翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Training for Rural Gainful Activities;农村有酬活动训练;; training grant;训练补助金;; Training Guidelines;训练准则;; training in export promotion;出口促进训练;; Training in Land Use for Agriculture, Revision C;农村土地使用的训练修正案C;; training in self-care activities;自理训练;; Training Institute of the Federal Statistical Office;联邦统计处培训研究所;; Training Manual on Child Labour and Health;童工和保健训练手册;; Training Manuals for Peace-keeping;维持和平训练手册;; training module;训练单元;; training of trainers;训练培训员;; training of trainers for small and medium-size enterprises;中小型企业培训员训练;; training offer programme;训练提供方案;; training officer;训练干事;; training opportunities;训练机会;; training pack;训练教材;; training package;训练用综合教材;; training package on Education for All;普及教育训练教材;; Training Packs Revolving Fund;培训教材循环基金;; Training Panel;训练小组;; Training Programme for Foreign Service Officers;外交人员训练方案;; Training Programme in Population and Development;人口与发展训练方案;; Training Programme in Renewable Energy Systems;可再生能源系统训练班;; Training Programme on conflict resolution, crisis prevention and management and confidence-building among the members of the Economic Community of Central African States ECCAS;关于在中非国家经济共同体中非共同体成 员国之间解决冲突、防止和处理晰以及建立信任的训练方案;; Training Programme on Management and Conservation of Marine Resources;海洋资源的管理和养护训练方案;; Training programmes;训练方案;; Training Section;训练科;; Training Seminar for Senior Field Officials;高级外勤官员训练讨论会;; Training Seminar on Appraisal and Implementation Management of Industrial Investment Projects;工业投资项目的评价和实施管理训练讨论会;; Training Seminar on Trade and Environment in Small Island Developing States;小岛发展中国家贸易与环境问题训练讨论会;; Training Seminars on Planning for Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Administration in the Context of Development;发展环境下预防犯罪和刑事司法规划训练讨论会;; Training Service;训练处;; training services;训练服务;; training the trainers;训练培训员;; training through fellowships;以研究金方式提供训练;; Training Unit CTU;训练股;CTU; Training Within Industry;工业内部训练;TWI; Training Workshop on Petroleum Pricing and Supply Issues;石油定价和供应问题训练讲习班;; Training Workshop on Social Indicators for Children and Women in the Asia-Pacific Region;亚太区域儿童和妇女社会指标训练讲习班;; Training Workshop on Women in Development for the Caribbean Sub-region;加勒比分区妇女参与发展训练讲习班;; training workshops;训练讲习班;; Training, Education and Mutual Assistance in the Marine Sciences;海洋科学的训练、教育和互助;TEMA; Training, Examinations and Social Welfare Section;训练、考试及社会福利科;; training-by-doing programme;边干边训练方案;; Traite concernant l'introduction aux Pays-Bas, en Belgique et au Luxembourg d'une loi uniforme sur le droit international prive;比、荷、卢统一国际私法公约;; Traite de la connaissance de Dieu et de soi-meme;知神知己论勃虚哀著;;勃虚哀著 trajectory;轨迹[气象,地球物理]; 弹道[航空];; trajectory model;轨迹模式;; tramp;不定期船;; tramp ship steamer;不定期货船;; tramp shipping;不定期航运;; TRAN , Van Huong;陈文况;; TRAN, Dang Khoa;陈登科;; TRAN, Hung Dao,;陈兴道;; TRAN, Luong Ngoc;陈良玉;; TRAN, Minh Dung;陈明勇;; TRAN, Nan Trung;陈南忠;; TRAN, Quang Co.;陈光基;; TRAN, Thien Khiem;陈善谦;; TRAN, Tuan Anh;陈俊英;; TRAN, Van Huong;陈文况;; TRAN, Van Lam;陈文林;; TRAN, Van Viet;陈文越;; tranche of a quota;定额的一部分;; tranquilizer;镇定剂;; Trans-African Highway Authority;横贯非洲公路管理局;; Trans-European Mobility Programme for University Students;全欧大学生流动方案流动方案;TEMPUS;流动方案 Trans-World Airlines;环球航空公司;TWA; Trans-African Highway Bureau;横贯非洲公路局;; Trans-African Highway Coordinating Committee;横贯非洲公路协调委员会;TAH; Trans-African Highway Network;横贯非洲公路网;; Trans-Asian Railway network;横贯亚洲铁路网;; Trans-Asian Railway Project;横贯亚洲铁路项目;; trans-atmospheric pollution;越界空气污染;; trans-border disposal of hazardous wastes;危险废物的越界处理;; trans-boundary;跨越界限;; Trans-Congolese