翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Treaty on the International Registration of Audio-Visual Works;国际视听作品登记条约;; Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems;限制反弹道导弹系统条约;SALT; Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-missile Defence Systems;限制反导弹防御系统条约;; Treaty on the Limitation of the Strategic Offensive Arms;限制进攻性战略武器条约第二阶段限制战略 武器条约;SALT II; Treaty on the Limitation of Underground Nuclear Weapon Tests;限制地下核武器试验条约;; Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons;不扩散核武器条约;NPT; Treaty on the Prohibition of the Development, Manufacture, Stockpiling and Use of Radiological Weapons;关于禁止发展、生产、储存和使用放射性武 器条约;; Treaty on the Prohibition of the Emplacement of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction on the Sea-Bed and the Ocean Floor and in the Subsoil Thereof;禁止在海床洋底及其底土安置核武器和其他 大规馁灭性武器条约 禁止在海床洋底设置核武器条约;;禁止在海床洋底设置核武器条约 Treaty on the River Plate Basin;拉普拉塔河流域公约;; Treaty on the Settlement of Intellectual Property Disputes between States;解决国家间知识产权争端条约;; Treaty on the Zone of Cooperation in an Area between the Indonesian Province of East Timor and Northern Australia;关于在印度尼西亚东帝汶省与澳大利亚北部 之间地区建立合作区的条约;; Treaty on Underground Nuclear Explosions for Peaceful Purposes;和平利用地下核爆炸条约;; Treaty on Underground Peaceful Nuclear Explosions;和平利用地下核爆炸条约;; treaty ports;条约口岸通商口岸;; treaty powers;条约国缔约国有约国;; treaty practice;条约的实现;; Treaty Provisions for the Convention;公约的条约条款;; treaty regime;条约体制;; Treaty relating to the Navigation of the Black Sea and Danube Treaty of London;黑海和多瑙河航行条约伦敦条约;;伦敦条约 Treaty Series;条约汇编;; Treaty Series of the United Nations;联合国条约汇编;; Treaty Supplementing the Paris Convention as far as Patents are concerned;巴黎专利权专门公约补充条约;; Treaty Supplementing the Paris Convention as far as Trademarks are concerned Trade Mark Law Treaty;巴黎商标专门公约补充条约 商标法条约;;商标法条约 Treaty to Ban Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water;禁止在大气层、外层空间和水下进行核武器试验条约;; Treaty to Establish the Caribbean Community and Common Market Treaty of Chaguaramas;成立加勒比共同体和共同市场条约 查瓜拉马斯条约;;查瓜拉马斯条约 treaty-based functions;条约所规定的任务;; treaty-making capacity power;缔约能力;; treaty-making power;缔约能力;; treaty-making process;缔约过程;; tree belt area;堡林带区;; tree breeding;树苗育种;; tree cover;林木植被;; tree line;森林线; 树木线;; tree savanna;稀树干草原;; tree surgery;树木外科术;; tree-ring;树木年轮;; tree-ring climatology;年轮气候学;; TREIKI, Ali A.;阿里·阿卜杜萨拉姆·特赖基 2/27/91;; TREIMANIS, Mara;马拉·特雷马尼斯 11/19/91;; trekker;老牛;; trench;海沟;; Trends and Issues in African Education;非洲教育的趋势和问题;; Trends and Issues in Foreign Direct Investment and Related Flows;《外国直接投和有关流动的趋势和问题》;; trends in international trade;国际贸易趋势;; TREPCZYNSKI, Stanislaw;斯坦尼斯瓦夫·特雷普钦斯基;; treponemal diseases; treponematoses;密螺旋体病;; treponematosis;密螺旋体病;; TRESKOW-KLOCK, Barbara von;巴尔巴拉·冯特雷斯科夫-克勒克;; Treuga Dei;上帝休战;; TREURNICHT, N. F.;特罗伊尼希特;; TREVAN, M.T.;特里范;; TREVES, Tullio;图利奥·特雷韦斯;; Trevi Group;特雷维小组;; tri-cameral constitution;三方咨询宪法;; Triad;三边;; trial;审问审判审讯审理;; trial balance;试算表;; Trial Division;审判庭;; trial judge;审判法官承审法官;; trial proceedings;审判程序;; Triangle Staes;三角国家;; triangle trade;三角贸易;; Triangular Fellowship Programme;三角研究金方案;; trianminotrinitrobenzene;三氨基三硝基苯;TATB; triazolam;三唑仑;; tribal apartheid;按部族实行的种族隔离;; tribal area;部落地区;; tribal armies;纳部族军队;; tribal grouping;部落群;; tribal law;部族法;; Tribal Trust Land;部落托管地;; Tribal Trust Land Development Corporation;部落信托土地开发公司;TILCOR; tribromomethane;三溴甲烷;; Tribunal;国际法庭;; tribunal de conciencia;良心法庭;; Tribunal de Relacao;上诉法院;; Tribunal Handbook;法庭手册;; Tribunal Internacional de Consiliacion y de Arbitraje del Mercosur;国际商业调解和仲裁法庭;TICAMER; tribunal judgement;法庭判决;; Tribus del Norte;北方部落;; tributaries;支流;; tributary projects;支流项目;; tributary state;进贡国纳贡国;; tributyl tin chloride;三丁基氯化锡;; trichloroethene;三氯乙烯;; trichloroethylene CHCl=CCl2;三氯乙烯;; trichlorofluoromethane;三氯氟甲烷;CCl3F; trichloromethane;三氯甲烷; 氯仿;CHCL3; trichloromonofluoromethane;三氯氟甲烷;; trichlorophemoxyacetic acid;三氯化苯氧基醋酸;; trichlorotrifluoroethane;三氟三氯乙烷;; trichothecin;单端孢菌素;; Trick or Treat;不给糖就捣蛋;; Trickle Up Program;涓流方案;TUP; trickle-down theory;涓滴理论;; trickling filter;滴滤池; 散水滤床;; Tricontinental Conference of Havana;哈瓦那三洲会议;; Trident I;三叉戟一型导弹;;导弹 Trident Insurance Group;三叉戟保险集团;; Trident sea-based ballistic missile system;葫三叉戟弹道导弹系统;; Transport routier inter-Etats