翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 wartime neutrality;战时中立;; warweariness;厌战情绪;; WARZAZI, Halima Embarek;哈利玛·恩巴雷克·瓦尔扎齐;; wash away;冲走;; wash solution;清洗溶液;; wash-out;清除; 冲刷; 冲洗;; wash-out rate;清除速率;; wash-off;冲掉; 冲毁;; washed paste;洗积糊;\; washing powders;洗涤粉; 肥皂粉;; washings;洗涤剂;; Washington Accord for the establishment of the Bosniac-Croat Federation;关于成立波什尼亚克-克罗地亚联邦的华盛 顿协定;; Washington Convention;华盛顿公约;; Washington Declaration;华盛顿宣言;; Washington Formula;华盛顿公式;; Washington Forum on Social Reform and Poverty;华盛顿社会改革与贫困问题论坛;; Washington General Action Plan;华盛顿全面行动计划;; Washington Group;华盛顿工作团;; Washington Information Centre;华盛顿新闻处;; Washington Office;华盛顿办事处;; Washington Office on Africa;华盛顿非洲问题办事处;WOA; Washington Office on Latin America;华盛顿拉丁美洲问题办事处;; Washington protocols;华盛顿议定书;; WASMOSY, Juan Carlos;胡安·卡洛斯·瓦斯莫西;; Wasp Helicopter;黄蜂型直升机;; Wass Committee;瓦斯委员会;; wastage or recurrent accidental damage or pilfering;浪费或经常性意外损坏或偷窃;; waste;废物; 废料; 废水;; waste acid;废酸;; Waste Assessment Framework;废物评价框架;; waste chemical substances;废化学物质;; waste disposal;废物排除; 废物处理;; waste exchanges;废物交换所;; waste flow;废物流;; waste gas burner;废气燃烧装置;; waste handling modification;废物处理装置的改建;; waste heat;废热;; waste incinerator plant;废物焚化厂;; waste lagoon;废水氧化塘;; waste management;废料管理;; waste material;废料;; waste methanization;废物甲烷化;; waste minimisation;废物产生减到最低程度;; waste plant;废物处理厂;; waste prevention;废物产生预防;; Waste product;废品;; waste reclamation;废物回收利用;; waste reduction;减少废物;; waste streams;废物流; 废液; 废水;; waste water;废水;; waste water treatment plant;废水处理厂;; waste wood;废材;; waste-borne diseases;经废物传染的疾病;; Waste-to-energy installation;废物变能源设施;; Waste-to-energy plant;废物变能源工厂;; wasteful consumption;浪费性消费;; wasteful or improper expenditure;浪费或不正当支出;; wasteful use of natural resources;自然资源的浪费用法;; wastes;废物; 废料;; wastewater;废水;; wastewater spreading;废水蔓延;; wasting;消瘦;; wasting asset;递耗资产;; WASUM-RAINER, Susanne;苏珊·瓦祖姆-赖纳;; Watan Parth;祖国党;; WATANABE, Michio;渡边美智雄;; WATANABE, Mitsuo;渡边光男;; WATANABE, Shin;渡边伸;; WATANABE, Toshio;渡边俊夫;; watch group;观察小组;; watch-dog function;监督作用;; Watchdog Committee;监察委员会;; watchman;守卫;; Watchtower Christian Organization;了望台基督教组织;; Water Act, No. 54 of 1956;水利法, 1956年第54号;; water adduction scheme;供水计划;; water and environment sanitation programme;饮水和环境卫生方案;; Water and Environment Sanitation Team;饮水和环境卫生工作队;WES; Water and Marine Resources Section;水力和海洋资源科;; Water and Sanitation Collaboration Council;饮水和卫生合作理事会;; Water and Sanitation for All;人人得享饮水和卫生;; Water and Sanitation Network;饮水和卫生网;WASIN; Water and Sanitation Programme;饮水和卫生方案;; Water and Sanitation Section;饮水和卫生科;; water authority;水务局;; water balance;水分平衡;; water bloom;水华; 水藻大量繁殖;; water bodies or vessels;水体; 水域;; water body;水体; 水域;; water budget;水量收支; 水分平衡;; water cannon;水炮;; water catchment; catchment;贮水池;; Water Charter;水事宪章;; water chlorination;水中家氯消毒法;; water column;水体;; water conduit;水管;; water conservation;水源堡; 节约用水;; water content;含水量; 湿度;; water course;水道;; water cycle;水循环; 水分循环;; Water