翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 local warlord;地方军阀; ; locally employed civilian;当地雇佣文职人员 当地雇员;LEC;当地雇员 locate to -;定位; ; location state;部署情况;LOCSTAT; lock-on;锁定[目标]; ; log cap contract;后勤能力合同; ; log sheet;记录表; ; logging form;车辆登记表; ; logistic; ; ; logistic battalion medical section;后勤营医务科; ; logistic brigade;后勤旅; ; logistic capability contract; log cap contract;后勤能力合同; ; logistic chain;后勤网; ; logistic corridor;后勤走廊; ; logistic directive; logs directive;后勤指令;Log Dir; logistic operations centre;后勤行动中心;LOC;后勤中心 logistic reconnaissance;后勤考察; ; logistic support concept;后勤支援构想; ; logistic support group;后勤支援组; ; logistic transport vehicle;后勤运输车辆;LTV; logistics battalion; logistic battalion;后勤营;Logs Batt; logistical support; logs support;后勤支援; ; logistical transport;后勤运输; ; logistician;后勤专家后勤人员; ; logistics;后勤; ; logistics base;后勤基地; ; logistics battalion supply company;后勤营补给连;Logs Batt Supply Coy; logistics detachment;后勤分队; ; logistics future operations officer;未来行动后勤干事; ; logistics officer;后勤干事后勤军官; ; Logistics Operations Section;后勤业务科;LOS;后勤科 logistics plans officer;后勤计划干事; ; logistics support element;后勤支援单位;LSE; loiter to -;来回飞行待机; ; loitering time;空中侦察时间; ; London Conference;伦敦会议; ; long wheel base;长轴距;LWB; long-range firing notification;远距离发射公告;LRFN; long-range patrol;远距离巡逻;LRP; looting of convoys;抢掠; ; loud and clear;响亮而明了;L/C; low collateral damages munitions;低附带损伤弹药;LCDM; low-altitude parachute extracting system;低空伞拖空投系统;LAPES; low-intensity conflict;轻微冲突;LIC; Liquidation Office;清理结束支助股; ; mission liquidation directive;特派团清理结束指示; ; liquidation master plan; liquidation plan;清理结束总计划清理结束计划; ; withdrawal timetable; withdrawal schedule;撤离时间表; ; asset disposal plan; asset disposal management plan;资产处理计划资产处理管理计划; ; mission liquidation team;特派团清理结束小组; ; mission liquidation task force;特派团清理结束工作队; ; lump-sum agreement; lump-sum settlement of claims;一次付清协定一次付清; ; lump-sum settlement of claims;一次付清; ; Property Disposal Coordination Committee;资产处理协调委员会;PDCC; M2 amphibious vehicle; M2 rigs pontoon bridge; M2 rigs for rafting;M2水陆两用车M2舟桥设备M2舟桥架设设备; ; M2 Bailey bridge sets;M2贝雷桥套件; ; M2 rigs for rafting;M2舟桥架设设备; ; machine gun;机枪;MG; mail and diplomatic pouch unit;邮件和外交邮袋股;MDPU; main battle tank; MBT; battle tank;主战坦克;MBT; main camp;主营地; ; main defence forces;主要防御部队;MDF; main supply route;主要补给线;MSR; maint coy;保养连; ; maintenance company; maint coy;保养连;maint coy; maintenance level; level of maintenance;保养等级; ; maintenance office;保养处; ; maintenance officer;保养军官; ; maintenance rate;保养费率; ; maintenance ship;维修船; ; maintenance; maint;保养;maint; major;少校; ; major equipment;主要装备; ; major equipment rate;主要装备偿还率; ; major equipment reimbursement rate; major equipment rate;主要装备的偿还率; ; major general [2-star];少将; ; major regional conflict; MRC; major theatre war;大规模区域冲突;MRC; major theatre war;大规模区域战争; ; make/model fragmentation;制造厂商/型号混合车队; ; makeshift roadblock;临时路障; ; malicious damage insurance;恶意损害保险; ; malicious insurance;恶意损害保险; ; man-day ration;每人每日给养定量; ; man-portable;可随身携带的; ; man-transportable items;可随身携带物品; ; Management Information Unit;管理信息股;MIU; management review officer;管理审查干事; ; mandate to - a mission;授权设立一个特派团规定特派团的任务 授权执行一项任务; ; mandate resolution;制定任务的决议; ; manned;载人的有人驾驶的配备人员的; ; manoeuvre to -;调动; ; manpack radio; man-portable