翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 TUM, Rigoberta Menchu;里戈贝塔·门丘·图姆;; TUMA, Miroslav;米罗斯拉夫·图马;; TUMUSIIME, Rhoda Peace;罗达·皮斯·图穆西姆;; TUN, Thaung;唐吞;; TUN, Thein;登吞;; TUN, U Thaung;吴唐吞;; Tuna and Billfish Assessment Programme;金枪鱼和长喙鱼评估方案;; Tuna Corporation of Africa, Ltd.;非洲金枪鱼业有限公司;; tuna fleets;金枪鱼船队;; tuna-like species;金枪鱼同类鱼种;; tunable pulsed dye amplifiers and oscillators;可调脉冲染料放大器和振荡器;; tundra;生态冻原;; TUNG, Chen;董晨;; tungsten wolfram;钨;; Tungsten Statistics;钨统计;; tungsten trioxide ctd MTU;三氧化钨公吨度含量;; Tunis Declaration;突尼斯宣言;; Tunis Declaration on AIDS and the Child in Africa;关于非洲艾滋病与儿童的突尼斯宣言;; Tunis Plan of Action on Population and development in the Arab Maghreb;阿拉伯马格里布人口与发展突尼斯行动计划;; Tunisia;突尼斯;; Tunisian Association for the Improvement of Working Conditions in Enterprises;突尼斯改进企业工作条件协会;; Tunisian Dinar;突尼斯第纳尔;; TUNSALA, Kabongo;卡邦戈·顿萨拉;; Tuol Leap;多列;; TUOMINEN, Pekka;佩卡·图米宁;; Tupac Amaru revolutionary movement;图帕克·阿马鲁革命运动;MRTA; Tupamaros National Liberation Movement;图帕马罗斯民族解放运动;MIN-T; Tupolev-22 bomber;图波列夫-22型轰炸机;; TUPOUTO;图普托;; TUPUA, Leupena;图普阿·勒乌佩纳;; TURAJLIC, Hakija;哈基雅·图拉伊利奇;; TURAJLIC, Jakija;哈基雅·图拉伊利奇;; Turanj;图兰杰;; TURAY, Amara Dennis;阿马克·丹尼斯·图雷;; TURAY, Gabriel A.;加布里埃尔·图雷;; Turbe;图尔贝;; turbid;浑浊的;; turbidimeter;浑浊度计;; turbidity;浑浊度;; turbidity meter;浊度计;; turbine pump;涡轮泵;; turbo charter for diesel generator;柴油发电机涡轮增压器;; turbo-charged engine;涡轮增压发动机;; turbopause;湍流层顶;; turbulance;湍流; 湍动性;; turbulent diffusion;湍流扩散;; turbulent diffusion model;湍流扩散模式;; turbulent exchange;湍流交换;; turbulent flow;湍流;; Ture Path Party;正确道路党;; TUREL, Vecdi;韦吉迪·泰雷尔;; Turin Training Centre;都灵培训中心;; Turk Mudafaa Teskilati;正确道路党;TMT; TURK, Akiva;阿基瓦·图尔克;; TURK, Danilo;达尼洛·蒂尔克;; Turkana Resources, Evaluation and Monitoring Unit;特尔卡纳资源、评价和监测股;TREMU; TURKES, Alpaslan;阿尔帕斯兰·土尔基斯;; Turkey;土耳其;; Turkish Central Statistical Office;土耳其中央统计处;; Turkish Communal Chamber;土族社区议会;; Turkish Community;土族;; Turkish Community of Cyprus;塞浦路斯土族;; Turkish Contingent;土耳其特遣队;; Turkish Cypriot Administration;土耳其族塞浦路斯人行政当局土族塞人行政 当局;; Turkish Cypriot Authority;土耳其族塞浦路斯人当局土族塞人当局;; Turkish Cypriot Community;土耳其族塞浦路斯社区;; Turkish Cypriot fighters;土族塞人战士;TCF; Turkish Cypriot Forces;土族塞人部队;; Turkish Cypriot Parliament;土耳其族塞浦路斯议会;; Turkish Cypriot People;土耳其族塞浦路斯人民;; Turkish Cypriot Police Elements;土族塞人警察部队;TCPE; Turkish Cypriot Resistance Organization;土族塞人抵抗组织;TMT; Turkish Cypriot Security Forces;土族塞人保安部队;; Turkish Cypriot side;土耳其族塞浦路斯人方面;; Turkish Cypriots;土耳其族塞浦路斯人土族塞人;;土族塞人 Turkish delight;橡皮糖;; Turkish Federal State of Cyprus;塞浦路斯土族联合邦;; Turkish Federated State of Kibris;基布里斯土族联合邦;TFSK; Turkish International Children's Centre;土耳其国际儿童中心;; Turkish Moslem Community of Cyprus;塞浦路斯土族穆斯林;; Turkish Moslem Cypriot Community;塞浦路斯土族穆斯林;; Turkish National Contingent;土耳其特遣队;; Turkish Official Receiver and Registrar's Office;土耳其官方管理登记局;; Turkish Petroleum Corporation;土耳其石油公司;; Turkish