Agency of Communications;刚果交通局;; Trans-Dniester Republic;外德涅斯特共和国;; Trans-European Cooperation Scheme for University Studies;全欧大学研究合作计划大学合作计划;TEMPUS;大学合作计划 Trans-European Energy Network;跨欧洲能源网;; Trans-European North-South Railway;跨欧洲南北铁路跨欧铁路;TER;跨欧铁路 Trans-European Policy Studies Association;跨欧洲政策研究协会;TEPSA; Trans-Jordan;外约旦;; Trans-Jordan Arab Legion;外约旦阿拉伯军团;; Trans-Jordan Frontier Force;外约旦边防部队;; Trans-Pacific Fisheries Consultative Committee;泛太平洋渔业协商委员会渔协会;TPFCC;渔协会 Trans-Sahara Liaison Committee;跨撒哈拉联络委员会;; trans-ship;转运用船舶转运;; transaction;会计事项往来业务;; transaction in reserve assets;储备资产会计事项;; transaction on credit;赊帐交易;; transactions;交易;会计事项;往来业务;; transactions denominated in foreign currencies;外汇交易;; transactions with associated undertakings;与联营企业的交易;; transactions with full consideration;充分报偿交易;; transactions without full consideration;非充分报偿交易;; Transafrica USA;全非组织;; Transamerica Corp.;美通公司;; Transamerican Trailer Transport;美通拖车运输公司;TTT; Transborder;越界;; Transborder Data Flow;越界数据流动;TDF; Regional Office of Asia and the Pacific;亚洲及太平洋区域办事处;ROAP; transboundary air pollution;越境空气污染;; transboundary harm;越境损害;; transboundary loss or injury;越境损失或伤害;; transboundary movement;越境转移;; transboundary offences;越境罪行越境犯罪;; transboundary waters;越境水域; 跨越国境水域;; transceiver;收发报机;; transcript of account;缴税记录誊本;; transcript of records;记录誊本;; transcript of testimony;证词誊本;; transcription;标音;; transcription key;标音法;; Transdisease Vaccinology Programme;多种疾病综合免疫方案;; Transdniestrian Moldovan Republic;外德涅斯特摩尔多瓦共和国;; transects;试样地带;; transfer;转交;; transfer of posts;员额改隶; 改属; 改为预算内员额;;预算内员额 Transfer Agreements;转移协定;; transfer between appropriation lines Sections;各门各款经费间的流用;; transfer between appropriations;各项经费流用数额;; transfer between funds/reserves;各基金/准备金间转帐;; transfer between reserves;储备金间的流用; 储备金转帐事项;; transfer channel;输送管道;; Transfer Duty Act;转让税法;; transfer from operating reserve;从业务储备金划拨的款项;; transfer from unallocated surplus;从未分配盈余转来的款项;; transfer in;转入;; transfer in kind;实物转移;; transfer income;过户收入;; transfer of a pollutant;污染物的转移;; transfer of appropriations;经费的流用挪用经费转拨经费;; transfer of balance;余额转帐;; transfer of financial resources;资金的转拨;; transfer of functions and related credits between sections;各款间职务的转移和有关经费的流用;; Transfer of Knowledge through Expatriate Nationals Scheme TOKTEN scheme;通过侨居国民传授知识计划侨民传知计划;TOKTEN;侨民传知计划 transfer of obligations;债务转帐;; transfer of posts from extrabudgetary sources;预算外资源员额的转移;; transfer of proceedings in criminal matters;刑事事项的记录转移;; transfer of real resources;转移实际资源;; transfer of resources;资源转让; 资源划拨;; transfer of retained earning to staff welfare;将留存盈余转入工作人员福利;; transfer of staff members;工作人员调职; 工作人员调任;; transfer of technology;技术转让;; Transfer of Technology Division;技术转让司;TEC; transfer of technology in climate data processing and user services;气候数据处理和用户服务中的技术转让;CLICOM; transfer of trade information;贸易信息的转移;TTI; transfer on a rotating basis;轮调;; transfer out;转出;; transfer payment;转移性支付; 转付款项; 转让性付款;; transfer prices;转让价格; 转帐价格;; transfer pricing;制订转帐价格;; transfer rate;转移率; 输送率;; transfer receipts from...;收到......