radio;背负式无线电; ; Manual on policies and procedures concerning reimbursement and control of contingent-owned equipment of troop-contributing countries participating in peacekeeping missions; COE manual;参加维和特派团部队派遣国特遣队所属装备偿还与管制政策和程序手册; ; map exercise;图上战术作业; ; map overlay; overlay;地图重叠片套图; ; map reading;地图判读; ; map reference;图上坐标图例;MR; map series;成套地图; ; map services;地图事务; ; map sheet;地图图幅; ; map references;图上坐标图例; ; march column;行军纵队; ; march unit;行军单位; ; marching-in survey;抵达盘存; ; marching-out survey;开拔盘存; ; marine armoured regiment;海军陆战装甲团; ; marine infantry division;海军陆战师; ; marine infantry regiment;海军陆战团; ; marine parachute regiment;海军陆战伞兵团; ; marine tank regiment;海军陆战坦克团; ; Marines;海军陆战队; ; maritime assets;海上资产; ; maritime component; naval component;海上部分; ; Maritime Interdiction Force;海上封锁部队; ; maritime patrol aircraft;海上巡逻机;MPA; marker;标识; 标志; ; marking;标识作标记; ; marking fire;标志射击指示射击; ; markings;标识作标记; ; marksman;一等射手神枪手; ; marshalling area;集结待发地域;MA; mass;大规模; ; mass grave; body dump;乱葬坑千人冢万人坑; ; master corporal;下士长;MCpl; partnership arrangements; peacekeeping partnership; matching arrangements;对应安排伙伴关系安排; ; material control;物资管制; ; material management;物资管理; ; materials-handling system; mat閞iel-handling equipment; cargo-handling equipment;物资搬运设备装备搬运设备; ; materials-handling unit; cargo-handling group;物资搬运小组; ; mat閞iel management centre;作战物资管理中心;MMC; mat閞iel management system; asset management system;作战物资管理系统资产管理系统; ; materiel-handling equipment;物质搬运设备; ; maximum external stores load;最大机外负载; ; home-made bomb;土制炸弹; ; meals ready to eat;即时饭作战口粮; ; mean time between failure;故障间隔平均时间;MTBF; mean time to repair;修理间隔平均时间;MTTR; mechanical engineer, armoured vehicles;装甲车机械工程师; ; Mechanism for Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution;预防、管理和解决冲突的机制; ; Mechanism for the Prevention, Management and Resolution of Conflicts among Arab States;预防、管理和解决阿拉伯国家间冲突机制; ; mechanized;机械化的; ; mechanized company;机械化连; ; mechanized infantry;机械化步兵; ; mechanized infantry combat vehicle;机械化步兵战车;MICV; medal parade;授勋仪式; ; medevac net;医疗后送无线电通信网; ; media frenzy;媒体狂热; ; mediation;仲裁调停调解; ; medic;卫生员军医; ; medical;卫生医务医疗; ; medical adviser;医务顾问; ; medical and health support;医疗和卫生报告; ; medical assistant;护士医生助理;Med A; Med Asst; medical battalion;卫生营医务营; ; medical capability; treatment capability;医疗能力主要指质量; ; medical capacity; treatment capacity;医疗能力主要指数量; ; medical catalogue;医疗药具目录; ; medical chest;医药箱; ; medical clinic-HQ;总部门诊部; ; medical corps;卫生部队; ; medical echelon;医疗梯次; ; medical element;医务单位; ; medical element-HQ;司令部医务队; ; medical equipment and supply depot;卫生器材仓库;MESD; medical escort;医疗护送小组; ; medical evacuation transport unit;医疗后送运输队; ; medical evacuation;医疗后送;MEDEVAC; medical flash report;火急医情报告; ; medical information;卫生信息; ; medical inspection room;检疫室;MIR; medical intelligence;卫生信息; ; medical logistic officer;医务后勤军官;Med Log O; medical office;医务处; ; medical provisioning point; medical provision point;卫生器材供应点;MPP; medical reconnaissance;卫生考察; ; medical repatriation;医疗遣返; ; medical service; medical corps;医务卫生部队; ; medical shelter;预制医务室; ; medical situation report;医务情况报告; ; medical start-up kit; medical SUK;医疗开办设备包;medical SUK; medical start-up unit;医疗开办股; ; medical SUK;医疗开办设备包; ; medical support;医务支援; ; medical support manual;医务支助手册; ; medical support