翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 UNDEX Country Index;联合国文件国家索引;; UNDEX Subject Index;联合国文件主题索引;; undistributable reserve;未分配准备;; undistributed charges;未分配费用;; undistributed costs;未分配费用;; undistributed IPF;未分配指规数;; undistributed reserve;未分配准备金;; UNDOC: Current Index;联合国文件: 最新标题索引;; undocumented migrants;无证移民;; undocumented migration;无证移徙;; undocumented persons;无证件的人;; UNDP Financial Regulations and Rules;开发计划署财务条例和细则;; UNDP N'Djamena;恩贾梅纳开发计划署办事处;; UNDP Trust Fund for Council on Health Research for Development;开发计划署保健研究促进发展理事会信托 基金;; UNDP Trust Fund for Aid Management and Aid Coordination in Kyrgyzstan;开发计划署吉尔吉斯斯坦援助管理和援助协 调信托基金;; UNDP Trust Fund for Capacity Building in Demining Operations for Cambodia;开发计划署柬埔寨排雷行动能力建设信托 基金;; UNDP Trust Fund for Human Resources Development in South Africa;开发计划署南非人力资源开发信托基金;; UNDP Trust Fund for Mozambique Mine Clearance Programme;开发计划署莫桑比克排雷方案信托基金;; UNDP Trust Fund for the Commonwealth of Independent States;开发计划署独立国家联合体信托基金;; UNDP Trust Fund for the Reintegration of Demobilized Military Personnel in Mozambique;开发计划署莫桑比克遣散军人安置信托基金;; UNDP Trust Fund for the Support to the Joint Group in El Salvador;开发计划署支助萨尔瓦多联合小组信托基金;; UNDP Trust Fund for Urgent Human Needs In Uzbekistan;开发计划署乌兹别克斯坦紧急人道主义需要信托基金;; UNDP, the Economic Development Institute of the World Bank EDI, and the International Labour Organization ILO;开发计划署、经发研究所、劳工组织合办方案;UNEDIL; UNDP-administered;开发计划署经管;; UNDP-administered funds;开发计划署经管基金;; UNDP-administered trust funds;开发计划署经管信托基金;; UNDP-assisted projects;开发计划署援助的项目;; UNDP-financed projects;开发计划署出资的项目;; UNDP-supported projects;开发计划署支助的项目;; UNDP/CIDA Trust Fund for Non-Formal Education: Youth Centres Project;开发计划署/加开发署非正规教育: 青年中心项目信托基金;; UNDP/Denmark Trust Fund for Electoral Assistance Project in Burundi;开发计划署/丹麦布隆迪选举援助项目信托 基金;; UNDP/IDA Trust Fund for the National Environment Support Programme in Mozambique;开发计划署/开发协会莫桑比克国家环境支 助方案信托基金;; UNDP/International Centre for Sustainable Cities Trust Fund;开发计划署/国际可持续城市中心信托基金;; UNDP/ITU inter-regional project on course development in the field of telecommunications;开发计划署/电信联盟区域间电信课程编写 项目电信课程编写项目;CODEVTEL;电信课程编写项目 UNDP/NGO Link newsletter;开发计划署/非政府组织联系简讯;; UNDP/Norway Trust Fund for Assistance to the Electoral Process in Mozambique;开发计划署/挪威援助莫桑比克选举进程信 托基金;; UNDP/NOVIB/Group of Resource Persons for Awareness Creation for Environment and Sustainable Development in Asia;开发计划署/荷兰发合组织/专家组亚洲提高环境和可持续发展意识信托基金;; UNDP/WB Water and Sanitation Programme;开发计划署/世界银行饮水和卫生方案;; UNDP/WHO Joint Consultative Group;开发计划署/卫生组织联合协商组;; undrawn allocations;未提取的分配款项;; undue privileges;不正当的特权;; unearmarked funds;未指定用途的款项;; unearmarked trust funds;未指定用途的信托基金;; unearned discount;未实现贴现收入;; unearned income;非营业收益;; unearned premium reserves;未到期保费准备金;; uneconomic production;不经济生产;; unedited transcript;未经编辑的录音誊本;; unemployment;失业;; unemployment benefits;失业补助; 失业津贴;; unemployment compensation;失业补助; 失业救济;; unemployment insurance;失业保险;; unemployment pension;失业救济金;; Unencumbered balance;未支配余额;; unencumbered funds;未支配资金;; unencumbered post;待补员额;; Unenfranchised Students Union of South Africa USUSA;南非无公民权学生联盟; 南非学联;USUSA; UNEP Cairo Guidelines and Principles for the Environmentally Sound Management of Hazardous Wastes;环境规划署对危险废物进行无害环境管理的 开罗准则和原则;; UNEP Goals and Principles of Environmental Impact Assessment;环境规划署关于环境影响评估的目标和原则;; UNEP Guidelines concerning the Environment Related to Offshore Mining and Drilling within the Limits of National Jurisdiction;环境规划署关于国家管辖范围内近海开采和 钻探堡环境的指导方针;; UNEP Handbook on Awareness and Preparedness for Emergencies at Local Level;环境署关于了解和预防地方一级紧急事件的手册;APELL-PROCES; UNEP London Guidelines for the Exchange of Information on Chemicals in International Trade as amended;环境规划署经修正的关于化学品国际贸易资 料交流的伦敦准则;; UNEP Montreal Guidelines for the Protection of the Marine Environment against Pollution from Land-based Sources;环境规划署关于堡海洋环境免受陆源污染 影响的蒙特利尔指导方针;; UNEP/UNSTAT Consultative Expert Group Meeting on Environmental and Sustainable Development Indicators;环境规划署/统计司环境和可持续发展指标 咨询专家组会议;; UNEP/WMO Information Unit on Climate Change;环境规划署/气象组织气候变化信息股 气候变化信息股;IUCC;气候变化信息股 unequal exchange;不等价交换;; unequal reduction for equal results;为了公平的结果实行不公平的裁减;; UNERSCO Cousteau Chair in Ecotechnics, Free University of