翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 violation of human rights;侵犯人权;; violation of territorial waters;侵犯领水;; violation of the rights to freedom of expression and freedom of association;侵犯言论自由和结社自由权利事件;; violations;违反情况; 违规事件; 侵犯人权事件;;事件 violations of the Cease-fire;违反宛事件;VCF; violations of the Cease-fire Agreement;违反《宛协定》事件;VCFA; violations of the right to integrity and security of the person;侵犯人身完整与安全权事件;; violations of the right to life;侵犯生命权事件;; violator;违犯者;; violence;暴力事件;; violence against women;对妇女的暴力行为;; violence in society;社会上的暴力行为;; violence in the family;家庭内的暴力行为;; violence of hunger;饥饿的伤害;; violence within marriage;夫妻间暴力行为;; violence-free families;无暴力家庭;; violence-free society;无暴力社会;; violent crimes;暴力罪行;; Violently Abused Women and Girls Project;暴力行为受害妇女和女童项目;; VIQUEIRA, Francisco Jose;弗朗西斯科·何塞·比凯拉;; VIRAPHOL, Sarasin;沙拉信·威拉蓬;; VIRATA, Cesar;塞里·维雷太;; Virgin Islands;美属维尔京群岛;; Virgin Islands Planning Office;维尔京群岛规划处;; Virgin Jungle Reserves programme;原丛林保留地方案;VJRs; virgin population;未开发种群;; virgin spawning biomass;原始产卵生物量;; virgin stock;未开发鱼类种群;;种群 VIRMANI, Surjan Das;苏尔真·达斯·维尔马尼;; virtual point source;虚拟点污染源; 理论点源;; virtual storage;虚拟存储;VS; virucides; viricides;杀病毒剂;; virus laboratory;病毒化验室;; virus vaccines;病毒疫苗;; Visa Committee;签证委员会;; visa regulations;签证管理规定;; VISALO, Long;龙·维沙洛;; Visao;《视界》杂志;; visbreaking;减低粘度; 减粘裂化; 减粘轻度裂化;; Visby Rules;维斯比规则;; Visegrad;维舍格勒;; Visegrad Triangle;维舍格勒三角;; VISESSURAKARN;维塞苏拉卡恩;; Vishwa Hindu Parishad;世界印度人理事会;; visible;可看见的; 能见的; 显而易见的; 宏观的;; visible and infrared spin-scan radiometer;可见光和红外自旋扫描辐射仪;VISSR; visible radiation;可见光辐射;; visible trade exports and imports, means;有形贸易进出口,财产;;进出口,财产 visible unemployment;有形失业;; visible work;显性劳动;; Visible-Light Thermal Infrared Spin Scanning Radiometer;可见光热红外线自转扫描辐射仪;; visioconferencing;视象会议;; Vision Habitat;生境视觉资料处;; Vision International;视觉国际;; Vision par Ordinateur en Afrique pour la Recherche;非洲计算机视觉研究网;VOAR; Visionaries of World Peace;世界和平远景;; Visit ASEAN Year 1992;1992访问东盟年;; visit of ceremony;正式访问;; visit of civility courtesy, respect;拜会;; VISITILE, Alphons;阿方斯·维锡迪尔;; visiting group;视察小组;; visiting homemaker;家务助理;; Visiting Mission;视察团;; visiting scholars;访问学者;; visiting session;外地会议;; visiting union having a steady sexual partner with whom one does not reside;探访过夜的关系当今社会; 探访婚原始社会; 走婚;; visitors and tours pavilion;参观导游室;; Visitors Tour Route;导游路线;; Visko;维斯科;; VISLYKH, Victor Alexandrovich;维克托·亚历山德罗维奇·维斯利赫;; Visnews;视觉新闻公司;; Visoco;维索科;; Visoko;维索科;; Visoko-Ilijas;维索科-伊利亚斯;; Visoko-Kiseljak;维索科-基塞利亚克;; visparax;维斯帕拉斯;; visual acuity;视敏度;; Visual Aides Panel;视觉助航设备小组; 