officer;医务支援干事; ; medical support plan;医务支援计划; ; medical support troop;医务支援部队;MST; medical team;医疗队; ; medical transport unit;医疗后送运输队; ; medical treatment;医疗; ; medical treatment facility;医疗设施;MTF; medium altitude endurance unmanned aerial vehicle;中空续航无人驾驶飞行器;MAE-UAV; medium cargo transport unit;中型货运队; ; medium lift helicopter;中型空运直升机; ; medium logistic vehicle wheeled;中型轮式后勤车辆;MLVW; medium machine gun;中型机枪;MMG; medium multi-role logistics unit;中型多功能后勤队; ; medium night-time utility helicopter;中型夜航通用直升机; ; medium tactical utility helicopter;中型战术通用直升机; ; medium transport aircraft;中型运输机; ; medium transport helicopter unit;中型运输直升机队; ; medium utility helicopter;中型通用直升机; ; memorandum of intent;意向备忘录;MOI; memorandum of interest;兴趣备忘录;MOI; memorandum of understanding;谅解备忘录;MOU; mess tin;军用饭盒; ; metal detection gateway;拱门式金属探测器; ; metal detection wand;手提式金属探测器; ; metal detector;金属探测器; ; metal helmet;钢盔; ; micro-disarmament;微观裁军; ; mid-air refuelling;空中加油; ; mid-mission assessment;任务中期评估; ; militarily sensitive area;军事敏感地区; ; Military Adviser's Office MAO;军事顾问办公室;MAO; military adviser;军事顾问;MILAD; MA; military advisory company;军事咨询公司; ; military affairs project officer;军事项目军官; ; military airlift command;军事空运司令部;MAC; military analyst;军事分析员; ; Military and Civil Defence Assets Field Manual;军事和民防资源使用手册; ; Military and Civil Defence Assets;军事和民防资源;MCDA; Military and Civil Defence Unit;军事和民防资源股;MCDU; military assistant to the force commander;部队指挥官军事助理;MA to FC; MA/FC; military assistant to the Military Adviser;军事顾问军事助理; ; military buildup; buildup of forces;军事集结; ; military component;军事部分军事部门军事人员; ; military consultancy; military advisory company;军事咨询公司; ; military directive;军事命令军事指令; ; military engineering;军事工程学; ; military exclusion zone;军事禁区; ; military grid;军用方格; ; military grid reference system;军用方格坐标制;MGRS; military humanitarianism;军方人道主义行动; ; military information officer;军事情报官;MIO; military information systems officer;军事信息系统干事; ; military intelligence;军事情报; ; military liaison mission;军事联络团; ; military liaison officer;军事联络官; ; military load classification;军事载重量分类;MLC; military medical staff;军事医务人员; ; military mission;军事任务; ; military mission officer;军事特派团干事;MMO; military monitor;军事观察员; ; military necessity;军事需要; ; military negotiation and analysis team;军事谈判和分析组;MNAT; military observer;军事观察员;MO; military off-the-shelf products; MOTS products;现成军用产品;MOTS products; military officer on loan; officer on loan;短期借调军官; ; military officer on secondment; officer on secondment;长期借调军官; ; military officer under contract;合同军官; ; military operations on urbanized terrain;市区军事行动;MOUT; military operations other than war;非战争军事行动;MOOTW; military personnel officer;军职人事军官;MPO; military police investigations element;宪兵调查单位; ; Military Police Officer and Non-Commissioned Officer Training Centre;宪兵军官和军士训练中心; ; military police operations element;宪兵行动单位; ; military police sub-unit;宪兵分队; ; military police;宪兵;MP; military policeman;宪兵;MP; military press information officer;军事新闻官; ; Military Professional Resources Incorporated;军事专业资源公司;MPRI; military public information officer; military press information officer;军事新闻官;MPIO; military sealift command;军事海运司令部; ; military sexual slavery; military sexual servitude;军队进行的性奴役; ; military specifications;军用规格;milspecs; military staff