Brussels;布鲁塞尔自由大学教科文组织/库斯托生态 技术教授;; UNESCO Adviser to UNICEF;教科文组织派驻儿童基金会顾问;; UNESCO Bibliographic Data Base;教科文组织图书目录数据基 教科文图书数据基;UNESBIB;教科文图书数据基 UNESCO Chair on peace, human rights and democracy;教科文组织和平、人权和民主教职;; UNESCO coupons;教科文组织购物券;; UNESCO Institute for Education;教科文组织教育研究所教研所;UIE;教研所 UNESCO International Expert Meeting on Violence and Sexual Exploitation;教科文组织关于暴力和性剥削问题的国际专 家会议;; UNESCO Office for the Pacific States;教科文组织太平洋国家办事处;; UNESCO operational or executive personnel;教科文组织业务或行政人员;UNESCOPAS; UNESCO Twinning Arrangements;教科文组织姐妹学校项目姐妹学校项目;UNITWIN;姐妹学校项目 UNESCO/UNEP Congress;教科文组织/环境规划署大会;; uneven-aged forest;异龄林;; unexpended balance;未用余额;; unexpended balance of commitments;未动用的承付款结存;; unexpired portion of the term of office;任期未满期间;; unexpired term of office;未满任期;; unexploded ordnance devices;未爆炸弹装置;; unfair competition;不公平竞争;; unfavourable prices;不利价格;; unfavourable balance of foreign trade;对外贸易逆差;; unfavourable balance of trade;贸易逆差;; unfavourable leases;不利租约;; unfilled seats;空缺未补缺额;; unfished level;未开发水平;; unforeseen and extraordinary expenses;意外及非常费用;; unforeseen and extraordinary expenses for the biennium 1988-1989;1988-1989两年期意外及非常费用;; unforeseen expenditure;意外开支;; unfortified cities;不设防城市;; UNFPA Project Publications: Abstracts;人口基金项目出版物:摘要;; unfriendly act;不友好行为;; unfulfilled approved allocations;未付的已核定分配款项;; unfulfilled programme commitments;未支付的方案承付款项;; unfunded employee social benefits;无未备基金雇员社会福利;; unfunded supplementary funding;未有着落的补充资金;; UNG HUOT;英霍;; UNG, HUOT;英霍;; UNG, Phan;翁潘;; UNG, Van Khiem;雍文谦;; UNGERER, Werner;维尔纳·翁格雷尔;; ungrade officials;“未定职等的”官员;; ungrade post;“未定职等的”职位员额;;员额 ungraded officials;未叙职等官员;; ungraded penalties;固定的刑罚; 不分轻重等级的刑罚;; UNHCR Model Cooperation Agreement;难民专员办事处示范合作协定;; UNHCR Policy on Refugee Children;难民专员办事处关于难民儿童的政策;; UNHCR-OAU Agreement of Cooperation;难民专员办事处-非统组织合作协定;; UNHCR/NGO Partnership, Reference Document on the Relationship between UNHCR and NGOs: Results of the 1991 Worldwide Joint Consultations;难民专员办事处/非政府组织伙伴关系, 难民专员办事处与非政府组织关系的参考文件: 1991年世界范围联合磋商的结果;; unhoused equipment;室外设备;; uni-cameral system;一院制;; Uniao Comercial de Mocambique;莫桑比克商业公司;; Uniao das Populascoes da Guine;几内亚人民联盟;UPG; Uniao de populacoes Aupolauas;安哥拉人民联盟;UPA; Uniao Democratica de Timor;帝汶民主联盟民盟;UDT; Uniao Democratica Nacional de Mocambique;莫桑比克民族民主联盟;UDENAMO; Uniao Democratica Timorense;帝汶民主联盟民盟;UDT; Uniao Nacional Africana de Mocambique Independente;莫桑比克独立非洲民族联盟独立联盟;UNAMI;独立联盟 Uniao Nacional para a Independencia Total de Angola;争取安哥拉彻底独立全国联盟安盟;UNITA;安盟 Uniao nacionalista africana de Mozambique;莫桑比克非洲民族联盟;MANU; Uniao Progressista Nacional de Angola;安哥拉国民进步会; 安民进会;UPRONA; Uniao Vinicola do Sul, SARL;南方酒业联合公司酒业公司;VINISUL;酒业公司 UNICEF addressing system;儿童基金会通讯系统;UNICAS; UNICEF Charter;儿童基金会章程;; UNICEF communication strategy in industrialized countries;儿童基金会在工业化国家的传播战略;; UNICEF dracunculiasis eradication programme technical support team;儿童基金会根除麦地那龙线虫病方案技术支助工作队;; UNICEF Electronic Information Network;儿童基金会电子信息网电子信息网;UNET;电子信息网 UNICEF Emergency Manual;儿童基金会紧急工作手册;; UNICEF Ezra Jack Keats International Award for Excellence in Children's Book Illustration;儿童基金会埃兹拉·贾克·凯茨国际优秀儿童读物插图奖;; UNICEF Global Staff Association;儿童基金会全球工作人员协会;; UNICEF Guide for Monitoring and Evaluation;儿童基金会监测和评价准则;; UNICEF Headquarters Operations Group;儿童基金会总部业务小组;; UNICEF House;儿童基金会大楼;; UNICEF Integrated Supply Centre;儿童基金会统一供应中心;; UNICEF National Committee;儿童基金会国家委员会;; UNICEF News;儿童基金会新闻;; UNICEF Personnel Administration Manual;儿童基金会人事管理手册;; UNICEF Policy and Procedures Manual;儿童基金会政策和程序手册;; UNICEF Procurement and Assembly Centre at Copenhagen;儿童基金会哥本哈根采购和装配中心 采购装配中心;UNIPAC;采购装配中心 UNICEF special representative for sports;儿童基金会体育运动特别代表;; UNICEF special representative for the performing arts;儿童基金会表演艺术特别代表;; UNICEF Summit Task Force;儿童基金会首脑会议工作队;; UNICEF Youth NGO Consultative Group;儿童基金会非政府组织青年协商小组;; UNICEF'S Almanac of the World's Children;儿童基金会世界儿童年鉴;; UNICEF/Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Expert Consultation on social statistics and indicators for children and women in the Asia and Pacific region;儿童基金会/亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会 关于亚洲及太平洋区域儿童和妇女社会统计 和指标专家协商会议;; UNICEF/WHO Joint Committee on Health Policy;儿童基金会/卫生组织卫生政策联合委员会 