视觉助航组;VAP; visual aids;直观教具; 视觉教材;; visual displays;影视陈列品;; Visual Information Board;视觉资料委员会;VIB; Visual Information Section;视觉信息科;; visual material;直观材料;; Visual Materials Library;视觉资料室;; Visual Production Unit;影视资料制作股;; visual region;视区;; Visual Service;视觉事务处;; Visual Service Division;视觉事务司;; visually impaired;低视力; 视力有缺陷;; VISWANATHAN,;维斯瓦纳坦;; VITA, Juan ALVAREZ;胡安·阿尔瓦雷斯·比塔;; vital events;人口动态事件;; vital human asset;至为重要的人类财富;; vital interest;切身的关系切身利益;; vital interests sphere;重要利益范围;; vital records;生命记录;; vital registration;人口动态登记;; vital statistics;生命统计;; vital statistics system;生命统计系统;; vitamin A and iron supplementation programme;维生素A和铁补充方案;; vitamin A concentrate;浓缩维生素A;; vitamin A deficiency;维生素A缺乏[症];; vitamin B1 deficiency;维生素B1缺乏症;; vitamin D deficiency;维生素D缺乏症;; vitamin deficiency;维生素缺乏症;; vitamin therapy;维生素疗法;; Vitez;维特兹;; vitis vinifera;葡萄;; vitro fertilization;体外受孕;; VITZTHUM VON ECKSTADT, Dieter;迪耶特·维茨顿·冯埃克斯塔特;; vivax malaria;间日疟原虫性疟疾;; Vivid Communication with Women in Their Cultures;尊重当地文化积极与妇女沟通协会;; VIVO, Raul Valdes;劳尔·巴尔德斯·比沃;; VIXSEBOXSE, J.;费渊;; Vladivostok Agreement;海参崴协定;; VLASCEANU, Petre;彼得·弗勒斯恰努;; Vlasenica;弗拉塞尼察;; Vleissenstraal Cooperative;肉类中央合作社;; Vleissenstraal South Africa Meat Producers Central Cooperative, Ltd.;南非肉类生产者有限责任中央合作社;; Vneshniaia Torgovlia;《对外贸易》杂志;; VO, Chi Cong;武志公;; VO, Dong Giang;武东江;; VO, Nguyen-giap;武元甲;; VOC control technology;挥发性有机化合物控制技术;; VOC emission inventory;挥发性有机化合物排放物清单;; Vocal Director de la Comision Nacional del Espacio Exterior;全国外空委员会助理主任;; vocational agreements;实际业务协定;; vocational and professional training administration;职业及专业训练行政费用;; vocational education;职业教育;; vocational lycee;职业中学;; vocational reconversion benefit scheme;转职津贴制度;; vocational rehabilitation;恢复工作能力; 职业康复;; Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Disabled Persons Convention;残疾人职业康复和就业公约;; Vocational Rehabilitation for Women with Disabilities, Dispelling the Shadows of Neglect: a survey of six Asia and Pacific Countries on the Situation of Disabled Women;残疾妇女恢复工作能力, 消除被忽视的阴 影:六个亚洲及太平洋国家关于残疾妇女 状况的调查报告;; vocational training;职业培训;; Vocational Training Centre for Namibians;纳米比亚人职业培训中心;; Vocational Training Recommendation;职业训练建议书;; VOCETKA, Petr;彼得·沃采特卡;; Voest Alpine;奥地利弗斯特阿尔派恩钢铁公司;; VOEUNSAI, Sonn;桑恩·沃昂萨伊;; VOGEL, Garson Nathaniel;加森·纳撒尼尔·沃格尔;; VOGEL, Hans-Jochen;汉斯·约汉·福格尔;; Vogosca;沃戈什恰;; VOHOR, Serge;瑟奇·沃霍尔;; VOHRAH, Lal Chand;拉尔·昌德·沃赫拉;; Voice against Torture;反对酷刑之声;VAT; Voice of Democratic Kampuchea;民主柬埔寨之声;; Voice of Lebanon;黎巴嫩之声;; Voice of Nigeria;尼日利亚之声;; Voice of People;人民之声党;;党 Voice of the Children;儿童之声;; Voice of the