翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 battle tank;作战坦克; ; battlefield air interdiction;战场空中遮断;BAI; battlefield debris;战场残余物残骸; ; battlespace;作战空间; ; beach club;海滨俱乐部; ; beaching;海滩登陆; ; Beirut syndrome;贝鲁特综合症; ; belligerent;交战国交战方; ; benign operations;良性或安定、无威胁环境下的行动; ; benign security environment;良性环境无威胁环境; ; beret badge;贝雷徽章; ; beret; blue beret;贝雷帽蓝贝雷帽; ; bergen;背包; ; berm;防御工事护堤; ; besieged area;围困区; ; beyond economical repair;成本太高无法修理;BER; beyond local repair;当地无法修理;BLR; billeting;宿营; ; biological and chemical warfare;生物和化学战;BCW;生化战 bivouac to -;露营; ; bladder tank; collapsible bladder; bladder; flexible tank; flexitank [rectangular]; collapsible drum [cylindrical and towable];软油、水箱曩式容器; ; blast-wall;防爆墙; ; blatant violation;公然违反; ; block time;轮挡时数; ; block-to-block time; block time; block hours; chock-to-chock time;轮挡时数; ; blockade;封锁; ; blocking move;拦阻行动; ; blocking position;拦阻阵地; ; blood chit;求救布条; ; blue beret;蓝贝雷帽; ; blue routes;蓝色通路自由通路; ; blue-on-blue engagement;友军误会交火; ; blue-water operations;蓝水行动; ; board of inquiry officer;调查委员会干事; ; board of inquiry;调查委员会;BOI; board of survey;调查委员会; ; body armour; full-body armour;防护服排雷服; ; body dump;万人坑; ; book value;帐面价值; ; NBC bootees;核生化高腰防护靴; ; border control;边境管制; ; border crossing point;边界过境点;BCP;过境点 border monitor;边境监测; ; border monitoring;边境监测; ; border patrol;边境巡逻; ; border security force;边境安全部队;BSF; Bouak?peacekeeping training school;布瓦凯维持和平训练学校; ; boundary disclaimer;有关疆界的否认声明; ; boundary marker;界碑; ; boundary pillar;界碑;BP; bowser truck;加油车; ; box of sky;所负责空域; ; boycott;抵制; ; bracketing fire;夹叉火力; ; brassard; armband; armlet;臂章; ; breach of discipline;违犯军纪; ; break rate;故障率; ; break-bulk; load splitting; transfer of cargo;卸货; ; breakaway region;分离地区脱离地区; ; breakdown of law and order;崩溃无政府状态; ; breakup of a State;分裂解体; ; breeding ground;滋生地发源地; 繁殖区; 产卵区; ; brevity code;缩语简码; ; bridge;1. 桥 2. 桥接器; ; bridge engineer;架桥工兵; ; bridge tank;架桥坦克; ; withdrawal routes;撤军路线;; withdrawal settlement;离职偿金;; withdrawal, cease-fire and related measures;撤军, 宛以及有关措施;; withdrawals of income from quasi-corporations;从准公司收入中的提款;; withering point;枯萎点; 凋谢点;; withholding of assessed contributions;拒付摊款;; withholding payment;扣缴; 扣发;; withholding tax;预扣税款;; within grade increment;职等内加薪;; Within Human Reach;指日可待;; within range staff;在幅度之内;; within range w;在限额内;; within section apportionment;款内分派;; within the competence of;在...职权范围内;; within the domestic jurisdiction;属于国内管辖范围;; within the framework of the United Nations;在联合国框架内;; within the jurisdiction of a state;在一国管辖范围内;; within the limit of ... Fund;在...基金的限额内;; within the meaning of this rule;就本细则的意义而言;; within-grade increments;等内加薪;; within-year imbalances;一年之内的差额;; without a vote;不表决;; without benefit of salvage;不享有获救财产的权利无救助利益;WBS; without distinction as to race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status;不分种族、肤色、性别、语言、宗教、政治 或其他见解、民族本源或社会出身、财产、 出生或其他身份地位;; without distinction of any kind, including any distinction as to sex;无分轩轾, 包括不分性别;; without prejudice to;以不妨碍...