capability;军事参谋能力; ; Military Staff Committee;军事参谋团;MSC;军参团 military stalemate;军事僵局; ; military stand-off;军事僵持; ; Military Training Centre for United Nations Peacekeeping Operations;联合国维持和平行动军事训练中心; ; military unit;军事单位; ; military-pattern equipment; military-type equipment;军用制式装备; ; military-pattern vehicle;军用制式车辆;MPV; military-to-military dialogue;军方和军方对话; ; Mine-Action Service;排雷行动处;MAS;排雷处 mine-awareness training sub-unit; mine-awareness sub-unit;防雷宣传训练分队; ; mine-awareness training;防雷宣传训练;MAT; mine-protective vehicle; mine-resistant vehicle; mine-protected vehicle;防雷车; ; minefield recording officer;雷场记录军官; ; minehunter;猎雷艇; ; minesweeper-escort ship;扫雷护航艇; ; minimum casualty;最低伤亡; ; minimum operating strip;最低标准简易机场;MOS; minor engineering;小工程; ; minor equipment and consumables; minor equipment;次要装备和消耗品; ; minor investigation element;轻微事故调查单位;MIE; Minsk Conference of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe; OSCE Minsk Conference;欧洲安全与合作组织明斯克会议欧安组织明斯克会议; ; semi-rigid structure;软墙宿舍软墙营房; ; missile-launch warning receiver;导弹发射警戒接收机; ; missing in action;作战失踪人员;MIA; mission administrative support plan; administrative support plan;特派团行政支助计划; ; mission analysis;任务分析; ; mission and force headquarters administration unit;特派团和部队总部行政队; ; mission area MsnA;任务区特派任务地区;MsnA; mission capable;适于作战的,运转正常的; ; Official Journal of the European Communities;欧洲共同体公报;; mission creep;任务蠕升; ; Mission Development Unit;特派团筹划股;MDU; mission essential equipment;完成任务必需装备基本装备; ; mission factor;特派团因数; ; mission inspection team;特派团视察队; ; Mission of the Representative of the Secretary-General in the Dominican Republic;秘书长代表驻多米尼亚共和国特派团;DOMREP; mission SOP;特派团标准作业程序; ; mission standard operating procedures; mission standing operating procedures; mission SOP;特派团标准作业程序;mission SOP; mission start-up kit; modular mission start-up kit; mission-ready start-up kit; start-up kit;特派团开办装备包;SUK; mission start-up probability matrix;特派团开办概率矩阵; ; mission statement;任务说明; ; mission support plan;任务支助计划; ; mission survey handbook;调查团手册; ; mission survey team; assessment team;特派团需要评估小组; ; mission template;特派团标准结构格式; ; mission-approved factor; mission-related factor; mission usage factor;核可的特派团因数特派团使用因数; ; mission-oriented protective posture;符合任务需要的核生化防护等级;MOPP; mission-related factor;特派团因数; ; mission-specific contingency planning;针对特定任务的应急规划; ; Regional Office of West Asia;西亚区域办事处;ROWA;西亚办事处 mission-specific cost parameters;特派团特有费用参数; ; mission-specific costs;特派团特有费用; ; mission-usage factor;特派团使用因数; ; mission/force headquarters clinic; headquarters medical clinic; medical clinic-HQ;特派团/部队总部门诊部; ; mobile air movements sub-unit;流动空运装卸分队; ; mobile assault bridge [US];机动突击浮桥;MAB; mobile checkpoint; mobile CHP;机动检查站;mobile CHP; mobile crane;自行吊车移动式起重机; ; mobile field hospital;流动野战医院;MFH; mobile field hospital detachment;流动野战医院医疗分队; ; mobile hospital;流动医院; ; mobile platform;流动平台; ; mobile reserve;机动预备队; ; mobile stop; movable stop;移动式路障; ; mobile supply unit;流动补给队; ; mobile telephone system;移动式电话系统;MTS; mobile training team [US];巡回训练小组;MTT; mock-up;模型; ; Model Memorandum of Understanding;示范谅解备忘录; ; model services agreement;示范服务协定; ; modular mission start-up kit;组合式特派团开办装备包; ; modular reimbursement system;单元式偿还系统; ; modular surgery unit;单元式外科小组; ; module;单元; ; Mogadishu line crossing the -;摩加迪沙界线逾越任务范围; ; monitor to - the arrangements;监测安排的执行; ; monitor on the ground;地面监控; ; Monitoring Command Coordination Centre;监测协调和控制中心; ; Monitoring Coordination and Control Centre;监测协调和控制中心 监控中心;MCCC;监控中心 monthly consolidated strength and location return;每月兵力和部署位置综合表;MCSLR; monthly equipment availability report;每月装备可用情况报告; ; monthly list of military personnel;每月军事人员名单;MLMP; monthly military staff officers list;每月军事参谋人员名单;MMSOL; monthly report of ammunition usage;每月弹药使用情况报告; ; Moralpolitik;道德政治; ; mortar;迫击炮; ; mosquito net;蚊帐; ; motor march rate;摩托行军速度; ; motor transport officer;汽车运输参谋;MTO; motor transport;汽车运输单位;MT; motorized;摩托化; ; motorized infantry brigade or company;摩托化步兵旅; ; motorized pontoon bridge [generic]; ribbon bridge [US];机械化浮桥; ; mounting phase;发动阶段筹备阶段; ; movable stop;移动式路障; ; movement control battalion;调度营; ; movement control cell;调度小组;MCC; MovConC; movement control centre;调度中心;MCC; movement control chief officer; MovCon chief officer; chief of movement control;调度主任; ; movement control detachment;调度小分队;MCD; movement control officer; MovCon officer;调度干事调度官;MovCon officer; movement control unit;调度股;MCU; Official Journal of the European Communities;欧洲共同体公报;; movement control;调度;MovCon; movement of personnel;人员调动表;MOP; movement order;调动命令; ; moving sentry;移动哨; ; moving target imagery radar; moving target indicator radar;活动目标图象;MTI radar; Mission Records Retention Schedule;特派团记录保存规定;MRRS; multi-component mission;多层面任务; ; multi-hatting; multiskill;多重职能多重任务多面手; ; multi-purpose police brigade;多功能警察旅;MPPB; multi-role unit;多功能部门;; multi-role combat helicopter;多用途战斗直升机; ; multi-role combat vehicle;多用途战车;MRCV; multi-role engineer unit;多功能工兵队; ; multi-role health services unit;多功能医务队; ; multi-role logistics unit;多功能后勤队; ; multi-user software;多用户软件; ; multidimensional operation; complex mission; second-generation operation;多层面行动复杂任务第二代行动; ; multidisciplinary operation;多层面行动; ; multifunctional peacekeeping;多功能维和; ; multilateral security;多边安全; ; Multinational Advisory Police Element;多国警务咨询小组;MAPE; multinational division;多国师;MND; Multinational Force and Observers;多国部队和观察员;MFO; multinational force;多国部队;MNF; Multinational Interception Force;多国拦截部队;MIF; Multinational Protection Force for Albania;阿尔巴尼亚多国堡部队;MPF;多保部队 multinational task force;多国特遣部队; ; Multinational United Nations Standby Forces High-Readiness Brigade; Standby Forces High-Readiness Brigade;多国联合国待命部队高度戒备旅;SHIRBRIG;高度戒备旅 multinationality;多国性; ; multiple rocket launcher system;多管火箭炮系统; ; multiple-launch rocket system; multiple rocket launcher system;多管火箭炮系统;MLRS; MRLS; multipolarization of the world;多极化世界; ; muscular peacekeeping;强势维和; ; mutual security policy;共同安全政策; ; mutually supporting strong points;互为支援的据点; ; NACC Ad Hoc Group on Cooperation in Peacekeeping;北大西洋合作理事会特设维持和平合作小组; ; nail mat;带型钉齿障碍; ; name tag;身份识别牌; ; nap-of-the-earth flying;超低空飞行掠地飞行;NOE flying; nation-building;建国; ; national ceiling;国家最高限额; ; national command;国家部队; ; national commander;国家指挥官; ; national line of command;国家指挥系统; ; national owned equipment;派遣国所属装备;NOE; National Security Council;国家安全委员会;NSC; national support cell;国家后勤支援小组;NSC; national support element;国家后勤支援单位;NSE; national-issue uniform;国家制服; ; NATO airborne early warning system;北约空中预警系统;NAEWS; NATO assets;北约资产; ; NATO Codification System;北约代号系统;NCS;北约系统 