National Army of Democratic Kampuchea;民主柬埔寨国民军之声;; Voice of the Revolutionary Unification Party;革命统一党之声;; Voice of Women Canada;加拿大妇女之声;; VOICU, Ioan;伊万·沃伊库;; void and voidable;无效且可作废;; void document;失效文件;; VOITENKO, Vadim Alexeevich;瓦季姆·阿列克谢耶维奇·沃伊坚科;; Voivode;指挥官; 总督公爵;;公爵 Vojno Delo;《军事》双月刊;; Vojnovac;沃伊诺瓦奇;; volatile;挥发性的; 易挥发的;; volatile organic compound;挥发性有机化合物;VOC; volatile organic compounds;挥发性有机化合物;VOCs; volatile solvent;挥发性溶剂;; volcanic ash cloud;火山灰云;; Volcker-Ogata report 1992;沃尔克 - 绪方报告;; VOLKOV;伏尔科夫;; Volkskas Bank;国民银行;; Volkskas Merchant Bank;国民商业银行;; Volksparty;人民党;; Volkswagen Co.;大众汽车公司;; Volkswagen Foundation;大众汽车基金会;; VOLLEBAEK, Knut;克努特·沃莱贝克;; VOLLERS, Claus;克劳斯·福勒尔斯;; VOLOCHINSKY, Maria Isabel;玛丽亚·伊莎贝尔·博洛钦斯基;; Volontariat du travail;志愿工作队;; VOLPINARI, Antonio;安东尼奥·沃尔皮纳里;; VOLSKI, Gueorgui Z.;格奥尔基·沃尔斯基;; voltage regulators;调压器;; voltage stabilizer;稳压器;; volume and value of services;服务的量与值;; volume measure;物量计算值; 物量衡量标准; 物量计算法;; volume of freight loaded and unloaded in the port;港口吞吐量;; volume of goods loaded and unloaded in the port;货运吞吐量;; volume of investment;投资数额;; volume of material;材料数量;; volume of over-all trade;总贸易额;; volume of pollutants;大量污染物;; volume of production;生产量;; volume of production or trading output;生产额或贸易额;; volume of surface runoff;地面径流总量;; Volume Reduction and Chemical Extraction Technology;减容和化学品萃取技术;VORCE; voluntarily contributed resources;自愿捐款;; voluntarily funded trust funds;自愿提供资金的信托基金;; voluntary abstinence;自愿禁欲;; voluntary acquisition of the nationality;自愿取得国籍;; voluntary agencies;志愿机构;; voluntary agency;志愿机构;; voluntary arbitration;自愿仲裁;; Voluntary Assistance Programme;自愿援助计划;VAP; Voluntary Assistance Programme Fund;志愿援助方案基金;VAPF; Voluntary Civil Defence Committee;志愿民防委员会民防委;CVDC;民防委 Voluntary Cooperation Programme;自愿合作方案;VCP; Voluntary Code of Conduct for the Release of Genetically Modified Organisms;释放基因改变生物自愿行为守则;; Voluntary Committee on Overseas Aid and Development;海外援助与发展志愿委员会 海外援助委员会;VCOAD;海外援助委员会 Voluntary Contribution Programme;自愿捐助方案;VCP; voluntary contributions;自愿捐助;; Voluntary contributions in-kind budgeted;编入预算的自愿捐助实物;; voluntary contributions of supplies and services;自愿捐助用品和服务;; voluntary demobilization;自愿遣散;; voluntary export restraints;自动限制出口;VERS; voluntary freedom of choice;自愿的选择自由;; Voluntary Fund for...;...