卫生政策联委会;JCHP;卫生政策联委会 UNICEF/WHO joint nutrition support programme;儿童基金会/卫生组织联合营养支助方案;JNSP; unicellular organisme;单细胞有机体;; Unidad de Explosivos;拆爆组;UDEX; Unidade Popular;人民团结报;; unidentifiable assets;无法盘点的资产;; Computer Model for Feasibility Analysis and Reporting;可行性分析和报告计算机模型;COMFAR; UNIDO country director;工发组织国家主任国家主任;UCD;国家主任 UNIDO Office at Geneva;工发组织日内瓦办事处;; UNIDO Office at New York;工发组织纽约办事处;NYK; UNIDO Update;今日工发组织;; Workshop for African and Arab Country Representatives from the Telecommunications Industry;非洲和阿拉伯国家电信业代表讲习班;; UNIDO/UNDP Trust Fund for Special Industrial Services;工发组织-开发计划署特别工业事务信托基 金;; UNIDO/UNEP National Cleaner Production Centres Programme;工发组织/环境规划署清洁生产中心方案;; International Plan of Action for Reducing Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries;在延绳捕鱼中减少附带捕获海鸟国际行动计划;; UNIDO/UNITED NATIONS Programme for the Decade on Industrial Development in Africa;工发组织/联合国非洲工业发展十年方案;; UNIFEM Mainstreaming Experience;妇发基金的主流经验;; UNIFEM Pacific Planning Programme;妇发基金太平洋规划方案;; unification and harmonization;统一和协调;; unification by prevailing over communism;战胜共产主义实现统一;; Unification of Units of Measurement Panel;统一计量单位小组统一计量小组;UUMP;统一计量小组 unified approach to development analysis and planning;发展分析和规划的统一办法;; Unified Arab Model Narcotics Law;阿拉伯统一麻醉品示范法;; Unified Arab Statistical Abstract;阿拉伯统一统计摘要;; Unified Armed Forces of the Commonwealth of Independent States;独立国家联合体联合武装部队;CEI; unified budget;综合预算;; Unified Command;统一指挥部后称联合特遣部队; 韩国联合司令部; 联合指挥部;; Unified Command of the Commonwealth of Independent States Armed Forces;独立国家联合体武装力量联合司令部;; unified country assessment;统一的国家估计;; Unified Democratic Union of the Center;统一民主中间联盟;; Unified Economic Agreement;联合经济协定;; unified general staff;联合参谋总部;; Unified International Economic Complex of CMEA Member States;经互会成员国统一国际经济综合体;; unified international reproduction;统一国际再生产;; Unified Leadership of the Intifada;起义民族团结领导小组;; unified long-term United Nations programme for the advancement of women;联合国提高妇女地位统一长期方案;; unified medium and long-term programming system;统一的中期与长期方案拟订制度;; Unified Military Command;统一军事指挥部;; Unified Military Task Force;联合特遣部队;; Unified National Leadership;民族团结领导小组;; Unified Party;统一党;; unified personnel structure;统一人事结构;; Unified Police Command;联合警察指挥部;; Unified Police Force of Mostar;莫斯塔尔联合警察部队 莫警部队;UPFM;莫警部队 unified system;统一制度;; UNIFIL Deployment as of ...;X年X月联黎部队的部署情况;; UNIFIL HQ;联黎部队总部;; UNIFIL Operational Boundaries;联黎部队维持和平行动界限;; uniform and consistent application of the Convention;统一一致地应用《公约》;; uniform budget layout;统一预算格式;; uniform budget presentation;统一预算编制方法;; uniform building code for the Caribbean;加勒比统一建筑法规;CUBIC; demographic transition;人口结构的转型例如人的寿命延长,老年人增多等;; Uniform Commercial Law in the 21st Century;21世纪统一商业法;; Uniform Commodity Classification;统一商品分类;; uniform customs;统一惯例;; Uniform Customs and Practice for Commercial Documentary Credits;商业跟单信用证统一惯例;; Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits;跟单信用证统一惯例;UCP; uniform flow;均匀流; 等速流;; uniform hazard;均匀危险因素; 均匀风险;; uniform items, flags and decals;制服用品、旗帜和贴花;; uniform law;统一法;; Uniform Law on Guarantees and Stand-by Letters of Credit;担保和备用信用证统一法;; Uniform Law on International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes;国际汇票和国际期票统一法;; Uniform Laws on the International Sale of Goods;国际货物买卖统一法;ULIS; Uniform Legal Rules on the Liability of Operators of Transport Terminals;运输港站经营人赔偿责任统一法律规则;; Uniform Low Dispersion Archive;统一低散布档案低散布档案;ULDA;低散布档案 uniform price;统一价格;; Uniform Rules concerning the Carriage of Goods by Rail;铁路货物运输统一规则;CIM; Uniform Rules for the Collection of Commercial Paper;商业单据托收统一规则;; Uniform Rules for Collections;托收统一规则;; Uniform Rules of Conduct for Interchange of Trade Data by Teletransmission;电传交换贸易数据统一行为规则;UNCID; uniform sentencing practice;统一量刑办法;; uniform set of exchange rates;一套统一的汇率;; uniform standards of international employment;统一国际雇用标准;; Uniform System of Maritime Transport Statistics;海运统计统一体系;; Uniform Tariff Classification;统一关税分类;; Uniformed Rule of Demand Guarantees;索款担保书统一规则; 担保书规则;URDG; unilateral admission of South Korea to the United Nations;南朝鲜单方面加入联合国;; unilateral declaration;单方宣告;; Unilateral declaration by Member States