 诎 yield 诒 a present in writing 诒 bequeath 诓 mislead 诓 to swindle 诔 eulogize the dead 诔 eulogy 诖 deceive 诖 disturb 诘 investigate 诘 restrain 诘 scold 诘问 heckle 诙 whimsical 诙 humorous 诙谐 comicality 诙谐 humour 诙谐 jestful 诙谐 jocoseness 诙谐 jocosity 诙谐 jocularly 诙谐的交谈 backchat 诙谐的人 cutup 诙谐地 comically 诙谐地 jocosely 诙谐曲 humoresque 诙谐曲 humouresque 诙谐文作者 parodist 诙谐者 joker 诜 inform 诜 inquire 诟 sense of shame 诟 to abuse 诠 explain 诠 comment 诨 jest 诨 nickname 诩 brag 诩 harmony 诩 make known 诮 ridicule 诮 to blame 诰 enjoin 诰 grant a title 诳 deceive 诳 lies 诳骗 spoof 诹 choose 诹 consult 诼 complain 诿 shirk 诿 give excuses 谀 flatter 谂 consult 谄 flatter 谄 cajole 谄媚 adulate 谄媚 adulation 谄媚 beslaver 谄媚 blandish 谄媚 blandishment 谄媚 blarney 谄媚 bootlick 谄媚 cajolery 谄媚 gloze 谄媚 sweet-talk 谄媚 sycophancy 谄媚 toadeating 谄媚 toady 谄媚 toadyism 谄媚.奉承地 insinuatingly 谄媚的 adulatory 谄媚的 obsequious 谄媚的 trucklingly 谄媚地 obsequiously 谄媚者 sycophant 谄媚者 toadeater 谄媚者 toady 谄媚者 wriggler 谇 abuse 谌 faithful 谌 sincere 谏 admonish 谏言 expostulation 谏诤 dissuasion 谒 to visit a superior 谔 honest speech 谕 order from above 谖 Hemerocallis flava 谖 false 谖 forget 谙 be versed in 谙 know well 谙练 conversant 谙练 skilled 谙练 proficient 谛 examine 谛 truth Buddhist 谘 consult 谘询 referrence 谘询 referring 谝 brag 谟 plan 谟 to practice 谠 advice 谠 counsels 谡 composed 谡 rise 谡 to begin 谥 confer such title 谥 posthumous title 谧 quiet 谪 disgrace an official 谪 find fault 谫 shallow 谫 stupid 谮 slander 谯 drum tower 谯 ridicule 谯 to blame 谲 deceitful 谳 decide judicially 谵 incoherent talk 谵 talkative 谵妄者 deliriant 谶 prophecy 谶 omen 卺 nuptial winecup 阡 road leading north and south 阱 hole 阱 pitfall 阪 a slope 阪 hillside 阽 dangerous 阼 steps leading to the eastern door 陂 reservoir 陂 rugged 陂 uneven 陉 border the stove 陉 defile 陉 pass 陔 step 陔 terrace 陟 advance 陟 ascend 陧 dangerous 陬 corner 陬 foot of mountain 陲 frontier 陴 parapet 隈 bay 隈 cove 隍 dry moat 隍 god of city 隗 eminent 隗 lofty 隰 low 隰 marshy land 邗 name of an ancient river 邛 mound 邛 place name 邝 surname 邙 name of a hill 邬 ancient place name 邡 name of a district in Sichuan 邴 ancient city name 邴 happy 邶 name of a feudal state 邺 name of ancient district 邸 lodging-house 邰 name of a feudal state 郏 name of a district in Henan 郅 extremely 邾 name of a feudal state 郐 name of a feudal state 郇 name of a feudal state 郓 place name 郦 ancient place name 郢 name of an ancient city 郜 name of a feudal state 郗 name of an ancient city 郛 suburbs 郫 place name 郯 name of an ancient city 郾 place name 鄄 name of a district in Shandong 鄢 name of a feudal state 鄞 name of