自愿基金;; Voluntary Fund for Advisory Services and Technical Assistance in the Field of Human Rights;人权领域咨询服务和技术援助自愿基金;; Voluntary Fund for Assisting Small Island Developing States and the Least Developed Countries to Participate in the Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and its Preparatory Process;援助小岛屿发展中国家和最不发达国家参加全球小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展会议及其筹备过程的自愿基金;; Voluntary Fund for Facilitating Participation of Developing Countries in the Negotiation Process for the Protection of Global Climate for Present and Future Generations of Mankind;支助发展中国家参与为今世后代堡全球气候谈判过程的自愿基金;; Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Populations;援助土著居民自愿基金;; Voluntary Fund for Supporting Developing Countries Participating in the United nations Conference on Environment and Development and its Preparatory Process;支助发展中国家参加联合国环境与发展会议及其筹备过程自愿基金;; Voluntary Fund for Supporting Developing Countries Participation in the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development and its Preparation Process;支助发展中国家参加1994年国际人口与发展会议及其筹备过程自愿基金;; Voluntary Fund for Technical Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights;人权领域技术合作自愿基金;; Voluntary Fund for the Cambodian Peace Process;柬埔寨和平进程自愿基金;; Voluntary Fund for the Decade of Disabled Persons;残疾人十年自愿基金;; voluntary Fund for the Development of Awareness on Human Rights Through Education and Information;通过教育和新闻促进对人权的认识自愿基金;; Voluntary Fund for the International Women's Year;国际妇女年自愿基金;; Voluntary Fund for the International Year of the Family;国际家庭年自愿基金;; Voluntary Fund for the Third Decade against Racism;第三个反对种族主义十年自愿基金;; Voluntary Fund for the United Nations Decade for Women;联合国妇女十年自愿基金妇女基金;VFUNDW;妇女基金 Voluntary Fund for the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons;联合国残疾人十年自愿基金;; Voluntary Fund for the Victims of Contemporary Slavery;援助当代奴隶制受害者自愿基金;; Voluntary Fund of the United Nations of Victims of Gross and Flagrant Violations of Human Rights;联合国援助人权受到严重公然侵害的人的自愿基金;; Voluntary Fund to grant travel assistance to developing countries members of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law;向联合国国际贸易法委员会发展中国家成员提供旅费援助的自愿基金;; Voluntary Guidelines for the Design, Construction and Equipment of Small Fishing Vessels;小型渔船的设计、建造和装备自愿准则;; voluntary hospital;私人医院;; voluntary insolvency;自愿破产;; voluntary law of nations;意志国际法;; voluntary manslaughter;故意杀人;; voluntary measures;自愿措施;; voluntary observing ship;自愿观测船;VOS; Voluntary Officers Decoration;志愿军官章;V.D.; voluntary pledged contribution;向...