为限; 不损害;; without prejudice to the provisions of para. 1 c of the present article;在不妨碍或译不损害本条第1款 C项的规 定的条件或译情况下;; without reference to a Committee;未经发交委员会;; without retroactive effect;无追溯既往的效力;; without serious danger to the ship;不致严重危害船舶;; without the right of vote;但无表决权;; witness;证人,目击者,证明;; witness against him;他造证人;; witness protection;堡证人;; witnesses against the perpetrator;控诉证人;; witnesses on the perpetrator's behalf;辩护证人;; Wits-Vaal;威茨-瓦尔;; WITTIG, Peter;彼得·维蒂希;; WITTWER, Walter;瓦尔特·维特沃;; WIWA, Ken Saro;肯·萨罗·维瓦;; WMO Ozone Project;气象组织臭氧计划;; WMO Statement on Modification of the;气象组织关于人类活动改变臭氧层问题的;; WMO/UNEP Ozone Science Meeting;气象组织和环境规划署合作的臭氧科学会议;; Women's Missionary Society of the African Methodist Church;非洲卫理公会女传教士协会;WMSAMC; World Maritime University;世界海洋大学;WMU; World Oceans Circulation Experiment;世界海洋环流实验环流实验;WOCE;环流实验 WODAJO, Kifle;基弗勒·沃达乔;; WOEHLK, Henrik;亨里克·沃尔克;; non-consumptive uses of water;非消耗用水;; WOERDEN, Speyart van;斯佩亚尔特·范武尔登;; WOHLFART, Georges;乔治·沃尔法特;; WOJCIK, Andrzej;安杰伊·沃伊切克;; WOJTASZEK, Emil;埃米尔·沃伊塔谢克;; WOLD, Aklilou Habte;阿克利卢·哈普特·沃尔德;; WOLD-MICHAEL, Shiferraw;希费劳·沃尔德·迈克尔;; WOLDE, Goshu;戈舒·沃尔德;; WOLDE-AMANUEL, Hailu;海卢·沃尔德-阿曼努埃尔;; WOLDE-GIORGIS, Dawit;达维特·沃尔德-吉奥吉斯;; WOLF, Carlos;卡洛斯·沃尔夫;; WOLF, Karl;卡尔·沃尔夫;; WOLFE, Raymond;雷蒙德·沃尔夫;; WOLFENSOHN, James D.;詹姆斯·沃尔芬森;; WOLFERS, Edward;爱德华·沃尔弗斯;; WOLFF, Don Carlos;唐卡洛斯·沃尔夫;; Wolgan Choson;朝鲜月刊;; Wollemborg Case;沃伦堡案;; WOLTE, Wolfgang;沃尔夫冈·沃尔特;; WOLTER, Manfred;曼弗雷德·沃尔特;; WOLZFELD, Jean-Louis;让-路易·沃尔茨费尔德;; woman reproductive age cycle;妇女生育年龄周期;; woman suffrage;妇女参政权; 妇女选举权;; Womanhealth Philippines;菲律宾妇女健康协会;; Women 2000;2000年妇女;; women and children first;妇幼第一;; Women and Development Section;妇女与发展科;; Women and Drug Abuse;妇女与药物滥用;; women and empowerment;妇女与赋予权力;; Women and food cycle technologies;妇女与食物循环技术;WAFT; Women and Human Settlements Development Programme;妇女和人类住区发展方案;; Women and People's Participation Division;妇女和人民参与司;SDW; Women and Shelter Network;妇女和住房网;; Women and the Media, Access to Expression and Decision-making;妇女与媒体、表达意见和参与决策的途径;; Women concerned about the Middle East;关心中东妇女组织;; Women Entrepreneurs for Industrial Growth;女企业家促进工业增长;; Women Fighting AIDS in Kenya;肯尼亚妇女对抗艾滋病协会;WOFAK; Women for Peace;妇女促进和平协会;; non-consumptive uses;非消耗用途;; consumptive uses;消耗用途;; Women for World Disarmament;拥护世界裁军妇女协会;; women hold up half the sky;妇女能顶半边天;; Women in Agricultural Production and Rural Development Service;妇女参与农业生产和农村发展处 妇女参与发展处;ESHW;妇女参与发展处 Women in Conflict Zones Network;冲突区妇女网络;; women in detention;被拘留妇女;; women in development;妇女参与发展;WID; Women in Development Bureau;妇女参与发展局;; Women in Development Simulation Model;妇女参与发展模拟模式;; Women in Development Special Programme Resources;妇女参与发展特别方案资源特别方案资源;WID SPR;特别方案资源 Women in Development Sub-group;妇女参与发展分组;; Women