NATO Peacekeeping School;北约维持和平学校; ; NATO School;北约维和学校; ; NATO-Russia Founding Act;北约-俄罗斯基本文件; ; NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council;北约-俄罗斯常设联合理事会; ; naval aviation [generic; US]; Fleet Air Arm [UK];海军航空兵; ; naval cell;海军小组; ; naval component;海上部分; ; naval expeditionary force;海军远征部队; ; naval gunship;军舰; ; naval package;特混舰队; ; naval platform;海上平台; ; naval task force; naval package;特混舰队; ; navigation;航行导航; ; navigation and attack suite;导航和攻击设备; ; Navy Army Air Force Institute;军卖部;NAAFI; Navy SEALs;海军海空陆特种部队; ; chemical incident report; NBC Chem 1; NBC 1;化学事件报告核生化1;NBC Chem 1; NBC 1;核生化1 NBC agents;核生化剂; ; NBC environment in a -;核生化环境; ; NBC hood; NBC protective hood;核生化防护头罩; ; NBC overboots; NBC bootees;核生化高腰防护靴; ; NBC protective hood;核生化防护头盔; ; NBC respirator;核生化防护面罩; ; NBC shelter liner; NBC liner; porton liner;核生化防护帐篷衬里; ; NBC suit; NBC protective suit; NBC gear;核生化防护服; ; NBC threat;核生化威胁; ; near-abroad;近邻国家; ; neck scarf;围巾; ; need to know basis;需要知道; ; negotiated access;协议进入; ; net orders;网络指令; ; net control station; network control station;无线电网控制台无线电通讯网主台;NCS; Netherlands Training Centre for Peacekeeping Operations;荷兰维持和平行动训练中心;TCPO;维和训练中心 network control unit;网络管制股; ; neutralization fire;压制火力; ; New Peacekeeping Partnership;新的维持和平伙伴关系;NPP; next of kin;最近的亲属近亲; ; nickname of map grid squares;代号; ; night sight;夜视仪; ; night vision; night viewing;夜视; ; night-observation device;夜视装置;NOD; night-viewing weapon sight; night-vision weapon sight; night sight;夜视瞄准具夜视仪; ; night-viewing aid;夜视辅助设备;NVA; night-viewing goggles; night-vision goggles;夜视镜;NVG; night-vision equipment;夜视设备;NVE; no change;无变化;N/C; no earlier than;不早于最早于;NET; no further action;对此案/事不再采取行动此案/事到此为止;NFA; no go area;禁区; ; no later than;至迟;NLT; no notice helicopter patrol;无事先通知直升机巡逻; ; no objection procedure;无异议程序; ; no-fault incident;无过失事故; ; no-fault incident factor;无过失事故因数; ; no-fly zone; NFZ; no-fly area; air exclusion zone;禁飞区;NFZ; no-man's land;无人地带;NML; nodal exchange; node;节点交换; ; nominal roll;名单; ; non-international armed conflicts;非国际性武装冲突;NIAC; non-article V operation;非第五条行动; ; Non-Aligned Movement;不结盟运动;NAM; non-battle casualties;非战斗伤亡; ; non-battle injury casualty; non-battle injured;非战斗受伤伤亡;NBI casualty; non-battle injury;非战斗受伤;NBI; non-combat training;非战斗训练; ; non-combatant;非战斗人员非战斗单位; ; non-commissioned officer;军士;NCO; non-consensual use and occupancy of privately owned premises;未经同意占用; ; non-expendable items;非消耗性器材; ; non-governmental humanitarian agency;非政府人道主义机构;NGHA; non-governmental organization;非政府组织;NGO; non-lethal weapon;非致命性武器;NLW; non-paper;非正式文件; ; non-permanent membership;非常任理事国席位; ; non-post requirements;非员额经费; ; non-recognition;不承认; ; non-recognition doctrine;不承认主义; ; non-staff compensation;非工作人员报酬; ; non-starter;胎死腹中的计划注定失败的想法不切实际的想法; ; non-state actor;非国家行为者; ; Nordic peacekeeping training consortium;北欧维持和平训练联合会; ; Nordic-United Nations Senior Peacekeeping Management Seminar;北欧联合国维和管理高级讨论会; ; Nordiska Samarbetsgruppen Forente Nasjoner;联合国军事事项北欧联合委员会; ; North Atlantic Cooperation Council;北大西洋合作理事会;NACC; note to file;归档戳记;NTF; nothing heard;未听到;N/H; nothing in line;不适用;NIL; N/L; nothing to report;无事报告;NTR; notice to move;行动通知;NTM; notification of casualty;伤亡通知;NOTICAS; notification procedure;通知程序; ; nuclear, biological and