翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Special Coordinator for Sarajevo;萨拉热窝特别协调员; ; Special Group on the Former Autonomous Province of Kosovo;前科索沃自治省问题特别小组; ; Special Negotiator on State Succession Issues;国家继承问题特别谈判员; ; Srebrenica and Zepa Agreement;斯雷布雷尼察和泽帕协定; ; Standing Committee on Military Matters;军事问题常设委员会;SCMM; Steering Committee on Transition of Responsibilities in the former Yugoslavia;前南斯拉夫境内职责移交指导委员会; ; strategic municipality;战略区; ; Subgroup on Macedonia;马其顿问题分组; ; Subgroup on Vojvodina;伏伊伏丁那问题分组; ; subordinate civilian commission;下属文职委员会; ; subordinate military commission;下属军事委员会; ; Succession Issues Working Group;继承问题工作组; ; supervisor;监督员; ; Supplemental Award of the Arbitral Tribunal;仲裁法庭的补充裁决; ; Division of Environmental Policy Implementation;环境政策实施司;DEPI; Territorial Defence Forces;领土防卫部队;TDF; The Hague Conference on Yugoslavia;南斯拉夫问题海牙会议; ; Public Railways Corporation;国营铁路公司;BHZJK; Transit Agreement for Peace Plan Operations;和平计划行动过境协定; ; Transitional Police Force;过渡时期警察部队 警察部队;TPF;警察部队 transportation corporation;运输公司; ; Trust Fund for the Common Cost of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Command of UNPROFOR;波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那指挥部共同费用信托基金; ; Trust Fund for the police assistance programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina;波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那警务援助方案信托基金; ; Trust Fund for Mine Clearance;排雷信托基金; ; Division of Technology, Industry and Economics;技术、工业和经济司;DTIE; Uniform License Plate System;统一牌照制度; ; United Nations Mine-Action Centre;联合国排雷行动中心; ; United Nations Peace Forces Headquarters;联合国和平部队总部联和部队总部;UNPF-HQ;联和部队总部 United Nations peacekeeping plan for the Republic of Croatia;联合国克罗地亚共和国维持和平计划; ; United Nations Preventive Deployment Force;联合国预防性部署部队联预部队;UNDEPREP;联预部队 Division of Regional Cooperation and Representation;区域合作与代表司;; Environmental Assessment and Reporting;环境评估和报告;; Systems and Networks, Observation and Early Warning;系统和网络、观察和预警;; Environmental Science and Research;环境科学和研究;; United Nations Theatre Force Commander;联合国战区部队指挥官; ; United Nations Transition Office in the Former Yugoslavia;联合国驻前南斯拉夫过渡办事处;UNTOFY; United Nations Transitional Administration in Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium;联合国东斯拉沃尼亚、巴拉尼亚和西锡尔米 乌姆过渡行政当局;UNTAES;东斯过渡当局 UNMO Headquarters in Bosnia and Herzegovina;联合国军事观察员波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那总部;HQ UNMO BH;军事观察员波黑总部 UNPROFOR Bosnia and Herzegovina;联保部队波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那指挥部; ; UNPROFOR Croatia;联保部队克罗地亚指挥部; ; UNPROFOR Macedonia Command;联保部队马其顿指挥部; ; UNPROFOR presence the;联保部队驻留; ; UNPROFOR Situation Update;联保部队最新情况公报; ; Ustashis;乌斯达莎; ; Vance-Owen Peace Plan;万斯-欧文和平计划;VOPP; Vergina Sun;维伊纳的太阳; ; work brigade;劳动队; ; Working Group on Bosnia and Herzegovina;波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那问题工作组; ; Working Group on Confidence and Security-building and Verification Measures;建立信任与安全及核查措施工作组; ; Working Group on the Unaccounted for Persons; Working Group on Missing Persons;下落不明人员问题工作组失踪人员问题工作组; ; Working Group on Economic Issues;经济问题工作组; ; Working Group on Ethnic and National Communities and Minorities;种族和民族社区以及少数民族问题工作组; ; Working Group on Humanitarian Issues; Humanitarian Issues Working Group;人道主义问题工作组;HIWG; Working Group on Missing Persons;失踪人员问题工作组; ; Working Group on Succession Issues;继承问题工作组; ; Yugoslav Federal Executive Council;南斯拉夫联邦执行委员会; ; Yugoslav News Agency;南斯拉夫通讯社;TANJUG;南通社 Zagreb Four Group plan; Zagreb-4 plan; Z-4 plan;萨格勒布四方小组计划; ; Return Application Database System;回返申请数据库系统; RADS; Civil Affairs Training Unit;民事训练股; ; Public Order and Critical Incident Management Unit;公共秩序和重大事件管理股; ; self-proclaimed "Serbian Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina";自称的“波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维纳塞尔维亚共和国”; ; Spillover