翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Working Group on Wind Energy Technology;风能技术工作组;; working group on women's empowerment;赋予妇女权力工作组;; Working Group on Women's Health;妇女健康工作组;; Working Group on Working Methods;工作方法问题工作组;; Working Group on Youth;青年问题工作组;; Working Group to conduct a study on the phenomenon of traditional practices affecting the health of women and children;研究影响妇幼健康的传统习俗现象工作组;; Working Group to consider all aspects of the question of increase of membership of the Security Council, and other matters related to the Security Council;审议安全理事会成员数目增加问题的所有方面以及与安全理事会有关的其他事项工作组;; Working Group to Draft an International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families;起草堡所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约工作组;; Working Group to Examine and Select Airport Signs;机场标志审查选择工作组;SAS/WG; Working Group to Study Situations which Reveal a Constant Pattern of Gross Violations of Human Rights;调查显示经常严重侵犯人权的状况的工作组;; working hours;工作时间; 工时;; working languages;工作语文;; working mother;有职业的母亲;; working non-paper;非正式工作文件;; Working on Microwave Remote Sensing Technology;微波遥感技术讲习班;; working paper;工作文件;WP; working paper on the resort to a commission of good offices, mediation or conciliation;设立一个斡旋、调万调解委员会的工作 文件;; working party WP;工作队;WP; Working Party of Experts on Standardization and Simplification of Documentation Used in Transport, Travel and Trade;运输、旅行和贸易所用文件标准化和简单化专家工作队;; Working Party of Experts on Statistical Information;统计信息专家工作队;; Working Party of the African Governors of the IMF and IBRD;货币基金组织和世界银行非洲理事工作队;; Working Party on a System of Social and Demographic Statistics of ECE;欧洲经委会社会人口统计系统工作队;; Working Party on Administrative and Financial Questions;行政和财务问题工作队;; Working Party on Agrarian Structure and Farm Rationalization;农村结构和农场合理化工作队;; Working Party on Air Pollution;空气污染问题工作队;; Working Party on Air Pollution Problems;空气污染问题工作队;; Working Party on Automation;自动化问题工作队;; Working Party on Building Industry;建筑业问题工作队;; Working Party on Coal;煤炭工作队;; Working Party on Coal Trade;煤炭贸易工作队;; Working Party on Coal Trade and Statistics;煤炭贸易和统计工作队;; Working Party on Computers;计算机问题工作队;; Working Party on Contract Practices in Engineering;工程合同惯例工作队;; Working Party on Coordination of Transport;运输协调工作队;; Working Party on Cottage and Small-scale Industries;家庭及小型工业问题工作队;; Working Party on Currency Problems;货币问题工作队;; Working Party on Customs Administration;海关行政问题工作队;; Working Party on Customs Operations affecting Transport;影响运输的海关作业问题工作队;; Working Party on Customs Questions affecting Transport;影响运输的海关问题工作队;; Working Party on Development Assistance and Environment;发展援助和环境工作队;; Working Party on Diversification, Processing, Marketing and Distribution, including Transportation;多样化、加工、销售和分销包括运输问题工作队;; Working Party on Electric Power;电力工作队;; Working Party on Electronic Data Processing;电子数据处理工作队;; Working Party on Engineering Industries and Automation;工程工业和自动化工作队;; Working Party on Environment and Development;环境与发展问题工作队;; Working Party on Facilitation of International Trade Procedures;简化国际贸易手续工作队;; Working Party on Financial Statements;财务报表工作队;; Working Party on Gas;天然气工作队;; Working Party on Hazardous Wastes;有害废物工作队;; Working Party on Housing;住房问题工作队;; Working Party on Housing and Building Materials;住房和建筑材料问题工作队;; Working Party on Housing, Modernization and Management;住房、现代化和管理问题工作队;; Working Party on Indexing and Documentation;索引编制和文献工作队;; Working Party on Inland Water Transport;内河水运问题工作队;; Working Party on International Contract Practices in Industry;国际工业合同惯例工作队;; Working Party on Low and Non-waste Technology and Reutilization and Recycling of Wastes;低废和无废技术以及废料的再利用和循环工作队;; Working Party on National Accounts and Balances;国民帐户和国民经济平衡工作队;; Working Party on Prices and Quotas;价格和限额工作队;; Working Party on Processing, Marketing and Distribution, including