a district in Zhejiang 鄣 place name 鄱 name of a lake 鄯 name of a district in Xinjiang 酃 name of a district in Hunan 酆 name of an ancient city 刍 cut grass 刍 hay 刍 straw 刍 fodder 奂 excellent 劢 put forth effort 劬 labor 劭 stimulate to effort 劾 impeach 哿 excellent 哿 happy 哿 well-being 勖 exhort 勖 stimulate 勰 harmonious 叟 old gentleman 燮 harmony 燮 harmonize 矍 glance fearfully 凵 receptacle 鬯 sacrificial spirit 弁 cap 畚 a basket or hod used for earth, manure etc 畚箕 a bamboo or wicker scoop 畚箕 dustpan 巯 hydrosulfuryl 巯基 sulfhydryl 巯基 sulfydryl 巯基乙酰萘胺 thionalid 巯甲丙脯氨酸 catopril 坌 bring together 坌 dust 垩 to whitewash 垩 to plaster 垡木工人 lumberman 垡木机 feller 垡木业粗陋的 lumbering 塾 private tutorage 壅 obstruct 壅 stop up 壑 gully 圩 dike 圬 to plaster 圬 whitewash 圪 phonetic 圹 tomb 圮 destroyed 圮 injure 圻 boundary 圻 a border 坩 crucible 坩锅 crucible 坩埚衬碳 brasqueing 坫 stand for goblets 垆 clay 垆 shop 坼 to crack 坼 split 坼 break 坼 to chap 坻 islet 坻 rock in river 坻 place name 坨 lump 坨 spheric substance 坭 mud 坳 a depression 坳 cavity 坳 hollow 垤 anthill 垤 mound 垲 dry terrain 埏 to mix water with clay 埏 boundary 垓 boundary 垠 bank 埕 earthen jar 埘 hen roost 埘 hencoop 埘轮社的[会员] rotarian 埘乩写字板 planchette 埚 crucible 埙 ancient porcelain wind-instrument 埸 border 埤 low wall 堋 target in archery 堍 side of bridge 埽 broom 埽 dike 埭 dam 堀 cave 堀 hole 堞 battlements 堙 bury 堙 mound 堙 to dam 堙 close 堠 mounds for beacons 塥 dry clay lump 墁 to plaster 墉 fortified wall 墀 courtyard 馨 fragrant 懿 restrain 懿 virtuous 芊 green 芊 luxuriant growth 芄 Metaplexis stauntoni 芑 Panicum miliaceum 芗 Fujian drama 芙 lotus 芙蓉手 kosometsuke 芙蓉属的植物 hibiscus 芫 daphne genkwa 芫根甙 yuenkanin 芫花素 genkwanin 芫荽醇 linalol 芫荽醇 linalool 芸 Ruta graveolens 芸 celza 芸苔 Brassica 芸苔素 brassin 芸香科 Rutaceae 芸芸 all 芸芸 every 芾 small 芾 luxuriance of vegetation 芰 Trapa natans 芰 water caltrop 苈 Drabanemerosa hebecarpa 苣 lettuce 芘 Malva sylvestris 芷 plant root used for medicine 芮 small 苋 Amarantus mangostanus 苋菜甾酮 amarasterone 苋科 Amaranthaceae 苋属植物 amaranth 苌 carambola 苁 Boschniakia glabra 芩 Phragmites japonica 芴 fluorene 芡 Euryale ferox 芟 cut down 芟 mow 芟 scythe 苄胺唑啉 phentolamine 苄叉二氯 benzylidene 苄叉二氯 chlorobenzal 苄达酸 bendazac 苄非他明 benzphetamine 苄酚宁 bepheninum 苄氟噻嗪 naturetin 苄化 benzylate 苄环烷 bencyclane 苄基磺胺 proseptazine 苄基吗啡盐酸盐 peronine 苄甲色胺 benanserine 苄磷双胍 benfosformin 苄丝肼 benserazide 苄替米特 benzetimide 苄烷铵 benzalkonium 苎 Boehmeria nivea 苎麻 ramie 苎麻纤维 ramie 芤 hollow 芤 scallion stalk 苡 plantago major l. var. asiatica 茉 jasmine 茉莉 jasmine 茉莉碱 semipervine 茉莉醛 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司