Petrolleri Anonim Ortakligi;土耳其石油公司;; Turkish Pound;土耳其镑;; Turkish Red Crescent Society;土耳其红新月会;; Turkish Republican Party;土族共和党;; TURKMEN, Ilter;伊尔泰尔·蒂尔克门;; Turkmenia;土库曼;; Turkmenistan;土库曼斯坦;; Turkomens;土库曼人;; TURKOVIC, Bisera;比塞拉·图尔科维奇;; Turks and Caicos Islands;特克斯和凯科斯群岛;; Turn-around Management Programme;转向管理方案;; turn-around of ships;船舶回旋地;; turn-around time;周转时间;; turn-around time of ships in port;船舶港内装卸进出时间;; turn-key contract;启钥合同;整套承包合同;交钥匙合同;;; turn-over;营业额;; Turner Broadcasting System;特纳广播系统;TBS; TURNER, Julianne;朱莉安娜·特纳;; Turnhalle;图尔恩哈勒体育馆;; Turnhalle Teenstand;图尔恩哈勒青年帮;; turning points;转折点;; turnkey contract;统包合同启钥合同;; turnkey lump sum contract;一次总付统包式合同;; TURNOUEST, Harcourt L.;哈考特·特努埃斯特;; turnover;周转金;; turnover of staff;更替工作人员;;工作人员 turnover deduction;工作人员更替扣减数;; turnover factor;更替率;; turnover of staff;职员更替工作人员更替;; turnover of staff adjustment;工作人员更替调整数;; turnover target;交易额指标;; turnover taxes;营业税;; TURNQUEST, Harcourt L.;哈考特·特恩奎斯特;; TURNQUEST, Orville A.;奥维尔·特恩奎斯特;; Turo Polje;图罗波列;; TURPIN, Joseph;约瑟夫·图尔平;; Turqoise;绿松石行动;;行动 turra;顽固分子;; Turun Sanomat;图尔库报;; TURUPHIAL, Yasmin Josefina;亚斯明·阿塞菲娜·图鲁菲亚尔;; TURYANSKY, Igor M.;伊戈尔·图尔扬斯基;; TUS, Anton;安顿·图斯将军;; Tutmonda Esperantista Junulara Organizo;全世界青年世界语学者组织;TEJO; Tutmonda Esperantista Jurnalista Asocio;全世界世界语新闻记者协会世界语记协;TEJA;世界语记协 Tutsi, Tutsis;图西族人部落;;部落 TUTT, Roger C.;罗杰·塔特;; TUTU, Desmond;德斯蒙德·图图;; tuulo;社区;; Tuvalu;图瓦卢;; Tuvalu Trust Fund;图瓦卢信托基金;; Tuynhuys;特因赫伊斯;; Tuzla;图兹拉;; Tuzla Province;图兹拉省;; TV colour monitor;彩色电视监视器;; TV Marti;马蒂电视;; TV satellite;电视卫星;; TWAGIRAMUNGU, Faustin;福斯坦·特瓦吉拉蒙古;; TWD Co, Japan;日本 TWD株式会社;; Twelfth Meeting of Experts on the United Nations Programme in Public Administration and Finance;联合国公共行政和财政方案第十二次会议;; Twelvers, the Ithna 'Ashariyah;十二伊玛姆派;; twenty foot equivalent unit;二十英尺等量单位; 二十英尺标准箱;TEU; Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Establishment of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development;庆祝联合国贸易和发展会议成立二十五周年;; Twenty-year Programme for Achieving Peace through the United Nations;联合国实现和平二十年方案;; twilight economy;非正规经济活动;;活动 twin grades;联对职等;; twin track approach;双轨办法;; twinning;姐妹关系对子与...挂钩结成对子;; two battalion groups;两营战斗群;; two co-chairmen;两主席;; two co-chairmen of the Paris Conference;巴黎会议两或共同主席;; two communities;两族;; two consecutive calendar years;连续两个历年;; two tier exchange rate;双重汇率;; two-channel gamma-spectrometer;双通伽马射线分光仪;; two-dimensional paper chromatography;两向纸色谱法;; two-dosage diphtheria/pertussis/tetanus;分两次接种的白喉、百日咳、破伤风三联 疫苗 三联疫苗;DPT II;三联疫苗 two-lane highway;双车道公路;; two-phased project;两阶段项目;; two-pronged solution;双管齐下的解决办法;; two-tier Europe;两极分化的欧洲;; two-tier gold system;双重金价制度;; two-tier society;两极分化的社会;; two-track pension adjustment system;养恤金双轨调整制;; two-track system;双轨制;; two-way data flow;双向数据流动;;数据流动 tyhoid fever;肠热症;; TYLNER, Vaclav;瓦茨拉夫·蒂内尔;; TYODEN, S.G.;蒂约登;; TYPALDOS, Carlos Ozores;卡洛斯·奥索雷斯·蒂帕尔多斯;; type of appointment;任用方式;; type of land: agricultural;土地类别:农用、商用、工业用或住家用;; type of payment;付款种类;; type recorder composing system;活字记录器排字装置;; type-approval inspection;定型检查;; types of appointment;任用种类;; typescript;原稿;; typeset;排字;; typesetting;排字;; typhoid fever; enteric fever;伤寒;; typhoon;1.