翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 strong 遐 abandon 遐 distant 遨 make excursion 遨 ramble 遨 travel 遨游 roam 遨游 travel 遘 meet unexpectedly 遛 to stroll 遛 walk a horse 遛 to linger 暹 Siam 遴 select for appointment 遴选 to pick 遴选 to choose 遴选 to select 遽 hurry 遽 fast 遽 suddenly 邂 meet unexpectedly 邂逅 rencontre 邂逅 rencounter 邂逅 rencountre 邈 profound 邈 remote 邃 deep 邃 distant 邃 mysterious 邋里邋遢的女人 dowdy 邋塌 sluttery 邋塌地 dingily 邋遢的 blowsy 邋遢的 blowzed 邋遢的 blowzy 邋遢的 floppy 邋遢的女人 frump 邋遢女人 drab 邋遢女人 draggle-tail 彗 comet 彗星 comet 彗星的 cometary 彗星的 cometic 彗星似的 cometary 彗星似的 cometic 彖 running hog 彘 swine 尻 end of spine 咫 8 in. length unit of Zhou dynasty 屐 clogs 屙 defecate 孱 dodger 孱 coward 孱 weak 屣 slippers 屦 sandals 羼 confusion 羼 sheep crowding 弩 cross-bow 弩 crossbow 弩手 crossbowman 弭 to stop 弭 repress 弭撒或祈祷礼拜用费 chantry 弭撒圣别式 sacring 艴 angry 弼 assist 鬻 vend 屮 plants sprouting 妁 matchmaker 妃 imperial concubine 妍 beautiful 妩 flatter 妩 to please 妩媚的 enchanting 妪 brood over 妪 old woman 妪 protect 妣 deceased mother 妗 wife of mother's brother 姊 older sister 姊妹 older and younger sisters 姊妹的丈夫 brother-in-law 姊妹关系 sisterhood 姊妹一般的 sisterly 姊妹之谊 sisterhood 姊姊 older sister 妫 name of a river 妞 little girl 妤 handsome 妤 fair 姒 wife of older brother 妲 concubine of last Shang emperor 妯 wives of brothers 姗 deprecate 姗 lithe of woman's walk 妾 concubine 妾 demimondaine 妾 demirep 娅 address term between sons-in-law 娆 graceful 娆 disturbance 姝 pretty woman 娈 beautiful 娈童 catamite 姣 cunning 姣 pretty 姘 be a mistress or lover 姘妇 concubine 姘头 shack job 娌 husband's brother's wife 娉 graceful 娲 sister of Fu2 Xi1 娴 elegant 娴 refined 娑 phonetic 娑 loose 娣 wife of a younger brother 娓 active 娓 comply with 娓娓动听的 smooth-spoken 婀 graceful 婀 willowy 婀 unstable 婀娜多姿的 coquettish 婊 prostitute 婊子 prostitute 婊子 whore 婕 handsome 娼 prostitute 娼妇 bitch 娼妓 demimondaine 娼妓 demirep 娼妓 drab 娼妓 trull 娼妓 whore 娼妓的 meretricious 婢 slave girl 婢 maid servant 婢奴似地 trucklingly 婢女 slave-girl 婢女 servant-girl 婵 beautiful 婵 graceful 媪 old woman 媪 goody 媛 a beauty 婷 graceful 婺 beautiful 媾 to marry 媾 to copulate 媾和 to make peace 嫫 ugly woman 媲 to match 媲 to pair 媲美 setoff 嫒 your daughter hon. 