翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 jasminal 茉莉属 Jasminum 茉莉属 jasmin 茉莉属 jessamin 茉莉属 jessamine 茉莉酮 jasmone 茉莉香水 jasmin 茉莉香水 jessamin 茉莉香水 jessamine 苷化 glycosidation 苷配基 aglycone 苤 Brassica campestris subsp. rapa 茏 Polygonum posumbu 茇 betel 苜 clover 苜蓿酮 alfalfone 苴 hemp 苴 sack cloth 苒 luxuriant growth 苒 passing of time 苘麻 piemarker 茌 name of a district in Shandong 苻 Angelica anomala 苓 fungus 苓 tuber 茑 grossulariaceae 茚 indene 茚甲新 indomethacin 茔 a grave 茔窟 catacomb 茕 alone 茕 desolate 苠 multitude 苠 skin of bamboo 苕 Teocoma grandiflora 茜 Rubia cordiolia 茜草 gamene 茜草科 Rubiaceae 茜草目 Rubiales 茜草甙 rubian 茜素 alizarin 荑 grass 荑 to weed 荛 fuel 荛 grass 荜 bean 荜 pulse 荜澄茄 cubeb 荜澄茄烯 cadinene 荜澄茄脂素 cubebinolide 茈 water chestnut 茈 Lithospermum officinale 莒 fibrous plant 茼 Chrysanthemum coronarium 茴 fennel 茴桂莫尔 anisocinnamol 茴芹 pimpinella 茴芹苦素 pimpinellin 茴芹内酯 pimpinellin 茴香 anisum 茴香 fennel 茴香胺 aminoanisole 茴香酒 anisette 茴香霉素 flagecidin 茴香脑 anethole 茴香醛 anisaldehyde 茴香酸盐 anisate 茴香甙 foeniculin 茴香酰 anisoyl 茴胍卡因 phenodianisyl 茱 cornelian cherry 莛 stalk of grass 荞 buckwheat 荞麦属 Fagopyrum 荞麦中毒 fagopyrism 茯 Pachyma cocos 茯 china root 茯苓 tuckahoe 茯苓多糖 pachman 茯苓聚糖 pachyman 茯苓糖 pachymose 荏 Perilla ocimoides 荏 soft 荇 Limnanthemui nymphoides 荃 fragrant plant 荟 flourish 荀 surname 茗 Thea sinensis 茗 young leaves of tea 茗荷亚目 Lepadomorpha 荠 Capsella bursa pastoris 荠 water chestnut 茭 Zizania aquatica 茳 Cyperus malaccensis 荦 brindled ox 荦 clear 荦 eminent 荥 place name 荨麻 nettle 荨麻科 Urticaceae 荨麻属 Urtica 茛 ranunculus 荩 Arthraxon ciliare 荩 loyal 荪 fragrant grass 莰 camphane 莰烷 camphane 莰烯 camphene 莰烯酮 camphenone 荸 water chestnut 荸荠虫科 Aechminidae 莳 Peuceclanum gravelens 莳 to plant 莴 lettuce 莴 Lactuca sativa 莴苣苦素 lactucin 莴苣中毒 lactucism 莠 Setaria viridis 莠 vicious 莪 zedoary 莓 strawberry 莓粒 frambold 莓系属的牧草 bluegrass 莓肿 frambesia 莓肿 framboesia 莅 attend official functions 荼 Sonchus oleraceus 莩 pellicle of culms 莩 die of starvation 荽 coriander 莸 Caryopteris divaricata 荻 Anaphalis yedoensis 莘 long 莘 numerous 莘 Asarum sieboldi 莞 Skimmia japonica 莞 district 莞 smile 莨 Scopalia japonica maxin 莨姜 galangal 莨菪 black henbane 莨菪醇 tropine 莨菪属 