Transportation;加工、推销和分销包括运输问题工作队;; Working Party on Programme Budget and the Medium-term Plan;方案预算和中期计划工作队;; Working Party on Programme Planning, Budgeting and Evaluation;方案规划、预算编制和评价工作队;; Working Party on Rail Transport;铁路运输问题工作队;; Working Party on Review and Appraisal;审查和评价工作队;; Working Party on Road Signs and Signals and Rules of the Road;公路标志信号和公路规则工作队;; Working Party on Road Transport;公路运输工作队;; Working Party on Road, Rail and Water Transport;公路、铁路和水运工作队;; Working Party on Rural Sociological Problems of FAO;粮农组织农村社会问题工作队;; Working Party on Shipping and Ocean Freight Rates;船运和远洋运费率工作队;; Working Party on Small-Scale Industries and Handicraft Marketing;小型工业和手工业销售问题工作队;; Working Party on Standardization of Perishable Produce and Quality Development;易腐产品标准化和质量改进工作队;; Working Party on Standardization Policies;标准化政策工作队;; Working Party on Steel;钢铁工作队;; Working Party on Steel Statistics;钢铁统计问题工作队;; Working Party on Support Costs;支助费用问题工作队;; Working Party on Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries;发展中国家间技术合作工作队;; Working Party on the Facilitation of International Trade Procedures;国际贸易程序简化工作队;; Working Party on the Implementation of the Agreement on Main International Traffic Arteries;执行主要国际交通干线协定工作队;; Working Party on the Management of Mountain Watersheds;山区流域管理工作队;; Working Party on the Measurement of International Capital Flows;国际资本流动计量工作队;; Working Party on the Medium-term Plan and the Programme Budget;中期计划和方案预算工作队;; Working Party on the Programme of Work and Associated Long-Term Policies;工作方案及有关长期政策工作队;; Working Party on the Steel Market;钢铁市场工作队;; Working Party on the Transport of Perishable Foodstuffs;易腐食料运输问题工作队;; Working Party on Trade and Payments;贸易和支付问题工作队;; Working Party on Trade Expansion and Regional Economic Integration among Developing Countries;发展中国家间贸易扩展和区域经济一体化工作队;; Working Party on Trade Facilitation;简化贸易手续工作队;; Working Party on Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies;无害环境技术转让工作队;; Working Party on Urban and Regional Planning and Research;城市和区域规划研究工作队;; Working Party on Urban Renewal and Planning;城市改造和规划工作队;; Working Party on Water Problems;水问题工作队;; Working Party MPLA-PT;劳动党;MPLA-PT; Working People's Progressive Party;劳动人民进步党进步党;AKEL;进步党 working session;工作会议;; working women;劳动妇女; 职业妇女;; working-age population;工作年龄人口;; workload;工作量; 工作负担;; workload measurement system;工作量计量制度;; workplace;工作场所;; workplace childcare facilities;工作地点托儿设施;; workshop;车间修配所工场; 讲习班工作室工作会议;; Workshop and Demonstration on Appropriate Technology and Equipment for the Food-;关于食品加工工业合适技术和设备的讲习班和示范表演;; Workshop and test equipment;车间和测试设备;; Workshop equipment;车间设备;; Workshop for Managers of Industrial Research Institutes in Developing Countries;发展中国家工业研究所管理人员讲习班;; Workshop for Peace;和平工场;; Workshop for Senior African Military and Civilian Officials on Conflict Resolution, Crisis Prevention and Management and Confidence-building among African States;非洲国家间解决冲突、预防和处理晰及建立信任问题非洲高级军军和文职官员讲习班;; Workshop for Training for Administration of Social Services;社会服务管理训练讲习班;; Workshop on Access to and Dissemination of Information on Environmentally Sound Technologies [Seoul, 1994];关于取得和传播无害环境技术信息的讲习班;; Workshop on Accounting for and by East-West Joint Ventures in Centrally Planned Economies;中央计划经济国家中的东西方合资企业会计讲习班;; Workshop on Accounting Standards in the Arab Countries;阿拉伯国家会计标准讲习班;; Workshop on Advanced Data-processing Techniques in support of census-taking for African countries;非洲国家人口普查先进数据处理技术讲习班;; Workshop on Advanced Techniques of Census Cartography;人口普查图表先进技术讲习班;; Workshop on Basic Space Research;基础空间研究讲习班;; Workshop on Basic Space Science;基础空间科学讲习班;; Workshop on Citizen Participation and Social Movements in Latin American Capital Cities;拉丁美洲各国首都公民参与和社会运动讲习班;; Workshop on Citizenship, Statelessness and the Status of Aliens in the Commonwealth of Independent