嫔 virtuous woman 媸 ugly woman 嫠 widow 嫣 captivating 嫱 female court officials 嫖 visit a prostitute 嫖客 whoremaster 嫖客 whoremonger 嫦 a legendary beauty who flew to the moon 嫦 the lady in the moon 嫘 surname 嫜 husband's parent 嫜 lady in the moon 嬉 amusement 嬉弄 borak 嬉皮士 hippy 嬉痞 hippie 嬉痞的集会 be-in 嬉戏 curvet 嬉戏的 frolicsome 嬉戏的 playsome 嬉戏胡闹 razzle 嬉戏者 merrymaker 嬉戏着的 sportive 嬗 changes and succession 嬖 treat as a favourite 嬲 tease 嬲 disturb 嬷 ma 嬷 mamma 孀 widow 尕 phonetic 孚 trust 孥 child 孥 offspring 孳 industrious 孳 produce 孳 bear 孑 alone 孑 mosquito larvae 孑 small 孑孓 wiggler 孑孓蝇 tsetse 孑孓蝇 tzetze 孓 larvae of mosquito 孢 spore 孢壁煤素质 sporinite 孢粉学 palynology 孢粉质 sporopollenin 孢梗束状的 coremiform 孢间连体 disjunctor 孢母细胞 sporocyst 孢囊 sporangiocyst 孢囊柄 sporangiophore 孢囊梗 sporangiophore 孢囊枝 stichidium 孢囊柱 sporophore 孢囊孢子 sporangiospore 孢球 sorosphere 孢丝 capillitium 孢叶球 strobila 孢原 archespore 孢原 archesporium 孢原组织 archespore 孢原组织 archesporium 孢原组织 archispore 孢子 spore 孢子虫 sporozoon 孢子虫纲 sporozoa 孢子发生 sporogenesis 孢子发生 sporogony 孢子果 cystocarp 孢子果 sporocarp 孢子囊 sporangium 孢子内壁 endospore 孢子球 sporidium 孢子生成不能 apospory 孢子生殖 sporogony 孢子丝菌病 sporotrichosis 孢子体 sporogonium 孢子体 sporophyte 孢子同型 homospory 孢子外壁 epispore 孢子外壁 exospore 孢子形成 sporogenesis 孢子形成 sporulation 孢子形成体 sporophyte 孢子叶球 strobilus 孢子异型 heterospory 孢子周壁 perispore 驵 powerful horse 驷 team of 4 horses 驸 prince consort 驺 go 驺 mythical animal 驿 remount stations 驿马 post-horse 驿舍 posthouse 驽 worn out old horses 骀 tired 骀 worn out horse 骁 brave 骁 good horse 骁 strong 骅 chestnut horse 骈 literary style 骈头联胎 bicephalus 骈头联胎 dicephalus 骊 black horse 骊 good horse 骐 piebald horse 骓 piebald 骖 outside horses of a team of 4 骘 determine 骘 promote 骘 stallion 骛 fast 骛 greedy 骛 run rapidly 骜 a noble steed 骜 untamed 骝 bay horse with black mane 骟 to geld 骠 white horse 骢 buckskin horse 骧 prance as a horse 纡 cord 纡 twist 纣 name of an emperor 纣 saddle crupper 纥 knot 纥 tassels 纨 white 纨 white silk 纨绔的 foppish 纨绔习气 foppery 纨绔子弟 dandy 纩 fine floss-silk or cotton 纭 confused 纭 numerous 纰 error 纰 carelessness 纰 spoiled silk 纰角鹿 kudu 纰角鹿[南非产] koodoo 纾 slow 纾 to free from 绀 violet or purple 绀红皮病 erythrocyanosis 绁 leash 绁 rein 绂 ribbon for a seal 绂 sash 绉 crepe 绉 wrinkle 绉面 cockling 绉纱 crape 绉褶多的 crinkly 绋 heavy rope 绋 rope of a bier 绌 crimson silk 绌 deficiency 绌 to stitch 绐 bind 绐 pretend 绐 to fool 绔叉 underpants 绔带 bracing 绔子 britches 绛 purple-red 绠 rope 绠 well-rope 绡 raw silk 绨 coarse greenish black pongee 绫 damask 绫 thin silk 绮 beautiful 绮 open-work silk 绮色佳 Ithaca, NY but pronounced yi3 se4 jia1, following a mistake made by Hu2 Shi4 胡适 绯 dark red 绯 purple silk 绯红素 phoenicine 绲 cord 绲 embroidered sash 绲 sew 绶 cord on a seal 绺 skein 绺 tuft 绺 lock 绻 bound in a league 绻毛地 kinkily 绾 bind up 绾 string together 缁 Buddhists 缁 black silk 缁 dark 缂 to woof 缃 light yellow color 缇 orange red silk 缈 indistinct 缋 multi-color 缋 to draw 缌 