Decade Programme;水十年方案;; water deficit;缺水量; 水量差;; water desalination;咸水淡化;; water divide;分水岭分水线分水界;; water environment;水圈环境;; water erosion;水蚀水力侵蚀;; water extracting;开发水源;; water fluorination;水中加氯法;; Water for Agriculture Technology Transfer System;农业用水技术转让系统;WATTS; Water for all by 1990;到1990年向所有人提供饮水;; water front employee;海岸供职人员;; water grid;水利网;; water grip;水栅;; water harvesting;回收用过的水;; water hole;水坑; 沙漠中的水泉;; water inhabitating insect;水生昆虫;; water input;水投入;; water level;水位;; water level gauge;水位计;; water level recorder;自记水位计;; water loading of the air;空气中的水分含量;; water main;水管干线;; water management;水管理;; water meter;水表;; water monitoring;水质监测;; Water Monitoring Project;水质监测计划;; water pipe;水管;; water points;供水线点;; water pollution control;水污染控制;; water project;水利工程;; water pump;水泵;; water purifying tablet;净水片剂;; Water Quality and Impact Model of the Upper Nile Basin;上尼罗河流域水质和影响模型;; Water Research Act, No. 34 of 1971;水研究法, 1971年第34号;; water resource development;水资源开发; 水利资源开发;; water resources;水资源; 水利资源;; Water Resources Assessment and Planning in the Pacific;太平洋水资源评估与规划;; Water Resources Branch;水资源处;; water resources development;水资源开发;; Water Resources Development Centre;水资源开发中心;WRDC; water resources engineering;水利资源工程;; Water Resources Forecasting System;水资源预报系统;; Water Resources Journal;水资源季刊;; Water Resources Planning to Meet Long-Term Demands: Guidelines for Developing Countries;满足长期需求的水资源规划: 发展中国家的指导方针;; Water Resources Series;水资源丛刊;; Water Resources Training Centre;水资源训练中心;; Water Resources Unit;水资源股;; water reticulation network;水网; 水系; 水网系统;; water sources;水源;; water stress;水力; 水压;; water supply;供水; 给水; 给水工程;; Water Supply and Documentation Network;饮水供应和文献网;WASSDOC; Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation Section;供水和环境卫生科;; water supply and sanitation;供水和卫生;; water supply and sanitation programme;供水和卫生方案;; water supply engineering;给水工程; 供水工程;; Water Supply Improvement Association;改进供水协会;; water supply system;供水系统; 给水系统;; water surface;水面;; water surveillance;水质监测;; water system;水系; 水网;; water table;地下水面; 地下水位; 潜水面; 潜水位;; water trailer;运水拖车;; Water Transport Sub-Committee;水运小组委员会;; water treatment;水处理; 水净化;; water truck;运水卡车;; water use and effluent treatment practices;工业用水及废水处理;; water vapour;水蒸气; 水汽;WV; water vapour continuum;水汽连续吸收;; water way;水道;; water's edge;岸边; 水岸; 河岸; 海岸;; Water-Aid;用水援助社;; water-based disease;水媒疾病;; water-bearing layer;含水层;; water-borne diseases;水媒疾病; 水传播的疾病;; water-borne pollution;水传播的污染;; water-carrying capacity;输水能力; 水流量;; water-closet;厕所;; water-greenhouse feedback;水气-温室效应反馈;; water-holding capacity;持水量; 持水能力;; water-hydrogen sulfide;水--硫化氢;; water-jetting vehicle;街道喷洒水车;; water-oil emulsion;水油混合乳状液;; water-pricing;用水定价;; water-purification equipment;净水设备;; water-related dangers and emergency situations;与水有关的危险和紧急情况;; water-related disease;与水有关的疾病;; water-related hazards and dangers;与水有关的危害和危险;; water-related hazards, harmful conditions and other adverse effects;与水有关的危害、有害状况和其他不利影响;; water-seal