against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment;各会员国反对酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有 辱人格的待遇或处罚的单独宣言;; unilateral declaration of independence;片面宣布独立;UDI; Unilateral Declaration of Non-aggression;单方面不侵犯宣言;; unilateral denunciation;单方退约;; unilateral moratorium on the cessation of nuclear tests;单方面暂时停止核试验;; unilateral reduction in defence capabilities;单方裁减防务能力;; unilateral statement;单方声明;; unilateral United Nations membership;单方面联合国会籍;; unilateral withholding;单方面扣缴会费;; UNIMIX;优尼米克斯;UNIMIX; UNIMNA, Edward Ushie;爱德华·尤希·尤宁纳;; unincorporated business;非注册企业;; unincorporated enterprises;非法人企业非注册企业;; unincorporated territory;没有立州的领土;; United Nations Commission;联合国委员会;; unintended pregnancies;意外怀孕;; unintentional nuclear war;意外核战争;; unintentional poisoning;意外中毒;; uninterrupted causal link;不间断的因果关系;; Unio Democratica Nacional De Mocambique;莫桑比克民族民主联盟;; union;联村;; Union Aid for Afghan Refugees;援助阿富汗难民联盟;; Union Bank;联合银行;; Union Bank of Switzerland;瑞士联合银行;; Union Belge pour la defense de la paix;比利时保卫和平联盟;; Union Belgium pour la Defence de la Paix;比利时保卫和平联盟;UBDP; Union caledonienne;喀里多尼亚联盟喀联盟;UC;喀联盟 Union Camerounaise des Syndicates Chretiens;喀麦隆基督教公会;; Union Carbide Corporation;联合碳化物公司;; Union Centrale de Participations Metallurgiques et Industrielles;中央冶金与工业合营协会冶金工业协会;UCPMI;冶金工业协会 Union Civica;公民联盟;; Union de banques suisses;瑞士联合银行;; Union de Ciudades, Capitales Ibero-Americanes - Centro de Asesoramiento y Cooperacion Economico-Financiero Intermunicipal;伊比利亚-美洲国家首都联盟 - 城市间经济和财政咨询与合作中心;; Union de Estudiantes Secundarios;中学生联合会;UES; Union de l'action feminine;妇女行动联盟妇女行动哈姆拉协会;UAF;妇女行动哈姆拉协会 Union de la Jeunesse et des Etudiants;青年和学生联盟;; Union Democratica Nacionalista;民族主义民主联盟民联;UDN;民联 Union Democratica Popular;人民民主联盟;UDP; Union democratique Afar;阿法尔民主联盟;UDA; Union democratique des Comores;科摩罗民主联盟科民盟;UDC;科民盟 Union democratique des femmes camerounises;喀麦隆妇女民主联盟喀妇联;UDEFEC;喀妇联 Union des associations des Khmers innovateurs;柬埔寨改革者协会联合会;; Union des communautes des Nouvelles-Hebrides;新赫布里底群岛社区联盟;UCNH; Union des enseignants de l'institut international de langue arabe de Khartoum;喀土穆阿拉伯语国际学院教师工会;; Union des entrepreneurs arabes;阿拉伯企业家联盟;; Union des Femmes Francaises;法国妇女联盟;; Union des Femmes Guineennes;几内亚妇女联盟;; Union des ingenieurs palestinies;巴勒斯坦工程师联盟;; Union des Journalistes arabes;阿拉伯新闻记者联盟;; Union des medecins arabes;阿拉伯医学联盟医学联盟;UMA;医学联盟 Union des organisations nationales de radio et television de l'Afrique;非洲各国无线电和电视组织联盟; 非洲无线电联盟;URTNA; Union des Populations du Cameroun, Comite directeur;喀麦隆民众协会指导委员会;; Union des syndicats des travailleurs kanakes exploites;卡纳克被剥削工人工会联盟卡纳克工联;USTKE;卡纳克工联 Union des transports aeriens;空运联盟;UTA; Union des Travailleurs Guineens;几内亚劳动者联盟;; Union des Villes Africaines;非洲城镇联盟;UVA; Union douaniere et economique de l'Afrique centrale;中部非洲关税和经济联盟中非税经联盟;UDEAC;中非税经联盟 Union du Centro Democratique;民主中间派联盟;UCD; Union for African Population Studies;非洲人口研究联盟人口研究联盟;UAPS;人口研究联盟 Union for Coordinating Production and Distribution of Electricity;电力生产和分配协调联合会;; Union for Peace and Humanitarian Aid to Bosnia and Herzegovina;向波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那提供人道主义援助 和平联盟;; Union for the International Registration of Trade Marks;国际商标注册同盟;; Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants;堡植物新品种联盟;; Union Francaise des Associations des Combattants;法国军人协会联合会;; Union generale des enseignants palestiniens;巴勒斯坦教师总会;; Union generale des etudiants palestiniens - Section de Sana'a;巴勒斯坦学生总会萨那支会;; Union generale des federations de fonctionaires;公务员联合会总工会;; Union generale des femmes palestiniennes;巴勒斯坦妇女总会;; Union generale des ingenieurs;工程师总会;; Union generale des medecins et des pharmaciens;医师和药剂师总会;; Union generale des travailleurs;工人总会;; Union Guerra Blanca;白色军事联盟;UGB; Union Iberoamericana de Colegios y Agrupaciones de Abogados;拉丁美洲律师公会和协会联合会;; Union Interamericana para la Vivienda;美洲住房联盟;; Union Internationale des laboratories independants;国际独立实验所联合会;UILI; Union Mundial Pro Interlingua;拉丁国际语世界联合会;UMI; Union Nationae Ruandaise;卢安达民族联盟;; Union Nationale Democratique;全国民主联盟;; Union nationale des femmes marocaines;摩洛哥全国妇女联盟摩洛哥妇联;UNFM;摩洛哥妇联 Union nationale des travailleurs angolais;安哥拉全国工人联盟安工联;UNTA;安工联 Union Nationale des Travailleurs de la Guinee-Bisso;几内亚比绍全国劳动者联盟全国劳联;UNTG;全国劳联 Union