台风 2.台风队;; Typhoon Committee;台风委员会;; Typhoon Committee Technical Working Group on the Implementation of the Regional Cooperation Programme;台风委员会执行区域合作方案技术工作组;; typhus;斑疹伤寒;; typical alcoholic beverages;典型的酒精饮料;; typical odour;典型气味;; Typing Pool;打字室;; typist-electronic memory assisted;电子记忆协助打字员;; typographic proof press;活版印刷校样机;; typography;活版印刷;; typology;类型学; 类型问题;; tyranny of the majority;多数暴政;; tyre and rubber technology;轮胎和橡胶技术;; tyre retreading;轮胎翻新;; TYSZKA, Tadeusz;塔德乌什·蒂什卡;; TZUNIS, John;约翰·楚尼斯;; U Aung Htoo;吴昂图;; U Aung Thant;吴昂丹;; U AUNG TOE;吴昂都;; U Aye;吴埃;; U AYE MAUNG;吴埃貌;; U Ba Maung;吴巴貌;; U Chit Maung;吴漆貌;; U Gwan Shein;吴关辛;; U Hla Phone;吴拉蓬;; U Hla Tint;吴拉丁;; U Khin Maung Soe;吴钦貌梭;; U Khuang Lan Tai Kwel;吴宽兰代贵;; U Kyaw Myint;吴觉敏;; U Kyaw Soe;吴觉梭;; U LWIN;吴伦;; U Maung Maung Gyee;吴貌貌基;; U Maung Ngwe;吴貌魏;; U Min Htwe;吴敏兑;; U Myint Aung;吴敏昂;; U MYINT MAUNG;吴敏貌;; U Ne Win;吴奈温;; U Nu;吴努;; U Nyun;吴纽;; U Ohn Sein;吴奥盛;; U Pan Sein;吴班盛;; U Saw Hlaing;吴苏莱;; U Sein Win;吴盛温;; U Soe Myint;吴索敏;; U THA TUN;吴达吞;; U Tha Zan Hla;吴塔赞拉;; U Thant;吴丹;; U Thein Tin;吴登丁;; U Thein Tun;吴登吞;; U Tin Kyaw Hlaing;吴丁觉莱;; U Tin Lat;吴丁拉;; U Tint De;吴廷德;; U Tint Soe;吴廷梭;; U Toe Lwin;吴多温;; U Tun Myat;吴吞妙;; U Tun Naing;吴吞奈;; U Win Mra;吴温拉;; U Ye Goung;吴耶贡;; U, Maung Maung;吴貌貌;; U, Maung Maung Kha;吴貌貌卡;; U.S. Out of Southern Africa Network;促使美国退出南部非洲联络网;; U.S. President's Science Advisory Panel on World Food Supply;美国总统世界粮食供应问题科学顾问小组;; U.S. United Fruit Company;美国联合果品公司;; U.S. World Journal;美国世界报;; U.S.-R.O.K. Bilateral Defence Arrangement;美韩双边防御安排;; UAET Tanker Company;阿拉伯联合酋长国油船公司;; UARUTA, Teweia;德卫亚·乌阿鲁他;; UATIOA, Reuben K.;鲁本·克·乌阿提奥亚;; UBALIJORO;乌巴利朱罗;; ubi jus incertum, ili jus nullum;法不确定,虽有若无;; UCCAN, Fikret;菲克雷特·乌坎;; UCHERBELAU, Victor;维克托·尤切尔比劳;; UCHIDA, Isao;内田功;; UCHIDA, Yoshio;内田祯夫;; UCI Plus Strategy;儿童全面免疫外加战略;; UCI Unit;儿童全面免疫股;; UCROS, Clemencia Forero;克莱门西亚·福雷罗·乌克罗斯;; Udbina airport;乌德比那机场;; UDDAV, Deo Bhatt;乌德哈大·迪欧·布哈特;; UEHARA, Takanori;上原孝史;; UEKI, Shigeaki;植木茂彬;; UF mass spectrometers;UF 质谱仪;; UF/ carrier gas compressors;UF/载体气压缩机;; UF6 carrier gas hydrogen or helium;UF6载体气氢或氦;;氢或氦 UF6 mass spectrometers/ion sources;UF6质谱仪/离子源;; UF6-resistant materials;耐UF6的材料;; Uganda;乌干达;; Uganda National Liberation Front;乌干达全国解放阵线;; UGGLAS, Margaretha af;马尔亚雷塔·阿弗厄格拉斯;; UGOVENKO, G. I.;乌多文科;; UHF micorwave link;超高频微波链路;; UHOMOIBHI, Martin;马丁·乌霍莫伊比;; Uijonbu;议政府;; Uis Mining Company SWA, Ltd.;尤伊斯矿业公司;; United Nations Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Status of Refugees and Stateless Persons;联合国难民和无国籍人地位全权代表会议;; Ukraine;乌克兰;; Ukrainian