Convention;国家间公路运输公约 公路运输公约;TRIE Convention;公路运输公约 TRIEKI, Ali A.;阿里·阿卜杜萨拉姆·特赖基;; Triennial Consultative Conference of the Social Partner Conference;社会伙伴会议三年一次的协商会议;; triennial evaluation;三年期评价;; Triennial Policy Review of the Operational Activities for Development of the United Nations System;联合国系统发展业务活动三年期政策审查;; triennial series;三年丛刊;; Trifinio Plan;特里菲尼奥计划;; trifluorochloromethane;三氟氯甲烷;; trifluoromethane;三氟甲烷;CHF3; trigger;“扳机”;; trigger list;触发清单;; trigger mechanism;触发机制;; trigger of a hydrogen bomb;氢弹引爆装置;; trigger threshold;触发时刻;; triggered spark-gaps;触发式放电器;; triggering factor;诱因触发因素;; trigraph;三合字母;; trihexyphenidyl;三已苯啶醇;; Trilateral Commission Commission of Japan, North America and Europe;三边委员会日美欧委员会;TC;日美欧委员会 Trilateral Israel-Jordan-US Economic Committee;以色列-约旦-美国三边经济委员会;; Trilateral Ministerial Meeting of Turkey, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina;土耳其、克罗地亚和波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维 那三边部长级会议;; trilateral transfer agreements;三边转让协定;; Trilingual Thesaurus in the Field of Human Settlements;人类住区领域三语词典三语词典;HABIVOC;三语词典 trimedoxime;三甲醛肟;; trimeperidine;三甲利定γ - 二甲哌替啶;; trimeperidine hydrochloride;盐酸γ - 二甲哌替啶;; trimethoxyamphitamine;三甲氧基安非他明;TMA; trimming charges;平仓费;; TRINH XUAN LANG;郑春朗;; Trinidad and Tobago;特立尼达和多巴哥;; Trinidad and Tobago Airway;特立尼达和多巴哥航空公司;; Trinidad and Tobago dollar;特立尼达和多巴哥元;; trinitrotoluene;三硝基甲苯; 梯恩梯;TNT; Trinity College;三一学院;; Trinity Development Co, Ltd, Japan;日本株式会社三一企业;; Trinkhaus & Burkhardt;特林克豪斯-布尔克哈德银行;; Trio Group;三联集团;; triol;三醇;; trip limit;航次限制;; trip mine;绊雷拉发雷;; Tripartite ... Social Policy;关于多国企业和社会政策的三方原则宣言;; Tripartite Agreement of Villa d'Accueil;阿奎镇三方协议;; Tripartite Agreement on Namibia;关于纳米比亚问题的三方协定;; tripartite agreement on the repatriation of Rwandese refugees from Zaire;关于从扎伊尔遣返卢旺达难民的三方协定;; tripartite arrangement;三方安排;; Tripartite Coalition Government;三方联合政府;; Tripartite Commission on Voluntary Repatriation;自愿遣返问题三方委员会;; Tripartite Committee;三方委员会;; Tripartite Committee for the Voluntary Repatriation of Salvadorians in Honduras;洪都拉斯境内萨尔瓦多人自愿遣返问题三方委员会;; Tripartite Committee on Missing Persons;失踪人士三方委员会;; Tripartite Conference on Southern Africa;关于南部非洲问题的三方会议;; Tripartite Consultant Group on Women Workers;劳动妇女问题三方协商组;; Tripartite Coordination Committee;三方协调委员会;; Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy;关于多国企业和社会政策的三方原则宣言;; Tripartite ILO Conference on Southern Africa;劳工组织关于南部非洲的三方会议;; Tripartite Informal Understanding between IFAD, the Africa Fund and UNDP;农发基金、非洲基金和开发计划署三方非正式谅解;; tripartite institutional arrangements;三方体制安排;; Tripartite Meeting of Experts on Employment and Training Implications of Environmental Policies in Europe;欧洲环境政策对就业和训练影响问题三方专家会议;; Tripartite meeting on child labour in Africa;非洲童工问题三方会议;; Tripartite Meeting on Maritime Labour Standards;海上劳工标准三方会议;; Tripartite Memorandum of Understanding;三方谅解备忘录;; Tripartite negotiations;三方谈判;; Tripartite Project Review Meeting;三方项目审查会议;TPRM; tripartite project reviews;三方项目审查;TPRs; Tripartite Repatriation Commission;三方遣返委员会;; tripartite review;三方审评;TPR; Tripartite Review Meeting on the Regional Household Survey Project;区域住户调查项目三方审查会议;; Tripartite Subcommission on Security;安全问题三方小组委员会;; Tripartite Subcommittee of Seafarers' Welfare;海员福利问题三方小组委员会;; Tripartite Supreme Arab Committee;阿拉伯三方最高委员会;; Tripartite Symposium on Structural Adjustment and Employment in Africa;关于非洲结构调整和就业问题的三方专题讨论会;; Tripartite Symposium on the Problems of Women Workers in Arab Countries;阿拉伯国家妇女工作人员问题三方专题讨论会;; tripartite system;三方系统;; Tripartite System of United Nations Development Programme technical cooperation;联合国开发计划署的三方技术合作系统;; tripartite talks;三边会谈;; Tripartite Technical Cooperation;三方技术合作;; Tripartite Technical Meeting for Hotels, Restaurants and Similar Establishments;旅馆餐馆行业三方技术会议;; Tripartite Technical Meeting for Mines Other than Coal Mines;非煤矿矿业三方技术会议;; Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Clothing Industry;服装行业三方技术会议;; Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Food and Drink Industries;饮食行业三方技术会议;; Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Leather and Footwear Industry;皮革和鞋袜行业三方技术会议;; Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Printing and Allied Trades;印刷同业三方技术会议;; Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Timber