的转帐款项;; transfer risk;转移风险;; transfer station;转移站;; transfer to another post;调任;; transfer to financial reserve;转入财务准备金;; transfer to other funds;转入其他基金;; transfer within appropriation lines sections;各门各款经费内的流用;; transfer-of-technology transactions;技术转让活动;; transfer-of-title document;所有权转证文件;; transfer-pricing;转帐价格;; transferable deposits;可转移存款;; transferable deposits payable on demand;可转让见票即付存款;; transferable development quota;可转让发展配额;TDQ; transferable development right;可转让发展权利;TDR; transferable letter of credit;可转让信用证;; transferable rights;可转让权利;; transferable Rouble;转帐卢布;TR; transferee bank;受拨人银行;; transferor bank;划拨人银行;; transferred as an obligation against current appropriations;应作为现期经费项下的债务转帐;; transferred for an indefinite period;无限期调职;; transferred to principal of the Fund;转入基金本金;; transferring proceedings to one another;相互移交诉讼;; transfers;转让; 转帐; 过户; 过户交割;; transfers of staff posts from one budget to another;把工作人员员额从一个预算转到另一个预算;; transfers to and from other reserves;其他储备金拨入或拨出的款项;; transformation rate;转化率;; transforming industries;制造业;; Transfrigoroute International;国际控温汽车运输协会;; transfrontier harm;跨界损害;; transfrontier pollution;越界污染;; transient;瞬变的; 瞬时的; 短暂的;; transient flow;瞬变流动; 不稳流动;; transient recorders;瞬时记录器;; transient tracers in the ocean;海洋中的瞬变示踪剂;TTO; transit;转口过境;; transit camp;过渡营临时难民营;; transit centre;临时收容中心;; transit connexion;过渡连接;; transit corridor;过境通道;; transit country;过境国;; transit duties;通过税通行税过境税转口税;; transit expenses;过境费用;; transit facilities;临时收容设施;; transit freight;过境货运;; transit goods;转口货物;; transit hostel;中途招待所;; transit letter of credit;转口信用证;; transit navigation satellite system;“经行式”航行卫星系统;; transit of its personnel and equipment;人员和装备过境;; transit passage of straits;海峡过境通行;; transit passage regime;过境通行制度;; transit routes;转运路线;; transit State;过境国;; transit through straits;海峡通行;; transit trade;过境贸易;; transit traffic;过境贩运;; Transit Transport Coordination Authority of the Northern Corridor;北方走廊过境运输协调局过境运输局;TTCA;过境运输局 transition;过渡过渡时期;; Transition Economics;转型经济体;; Transition Economics Section;转型经济科;; Transition Economies Unit;转型经济体股;; transition lake;转变中的湖泊;; Transition Office for United Nations Operations in the former Yugoslavia;联合国前南斯拉夫行动过渡办事处;; transition phase;转变阶段; 过渡阶段;; transition sites;过渡营地;; Transition Team;过渡时期工作队;; Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium;联合国东斯拉沃尼亚、巴拉尼亚和西锡尔 米乌姆过渡行政当局;; transitional allowance payments;过渡性津贴;; transitional arrangements;过渡安排;; transitional arrangements regarding the administration of Cambodia during the pre-election period;关于柬埔寨大选前行政管理的过渡性安排;; transitional cabinet;过渡内阁;; Transitional Charter Drafting Committee;过渡时期宪章起草委员会;; transitional economic assistance;过渡阶段的经济援助;; Transitional Economies;转型经济体;; Transitional Economies and Free Zones Section;转型经济和自由区科;; Transitional Economies Branch;转型经济处;; Transitional Executive Council;过渡时期行政委员会过渡时期行委会;TEC;过渡时期行委会 transitional feeding;过渡期喂养;; transitional government;过渡政府;; Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan;过渡时期阿富汗伊斯兰国;; transitional joint federal government;过渡性联邦联合政府;; Transitional Legislative Assembly;过渡时期立法会议;; transitional measures in respect of final average remuneration;关于最后平均薪酬的临时措施;; transitional measures in respect of lump-sum commutation;关于折算领取养恤金的临时措施;; Transitional National Assembly;过渡时期国民议会;TNA; Transitional National Council;过渡时期全国委员会过渡委员会;TNC;过渡委员会 Transitional National Salvation Council;过渡时期救国委员会;; Transitional Period;过渡时期;; transitional proposed programme budget;过渡性方案概算;; transitional ruling council;过渡时期统治委员会;; Transitional Unit for Namibia;纳米比亚过渡时期股;; transitional zone strategy;难民过渡区战略;; transitional zones;过渡区;; transitionary measures;过渡措施;; transitive;传递性;; Transitory agreement;暂行协定;; transitory provisions;暂行条款过渡办法;; Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda, Ciskei;特兰斯凯、博普塔茨瓦那、文达、西斯凯 特博文西;TBVC;特博文西 translate;换算;; translate rate;换算率;; Translation ... Integral to the Operations of the Parent;构成母公司业务一部分国外业务财务报表的换算;; translation adjustment;换算调整数;; Translation and Editorial Division;翻译和编辑司译编司;TED;译编司 translation at the current tate;按当日汇率换算;; translation backlogs;积压待译文件;; translation gains and