Battalion;乌克兰营;UKRBAT; Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company;乌克兰多瑙河船运公司船运公司;UDP;船运公司 Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic;乌克兰苏维埃社会主义共和国;; Ukwanyamas;乌克万亚马人;; UL HAQ, Mahbub;马赫布卜·哈克;; UL HAQUE, Inam;埃纳姆·哈克;; UL'YANOV,;乌尔扬诺夫;; UL-HAQ, Mohammad Zia;穆罕默德·齐亚·哈克;; UL-HAQ, Zia;齐亚·哈克;; Ulad Delim;乌拉得迪林;; Ulama Ulema;乌里玛;; ULANCHEV;乌兰契夫;; ULCC;巨型原油船;ULCC; Ulema Ulima;乌里玛;; Ulemas;回教神学家;; Ulemnoukogu;最高委员会;; Ulima Ulema;乌里玛;; ULLSTEN, Ola;奥拉·乌尔斯滕;; ULMANIS, Guntis;冈蒂斯·乌尔马尼斯;; ulmus pumila;榆树;; ULRICHSEN, Wilhelm;威廉·乌尔里希森;; ultimate cash realization;最后变现数额;; ultimate collection;最后收款;; ultimate consumer;最终消费者; 最终用户;; ultimate cost;最后费用;; ultimate destination;最后目的地;; ultimate disposal of radioactive wastes;放射废料的最后处置;; ultimate disposition;最终处置;; ultimate oxygen demand;极限需氧量;UOD; ultimate parent company;终属母公司;; ultimate reporting entity;最终报告实体;; ultimate residual;最终余项;; ultimate responsibility;最后责任;; ultimate selling price of goods;货物的最终出售价格;; ultimo ult.;上月;ult.; ultra low frequency radiowaves;超低频无线电波;; ultra vires;越权; 在权限之外;; Ultra-Centrifuge Netherlands;荷兰超离心机公司;; ultra-hazardous activity;特大危险性活动;; ultra-rightist reactionaries;极右派反动分子;; ultra-violet imaging photometers;紫外线成象光度计;; ultra-violet region;紫外区;; ultrafiltration technique;超滤法;; ultranationalism;极端民族主义;; ultraviolet solar radiation;紫外太阳辐射;UVR; ultraviolet A radiation;紫外线A波段; 长波紫外线;UVA; ultraviolet B radiation;紫外线B波段; 中波紫外线;UVB; ultraviolet C radiation;紫外线C波段; 短波紫外线;UVC; ultraviolet range;紫外线波长范围;; ultra-high frequency;超高频;UHF; Ulu-o-Tokelau the highest authority on Tokelau;托克劳乌卢托克劳最高当局;; ULUCEVIK, Tugay;图加伊·于卢切弗克;; Ulusal Birlik Partisi;民族团结党;; uluswali;县;; UMALI, Dioscoro L.;乌马利;; UMANA, Fanny;范妮·乌马尼亚;; UMAR, Dato Haji Abdul Aziz;拿督 阿吉·阿卜杜勒·阿齐兹· 乌马尔;; UMAR, Jonathan kabo;乔纳森·卡博·乌马尔;; UMAR, Mohammed Galli;穆罕默德·加利·乌马尔;; umbrella agreement;总括协定;; umbrella convention;总括公约;; umbrella project;总括项目; 总体项目;; Umbrella Project for the Promotion of Regional and South-South Cooperation in the Food and Agriculture Sector;促进粮食和农业领域区域合作和南南合作 总括项目;; Umbrella Project to Support UNIFEM's Initiatives for the Fourth World Conference on Women;支持妇发基金关于举行第四次妇女问题世界会议倡议的总括项目;; UMBRICHT, Victor H.;维克多·乌姆布里希特;; UMEO Kagei;影井梅夫;; UMER, Shaukat;舒卡特·乌默尔;; Umkhondo We Sizwe;民族先锋;; Umm Qasr;乌姆卡斯尔;MK; UMM, al QAIWAIN;乌姆盖万;; UMM, Kalb;乌姆卡卜;; Umma Party;乌玛党;; Ummah;民族;; Umoja Wa Wanawake Tanzania;坦桑尼亚妇女联合会; 坦妇联;UWT; UMONG, Racha;拉扎·乌蒙;; umpire;公断人裁定人裁判员首席仲裁员;; UN 50;联合国50周年;; UN 50 Secretariat;联合国50周年秘书处;; UN Administering Authority;联合国管理当局;; UN Caribbean Magazine;联合国加勒比杂志;; UN Chronicle;联合国纪事;; UN class ..;联合国危险货物分类第 ..