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受到人们注意 come to a head 到了紧要关头 come to a head 成熟 come to a head 达到顶点 come to a head 疮疖化脓 come to blows 给予打击 come to light 显露 come to light 暴露出来 come to light 成为人所共知 come to much 有什么重要结果 come to much 有了不起的收获 come to pieces 破碎 come to pieces 碎裂 come to pieces 身体垮下来 come to pieces 瓦解 come to pieces 崩溃 come a howler 遭到失败 come about 发生 come about 产生 come about 改变方向 come about 发生 come about 转向 come across 来到 come across 偶遇 come across 给人印象深刻 come across 不期而遇 come across 交付 come across with 偿付 come adrift 随波逐流 come adrift 脱节 come adrift 离题 come after 跟着...来 come after 跟在...后面 come again 回来 come again 回去 come again 重新赶上去 come alive 活跃起来 come alive 觉悟起来 come alive 看起来像真的一样 come along 出现 come along 发生 come along 进步 come along 陪伴 come amiss 不称心 come amiss 不合适 come amiss 不受欢迎 come and get it 请过来吃吧! come and go 来来往往 come and go upon 信赖 come and go upon 信任 come and go upon 有行动自由 come and have a pickle 请来吃便饭 come apart 裂开 come apart 破裂 come apart 垮下来 come apart 崩溃 come apart at the seams 裂缝 come around 恢复知觉 come around 回来 come at 袭击 come at 达到 come at 得到 come at 到达 come at 攻击 come away 离开 come away 离开时留下 come away empty 空手而回 come away none the wiser 结果还是一点也不明白而归 come back 回来 come back 在记忆中重现 come back 复原 come back 恢复 come back 反驳 come back again like a bad penny 不要它偏又回来 come back again like a bad penny 挥去复来 come back again like a half penny 不要它偏又回来 come back again like a half penny 挥去复来 come back again like a shilling 不要它偏又回来 come back again like a shilling 挥去复来 come back home 回家 come back to earth 回到现实 come before 在...之前来 come before 在...之上 come between 在...中间 come between 离间 come between 居...之间 come between 离开 come between the bark and the tree 管闲事 come by 从旁走过 come by 得到 come by 取得 come by 经过 come clean 全盘招供 come close to 接近 come crowding in 一拥而入 come down 下来 come down 倒塌 come down 没落 come down 病倒 come down 捐钱 come down 流传下来 come down 垂下 come down like a cartload of bricks 大骂 come down like a cartload of bricks 怒责 come down on the rightside of the fence 倒向胜利的一方 come down handsome 慷概解囊 come down handsomely 慷慨解囊 come down hard on 向...索取 come down hard on 申斥 come down hard on 严厉惩罚 come down hard on 强烈反对 come down hard upon 向...索取 come down hard upon 申斥 come down hard upon 严厉惩罚 come down hard upon 强烈反对 come down in sheets 倾盆而下 come down in the world 落魄 come down on 惩罚 come down on 索取 come down on 处罚 come down on 批评 come down on one side or the other of the fence 支持两方的一方 come down on the right side of fence 附和胜方 come down on the right side of the fence 附和胜利的一方 come down to 归结为 come down to 涉及到 come down to bedrock 穷根究底 come down to bedrock 弄清事情的底细 come down to earth 回到现实中来 come down to earth 不再幻想 come down upon 处罚 come down upon 批评 come down with 付钱 come down with 染上 come easy to 对...是轻而易举的 come for 为某种目的而来取 come for 来接 come for 向...冲来 come for 对...进行袭击 come forth 出现 come forth 涌现 come forth 被公布 come forward 自告奋勇 come forward 自愿 come from 来自 come from 出生于 come from 来自 come from 出身于 come from the shoulder 直截了当 come full circle 回到原地 come here 来这里 come high 涨价 come home 回家 come home 被完全理解 come home by the weeping cross 遭受挫折 come home shorn 输得精光回来 come home to roost 得到恶报 come home to roost 归还原主 come in 进来 come in 到达终点 come in 流行起来 come in 当选 come in 到手 come in at the hawsehole 从普通水手做起 come in at the hawsehole 水兵出身 come in first 获第一名 come in flocks 成群涌来 come in for 接受 come in for 受到 come in for 继承 come in for a share 得到分配 come in for a share 分得一份 come in from the cold 摆脱孤立 come in from the cold 不再受冷落 come in handy 迟早有用 come in handy 派得上用场 come in on 参加 come in on 参与 come in sight of 看见 come in through the hawsehole 从普通水手做起 come in through the hawsehole 水兵出身 come in upon 参加 come in upon 参与 come in useful 迟早有用 come in useful 早晚会用得上 come in view of 进入视域内 come in view of 走到被...