losses;换算损益;; translation in-house;内部自办翻译;; translation of accounts denominated in foreign currency;外币帐目的换算;; translation of currencies;货币的折算;; translation of foreign currency financial statements;外币财务报表的换算;; translation of the financial statements of a foreign entity;外国实体财务报表换算;; translation secretary/clerk;笔译事务秘书办事员;; Translation Service;翻译处;; translation, editing and typing services;翻译、编辑和打字事务;; translator-trainee;见习笔译员;; translator/precis-writer;笔译兼简记员;; translator/trainee;见习笔译员;; transliteration;转写;; transliteration key;转写法;; transmissible;可传染的; 传染性的;; transmission from the high seas;公海上传递消息;; transmission beltings;传送带;; transmission path;传输途径;; transmit frequencies and powers;传输频率和功率;; transmit powers;传输功率;; transmittal letter of;送文函;;函 transmitter;发报机;; transmitter station dummy load;假负载发射台;; transmitting station;发报台;; transnational bank;跨国银行;; transnational banking;跨国银行业;; transnational capital formation;跨国资本形成;; Transnational Colloquium on Informatics in Africa;非洲跨国信息学讨论会;; transnational companies;跨国公司;; Transnational Corporation;跨国公司;TNC; Transnational Corporation, Technology and Investment Division;跨国公司、技术与投资司;; transnational corporations;跨国公司;TNCs; Transnational Corporations and Management Division of the United Nations;联合国跨国公司和管理司;; Transnational corporations and the employment of women in developing countries;跨国公司与发展中国家妇女就业问题;; Transnational Corporations in World Development: Third Survey;跨国公司在世界发展事业中的作用: 第三次调查;; transnational crime;跨国犯罪;; transnational criminal organizations;跨国犯罪组织;; transnational criminality;跨国犯罪行为;; Transnational Family Research Institute;跨国家庭研究所;TFRI; Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research;和平和未来研究跨国基金会;TFF; Transnational Green Belt Project for North Africa;北非跨国绿带项目;; transnational jurisdiction;跨国管辖权;; transnational organized crime;跨国有组织犯罪;TOC; Transnational...primary commodities;跨国公司与初级商品的生产、加工和销售;; transnationalization of service activities;服务业活动跨国化;; Transnistria;外涅斯特里亚;; Transocean Oil Inc.;越洋石油公司;; transparencies;幻灯片;; transparency of legal proceedings;法律程序的透明度;; transparency of policy;政策的透明度;; transparent and accountable governance and administration;透明、负责的施政和行政;; transplant;移植;; Transplantation Society;移植学会;; transponder;转发器;; transport;输送; 运输; 迁移;; transport of a pollutant in soil;污染物在土壤中的迁移;; Transport Advisory Board;运输咨询委员会;; Transport and Allied Workers' Unions;南非运输业工人工会;; Transport and Communications Bulletin for Asia and the Far East;亚洲及远东运输和通讯公报;; Transport and Communications Committee;运输和通讯委员会;; Transport and Communications Decade for Asia and the Pacific, 1985-1994;亚洲及太平洋运输和通讯十年, 1985-1994年;; Transport and Communications Decade in Africa;第X个非洲运输和通讯十年;TCDA; Transport and Communications Infrastructure Section;运输和通讯基础设施科;; Transport and Communications Section;运输和通讯科;; transport and equipment maintenance organizations;运输和设备维修组织运输组织;TEMOs;运输组织 Transport Bulletin;运输公报;; transport by pipeline;管道运输;; Transport Coordination and Services Section;运输协调和服务科;; Transport Data Base in Sub-Saharan Africa;撒南非洲运输数据库;; Transport Division;运输司;; Transport Economics Section;运输经济科;; transport economist;运输经济专员;; Transport Group;运输小组;; transport model;迁移模型;; transport of a slick;浮油的迁移;; Transport of contingent-owned equipment;运送特遣队所属的装备;; transport of dangerous goods;运输危险物品;; transport of slaves;贩运奴隶;; transport officer;运输干事运输军官;TO; Transport Operation for Refugees;运送难民业务;; Transport operations;运输业务;; Transport operations Section;运输业务科;; Transport Programme;运输方案室;; transport rate;输送率; 转移率;; Transport Road Research Laboratory;运输公路研究实验室;; Transport Section;运输科;TS; transport squadron;运输连;; Transport Study Centre for the