Hyoscyamus 莨菪中毒 hyoscyamism 莨宕碱[镇静剂] scopolamine 莺 golden oriole 莺类 blackcap 菁 flower of leek 萁 stalks of pulse 菘 cabbage 菘 Brassica chinensis 堇 Viola verecunda 堇菜科 Violaceae 堇青石 cordierite 堇青石 iolite 萘酚中毒 naphtholism 萘夫西林 nafcillin 萋 Celosia argentea 萋 luxuriant 菝 smilax china 菖 calamus 菖蒲二醇 calamendiol 菖蒲二烯 acoradiene 菖蒲苦苷 acorin 菖蒲苦苷 acorine 菖蒲酮 acorone 菖蒲烷 acorane 菖蒲烯酮 acorenone 菖蒲脂 acoretin 菖蒲苷 acorin 萜二烯 terpadienes 萜品醇 terpineol 萜品烯 terpinenes 萜品油烯 terpinolene 萜烷 terpane 萜烯 terpenes 萸 cornelian cherry 萑 reeds 萆 castor seed 菔 turnip 菟 dodder 菟 cuscuta 菟丝子 dodder 菟丝子 dodders 萏 lotus 萃 collect 萃 collection 萃 dense 萃 grassy 萃 thick 萃 assemble 萃 gather 萃取 leach 萃取残液 raffinate 萃取的 extractive 萃取剂 extractant 萃取器 abstractor 萃取物 extractant 萃取冶金 lyometallurgy 萃余液 faffinate 菸 cigarette 菸 tobacco 菪 henbane 菅 grass 菅 Themeda forsbali 菀 luxuriance of growth 萦 wind around 萦扰的 obsessive 菰 Zizania latifolia 菰 mushroom 菡 lotus blossom 葑 turnip 葑醇 fenchol 葑基 fenchyl 葑酮 fenchanone 葑酮 fenchone 葑烷 fenchane 葑烯 fenchene 葚 fruit of mulberry 葙 Celosia argentea 葙子 suitcase 葳 luxuriant 葳严仙碱 caulophylline 蒇 complete 蒇 prepare 葺 to repair 蒉 Amaranthus mangostanus 葸 feel insecure 蒌 unhappy 萼 stem and calyx of flower 萼冠花群 Calciferae 萼卷豆碱 calycotomine 萼片 sepal 萼片化 sepalody 萼片样的 sepaloid 萼上的 episepalous 萼状病毒 calicivirus 萼状总苞 epicalyx 萼子茎的 calyptoblastic 葆 dense foliage 葆 to cover 葩 corolla of flower 葶 Draba nemerosa bebe carpa 蒌 Arthemisia vulgaris 蒌 piper betle 蒎 pinane 蒎烯 pinene 萱 Hemerocallis flava 萱草根素 hemerocallin 葭 reed 葭 Phragmites communis 蓍 Achillea sibirica 蓐 mat 蓐 rushes 蓦 leap on or over 蓦 suddenly 蒽 anthracene 蒽二胺 anthradiamine 蒽二酚 anthraquinol 蒽二醌 anthradiquinone 蒽酚 anthracenol 蒽酚 anthranol 蒽化作用 anthraciny 蒽黄素 anthraflavine 蒽基 anthracyl 蒽焦油 anthrasol 蒽嵌蒽 anthanthrene 蒽嵌蒽醌 anthanthrone 蒽三酚 dithranol 蒽酮 anthracenone 蒽酮 anthranone 蒽酮 authrone 蒽烯紫 violanthrene 蒽油 carbolineum 蒽喹啉 anthraquinoline 蒽醌 anthraquinone 蓓 flower bud 蓊 a plant in bloom 蓊 thick 蒿 wormwood 蒿 artemisia 蒿属香豆素 scoparone 蒺 Tribulus terrestris 蒺藜中毒 tribulosis 蓠 Gracilaria confervoides 蒡 Arctium lappa 蒹 reed 蒴 pod 蒴 capsule 蒴的 capsulary 蒴周层 amphithecium 蒴状的 capsular 