Industry;木材业三方技术会议;; Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Woodworking Industry;木器制造业三方技术会议;; Tripartite Thai/Lao/UNHCR on the repatriation of Laotian refugees and asylum-seekers;泰国/老挝/难民专员办事处三方关于遣返老 挝难民和寻求政治避难者问题的会议;; Tripartite Voluntary Repatriation Commission;三方自愿遣返委员会;; Tripartite Working Group on Professional Salaries and Allowances;关于专业人员薪金和津贴的三方工作组;; Tripartite World Conference on Employment, Income Distribution and Social Progress and the International Division of Labour;关于就业、收入分配、社会进步和国际分工问题的三方世界会议;; triphenylmethylphosphonium bromide;溴化三苯甲基;; Triple A approach;三A方式;; Triple Alliance Entente;三国同盟 协商;;协商 triple oppression;三重压迫;; triple superphosphate;三元过磷酸钙;TSP; triple vaccine;三联疫苗;; Triple Zero;三零方案;; Tripoli Agreement;的黎波里协定;; Tripoli Cultural Club Library;特里波利文化协会图书馆;; Tripoli Declaration;的黎波里宣言;; Tripoli Plan of Action on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency;的黎波里预防少年犯罪行动计划;; tripolyphosphates;三聚二缩磷酸盐或酯;TPPs; TRIQUELL, Juli MINOVES-;胡利·米诺维斯-特里凯尔;; tris buffer;三羟甲基氨基甲烷缓冲液;; Tristate Nuclear, Inc.;三州核公司;; tristumulant;三色刺激;; tritium;氚;; tritium-deuterium reaction;氚--氘核反应;; trivial name;俗名;; triwalls;折合纸箱;; Trnopolje;特尔诺波尔耶;; Troika;三主席国家;; Troika Meeting;三主席会议;; Troika of the CSCE;欧安会三主席;; Troisieme Protocole additionnel a la Constitution de l'Union Postale Universelle;万国邮政联盟组织法第三附加议定书;; Troktskyite Sri Lanka Equality Party;斯里兰卡平等社会党;; TROLLE, Herman af;赫尔曼·阿夫·特罗莱;; TROLLE, Ingrid Hjelt af;英格里德·赫尔特·特罗莱;; trolling;曳绳钓;; TRONCOSO, Carlos MORALES-;卡洛斯·莫拉莱斯-特龙科索;; troop contributing governments;部队派遣国政府;; Troop Contributing Nations;部队派遣国;TCNs; troop contributing state government;部队派遣国政府;;政府 troop contributors;部队派遣国;; troop-contributing member states;派遣部队的会员国;; trooping of colours;军旗授旗仪式;; Tropas Namadas;游牧部队流动部队;; trophic factors;营养因子;; Tropical Agricultural Meteorology Satellite;热带农业气象卫星;TAMSAT; Tropical America and Caribbean Information Network on Sugar Cane and Other Local Resources as Animal Feeds;热带美洲和加勒比甘蔗和其他作为动物饲料的当地资源信息网;; tropical belt;热带;; Tropical Centre for Industrial Environmental Microbiology;热带工业环境微生物学中心;; tropical cyclone;热带气旋;; Tropical Cyclone Committee;热带气旋委员会;; tropical cyclone landfall;热带气旋登陆地;; Tropical Cyclone Programme;热带气旋方案;TCP; tropical cyclone project;热带气旋项目;TCP; Tropical Cyclone Warning System for the South-West Indian Ocean Region;西南印度洋区域热带气旋警报系统;; tropical cyclone-prone area;易于受热带气旋侵袭地区;; Tropical Disease Research Institute;热带疾病研究所;; Tropical Diseases Research;热带疾病研究;; Tropical Experiment Council;热带实验理事会;TEC; tropical foodstuffs and beverages;热带食品和饮料;; Tropical Forestry Action Plan;热带森林行动计划;TFAP; Tropical Forestry Action Programme;热带森林行动纲领;TFAP; Tropical Meteorology Research Programme;热带气象研究方案;; Tropical Oceans and Global Atmosphere study;热带海洋和全球大气研究;TOGA;研究 tropical products;热带产品;; Tropical Products Institute;热带产品研究所;TPI; tropical rain forest;热带雨林;; Tropical Rain Forest Sustainable Management;热带雨林可持续管理;; Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission;热带雨量测量任务;TRMM; Tropical Regions Urban Climate Experiment;热带区域城市气候实验 热带城市气候实验;TRUCE;热带城市气候实验 Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility;热带土壤生物学和肥力网土肥网;TSBF;土肥网 tropical storm;热带风暴;; tropical timber;热带木材;; tropical tuna;热带金枪鱼;; Tropical Wind Observation System;热带风观测系统;TWOS; Tropicalization Centre in Viet Nam;越南抗湿热处理中心;\; tropics;热带;; tropopause;对流层顶;; troposphere;对流层;; tropospheric chemistry;对流层化学;; tropospheric lifetime;在对流层停留时间;; tropospheric ozone;对流层臭氧;; tropospheric ozone pollution;对流层臭氧污染;; tropospheric ozone station;对流层臭氧观测站;; tropospheric residence time;在对流层停留时间;; Trotskyite;托洛茨基派; 托派;; trouble-shooting;检查故障; 故障检修;; trough;低压槽; 槽形低压海槽;; trouts;鳟鱼;; TROUVOADA, Miguel;米格尔·特罗沃阿达;; TROVOADA, Miguel;米格尔·特罗瓦达;; troy weight;金衡制;; TROYANOVSKY, Oleg Aleksandrovich;奥列格·亚历山德罗维奇·特罗亚诺夫斯基;; truancy;旷课;; TRUCCIO, Aldo;阿尔多·特鲁西奥;; truce;休战;; truce line;休战线;; Truce Supervision Organization;停战监督组织;TSO; Trucial Sheikdoms;休战酋长国;; trucial state;休战国;; truck with septic tank;粪便车;; TRUDEAU, Pierre Elliott;皮埃尔·埃利奥特·特鲁多;; true and fair;准确和合理;; true bill;正式起诉书;; true copy of credentials;国书、证书正式副本;; True Path Party;正确道路党;; true resin;真树脂; 天然树脂;; true specific gravity;绝对比重; 密度;; True Whig Party;真正独立党;; TRUELSEN, Theis;泰斯·特鲁埃尔森;; TRUJILLO, Alfonso Lopez;阿方索·洛佩斯·特鲁希略;; TRUJILLO, Cesar