nationale du Burundi;布隆迪民族联盟;; Union nationale pour l'independance;全国独立联盟;UNI; Union Nationale pour l'Independance et la Revolution;全国独立和革命联盟独革联;UNIR;独革联 Union of African and Malagasy States;非洲和马达加斯加国家联盟非马联盟;UAMS;非马联盟 Union of African Journalists;非洲新闻记者联合会;; Union of African News Agencies;非洲通讯社联盟;; Union of African Parliaments;非洲议会联盟;UAP; Union of African Railways;非洲铁路联盟;UAR; Union of African Sports Confederations;非洲体育联合会联盟非洲体联;UASC;非洲体联 Union of African Sports Confederations and African Football Confederations;非洲体育联合会和非洲足球联合会联盟 非洲体联;UASC;非洲体联 Union of African Towns;非洲城市联合会非洲城联;UAT;非洲城联 Union of African Water Suppliers;非洲供水商联合会;UADE; Union of American and Japanese Professionals for the Prevention of Nuclear Omnicide;美日防止核毁灭专业人员联盟;; Union of Arab Banks;阿拉伯银行联盟;UAB; Union of Arab Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture;阿拉伯农工商联合会;; Union of Arab Historians;阿拉伯历史学家联盟;; Union of Arab Jurists;阿拉伯法学家联合会;UAJ; Union of Arab News Agencies;阿拉伯通讯社联盟;; Union of Arab Pediatric Societies;阿拉儿科学会联合会;; Union of Arab Stock Exchanges;阿拉伯股票交易所联盟;; Union of Artists of the Soviet Union;苏联艺术家联合会;; Union of Australian Women;澳大利亚妇女联盟;; Union of Banana Exporting Countries;香蕉出口国联盟;UBEC; Union de Paises Exportadores de Banano;香蕉出口国联盟;UPEB; Union of Black Journalists;黑人记者公会;; Union of Burma;缅甸联邦;; Union of Catholic Asian News;亚洲天主教新闻联合会;UCAN; Union of Central African States;中非国家联盟中非联盟;UEAC;中非联盟 Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Maritime Commerce and Commodity Exchange;土耳其工商业、海上贸易和商品交易联合会;; Union of Chambers of Industry and Commerce of Arab Countries;阿拉伯国家工商会联合会;; Union of Christian-Democratic Women;基督教民主妇女联合会;UFDC; Union of Communist Students Associations of the Socialist Republic of Romania;罗马尼亚社会主义共和国共产主义学生会联合会;; Union of Communist Youth of the Socialist Republic of Romania;罗马尼亚社会主义共和国共产主义青年联盟;; Union of Cooperative Associations;合作社协会联合会;; Union of Democratic Forces;民主力量联盟;; Union of Democrats for the Republic;共和国民主人士联盟;; Union of Electrical Enterprises in Belgium;比利时电力企业联盟;UEEB; Union of European and International Public Services Trade Unions;欧洲和国际公共事业工会联盟;USSPEL; Union of European Dental Surgeons;欧洲牙外科医生联盟;EUZ; Union of European Federalists;欧洲联邦主义者联盟;UEF; Union of European Football Associations;欧洲足球协会联合会;UEFA; Union of European Manufacturers of Gas Pressure Controllers;欧洲气压调节器制造商联合会;FAREGAZ; Union of European Meat Meal Manufacturers;欧洲肉食制造商联合会;; Union of European Railway Industries;欧洲铁路工业联合会;UNIFE; Union of European Railways Road Services;欧洲铁路客运联盟;URF; Union of Ibero-American Capitals - Intermunicipal Financial and Economic Centre for Advice and Cooperation;拉丁美洲各国首都联盟-城市间咨询与合作 金融和经济中心;; Union of Industrial and Employers' Confederations of Europe;欧洲工业和雇主联合会同盟 工业和雇主同盟;;工业和雇主同盟 Union of Industries of the European Community;欧洲共同体工业联合会欧共体工联;UNICE;欧共体工联 Union of International Association - Service Centre for Non-Governmental Organizations;国际协会联合会 - 非政府组织服务中心;; Union of International Associations;国际协会联合会协联;UIA;协联 Union of International Engineering Organizations;国际工程组织联合会工联;UIEO;工联 Union of International Fairs;国际博览会联合会博联;UFI;博联 Union of International Motorboating;国际摩托艇运动联盟;UIM; Union of International Technical Associations;国际技术协会联盟技术协联;UITA;技术协联 Union of Latin American and Caribbean Museums;拉丁美洲和加勒比博物馆联合会;; Union of Latin American Banana Workers;拉丁美洲香蕉工人联合会;; Union of Latin American Ecumenical Youth;拉丁美洲全基督教青年联合会;ULAJE; Union of Latin American Universities;拉丁美洲大学联合会;; Union of Mahgreb Arab;马格里布阿拉伯联盟马阿联盟;UMA;马阿联盟 Union of Middle East and Mediterranean Paediatric Societies;中东和地中海儿科学会联合会;UMEMPS; Union of Mobilization of the Oppressed to Guard the Islamic Revolution;动员被压迫者捍卫伊斯兰革命联盟;; Union of Myanmar;缅甸联邦;; Union of National African Paediatric Societies and Associations;非洲国家儿科学会和协会联盟;UNAPSA; Union of National European Paediatric Societies and Associations;欧洲国家儿科学会和协会联盟;UNEPSA; Union of National Radio and Television Organizations of Africa;非洲国家广播电视组织联盟;URTNA; Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Committees;巴勒斯坦医疗救济委员会联合会 巴医联合会;UPMRC;巴医联合会 Union of Producers, Conveyors and Distributors of Electric Power in African Countries, Madagascar and Mauritius;非洲国家、马达加斯加和毛里求斯电力生产者、输送者及分配者联合会;UPDEA; Union of Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina;波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维那共和国联盟;; Union