翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 gather wood 樵夫 woodman 樵夫 axman 樵夫 feller 樵夫 logger 樵夫 woodsman 檎 fruit 橹 sculling oar 橹 scull 樽 goblet 樽 bottle 樽 wine-jar 樨 Osmanthus fragrans 橘 tangerine 橘红色 hyacinth 橘红色 jacinth 橘园 orangery 橘子 orange 橘子的温室 orangery 橘子和柠檬等制成的果酱 marmalade 橘子水 orangeade 橘子榨汁器 reamer 橼 Citrus medica 檑 logs rolled down in defense of city 檐 eaves 檐沟 shuting 檐口滴水条 chantlate 檩 cross-beam 檩 ridge-pole 檩 purlin 檗 Phyllodendron amurense 猷 consult with 猷 to scheme 獒 mastiff 殁 to end 殁 to die 殂 die 殇 die prematurely 殄 exterminate 殒 perish 殒 die 殓 prepare body for coffin 殍 die of starvation 殚 entirely 殚 to exhaust 殛 put to death 殡 a funeral 殡 to encoffin a corpse 殡 to carry to burial 殡车 hearse 殡仪馆 the undertaker's 殡仪馆 funeral parlour 殡仪业者 mortician 殡葬 funeral and interment 殪 exterminate 轫 brake 轫手 brakeman 轫手 brakesman 轫致辐射 bremsstrahlung 轭 restrain 轭 yoke 轭合物 conjugates 轭式修饰法 zeugma 轭式修饰法的 zeugmatic 轭语法 syllepsis 轱 wheel 轲 given name of mencius 轳 windlass 轵 end of axle outside of hub 轶 disperse 轶 put in order 轶 surpass 轶话集 legendry 轶事 anecdote 轶事 ana 轶事的 anecdotical 轶事一样的 anecdotal 轸 d 11th 轸 strongly as of emotion 轹 to bully 轹 wheel-rut 轺 light carriage 轼 crossbar in carriage front 轾 back and lower of chariot 轾 short 轾 low 辁 small 辁 wheel without spokes 辂 chariot 辇 emperor's carriage 辋 tire 辋 wheel band 辋 felloe 辋 felly 辍 stop 辍 cease 辍 suspend 辎 milit. supply 辏 converge 辏 hub of wheel 辘 windlass 辚 rumbling of wheels 戋 narrow 戋 small 戗兽 qiangshou 戛 a lance 戛 standing alone 戛纳 Cannes 戟 a lance with two points 戟 halberd 戟 halbert 戟兵 halberdier 戟状的 hastate 戢 collect oneself 戢 put away 戡 kill 戡 suppress 戥 small steelyard for weighing money 戤 infringe upon a trade mark 戬 carry to the utmost 戬 to cut 臧 good 臧 lucky 瓯 bowl 瓯 cup 瓴 concave channels of tiling 甑 caldron 甑 rice pot 甓 glazed tile 旰 sunset 旰 evening 昊 clear summer sky 昊 vast 昙 dark clouds 昙花一现的 transitory 昙华 canna 杲 high 杲 sun shines brightly 杲 to shine 昃 afternoon 昃 decline 昕 dawn 炅 surname 曷 why 曷 how 曷 when 曷 what 曷 where 昴 the Pleiades 昱 bright light 昶 bright 昶 long day 昵 familiar 昵 to approach 昵称的 hypocoristic 耆 man of sixty or seventy 耆草属植物 milfoil 耆那教 Jainism 耆那教的 jain 耆那教的 jaina 耆那教徒 jain 耆那教徒 jaina 晟 brightness of sun 晟 splendor 晔 bright light 晔 to sparkle 晁 surname 晁涅 chaulmoogryl 晁模烯 chaulmoogrene 晁模子 chaulmugra 晁模酰 chaulmoogroyl 晏 late 晏 quiet 晖 bright 晖 radiant 晡 3-5 p.m. 