Eastern Mediterranean;东地中海运输研究中心;; Transport Study Centre for the Western Mediterranean;西地中海运输研究中心;; Transport Technical Bureau for the Asian Highway;亚洲公路运输技术局;; transport technology;运输技术;; Transport Training Centre;运输训练中心;; Transport, Communications and Tourism Division;运输、通讯和旅游司;TCTD; Transport, Communications and Tourism programme;运输、通讯和旅游方案;; Transport, Communications and Tourism Wing;运输、通讯和旅游大楼;; Transport, Travel and Joint Housing Section;运输、旅行和联合住房科;; transportable earth stations;移动式地球站;; transportable goods;可运输货物;; Transportation and Water Department;运输和水源局;; Transportation Council of Ministers;交通运输问题部长理事会;; Transportation of Dangerous Goods Code;危险货物运输规则;; transportation planning;运输规划;; transportation source;交通污染源;; transportation units;运输单元;; Transportes Aereos Portuguese;葡萄牙航空公司;TAP; transshipment cargo;转运货物;; transshipment of goods;货物转运情况;;情况 transshipment operations;转船作业;; Transverse Programme on Statistics;统计数据的横向研究方案;; Transverse Seismic Profiling;横向地震剖面测量;; TRANT, Gerald Lon;杰拉尔德·扬·特兰特;; TRAORE, Aliou,;阿利乌·特拉奥雷;; TRAORE, Amadou;阿马杜·特拉奥雷;; TRAORE, Jean;让·特拉奥雷;; TRAORE, Mohamed;穆罕默德·特拉奥雷;; TRAORE, Moussa;穆萨·特拉奥雷;; TRAORE, Seriba Charles;塞里巴·夏尔·特拉奥雷;; TRAORE, Seydou;塞杜·特拉奥雷;; TRAORE, Youssouf;优素福·特拉奥雷;; trap;收集器; 阱;; trap-test;收集性能试验;; trapped air in old ice;古冰气泡中的空气;; Tratado centroamericanos sobre Recuperacion y Devolucios de Vehiculos Hurtados, Robados, Apropiados o Retenidos ilicita o indebidamente;中美洲关于收回和归还被偷、被抢、被占用或被非法或不当扣留车辆的条约;; trauma;心理创伤;; Trauma Unit;心理创伤股;; TRAVAIZA, Folco,;福尔科·特拉巴扎;; travaux preparatoires;准备工作材料;; travel;移动; 迁移; 漂移; 飘移;; Travel accommodation;客位; 座位; 机位; 舱位;; travel advances;预支旅费;; travel agencies;旅行社;; Travel and Identity Document;旅行及身分证件;; Travel and other expenses of representatives and members of commissions, committees and other subsidiary bodies;各国代表、各委员会委员及其他辅助机构成员旅费及其他费用;; travel and payment instructions;旅行及费用支付说明书;TPI; travel and removal expenses of staff and dependants;工作人员及其家属旅费及搬运费;; travel and representation at meetings;旅行和参加会议;; Travel and Representation Unit;旅行和代表股;; travel and subsistence of staff;工作人员旅费和生活津贴;; travel assistance;旅费补助;; travel authorizations;旅行核准书PT8;PT8s;PT8 Travel Claims Section;旅行报销科;; Travel Cost Method;旅费估价法旅费法;TCM;旅费法 Travel costs;旅费;; travel credit airlines;旅行分;; Travel Document Programme;旅行证件方案;; travel documents;旅行证件;; travel funds;旅费;; travel of participants to meetings;会议参加者旅费;; travel of staff;工作人员旅费;; travel of staff on official business;工作人员出差旅费; 工作人员公务旅行;; travel of staff to meetings;工作人员前往会议服务旅费;; Travel of UNDP staff and consultants;开发计划署工作人员和顾问的旅行;; travel on appointment, transfer and separation;就任、调职和离职旅费;; travel on home leave;回籍假旅费;; travel on official business;出差旅费;; travel on photo assignment;摄影工作旅费;; travel on radio assignment;广播任务旅费;; travel on transfer;调职旅费;; travel on TV assignment;电视制作旅费;; travel requirements;所需旅费;; travel resources;旅费;; travel time;迁移时间;; Travel to and from the mission area;往返任务地区旅行;; travel to service meetings;会议服务人员旅费;; Travel Trade Committee;旅行贸易委员会;; travel, removal and installation;旅费、搬运费和安置津贴;; Travel, Transportation, Shipment and Insurance Unit;旅行运输保险组;TRAV; travel-accommodation;客位座位机位舱位;; traveller's check;旅行支票;; traveller's letter of credit;旅行信用证;; Travelling Exhibit on Apartheid South Africa;南非种族隔离问题巡回展览;; travelling standards;巡检用标准仪器;; traverse logs;障碍木;; TRAVERT, Andre;安德烈·特拉韦尔;; Travnik;特拉夫尼克;; trawl;拖网;; trawl fishery;拖网渔业;; trawl fishing;拖网作业;; trawler;拖网渔船;; trawling netting;拖网捕捞;; TRAXLER, Vieri;维耶里·特拉克斯莱尔;; treason;叛国罪;; Treasurer;财务主任司库;; Treasury;金库;; treasury bill;国库债券;; Treasury Police;财政警察局税警;; Treasury Unit;金库组;TRS; treated