看得见的地方 come into 进入 come into 得到 come into 继承 come into 继承 come into 取得 come into kindness 帮人的忙 come into kindness 为某人做好事 come into power 掌权 come into power 上台 come into a fortune 继承一笔遗产 come into action 投入战斗 come into being 形成 come into being 产生 come into bloom 开花 come into blossom 开始开花 come into collision with 相撞 come into collision with 冲突 come into commission 参加服役 come into conflict with 和...冲突 come into contact with 接触到 come into contact with 和...接触 come into contact with 碰到 come into disfavor 失宠 come into disfavor 失众望 come into disfavour with 失宠 come into disfavour with 失众望 come into dissfavour 失宠 come into dissfavour 失众望 come into disuse 废弃 come into disuse 不用 come into ears 抽穗 come into effect 开始生效 come into existence 开始存在 come into existence 成立 come into fashion 流行起来 come into fashion 开始风行 come into favor 帮人的忙 come into favor 为某人做好事 come into favour 帮人的忙 come into favour 为某人做好事 come into flower 开始开花 come into focus 轮廓明显 come into focus 清晰 come into focus 突出 come into force 开始有效 come into force 开始实行 come into leaf 长叶 come into line 排齐 come into line 同意 come into notice 引起注意 come into office 就职 come into one's kingdom 飞黄腾达 come into one's mind 想起 come into one's mind 触念 come into one's money 继承遗产 come into one's own 得到自己该得的东西 come into one's own 盛行起来 come into operation 开始工作 come into operation 生效 come into play 开始活动 come into possession of 占有某物 come into power 执政 come into power 掌权 come into prominence 成为显要 come into prominence 出名 come into question 被讨论 come into request 变得为人们所需要 come into request 显得缺乏 come into sb.'s possession 被某人占有 come into season 上市 come into service 投入使用 come into style 变得时髦 come into style 流行起来 come into the market 上市 come into the picture 引起人们注意 come into the picture 被牵连 come into the world 出生 come into use 开始被使用 come into view 看得见 come into vogue 流行起来 come into wear 成为流行式样 come into wear 风行 come into wear 时兴 come it 拿出钱来 come it 泄密 come it 示弱 come it 卖弄 come it 吹牛 come it 获得成功 come it over 胜过 come it over 骗过 come it over 对...摆威风 come it strong 做得过份 come it strong 过于夸大 come like a dog at a whistle 一呼即来 come loose 松掉 come low 低廉 come low 便宜 come low 跌价 come natural to sb. 对某人来说轻而易举 come near 走近 come near 接近 come near doing 几乎 come near to 接近 come next 继而是 come next 随着 come next 跟着 come of 出身于 come of 由...引起 come of 起源于 come of 结果 come of age 到法定年龄 come of age 成年 come off 离开 come off 举行 come off 实现 come off 成为 come off a loser 损失 come off a loser 亏损 come off a loser 输 come off a loser 失败 come off cheap 占了便宜 come off crabs 终于失败 come off guard 离防 come off guard 下防 come off one's high horse 不再骄傲自大 come off one's perch 不再骄傲自大 come off scot free 安然逃脱 come off scot free 未受损害 come off scot free 未受处分 come off scot free 消遥法外 come off second best 居第二位 come off sentry 下岗 come off sentry 交班 come off well 运气好 come off well 走运 come off well 有满意的结果 come off with 发表 come off with 宣布 come off with flying colours 大获胜利 come off with flying colours 大告成功 come on 突然产生 come on 要求 come on 成为...