GAVIRIA;塞萨尔·加维里亚·特鲁希略;; TRUJILLO, Maria Eugenia;玛丽亚·鸥亨尼娅·特鲁希略;; TRUNJI, Mohamed Issa;穆罕默德·伊萨·特龙吉;; TRUONG, Cang;张港;; TRUONG, Chinh;长征;; TRUONG, Quan Phan;张群芬;; TRUONG, Trieu Duong;张朝东;; TRUSCOTT, H. N.;特拉斯科特;; Trust Bank of Africa;非洲信托银行;; Trust Committee of the United Nations Fund for Namibia;联合国纳米比亚基金信托委员会;; trust company;信托公司;; trust deeds;信托书;; Trust for Public Land;公地信托社;; Trust Fund;信托基金;TF; Trust Fund and Technical Cooperation Accounts Section;信托基金和技术合作帐务科;TFTCAS;信托技合帐务科 Trust Fund Conservation of the United Nations Art Collection;联合国艺术收藏品保存信托基金;; trust fund contribution;信托基金捐款;; trust fund delivery;信托基金完成额;; Trust Fund for the Sasakawa International Environment Prize;筱川国际环境奖信托基金;; Trust Fund for a Human Rights Education Programme in Cambodia;柬埔寨人权教育方案信托基金;; Trust Fund for a Special Economic Assistance Programme for Liberia, United Nations;联合国利比里亚特别经济援助方案信托基金;; Trust Fund for African Development;非洲发展信托基金;; Trust Fund for Ageing;老龄问题信托基金;; Trust Fund for an Interim Arrangement for Maintaining the Collection and Dissemination of Statistical Information on the International Iron Ore Economy;为保持国际铁矿经济统计信息的收集和散发所作临时安排信托基金;; Trust Fund for an Interim Arrangement for Maintaining the Collection and Dissemination of Statistical Information on the International Tin Economy;为保持国际锡经济统计信息的收集和散发所作临时安排信托基金;; Trust Fund for Assistance to Bangladesh in Disaster Preparedness following Floods in 1988;援助孟加拉国1988年水灾后防灾信托基金;; Trust Fund for Assistance to Colonial Countries and Peoples;援助殖民地国家和人民信托基金;; Trust Fund for Assistance to Countries in Transition;援助转型期国家信托基金;TFACT; Trust Fund for Assistance to Registered Political Parties in Mozambique;援助莫桑比克登记政党信托基金;; Trust Fund for Assistance to the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Former Yugoslavia;援助负责前南斯拉夫问题的秘书长特别代表 办事处信托基金;; Trust Fund for Capacity-Building for De-mining Operations in Cambodia;柬埔寨加强扫雷行动能力信托基金;; Trust Fund for Case Studies on the Functioning of the Operational Activities for Development of the United Nations System;联合国系统发展方面业务活动的运作个案研 究信托基金;; Trust Fund for Chernobyl;切尔诺贝利信托基金;; Trust Fund for Compensation Award;赔偿金信托基金;; Trust Fund for Cooperation between the United Nations and Switzerland in the Field of Archives;联合国和瑞士档案领域合作信托基金;; Trust Fund for de-mining Activities;扫雷活动信托基金;; Trust Fund for Democratization Support and the Electoral Process in Guinea-Bissau;支助几内亚比绍民主化和选举进程信托基金;; Trust Fund for Developing Countries Afflicted by Draught, Famine and Malnutrition;援助发生干旱、饥荒和营养不良的发展中国 家信托基金;; Trust Fund for Development Planning and Projections;发展规划和预测信托基金;; Trust Fund for Economic and Socialist Information;经济和社会新闻信托基金;; Trust Fund for Economic and Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries;发展中国家间经济和技术合作信托基金;; Trust Fund for Electoral Assistance to Haiti;海地选举援助信托基金;; Trust Fund for Electoral Observation;观察选举信托基金;; Trust Fund for Emergency Humanitarian Assistance to Angola;向安哥拉提供紧急人道主义援助信托基金;; Trust Fund for Environmental Conservation;环境养护信托基金;; Trust Fund for Environmental Training Network in Latin America and the Caribbean;拉丁美洲和加勒比环境训练网信托基金;; Trust Fund for ESCWA regional activities;西亚经社会区域活动信托基金;; Trust Fund for German Language Services;德文翻译信托基金;; Trust Fund for Haiti;海地信托基金;; Trust Fund for Harmonization of the Content of Building Materials;统一建筑材料规格信托基金;; Trust Fund for Human Rights Field Operation in Rwanda;卢旺达人权实地行动信托基金;; Trust Fund for Human Settlement;人类住区信托基金;; Trust Fund for Humanitarian Assistance in Mozambique;莫桑比克人道主义援助信托基金;; Trust Fund for Industrial Development;工业发展信托基金;; Trust Fund for Industrial Training Programme;工业训练方案信托基金;; Trust Fund for Information Support for African Economic Recovery and Development;非洲经济复苏和发展新闻支助信托基金;; Trust Fund for Interest on Contribution to the United Nations Special Account;联合国特别帐户捐款利息信托基金;; Trust Fund for International Cooperation for Development;国际发展合作信托基金;; Trust Fund for Jointly-financed Information Projects;合资新闻项目信托基金;; Trust Fund for Junior Professional Officers;初级专业人员信托基金;; Trust Fund for Lesotho;莱索托信托基金;; Trust Fund for Management Improvements and Systems Development;改善管理和系统发展信托基金;; Trust Fund for Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer;关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书信托 基金;; Trust Fund for Namibia;纳米比亚信托基金;; Trust Fund for Observers from Developing