of Secondary-School Pupils;中学生联合会;UES; Union of Socialist Popular Forces;社会主义人民力量联盟社盟;USFP;社盟 Union of Socialist Youth of Yugoslavia;南斯拉夫社会主义青年联盟;; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics;苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟苏联;USSR;苏联 Union of Soviet Societies for Friendship and Cultural Relations of Foreign Countries;苏联对外文化友好协会;; Union of Spanish Workers in Gibraltar;直布罗陀西班牙工人联合会;; Union of Technical Assistance for Motor Vehicle and Road Traffic;机动车辆和公路交通技术援助联合会 车辆交通技援会;UNTAC;车辆交通技援会 Union of the European Economic and Financial Press;欧洲经济与金融报刊联合会;UPEFE; Union of the Mediterranean Women;地中海妇女联合会;UFM; Union of the Peoples of Guinea;几内亚人民联盟;UPG; Union of the Population of Angola;安哥拉人民联盟安人联;UPA;安人联 Union of the Population of Northern Angola;北安哥拉人民联盟安人联;UPA;安人联 Union of University Women;大学妇女联合会;; Union of Women Journalists of Nigeria;尼日利亚女记者联合会;; Union Pacific Transportation Co.;联合太平洋运输公司;UP; union parallelism;御用工会思想;; Union Parliament;联邦议会;; Union Party of Eritrea;厄立特里亚统一党;; Union populaire africaine;非洲人民联合会非民联;UPA;非民联 Union populaire de liberation de la guinee portugaise;葡属几内亚解放人民联盟葡几民联;UPLG;葡几民联 Union Postal;邮政联盟;; Union pour la promotion des Hutu;胡图民族促进联盟胡图民盟;UPROHUTU;胡图民盟 Union pour le progres national;民族进步联盟民进联;UPRONA;民进联 Union Proclamation No. 147 of 1939;联邦公告, 1939年第147号;; Union progressiste melanesienne;美拉尼西亚进步联盟;; Union Public Service Commission;联邦公用事业委员会;UPSC; Union Republics;加盟共和国;; Union Revolucionaria Nacionalista de Guatemala;危地马拉民族革命联盟危民革联;URNG;危民革联 Union Struggle Coordination Committee;联合斗争协调委员会;; Union Territories;中央直辖区;; UNIPAC catalogue;采购装备中心目录;; UNIPAC price list;采购装备中心价目表;; unique expertise;独特的专门知识;; unique legitimate body and source of authority;唯一合法机构和权力来源;; UNISPACE - 82;1982年外空会议;UNISPACE -82; Unissued shares;未发行股份;; unit catch;单位渔获量;; unit discharge;流量模数; 单宽流量;; unit fishing effort;单位渔捞努力量;; Unit for Coordination and Political Information;协调和政治资料股;; Unit for LDCs and International Organizations;最不发达国家和国际组织股;; Unit for Peace Keeping Matters and Special Assignments;维持和平事项和特别任务股;; Unit for Private Sector Funding Sources;私营部门资金来源股;; Unit for Special Economic Assistance Programmes;特别经济援助方案股;; Unit for Special Emergency Programmes;特别应急方案股;; Unit for Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries;发展中国家间技术合作股;; Unit for the Application of the Peace Agreements;和平协定实施股协定实施股;UDAPAZ;协定实施股 Unit for the Integration of Women in Industrial Development;妇女参与工业发展组;WOMEN; Unit for the Protection of Victims and Witnesses;堡受害人和证人股;; Flagstate Implementation Sub-committee;船旗国执行情况小组委员会;FIS; Congolese Rally for Democracy - Liberation Movement;刚果争取民主联盟-解放运动;RCD-LM;刚果民盟-解运 Unit for the Special Emergency Programme on the Horn of Africa;非洲之角特别紧急方案股;; unit labour costs;单位人工成本;; unit load device;成组装运设备;ULD; unit load method;单位装载方法;; Unit of Account;记帐单位;UA; unit of measurement;计量单位;; unit of measurement and conversion factors;计量单位和换算因子;; unit of ozone;臭氧单位;; Unit of Relations with Small Member States;与小会员国关系股;; unit of society;社会单元;; unit of standard fishing effort;单位标准渔捞努力量;; Unit of Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries;发展中国家间技术合作股技合股;TCDCU;技合股 Unit of Women in Agricultural Production and Rural Development;妇女参与农业生产和农村发展股;; unit of work-time;工时单位;; Unit on the Peaceful Settlement Process in the Middle East;中东和平解决进程股;; Unit on Transnational Corporations;跨国公司股;; unit price;单价;; unit resolution;单位分辨率;; unit value;单位价值;; unit value indexes;单位价值指数;; unit value indices of export and imports;进出口单位值指数;; unit, sub-unit, element;部门 单位; 下级单位; 小单位[待命部队的组成];; unit-of-delivery method;交货单位法;; Unitad Especial Antinarcotrafico;缉毒特别股;; UNITAF;特遣队;UNITAF; UNITAR Office in Geneva;训研所日内瓦办事处;; UNITAR Special-Purpose Grants Fund;训研所特别用途补助金基金;; Unitarian Service Committee;唯一神教派服务委员会;; Unitarian Universalist Association;统一世界主义协会;; unitary approach;单元办法;; unitary state;统一国家单一国;; United States;美国;US; United Nations Group of Experts on ... Developing Countries;联合国发达国家和发展中国家间税务条约专 家组;; United Nations Conference on an International Code of Conduct on the Transfer of Technology;联合国国际技术转让行动守则会议;; United Advocates of Statehood;州地位促进者联合会;; United African National Council;联合非洲人全国委员会;UANC; United