蒴状的 capsulary 蒗 herb 蒗 place name 蓣 dioscoreaceae 蔌 vegetables 甍 rafters supporting tiles 蔸科合萌属植物 sola 蓰 grass 蓰 increase five fold 蔟 collect 蔟 frame for silk worm 蔟 nest 蔺 juncus effusus 蕖 lotus 蓼 polygonum 蓼 smartweed 蓼 luxuriant growth 蓼科 Polygonaceae 蓼属 Polygonum 蕙 Coumarouna odorata 蕈 mold 蕈 mushroom 蕈[似] 的 fungal 蕈毒碱 muscarine 蕈类 mushrooms 蕈样的 fungoid 蕨 Pteridium aquilinum 蕨纲 Filicopsida 蕨纲 pteropsida 蕨类 fern 蕨类丛生之处 fernery 蕨类的 ferny 蕨类栽培地 fernery 蕨类植物的叶子 fern-leaf 蕨类植物门 Pteridophyta 蕨样变 ferning 蕤 fringe 蕤 overladen with flowers 蕞 assemble 蕞 small 蕺 Houttuynia cordata 蕃 a grave 蕃 flourishing 蕃 to reproduce 蕃茄 tomato 蕃茄酱 catchup 蕲 herb 蕲 implore 蕲 pray 蕲 place name 蕲蛇 Agkistrodon 蕻 budding 蕻 flourishing 薤 Allium bakeri 薤 shallot 薤 scallion 薨 death of a prince 薨 swarming 薨 demise 薏 Coix lacryma 薮 marsh 薮 place of concourse 薜 Ficus pumila 薅 pull out weed 薅草 weeding 薹 Carex dispalatha 薷 Elshotria paltrini 薰 Coumarouna odorata 薰剂 fumigant 薰衣草 lavender 薰以香气 aromatize 藓 mosses on damp walls 藓纲 Bryopsida 藓霉素 thiostrepton 藁本 ligusticum 藜 Chenopodium album 藜 goosefoot 藜 pigweed 藜芦胺 veratramine 藜芦次碱 veratroidine 藜芦定碱 veratridine 藜芦硷 protoveratrine 藜芦醚 veratrole 藜芦生碱 verazine 藜芦托素 veratrosine 藜芦新碱 veratrosine 藜属 Chenopodium 藿 Lophanthus rugosus 藿 beans 藿烷 hopance 蘧 Dianthus superbus 蘅 Asarum blumei 蘩 Artemisia stellariana 蘖 shoots from an old stump 蘼 millet 廾 hands joined 弈 Chinese chess game 奁 bridal trousseau 奕 abundant 奕 graceful 奚 what why 奘 great 奘 fat 奘 stout 匏 bottle gourd 匏 Lagenaria vulgaris 尢 lame 尬 in an embarrassing situation 尴尬 awkward 尴尬 embarassed 尴尬的局面 how-do-you-do 扪 lay hands on 扪 to cover 抟 roll round with hand 拊 pat 拚 disregard 拚 reject 拚 stake all 拚命 desperateness 拚命.自暴自弃地 desperately 拚命跑 spirt 拚字法的 orthographic 拚字法的 orthographical 拚字学家 orthographer 拗 bend 拗 break in two 拗 stubborn 拗 contrary 拗断 knap 拗断 knapp 拗口 hard to pronounce 拗口 awkward-sounding 拗口令 tongue-twister 拗陷 geological depression 拮 antagonistic 拮 laboring hard 拮 pressed 拮据的 uptight 拶 punish by squeezing fingers 挹 give up 挹 ladle out 挹 pour out 捋 strip cow 捋 leaves 捋 branch 捋 stroke beard 捃 gather 捃 to sort 揶 gesticulate 揶 play antics 