Countries;发展中国家观察员信托基金;; Trust Fund for Personal and Real Property Willed to the United Nations;遗赠联合国动产和不动产信托基金;; Trust Fund for Population Activities;人口活动信托基金;; Trust Fund for Preparatory Activities for the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development;联合国环境与发展会议筹备活动信托基金;; Trust Fund for Protection and Development of the Marine Environment in the Coastal Areas of the West and Central African Region;堡和开发西非和中非区域沿海地区海洋环境信托基金;; Trust Fund for Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution;堡地中海免受污染信托基金;; Trust Fund for Protection of the Ozone Layer;堡臭氧层信托基金;; Trust Fund for Public Awareness on Disarmament Issues;向公众宣传裁军问题信托基金;; Trust Fund for Publicity against Apartheid;反对种族隔离宣传信托基金;; Trust Fund for Refugee-Related Development Projects in Africa;非洲难民发展项目信托基金;; Trust Fund for Registered Political Parties;登记政党信托基金;; Trust Fund for Rwanda;卢旺达信托基金;; Trust Fund for Sasakawa International Environment Prize;筱川国际环境奖信托基金;; Trust Fund for Shipping Statistics;航运统计信托基金;; Trust Fund for Social Defence;社会防卫信托基金;; Trust Fund for Social Development;社会发展信托基金;; Trust Fund for Somalia-Unified Command;索马里信托基金 - 统一指挥部”;; Trust Fund for South Africa;南非信托基金;; Trust Fund for Special Activities in Science and Technology for Development;科技促进发展特别活动信托基金;; Trust Fund for Special Aspects of the Implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea;执行联合国海洋法公约特别方面信托基金;; Trust Fund for Special Disarmament Activities;特别裁军活动信托基金;; Trust Fund for Special Economic Assistance Programmes;特别经济援助方案信托基金;TFSEAP; Trust Fund for Special Industrial Services;特别工业服务信托基金;; Trust Fund for Special Public Information Activities;特别新闻活动信托基金;; Trust Fund for Strengthening the Office of the Untied Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator;加强联合国救灾协调员办事处信托基金;; Trust Fund for Support of the Implementation of the New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s and the Tokyo Declaration on African Development;支持执行1990年代非洲发展新议程和非洲发 展东京宣言信托基金;; Trust Fund for Support of the Work of the Commission on Sustainable Development;支助可持续发展委员会工作信托基金;; Trust Fund for Supporting the Negotiating Process on the International Convention to Combat Desertification and Drought;支助关于防治荒漠化和抗旱公约谈判过程信 托基金;; Trust Fund for Supporting the Negotiating Relating to the Protection of Global Climate for Present and Future Generations of Mankind;支助为今世后代堡全球气候谈判过程信托 基金;; Trust Fund for Technical Assistance to Electoral Processes;向选举进程提供技术援助信托基金;; Trust Fund for Technical Cooperation;技术合作信托基金;; Trust Fund for the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development;1994年国际人口与发展会议信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Ageing;老龄信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal;控制危险废物越境转移及其处置巴塞尔公约 信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Cambodian Peace Process;柬埔寨和平进程信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Centre on Transnational Corporations;跨国公司中心信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Commission of Experts established pursuant to Security Council resolution 780 1992;安全理事会第7801992号决议所设专家委员 会信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Commission on the Truth for El Salvador;萨尔瓦多调查真相委员会信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Conference on the Global Environment and Human Response towards Sustainable Development;全球环境和人类对可持续发展的反应会议信 托基金;; Trust Fund for the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora;濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约信托基金;CITES; Trust Fund for the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals;养护野生动物移栖物种公约信托基金;; Trust Fund for the De-Mining Programme in Cambodia;柬埔寨排雷方案信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Development and Utilization of New and Renewable Sources of Energy;促进新能源和可再生能源的发展和利用信托 基金;; Trust Fund for the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia Regional Activities;西亚经济社会委员会区域活动信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Economic Commission for Western Asia Regional Activities;西亚经济委员会区域活动信托基金;TFECWARA; Trust Fund for the Environmental Training Network in Latin America and the Caribbean;拉丁美洲和加勒比环境训练网信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Establishment of the Interim Secretariat of the Biological Diversity