in Development Unit;妇女参与发展股;; women in domestic service;女佣;; Women in Human Settlements Development Programme;妇女参与人类住区发展方案;WHSDP; Women in Politics: the Interregional Consultation on Women in Public Life;妇女参与政治: 妇女参与公共生活问题区 域间协商;; Women in the Americas: participation and development;美洲妇女:参与和发展;; Women in Trade Development Programme;妇女参与贸易发展方案;; Women International Policy Action Committee on Environment;妇女国际环境政策行动委员会;; bridgelayer;架桥车; ; bridging;架桥; ; bridging activities;架桥作业; ; bridging company;架桥连; ; bridging set;架桥材料; ; briefback;复述指令; ; briefing;简报简令; ; briefing notes;简报; ; brigade;旅; ; Brigade Commander;旅长; ; Brigade Pool;高度戒备旅兵源库; ; Brigade Staff;旅参谋部; ; brigade-level medical support;旅级医疗支援; ; brigadier general [1-star];准将; ; brinkmanship;边缘政策; ; broadcast journalist;广播记者; ; broker to -;调解人斡旋人经纪人; ; brown-water operations;褐水行动; ; buddy system;结伴制; ; buddy-aid;伙伴救助; ; buddy-aid training;伙伴救助训练; ; budget officer;预算干事; ; budget performance report; financial performance report; performance report;预算执行情况报告财务执行情况报告; ; buffer zone;缓冲区;BZ; UNBZ; buggy;轻型攻击车; ; building block; standard component; module;组成部分标准组成部分; ; building management officer;房舍管理干事; ; building-block approach; modularity; modular organization;组成部分办法; ; Bulgarian Peacekeeping Training Centre;保加利亚维持和平训练中心; ; bulk breaking;卸货; ; bulk rations;批量口粮批量给养; ; bullet-proof jacket; bullet-proof vest;防弹茄克防弹背心; ; bunker;掩体; ; burn-out;1. 熄火 2. 精疲力竭; ; bypass to -;迂回绕过; ; C rations;作战口粮复合给养; ; cache of weapons;武器储藏处; ; Cairo Centre for Training in Conflict Resolution and Peacekeeping in Africa;非洲解决冲突维持和平开罗训练中心;CCPA;开罗训练中心 calibrated sanctions;“智”制裁; ; call to - someone's bluff;叫某人摊牌; ; call sign;呼号;C/S; caltrop chain;铁蒺藜链; ; caltrop; spider; crow foot or crow's foot;铁蒺藜; ; cam cream;面部伪装油彩; ; camouflage netting;伪装网; ; camouflage, concealment and deception;伪装、隐蔽、诱骗;CCD; camp administrator;营务管理员;Camp Admin; camp commandant; camp comdt;营务主任;CC; camp comdt; camp; troop camp;兵营营房营地; ; Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies;加拿大战略研究所;CISS; Canadian international peacekeeping training centre;加拿大国际维持和平训练中心; ; cannibalization;拆用配件; ; cantilever bridge;悬臂桥; ; cantonment site;重武器储存地; ; cantonment/barracks area;驻扎营地; ; capability component;功能单元; ; captured in action;战俘;CIA; car bomb;汽车炸弹; ; car log security system;行车监督记录仪; ; cargo truck;运货卡车; ; cargo waybill;舱单; ; cargo-handling equipment;货物搬运设备; ; cargo-handling group;货物搬运小组; ; Carnegie Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict;卡内基预防武装冲突委员会;CCPDC; carpet bombing; saturation bombing;地毯式轰炸饱和轰炸; ; carrier air wing;航空母舰飞行联队;CAW; carrier battle group;航空母舰作战大队;CVBG; cases of special humanitarian concern;应予特别人道主义关注的个案; ; casualties;伤亡损失; ; casualty collection; casualty pick-up;伤员收容; ; casualty evacuation;伤员后送;CASEVAC; casualty helicopter;救护直升机; ; casualty rate;伤亡率; ; casus belli;交战理由; ; casus foederis;履行盟约的场合; ; Catalogue of medical items for