负担 come on 偶遇 come on 跟着来 come on 开始 come on 出台 come on 上演 come on 快点 come on 赶快 come on the stage 登上政治舞台 come on the stage 进入社会 come on a straight shoot 直截了当地进行 come on strike 实行罢工 come on strong 给人以强烈印象 come on the carpet 提出来研究讨论 come on the scene 出现 come on to 开始 come on to 兴盛 come one's way 同意 come out 出来 come out 长出 come out 传出 come out 褪去 come out 被展出 come out 被解出 come out 露出 come out 罢工 come out 出现 come out 真相大白 come out against 出来反对 come out against 反抗 come out at 达 come out at 共计 come out at the little end of the horn 夸口后没做到 come out first 赢 come out first 获胜 come out first 考第一名 come out for 声明支持 come out for 表示同意 come out for 赞同 come out for 出去 come out in 发出 come out in sympathy 举行同情罢工 come out in sympathy 罢工声援 come out in the wash 暴露 come out in the wash 真相大白 come out of 由...产生 come out of 从...出来 come out of action 撤出战斗 come out of hiding 从躲藏处出来 come out of one's shell 不再冷淡 come out of one's shell 开始与人交往 come out of the little end of the horn 说了大话不能兑现 come out of the red 获利 come out of the red 开始赚钱 come out strong 以坚决的姿态发言 come out top 名列前茅 come out with 发表 come out with 公布 come out with 说出 come out with 展出 come out with 供应 come out with 发表 come out with 宣布 come out with 把...投入市场 come over 过来 come over 过来 come over 抓住 come over dizzy 感到眩晕 come over queer 感到眩晕 come pat 来得正巧 come round 来 come round 前来 come round 过访 come round 绕道而来 come round 苏醒 come round 转变 come round 改主意 come round 笼络 come round to 改变主意 come short 缺乏 come short 不足 come short 达不到 come short 不符合 come short home 遭到不幸 come short home 遭到失败 come short of 缺乏 come short of 不足 come short of 达不到 come short of 不符合 come the big figure 彻底地干 come the big figure 出风头 come the big figure 摆阔气 come the bully over sb. 盛气凌人地对待 come the double 背信弃义 come the double 爽头 come the heavy 大摆架子 come the old soldier over 企图侮辱 come the old soldier over 摆老资格 come through 经历 come through 脱险 come through 传出 come through 捐助 come through 经历 come through 成功 come through with flying colours 大获胜利 come through with flying colours 大告成功 come to 达到 come to 继承 come to 复苏 come to 停止 come to 想起 come to 共计 come to a decision 作出决定 come to power 掌权 come to power 上台 come to the gallows 上绞架被绞死 come to the hammer 被拍卖 come to a climax 达到顶点 come to a climax 达到高潮 come to a close 渐近结束 come to a close 临终 come to a conclusion 得出结论 come to a conclusion 告一段落 come to a crisis 陷入晰 come to a dead end 到达铁道支线的终点 come to a dead end 无法前进 come to a dead end 停滞不前 come to a deadlock 陷入僵局 come to a deadlock 相持不下 come to a decision 作一决定 come to a full stop 完全停止 come to a halt 停下来 come to a handsome pass 变得很糟 come to a handsome pass 陷入困境 come to a head 出脓 come to a head 成熟 come to a head 到紧急关头 come to a head 达到最高点 come to a period 结束 come to a period 终止 come to a person's aid 援助某人 come to a point 变尖 come to a point 到紧急时 come to a pretty pass 变得很糟 come to a pretty pass 陷入困境 come to a settlement 解决 come to a settlement 决定 come to a settlement 和解 come to a standstill 停止 come to a standstill 陷入停顿、停滞状态 come to a sticky end 下场不好 come to a untimely end 过早死亡 come to a untimely end 夭折 come to an accommodation 达到和解 come to an accommodation 达到妥协 come to an agreement 达成协议 come to an anchor 抛锚 come to an arrangement 谈妥 come to an arrangement 达成协议 come to an end 结束 come to an end 终止 come to an untimely end 夭折 come to attention 立正 come to bat 碰到问题 come to bat 碰到任务 come to bat 面临考验 come to bat for 支持 come to bat for 为...