latrine;水封式厕所;; water-seal latrine unit;成套水封式厕所;; water-short areas;缺水地区;; water-supply officer;供水干事;; water-supply system;供水系统;; water-table decline;地下水面下降;; water-table gradient;地下水面坡度; 地下水面比降;; water-transport equipment;水上运输设备;; water-washed disease;缺乏卫生用水带来的疾病;; water-well expert;水井专家;; water-works;自来水厂;; waterborne adhesive product;耐水粘合产品; 耐水胶合产品;; waterborne disease;水传播的疾病;; waterborne pathogens;水媒病原体;; watercourse;水道; 河道; 航道;; watercourse states;水道国;; watercourse system agreements;水道系统协定;; waterfowl;水禽; 水鸟;; waterlogged;渍涝的; 地下水位过高的;; waterlogging;渍水; 涝水; 涝; 积水;; waters;水域;; waters contained in the channel;水道所容之水;; watershed;流域; 盆地; 集水区;; watershed management;流域管理;; WATERVLIET, Jean Michel Veranneman;让·米歇尔·韦朗纳芒·德瓦特弗利埃;; WATHEN, Richard W.;理查德·伍·汪森;; WATSON, Alexander F.;亚历山大·沃森;; WATSON, Gerard A.;杰勒德·沃森;; WATSON, Thomas Jr.;小托马斯·沃森;; watt;瓦特;; WATT, James W.;詹姆斯·瓦特;; WATTELY, Lennox A.;伦诺克斯·沃特利;; wattle-extract;荆树皮膏;; WATTLEY, Lennox A.;伦诺克斯·沃特利;; WATTS, Arthur D.;阿瑟·瓦兹;; wave energy;波能; 海浪能;; wave form data;波形数据;; wave mine;冲击波雷;; wave programme;波浪研究计划;; wave recorder;自记测波仪; 海波计;; wave theory;波动理论; 波理论;; waveform monitors;波形监察器;; wavelength region;某一波长区域;; wavelength-resolved solar flux;按波长测定的太阳辐射流;; way port;中途港口;; way port conference;中途港口会议;; way-port trade;沿途贸易;; WAYARABI, Hadi;哈迪·瓦亚拉比;; Wayeye;瓦耶耶族;;族 Wayland United Nations Committee;韦兰联合国委员会;; wayport;中途港口;; ways and means of accelerating the transfer of real resources to developing countries on a predictable assured and continuous basis;在可以预计、有保证和持续不断基础之上向发展中国家加速转移实际资源的方法;; ways and means to enhance the functioning of the Disarmament Commission;加强裁军审议委员会执行职责的途径和方法;; WAZIR, Khalil El;哈利勒·瓦齐尔;; WAZZAN, Shafik Al;沙菲克·瓦赞;; Women's Development Project;妇女发展项目;WDP; We are the Children;我们是儿童;; We for Them;四海兄弟社;; We the People;我们人民;; WEAHPLAH, Wilson David;戴维·威阿普拉·威尔逊;; weaker currencies;较弱货币;; weaker groups of society;社会地位不稳较差群体;; weaning;断奶;; weaning food;断奶食品;; weaning foods;断奶食品;; weaning practices;断奶办法;; weapon research establishment satellite;武器研究设施卫星武器研究卫星;WRESAT;武器研究卫星 weapon storage site;武器储存地;WSS; weapon, military equipment and material;武器、军事装备和物资;; weapons secure area;武器安全区;; weapons with onboard guidance systems;自载制导系统的武器;; weapons-grade nuclear materials;武器用核材料;; weapons-usable materials;可制武器材料;; Wearing Apparel and Foot-wear;衣服和鞋袜;; weather;天气; 气象;; weather chart;天气图;; weather conditions;天气状况;; weather development;天气发展; 天气演变;; weather event;天气时间;; weather modification;人工影响天气;; Weather Modification Control Act;人工影响天气管制法;; weather motion;天气运动;; weather pattern;天气模式; 天气型;; Weather Prediction Research Programme;天气预测研究方案;; weather recording;天气记录;; weather working days;晴天工作日;WWD; weatherability;耐气候性; 耐日晒雨淋;; weathering;风化作用; 物质因气候影响而变质;; weatherproof;不受天气影响的; 全天候的;; web;网;; WECHMAR, Rudiger von;吕迪格尔·冯韦希马尔;; WEE, Wee Kim;黄金辉;; weed clearing;除草; 除莠;; Weed Science Society for Eastern Africa;东非杂草科学研究学会;WSSEA; weediness of waters;水草丛生的水体;; weedy river;水草丛生的河流;; Week of Child;儿童周;; week of solidarity;声援....