Monitor Mission in Skopje;斯科普里预防冲突蔓延监测团; ; International Security Force in Kosovo; Kosovo Force;驻科索沃国际安全部队驻科索沃部队 驻科部队;KFOR;驻科部队 Access to Environmental Information;获得环境信息;; operation Horseshoe;马蹄铁行动; ; Albania Force;驻阿尔巴尼亚部队;AFOR;驻阿部队 Greater-Serbia nationalism;大塞尔维亚民族主义; ; Interim Agreement for Peace and Self-Government in Kosovo; Rambouillet Accords;科索沃和平与自治临时协定朗布依埃协定; ; Military Technical Agreement;军事技术协定;MTA; Implementation Mission;执行团;IM; Chief of the Implementation Mission;执行团团长;CIM; designated exit points;指定出境点; ; Joint Implementation Commission;联合执行委员会; ; designated routes;指定路线; ; Policy Analysis, Review and Development;政策分析、审查和制订;; ground safety zone;地面安全区地安区;GSZ;地安区 Kosovo Police Service; Kosovo Police Force;科索沃警察部队;KPS; Kosovo Transitional Authority;科索沃过渡权力当局; ; Kosovo Transitional Council;科索沃过渡时期理事会;KTC; Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Interim Civil Administration;主管临时民政管理的秘书长副特别代表; ; United Nations Mine-Action Coordination Centre;联合国排雷行动协调中心; ; Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Economic Reconstruction;主管经济重建的秘书长副特别代表; ; Military Liaison Unit;军事联络股; ; Office for Civil Affairs;民事办公室; ; Office for Judicial Affairs;司法事务办公室; ; International Civilian Police Unit;国际民警股; ; Special Police Unit;特别警察股; ; International Border Police Unit;国际边境警察股; ; Human Resources Capacity-building Unit;人力资源能力建设股; ; Democratization and Governance Unit;民主化和施政股; ; KFOR Commander; KFOR Command;驻科部队指挥官驻科部队指挥部;COMKFOR; Criminal Justice Administration;刑事司法局;CJA; Human Rights Unit;人权股; ; Central Election Commission;中央选举委员会; ; Chairman-in-Office;轮值主席;CIO; Local Councils;地方理事会; ; Multinational Military Implementation Force;多国军事执行部队; ; Legal, Economic and other Instruments;法律、经济和其他文书;; Policy Coordination and Inter-agency Affairs;政策协调和机构间事务;PCIAA; Resource Mobilization;资源调动;; Technical Cooperation;技术合作;; Combined Rescue Coordination Centre;联合救援协调中心;CRCC;救协中心 Multinational Brigade;多国旅;MNB; 3 + 3 Commission;3+3委员会; ; Office of the Resident Auditor;驻地审计员办公室; ; Office of Political Affairs;政治事务办公室; ; Office of the Spokesman and Public Information;发言人和新闻办公室; ; Office of Gender Affairs;两性平等事务办公室; ; Office of the Legal Adviser;法律顾问办公室; ; Economic Policy Office;经济政策办公室; ; Human Rights Office;人权办公室; ; Military Liaison Office;军事联络办公室; ; Planning and Coordination Section;规划和协调科; ; Regional Liaison Office;1.区域联络办公室[UNMIK] 2.区域联络处[UNHCR]; ; Legislative Drafting Section;法律起草科; ; Division for Civil Administration;民政管理司; ; pillar of UNMIK;科索沃特派团支柱部门; ; Joint Advisory Committee;联合咨询委员会联合咨委会;JAC;联合咨委会 Regional Administrator;区域行政长官; ; Municipal Administration Team;市政管理队; ; Municipal Administration Support Unit;市政管理支助股; ; policy adviser;政策顾问; ; Finance and Payments Section;财务和支付科; ; Department of Administrative and Support Services;行政和支助事务部; ; cooked data;捏造的数据动过手脚的数据; ; dumb sanctions; comprehensive sanctions;“愚”制裁; ; smart sanctions;“智”制裁; ; Civil Service and Personnel Administration Section;公务员制度和人事行政科; ; Procurement Section;采购科; ; Document Issuance and Control Services Section;文件发放和控制事务科; ; Department of Police;警察部; ; Education Secretariat;教育秘书处; ; Social Welfare and Labour Secretariat;社会福利和劳工秘书处; ; Department of Economic Affairs and Natural Resources Administration;经济事务和自然资源管理部; ; Trade and Commerce Section;贸易和商业科; ; Public Utilities Section;公用事业科; ; Post and Telecommunications Section;邮政和电信科; ; Transportation Section;运输科; ; Agricultural and Rural Development Section;农业和农村发展科; ; Environmental Protection Section;环境堡科; ; Secretariat for Health;卫生秘书处; ; Department of Judicial Affairs;司法事务部; ; Prosecution Services and Court Administration Section;起诉事务和法院行政科; ; Penal Management Section;刑事管理科; ; Mine-Action Coordination Centre;排雷行动协调中心; ; Memorandum of Understanding and Contract Management Unit;谅解备忘录和合同管理股; ; Coordination of Emergency