辩护 come to bay 陷入困境 come to bay 困兽犹斗 come to blows 互殴 come to close quarters 肉搏 come to fame 成名 come to fisticuffs 打起架来 come to front 引人注目 come to front 出名 come to fruition 成熟 come to good 有好结果 come to grapples with 与...格斗 come to grass 走出矿井外 come to grief 遭难 come to grief 受伤 come to grief 失败 come to grief 面临悲境 come to gripes 互相揪扭 come to grips with 开始搏斗 come to hand 到手 come to hand 接到 come to hands 到手 come to hands 收到 come to harm 遭不幸 come to harm 受损害 come to heel 紧随在后面 come to heel 附和 come to heel 追逐异性 come to land 着陆 come to land 登陆 come to life 苏醒过来 come to life 变得活跃 come to life 显得逼真 come to light 暴露 come to light 被发现 come to light 众所周知 come to little 没有结果 come to little 终于失败 come to no good 没有好结果 come to no good end 失败 come to no good end 没有好下场 come to nothing 完全失败 come to nothing 失败 come to nothing 终成泡影 come to nought 毫无结果 come to nought 等于零 come to nought 一事无成 come to one's senses 苏醒过来 come to one's senses 醒悟 come to oneself 苏醒 come to oneself 醒悟 come to oneself 恢复知觉 come to pass 发生 come to pass 实现 come to reason 清醒过来 come to reason 恢复理性 come to reason 觉悟过来 come to reason 醒悟 come to remembrance 回忆起 come to remembrance 想起 come to rest 停止移动 come to ruin 毁灭 come to ruin 灭亡 come to ruin 崩溃 come to ruin 破坏掉 come to sb.'s aid 帮助某人 come to sb.'s knowledge 被某人知道 come to sb.'s notice 引起某人注意 come to stay 扎根下来 come to terms 达成协议 come to terms 妥协 come to terms 让步 come to the boil 开始沸腾 come to the end 结束 come to the end 告终 come to the fore 走到前面来 come to the fore 发作 come to the fore 涌现出来 come to the fore 惹人注意 come to the front 出名 come to the front 变得明显 come to the front 引人注目 come to the ground 失败 come to the ground 灭亡 come to the halter 被处绞刑 come to the point 到达要点 come to the push 临到紧要关头 come to the salute 行敬礼 come to the same thing 结果相同 come to the shoulder 掮枪 come to the surface 显露出来 come to the top 出名 come to the top 取得成功 come to the wrong shop 找错对象 come to think of it 我想起来了 come to this 等于这样说 come to this 就是这样 come to time 履行义务 come to town 到城里 come to town 到场 come together 集合 come true 实现 come true 达到 come under 归入 come under 受到 come under the hammer 被拍卖 come under attack 遭抨击 come under review 开始受审查 come under review 开始被考虑 come under the head of 归入...部 come under the head of 属于...项下 come under the influence of 开始受...影响 come unscathed out of the battle 身历危难而仍安然无恙 come unstruck 弄糟 come up 走近 come up 上来 come up 发芽 come up 流行 come up 发生 come up 被提出 come up 上升 come up 讨论 come up 出现 come up against 碰到 come up against 遭遇 come up for discussion 提出讨论 come up in the world 发迹 come up in the world 露头角 come up in the world 飞黄腾达 come up roses 显得很完满 come up smiling 重振精神 come up to 达到 come up to 符合 come up to 达到 come up to 比得上 come up to 等于 come up to the standard 达到标准 come up with 赶上 come up with 提出 come up with 提出 come up with 拿出 come upon 突然产生 come upon 要求 come upon 成为...负担 come upon 偶遇 come upon 突临 come upon 突袭 come upon the stage 进入社会 come what may 不论发生什么事情 come what will 不管如何 come with 伴随...发生 come with 与...一起供给 come within 在...