Convention;设立生物多样性公约临时秘书处信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Fiftieth Anniversary Celebrations;五十周年纪念庆最动信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Financing of the Implementation of the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution;为执行远距离越境空气污染公约筹资信托基 金;; Trust Fund for the Financing of the New International Environment Prize;为新的国际环境奖筹资信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Follow-up to the World Summit for Social Development;社会发展问题世界首脑会议后续行动信托基 金;; Trust Fund for the Food Entitlement Evaluation Programme;粮食权利评价方案信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Global Programme on AIDS;全球艾滋病方案信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Government of Norway's Contribution to the International Year of Disabled Persons;挪威政府对国际残疾人年的捐款信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Government of Sweden's Contribution to the Decade of Disabled Persons;瑞典政府对残疾人十年的捐款信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Guatemala Peace Process;危地马拉和平进程信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Harmonization of the Technical Content of Building Regulations;统一建筑条例技术规格信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Implementation of the Cotonou Accord on Liberia;执行关于利比里亚问题的科托努协定信托 基金;; Trust Fund for the Implementation of the Peace in Mozambique;执行莫桑比克和平进程信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Interest on the Contribution to the United Nations Special Account;联合国特别帐户捐款利息信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Interim Multilateral Fund under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer;根据关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书 设立的临时多边基金的信托基金;; Trust Fund for the International Comparison Project;国际比较项目信托基金;; Trust Fund for the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for the Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda;起诉应对卢旺达境内所犯种族灭绝和其他严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者国际刑事法庭信托基金;; Trust Fund for the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women;提高妇女地位国际研究训练所信托基金;; Trust Fund for the International Year of Disabled Persons;国际残疾人年信托基金;; Trust Fund for the International Year of Peace;国际和平年信托基金;; Trust Fund for the International Youth Year;国际青年年信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Macrothesaurus Project;综合词汇项目信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Mobilization of Personal Savings in Developing Countries;调动发展中国家个人储蓄信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Monitoring and Review and Appraisal of the Nairobi Forward-looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women;监测及审查和评价提高妇女地位内罗毕前瞻 性战略信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer;关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书信托 基金;; Trust Fund for the Multilateral Fund under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer;关于消耗臭氧层的物资的蒙特利尔议定书多 边基金信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Myrdal Lecture;米达尔讲座信托基金;; Trust Fund for the National Household Survey Capability Programme;国家户口调查能力方案信托基金;; Trust Fund for the negotiating process;为谈判过程而设的信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Norwegian Contribution to Angola;挪威捐助安哥拉信托基金;; Trust fund for the Oral History of the United Nations;联合国口述历史项目信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Participation of Least Developed Countries at the Meeting to be held in Vienna on the Conversion of UNIDO into a Specialized Agency;为最不发达国家参加在维也纳举行的将工发 组织改为专门机构的会议的信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Preparatory Activities for the 1995 World Conference on Women;1995年妇女问题世界会议筹备活动信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Programme for the Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination;向种族主义和种族歧视进行战斗行动十年方 案信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Programme in Human Rights Education for Cambodia;柬埔寨人权教育方案信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Programme on Interrelationships between Resources, Environment, People and Development;资源、环境、人民与发展间相互关系方案信 托基金;; Trust Fund for the Promotion of a United Nations Programme for the Ageing;促成联合国老龄方案信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Promotion of Peace;促进和平信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment in the Coastal Areas of the West