peacekeeping operations; UN medical catalog;维和行动医疗药具目录; ; cataloguing system;盘存编目系统; ; catering;供应伙食; ; catering and messing equipment;膳食设备; ; catering sub-unit;伙食分队; ; central battery; common battery;中央炮兵连;CB; Basic Education and Life Skills Programme;基础教育和生活技能方案;;UNESCO ceasefire line;宛线;CFL; ceasefire violation;违反宛;CFV; Central and Eastern European States; Central and Eastern European countries;中欧和东欧国家;CEEC; Central Emergency Revolving Fund;中央应急循环基金;CERF; Central Tracing Agency;中央寻人局;CTA; Centre of Excellence for Army Training on Peace Support Operations;陆军和平支援行动训练中心; ; ceremonial flag;礼仪旗; ; ceremonial parade;阅兵分列式; ; cessation of hostilities agreement;停止敌对行动协定;COHA; cessation of hostilities;停止敌对行动;CoH; chain of command;1.指挥系统 2.领导层次; ; chain of evacuation;后送系统; ; challenge;查问口犷[对......]提出异议; ; chapter VI 1/2 operation; hybrid operation;第六章半行动混合行动; ; Chapter VI operation;第六章行动; ; Chapter VII operation;第七章行动; ; Chapter VIII organization; regional organization;第八章组织区域组织; ; charity; charitable organization;慈善组织; ; Charte of Paris;巴黎宪章; ; checklist;核对表检查单; ; checklist item;核对表所列项目; ; checkpoint; check point; check-point;检查站行军途中的交通管制点用无线电向指挥部报告情况的报告点;CP; CHP; chemical and biological warfare;化学和生物武器战争;CBW;化生战 chemical successive report; NBC Chem 2;化学攻击事件后续报告化报2;NBC 2; NBC Chem 2;化报2 cherry-picker;车载升降台; ; chest webbing;胸带; ; chicane;之形路障; ; chief administrative officer; chief administration officer;行政主任;CAO; chief air operations;空中作业主任;C Air OPs; chief air staff officer;空军参谋长;CASO; chief air support officer;空中支援协调主任;CASO; chief civilian personnel officer CCPO;文职人事主任;CCPO; chief civilian transport officer;民事运输主任; ; chief communications officer;通讯主任;CCO; chief electoral officer;选举事务主任;CEO; chief engineering officer; chief civilian engineering officer;工程主任;CEO; CCEO; chief finance officer;财务主任;CFO; chief General Service officer; chief, General Services;总务科科长;CGSO; CGS; chief humanitarian officer;人道主义事务主任;CHO; chief information coordinating officer;新闻协调主任;CICO; chief liaison officer;联络主任[UNICEF] 首席联络官[military];CLO; chief logistics officer CLO;后勤主任;CLO; chief maintenance officer;保养主任;C MAINT O; chief medical officer CMedO;医务长;CMO; chief military engineer;工程兵主任总军事工程师; ; chief military information officer; chief military public information officer; chief military press information officer;军事新闻主任;CMIO; CMPIO; chief military liaison officer;首席军事联络官;CMLO; chief military observer;首席军事观察员;CMO; chief military personnel administrative officer; chief military personnel officer;军职人事行政主任;CMPAO; CMPO; chief military public information officer; chief military press information officer;军事新闻主任; ; chief military transport officer;军事运输主任;CMTO; chief movement control officer;调度主任;CMCO; chief movements officer;调度主任; ; chief of [a service, an activity, etc.]; chief [service, activity, etc.] officer;xx长首席xx; ; chief of mission;特派团团长;COM; chief of movement control;调度主任; ; chief of personnel;人事主任; ; chief