Responses;紧急反应协调;; Environmental Technologies and Technology Cooperation;环境技术和技术合作;; Production and Consumption;生产和消费;; Fuel Supervisory Board;燃料管理委员会; ; Political Party Service Centre; Political Party Support Centre;政党服务中心; ; European Commission for Democracy through Law; Venice Commission;通过法律实现民主欧洲委员会威尼斯委员 会; ; Central Fiscal Authority;中央财政局;CFA; Chemicals;化学品;; Energy and Ozone Action;能源和臭氧行动;; Economics and Trade;经济和贸易;; Regional Policy, Planning and Servicing;区域政策、规划和服务;; Policy and Programme Linkages;政策和方案联系;; New Conventions/Agreements;新公约/协定;; lay judge;襄审员非专业法官; ; Kosovo Media Policy Advisory Board;科索沃媒体政策咨询委员会; ; Kosovo Police School;科索沃警察学校;KPS; abdominal x-ray;腹部x线片; ; adhesive tape;粘带旧名橡皮膏; ; advanced field hospital;高级野战医院; ; advanced life support;先进生命支持系统; ; airways management;航线管理; ; amputation set;截肢器械; ; anaesthesia machine;麻醉机; ; anaesthetic gas;麻醉气笑气; ; anaesthetic gas supply system;麻醉气提供系统; ; analgesics;止痛剂; ; analyzer;分析器; ; antipyretics;退热剂; ; appendectomy;阑尾切除术; ; appendicectomy; appendectomy;阑尾切除术; ; arterial tourniquet;动脉止血带; ; autoclave sterilizer;高压灭菌器; ; automatic x-ray developer;x线片自动显影剂; ; automatic film processor; automatic x-ray developer;x线片自动显影剂; ; backboard;托板式担架; ; bacterial culture material;细菌培养物质; ; bacteriological incubator;培育箱保温箱保育箱; ; bandaging;绷带包扎; ; basic field hospital;初级野战医院; ; basket stretcher;篮式担架; ; binocular microscope;双目显微镜; ; blood analyzer;血液分析器; ; blood biochemistry;血液生物化学; ; blood/blood products refrigerator;血液/血制品冷藏箱; ; blood cell count;血细胞计数; ; blood count; blood cell count;血细胞计数; ; blood film; blood smear;血膜血涂片; ; blood gas analyzer;血液气体分析器; ; blood grouping;血型鉴定; ; blood smear;血涂片; ; blood test;验血; ; blood typing;血型测定; ; boiler;热水器消毒煮桶; ; burns dressing;烧伤敷料; ; cardio-vascular conditions;心血管病; ; casualty reporting;伤亡报告; ; casualty transport;伤员运送; ; catheterization;导管插入术; ; centrifuge;离心机; ; chest x-ray;胸部x线片; ; chest-tube insertion;插入胸腔导管; ; clearance sheet;核准表; ; cold chain;冷链; ; collapsible bed;折叠床; ; common illnesses;常见病; ; coniotomy set;气管切开术器械; ; cardio-pulmonary resuscitation;心肺复苏术;CPR; craniotomy set;颅骨切开术器械; ; cross-matching;交叉配血; ; defibrillator;去纤颤器; ; dental chair;牙科椅子;; dental drilling unit;钻牙机; ; dental extraction equipment;拔牙器械; ; dental filling equipment;牙充填器械; ; dental sterilizer;牙科器械消毒; ; diathermy machine;电热疗机; ; disinfection equipment;消毒设备; ; doctor's bag;医生药箱; ; dressing set;敷料组合; ; drug refrigerator;药品冷藏箱; ; drug trolley; mini-dispensary; medicine trolley;手推药车; ; ECG machine; EKG machine;心电图机; ; EKG machine;心电图机; ; epidemiologically critical area;流行病高危区; ; erythrocyte sedimentation rate;红细胞沉降率;ESR;血沉 examination couch;诊查床; ; examination lamp;诊查灯; ; excision suture set;手术缝合器具; ; feeding utensils;病号餐具; ; field dispensary;野战药房; ; field dressing;战地敷料; ; fire extinguisher;灭火器; ; first aid box;急救药箱; ; first aid kit;急救包; ; first aid pouch;急救袋; ; forward medical team;前方医疗队;FMT; fracture debridement;骨折清创术;; fracture fixation set;骨折固定器具; ; fracture immobilization;骨折固定术; ; freezer FFP;新鲜冷冻血浆冷冻机; ; freezer for fresh frozen plasma; freezer FFP;新鲜冷冻血浆冷冻机;freezer FFP; gastro-intestinal conditions;肠胃病; ; gauze roll;纱布卷; ; general purpose set;普通用途器械; ; glucometer;血糖仪; ; good manufacturing practices;生产质量管理规范;GMP;GMP Gram staining;革兰氏染色法; ; gynecological speculum;阴道窥器; ; haemorrhage control;出血处理; ; helicopter landing site marking set; helisite marking set;直升机着陆处标志套件; ; haemoglobin [UK]; hemoglobin [US];血红蛋白;Hb; high-risk area;流行病高危区; ; HIV test;艾滋病毒试验; ; holding;伤病员后送待运; ; bacteriological incubator; incubator;培养箱保温箱 保育箱孵箱; ; infusion pump;输注泵; ; inpatient;住院病人; ; insect-repellent;驱虫剂; ; intensive care;特别护理; ; intensive care hospital bed;特护病床; ; intensive care unit or ward;特护部特护室;ICU; intubation set;插管术器械; ; Kendrick extrication device;肯德里克解救装置;KED; lab analyzer; analyzer;化验室分析器; ; laparotomy set;剖腹术器械; ; leucocyte