Air Lines;联合航空公司联航;UAL;联航 United Althing;联合议会;; United Arab Emirates;阿拉伯联合酋长国阿联酋;;阿联酋 United Arab List;阿拉伯联合党;; United Arab Republic;阿拉伯联合共和国阿联;UAR;阿联 United Arab Shipping Company;阿拉伯联合航运公司;; United Armed Forces;联合武装部队;; United Austrian Iron and Steel Works Co.;奥地利联合钢铁公司奥钢;VOEST;奥钢 United Auto Workers;汽车工人联合工会;; United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America;美国汽车、航空航天与农用器械工人联合会;UAW; United Bermuda Party;百幕大联合党;UBP; United Bible Societies;联合圣经会;UBS; United Black Association for Development;黑人发展联合会;UBAD; United Church of Christ;基督统一教会;; United Democratic Front of Namibia;纳米比亚联合民主阵线;UDF; United Development Party;建设团结党;PPP; United Earth;地球联合会;; United Front of the Revolution;革命联合阵线;; United International Bureau for the Protection of Intellectual Property;国际堡知识产权联合局;BIRPI; United Kibbutz Movement;联合集体农庄运动;; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国;; United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority;联合王国原子能总署;UKAEA; United Kingdom Chemical Information Service;联合王国化学资料处;UKCIS; United Kingdom Committee for the Refugee Campaign;难民运动联合王国委员会;; United Kingdom of Libya;利比亚联合王国;; United Kingdom Overseas Development Administration;联合王国海外发展管理署;; United Kingdom State Immunity Act;联合王国国家豁免法;; United Liberation Movement for Democracy in Liberia;利比里亚争取民主联合解放运动尤利姆;ULIMO;尤利姆 United Malays National Organization;马来民族统一机构巫统;UMNO;巫统 United Maritime Consultative Council;海事联合协商委员会;UMCC; United Maritime Executive Board;联合海事执行局;UMEB; United Methodist Office for the United Nations;联合卫理公会联合国事务处;; United Mexican States;墨西哥合众国;; United Mine Workers;矿工联合会;UMW; United Missionary Council;联合传信会;; United Movement for Democracy;民主联合运动;; United Muslim Students Organization in Europe;欧洲回教学生联合组织;; United Nations Population Award;联合国人口奖;; United Nations Seminar on Nuclear Collaboration with South Africa;联合国关于与南非进行核勾结问题的讨论会;; United Nations share;联合国分担的费用;; United National Asian Development Institute;亚洲国家联合发展研究所;; United National Federal Party;联合民族联邦党;; United National Independence Party;联合民族独立党民独党;UNIP;民独党 United National Leadership;民族团结领导小组;; United Nationalist Democratic Organization;统一民族民主组织;; United Nations - International Control Mechanism;联合国国际监督机构;UN-ICM; United Nations-Geneva Newsletter;联合国-日内瓦通讯;; United Nations- ILO Ad Hoc Committee on Forced Labour;联合国-劳工组织强迫劳动特设委员会;; United Nations 100-Day Programme of Action for Accelerated Humanitarian Assistance for Somalia;联合国加速向索马里提供人道主义援助百日 行动纲领;; United Nations Access Control System;联合国出入管理系统;UNACS; United Nations accommodation;联合国办公房地;; United Nations Action in the Field of Human Rights;联合国在人权领域的行动;; United Nations Action Programme for Economic Cooperation;联合国经济合作行动纲领;UNAPEC; United Nations Action Programme for Economic Cooperation among Developing Countries;联合国发展中国家间经济合作行动纲领;UNAPEC; United Nations Action Programme for Economic Recovery and Development in Africa;联合国非洲经济复苏和发展行动纲领;; United Nations Ad Hoc Committee on Israeli Practices in the Occupied Arab Territories;联合国关于被占领阿拉伯领土内以色列行径的特设委员会;; United Nations Ad Hoc Committee on the Indian Ocean;联合国印度洋特设委员会;; United Nations Ad Hoc Internship Programme;联合国特设实习方案;; United Nations Administering Authority;联合国管理当局;UNAA; United Nations Administrative Office;联合国行政事务处;; United Nations Administrative Tribunal;联合国行政法庭行政法庭;UNAT;行政法庭 United Nations Advisory Board of Development and Population;联合国发展与人口咨询委员会;; United Nations Advisory Commission;联合国咨询委员会;; United Nations Advisory Mission;联合国顾问团;; United Nations African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders;联合国非洲预防犯罪和罪犯待遇研究所 非洲预防犯罪所;UNAFRI;非洲预防犯罪所 United Nations African Mothers Club;联合国非洲母亲俱乐部;; United Nations African Seminar and Non-Governmental Organizations Symposium on the Question of Palestine;联合国非洲巴勒斯坦问题讨论会和非政府组 织巴勒斯坦问题研讨会;; United Nations Agency for the Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon;联合国援助黎巴嫩重建和发展机构 援黎重建发展机构;UNARDOL;援黎重建发展机构 United Nations Agency Sponsors' Group;联合国机构赞助小组;; United Nations Amateur Radio Club;联合国业余无线电爱好者俱乐部;; United Nations and Disarmament, 1945-1965;联合国与裁军,1945-1965年;; United Nations and Drug Abuse Control;联合国和药物滥用管制;; United Nations and Human Rights;联合国与人权;; United Nations and Related Agencies Staff Movement for Disarmament and Peace;联合国和有关机构工作人员裁军与和平运动联工和平运动;UN-SMDP;联工和平运动 