类;; UN Fiftieth Anniversary Secretariat;联合国五十周年纪念秘书处;; UN Force;联合国部队;; UN in Action;联合国在行动中;; UN in Action/CNN World Report;联合国在行动中/有线电视新闻网世界报道;; Un in Brief;联合国简介;; UN Logistic Doctrine;联合国后勤原则;; UN News Digest;联合国每周新闻文摘;; UN Orange Book;联合国橙皮书;; UN Rapid Deployment Brigade;联合国快速部署旅;; UN Second Assembly;联合国第二大会;; UN Standby Troops Planning Team;联合国待命部队规划小组;; UN Today;今日联合国;; UN We Believe;信赖联合国协会;; UN Winterrization Programme - Northern Iraq;联合国伊拉克北部防寒方案;; Un-holy Alliance;不神圣同盟;; UN-ISY Activities;联合国国际空间年活动;; UN-LINK Project;联合国-经济模式研究小组项目;UN-LINK Proj; UN/ECE Journal on Trade Facilitation and EDIFACT;联合国/欧洲经委会简化贸易手续与电子数 据交换系统期刊;; UN/International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote-Sensing Workshop on Remote-Sensing Data Analysis Methods and Applications;联合国/国际摄影测量及遥感学会关于遥感 数据分析方法及其应用的讲习班;; UN/ISPRS Workshop on Data Analysis Methods and Applications;联合国/国际摄影测量及遥感学会关于数据 分析方法及其应用的讲习班;; UN/UNDP Reconstruction Programme;联合国/开发计划署重建方案;; UN/WHO Seminar on Use of Vital Statistics for Genetic and Radiation Studies;联合国/卫生组织利用生命统计进行遗传和 辐射研究的讨论会;; UN/WMO/FAO/ESA International Training Course on Remote Sensing Applications to Operational Agro-meteorology and Hydrology;联合国/气象组织/粮农组织/欧空局第X届 国际遥感应用于实用农业气象学和水文学训练班;; UNAB;联合国奥地利营;UNAB; unaccompanied minors;举目无亲的未成年者指某些难民儿童;;指某些难民儿童 unaccomplished offence;未遂犯;; unacknowledged detention;秘而不宣地将人拘留;; unadjusted exchange rates;未调整汇率;; unadjusted transactions;未调整的交易事项;; UNAKUL, Snoh;斯诺·乌纳库;; unallocated appropriations;未分拨经费;; unallocated current years' variations between standard and actual supply costs;未分配的本年度标准物料费用和实际物料费 用之间的差额;; unallocated resources;未分配资源;; unamended treaty;未修正的条约;; UNAMIR II;第二期联卢援助团;UNAMIR II; Unamortized balance of deferred costs;递延成本的未报销余额;; unamortized premium or discount on bonds or notes payable;未傩还应付公司债或付票据溢价或折价;; unanimity principle;一致同意原则一致的原则;; unanimity rule;全体一致规则;; unanimous action;一致行动;; unanimous agreement consent;全体同意一致同意;; unanimous opinion;全体一致意见;; unanimous vote;一致同意;; unanimously approved;一致同意;; unapplied cash;未定用途现金;; unapplied surplus;未定用途余额;; unappropriated balance;未分配余额;; unappropriated budget surplus held in suspense;暂记帐内尚未拨用的预算盈余;; unappropriated retained earnings;未分配留存收益;; unappropriated surplus;未分配剩余数;; unassessed authorizations;未分摊的核定款项;; unaudited interim statements;未经审核的临时报表;; unauthorized purchase;未经核准的采购;; UNAVEM II;第二期联安核查团;UNAVEM II; UNAVEM III;第三期联安核查团;UNAVEM III; UNAYDIN, Solmaz;索尔乌兹·于内丁;; UNBIS Thesaurus;《书目信息系统术语词库》;; unbound rate;非约束税率;; unburnt solids;未燃固体;; UNCED information system;环发会议新闻系统;UIS; uncertainties affecting revenue recognition;影响认列收入的不稳定因素;; uncertainty;不确定性; 不可靠性; 不精确度;; unchallenged aggression;无端遭受侵略无故侵略;; UNCHS Information Systems Database;人类住区中心信息系统数据库 生境数据库;HABIDOC;生境数据库 UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules;贸易法委员会仲裁规则;; UNCITRAL Conciliation Rules;贸易法委员会调解规则;; UNCITRAL Law Library;贸易法委员会法律图书馆;; UNCITRAL Legal Guide on International Countergrade Transactions;贸易法委员会关于国际补偿贸易交易的法律指南;; UNCITRAL Model on International Commercial Arbitration;贸易法委员会国际商业仲裁示范法;; UNCITRAL Symposium Trust Fund;贸易法委员会专题讨论会信托基金;; UNCIVPOL Missing Person Bureau;联合国民警失踪人士办事处;; unclassified post;未叙级员额;; uncollectibility of debts or the return of