团结周;; Week of Solidarity with People Struggling against Racism and Racial Discrimination;声援反抗种族主义与种族歧视人民团结周;; Week of Solidarity with Peoples and Countries Struggling for their National Liberation;声援争取民族解放的人民和国家团结周;; Week of Solidarity with the Anti-Imperialist Forces in the Middle East in their Struggle for Peace and Social Progress;声援中东反帝力量争取和平和社会进步斗争 团结周;; Week of Solidarity with the Anti-Imperialist Struggle of the African Peoples;声援非洲人民反帝斗争团结周;; Week of Solidarity with the Colonial Peoples of Southern Africa;声援南部非洲殖民地人民团结周;; Week of Solidarity with the Colonial Peoples of Southern Africa and Guinea Bissau and Cape Verde Fighting for Freedom, Independence and Equal Rights;声援南部非洲、几内亚比绍和佛得角等殖民地人民争取自由、独立和平等权利团结周;; Week of Solidarity with the People of Namibia and Their Liberation Movement, the South African People's Organization;声援纳米比亚人民及其解放运动西南非洲人 民组织团结周;; Week of Solidarity with the Peoples of All Colonial Territories, as well as those in South Africa, Fighting for Freedom, Independence and Human Rights;声援所有殖民地领土人民及南非人民争取自 由、独立和人权团结周;; Week of Solidarity with the Struggle against Racism;声援反对种族主义斗争团结周;; Week of Tranquillity;安宁周;; Week, devoted to fostering the objectives of disarmament;裁军目标宣传周;; weekend premium;周末额外偿金;; Weekly Digest of Peace-keeping Missions;维持和平特派团每周摘要;; Weekly Governmental Abstracts - Energy;政府每周文摘-能源;; Weekly Mail;每周邮报;; put economic operation on a legal basis, to;经济法制化;; Weekly News Digest;每周新闻文摘;; Weekly News Summary;每周新闻简报;; Weekly Rest Commerce and Offices Convention, 1957;1957年商业和办公室每周休息公约;; Weekly Rest Industry Convention, 1921;1921年工业每周休息公约;; WEERAMANTRY, Christopher Gregory;克里斯托弗·格雷戈里·威拉曼特里;; Wegener Medlas Project;韦格纳·梅德拉斯项目;; WEHENKEL, Antoine;安托万·韦亨克尔;; Wei, Mengxin;魏孟新;; WEI, Yu;韦钰;; WEIBERG AURDAL, Arnold;阿诺德·韦贝格·奥尔达尔;; WEIBGEN, Frederick H.;弗雷德里克·韦伯根;; WEIDEMAN, Pieter W.;彼得·韦德曼;; WEIDLUNG, Jane;简·韦德兰;; weighing;称体重;; weight card;体重表;; weight entitlements for shipments;托运用品的重量规定;; weight or volume of packing;包装的重量或体积;; weight standard;体重标准;; weight-at-age;特定年龄重量;; weight-for-age;年龄标准体重;; weight-for-age of children under five;五岁以下儿童年龄标准体重;; weight-for-height;身高标准体重;; weighted and unweighted distribution of posts;加权和未加权的职位分配;; weighted average;加权平均数;; weighted average cost;加权平均成本;; weighted average cost method;加权平均成本法;; weighted average cost prices c.i.f.;加权平均的到岸成本价格;; weighted average of deductions;扣减额加权平均数;; weighted average of post adjustments;工作地点差价调整数加权平均数;WAPA; weighted average of the official rate of the rouble to the US dollar;卢布对美元的官方汇率的加权平均数;; weighted average rate of tariff;加权平均关税率;; weighted averages of actual exchange rates;实际汇率的加权平均数;; weighted range;加权幅度;; weighted scale;加权比例尺;; weighted voting;加权投票制;; weighted voting system;加权表决制度;; weightless;失重;; Weightlifting Federation of Africa;非洲举重联合会;WFA; weights and norms;权数和范数;; weights and ranks of information items;资料项目的比重和等级;; weights for calculation of overall ratio;计算总比率加权数;; weir