of personnel and logistics;人事和后勤主任;CPL; chief of registry and archives;文书主任;CORA; chief of security and safety; chief, security and safety section;警卫和安全事务科科长;CSSS; chief of staff, operations;快速部署行动参谋长; ; chief of the air staff [UK];空军参谋长;CAS; chief of the defence staff [UK];国防参谋长;CDS; chief operations officer;作战参谋长;COO; chief personnel and logistics officer;人事和后勤主任;CPLO; chief procurement officer; chief of procurement;采购主任;CPO; chief public information officer;新闻主任;CPIO; chief security officer;警卫主任;CSO; chief signals officer;通信主任;CSO; chief superintendent;总监; ; chief supply officer;供应主任;C Sup O; chief transportation officer; chief transport officer;运输主任;CTO; chief warrant officer;一级准尉;CWO; chief welfare officer;文娱主任;CWO; chief, administrative services;行政事务主任;CAS; chief, Budget and Administrative Unit;预算和行政股股长;CB/AU; chief, Buildings Management Section; chief Buildings Management Service;房舍管理科处科处长;CBMS; chief, civil affairs administration;民事行政主任; ; chief, Civilian Police;民警专员;CCIVPOL; chief, engineering section;工程科科长; ; chief, engineering support section; chief engineering support service;工程支助科科长;CESS; chief, field administrative service;外勤行政处处长; ; chief, French contingent;法国特遣队指挥官;CFRCON; chief, information technology service section;信息技术事务科科长;CITSS; chief, integrated support services;综合支助事务主任;CISS; chief, intelligence service element;情报事务主任;CISE; chief, legal and electoral unit;法律和选举股股长; ; chief, management information systems;管理信息系统科科长; ; chief, materials management section;物资管理科科长;CMMS; chief, media monitoring unit;媒体监测股股长; ; chief, press and information;新闻主任;CPI; chief, security and safety section;警务和安全事务科科长; ; chief, special projects service;特别项目事务处处长;CSPS; chief, supply and material management;供应和物资管理主任; ; chief, supply and property management section;供应和财产管理科科长;CSPMS; chief, technical services;技术事务主任;CTS; chief, travel, traffic and accommodation;旅行、交通和食宿主任;CTTA; chief, verification branch;核查处处长; ; chief, voter education unit;选民教育股股长; ; child fighter;童兵; ; child soldier; child fighter;童兵; ; chock-to-chock time;轮挡时数; ; choke point; defile; bottle-neck;隘口咽喉要道; ; circular;通知; ; CIS PKF;独联体维和部队; ; citizenship education;公民教育; ; civil affairs component;民事部分; ; civil affairs coordinator;民事协调员;CAC; civil affairs officer;民事干事民事官;CvAO; civil affairs;民事;CA; civil unrest; civil disorder; civil strife;民间动乱内部动乱内乱; ; civilian component; civil component;文职部分; 文职人员; ; civil-military cooperation;军民合作;CIMIC; civil-military operation centre;军民行动中心;CMOC; civilian chief engineer;文职总工程师; ; civilian clothing;便服; ; civilian collection point;平民收容点; ; civilian peacekeeper;文职维和人员; ; civilian peacekeeping;文职人员维和行动; ; civilian police;民警; CIVPOL; civilian police monitors;民警监测员; ; civilian police peacekeeping;民警维和利用民警维持和平; ; civilian police selection assistance team; UNCIVPOL selection assistance team;民警甄选援助小组; ; Civilian Police Unit;民警股;CPU; civilian specialists;文职专家; ; civilian-pattern