认捐的自愿捐款;; voluntary programme costs;自愿方案费用;; voluntary repatriation;自愿遣返;; Voluntary Repatriation Form;自愿遣返表;; Voluntary Repatriation Pilot Project;自愿遣返试验项目;; voluntary resettlement;自愿重新定居;; voluntary restraint export;自动出口限制;; voluntary restriction of export;自愿限制出口;; Voluntary Services Organization;志愿服务组织;; voluntary sexual abstinence;自愿禁欲;; voluntary submission;自愿服从;; voluntary system;自愿制度;; voluntary task forces of youth;青年志愿工作队;; Voluntary Trust Fund for the International Year of the Family;国际家庭年自愿信托基金;; Voluntary Trust Fund for the Preparation for and the Observation of the International Year of the Family;筹备和庆祝国际家庭年自愿信托基金;; Voluntary Trust Fund on Contemporary Forms of Slavery;当代形式奴隶制问题自愿信托基金;; voluntary work-sharing;自愿的分担工作;; voluntary worker;志愿工作人员;; Volunteer Management System;志愿人员管理制度;; Volunteer Service Abroad;海外志愿服务团;; Volunteering Hydrographic Offices;志愿水文办公室水文办;VHO;水文办 volunteers;志愿人员;; Volunteers in Service to America;为美国服务志愿人员团为美服务志愿团;VISTA;为美服务志愿团 Volunteers in Technical Assistance;技术援助志愿人员;VITA; Volvo;沃尔伏;; VON BARNEKOW, Claus;克劳斯·冯巴尔内科夫;; VON BARTHELD, B.;巴特·冯巴特黑尔德;; VON BUTLER, Peter;彼得·冯布特勒;; von ECKARTSBERG, Katherine;凯瑟琳·冯埃卡茨贝格;; VON HASSELL, Wolf Ulrich;沃尔夫·乌尔里希·冯哈塞尔;; VON HERDENSTAM, Catherine;凯瑟琳·冯海登斯塔姆;; VON HERTZEN, Heikki;黑基·冯赫尔岑;; VON HIRSCHBERG, Carl C.F.G.;卡尔·冯希尔施贝格;; VON KYAW, Dietrich;迪特里希·冯基奥;; VON MOLTKE, Gebhardt;格布哈特·冯莫尔特克;; VON RICHTHOFEN, Hermann;赫尔曼·冯里希特霍芬;; VON SCHIRNDING, K.R.S.;冯席尔恩丁;; VON STULPNAGEL, Paul-Joachim;保罗-约阿希姆·冯施蒂尔普纳格尔;; VON TRESKOW-KLOCK, Barbara;巴尔巴拉·冯特雷斯科夫-克勒克;; VON WAGNER, Adolf RITTER;阿道夫·里特·冯瓦格纳;; VON WARTENBURG, Alexander;亚历山大·冯瓦滕堡;; VON WECHMAR, Rudiger;吕迪格尔·冯韦希马尔;; VON WESTPHALEN, Gisbert Count;吉斯贝特·冯威斯特法伦伯爵;; VONDELING, A.;冯德林;; VONGSALY, Bounthong;奔通·冯萨利;; VONGSAY, Kithong;吉通·冯赛;; VONGSAY, M. Kithong;吉通·冯赛;; Voor Ontwikkelings Landen Nederlandse Investeringsband;荷兰发展中国家投资银行;; Voorburg Group on Service Statistics;沃尔堡服务统计小组;; Voorburg model;沃尔堡模式;; Vorderasiatisches Museum;近东博物馆;; Vorgan;沃尔冈广播电台;; VOROBYEV, Vitali Yakovlevich;维塔利·亚科夫列维奇·沃罗比约夫;; VORONTSOV. Yuliy Mikhailovich;尤利·米哈伊洛维奇·沃龙佐夫;; VORSTER, Johannes;约翰尼斯·沃斯特;; vortex;涡旋;; vortex breakdown;涡旋崩解;; vortex tube;涡流管;; VOSHININ, Nicolai;尼古拉·沃希宁;; VOSKAMP, H.J.;福斯坎普;; voso-constrictor;血管收缩药;; vote by proxy;代理投票;; vote by roll call;唱名表决;; vote by roll call at the rostrum;唱名表决;; vote by show of hands;举手表决;; vote of censure;弹劾决议;; vote on the motion as a whole;表决整个动议;; vote without debate;不经辩论的表决;; voter education programme;选民教育计划;; Voter Education Section;选民教育科;; voter preference;选民意向;; voter registration and polling station;选民登记和投票站;BIV; voter registration lists;选民登记名单;; Voting Assembly;投票会;; voting common shares;有表决权的普通股;; voting common stock;有投票权的普通股;; voting equipment;表决设备;; voting in parallel;并行表决;; voting non-equity share capital;有表决权的非产权股份资本;; voting plan;投票计划;; voting power;表决权; 表决票数;; voting procedures;投票程序;; voting right;表决权;; voting share capital;有投票权的股份资本;; voting shares;有表决权的股份;; voting trusts;委托表决权;; voucher;凭单; 传票;; vowel