goods;不能收回的借款或退货;; uncollectible;坏帐;; uncollectible account;呆帐;; uncollectible debt;坏帐; 呆帐;; uncollectible items at the balance sheet date;结帐日无法收现项目;; uncollectible pledges;无法收取的认捐数;; uncollectible receivables;无法收现的应收帐款;; uncommitted amount;未支配款额;; uncommitted balance of appropriations;未支配经费余额;; uncommitted cash balance;未支配现金余额;; uncommitted countries;不承担国家;; uncommitted portion of the IPF;未支配指规数;; uncommitted reserves;未支配的准备金;; uncompacted tip;不压实的垃圾场;; uncompromising attitude;不妥协态度;; unconditional cease-fire agreed to by the parties at Geneva;各方在日内瓦商定的无条件宛;; unconditional most-favoured-nation treatment;无条件最惠国待遇;; unconditional surrender;无条件投降;; unconfined groundwater;自由地下水; 无压地下水;; unconfined water;自由地下水; 无压地下水;; unconsolidated formation;松散地层;; unconsolidated majority-controlled entity;未合并的过半数控制实体;; unconsolidated majority-owned entity;未合并的拥有过半数股权的实体;; unconstitutional;违宪;; uncontrollable note;坏帐;; uncontrolled clearance;无节制地采伐森林; 无节制地清除;; Uncontrolled Crossing Point UCP;无管制过境点;UCP; uncontrolled dump;没有管理的垃圾场;; uncontrolled emissions;无节制地排放;; uncontrolled industrialization;不加控制的工业化;; uncontrolled marked price;自由市场价格;; uncontrolled price method;自由价格办法;; uncontrolled re-entry;失控再入大气层;;大气层 uncontrolled settlement;违章居住区;; uncontrolled tipping;无节制地倾弃;; uncontrolled vehicle;未装废气净化装置的车辆;; unconventional criminality;非传统型犯罪;; unconventional trade;非常规贸易;; unconvicted persons;未经判定有罪的人;; unconvicted status;未定罪;; uncredited service;不计养恤金的服务期间;; UNCTAD Bulletin;贸发会议公报;; UNCTAD Coding System of Trade and Control Measures;贸发会议贸易编码制度与管制措施;; UNCTAD Database on Trade Control Measures;贸发会议贸易管制措施数据库;; UNCTAD Database on Trade Measures;贸发会议贸易措施数据库;; UNCTAD Governmental Experts on Cooperative Exchange of Skills among Developing Countries;贸发会议关于发展中国家合作性技术交流的 政府专家;; UNCTAD Inter-Governmental Group on the Second United Nations Development Decade;贸发会议联合国第二个发展十年政府间小组;; UNCTAD Model Clauses on Marine Hull and Cargo Insurance;贸发会议海运船体和货物保险示范条款;; UNCTAD Proceedings, Vol. I;贸发会议议事录,第一卷;; UNCTAD Restrictive Business Practices Trust Fund;贸发会议限制性商业惯例信托基金;; UNCTAD/GATT International Trade Centre;贸发会议/总协定国际贸易中心贸易中心;ITC;贸易中心 UNCTC Studies on Transborder Data Flows and Transnational Corporations;跨国公司中心关于越界数据流动和跨国公司的研究;; UNDAC Stand-by Teams;救灾协调待命工作队;; undeclared war;不宣而战;; undefended city;不设防城市;; undemarcated section of frontier;边境未定界地段;; under a royalty arrangement;按照特许权使用费的办法;; under age;未成年;; under cover of a note by the Secretary-General;秘书长附上一份送文说明;; under nitrogen blanket;在氮气层之下;; under normal legal conditions;在正常法律条件下; 在合法情况下;; under represented countries;任职人员不足国家;u; under the auspices of ...;在.....