count;白细胞计数; ; life- and limb-saving surgical intervention; life- and limb-saving procedure;生命肢体急救手术; ; limb x-ray;肢体x线片; ; long limb x-ray;肢体长x线片; ; luminous sheet;发光布; ; luminous stick;发光竿; ; major medical equipment;大型医疗设备; ; measuring tape;卷尺皮尺; ; medical consumables;医用消耗品; ; medical disposables;用后弃置的医疗用品; ; mini-dispensary;手推药车; ; mini-dispensary trolley;手推药车; ; minor surgery;小手术; ; minor treatment; minor surgery;小手术; ; monitoring equipment;监测设备; ; multi-discipline surgical facility;多学科外科手术设施; ; musculo-skeletal conditions;肌肉-骨骼疾病; ; nebulizer;喷雾器喷洒器; ; nurse's bag; paramedic's bag;护士药箱; ; observation;观察; ; operating table;手术台; ; operating theatre lamp; OT lamp;手术室照明灯;OT lamp; operating theatre;手术室;OT; ophthalmoscope;检眼镜; ; orthopaedic traction equipment;矫形牵引设备; ; otoscope;耳镜; ; outpatient;门诊病人; ; oxygen cylinder including application;带使用器的氧气瓶; ; paramedic's bag;护士药箱; ; patient clothes;病号服; ; perfusion stand;灌注支架; ; pocket mask;随身携带型人工呼吸面罩; ; portable ventilator;便携通风机; ; post-operative care;手术后的护理; ; proctoscope;直肠镜; ; protective equipment;防护设备; ; pulse oximeter;脉血氧计; ; reagent;试剂; ; reflex hammer;反射垂; ; Coordination Programme Support;协调方案支助;; reflex mallet; reflex hammer;反射锤; ; repellent; insect-repellent;驱虫剂; ; rescue tools;解救工具; ; respiration bag with mask;带面罩的呼吸袋; ; respiratory conditions;呼吸道疾病; ; resuscitation drug;复苏药品; ; resuscitation equipment;复苏设备; ; resuscitation trolley;复苏设备手推车; ; reverse osmosis water purification system;逆渗透净水系统; ; roller bandage;绷带卷; ; safety scissors;安全剪刀; ; scoop stretcher; shovel stretcher;铲式担架; ; shovel stretcher;铲式担架; ; skull x-ray;颅骨x线片; ; slide;载玻片; ; sphygmomanometer;血压计; ; stabilization;稳定伤势; ; standard view;标准尺寸; ; standby generator;备用发电机; ; static hospital;固定医院; ; sterile cotton wool;无菌药棉; ; sterile gauze pad;无菌纱布垫; ; sterile gloves; gloves;无菌手套; ; stethoscope;听诊器; ; suction pump;抽吸泵; ; suction unit;抽吸设备; ; surgical consumables;外科用消耗品; ; surgical instruments;外科手术器具; ; test tube;试管; ; thoracocentesis set;胸腔穿刺术器具; ; thoracotomy set;胸廓切开术器具; ; torch;手电筒; ; transfer trolley;传送推车; ; triangular bandage;三角形绷带; ; tube; test tube;试管; ; ultrasound machine;超声波机; ; urinalysis;尿分析; ; urinalysis kit;尿分析器具; ; urine analysis; urinalysis;尿分析; ; vacuum mattress;真空床垫; ; venesection;静脉切开术; ; venous cut-down; venesection;静脉切开放血术; ; wheelchair;轮椅; ; wound bandaging;包扎伤口; ; wound cleansing solution;伤口清洗液; ; wound dressing;伤口敷料; ; wound exploration set;伤口探查器具; ; x-ray cassettes; cassettes;x线片贮盒; ; x-ray machine;x光机; ; x-ray table;x线台; ; x-ray view box; x-ray viewer;x线片读片灯; ; level I medical unit;一级医疗单位; ; level II medical unit;二级医疗单位; ; level III medical unit;三级医疗单位; ; level IV medical facility;四级医疗设施; ; entry medical examination;任前体检; ; triage nomenclature;伤病员拣别分类; ; casualty incident report;伤亡事件报告; ; Medical Staff Aid 1A;医务人员报表1A;MSA-1A; casualty individual report;个人伤亡报告; ; Medical Staff Aid 1B;医务人员报表1B;MSA-1B; medical facility report;医疗设施报告; ; Medical Staff Aid 2;医务人员报表2;MSA-2; medical treatment report per capita;人均医疗报告; ; Medical Staff Aid 3A;医务人员报表3A;MSA 3-A; medical treatment report by diagnosis;诊断医疗报告; ; Medical Staff Aid 3B;医务人员报表3B;MSA-3B; medical staff aid;医务人员报表;MSA; medical standard operating procedures; medical SOPs;标准医务作业程序;; ABLAI militia;阿布来民兵;; Agreement between the Republic of Indonesia and the Portuguese Republic on the question of East Timor;印度尼西亚共和国和葡萄牙共和国关于东帝 汶问题的协定;; Agreement regarding the modalities for the popular consultation of the East Timorese through a direct ballot;关于东帝汶通过直接投票进行全民协商的方 式的协定;; AHI militia;阿希民兵;; Aitarak militia;艾塔拉克民兵;; anti-independence militia; pro-integration militia; pro-Indonesia militia; pro-Jakarta militia; pro-autonomy militia;反对独立民兵拥护合并民兵亲印尼民兵亲雅加达民兵拥护自治民兵;; Bahasa Indonesia;印度尼西亚语;; Besi Merah Putih militia;红白钢铁民兵;BMP militia; constitutional framework for a special autonomy for East Timor;东帝汶特别自治宪法框架;; Dadurus