point;凭单传票;; Voz de Cabinda;卡宾达之声;; Voz di Povo;人民之声报;; VRAALSEN, Tom Eric;汤姆·埃里克·弗罗尔森;; VRAILAS, Christiane BOURLOYANNIS-;克里斯蒂安·布洛亚尼斯-弗莱拉斯;; VRAILAS, Nausikaa;纳夫西卡·弗雷拉斯;; VRANITZKY, Franz;弗朗茨·弗拉尼茨基;; Vranjak;弗拉尼亚克;; VRATUSA, Anton;安东·弗拉图沙;; Vrdi;维尔迪;; VREDELING, H.;弗雷德林;; Vrnograc;弗尔诺格拉奇;; VROON, A.C.;弗罗恩;; VS/OIS;虚拟存储/办公室信息系统;VS/OIS; VSAT;卫星地面小站通讯网络;VSAT; VU QUANG DIEM;武光艳;; VU VAN MIEN;武万棉;; VU, Van Can;于万干;; VUKAS, Budislav;布迪斯拉夫·武卡斯;; Vukovar;武科瓦尔;; VUKOVIC, Miljenko;米连科·武科维奇;; VUKOVICH, Gyorgy;哲尔吉·武科维奇;; Vukovich, Martin;马丁·武科维奇;; Vuksic;乌克西茨;; VULKOV, Victor;维克托·武尔科夫;; vulnerability analysis;弱点分析;; Vulnerability: small states in a global society;脆弱性: 全球社会中的小国;; vulnerable and disadvantaged groups;易受伤害和处境不利的群体;; vulnerable children;易受害儿童;; vulnerable countries;易受害国家;; vulnerable family;易受伤害的家庭;; vulnerable group;易受害群体; 弱势群体;; Vulnerable Group Development;易受伤害群体发展;; vulnerable groups;易受伤害群体;; vulnerable to delinquency;易于行为不良;; vulnerable to pollution;易受污染损害的;; Vumba-Gestao de Bens Imobiliarios;伍姆巴地产经营公司;; VUNIBOBO, Berenado;贝雷纳多·武尼博博;; VUONG, Van Bac;王文伯;; VUROBARAVU, Nikenike;尼科尼科·武罗巴拉武;; VUSKOVIC, Sergio;塞尔希奥·符斯科维奇;; VYAS, Sudhir;苏第尔·维亚斯;; Wa al-Fijr IV operations;曙光四号行动;; WA pound;西非镑;; Waad Hair;东欧犹太社区理事会;; Women's Army Corps;陆军女兵团;WAC; WACAF West and Central African Region Action Plan for the Protection and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment;西非和中非区域堡开发海洋和沿悍境行动计划;; WACHTMEISTER, Hans;汉斯·瓦赫特迈斯特尔;; WADA, Tsutomu;和田力;; Wadajir;瓦达吉尔;; WADDA, M.B.;瓦达;; Waddaulah, Haji Hassanal BOLKIAH Mu'Izzadin;哈吉·哈桑纳尔·博尔基亚·穆伊扎丁·瓦达乌拉;; Wadi Al Batin;巴廷干谷;; Wadi Zabid Project;瓦迪扎比德项目;; WADSTEIN, Margareta;玛加雷塔·瓦德斯坦;; Waeberi;威贝里;; WAEVER, Svend;斯文·韦弗;; Wafa;巴勒斯坦新闻社;; waferboard;方片刨花板;; WAFIK, Nirmin;尼尔明·瓦菲克;; wage;工资;; Wage Act;薪给法;; wage baseline;工资基线;; wage differentials;工资差异;; wage discrimination;工资歧视;; wage earner;工资劳动者;; wage labour;雇佣劳动;; wage rate for manual workers;体力工人的工资率;; wage scale;工资等级;; wage-earning employment;挣工资的职业;; WAGENER-KOBLER, Brita;布里塔·瓦格纳-科布莱尔;; WAGENMAKERS, H.;瓦根马克斯;; Wages and Price Stabilization Board;工资、物价稳定委员会;; WAGNER, Adolf RITTER VON;阿道夫·里特·冯瓦格纳;; WAHBA, Michael;迈克尔·瓦赫巴;; WAHED, Abdallah Mohammad Abdel;阿卜杜拉·穆罕默德·阿卜杜勒·瓦赫德;; WAHEEBI, Mohammed bin Nasser bin Hamad AL-;穆罕默德·本·纳赛尔·本·哈马德·瓦希 比;; WAHLGREN, Lars-Eric;拉尔斯-埃里克·瓦赫尔格伦;; wahoo;鲭鱼;; WAHYONO, Kristio;克里斯蒂奥·瓦希奥诺;; Wai Gaoqiao Bonded Area;外高桥保税区;; Waigani Convention;瓦伊加尼公约;; Wailing Wall;哭墙;; Wainwright House;马车制造商社;; wait and see attitude;观望态度;; waive the immunity;放弃豁免;; waiver;放弃; 弃权;; waiver of immunity;放弃豁免;; waiver of immunity from jurisdiction for the purpose of civil or administrative proceedings shall not be deemed imply the waiver of immunity from the measures of execution resulting from the measures of execution resulting from the...;为民事或行政诉讼的目的而放弃管辖豁免不 得被认为含有放弃对司法判决执行措施的豁 免的意思,对这种措施,必须另有放弃的表 示。