主持下;; under the law to which the parties have subject to it;根据当事各方同意遵守的法律, ...;; under their jurisdiction or control;在其管辖或控制;; under this Article;按照本条;; under-5 mortality level;5岁以下幼儿死亡率;; under-5 mortality rate;5岁以下幼儿死亡率;; under-delivery;执行进度落后;; Under-developed Area Section;不发达地区科;; under-developed countries;不发达国家;; Under-developed Districts Party;不发达地区党;; under-expenditure;节余; 支出节余;; under-five clinic;五岁以下儿童诊所;; under-five mortality rate;五岁以下幼儿死亡率;U5MR; under-five mortality rate reduction reserve;降低五岁以下幼儿死亡率储备金;U5MR Reserve; under-informatized countries;资料化不足的国家;; under-programming;方案拟订不足;; under-programming of meetings;少排会议会议委员会;;会议委员会 under-reporting of inflows;流入的报道不准;; under-represented countries;任职人数不足的国家;; under-secretariat of state;副国务秘书处;; under-secretariat of State for Internal Administration, Civil Services and Labour of Guinea-Bissau;几内亚比绍内政、文职人员和劳工事务副国务秘书处;; under-secretary for Foreign Affairs;外交部副部长;; Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator;主管人道主义事务副秘书长兼紧急救济协调 员;; under-secretary of state;[英国]次官; [美国]副国务卿;; under-secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Kuwait;科威特外交部次官;; Under-Secretary-General;副秘书长;USG; Under-Secretary-General and Personal Representative of the Secretary-General for the Coordination of International Cooperation to Mitigate the Environmental Consequences on Kuwait and Other Countries in the Region resulting from the Situati;副秘书长兼负责协调国际合作以减轻伊拉克 与科威特间的局势给科威特及该地区其他国 家造成的环境后果的秘书长个人代表;on btw I & K; Under-Secretary-General for Administration and Management;主管行政和管理事务副秘书长;; Under-Secretary-General for Administration, Finance and Management;主管行政、财务和管理事务副秘书长;; Under-Secretary-General for Conference Services and Special Assignments;主管会议事务和特别任务副秘书长;; Under-Secretary-General for the Department of Technical Cooperation for Development;主管技术合作促进发展部副秘书长;; Under-Secretary-General for Development Support and Management Services;主管发展支助和管理事务副秘书长;; Under-Secretary-General for Disarmament Affairs;主管裁军事务副秘书长;; Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Development;主管经济和社会发展副秘书长;; Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis;主管经济及社会资料和政策分析副秘书长;; Under-Secretary-General for General Assembly Affairs and Chef de Cabinet of the Secretary-General;主管大会事务副秘书长兼秘书长办公室主任;; Under-Secretary-General for Human Rights;主管人权事务副秘书长;; Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs;主管人道主义事务副秘书长;; Under-Secretary-General for Inter-Agency Affairs and Coordination;主管机构间事务与协调副秘书长;; Under-Secretary-General for Internal Oversight Services;主管内部监督事务副秘书长;; Under-Secretary-General for International Economic and Social Affairs;主管国际经济和社会事务副秘书长;; Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs, the Legal Counsel;主管法律事务副秘书长、法律顾问;; Under-Secretary-General for Peace-Keeping Operations;主管维持和平行动副秘书长;; Under-Secretary-General for Policy Coordination and Sustainable Development;主管政策协调和可持续发展副秘书长;; Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs;主管政治事务副秘书长;; Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, Trusteeship and Decolonization;主管政治事务、托管和非殖民化副秘书长;; Under-Secretary-General for Political and General Assembly Affairs and Secretariat Services;主管政治和大会事务及秘书处服务副秘书长;; Under-Secretary-General for Political and Security