chemical casualty;核生化伤亡;NBCC; nuclear, biological and chemical overpressure;防核生化超压; ; nuclear, biological and chemical;核生化;NBC;核生化 nucleus;核心; ; numbered army;编号的集团军; ; numerical limits;限额; ; N黵emberg Charter;纽伦堡宪章; ; nurse officer;护士军官; ; nursing officer; nurse officer;护士军官; ; Observance by United Nations forces of international law;联合国部队遵守国际人道主义法; ; object code;支出用途代号; ; obscuration;遮蔽; ; Observation and Analysis Unit;观察和分析股; ; observation embankment;观察堤墙; ; observation platform;观察台; ; observation point;观察点;OPT; observation post flag;观察所旗; ; observation post;观察所观察哨;OP; observation tower; watch tower;观察台了望塔; ; observer country;观察国; ; Observer Detachment Damascus;大马士革观察员分遣队;ODD; Observer Group Egypt;埃及观察员小组 埃及小组;OGE;埃及小组 Observer Group Golan;戈兰观察员小组 戈兰小组;OGG;戈兰小组 Observer Group Jerusalem;耶路撒冷观察员小组;OGJ;耶路撒冷小组 Observer Group Lebanon;黎巴嫩观察员小组 黎巴嫩小组;OGL;黎巴嫩小组 observer State; observer country;观察国; ; observer team site;观察员队部; ; obstructionist tactics;阻挠战术; ; occasional recuperation break;间歇休息假间歇假;ORB;间歇假 Oceanguard proposal;海洋警卫队建议; ; off-road factor;车辆不可用日数因数; ; off-road transport unit;越野运输队; ; off-road vehicle; off-the-road vehicle;越野车辆; ; off-the-shelf products;可从市场购到的现成产品; ; offensive air support;攻势空中支援;OAS; Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance;人道主义援助协调事务处;; Office of Conference and Support Services;会议和支助事务厅 会议支助厅;OCSS;会议支助厅 Office of Operations;行动厅;OO; office of primary interest;主管部门;OPI; OPR; Office of the Secretary General in Afghanistan and Pakistan;秘书长驻阿富汗和巴基斯坦办事处;OSGAP;驻阿巴办事处 Office of the Secretary of Defence;国防部长办公室;OSD; Office of the Security Coordinator;安全协调员办公室; ; Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator in the Occupied Territories;联合国驻被占领土特别协调员办事处 被占领土协调员办事处;UNSCO;被占领土协调员办事处 officer commanding;指挥官;OC; officer of primary interest;主管军官;OPI; officer on loan;短期借调军官; ; officer on secondment;长期借调军官; ; officer-in-charge;主管主管军官负责官员;OIC; offset;1.抵销; 抵充; 抵补; 抵减; 冲销 2.偏置位置修正; ; offsets;抵销性索偿要求; ; offshore patrol vessel;近岸巡逻艇;OPV; oil for food;石油换粮食;; olive drab;橄榄色服装草绿色服装; ; on loan;短期借调; ; on secondment;长期借调; ; on-call target;待召唤目标待请求火力; ; one-up; to equip "one-up";按上一级单位配备装备; ; open to - the road;开放道路打通道路; ; open meeting;公开会议; ; open order;常年订单; ; open route;开放道路; ; open-ended contract; open order; standing order; blanket purchase order; BPO;开口合同常年定单一揽子购货定单;BPO; Open-ended Working Group on an Agenda for Peace;和平纲领不限成员名额工作组; ; operating language;通讯语言; ; Operation Able Sentry;高度警戒行动; ; Operation Alba;阿尔巴行动; ; Operation Balbuzard;鱼鹰行动; ; Operation Decisive Endeavour;果断努力行动; ; Declaration on the Responsibilities of the Present Generations towards Future Generations;当代人对后代人的责任宣言;; Blowpipe missile;吹管导弹;; Operation Deliberate Guard;周密警卫行动; ; Operation Deny Flight;禁飞行动; ; Operation Determined Guard;坚定警卫行动; ; Operation Joint Endeavour;联合努力行动; ; Operation Joint Guard;联合警卫行动; ; Operation Lifeline;生命线行动; ; Operation Provide Comfort;提供安慰行动; ; Operation Provide Promise;提供希望行动; ; Operation Restore Hope;恢复希望行动; ; Operation Sharp Guard;严密监视行动; ; Operation Southern Watch;南部监视行动; ; Operation Uphold Democracy;维护民主行动; ; operational ammunition;行动弹药; ; operational authority;行动指挥权; ; operational availability;可用率; ; operational command;作战指挥; ; operational control;作战控制;OPCON; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司