;; waiver of right to object;放弃提出异议的权利;; waiver of state immunity;放弃国家豁免;; WAIYAKI, Munyua;穆尼瓦·弗亚基;; Wajit;瓦吉特;; WAKASUGI, Makoto;若杉慎;; Wakf;教产宗教基金;;宗教基金 WAKIL, Abdul;阿卜杜勒·瓦基勒;; WAKIL, Ndugu Idris Abdul;恩都古·伊德里斯·阿卜杜勒·瓦基勒;; WAKO, Amos;阿莫斯·瓦科;; Waku-Kongo;瓦库-孔戈;; WALDENSTROM, Stig;施蒂格·瓦尔登史特朗姆;; WALDHEIM, Kurt;库尔特·瓦尔德海姆;; WALDING, Joseph A.;约瑟夫·沃尔丁;; WALDROP III, Neal A.;尼尔·沃尔德罗普第三;; Waldsterben;森林死亡;; WALESA, Lech;莱赫·瓦文萨;; WALGREN, Lars-eric;拉尔斯--埃里克·华尔格伦中将;; WALI, Shah;沙阿·瓦利;; WALINKONDE, F.M.;瓦林康德;; Walk out;同盟罢工;; WALKATE, Jaap;亚普·瓦尔卡特;; WALKER, Edward;爱德华·沃克;; WALKER, Herbert Samuel;赫伯特·塞缪尔·沃克;; WALKER, Herbot;赫伯特·沃克;; walky talky;步话机;; wall sheets;挂图; 墙报;; wall unit;组合柜;; wall-mounted chlorinators;壁式氯化器;; WALLACE, George;乔治·华莱士;; WALLEN, Lena HJELM-;莱娜·耶尔默-瓦伦;; WALLER-HUNTER, J.;沃勒-亨特;; WALLI, Abdel Aziz;阿卜杜勒·阿齐兹·瓦利;; Wallis and Futuna Islands;瓦利斯群岛和富图纳群岛;; Wallis Islanders;瓦利斯岛人;; WALSUM, A. Peter VAN;彼得·范瓦尔苏姆;; WALTER, George;乔治·沃尔特;; WALTER, Harold E.;哈罗德·沃尔特;; WALTER, Martin;马丁·瓦尔特;; WALTER, Norman;诺尔曼·瓦尔特;; WALTERS, Vernon A.;弗农·沃尔特斯;; Walvis Bay Statute;沃尔维斯湾规约;; WAN CHAT KWONG, Taye Wah;泰耶·瓦·万查孔;; WAN HUSSAIN, Wan Mustapha;万·侯赛因·万·穆斯塔法;; WAN, Guang;万光;; WAN, Jingzhang;万经章;; wanderlust;流浪欲;; WANE, Ibra Mamadou;伊布拉·马马杜·瓦恩;; WANG, Baoliu;王保流;; WANG, Chang-Yuan;王占元;; WANG, Chia-Ling;王遐令;; Wang, Chuanbin;王传斌;; WANG, Chuanshan;王传善;; WANG, Donghua;王东华;; WANG, GUANGYA;王光亚;; WANG, Haizhong;王海中;; WANG, Houli;王厚立;; WANG, Huapeng;王化鹏;; WANG, Jun;王均;; WANG, Kuang-ya;王光亚;; WANG, Lian;王廉;; WANG, Liansheng;王连生;; WANG, Linsheng;王林生;; WANG, QIREN;王启人;; WANG, Qun;王群;; WANG, Shang Rung;王尚荣;; WANG, Shaoqi;王绍琪;; WANG, Shijie;王世杰;; WANG, Shulan;王淑兰;; WANG, shuxian;王淑贤;; WANG, Songquan;王松泉;; WANG, TIANCE;王天策;; WANG, Wensheng;王文生;; WANG, Xiaochu;王晓初;; WANG, Xiaoyuan;汪晓源;; WANG, Xinggen;王兴根;; WANG, Xuan;王选;; WANG, Xuexian;王学贤;; WANG, Zhaohua;王照华;; WANG, ZHIXI;汪治熙;; WANGBORG, Manne;曼内·旺博格;; WANGCHUCK, Jigme Singye;吉格梅·辛格·旺楚克;; WANGCHUCK, Lhatu;拉图·旺楚克;; WANGCHUCK, Sonam Chodron;苏南·查德隆·旺楚克公主殿下;;公主殿下 WANGCHUK, Lhatu;拉图·旺楚克;; WANGDI, Kesang;凯桑·旺迪;; WANGDI, Nima;尼马·旺迪;; WANGDI, Pema;佩马·旺迪;; WANGDI, Tshering;策林·旺迪;; WANGMO, Leki;莱基·旺莫;; WANNDAHL, Kerstin;凯斯丁·万达尔;; wanton destruction;肆意毁坏;; WAPENYI, E. Kanyanya;瓦彭伊·坎扬亚;; WAQANISAU, Jeremaia Mocevakaca;杰里迈亚·莫斯瓦卡卡·瓦卡尼索;; Waqf;教产宗教基金;;宗教基金 Waqf of the Jerusalem Fund;耶路撒冷基金信托金;; Waqfatu 'Arafat;瓦克法图阿拉法特节日;; War Ampurations of