Council Affairs;主管政治和安全理事会事务副秘书长;; Under-Secretary-General for Public Information;主管新闻副秘书长;; Under-Secretary-General for Special Assignments in Support of the Secretary-General's Preventive and Peace-making Efforts;主管支助秘书长预防性和建立和平努力特别 任务副秘书长;; Under-Secretary-General for Special Political Affairs;主管特别政治事务副秘书长;; Under-Secretary-General for Special Political Questions and Coordinator for Special Economic Assistance Programmes;主管特别政治问题副秘书长兼特别经济援助 方案协调员;; Under-Secretary-General for Special Political Questions, Regional Cooperation, Decolonization and Trusteeship;主管特别政治问题、区域合作、非殖民化和 托管事务副秘书长;; Under-Secretary-General for Technical Cooperation for Development;主管技术合作促进发展副秘书长;; Under-Secretary-General for the Office of Field Operational and External Support Activities;主管外勤业务和外部支助活动事务处副秘书长;; Under-Secretary-General for Trusteeship and Non-Self-Governing Territories;主管托管和非自治领土副秘书长;; Under-Secretary-General, Commissioner for Technical Cooperation;副秘书长兼技术合作专员;; Under-Secretary-General, Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva;副秘书长兼联合国日内瓦办事处主任;; Under-Secretary-General, Special Representative of the Secretary-General to the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea;副秘书长兼出席联合国第三次海洋法会议的 秘书长特别代表;; Under-Secretary-General-in-Charge of Coordinating the United Nations Assistance to Zambia;主管协调联合国援助赞比亚事务副秘书长;; under-six clinic;六岁以下儿童诊所;; under-utilization of conference resources;会议服务资源使用不足;; under-weight for age;体重不足;; underbudgeting;预算所列经费不足; 预算过少;; undercurrent;潜流; 底流;; underdeveloped areas;不发达地区;; underdeveloped human capital;人力资本未充分开发;; underdevelopment;不发达; 不发达状况;; underemployed;未充分就业;; underemployment;就业不足;未充分就业;; underexploitation;开发不足;; underfishing;捕捞不足;; underfloor ducts;地板下管道;; underflow;地下水流; 冰下水流;; underground approach tunnel;地下引道;; underground flow;地下水流; 渗流;; Underground Jewish Army;地下犹太军;; underlying transaction;基础交易;; undernourishment;营养不足;; undernutrition;营养不良;; underprediction;预测偏低;; underprivileged groups;贫困阶层; 社会经济地位低下的阶层;; underproduction;生产不足;; underrepresented member states;任职人数不足的会员国;; underrun;节支;; undersea feature;海底地物; 海洋下面的地球表面景物;; underserved;得不到充分服务的;; underserved community;得不到充分服务的社区;; undersigned;下列签署人;; undersigned Plenipotentiaries, furnished with full power by their respective governments, the;在下面签字的全权代表,持有各自本国政府 发给的全权证书;; undersized fish;小于规格鱼;; underspending;支出不足;; Understanding on the Fulfilment of Obligations by the Registered Pioneer Investors and their Certifying States;关于已登记的先驱投资者及其担保国履行义务的谅解;; understatement in the post adjustment index;工作地点差价调整数基数偏低;; understatement of an asset;少报资产;; understocked;立木度不足的;; undertaking;企业; 事业; 承担; 保证;; underutilized;未充分使用;; undervaluation;计价过低低估价值;; underweight;体重不足;; underweight pregnant women;体重不足孕妇;; underwriting;承保;; underwriting account U/a; ua;承保帐户;U/A; Undesirable Removals Proclamation;驱逐不良份子公告;UA; UNDEX;联合国文件索引;UNDEX; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司