militia;Dadurus民兵;; East Timor Human Rights Centre;东帝汶人权中心;ETHRC; East Timor Popular Front;东帝汶人民阵线;BRTT;人阵 East Timorese;东帝汶的东帝汶人;; Falintil;东帝汶民族解放组织武装部队;; Forum Persatuan Demokrasi dan Keadilan; Forum for Unity, Democracy and Justice;民主正义联合论坛;FPDK; Gardapaksi;拥护合并青年团;; Halilintar;闪电战斗队;; Indonesian Armed Forces TNI;印度尼西亚武装部队;TNI; International Force in East Timor;东帝汶国际部队;INTERFET; Jati Merah Putih;Jati Merah Putih民兵;; Kelompok Naga Merah; Naga Merah;红龙民兵;; Kodam; military region;军区;; Kopassus;特种部队;; Korem;军分区;; Laksaur;Laksaur民兵;; Laksaur Merah Putih;Laksaur Merah Putih民兵;; MAHIDI;马希迪民兵;; Makikit;马基基特民兵;; Maubere;毛贝雷人民;; multinational force in East Timor;东帝汶多国部队;; Operation Sapu Jagad;全面清洗行动;; PAM Swarkasa;PAM Swarkasa民防团;; Peace Process Consultative Committee;和平进程协商委员会;; police special forces; police mobile brigade;警察特种部队警察机动旅;Brimob;机动旅 Revolutionary Front for an Independent East Timor;东帝汶独立革命阵线革阵;FRETILIN;革阵 special autonomy framework;特别自治框架;; Special Autonomous Region of East Timor;东帝汶特别自治区;SARET; Tetum; Tetun; Tettum;德顿语;; Tim Alfa;Tim Alfa民兵;; Tim Pancasila;Tim Pancasila民兵;; Tim Saka; Saka;Tim Saka民兵;; Tim Sera;Tim Sera民兵;; Programme Coordination and Management Unit;方案协调和管理股;; Timor Timur; TimTim;东帝汶;; Timorese Democratic Union;帝汶民主联盟民盟;UDT;民盟 Timorese Popular Democratic Association;帝汶人民民主协会;APODETI;帝汶民协 United Nations Assistance Mission in East Timor;联合国东帝汶援助团;; United Nations Mission in East Timor;联合国东帝汶特派团东帝汶特派团;UNAMET;东帝汶特派团 National United Front;民族团结阵线; ; West Timor;西帝汶; ; Sakuna militia;Sakuna民兵; ; Railakan militia;Railakan民兵; ; Morok Manatuto Team;Morok Manatuto民兵队; ; Mati Hidup Demi Integrasi;誓死合并民兵; ; Ainaro Team;艾纳鲁民兵; ; Joint Consultative Security Group; Joint Security Consultative Group;安全问题联合协商小组;JSCG; Humanitarian Coordinator for East Timor;东帝汶人道主义协调员; ; Transitional Administrator;过渡行政长官; ; Economic, Financial and Development Affairs Division;经济、财政和发展事务司; ; Public Services Division;公共服务司; ; Independent Judicial Commission;独立司法委员会; ; District Administrator;区行政长官; ; humanitarian assistance and emergency rehabilitation component;人道主义援助和紧急复原部门; ; Indonesian police force; Indonesian National Police;印度尼西亚警察部队印度尼西亚国家警察;POLRI;印尼警察 Indonesian Air Force;印度尼西亚空军;TNI-AU; Global Environment Facility Coordination Office;全球环境基金协调办公室;; pipe gun;钢管土枪; ; Indonesian Army;印度尼西亚陆军;TNI-AD; Indonesian Task Force in East Timor;印度尼西亚驻东帝汶特混部队;ITFET; Joint Investigation Team;联合调查队;JIT; Orders for Opening Fire;开火命令;OFOF; Commander of the International Force in East Timor;东帝汶国际部队指挥官;COMINTERFET;国际部队指挥官 Commander of the Indonesian Task Force in East Timor;印度尼西亚驻东帝汶特混部队指挥官;COMITFET;印尼部队指挥官 National Consultative Council of East Timor;东帝汶全国协商委员会;NCC; Timorese Nationalist Party;帝汶民族党;PNT; Communications and Public Information Branch;通信和新闻处;; Task Force on East Timor;东帝汶工作队; ; Australian Force Support Group;澳大利亚部队支援小组; ; Women's World Summit Foundation;妇女世界首脑会议基金会;WWSF; Working Group on International Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space;和平利用外层空间国际合作工作组;; Working Group on International Development Strategy and National Policies;国际发展战略和国家政策工作组;; Working Group on International Legislation on Shipping;国际航运立法工作组;; Working Group on International Negotiable Instruments of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law;联合国国际贸易法委员会国际流通票据工作组;; Working Group on International Payments;国际支付问题工作组;; Working Group on International Protection;国际堡问题工作组;; Working Group on International Sale of Goods;国际货物销售工作组;; Working Group on International Shipping Legislation;国际航运立法工作组;WGISL; Working Group on International Statistical Programmes and Coordination;国际统计方案和协调工作组;; Working Group on Legal Questions Related to Scientific Investigation of the Oceans;海洋科学调查的法律问题工作组;LEG; Working Group on Long-Term Programme of Work;长期工作方案工作组;; Working Group on Long-Term Studies and Projections and