揶威国会 storting 捱 dawdle 捱 suffer 捺 downwards-right concave character stroke 捺 press down firmly 掎 drag 掴 to slap 掴 smacking 捭 spread out 捭 to open 捭 weed 掊 take up in both hands 掊 break up 掊 hit 捩 tear 捩 twist 捩颈 torticollis 掮 carry on shoulders 掼 fling 掼 smash 揲 sort out divining stalks 揠 eradicate 揠 pull up 揿 to press bell 揿喇叭 honk 揿钉 thumbpin 揿钮 snapper 揄 draw out 揄 let hanging 揎 pull up sleeves 揎 strike with fists 摒 arrange 摒 drive off 摒 expel 揆 consider 揆 estimate 掾 official 摅 set forth 摅 to spread 摁 to press with finger 摁贝素 embelin 摁钉儿 thumbtack 摁扣儿 snap fastener 搠 daub 搠 thrust 搌 bind 搌 wipe 搦 take hold 搡 push back 搡 push over 摞 pile up 撄 oppose 撄 to attack 摭 pick up 摭 to select 摺 folded document 摺 to fold 摺缝 crimple 摺过 foldover 撷 collect 撙 regulate 撙 restrain 撺 rush 撺 stir up 撺 throw 撺 fling 撺 hurry 撺 rage 擐 pass through 擐 to get into armor 擤 blow nose 擢 pull out 擢 select 擢升 exalt 擢升 promote 弋 to shoot 忒 excessive 忒 to change 弑 murder a superior 弑父 patricide 弑父的 patricidal 弑父母的 parricidal 弑君 regicide 弑君王的 regicidal 弑母 matricide 弑母的 matricidal 卟吩 porphin 卟吩胆色素 porphobilin 卟啉 porphyrin 卟啉尿 porphyrinuria 卟啉血 porphyrinemia 叱 to scold 叱 shout at 叱 to hoot at 叱责 reproach 叱责 lashing 叱责 objurgation 叱责 reprobation 叱责 reproval 叱责 setdown 叱责 slating 叱责 upbraiding 叱责的 objurgatory 叱责的 upbraiding 叱责的 vituperative 叱责地 upbraidingly 叽 grumble 叽叽嘎嘎的 creaky 叩 knock 叩按法 epicrusis 叩抚法 tapotement 叩喉听诊法 plegaphonia 叩听诊器 phonacoscope 叩头 kowtow 叩头虫科 Elateridae 叩头虫类 skipjack 叩头虫总科 Elateroidea 叩诊 percuss 叩诊 percussion 叩诊板 plessimeter 叩诊板 pleximeter 叩诊的 percussive 叩诊器 percussor 叩诊槌 plexor 叨 grumble 叨 garrulous 叨 be in receipt of 叨纸牙 grippers 吒 upbraid 吖黄素 acriflavine 吖糖 acrose 吖糖醇 acritol 吖啶酚 acridol 吖啶黄 acriflavine 吖啶基 acridinyl 吖啶氯 Acrizane 吖啶琐辛 acrisorcin 吖啶酮 acridone 吖嗪 azine 吆 shout 吆 whew 吆喝牲畜左转 haw 呋氨蝶啶 furterene 呋碘达隆 furidarone 呋喃 furan 呋喃 furfuran 呋喃半乳糖 galactofuranose 呋喃丙烯醛 furfuracrolein 呋喃丹啶 furadantin 呋喃二酮 furandione 呋喃甲醇 furancarbinol 呋喃甲醛 furaldehyde 呋喃甲醛 furfural 呋喃葡糖 glucofuranose 呋喃妥因 furadantin 呋喃型葡萄糖 glucofuranose 呓 talk in sleep 呓语 footle 呓语 somniloquence 呖 sound of splitting 呖 cracking 呃 hiccough 呃 haw 呃逆 