晷 sundial 暄 genial and warm 暌 in opposition to 暌 separated from 暧 obscure 暧 clandestine 暧昧 illicit 暧昧 shady 暧昧 ambiguous 暧昧 ambiguousness 暧昧 obliquity 暧昧 shadiness 暧昧 vagueness 暧昧的 amphibolous 暧昧的 amphioblous 暧昧的 inexplicit 暧昧的 suspensive 暧昧的词句 amphibology 暧昧地 ambiguously 暧昧地 illegibly 暧昧地 vaguely 暧昧化 obscuration 暝 dark 暝想的 musing 暾 sun above the horizon 曛 twilight 曛 sunset 曜 dazzle 曜 glorious 曦 light of day 曩 in former times 贲 energetic 贲 bright 贲临 of distinguished guests honour my house, firm, etc, with your presence 贲门 preventriculus 贲门测位器 cardiameter 贲门的 cardial 贲门痉挛 cardiospasm 贲门溃疡 cardielcosis 贲门切除术 cardiectomy 贳 borrow 贳 buy on credit 贳 rent out 贶 bestow 贶 confer 贻 bequeath 贻贝 mussel 贻羞 distain 贽 gifts to superiors 赀 fine instead of punishment 赀 property 赅 include in 赅 prepare 赆 farewell presents 赈 to relieve the distressed 赉 bestow 赉 confer 赇 to bribe 赙 contribute to funeral expenses 觇 keep at 觇 to spy 觊 covet 觊 long for 觋 wizard 觌 face to face 觎 passionately desire 觏 complete 觏 meet unexpectedly 觏 see 觑 to spy 觑 watch for 牮 prop up 牝 female 牝牛产后的初乳 beestings 牦牛 yak 牦牛绒 yakwool 牦牛属 Poephagus 牯 bullock 牯 cow 牿 shed or pen for cattle 犄 ox-horns 犄 wing of an army 犄角 horn 犍 bullock 犒 give a bonus to 挈 pull out 挈 take family along 挲 feel 挲 to fondle 掰 to break with both hands 搿 to hug 擘 thumb 擘 break 擘 tear 擘 pierce 擘 split 擘 to analyze 擘画 plan 擘画 arrange 耄 aged 毳 crisp 毳 brittle 毳 fine animal hair 毽 shuttlecock 毵 long-haired 毵 shaggy 毹 rug 氅 overcoat 氆 thick rough serge from Tibet 氍 woolen rug 氕 protium 氕 protinium 氕 protohydrogen 氘 deuterium 氙 xenon 氚 tritium 氚 diplogen 氚 triterium 氚发光器件 betalight 氚化 tritiate 氚化合物 tritide 氚化了的 tritiated 氚化物 tritide 氚化作用 tritiation 氡 radon 氡 niton 氩 argon 氤 generative forces 氡 magic emanation 氪 krypton 氲 heavy atmosphere 敕 imperial orders 敕答书 rescript 敕令 irade 敕令 rescript 敕令 ukase 牍 documents 牒 official document 牒 dispatch 牒眼 machicoulis 牖 enlighten 牖 lattice window 爰 therefore 爰 to lead on to 虢 name of an ancient state 刖 cut off the feet as punishment 肟 oxime 肜 surname 肓 region between heart and diaphragm 肼 diamide 肼 hydrazine 肼分解酶 hydrazidase 肼解作用 hydrazinolysis 朊 protein 肽胺 peptamine 肽链端解酶 exopeptidase 肽链内断酶 endopeptidase 肽酶 peptidase 肱 brachium 肱 humerus 肱部 humerus 肱部的 humeral 肱骨的 humeral 肱骨小头 capitellum 肱上膊 humerus 肫 gizzard 肭 castor 肴 meat dishes 肴 mixed 肴 viands 胧 hazy 胧 unclear 胧 rising moon 胨 peptone 胨尿 peptonuria 胪 belly 胪 skin 胪 to state 胛 shoulder blade 胂 arsine 胄 descendants 胄 helmet 胙 confer upon 胙 sacrificial flesh 胍 guanidine 胍 carbamidine 