and Central African Region;堡和开发西非和中非区域沿海地区海洋环境信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution;堡地中海免受污染信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Protection of the Ozone Layer under the Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol;根据维也纳公约和蒙特利尔议定书堡臭氧层信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Regional Environmental Training Network on Latin America and the Caribbean;拉丁美洲和加勒比区域环境训练网信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Regional Project - Cultural Heritage and Development;区域项目 - 文化遗产与发展信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Repatriation of Cambodian Refugees and Displaced Persons;遣返柬埔寨难民和流离失所者信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Restoration of Essential Public Services in Sarajevo;恢复萨拉热窝关键性公共服务设施信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Second Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination;向种族主义和种族歧视进行战斗的第二个十 年信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Special Plan of Economic Cooperation for Central America;中美洲经济合作特别计划信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Special Purpose Contributions of the Government of Sweden to the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons;瑞典政府向联合国残疾人十年特别用途捐款信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Symposia on the Consequences of Rapid Population Growth and on Human Rights and Population;人口激增的后果及人权和人口专题讨论会信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Taejon International Exposition;大田国际博览会信托基金;; Trust Fund for the United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations;联合国跨国公司中心信托基金;TFUNCTC; Trust Fund for the United Nations Guard Contingent in Iraq;联合国伊拉克警卫队信托基金;; Trust Fund for the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research;联合国裁军研究所信托基金;; Trust Fund for the United Nations Korean Reconstruction Agency;联合国韩国重建局信托基金;; Trust Fund for the United Nations Population Award;联合国人口奖信托基金;; Trust Fund for the United Nations Programme on Space Application;联合国空间应用方案信托基金;; Trust Fund for the United Nations Programme on Transnational Corporations;联合国跨国公司方案信托基金;; Trust Fund for the United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa;联合国和平与裁军非洲区域中心信托基金;; Trust Fund for the United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean;联合国和平、裁军与发展拉丁美洲和加勒比区域中心信托基金;; Trust Fund for the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer;维也纳堡臭氧层公约信托基金;; Trust Fund for the World Conference on Women;妇女问题世界会议信托基金;; Trust Fund for the World Disarmament Campaign;世界裁军运动信托基金;; Trust Fund for the World Summit for Social Development;社会发展问题世界首脑会议信托基金;; Trust Fund for UNDP History Project;开发计划署历史项目信托基金;; Trust Fund for Water Desalization;盐水淡化信托基金;; Trust Fund for Women in Appropriate Food Cycle Technologies in Africa;促进非洲妇女参与粮食循环适当技术信托基金;; Trust Fund for World Mass Media Leaders' Round Tables;世界大众媒体领袖圆桌会议信托基金;; Trust Fund in Support of Peace-Building Activities in El Salvador;支助萨尔瓦多建设和平活动信托基金;; Trust Fund International Cooperation for Development;国际发展合作信托基金;; Trust Fund of the United Nations for Development Planning and Projections;联合国发展规划和预测信托基金;FUNDPAP; Trust Fund on External Debt Crisis and Development;外债晰与发展问题信托基金;; Trust Fund on Human Settlements;人类住区信托基金;; Trust Fund on Mobile Sources of Air Pollution;流动空气污染源信托基金;; Trust Fund on the Coordinated Procurement of the United Nations System;联合国系统协调采购信托基金;; Trust Fund on the External Debt Crisis and Development;外债晰与发展信托基金;; Trust Fund on Transnational Corporations;联合国跨国公司信托基金;; Trust Fund Operations Committee;信托基金业务委员会;; Trust Fund relating to the Settlement of the Situation relating to Afghanistan;有关解决阿富汗局势的信托基金;; trust fund schemes;信托基金办法;; Trust Fund to Assist Developing and Other Countries in the Implementation of the Basel Convention;援助发展中国家和其他国家实施巴塞尔公约 的信托基金;; Trust Fund to Assist Developing Countries and Other Countries in Need of Technical Assistance in the Implementation of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal;协助需要技术援助的发展中国家和其他国家 以便执行控制危险废物越境转移及其处置巴 塞尔公约信托基金;; Trust Fund to Assist Implementation of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer in Developing Countries;协助发展中国家执行关于消耗臭氧层物质的 蒙特利尔议定书的信托基金;; Trust Fund to Assist States in the settlement of Disputes through the International Court of Justice;协助各国通过国际法院解决争端信托基金;; Trust