Canada;加拿大战争断肢人协会;WAC; war boom;战争兴隆;; War Control Planners Inc.;战争控制规划者协会;; war correspondent;战地记者;; War Crimes;战争罪行;;行 War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity, including Genocide;战争罪行和危害人类罪行, 包括灭绝种族 罪行;; War Crimes Commission;战争罪行委员会;WCC; War Crimes Division of the United States Command in Korea;朝鲜美国司令部战争罪行处;; War Crimes Tribunal;战争罪行法庭;; war criminals;战犯;; War Department;陆军部;; war economy;战时经济;; war establishment;战时编制;; war expenditure;军费;; war finance;战时财政;; war for survival;生存战;; War Information Headquarters;战讯总部;; war Khmerization;战争高棉化;; war of cities;城市战争; 袭城战;; War Office;陆军部;; war on waste;反浪费;; war prosperity;战争繁荣;; War Resisters' International;反战者国际;WRI; War Veterans' Pensions Act, No. 25 of 1968;退伍军人养恤金法, 1968年第25号;; war without declaration;不宣而战;; war zone;战区;; war-like brasshats;好战的将领;; war-making establishment;战时编制;; War-on-Want;反匮乏组织;; war-time footing;战时体制;; war-time mobilization exercises;战时动员演习;; war-time posture;战时状态;; warants;认股权证; 付款凭单; 收款凭单;; Warbete Kivung;沃贝特基冯;; Warburton Mission;沃伯顿调查团;; ward;1.病房 2.受监护人 3.选区; 区;; ward equipment;病房设备;; WARD, Chester P.;切斯特·沃德;; WARD, Frederick;弗雷德里克·沃德;; WARD, Margret JONSDOTTIR-;马格列特·荣斯蒂尔-沃德;; warden station;各楼警报箱;; Warehouse and Assembly Operations Section;仓库和装配作业科;; warehouse fees;仓租等费用;; warehouse in transit;转运仓库;; warehouse stock policy;仓库储存政策;; warehouse supplies;仓库供应品;; warehouse supplies in transit;转运仓库供应品;; warehouse tents;帐蓬式仓库;; warehouse throughput;仓库作业量;; warhead;弹头;; warhon warhoo;刺鲅;; WARIITHI, H. C.;瓦里蒂;; WARIOBA, Joseph;约瑟夫·瓦里奥巴;; warming;气温升高; 变暖; 升温;; warn start emissions;热起动排放物;; WARNER, Asyll;阿西尔·沃纳;; warning;警戒; 警告;; warning and alarm system;警戒和警报系统;; warning centre;警戒中心;; warning lead time;从发出警报到实际发生事情的时间;; warning level;警戒级别;; warning lights;警报灯;; warning network;警戒网;; warning phase;警报阶段;; warning system;警戒系统;; warrant for a search;搜查票;; warrant for arrest;逮捕令;; warrant of appointment;任命状;; Warrant Officer J. G.;陆空军准尉;; warranties;担保;; warrants payable;应付支付命令;; warranty;保证; 根据;; WARSAMA, Mohamed;穆罕默德·瓦尔萨马;; Warsaw Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air;华沙统一国际航空运输某些规则的公约;; Warsaw Pact;华沙条约;; Warsaw Peace Appeal;华沙和平呼吁书;; Warsaw Rules;华沙规则;; Warsaw Seminar;华沙讨论会;; Warsaw Treaty;华沙条约;; Warsaw Treaty bloc;华沙条约集团;; Warsaw Treaty of Friendship, Collaboration and Mutual Assistance;华沙友好合作互助条约;; Warsaw Treaty Organization;华沙条约组织华约;WTO;华约 Warsaw Treaty Participant States;华沙条约缔约国;; Warsaw-Oxford Rules;华沙--牛津规则;; Warsengeli;瓦尔森格利;; WARTENBURG, Alexander von;亚历山大·冯瓦滕堡;; Wartime Act;战时法;; Wartime Emergency System;战时紧急体制;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司