Their Policy Implications for Development;长期研究和预测及其对发展的政策影响工作组;; Working Group on Management Audit Systems;管理审计制度工作组;; working group on maritime cooperation;海事合作工作组;; Working Group on Media Strategies for Peace-keeping and other Field Activities;维持和平和其他外地活动媒体战略工作组;; Working Group on Migration Statistics;移徙统计工作组;; Working Group on Mineral Resources;矿产资源工作组;; Working Group on Minorities;少数群体问题工作组;; Working Group on Monitoring and Evaluation;监测和评价工作组;; Working Group on National Accounts;国民帐户工作组;; Working Group on Negotiable Instruments;流通票据工作组;; Working Group on Nitrogen Oxides;氮氧化物工作组;; Working Group on Nuclear Collaboration with South Africa;与南非核合作问题工作组;; Working Group on Nuclear Power Sources in Outer Space;外层空间核动力源工作组;; Working Group on Numerical Experimentation;数值实验问题工作组;WGNE; Working Group on Ongoing Monitoring and Verification;不断监测和核查工作组;; Working Group on Operational Activities of the Group of 27 of the Group of 77;77国集团内的27国集团业务活动工作组;; Working Group on Peaceful Settlement of Disputes;和平解决争端工作组;; Working Group on Policy;政策问题工作组;; Working Group on Private Sector Fund-raising of National Committees;国际委员会私营部门筹款工作组;; Working Group on Procedures;程序问题工作组;; Working Group on Programme and Coordination;方案和协调工作组;; Working Group on Programme Management and Operational Capacity;方案管理和业务能力工作组;; Working Group on Question relating to Information;新闻问题工作组;; Working Group on Rationalization;合理化工作组;; Working Group on Rationalization of the Work of the Third Committee;第三委员会工作合理化工作组;; Working Group on Reference Points for Fisheries Management;渔业管理参考点工作组;; Working Group on Refugee Children;难民儿童问题工作组;; Working Group on Refugee Women and Refugee Children;难民妇女和难民儿童问题工作组;; Working Group on Refugees and Reintegration;难民和安置问题工作组;; Working Group on Reimbursement of Contingent-Owned Equipment;偿还特遣队所属装备费用问题工作组;; Working Group on Relations between Non-governmental Organizations and the Secretariat and United Nations Programmes;非政府组织和秘书处以及联合国各署间关系 工作组;; Working Group on Relations between the Secretariat and United Nations Programmes, Departments and Offices of the United Nations Programmes, Specialized Agencies and Other Intergovernmental Organizations dealing with NGO;秘书处同联合国各署、联合国各署的厅处、 各专门机构和其他处理非政府组织的政府间 组织之间关系工作组;; Working Group on Remote Sensing of the Earth by Satellites Committee on the Pea;卫星遥感地球工作组;; Working Group on Responsibility for Attacks against the United Nations and Associated Personnel;攻击联合国和有关人员事件的责任问题工作组;; Working Group on Returnee Aid and Development;回返者援助和发展工作组;; Working Group on RIOS River Inputs to Ocean Systems;河流物质流入海洋系统工作组;; Working Group on Rules of Origin;原产地规则工作组;; Working Group on Rural and Community Development;农村和社区发展工作组;; Working Group on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Regulations;卫生和植物检疫条例工作组;; Working Group on Science Policy;科学政策工作组;; Working Group on Sea Ice;海冰问题工作组;; Working Group on Security Assurances for Non-nuclear Weapon States;对无核武器国家的安全保证工作组;; Working Group on Self-evaluation;自我评价工作组;; Working Group on Shipping Legislation;航运立法工作组;; Working Group on Situation;情况工作组;; Working Group on Situations which Reveal a Consistent Pattern of Gross Violations of Human Rights;关于揭露经常严重侵犯人权情况的工作组;; Working Group on Slavery;奴隶制问题工作组;; Working Group on Slavery and Slavery-like Practices;奴隶制和类似奴隶制习俗工作组;; Working Group on Software Packages for Processing Census and Survey Data;处理人口普查和调查数据软件包工作组;; Working Group on Solutions and Protection;解决办法和堡问题工作组;; Working Group on South Atlantic Matters;南大西洋事务工作组;; Working Group on Special Service Agreements;特别服务协定工作组;; Working Group on State Succession of the International Conference on the Former Yugoslavia;前南斯拉夫问题国际会议国家继承问题工作组;; Working Group on Statistical Databases;统计数据库工作组;; Working Group on Statistical Experts;统计专家问题工作组;; Working Group on Stratigraphic Correlation between Sedimentary Basins of the