United Nations and Southern Africa;联合国与南部非洲;; United Nations and the Danube;联合国和多瑙河;; United Nations and the Question of Palestine;联合国与巴勒斯坦问题;; United Nations Aouzou Strip Observers Group;联合国奥祖地带观察组联奥观察组;UNASOG;联奥观察组 United Nations Appeal for Children;联合国为儿童呼吁;UNAC; United Nations Archives;联合国档案库;;库 United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders;联合国亚洲和远东预防犯罪和罪犯待遇研究所亚远防犯所;UNAFEI;亚远防犯所 United Nations Asian Development Institute;联合国亚洲发展研究所;; six-week documentation rule;六周前印发文件的规定;; housing project for low-income urban residents;安居工程;; United Nations Asian Regional Seminar and NGO Symposium on the Question of Palestine;联合国关于巴勒斯坦问题亚洲区域讨论会和非政府组织专题讨论会;; United Nations Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon;联合国援助黎巴嫩重建和发展 援黎重建发展;UNARDOL;援黎重建发展 United Nations Assistance Programme for the Repatriation and Resettlement of Refugees and Emergency Aid to Displaced Persons in Mozambique;联合国莫桑比克境内难民遣返和重新定居及 紧急援助流离失所者的援助方案;; United Nations Association for Bosnia and Herzegovina;联合国波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那协会;; United Nations Association for International Service;联合国国际服务协会;; United Nations Association of ...;XXX联合国协会;; United Nations Association of Belgium;比利时联合国协会;; United Nations Association of Cyprus;塞浦路斯联合国协会;; United Nations Association of Finland;芬兰联合国协会;; United Nations Association of Sweden;瑞典联合国协会;; information-based;信息化;; United Nations Association of the United States of America;美利坚合众国联合国协会美国联合国协会;UNA-USA;美国联合国协会 United Nations Audio Visual Information Centre;联合国视听信息中心视听资料中心;UNIVAC;视听资料中心 United Nations Audio Visual Information Centre for Human Settlement Vision Habitat;联合国人类住区视听信息中心视觉生境;vision habit;视觉生境 United Nations Audio-Visual Information Centre on Human Settlements;联合国人类住区视听信息中心;UNAVIC; United Nations Audit Operations Committee;联合国审计事务委员会;; United Nations award for outstanding achievement in the field of human rights;联合国人权领域杰出贡献奖;; United Nations Bibliographic Information System;联合国书目信息系统书目信息系统;UNBIS;书目信息系统 United Nations blue helmets;联合国蓝盔部队;; United Nations Board of Auditors;联合国审计委员会;; United Nations Board of External Auditors;联合国外聘审计委员会;; United Nations Bond Issue;联合国公债;; United Nations Border Relief Operations;联合国边境救济行动边境救济行动;UNBRO;边境救济行动 United Nations Building;联合国大厦;; United Nations Bulletin;联合国公报;; United Nations Bulletin of Human Rights;联合国人权公报;; United Nations Bureau of Social Affairs;联合国社会事务局;UNBSA; United Nations Bureau of the Department of External Affairs;外交部联合国事务局;; United Nations Capital Assets Fund;联合国资本资产基金;; United Nations Capital Development Fund;联合国资本发展基金资发基金;UNCDF;资发基金 Capital Development Fund, United Nations;联合国资本发展基金资发基金;CDF;资发基金 United Nations Cartographic Conferences on the Standarization of Geographical Names;联合国地名标准化制图会议;; informationization;信息化;; United Nations Census Recommendations;联合国人口普查建议;; United Nations Centre for Development Planning, Projections and Policies;联合国发展规划、预测和政策中心;UNCDPPP; Centre for Development Planning, Projections and Policies, United Nations;联合国发展规划、预测和政策中心;CDP; United Nations Centre for Disarmament;联合国裁军中心裁军中心;UNCD;裁军中心 United Nations Centre for Disarmament and Peace;联合国裁军与和平中心;; United Nations Centre for Economic and Social Information;联合国经济和社会新闻中心;CESI; United Nations Centre for Housing, Building and Planning;联合国住房、造房和规划中心 住房、造房规划中心;UNCD;住房、造房规划中心 United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Habitat;联合国人类住区人居中心 人居中心;UNCHS;人居中心 United Nations Centre for Human Settlements UNCHS;联合国人类住区中心人居中心;HABITAT;人居中心 United Nations Centre for Industrial Development;联合国工业发展中心工发中心;CID;工发中心 United Nations Centre for Natural Resources, Energy and Transport;联合国自然资源、能源和运输中心 资能运中心;CNRET;资能运中心 United Nations Centre for Projection, Planning and Policy;联合国预测、规划和政策中心;UNCPPP; United Nations Centre for Regional Development;联合国区域发展中心区域发展中心;UNCRD;区域发展中心 United Nations Centre for Science and Technology for Development;联合国科学和技术促进发展中心 科技发展中心;UNCSTD;科技发展中心 United Nations Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs;联合国社会发展和人道主义事务中心 社发和人道事务中心;UNCSDHA;社发和人道事务中心 United Nations Centre for urgent environmental assistance;联合国紧急环境援助中心;UNCUEA; United Nations Centre of Information and Consultation;联合国资料和咨询中心;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司