singultus 呃逆的 singultous 吡贝地尔 piribedil 吡本乍明 pyribenzamine 吡布特罗 pirbuterol 吡达隆 pyridarone 吡哆胺 pyridoxamine 吡哆醛 pyridoxal 吡多酯 piridoxilate 吡咯 pyrrole 吡咯格列 pirogliride 吡咯庚汀 piroheptine 吡咯卡因 pyrrocaine 吡咯洛 pirprofen 吡咯沙敏 pyroxamine 吡咯他尼 piretanide 吡咯烷 pyrrolidine 吡咯啉 pyrroline 吡拉明 pyrilamine 吡拉唑酸 pirazolac 吡拉酰胺 pirolazamide 吡鲁特林 pyoluterin 吡罗昔康 piroxicam 吡酮类 pyrrones 吡酮洛芬 piketoprofen 吡香豆酮 inicarone 吡乙酰胺 piracetam 吡吲哚 pirlindole 吡哌乙胺 picoperine 吡唑烷酮 pyrazolidone 吡唑威 pyrolan 吡啶并吡啶 pyridopyridine 吡啶酚 pyridol 吡啶和三氯乙醛产物 polychloral 吡啶硫胺 pyrithiamine 吡啶醛肟类化合物 paradoximes 吡啶斯的明 mestinon 吡啶斯的明 pyridostigmin 吡啶斯的明 pyridostigmine 吡啶与三氯甲醛聚合物 viferral 吡啶酰胺 picolinamide 吡喃基 pyranyl 吡喃基化 pyranylation 吡喃葡萄糖 glucopyranose 吡喃葡萄糖苷 glucopyranoside 吡喃糖 pyranose 吡喃酮 pyrones 吡喹诺唑 pirquinozol 呗 to chant 呙 surname 吲哚 indole 吲哚酚 indoxyl 吲哚根化物 indogenide 吲哚类 indoles 吲哚乙酸 heteroauxin 咂 smack one's lips 咂舌头 phew 咔尔文主义的 calvinistic 咔拉在谮山脉 karakoram 咔麦隆 cameroon 咔麦隆 cameroun 咔什米尔[地名] kashmir 咔什米尔的[人] kashmiri 咔唑 carbazole 呱 crying sound of child 呱呱叫的动物 croaker 呤 purine in chem. compound 呤 whisper 咚 boom of a drum 咛 enjoin 咄!呸! fie 呶 clamor 呦 bleating of the deer 咝咝声 sizzle 咝咝作声的 sibilant 咝咝作响 sibilate 咝咝作响 sibilation 咝痖 hoarseness 咝痖 throatiness 咝痖地 hoarsely 哂 smile 哒 phonetic 哒 command to a horse 哒 clatter of horses' hoofs 哒草醚 Kusakira 咧 child's cry 咧 draw back corners of mouth 哓 a cry of alarm 哓 querulous 哔 beiges 哔 serge 哔叽 serge 哔哔声 beep 咻 call out 咻 jeer 咻地发声 ping 咿 onomat. 哌苯甲醇 meratran 哌苯甲醇 pipradrol 哌苯甲醇 pipradrole 哌替啶 meperidine 哌替啶 pethidine 哌血生 pipobroman 哌啶 piperidine 哌嗪 piperazidine 哌嗪 piperazine 哙 throat 哙 to swallow 咪 sound to call cat 咪多卡 imidocarb 咪多林 imidoline 咪仑哌隆 milenperone 咪咪叫 mewl 咪唑 glyoxaline 咪唑 iminazole 咪唑丙烯酸酶 urocanicase 咪唑并 imidazo 咪唑基 imidazolyl 咪唑啉 imidazoline 咪唑啉醇 imidazolinol 咪唑啉基 imidazolinyl 咪唑啉酮 imidazolone 咪唑酯 imidazate 哝 garrulous 唠 to chatter 唠叨 effusiveness 唠叨 gab 唠叨 nagging 唠叨 natter 唠叨 prate 唠叨 prattle 唠叨 tootle 唠叨 verbalize 唠叨 verbosity 唠叨 yap 唠叨不已的 blithering 唠叨的 grandmotherly 唠叨的 nagging 唠叨的 peckish 唠叨的 persnickety 唠叨的人 fuddy-duddy 唠叨的人 gabber 唠叨地 wordily 唠叨地讲 maunder 唠唠叨叨的 vixenish 唠唠叨叨的讲 prate 唠唠叨叨的人 proser 唠唠叨叨地讲 preachify 唠唠叨叨地说教 preachment 哽 choking 唏 sound of sobbing 唑 phonetic 唑 -z + ole chem. 