胍 iminourea 胍丁胺 tiformin 胍基甲酰胺 guanylurea 胍酶 guanidase 胍那决尔 guanadrel 胍那克林 guanacline 胍那苄 guanabenz 胍氰定 guancidine 胍生 guanoxane 胍西定 guancidine 胍血生 pipobroman 胍乙啶 ismeline 胗 gizzard 朐 surname 胝 callous 胫 lower part of leg 胫 shank 胫侧骨 tibiale 胫骨 shinbone 胫骨 tibia 胫骨的 tibial 胫节 tibia 胱 bladder 胱氨酸 cystine 胱胺 aminiform 胱胺 cystamine 胴 large intestine 胴 torso 胴甲目 Antiarchi 胴体 midsection 胭 rouge 胭红 cochineal 胭脂 rouge 胭脂虫 coccinella 胭脂虫 cochineal 胭脂虫蜡 coccerin 胭脂红 carminum 胭脂红 coccinellin 脍 chopped meat or fish 胲 hydroxylamine 胲 oxyammonia 胲羟氨 oxyammonia 胼 callous on hand or foot 胼胝 callus 胼胝 tylosis 胼胝体的 callosal 胼胝体沟 sulcus 胼胝体上的 supercallosal 胼胝质 callose 朕 I 朕 we imperial use 朕 subtle 脒 amidine 脒氨甲酰鸟氨酸 gigartinine 脒基酶 amidinase 脒基徘酸 taurocyamine 脒基转移酶 transamidinase 脒基转移作用 transamidination 脒基脲 guanylurea 脒裂解酶 amidinelyase 豚 leatherfish 豚 suckling pig 豚鱼 filefish 脞 chopped meat 脞 trifles 脬 bladder 腈 nitrile 腌 to salt 腌 pickle 腌 gammon 腌 kipper 腌的猪肋肉 flitch 腌黄瓜 pickle 腌泡 marinade 腌泡汁 marinade 腌肉 brawn 腌什锦菜 chowchow 腌食用小黄瓜 gherkin 腌熏鲱鱼 bloater 腌鱼 kipper 腌制 bloat 腌制 souse 腌制的猪耳 souse 腌猪后腿 gammon 腌猪肉 sowbelly 腓 calf of leg 腓 decay 腓 protect 腓的 sural 腓骨 fibula 腓骨的 fibular 腓利门书 Philemon 腓立比书 Philipians 腓力 Philip 腓力比书 philippians 腓尼基 Phoenicia 腓尼基 phenicia 腓尼基的 Phoenician 腓尼基人 Phoenician 腓尼基人的 Phoenician 腴 fat on belly 腴 fertile 腴 rich 腙 hydrazone 腱 gristle 腱包膜 peritendineum 腱成形术 tenoplasty 腱刀 tendotome 腱刀 tenotome 腱的 tendinous 腱断裂 disinsertion 腱感受器 tenoreceptor 腱骨化 tenostosis 腱膜炎 aponeurositis 腱鞘瘤 ganglion 腱鞘炎 tenosynovitis 腱切除术 tenonectomy 腱切断刀 tendotome 腱切断刀 tenotome 腱切断术 tendotomy 腱松解术 tenolysis 腱炎 tendinitis 腱炎 tenositis 腱粘蛋白 tendomucin 腱粘蛋白 tendomucoid 腱粘连松解术 tendolysis 腱震图 tendogram 腱子 sinew 腠 the tissue between the skin and the flesh 腼腆的 coy 腼腆的 undemonstrative 腽 castor 腭 palatum 腭鼻的 palatorasal 腭成形术 palatoplasty 腭的 palatic 腭动描记器 palategraph 腭动描记器 palatograph 腭动描记术 palatography 腭帆缝合术 staphylorrhaphy 腭帆缝合术 velosynthesis 腭缝 raphepalati 腭夹 chops 腭裂的 palatognathous 腭裂缝合术 staphylorrhaphy 腭裂缝合术 uranorrhaphy 腭裂语音 uraniscolalia 腭麻痹 palatoplegia 腭麻痹 uranoplegia 腭前的 prepalatal 腭舌的 palatoglossal 腭痛 palatodynia 腭形的 palatiform 腭炎 palatitis 腭炎 uranisconitis 塍 raised path between fields 媵 maid escorting bride to new home 膈 diaphragm 膈 diaphragma 膈 midriff 膈动描记器 phrenograph 膈肌 diaphragma 膈肌麻痹 phrenoparalysis 膈麻痹 phrenoparalysis 膈下垂 phrenoptosis 膈炎 diaphragmatitis 膈疝 diaphragmatocele 膂 backbone 膂 strength 膂力 brawn 膑 kneecap 膑 patella 滕 place name 滕南特克里克 