范围内 come wrong 不被接受 come wrong 不受欢迎 come-and-go 来回 come-and-go 往来 come-and-go 交通 come-at-able 可接近的 come-at-able 易见面的 come-at-able 不远的 come-hither 诱惑人的 come-hither 吸引人的 come-off 结局 come-on 劝诱 come-on 诱惑 come-outer 叛教者 come-outer 急进改革分子 come-uppance 报应 come-uppance 应得的惩罚 comeback 恢复 comeback 复原 COMECON Council for Mutual Economic Assistance 经济互助会 comedian 喜剧演员 comedic 喜剧的 comedienne 喜剧女演员 comedietta 小喜剧 comedist 喜剧作家 comedo 粉刺 comedocarcinoma 粉刺状癌 comedones 黑头粉刺 comedown 衰落 comedown 丧失 comedy 喜剧 comedy 喜剧性的事情 comedy film 喜剧影片 comedy of manners 风尚喜剧 comeliness 漂亮的 comeliness 好看的 comeling 外来人 comeling 非在所居之地土生土长者 comely 清秀的 comely 标致的 comentropy 信息熵 comer 来者 comer 新来者 comer 有希望者 comercial science 商学 comers and goers 来来往往的人 comes 伴星 comes 伴引血管 comestible 可吃的 comestible 食物 comet 彗星 comet family 彗星族 comet formation 成彗星状 comet grain 彗星形晶粒 comet of Neptune family 海族彗星 comet of Saturn family 土族彗星 comet of Uranus family 天族彗星 comet phenomenon 彗尾现象 cometary 彗星的 cometary 彗星似的 comether 引诱 comether 诱惑 comether 引诱的 cometic 彗星的 cometic 彗星似的 cometography 彗星志 comeuppance 应得的惩罚 comeuppance 因果报应 Comex 纽约商品交易所 cone 锥形物 cone 圆锥体 cone 球果 cone 使成锥形 cone angle 锥角 cone angle 锥角 cone belt 三角带 cone bipolars 锥体两极细胞 cone blender 单锥鼓式搅拌机 cone bottom bucket 锥底式料桶 cone brake 锥形闸 cone cell 视锥细胞 cone cell 圆锥细胞 cone centre 节锥顶 cone chuck 锥形夹盘 cone closure autoclave 锥形密封式高压釜 cone coupling 锥形联轴节 cone crusher 圆锥形轧碎机 cone cylinder 锥头柱体 cone diaphragm 锥形膜片 cone diaphragm 纸盆 cone dike 锥形岩脉 cone drawing 铁炮式前纺 cone duster 转笼式除尘机 cone equivalent 测温锥相当温度 cone feed 圆锥形排种机 cone finishing yarn 宝塔纱 cone friction brake 锥形摩擦闸 cone friction coupling 锥形摩擦联轴节 cone friction gear 圆锥摩擦传动 cone friction gear 摩擦减速器 cone gear 圆锥齿轮 cone gear 伞齿轮 cone gear 塔轮齿轮 cone gear 锥轮装置 cone governor 锥形调速器 cone governor 调节锥 cone head snap 尖锥铆钉窝子 cone indenter 锥构刻压仪 cone insulator 圆锥形绝缘子 cone joint 圆锥节 cone joint 圆锥接头 cone key 圆锥键 cone key 锥形键 cone length 锥长 cone mill 斜轧穿孔机 cone mill 菌式穿孔机 cone mill 圆锥形磨矿机 cone milling cutter 锥形铣刀 cone of ambiguity 不定性锥区 cone of dejection 冲积锥 cone of dejection 冲出锥 cone of depression cone 下降锥体 cone of detritus 冲积锥 cone of detritus 冲出锥 cone of gears 锥形轮 cone of influence 下降漏斗 cone of silence 静锥区 cone of slope 边坡锥体 cone of visibility 能见锥区 cone off 用锥形信号标明 cone pawl clutch 圆锥棘轮离合器 cone pelletizer 圆锥式造球机 cone penetrometer 锥形透度计 cone pinion 小伞齿轮 cone plaque 测温锥底座 cone plaque 塞锥座板 cone portion making 锥形杯分装 cone pulley 锥轮 cone pulley 塔轮 cone resistance 锥体阻力 cone screw 锥形螺钉 cone shaker 球果脱子器 cone shaker 圆锥振动筛 cone sheath 锥鞘 cone sheet 锥形片 cone shell 鸡心螺 cone shock 锥形激震 cone spacer 内隔圈 cone speaker 纸盆扬声器 cone stop 圆锥制动器 cone type loud speaker 锥形扬声器 cone type loudspeaker 圆锥形扬声器 cone valve 锥形阀 cone winder 宝塔筒子络纱机 cone winding machine 锥形筒子络纱机 cone-shaped 锥形的 coned 被探照灯光来照中的 coned grinding wheel 圆锥磨轮 coneflower 黄雏菊属植物 coneflower 金花菊 coneheaded bolt 圆锥头螺栓 conelet 小锥 Conelrad 电磁波辐射控制 Conemaugh series 科纳莫系 conenose 吸血昆虫之一种 cones 圆锥细胞 Conestoga 一种大篷马车 Conestoga wagon 宽轮的篷车的一种 coney 兔子 coney 兔毛皮 cooee 喂 cooee 作喂和尖锐的呼喊声 cooer 鸠 cooer 鸽 cope 应付 cope 处理 cope and drag mount 上下型箱架 cope and drag pattern 两片模 cope and drag pattern 两箱造型模 cope and drag pattern 具有上下箱两部分的模型 cope and drag set 上下型机组 cope plate 上模板 cope shell 上壳 cope spall 严重起痂 cope spall 严重起皮 cope with 与...竞争 cope with 应付 copeck 俄罗斯小铜板 copeck 货币单位 coped beam 切口梁 coped joint 搭接缝 copemate 同志 copemate 伙伴 copemate 合伙人 copen 哥本哈根蓝色 Copenhagen 哥本哈根 Copenhagen water 国际哥本哈根标准海水 Copenhagenian 哥本哈根人 copepod 桡脚类的动物 copepod 桡脚类动物的 coper 马贩子 coperfect module 共完全模 Copernican 哥白尼学说的 Copernican 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司