唑酮头孢菌素钠 cephanone 唑啉头孢菌素 cefamedin 唧 onomat. 唧 to pump water 唧筒 pump 唧唧叫 chirr 唧唧叫声 chirr 唪 recite 唪 chant 啧 interj. of admiration or of disgust 啧 to click one's tongue 啧 to attempt to find an opportunity to speak 啧啧 to click one's tongue 啧啧吃的声音 slurp 喏 to salute 喏 make one's curtsy 喵 meow onomat. for cat's mewing 啭鸣 tweedle 啭鸟 warbler 啁 twittering of birds 啁啾不休的 garrulous 啕 wail 啐 sip 啐 spit 啐声 pshaw 唷 exclamatory part. 唷! dickin 啖 eat 啖 taste 啖 entice with a bait 啶 -d + ine chem. 唳 cry of a crane or wild goose 啜 drink 啜 taste 啜 sip 啜 suck 啜食 slurp 啜饮 sip 喋 flowing flood 喋 to chatter 喋呤 petrin 喋喋不休 chatter 喋喋不休 blat 喋喋不休 cackle 喋喋不休 talkee-talkee 喋喋不休 yakking 喋喋不休的 babbling 喋喋不休地高谈阔论 spiel 喋喋不休地讲 blather 喋喋不休地说 gabble 喋喋不休地说 speechify 喋喋不休者 chatterbox 喋喋不休者 rattler 喋喋而言 gibber 嗒 to despair 喃 mumble in repetition 喃喃 mumbling 喃喃低语 susurrate 喃喃低语的 murmurous 喃喃低语声 susurrus 喱 grain weight 喹碘方 chiniofon 喹碘方 yatren 喹哪啶 quinaldine 喹诺酮 carbostyril 喹吖啶系颜料 quinacridine 喹哌 piperaquine 喹啉 chinoline 喹啉 leucoline 喈 harmonious of music 喁 breathing of fish 喟 to sigh 嗖的一声 swoosh 嗖地发射 swoosh 嗖地挥动 swish 嗖嗖声 swish 喑 dumb 啻 not just 啻 not only 嗟 sigh 喽 subordinates in gang of bandits 喽 part. expre. chagrin or resentment 喽罗 followers 喾 name of an emperor 喔 I see 喔 oh 喙 beak 喙 to pant 喙 rostellum 喙突 coracoid 喙突炎 coracoiditis 喙状鼻畸胎 rhinencephalus 喙状鼻畸胎 rhinocephalus 喙状鼻畸形 rhinencephalia 喙状鼻畸形 rhinocephalia 嗷 loud clamor 嗷 the sound of wailing 嗷嗷待哺 cry piteously for food 嗉 crop of bird 嗉 crop of a bird 嗉 fat 嗉囊 craw 嗉囊 maw 嗉囊炎 ingluvitis 嗉子 craw 嘟 toot 嘟 honk 嘟嘟地发出 tootle 嘟嘟响 beep 嘟囔 burble 嗑 to crack seeds with front teeth 嗫 move the mouth as in speaking 嗔 to be angry at 嗝 hiccup 嗝 belch 嗄 ah exclamatory part. 嗄 hoarse 嗯 a groaning sound 嗯! er 嗯哼 aw 嗯哼 uh-huh 嗥 howl 嗥 bawl 嗥 to bark 嗥 roar 嗳 interj. of disapproval 嗳 interj. of regret 嗳气 belching 嗨 oh alas 嗨! heigh 嗨! heigh-ho 嗨! hi 嗤 laugh at 嗤 jeer 嗤 scoff at 嗤 sneer at 嗤笑 tehee 嗤嗤地笑 tehee 辔 bridle 辔 reins 嘈 bustling 嘈 tumultuous 嘈 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