Tennants Creek 膣炎 trichomoniasis 膣炎症 trichomoniasis 臌 dropsical 臌 swollen 朦 deceive 朦 indistinct 朦胧 blur 朦胧 cloudily 朦胧 cloudiness 朦胧 mirk 朦胧 nebulosity 朦胧 obscureness 朦胧 shadowiness 朦胧的 blear 朦胧的 bleary 朦胧的 dimmish 朦胧的 filmy 朦胧的 ghostliness 朦胧的 ghostly 朦胧的 mirk 朦胧的 mirky 朦胧地 dreamily 朦胧地 filmily 朦胧地 hazily 朦胧地 indistinctly 朦胧地 mistily 朦胧地 obscurely 朦胧麻醉 seminarcosis 朦胧之境 borderland 朦胧之性质或状态 haziness 朦胧状态 fugue 臊 smell of urine 臊 bashfulness 膻 rank odor of sheep or goats 膦 phosphine 欤 interrog. part. 欷 to sob 欹 interjection 歃 drink 歆 pleased 歆 moved 歙 name of a district in Anhui 飑 whirlwind 飒 declining 飒 sound of wind 飒飒而鸣 sough 飒飒之声 sough 飓 hurricane 飓风 cyclone 飓风的 cyclonic 飓风的 cyclonical 飕 blow as of wind 飕 sound of wind 飕地飞 whirr 飕飕声 whish 飙 whirlwind 殳 spear 彀 enough 毂 wheel 毂 hub of wheel 毂 hub 毂类 corniness 毂类残渣 screenings 觳 measure 觳 frightened 斐 phonetic 斐 elegant 斐济 Fiji 斐济群岛的 Fijian 斐济群岛人 Fijian 斐济群岛语 Fijian 齑 fragment 齑 spices 斓 variegated 斓 parti-colored 旆 pennant 旆 streamer 旄 banner decorated with animal's tail 旄 aged 旃 felt 旃 silken banner 旌 banner 旌 make manifest 旎 fluttering of flags 旒 tassel 旖 fluttering of flag 炀 molten 炀 smelt 炜 glow 炜 raging fire 炖 stew slowly 炖 braise 炖 braize 炖 simmer 炖锅 saucepot 炖锅 stewpan 炖肉 slumgullion 炖熟的水果 sass 炖蹄筋 cowheel 炝 cook in soy 炷 candlewick 炷 incense stick 炫 dazzle 炫 to show off 炫 to boast 炫学 pedantry 炫学者 pedant 炫学者 pedantic 炫耀 flaunt 炫耀 panache 炫耀 splurge 炫耀 swank 炫耀的 blatant 炫耀的 showy 炫耀的 swanky 炱 soot 烨 blaze of fire 烨 glorious 烊 molten 烊 smelt 焓 enthalpy 焖 cook in a covered vessel 焱 flames 煜 brilliant 煜 glorious 煨 simmer 煨 to roast in ashes 煅炼 enure 煅炼 hardening 煅炼 inurement 煅钎炉 jackfurnace 煅烧 deadburn 煅烧不足的 undercalcined 煅烧产物 calcinate 煅烧炉 calciner 煅铁场 bloomary 煅铁场 bloomery 煅铁炉 bloomary 煅铁炉 bloomery 煲 pot or saucepan 煲 to boil 煲 cook or heat 熳 to spread 熵 entropy 熨 reconciled 熨 smooth 熨 an iron 熨 to iron 熨 unknit 熨斗 flatiron 熨斗 irons 熨斗 sadiron 熨平 ironing 熨袖架 sleeveboard 熨衣板 ironing board 熠 to glow 熠 flash 燠 warm 燔 burn 燔 to roast meat for sacrifice 燧 fire 燧 speculum 燧发枪 flintlock 燧发枪兵 firelock 燧发枪兵 fusileer 燧发枪兵 fusilier 燧发枪团 fusileer 燧发枪团 fusilier 燧石 firestone 燧石 flint 燧石发火装置 flintlock 燧石化 chertification 燧石岩 silexite 燧石质 flintiness 燹 conflagration 爝 torch 爨 cooking-stove 爨 to cook 焘 cover over 焘 to envelope 熹 bright 熹 warm 戾 do violence 戾 go against 戽 water bucket for irrigation 戽车 noria 戽水车 noria 扃 shut 扈 retinue 扈从 cortege 扈从 retainer 扈从 retinue 扉 door with only one leaf 