equipment; civilian-type equipment;民用制式装备; ; civilian-pattern vehicle;民用制式车辆;CPV; Claims Administration Unit;索偿行政股;CAU;索赔股 Claims and Information Management Section;索偿和信息管理科;CIMS;索赔科 claims review board;索偿审查委员会; ; claims review board and property survey board officer;索偿审查委员会和财产调查委员会干事; ; Claims Unit;索偿股; ; classic peacekeeping; traditional peacekeeping; first-generation operation;传统维和行动; ; classified;机要文件保密文件; ; Claymore mine;克莱莫地雷; ; clear to - roadblocks;清除路障; ; clear message;明码电报; ; clearly defined mandate, command structure, time-frame and secure financing;明确界定的授权、指挥结构、时限和健全的 经费筹措办法; ; climb-down;退让; ; close air support;近距离空中支援;CAS; close fire report;近距弹着点报告; ; close observation platoon; COP [UK];近距离侦察排;COP; close protection;1.近身堡 2.近距离防护;; close quarter battle;近战;CQB; close-in fire;近距离火力; ; closed checkpoint; roadblock;关闭的检查站路障; ; closed meeting;非公开会议; ; closure of peacekeeping mission; close-out;结束; ; clothing allowance;服装津贴; ; cluster bomb unit; cluster bomb;集束炸弹子母炸弹;CBU; CNN effect; CNN factor;CNN效应或因素梅地亚效应或因素; ; co-chairmen;1. 联合主席南斯拉夫问题 一般情况 2. 共同主席柬埔寨问题; ; co-location; collocation;合用同一地点; ; coordinated universal time; universal time coordinated;协调世界时;UTC; coalition of the able and willing;有干预能力和意愿的国家联盟; ; coalition operation;联合行动; ; cobblering;补鞋服务; ; code of conduct;行为守则; ; coercion;强制; ; collapsed State;陷于崩溃的国家处于无政府状态的国家; ; collapsible bladder;囊式容器软油、水箱; ; collateral damage;附带损害; ; collateral mission;附带行动附带任务; ; collecting point;收容点; ; Collective Measures Committee;集体办法委员会; ; collective movement order;集体行动命令; ; collective protection;集体防护;COLPRO; collective security system;集体安全制度; ; collective self-defence;集体自卫; ; collective training;集体训练; ; collocation;合用同一地点; ; column;纵队; ; combat air patrol;空中战斗巡逻;CAP; combat aircraft;作战飞机; ; combat arm;战斗兵种; ; combat boots;作战靴; ; combat dress;作战服; ; combat engineer and operational security officer;战斗工程和作业安全军官;CEOSO; combat engineer vehicle; armoured engineer vehicle;战斗工程车装甲工程车;CEV; AEV; combat grenade; grenade;作战榴弹如手榴弹、枪榴弹; ; combat helicopter;作战直升机; ; combat helicopter regiment;作战直升机团; ; combat jacket;作战茄克; ; Combat Maneuver Training Centre;战术训练中心;CMTC; combat multiplier;增强战斗力的手段; ; combat net radio;作战电台;CNR; combat patrol; fighting patrol;战斗巡逻队; ; combat rations; field rations; composite rations; compo-rations;作战口粮复合给养; ; combat search and rescue;战斗搜索救援;CSAR; C-SAR; combat section;战斗班; ; combat service support brigade;战斗勤务支援旅; ; combat service support;战斗勤务支援;CSS; combat stress;战斗紧张症; ; combat support;战斗支援;CS; combat team;战斗队; ; combat training;战斗训练; ; combat troops; line troops;战斗部队; ; combat unit;战斗单位; ; combat zone;作战地带作战区;CZ; combat/engineer company; engineer/combat company;战斗/工兵连工兵/战斗连; ; Combined Air Operations Centre;联合空军行动中心;CAOC; combined arms;联合兵种; ; Combined Arms Training Centre;联合兵种训练中心; ; combined joint civil-military cooperation;盟军联合军民合作工作队;CJCIMIC; combined joint task force;多国联合部队;CJTF; combined