fine linen 缏 braid 缑 surname 缒 let down with a rope 缗 cord 缗 fishing-line 缗 string of coins 缙 red silk 缜 fine and close 缛 adorned 缛 beautiful 缟 plain white silk 缟玛瑙 onyx 缟状云 fumulus 缡 bridal veil or kerchief 缢 hang 缢 strangle oneself 缢断形成 abstriction 缣 thick waterproof silk 缤 helter-skelter 缤 mixed colours 缤 in confusion 缤纷 in riotous profusion 缥 misty 缥 indistinct 缦 plain thin silk 缦 slow 缦 unadorned 缧 bind 缧 bond 缪 to wind round 缪司女神的 pierian 缫 reel silk from cocoons 缫丝 filature 缬 knot 缬 tie a knot 缬氨酸血 valinemia 缬草碱 valerine 缬草醚醛 valdrinal 缬草宁碱 valerianine 缬草酮 jatamansone 缬草酮 valerianone 缬草烷 valeriane 缬草烯醇 valerienol 缬草烯醛 valerienal 缬草烯酮 valerenone 缭 lines for a sail 缭 wind round 缯 silk fabrics 缯 to tie 缯 to bind 缰 bridle 缰 reins 缰绳 rein 缱 attached to 缱 loving 缳 bind 缳 tie 缳 noose 缵 carry on 幺正性 unitarity 畿 territory around the capital 甾 steroid nucleus 甾醇 sterol 甾醇甙 steroline 甾类产生 steroidogenesis 甾体 sterides 甾酮 ketosteroid 甾烷 sterane 邕 harmonious 玎 jingling 玎 tinkling 玑 irregular pearl 玮 reddish jade 玮 precious 玮 rare 玢 porphyrites 玢岩 porphyrite 玟 jade-like stone 玟 veins in jade 珏 gems mounted together 珂 jade-like stone 珂罗版 collotype 珑 tinkling of gem-pendants 玷 blemish 玷 disgrace 玷 flaw in jade 玷辱 distain 玷污 attaint 玷污 blemish 玷污 denigrate 玷污 maculation 玷污 polluted 玷污 polluting 玳 tortoise shell 玳 turtle 玳瑁 hawksbill 珀 amber 珀杜大学 Purdue University 珀尔马利 Permali 珀郎宁 peronine 珀马克拉德不锈钢覆面钢板 permaclad 珀莫松绉呢 permo 珀斯 Perth city in Australia 珀斯 Perth 珀斯-金罗斯 Perth & Kinross 珈 gamma 珈 jewelry 珥 pearl or jade earring 珙 gem 珩 top gem of pendant from girdle 珧 mother-of-pearl 珞 neck-ornament 玺 ruler's seal 珲 fine jade 琪 white gem 琪 angel 瑛 crystal 瑛 lustrous 琦 caldron 琦 chisel 琦 curio 琦 valuable stone 琥 amber 琥珀 amber 琥珀 chrysophoron 琥珀 electroum 琥珀氨苯砜 succisulfone 琥珀磺胺噻唑 succinylsulfathiazole 琥珀酸胺 succinamide 琥珀酸盐 succinate 琥珀酸酯 succinate 琥珀酰 succinyl 琥珀酰胺 succinamide 琥珀酰苯胺 succinanil 琥珀酰胆碱 succinylcholine 琥珀跚胺噻唑 succinylsulfathiazole 琨 jade 琰 gem 琰 glitter of gems 琮 octagonal jade badge 琬 ensign of royalty 琛 precious stone 琛 gem 琚 ornamental gems for belt 瑁 jade 瑜 excellence 瑜 luster of gems 瑜珈 yogism 瑜珈的教义 yogism 瑗 large jade ring 瑕 blemish 瑕 flaw in jade 瑕 scabbiness 瑕疵 stigma 瑙 agate 瑙拉 Nowra 瑙鲁 Nauru 瑙鲁 nauru 瑷 jasper 瑷 precious stone 瑭 jade 瑾 brilliancy of gems 璜 semi-circular jade ornament 璎 necklace 璀 luster of gems 璁 gem 璇 jade 璋 ancient stone ornament 璞 unpolished gem 璨 gem 璨 luster of gem 璨烂的 aureate 璩 jade ring 璩 surname 璐 jade 璧 piece of jade with hole in center 璧还 return a