skimmer;溢流撇油装置;; WEIR, Geoffrey;杰弗里·韦尔;; WEISNER, Harald;哈拉尔德·魏斯纳;; WEISS, Martin;马丁·魏斯;; WEITZ, Joseph;约瑟夫·韦茨;; WEIZMAM, Ezer;埃泽尔·魏茨曼;; WELBERTS, Rolf;罗尔夫·韦尔贝茨;; WELCH, Sonja;索妮亚·韦尔奇;; Welcome Foundation, Ltd, of the United Kingdom;联合王国韦尔科姆责任有限基金会;; Welcome to United Nations Interactive Story;请用交互式联合国情况简介;; welder;焊工;; welfare;福利;; welfare agency;福利机构;; Welfare Party;繁荣党;; welfare programme;福利方案;; welfare state;福利国;; welfare systems;福利制度;; welfare work;福利工作;; WELIN, Gustaf;古斯塔夫·韦林;; WELL A MOUTE, Dieudonne;迪厄多内·韦尔·阿穆特;; well above average;远高于平均 数、水平;;数、水平 well baby clinic;健全婴儿诊所;; well below average;远低于平均;; well casing;井管壁;; well digger;掘井人;; well driller;打井人;; well drilling;打井;; well drilling rig;钻井机;; United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo;联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团科索沃 特派团;UNMIK;科索沃特派团 Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe;东南欧稳定公约; ; abeam replenishment;横向补给; ; forced relocation; forced deportation;强迫迁移强迫放逐; ; institutional vacuum;机构真空;; ablution facility; ablution unit; ablution module;活动浴室; ; abri shelter;掩体; ; absent without leave;无故缺勤;AWOL; absolute emergency;特急; ; absorption factor;承担系数; ; abuses;暴行虐待; ; accession;加入; ; accident investigator's kit;事故调查员工具包; ; accidental death and disability policy;意外死亡和伤残保险; ; ecocide;生态灭绝; ; accommodation equipment;住宿设备; ; accommodation officer maintenance and repair;住宿干事保养和维修; ; accompanying fire;随伴火力; ; account holder; certifying officer;核证员; ; accountable items;立帐器材; ; accounts officer;帐务干事; ; accoutrement;整备; ; ACE Mobile Force Land;欧洲盟军司令部快速地面部队欧盟快速地面部队;AMFL;欧盟快速地面部队 humanitarian intervention;人道主义干预; ; redeemable peacekeeping certificate;可偿维持和平债券; ; territorium nullius; terra nullus;无主地; ; law-and-order situation;社会治安情况;; policy bank;政策银行;; acknowledge;告知收到应答;ACK; humanitarian daily ration;人道主义每日配给口粮;HDR; blue paper;蓝文件; ; white paper;白文件; ; open debate;公开辩论; ; statement of the president;主席的声明; ; statement to the press of the president;安理会主席向新闻界发表的声明; ; acoustic sensor;声波探测器; ; flat-packing container;折叠房; ; major equipment standards; performance standards for major equipment;主要装备标准主要装备的性能标准; ; acquisition radar;搜索雷达目标捕捉雷达; ; self-sustainment standards; performance standards for self-sustainment;自我维持标准自我维持性能标准; ; acting force commander;代理部队指挥官;AFC; action in built-up areas;市区行动; ; activation order;启动令部队调集部署令;ACTORD; active mission; ongoing mission;现行任务; ; activity forecast report;活动预测报告; ; actual time of arrival;实际到达时间;ATA; actual time of departure;实际出发时间;ATD; acute stress disorder;严重紧张症严重紧张性精神障碍; ; Ad Hoc Group on Cooperation in Peacekeeping;特设维持和平合作小组;AHG; ad referendum;尚待核准须进一步考虑; ; additional hours; extra hours;额外时数额外租用时数; ; additional vehicle;增加车辆; ; Administration and Information Management Section;行政和信息系统管理科; ; Administration and Records Management Section;行政和记录管理科; ; Administration and Records Section;行政和记录科行政科;ARS;行政科 Administration and Special Projects Unit;行政和特别项目股; ; Administration Unit - Established Missions;已设特派团行政股;AU-EM; Administration Unit - Special Missions;特派团行政股;AU-SM; administrative duty