扉页 head-page 扉页 headpage 祀 offer sacrifice to 祀为神 deification 祀为神 deify 祆教僧侣 magi 祆教僧侣的 magian 祆教徒 parsee 祆教徒 parsi 祉 felicity 祛 sleeve opening 祛 to exercise 祜 celestial blessing 祓 cleanse 祓 remove evil 祚 blessing 祚 the throne 阴的 clouded 阴地植物 sciophyte 阴地蕨 moonwort 阴蒂 clitoris 阴蒂痛 clitoralgia 阴蒂炎 clitoriditis 阴电的 electronegative 阴电性 electronegativity 阴电子 negatron 阴阜 monsveneris 阴沟 cloaca 阴沟 culvert 阴沟的入口处 sinkhole 阴核 clitoris 阴户 vagina 阴户 vulva 阴户肿痛 vulvitis 阴极 kathode 阴极,负极 catelectrode 阴极电解液 catholyte 阴极电解质 catholyte 阴极射线存储管 graphechon 阴极射线发光 cathodoluminescence 阴极射线管 CRT 阴极射线管萤幕 faceplate 阴极射线示波管 oscillotron 阴极射线示波图 cathodogram 阴极送话器 cathodophone 阴极液 catholyte 阴极照明 catholuminescence 阴极耦合放大器 electroluminescence 阴间 Acheron 阴间 DIS 阴间 inferno 阴间 sheol 阴间 ultramundane 阴间的 otherworldly 阴间的神 DIS 阴间的诸神 manes 阴间之神 Pluto 阴兢 penius 阴茎 membrum 阴茎 penis 阴茎 phallus 阴茎 priapus 阴茎成形术 phalloplasty 阴茎的 phallic 阴茎骨 baculum 阴茎海绵体炎 cavernitis 阴茎海绵体造影 cavernorography 阴茎基底 phallobase 阴茎裂 penischisis 阴茎前位 prepenial 阴茎切除术 phallectomy 阴茎切开术 phallotomy 阴茎体 phallosome 阴茎头 glans 阴茎头炎 balanitis 阴茎弯曲 phallocampsis 阴茎像的 ithyphallic 阴茎炎 phallitis 阴茎炎 priapitis 阴茎叶 phallomere 阴茎液溢 phallorrhea 阴茎肿 phalloncus 阴精 sex fluids 阴冷的 RAW 阴离子 anion 阴离子 negion 阴离子电泳 anaphoresis 阴离子交换剂 anionite 阴离子疗法 anionotherapy 阴离子移变 anionotropy 阴历月 lunation 阴凉 shady 阴凉处 shady place 阴毛 pubes 阴毛 pubisure 阴毛的 pubic 阴谋 plot 阴谋 conspiracy 阴谋 Jesuitism 阴谋 babal 阴谋 cabal 阴谋 complot 阴谋 frame-up 阴谋 machination 阴谋 skullduggery 阴谋的 conspiratorial 阴谋的 designing 阴谋家 Jesuit 阴谋家 machinator 阴谋家 schemer 阴谋团体 junto 阴谋者 Plotter 阴谋者 conspirator 阴谋者 intrigant 阴谋者 intriguant 阴谋者的 conspiratorial 阴囊 scrotum 阴囊病损局部切除术 scroteotomy 阴囊成形术 scrotoplasty 阴囊的 scrotal 阴囊固定术 scrotopexy 阴囊切除术 scrotectomy 阴囊水囊肿 hydrocele 阴囊炎 scrotitis 阴囊疝 scrotocele 阴燃 smoldering 阴森 eeriness 阴森的 mirthless 阴森森的 charnel 阴森森的 stygian 阴森森的大厦 mausoleum 阴山石 yinshanite 阴湿地 dankly 阴虱属 Phthirus 阴碳离子 carbanion 阴天 cloudy day 阴天 overcast sky 阴险 cattiness 阴险 jesuitry 阴险 subtleties 阴险的 Jesuitical 阴险的 cattish 阴险的 catty 阴险的 serpentine 阴险的 snaky 阴险的 viperish 阴险的 viperous 阴险的人 Jesuit 阴险的人 rat-face 阴险地 blackly 阴向离子 kathion 阴向游子 kation 阴性 feminine 阴性 negatively 阴性的 electronegative 阴性的 减 Minus 阴阳怪气的 enigmatic 阴阳人 epicene 阴阳人 hermaphrodite 阴阳人 intersex 阴影 shadow 阴影 adumbration 阴影 hatching 阴影线 hatchures 阴郁 gloomy 阴云密布的 clouded 阴云遮蔽 encloud 阴痔 hysteroptosis 阴翳的 umbrageous 姻 marriage connections 姻亲 affinity 姻亲 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司