States CIS and Baltic States;独立国家联合体独联体和波罗的海国家公民身份、无国籍状态和外侨地位讲习班;; Workshop on Coastal Marine Areas for Research and Cultural Purposes in the Context of Integrated Ocean Management;在综合海洋管理范围内为研究和文化目的举办的海岸海洋地区讲习班;; Workshop on Conflict Resolution between the Citizen and the State;解决公民与国家冲突讲习班;; Workshop on Control of Street Food;街头出售食品的管理讲习班;; Workshop on Conventional Forces in Europe CFE Treaty Verification for Successor States of the Soviet Union;为苏联各继承国举办的欧洲常规力量条约核查讲习班;; Workshop on Creative Financing for Environmentally Sound Technologies;关于为无害环境技术进行创造性筹资的讲习班;; Workshop on Data Analysis Methods and Applications;数据分析方法和应用讲习班;; Workshop on Developing National Information Systems;建立国家信息系统讲习班;; Workshop on Drug Abuse Data Collection;药物滥用数据收集讲习班;; Workshop on Eco-labelling and International Trade;生态标记和国际贸易讲习班;; Workshop on Enhancing Social, Economic and Environmental Security through Space Technology;利用空间技术增进社会、经济和环境安全讲习班;; Workshop on Environment and Sustainable Development;环境与可持续发展讲习班;; Workshop on Environment Management System;环境管理制度讲习班;; Workshop on Environmental Accounting;环境会计讲习班;; Workshop on Environmental and Natural Resource Accounting;环境与自然资源会计讲习班;; Workshop on ESCAP Regional Specifications for Phase VI;第六阶段亚太经社会区域物品名目讲习班;; Workshop on ESCAP regional Specifications for phase VI of the International Comparison Programme;国际比较方案第六阶段亚太经社会区域规格讲习班;; Workshop on Food Supply Information Systems in Africa;非洲粮食供应信息系统讲习班;; Workshop on Grassroots Participation;基层参与讲习班;; Workshop on Human Rights Issues for a Post-Apartheid South Africa;种族隔离消除后南非人权问题讲习班;; Workshop on Indicators;指标讲习班;; Workshop on Indicators of Sustainable Development for Decision-Making;用于决策的可持续发展指标讲习班;; Workshop on International Law and Nationality Laws in the Former USSR;国际法和前苏联国籍法讲习班;; Workshop on International Refugee and Humanitarian Law in the Asian-African Region;亚非区域国际难民和人道主义法讲习班;; Workshop on Judicial Treatment of Domestic Violence;家庭暴力的司法处理讲习班;; Workshop on Life-cycle Management and Trade;生命周期管理和贸易讲习班;; Workshop on Managing Potential Conflicts in the South China Sea;处理南海潜在冲突讲习班;; Workshop on Microwave Remote Sensing Technology;微波遥感技术讲习班;; Workshop on Modelling the Demographic Impact of the AIDS Epidemic in Pattern II Countries;关于艾滋病在第二类型国家流行对人口的影 响模式讲习班;; Workshop on Monitoring, Control and Surveillance for African States Bordering the Atlantic Ocean;毗邻大西洋的非洲国家监测、管制和监督讲习班;; Workshop on Natural Resource Accounting and Sustainable Development;自然资源会计与可持续发展讲习班;; Workshop on New and Traditional Materials for Development;新材料和传统材料促进发展讲习班;; Workshop on Peace-keeping;维持和平讲习班;; Workshop on Petroleum Statistics;石油统计讲习班;; Workshop on Planning, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of IEC/AIDS Activities;关于艾滋病信息、教育、宣传活动的规划、 执行、监测、评价讲习班;; Workshop on Policies aimed at the Elderly;老年政策讲习班;; Workshop on Population Ageing in Europe and North America: A Message for the World Summit for Social Development;欧洲和北美洲人口老化问题讲习班: 给社会发展问题世界首脑会议的信息;; Workshop on Population, Environment, Resources and Sustainable Development;人口、环境、资源和可持续发展讲习班;; Workshop on Perdition and Perception of Natural Disasters;预报和认知自然灾害讲习班;; Workshop on Progress in photovoltaics and the potential for mass production of solar cells in industrialized and developing countries;光电学的进展及工业化国家和发展中国家大规模生产太阳能电池的潜力讲习班;; Workshop on Protection and Security of Small Countries;小国的堡和安全问题讲习班;; Workshop on Remote Sensing Data Analysis Methods and Applications;遥感数据分析方法和应用讲习班;; Workshop on remote sensing of interest to developing countries;发展中国家关心的遥感问题讲习班;; workshop on space applications for the benefit of the developing countries;有利于发展中国家的空间应用问题讲习班;; Workshop on space Communications for Development: Current and Future Developments, Rural Communications, Search and Rescue Missions and Disaster Relief;空间通信促进发展讲习班:当前和今后发展、农村通信、寻找和救援任务以及救灾工作;; Workshop