officer;行政值日官;ADO; advance deployment;预先部署; ; advance force;先遣部队; ; advance headquarters;先遣总部前进总部; ; advance party; advance team;先遣团先遣队; ; advanced dressing station;前进救护所;ADS; advent of hostilities;发生敌对行动; ; adverse site;条件恶劣的地点; ; adviser on indigenous questions;土著问题顾问; ; advisory on field security status;实地安全状况咨询报告; ; aerial port;空运装卸站机场; ; aerial port squadron [US];机场勤务中队;APS; aerial reconnaissance unit;空中侦察队; ; aerial refuelling;空中加油; ; aeromedical evacuation control centre;伤病员空运后送控制中心; ; aeromedical evacuation coordinating officer;伤病员空运后送协调军官; ; aeromedical evacuation system;伤病员空运后送系统; ; aeromedical evacuation;伤病员空运后送;AE; aeromedical staging unit;伤病员空运后送接待站; ; Afghanis;前阿富汗抗苏游击队; ; Africa Crisis Response Force;非洲应付晰部队;ACRF; Africa Unit;非洲股;AU; African Crisis Response Initiative;非洲应付晰能力倡议;ACRI; African Peacekeeping Initiative;非洲维持和平训练倡议; ; African Peacekeeping Support Group;非洲维持和平支助小组; ; after-action review;事后分析事后总结;AAR; African Peacekeeping Training Strategy Session;非洲维持和平训练战略会议; ; agency lead time;机构周转时间; ; Agenda for Peace an -;和平纲领; ; agreed ceasefire line;议定宛线;ACFL; agreed force level;协议的军队数量; ; agreement;协定; ; aid conditionality;援助条件; ; aid station;急救站; ; aid workers;援助人员; ; aide-de-camp;随从参谋;ADC; aide-m閙oire;备忘录; ; air activity report;空中活动报告;AIREP; AIRREP; air advisory;空中交通通告; ; air ambulance service;空中医疗后送; ; air approaches to an airport;进场净空区; ; air assets;航空资产; ; air attack report;空袭报告;AIR ATTACKREP; air cargo handling equipment;空运货物装卸设备;ACHE; air charter vendor; air charter company; charter company;包机商包机公司; ; air component;空中部分; ; air control point;飞行控制点;ACP; air controller;飞行引导员空军控制中心控制员; ; air corridor;空中走廊; ; air defence;防空; ; air defence frigate;防空护卫舰; ; air defence radar;防空雷达; ; air defence zone;防空区;ADZ; air early warning radar;对空预警雷达; ; air landing operation;机降作业; ; air logistic support;空运后勤支援; ; air mission management;飞行任务管理; ; air mobility command; AMC [USA];空运部队司令部;AMC; air movement;空运; ; air operation coordination centre;空中作业协调中心;AOCC; air operations cell; air cell;空中作业小组; ; air operations centre;空中作业中心;AOC; air operations office;空中作业处;Air Ops; air operations officer or specialist;空中作业干事空中作业军官; ; air patrol;空中巡逻; ; air plans officer;空中作业计划军官;APO; air platform;空中平台; ; air point of disembarkation; airport of debarkation;下机地点下载点;APOD; air point of embarkation; airport of embarkation;登机地点上载点;APOE; air refuelling;空中加油; ; air safety officer;航空安全员; ; Air Safety Unit;空中安全股;ASU; Air Safety/Transport Unit;空中安全和运输股;ASTU; air sampler;空气取样器; ; air strike coordination centre;空袭协调中心;ASCC; air strike;空袭空中攻击;AS; air support;空中支援; ; air support elements;空中支援构成部分; ; air support equipment;空中支援设备; ; air surveillance;1. 对空监视 2.