as miscellaneous income;记作杂项收入;; treated water;净化水;; Treaties and Other International Acts Series;条约及其他国际文件汇编;TIAS; treatment;治疗; 待遇;; treatment and rehabilitation techniques;治疗和康复技术;; treatment and social integration of drug addicts;吸毒者的治疗和重新加入社会生活;; treatment clinic;戒毒治疗所;; treatment of aliens;外侨待遇;; treatment of goodwill;商誉的会计核算;; Treatment of Polish Nationals and other Persons of Polish Origin or Speech in Danzig Territory case;波兰国民和其他属于波兰血统或操波兰语人士在但泽领土内的待遇案 常设国际法院咨询意见;;常设国际法院咨询意见 Treatment of Polish Nationals in Danzig case;波兰国民在但泽的待遇案;; treatment of taxes on income;所得税的处理;; treatment of translation gains and losses;换算损益的会计处理;; treatment plant;处理厂;; treatment sludge;污水污泥;; treatment, rehabilitation and social reintegration;治疗、戒毒和重新参与社会;; treatment/rehabilitation of handicapped;残废者的治疗和康复;; Treaty with annexes, schedules and detailed plans concerning the Establishment of the Republic of Cyprus;关于建立塞浦路斯共和国的条约附有附 件、附表和详细计划;;附有附 件、附表和详细计划 treaty as amended;经修正的条约;; Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water Partial Test Ban Treaty ;禁止在大气层、外层空间和水下进行核武器试验条约部分禁试条约;;部分禁试条约 Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons in Latin America;拉丁美洲禁止核武器条约;; treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices;禁止生产核武器或其他核爆炸装置所用裂变材料条约;; treaty banning underground nuclear weapon tests;禁止地下核武器试验条约;; treaty basis;条约依据;; Treaty between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation on Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance;哈萨克斯坦共和国和俄罗斯联邦友好、合作 和互助条约;; Treaty between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation on Military Cooperation;哈萨克斯坦共和国和俄罗斯联邦军事合作条约;; Treaty between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation on the Further Deepening of Integration and Economic Cooperation;哈萨克斯坦共和国和俄罗斯联邦进一步加深一体化和经济合作条约;; Treaty between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation on the Legal Status of Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan Who Reside Permanently in the Territory of the Russian Federation and of Citizens of the RF Who Reside Perman…;哈萨克斯坦共和国和俄罗斯联邦关于在俄罗斯联邦境内长期居住的哈萨克斯坦共和国公民和在哈萨克斯坦共和国境内长期居住的俄罗斯联邦公民的法律地位条约;; Treaty between the U.S. and Mexico relating to the utilization of the Waters of the Colorado and Tijuana Rivers, and of the Rio Grande Rio Bravo from Fort Quitman, Texas, to the Gulf of Mexico [1944];美国和墨西哥关于利用科罗拉多河、提华纳河和格兰德河布拉沃河从得克萨斯州奎得堡到墨西哥湾水域的条约;; Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the limitation of Underground Nuclear Weapon Tests also: Threshold test-ban treaty [Moscow, 1974];美利坚合众国和苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟 限制地下核武器试验条约;; Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems;美利坚合众国和苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟 限制反弹道导弹系统条约 国际关系资料下册;;国际关系资料下册 Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms;美利坚合众国和苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟 裁减和限制战略进攻性武器条约;; Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics on the Elimination of Their Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles;美利坚合众国和苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟 销毁中程和短程导弹条约;; treaty bodies;条约机构;; Treaty concerning International Civil Law;国际民法条约;; Treaty concerning International Commercial Law;国际商法条约;; Treaty concerning International Penal Law;国际刑法条约;; Treaty concerning Literary and Artistic Property;文学艺术财产权条约;; Treaty concerning Patents of Invention;发明专利条约;; Treaty Concerning the Accession;加入共同市场的条约;; Treaty concerning the Moon;月球条约;; Treaty concerning the Permanent Neutrality and Functioning of the Panama Canal;关于巴拿马运河永久中立和营运的条约;; Treaty concerning