Fund to Combat Poverty and Hunger in Africa;非洲反贫抗饥信托基金;; Trust Fund to facilitate activities related to the implementation of the Nairobi Programme of Action for the Development and Utilization of New and Renewable Sources of Energy;便利开展与执行促进新能源和可再生能源的 发展和利用的内罗毕行动纲领有关的活动的 信托基金;; Trust Fund to facilitate the Implementation of the mandate of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia;便利执行联合国格鲁吉亚观察团任务信托 基金;; Trust Fund to Promote Technical Cooperation and Assistance in Industrial, Environmental, and Raw Material Management;促进工业、环境和原料管理方面技术合作和 援助信托基金;; Trust Fund to Provide Experts to the UNEP Ozone Secretariat;向环境规划署臭氧秘书处提供专家的信托 基金;; Trust Fund to Provide Experts to the UNEP Policy Response Options related to Climate Change;向环境规划署有关气候变化的政策反应选择 提供专家的信托基金;; Trust Fund to provide goods and services to the international police monitoring programme and other specifically designated purpose in Haiti;向海地国际警察监督方案和其他特定用途提供用品和服务的信托基金;; Trust Fund: Social Mobilization for Development;社会动员促进发展信托基金;; Trust Funds and Programme for Southern Africa;南部非洲信托基金和方案;; Trust Funds Unit;信托基金股;; trust indenture;信托契约;; trust receipt;信托收据;T/R; trust territories;托管领土;; Trust Territory Code;托管领土法规;; Trust Territory Health Planning Council;托管领土卫生规划理事会;; Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands;太平洋岛屿托管领土;; Trust Territory Transition Office;托管领土过渡事务处;; trustee;受托人;; trustee of the United Nations Namibia Fund;联合国纳米比亚基金的保管机构;; trusteeship;托管;; trusteeship agreement system;托管协定系统;; Trusteeship Agreement for New Guinea;新几内亚托管协定;; Trusteeship Agreement for the Former Japanese Mandated Islands, 1947;1947年关于原日本管理岛屿的托管协定;; Trusteeship Agreement for the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands;太平洋岛屿托管领土的托管协定;; Trusteeship Agreements Section;托管协定科;; Trusteeship Committee;托管委员会;; Trusteeship Council;托管理事会;; Trusteeship of strategic areas;战略防区的托管;; Trusts Funds and Cost-sharing Arrangements;信托基金和费用分摊安排;TF/CS; Truth Commission;真相委员会;; try by one reckless action;为...而孤注一掷;; Trypanosoma brucei gambiense;冈比亚布鲁斯氏锥虫;; Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense;罗德西亚布鲁斯氏锥虫;; Trypanosoma cruzi;克鲁斯氏锥虫;; Trzec;特尔泽茨;; TSAI CHING-NING;蔡京宁;; TSAI, Liu-hai;蔡流海;; TSANGA, Delphine;德尔菲恩·特桑加;; Tsao Chen;苗人宿神;; TSAPARAS, Haroula;哈鲁拉·察帕拉斯;; TSATSOS, Constantin;康斯坦丁·察佐斯;; TSEGAYE, Gezahegn;盖扎亨·蔡加耶;; TSEGHE, Yohannes;约翰尼斯·策格;; TSENOLI, Solomon;所罗门·曾诺利;; TSEPOV, Boris Anatolievich;鲍里斯·阿纳托利耶维奇·采波夫;; TSERING, Dawa;达瓦·策林;; TSERING, Rinchhen;林 琴;; tsetse fly;舌蝇;; TSEVEGMID, D.;泽维米德;; TSHAMALA NJILAMULE;沙马拉·恩吉拉穆勒;; TSHERING, Angkoo;昂库·策林;; TSHERING, Dago;达戈·策林;; TSHERING, Lyonpo Dawa;利翁波·达瓦·策林;; TSHERING, Ugyen;乌颜·策林;; TSHIKANKIE, Mutuale;米迪阿勒·齐康基;; TSHIMPUMPU, Kanyinda;钦蓬普·卡宁达;; TSHOMBE;冲伯;; TSHUHAMA, Peter;彼得·策哈马;; TSIEN, Chia-tung;钱永年;; TSIMBA, John;约翰·青巴;; Tsinok;单独监禁;; TSIYREGZEN, Battsagaany;巴特查加尼·采伊雷格;; TSOA;适航证;TSOA; TSOANAMATSIE, J. N.;佐亚纳马蔡;; TSOKODAYI, Cleophas Johannes;克利奥法斯·约翰尼斯·楚科达伊;; TSONEVA, Valentina;瓦连京娜·佐内瓦;; Tsonga or Shangaan;聪加族或香盖恩族;;或香盖恩族 tsotsis;无赖; 阿飞;; TSOU, Yi-min;邹一民;; TSUCHIKAWA, Motoo;土川元夫;; TSUCHIYA Jun;土屋准;; tsunami;海啸; 海震;; Tsunami Warning System in the Pacific;太平洋海啸警报系统海警系统;ITSU;海警系统 TSUNEO, Nishida;西田恒夫;; TSUNG, Chun;丛军;; TSURUMI Kiyohiko;鹤见清彦;; TSURUOKA, Senjin;鹤冈千仞;; Tsutomu, HATA;羽田孜;; Tswana;茨瓦纳族;; TSYMBALOV, Viktor G.;维克托·岑巴洛夫;; TT2;双剂破伤风病毒;TT2; TTAPS;塔普斯论文;TTAPS; TTechnical Task Force;技术工作队;; TTHAILHARDAT, Adolfo RAUL;阿道弗·劳尔·泰拉达特;; Tu Bishvat;犹太教植树节;; TU-16 E Reconnaissance Jet;图-16型喷气侦察机;; Tuan Haji;端·哈吉;; Tuaroto Island;图亚罗托岛;; tubal ligations;输卵管结扎手术;; tube well; cased well; deep well;管井; 管道井; 深井;; tube-launched missile;导管发射的导弹;; tube-well;管井;; tuber crops;根块作物;; tuberculosis;结核病;;病 Tuberculosis Programme;结核病方案;; Tuberculosis Unit;结核病股;; TUBMAN, William V. S.;威廉·塔布曼;; TUBMAN, Winston;温斯顿·塔布曼;; TUCKER, Freddie;弗雷迪·塔克;; Tudeh Party;人民党;; Tudjiman, Franjo;弗拉尼奥·图季曼;; TUDJMAN, Franjo;弗拉尼奥·图季曼;; TUDOR, J. Cameron;卡梅伦·图德;; TUDOR, James;詹姆斯·图德;; TUENI, Ghassan;加桑·图埃尼;; TUERK, Helmut;赫尔穆特·蒂尔克;; TUFUI, Taniela;塔尼埃拉·图弗伊;; Tug Wajale A refugee centre;塔格瓦加里A号难民中心;; tugrig;图格里克;tug.; tuition fees;学费;; tuition of the mother tongue;学习本国语文学费;; TUKAN, Lina;利娜·图坎;; TUKAN, Umayya;乌迈亚·图坎;; TULA, Mangali;曼加利·图拉;; TULIO BRUNI CELLI, Marco;马尔科·图利奥·布鲁尼·切利;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司