空气污染监视; ; air surveillance unit;对空监视队; ; air tasking message;飞行任务文电;ATM; air tasking order;飞行任务表;ATO; air traffic advisory; air advisory;空中交通通告; ; air traffic control;空中交通管制;ATC; air traffic radar;空中交通雷达; ; air transport;空运; ; air transport control party;空运管制队; ; air transport operations centre;空运作业中心;ATOC; air transportable equipment;可空运装备; ; air transportable medical unit; air portable medical unit; air transportable hospital; ATH [US];空运医疗队;ATH; air transportable surgical unit; air portable surgical unit;空运外科医疗队; ; air-launched anti-radiation missile;空中发射反辐射导弹;ALARM; air-to-air missile;空对空导弹;AAM; air-to-surface missile;空对地导弹;ASM; nation state;民族国家;; airborne lift;空运; ; airborne operation;空降行动; ; airborne troops;空降部队空降兵; ; airborne warning and control system;机载预警和控制系统;AWACS;预警系统 aircraft landing mat;拆装式金属跑道板; ; aircraft loading table; loading table;飞机装载表; ; aircraft package; package;特混机群; ; aircraft store;飞机外挂物; ; aircraft;飞机航空器;A/C; airdrop;空投; ; airfield engineer company;机场工程连; ; airfield monitor;机场观察员; ; airhead;空降桥头堡; ; airlanded;机降; ; airlift;空运; ; airlift capability; airlift capacity;空运能力; ; airlift control sub-unit;空运控制分队; ; airmobile division;空运机动师; ; airmobile troops;空运机动部队; ; airplane hijacker;劫持飞机者; ; airplane hijacking; aerial hijacking; skyjacking;劫持飞机; ; airport of debarkation;下机机场下载机场; ; airport of embarkation;登机机场上载机场; ; airport security sub-unit;机场治安分队; ; airport towing vehicle;机场牵引车; ; airportable troops;可空运部队; ; AirScan;AirScan; ; airspace management;空域管理; ; airstrip; landing strip; strip;简易机场; ; airwing; wing;空军联队; ; alert status;警戒状态待战状态; ; all ranks;全体官兵; ; all-weather equipment;全天候装备; ; well lining; well liner;井壁;; well log;钻井记录钻井剖面;; well screen; well strainer;水井滤网;; well shutter;井盖;; WELL, Guenter van;冈特·范韦尔;; well-beaten track;踏得很平坦的老路;; well-conceived development programme;考虑周密的发展方案;; well-constructed project;构思很好的项目;; well-defined goals;明确规定的目标;; well-defined, realistic and practicable mandate;明白确定, 现实可行的任务;; well-equipped;有充分准备;; well-founded project;很有根据的项目;; well-marked indentation;明显的水湾;; well-qualified person;合格人员;; Wellington Agreed Minute;惠灵顿协议记录;; Wellington Convention Convention for the Prohibition of Fishing with Long Drift-nets in the South Pacific;惠灵顿公约 禁止在南太平洋使用长漂网捕鱼公约;;禁止在南太平洋使用长漂网捕鱼公约 Wells Fargo & Company;韦尔斯·法戈公司;; WELLS, Margaret;玛格丽特·韦尔斯;; WELLS, Melissa F.;梅利莎·韦尔斯;; WENAWESER, Christian;克里斯蒂安·韦纳韦瑟;; Wendel Group;温台尔集团;; WENDT, Fili;菲利·温特;; WENDT, Tuaopepe Fili;图奥珀佩·菲利·温特;; WENEZOUI, Herve-Charles;埃尔韦-夏尔·韦纳祖伊;; WENHUIGSEN, J.D. Nieu;尼乌·温汉逊;; WENNERFORS, Alf;阿尔夫·文内福尔斯;; WENZL, Johann;约翰·文茨尔;; WEP Information System for Africa;粮食计划署非洲信息系统非洲信息系统;WISAF;非洲信息系统 Werkgroep Kairos;不失时机工作组;; WERNER, Cajsa;卡伊萨·韦纳;; WERNERS, Edmund Siegfried;埃德蒙·西格弗里德·沃纳斯;; WESSEL, Pieter A.;皮特·韦塞尔;; West Africa Rice Development Association;西非稻米发展协会;WARDA; West African Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists;西非农业图书管理员和文献工作者协会;WAALD; West African Centre for Bank Training and Studies;西非银行业务训练和研究中心;COFEB; West African Clearing House;西非票据交换所;WACH; West African College of Physicians;西非内科医师学院;WACP; West African College of Surgeons;西非外科医师学院;WACS; West African Consultative Committee;西非协商委员会;; West African Customs and Economic Union;西非关税和经济联盟西非税经联盟;UDEAO;西非税经联盟 West African Development Band;西非开发银行;BOAD; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司