the State Frontier and Neighbourly Relations between Iran and Iraq;伊朗和伊拉克国界和睦邻关系条约;; Treaty concerning the State Frontier and Neighbourly Relations;国界和睦邻条约;; Treaty Confirming the Existing Frontier and Establishing Measures for Confidence Building, friendship and Neighbourly Cooperation;关于确认现有边界和订立建立信任、友好和睦邻合作的措施的条约;; Treaty Establishing a Common Market between the Argentine Republic, the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Republic of Paraguay and the Eastern Republic of Uruguay;阿根廷共和国、巴西联邦共和国、巴拉圭共和国和乌拉圭东岸共和国建立共同市场条约;; Treaty Establishing the African Economic Community;建立非洲经济共同体条约;; Treaty Establishing the Economic Community of Central African States;建立中非国家经济共同体条约;; Treaty Establishing the European Atomic Energy Community;建立欧洲原子能联营条约;; Treaty for Amazonian Cooperation;亚马孙合作条约;; Treaty for East African Cooperation;东非合作条约;; Treaty for the Establishment of the Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern African States;建立东部和南部非洲国家优惠贸易地区条约;; Treaty for the Establishment of Uniform Rules in Matters of Private International Law;制定国际私法统一规则条约;; Treaty for the Limitation and Reduction of Naval Armament;限制和裁减海军军备条约;; Treaty for the Limitation of Naval Armament;限制海军军备条约;; Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean Treaty of Tlatelolco;拉丁美洲和加勒比禁止核武器条约 特拉特洛尔科条约;;特拉特洛尔科条约 Treaty for the relinquishment of extraterritorial rights in China and the regulation of related matters;关于取消丹麦在华治外法权及处理有关问题条约;; Treaty for the Renunciation of War;非战公约 白里安-凯洛格公约;;白里安-凯洛格公约 treaty for the settlement of intellectual property disputes between States;解决国家间知识产权争端条约;; Treaty for the Suppression of the African Slave Trade, 1841;制止非洲奴隶贸易条约;; Treaty Implementation and Legal Affairs Branch;条约实施和法律事务处;; treaty in simplified form;简式条约;; Treaty Information System;条约信息系统;TIS; treaty law;条约法;; Treaty of Algeciras;阿尔赫西拉斯条约;; Treaty of Alliance;同盟条约;; Treaty of Almelo;阿尔默洛条约;; Treaty of Amazonian Cooperation;亚马孙合作条约;; Treaty of Amazonian Cooperation Countries;亚马孙合作国家条约;; Treaty of Amity and Commerce;友好通商条约;; Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in South-East Asia;东南亚友好合作条约;; Treaty of Amity, Economic Relations and Consular Rights between the U.S. and Iran;美国和伊朗友好、经济关系和领事权利条约;; treaty of armed neutrality;武装中立条约;; Treaty of Asuncion;亚松森条约;; Treaty of Basic Relations of Japan and Republic of Korea;日本和大韩民国基本关系条约;; Treaty of Boundaries and Good Neighbourliness;边界和睦邻条约;; Treaty of Brotherhood, Cooperation and Coordination between the Syrian Arab Republic and the Lebanese Republic;阿拉伯叙利亚共和国和黎巴嫩共和国兄弟友好合作和协调条约;; Treaty of Central American Economic Integration;中美洲经济一体化条约;; Treaty of Central American Security;中美洲安全条约;; Treaty of Chaguaramas;查瓜拉马斯条约;; treaty of commerce and navigation;通商航行条约;; Treaty of Economic Cooperation;经济合作条约;; Treaty of Establishment of the Republic of Cyprus;塞浦路斯共和国建国条约;; treaty of extradition;引渡条约;; Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation;友好合作条约;; Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance;友好合作互助条约;; Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Good-Neighbourliness;友好合作睦邻条约;; Treaty of Guarantee;保证条约;; Treaty of International Procedural Law;国际诉讼程序法条约;; Treaty of Izmir;伊兹密尔条约;; treaty of jurisdiction;管辖权条约;; Treaty of Lausanne;洛桑条约;; Treaty of Locarno;洛迦诺公约;; Treaty of London;伦敦条约;; Treaty of Montevideo;蒙得维的亚条约;; treaty of mutual assistance;互助条约;; Treaty of Mutual Defense;共同防御条约;; treaty of navigation;航行条约;; Treaty of Peace;1 [协约及参战各国对土尔其]和约; 2 [埃以] 和平条约;; Treaty of Peace between the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the State of Israel;约旦哈希姆王国和以色列国和平条约;; Treaty of Peace between