radar and projected map display;雷达和投影地图综合显示;CRPMD; Combined Task Force;联合特遣部队;CTF; combined; allied; interallied;联合的协同的; ; come-as-you-are basis;“原样”部署; ; command;指挥指挥权命令指令指挥部司令部部队; ; command and reconnaissance vehicle;指挥和侦察车;CRV; command and support regiment;指挥和支援团; ; command and transport helicopter regiment;指挥和运输直升机团; ; command channel;指挥系统; ; command levels;指挥级别; ; command net;指挥通信网; ; command post exercise;指挥所演习;CPX; command post truck;卡车指挥所; ; command post;指挥所;CP; command relationship;指挥关系; ; command structure;指挥结构; ; command vehicle;指挥车;CV; command, control, communication, computer and intelligence;指挥、控制、通信、计算机、情报;C4I; command, control, communication, intelligence;指挥、控制、通信、情报;C3I; commandeer to -;征用强取; ; commander of the combined task force; commander, combined task force;联合部队指挥官;CCTF; Commander in Chief;总司令;CinC; Commander Logistics Handbook;指挥官后勤手册; ; commander of British forces;英国部队指挥官;COMBRITFOR; Commander's Logistics Manual;指挥官后勤手册; ; Commander-in-Chief, Allied Forces Southern Europe;南欧盟军总司令;CinC South; commanding officer;指挥官;CO; commando;突击队突击队员; ; commercial maintenance and repair unit;商营车辆保养和修理队; ; commercial off-the-shelf products; COTS products;可从市场购到的现成产品;COTS products;现成产品 commercial-pattern vehicle repair unit;商用制式车辆修理队; ; commercial-pattern vehicle; standard commercial-pattern vehicle;商用制式车辆标准商用制式车辆;CPV; SCPV; commissioned officer;军官; ; commit to - or order the commission of grave breaches;犯下或下令犯下严重违约行为; ; Committee of Thirty-four;34国委员会; ; Common and Comprehensive Security Model for Europe for the Twenty-First Century;欧洲二十一世纪共同和全面安全模式; ; common basing;共同基地; ; common staff costs;一般人事费; ; commonality;通用性共同性; ; communications and electronics operating instructions;通信和电子操作说明;CEOI; communications centre;通信中心;COMCEN; COMMC; communications checkpoint;[用无线电向指挥部报告情况的] 报告点; ; communications network;通信网; ; communications security sub-unit;通信安全分队; ; Communications Unit;通信股;CU; communications/air operations sub-unit;通信/空中作业分队; ; communications/command post;通信/指挥所; ; communications; comms;通信;comms; community patrol; local patrol;社区巡逻当地巡逻; ; company net;连无线电通信网; ; company position flag;连阵地旗; ; company task force;连战斗队; ; company team;连战斗队; ; company;连;COY [UK]; CO [US]; compartment of terrain;狭隘地形; ; compassionate repatriation;同情性遣返; ; compensatory time off;补偿假;CTO; completion of peacekeeping mission;完成任务; ; complex emergency;复杂紧急情况; ; Complex Emergency Support Unit;复杂紧急情况支援股;CESU; complex operation;复杂任务; ; compo-rations;复合给养; ; component force;联合部队组成部分如海军部分、陆军部分、空军部分; ; composite aviation unit;混合航空队; ; composite headquarters;混合指挥部; ; composite logistics unit;混合后勤股; ; composite map;综合图; ; composite rations;复合给养; ; composite supply unit;混合补给队; ; composite transport unit;混合运输队; ; compound;院落营地; ; comprehensive humanitarian response;综合性人道主义行动; ; comprehensive package;综合建议; ; comprehensive sanctions;全面制裁; ; Comprehensive Seminar on Lessons Learned