borrowed object with thanks 璧还 decline a gift with thanks 璧谢 decline a gift with thanks 瓒 libation cup 韪 correct 韪 right 韫 contain 韬 bow case 韬 to cover 杌 low stool 杓 star 杓 ladle 杓子 scoop 杓鹞 whimbrel 杞 willow 杞 name of a feudal state 杞人忧天者 alarmist 杞忧 overcare 杈 fork of a tree 杈 pitchfork 杈 branches of a tree 枥 stable 枇 loquat 枇杷 loquat 杪 the limit 杪 tip of branch 杳 dark and quiet 杳 disappear 杳无人迹的 untrodden 枘 tenon 枘 tool handle 枘凿 incompatible 杵 pestle 杵 to poke 杵锤 trip-hammer 杵臼关节 enarthrosis 杵状变 clubbing 杵状指 acropachy 枨 door post 枞 abies firma 枞醇 abietinol 枞醛 abietinal 枞树 fir 枞树脂 abietin 枞酸基 abietyl 枞酸酯 abietate 枞烯 abietene 枭 brave 枭 owl 枭 strix uralensis 枭 howlet 枭 mopoke 枭首示众 gibbet 枭首台 gibbet 枋 Santalum album 杷 loquat 杼 shuttle of a loom 柰 crab-apple 柰 how can one help 柰酚 naphthol 栉 ctenidium 栉齿鳞科的 ctenoid 栉虫科 Pisionidae 栉海百合目 Taxocrinida 栉鳞鱼 ctenoid 栉器 calamistrum 栉鳃 ctenidium 栉鳃目 Pectinibranchia 栉梳 hackling 栉水母门 Ctenophora 栉羽星科 Comasteridae 栉状的 ctenoid 柘 Cudrania triloba 栊 bar 栊 cage 栊 gratings 柩 bier 枰 chess-like game 栌 capital of column 栌 smoke tree 栌乱 dishevelment 栌辱 hector 柙 cage 柙 pen 柙 scabbard 枵 empty 枵 hollow of a tree 柚 pomelo 柚木 teakwood 柚木醌 tectoguinone 柚皮素 naringenin 柚子 pomelo 柚子 shaddock 枳 orange 枳 hedge thorn 柝 watchman's rattle 栀 gardenia 栀子 gardenia 栀子甘草豉汤 Capejasmine 栀子黄素 gardenin 栀子新甙 gardoside 栀子甙 gardenoside 柃 Eurya japonica 枸 Acgle sepiaria 枸 Lycium chinense 枸 Citrus medica 枸环戊酯 toclase 枸杞 medlar 枸杞子 medlar 枸橼素 citronetin 枸橼酸 citral 枸橼酸酶 citritase 枸橼酸酶 citronase 枸橼酸生合酶 citrogenase 枸橼酸乙胺嗪 banocide 枸橼苷 citronin 柢 foundation 柢 root 栎 oak 栎 Quercus serrata 柁 main beam of roof 柽 tamarisk 栲 mangrove 栳 basket 桠 forking branch 桡骨切迹 radialis 桡骨手掌的 radiopalmar 桡骨手指的 radiodigital 桡脚类的动物 copepod 桡腕的 radiocarpal 桎 fetters 桎梏 shackle 桢 evergreen shrub 桄 Arenga saccharifera 桄 rung of ladder 梃 a club weapon 梃杆 tappet 栝 Juniperus chinensis 栝 measuring-frame 桦 Betula japonica 桦酶 betulase 桦酶 gaultherase 桦木 birch 桦木醇 betulinol 桦木科 Betulaceae 桦木属 Betula 桦木制的 birchen 桦树的 birchen 桁 pole plate 桁 purlin 桁 ridge-pole 桁 joist 桁板 flitch 桁端 yardarm 桧 Juniperus chinensis 桧酮 sabinaketone 桧烷 sabinane 桀 emperor of Xia dynasty 桀 cruel 栾 Koelreuteria paniculata 桉 eucalyptus globulus 桉树 eucalypt 桉树 eucalyptus 桉树 jarrah 桉树胶素 edudesmin 桉树脑 eucalyptole 桉树脑烯 eucalyptolene 桉树烯 eucalyptene 桉烷 eudesmane 桉叶烯 Selinene 桉叶烯 eudesmene 桉油醇 cineol 桉油精 cajeputol 桉油精 eucelyptol 桉油萜醛 cryptal 栩 Quercus serrata 栩栩如生的 lifelike 梵 Brahma 梵 Sanskrit 梵蒂冈宫城 Vatican City 梵帝冈 Vatican 梵帝冈 Vatican City 梵天 brahma 梵天[王] deva 梵文 sanscrit 梵文[语] 学者 sanscritist 梵文[语] 学者 sanskritist 梵学家 pandit 梵学者 pundit 梵语 Sanskrit 梵语 sanscrit 梵语的 Sanskrit 梵谛冈 Vatican 梏 braces med. 