the State of Israel and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan;以色列国和约旦哈希姆王国和平条约;; treaty of protection;堡条约;; Treaty of Rarotonga South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty;拉罗通加条约 南太平洋无核区条约;;南太平洋无核区条约 Treaty of Rio de Janeiro;里约热内卢条约;; Treaty of Rio de la Plata;拉普拉塔河条约;; Treaty of Rome;罗马条约;; Treaty of Saint-Germain;圣日尔曼条约;; treaty of security;安全条约;; Treaty of the European Coal and Steel Community;欧洲煤钢联营条约;; Treaty of the European Economic Community;欧洲经济共同体条约;; Treaty of the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems;限制反弹道导弹系统条约;; Treaty of the Non-Use of Force in International Relations;关于在国际关系上不使用武力的条约;; Treaty of Tlatelolco;特拉特洛尔科条约;; Treaty of Trade and Navigation;通商航海条约;; Treaty of Union, League and Perpetual Confederation;团结、联合和永远结盟条约;; Treaty of Utrecht;乌得勒支条约;; Treaty of Versailles;凡尔赛和约;; Treaty on Avoidance or Prevention of Conflicts between American States;美洲国家间避免或防止冲突条约;; Treaty on Basis for Relation between G.D.R. and P.R.G.;德意志民主共和国和德意志联邦共和国之间关于关系的基础的条约;; Treaty on Central American Social Integration;中美洲社会融合条约;; Treaty on Collective Security within the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States;独立国家联合体框架内的集体安全条约 独联体安全条约;CIS;独联体安全条约 Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe;欧洲常规武装力量条约;CFE; Treaty on Economic Cooperation;经济合作条约;; Treaty on European Union;欧洲联盟条约;; Treaty on Fisheries between the Governments of Certain Pacific Island States and the Government of the United States;某些太平洋岛屿国政府和美利坚合众国政府渔业条约;; Treaty on Friendly and Good-neighbourly Cooperation;友好睦邻合作条约;; Treaty on Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms;进一步裁减和限制进攻性战略武器条约 第二阶段裁武条约;START II;第二阶段裁武条约 Treaty on General and Complete Disarmament under Strict International Control;严格国际监督下的全面彻底裁军条约;; Treaty on Good Neighbourliness and Friendly Cooperation;睦邻友好合作条约;; Treaty on Good Neighbourliness, Friendly Relations and Cooperation;睦邻、友好关系与合作条约;; Treaty on Intellectual Property;知识产权条约;; Treaty on Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits;关于集成电路的知识产权条约;IPIC; Treaty on International Civil Law;国际民法条约;; Treaty on International Commercial Navigation Law;国际商务航行法条约;; Treaty on International Frontiers and Good Neighbourliness;国际边界和睦邻条约;; Treaty on Limitation of Naval Armament;限制海军军备条 约;; Treaty on Normalization of Relations;关系正朝条约;; Treaty on Open Skies;开放天空条约;; Treaty on Political Asylum and Refuge;关于政治庇护与避难的条约;; Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies;关于各国探索和利用包括月球和其他天体在内外层空间活动的原则条约 1983年国务院公报第25号;;1983年国务院公报第25号 Treaty on Regional Assistance for Food Emergency;粮食紧急情况区域援助条约;TAREA; Treaty on Renunciation of Force;不使用武力条约;; Treaty on Security in Central America;中美洲安全条约;; Treaty on South-East Asia Nuclear Weapon Free Zone;东南亚无核武器区条约;; Treaty on Strategic Offensive Arms;进攻性战略武器条约裁武条约;START Treaty;裁武条约 Treaty on the Bases for Normalization of Relations;关于两国关系正朝基础的条约;; Treaty on the basis for inter-State relations with the Russian Federation;关于俄罗斯联邦国家间关系基础的条约;; Treaty on the Central American Parliament;中美洲议会条约;; Treaty on the Complete and General Prohibition of Nuclear Weapon Tests;全面彻底禁止核武器试验条约;; Treaty on the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Investment;鼓励和相互堡投资条约;; Treaty on the Final Settlement with respect to Germany;关于德国的最后解决条约;; Treaty on the Formation of an Association between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus;俄罗斯联邦和白俄罗斯共和国缔结联盟条约;; Treaty on the Fundamental Principles of Relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic Basic Treaty;关于德意志联邦共和国和德意志民主共和国 之间关系的基本原则条约基础条约;;基础条约 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司