from [+ name of mission];xx维和行动总结经验综合讨论会; ; comprehensive settlement;全面解决; ; compromised to be;泄露连累; ; computer-aided exercise;计算机辅助演习;CAX; concentrated fire;集中火力; ; concentration period;集训期; ; concentration point; concentration platform; concentration area;集结点; ; concept for the use of force;使用武力的概念; ; concept paper;概念文件; ; Conceptual Planning Unit;概念规划股; ; concertina wire;蛇腹形铁丝网; ; conciliation;调解和解; ; concurrent jurisdiction;并行管辖权; ; condemnation of equipment;装备降级退役报废; ; condemnation of rations;给养品报废; ; condemnation certificate;报废证书; ; conditionality;条件性制约性; ; conduct unbecoming;行为不当; ; Conference on the Preparation of the Civilian Personnel of the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations;联合国维持和平行动文职人员培养问题会议; ; Conference on the Role of the Civilian Police in Peacekeeping Operations;民警在维持和平行动中的作用会议; ; conference room paper;会议室文件;CRP; confidence- and security-building measure;建立信任和安全措施;CSBM; confidence-building measure;建立信任措施;CBM; confinement to base;营内禁闭; ; conflict fatigue of warring States;交战国冲突疲劳; ; conflict line;对峙线; ; conflict management;冲突管理; ; conflict prevention;防止冲突; ; Conflict Prevention Centre;防止冲突中心;CPC; Conflict Prevention Mechanism;预防冲突机制; ; conflict resolution;解决冲突; ; Conflict Resolution and Peacekeeping Programme;解决冲突与维持和平方案; ; conflict-mitigation operation;缓和冲突行动; ; conflicting claims;互相矛盾的指称; ; conflicting parties; parties to the conflict;冲突当事方; ; confrontation line; line of contact;对峙线接触线;CL; LC; consensual peacekeeping operation;东道国同意的维持和平行动; ; consent of the Parties;各方同意; ; consent divide;同意界限同意的行动和强制行动之间的界限; ; consent mandate;交战双方同意的任务; ; consent to be bound by a treaty;同意受条约约束; ; conservatorship; guardianship;监护; ; Consolidated Appeal Process;联合呼吁程序;CAP; consolidated claim form for third-party personal injury or death and/or property damage or loss;第三者人身伤害或死亡和/或财产损坏或损失 综合索赔申请表; ; consolidation measure;巩固措施; ; consolidation of peace;巩固和平; ; consortium model; nordic model;联合会模式北欧模式; ; constabulary function;警察职能; ; constabulary operation; policing action;警察行动; ; construction engineering officer;建筑工程军官;CEO; construction engineering;建筑工程学;CE; consultations of the whole; informal consultations;全体磋商非正式磋商; ; consumable items; consumables; expendable items;消费品; ; contact party;流动检修组; ; contact point;会合点; ; container accommodation;集装箱式住所; ; contingency force;应急部队; ; contingency operation;应急行动; ; contingency package;应急组合; ; contingency planning; contingency plan; contingency operation plan;应急计划应急行动计划;COP; contingent;特遣队;; contingent base camp; base camp;特遣队营地基地兵营; ; contingent commander CONTINCO;特遣队指挥官;CONTINCO; contingent public information officer;特遣队新闻发布官; ; contingent rotation officer;特遣队轮调军官;CRO; Contingent-Owned Equipment Claims Unit; COE Claims Unit;特遣队所属装备偿还股;; contingent-owned equipment manual;特遣队所属装备手册; ; contingent-owned equipment, non authorized;未经核准的特遣队所属装备;COENA; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司