梏 fetters 梏 manacles 桴 beam 桴 rafter 梓 Catalpa kaempferi 梓 catalpa 梓醇 catalpol 梓属植物 catalpa 桫 Stewartia pseudocamellia 棂 lattice 楮 Broussonetia kasinoki 棼 beams in roof 棼 confused 椟 cabinet 椟 case 椟 casket 棹 table 棰 flog 棰 whip 棰间板疝气 slippeddisk 椁 outer coffin 楗 door lock 棣 Kerria japonica 椐 Zelkowa acuminata 椹 fruit of mulberry 楠 Machilus nanmu 楠巴卡黑兹 Nambucca Heads 楠迪 Nadi 楠木 nanmu 楠普拉 Nambour 楠普拉 Nampula 楠塔基特 Nantucket 楂 fell trees 楂 raft 楂 to hew 楂 Chinese quince 楂 hawthorn 楝 Melia japonica 楝树 chinaberry 榄 olive 榄核莲黄酮 panicolin 榄仁树属 Terminalia 榄烷 elemane 榄香精 elemicin 榄香素 elemicin 楫 oar 楫 to row 楸 Catalpa 楸 Mallotus japonicus 椴 Hibiscus syriacus 椴木 basswood 槌 hammer 槌 mallet 槌 pestle 槌 gavel 槌球 roque 槌球戏 croquet 槌状脚趾 hammertoe 榇 Sterculia plantanifolia 榇 coffin 榈 palm tree 槎 a raft made of bamboo or wood 槎 to fell trees 槎 to hew 榉 Zeikowa acuminata 榉木 beech 楦 block hat 楦 stretch shoe 楣 lintel 楣梁 architrave 楣石 lintel 楹 pillar 榛 hazel tree 榛 Corylus heterophylla 榛 nut-tree 榛实 hazelnut 榛树 filbert 榛子 filbert 榧 Torreya nucifera 榻 couch 榻榻米 tatami 榫 tenon and mortise 榫 tenon 榫接 mortice 榫头 rabbet 榫眼 dapt 榫眼 mortice 榫眼 mortise 榫腋脚 hauncheon 榫子 quoin 榭 pavilion 槔 water pulley 榱 small rafter 槁 dry 槁 rotten as wood 槊 long lance 槟 areca 槟 the areca nut palm 槟榔 areca 槟榔 betelnut 槟榔膏 gambier 槟榔树 areca 槟榔泻碱 arekane 槟榔因 arecadeine 槟榔屿 penang 槟子 binzi 槟子 a species of apple which is slightly sour and astringent 榕 banyon tree 榕 Ficus wightiana 槠 Quercus glanca 榍石 pictite 榍石 sphene 榍石 spinelline 榍石 titanite 槿 Hibiscus syriacus 槿 transient 樯 boom 樯 mast 樯头纵材 trestletree 槭属 Acer 槭树的 aceric 槭树科 Aceraceae 槭素 acerin 樗 simarubaceae 橥 Zelkova acuminata 槲 oak 槲 Quercus dentata 槲寄生 mistletoe 槲寄生素 viscin 槲皮苦素 quercin 槲皮鞣仿 querciform 槲皮鞣酸 quercitannin 橄 olive 橄长岩 forellenstein 橄辉安粗岩 absarokite 橄辉粗面岩 ciminite 橄辉无球粒陨石 ureilite 橄闪紫苏岩 bahiaite 橄榄 olives 橄榄粗安岩 mugearite 橄榄古铜陨铁 lodranite 橄榄科 Burseraceae 橄榄霉素 olivomycin 橄榄球 football 橄榄球 rugby 橄榄球 rugger 橄榄色的 olivaceous 橄榄石 olivine 橄榄石 peridot 橄榄石铁陨石 palasite 橄榄树 olive tree 橄榄体 oliva 橄榄铜矿 leucochalcite 橄榄铜矿 olivenite 橄榄烷 maliane 橄榄霞岩 ankaratrite 橄榄形的 olivary 橄榄岩 olivinite 橄榄岩 peridotite 橄榄岩 picrite 橄榄岩石圈 peridosphere 橄榄陨铁 pallasite 橄榄枝 olive-branch 樾 shade of trees 檠 instrument for straightening bows 橐 sack 橐 tube for blowing fire 橛 a peg 橛 low post 樵 firewood 樵 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司