ESC;亚太经委会区域冲积盆地间地层对比工作小组;; Working Group on Support Costs;支助费用工作组;WGOC; Working Group on Sustainable Product Development;可持续产品开发工作组;; Working Group on Technical Cooperation;技术合作工作组;; Working Group on Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries;发展中国家间技术合作工作组;; Working Group on Technology Transfer and Cooperation;技术转让与合作工作组;; Working Group on the Availability and Management of Water in Africa [ACC];非洲水资源和管理问题工作组;; Working Group on the Changing Global Economy;全球经济变化问题工作组;; Working Group on the Charter of the Economic Rights and Duties of States;各国经济权利与义务宪章工作组;; Working Group on the Comprehensive Review;综合审查工作组;; Working Group on the Critical Economic Situation in Africa and the Problems and Constraints facing Africa's Development Efforts;非洲危急经济状况和非洲发展努力面临的问 题及抑制因素工作组;; Working Group on the Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance;堡所有人不遭受强迫失踪宣言工作组;; Working Group on the Definition and Delimitation of Outer Space and Geostationary Orbit;外层空间和地球静止轨道定义和定界工作组;; Working Group on the Development of Civil Registration Systems and Vital Statistics Collection in Africa;非洲发展民事登记制度和人口动态统计收集工作组;; Working Group on the Draft Body of Principles for the Protection of All Persons under any Form of Detention or Imprisonment;堡所有遭受任何形式拘留或监禁的人的原则草案工作组;; Working Group on the Draft Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment;禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约任择议定书草案工作组;; Working Group on the Drafting of an International Convention against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries, open-ended;起草反对招募、使用、资助和训练雇佣军国际公约不限成员名额工作组;; Working Group on the Drafting of an International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families;起草堡所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约工作组;; Working Group on the Elaboration of an International Convention Dealing with the safety and Security of United Nations and Associated Personnel;制订联合国人员和有关人员安全和保障国际公约工作组;; Working Group on the Election Process;选举进程工作组;; Working Group on the Evaluation for the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs;麻醉品单一公约评价工作组;; Working Group on the Examination of the Administrative and Budgetary Procedures of the United Nations;审查联合国的行政和预算程序工作组 二十一国工作组;;二十一国工作组 Working Group on the Exchange of Experience on the Establishment of Engineering Design Development Centres;交流建立工程设计发展中心经验工作组;; Working Group on the Export of Domestically Prohibited Goods and Other Hazardous Substances;国内被禁货物和其他危险物资出口问题工作组;; Working Group on the Financing of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine in the Near East;联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处经费筹措问题工作组;; Working Group on the Framework for the Integration of Social and Demographic Statistics;综合社会和人口统计的框架工作组;; Working Group on the Future Work and Procedures of the Executive Board;执行局未来工作和程序问题工作组;; Working Group on the Impact of Macroeconomic Policies on the Rural Poor;宏观经济政策对农村贫穷人口影响问题工作组;; Working Group on the Implementation by the Specialized Agencies and the International Institutions Associated with the United Nations of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples and Other Relevant Re;各专门机构和与联合国有关系的国际机构执行给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言和联合国其他有关决议的情况问题工作组;; working group on the implementation of provisions of the Charter related to assistance to third States affected by the application of sanctions under Chapter VII;《宪章》中关于援助因实施《宪章》第七章规定的制裁而受影响的第三国的条款执行问题不限成员名额工作组;; working group on the implementation of the Charter Provisions related to assistance to third States affected by the application of sanctions under Chapter VII;《宪章》中关于援助因实施《宪章》第七章规定的制裁而受影响的第三国的条款执行问题不限成员名额工作组;; Working Group on the Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights;经济、社会、文化权利国际盟约执行情况工作组;; Working Group on the Implementation of the Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities;残疾人机会均等标准规则执行情况工作组;; Working Group on the Implementation of the United Nations resolutions on the Question of Apartheid;联合国关于种族隔离问题各项决议的执行情况工作组;; Working Group on the International Sale of Goods;国际货物销售工作组;; Working Group on the Management of the Population Multilingual Thesaurus;多语文人口词典管理工作组;; Working Group on the Manual on Documentation and Procedures;文件和程序手册工作组;; Working Group on the Mediterranean;地中海工作组;; Working Group on the Mitigation of Volcanic Disasters of the International Association of Volcanology;国际火山学协会减缓火山灾害工作组;; Working Group on the New International Economic Order;国际经济新秩序工作组;; Working Group on the Precautionary Approach in Fisheries Management;预防性渔业管理办法工作组;; Working Group on the Production of Panels from Agricultural Wastes;利用农业废料制板工作组;; Working Group on the Question of Equitable Representation on and Increase in the Membership of the Security Council;安全理事会席位公平分配和成员数目增加问 题工作组;; Working Group on the Question of International Arms Transfers;国际武器转让问题工作组;; Working Group on the Question of the Draft Body of Principles and Guarantees for the Protection of Mentally-Ill Persons and for the Improvement of Mental Health Care;堡精神病患者和改善心理保健的一套原则和保障措施草案问题工作组;; Working Group on the question on an international criminal jurisdiction;国际刑事司法问题工作组;; Working Group on the Rationalization of the Work of the Third Committee;第三委员会工作合理化工作组;; Working Group on the Register of Development Activities;发展活动登记册工作组;WG/RDA; Working Group on the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina;波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那共和国问题工作组;; Working Group on the Resident Coordinator System;驻地协调员制度工作组;; Working Group on the Response of the International Community, including the United Nations System, and its Commitment to Support and Complement Africa's Efforts;包括联合国系统在内的国际社会的反应及其支持和辅助非洲努力的承诺问题工作组;; Working Group on the Review of Arrangements for Consultations with Non-Governmental Organizations;审查与非政府组织协商安排工作组;; Working Group on the review of consultative arrangements with non-governmental Organizations;审查与非政府组织协商安排问题工作组;; Working Group on the Review of the Multilateral Treaty-Making Process;审查多边条约拟订程序工作组;; Working Group on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms;关于个人、群体和社会机构在促进和堡普 遍公认的人权和基本自由方面的权利和责任 工作组;; Working Group on the Right to Development;发展权工作组;; Working Group on the Status of the Diplomatic Courier and Diplomatic Bag not Accompanied by Diplomatic Courier;关于外交信使和没有外交信使护送的外交邮袋的地位的工作组;; Working Group on the Technical Aspects of the Convention on the Law of the Sea;海洋法公约的技术方面工作组;; Working Group on the Training of Industrial Manpower;工业人力训练工作组;; Working Group on the Use of Nuclear Power Sources in Outer Space;外层空间使用核动力源问题工作组;; Working Group on the Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality in South-East Asia and the South-East Asia Nuclear Weapon Zone;东南亚和平、自由和中立区及东南亚无核武器区问题工作组;; Working Group on Time Limits and Limitation Prescriptions in the International Sale of Goods;国际货物销售的时限和限制时效工作组;; Working Group on Tracking Maternal and Infant Mortality;追踪产妇和婴儿死亡率情况工作组;; Working Group on Trade in Services;服务贸易工作组;; Working Group on Trade, Debt and Finance;贸易、债务和财政工作组;; Working Group on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children;影响妇幼健康的传统习俗问题工作组;; Working Group on United Nations Programme and Budget Machinery;联合国方案和预算机构工作组;; Working Group on Verification in All Its Aspects;核查的一切方面问题工作组;; Working Group on violence against women;对妇女的暴力行为问题工作组;; Working Group on Volatile Organic Compounds;挥发性有机化合物问题工作组;; Working Group on Water and Sustainable Agricultural Development;水和可持续农业发展问题工作组;; Working Group on Water Resources;水资源工作组;; Working Group on Wellness;保健问题工作组;; Working Group on WHO Drug-Dependence Research and Training Centre;卫生组织药品成瘾问题研究和训练中心工作小组;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司