on Sustainable and Environmentally Sound Development of Water Resources;水资源可持续和无害环境发展讲习班;; Workshop on the Applications of Biotechnology;生物技术应用问题讲习班;; Workshop on the Computerization of Criminal Justice Information;刑事司法信息计算机化讲习班;; Workshop on the Conservation of Marine Mammals in West and Central Africa;堡西非和中非海洋晡乳动物讲习班;; Workshop on the Establishment of the Consultative Group on Solar Energy Research;关于设立太阳能研究和应用协商组的讲习班;; Workshop on the Management of Field Coordination;管理外地协调工作讲习班;; Workshop on the organization and administration of industrial services;工业服务组织和管理问题讲习班;; Workshop on the Promotion of Access to and Dissemination of Information on Environmentally Sound Technologies Seoul Workshop;促进获取和传播无害环境技术信息讲习班 汉城讲习班;;汉城讲习班 Workshop on the Pros and Cons of Electronic Publication;电子出版的利弊讲习班;; Workshop on the Revitalization of Research and Development in the ESCWA Region;振兴西亚经社会区域研究和发展活动讲习班;; Workshop on the Strengthening of Foreign Ministries in Transition and TCDC Consultations;加强转型期国家的外交部和技合协商讲习班;; Workshop on the Transfer and Development of Environmentally Sound Technologies;无害环境技术的转让和发展讲习班;; Workshop on the Use of Space Techniques for Monitoring and Control of Desert Environments;利用空间技术监测和控制沙漠环境讲习班;; Workshop on the Utilization of Community Resources for the Prevention and Reduction of Drug Abuse for Western Europe and Other Countries;利用社区资源防止和减少西欧及其他国家药物滥用讲习班;; Workshop on Tourism Management Development;旅游管理发展讲习班;; Workshop on Training and Transfer of Technology in Digital Cartographic Data and Evaluation of Systems for Digital Mapping;数字制图数据技术转让与训练以及数字测绘 系统评价讲习班;; workshop-cum-study tour;讲习班兼参观考察;; Workshops on Management of Self-help Organizations of Disabled Persons;残疾人自助组织管理问题讲习班;; WORKU, Debebe;德贝贝·沃尔库;; World Treaty on the Non-Use of Force in International Relations, draft;关于在国际关系上不使用武力的世界条约草案;; world academic community;世界学术界;; World Academy of Art and Science;世界艺术与科学学会;WAAS; World Accounting Report;世界会计报告;; World Accounting Survey;世界会计调查;; World Administrative Broadcasting-Satellite Conference;世界广播卫星行政会议;; World Administrative Conference on Radio-Communication;世界无线电通信行政会议;CAMAR; World Administrative Radio Conference;世界无线电行政会议无线电行政会议;WARC;无线电行政会议 World Administrative Radio Conference for Maritime Mobile Telecommunications;海上流动电信世界无线电行政会议;; World Administrative Radio Conference for Space Telecommunications;空间电信世界无线电行政会议;WARC-ST; World Administrative Radio Conference for the Mobile Services;流动服务世界无线电行政会议;; World Administrative Radio Conference on the Use of the Geostationary Orbit;关于使用地球静止轨道的世界无线电行政会议无线电行政会议88年卫星轨道会议;WARC-ORB-88;无线电行政会议88年卫星轨道会议 World Administrative Telegraph and Telephone Conference;世界电报电话行政会议;; World Africa Chamber of Commerce;世界非洲商会非洲商会;;非洲商会 World Ageing Situation, The;世界老龄状况;; World Agricultural Information Centre;世界农业信息中心农信中心;WAICENT;农信中心 World AIDS Day;世界艾滋病日;; World Airlines Clubs Association;世界航空公司俱乐部协会;WACA; World Alliance for Breast-feeding Action;世界促进母乳喂养行动联盟母乳喂养联盟;WABA;母乳喂养联盟 World Alliance for Nutrition and Human Rights;世界营养和人权联盟;; World Alliance of Reformed Churches;世界归正会联谊会归正会联谊会;WARC;归正会联谊会 World Alliance of Young Men's Christian Associations;世界基督教青年会联盟青年会联盟;ACJ;青年会联盟 World Amateur Golf Council;世界业余高尔夫球理事会;WAGC; World and Youth - Changes in East-West relations and the influences on the South;世界与青年-东西方关系变化及其对南方的 影响;; World Anti-Communist League;世界反共联盟;WACL; World Appraisal of Fishery Resources;世界渔业资源评价渔源评价;WAFR;渔源评价 World Arabian Horse Organization;世界阿拉伯马组织;WAHO; World Archaeological Society;世界考古学会;WAS; World Area Forecast Centre;世界地区预报中心;WAFC; World Area Forecast System;世界地区预报系统;WAFS; World Assembly for Peace and Life and against Nuclear War, the;和平、生存与反核战世界大会;; World Assembly of Builders of Peace;世界和平建设者大会;; World Assembly of Muslim Youth;世界穆斯林青年大会;WAMY; World Assembly of Small and Medium Enterprises;世界中小企业会议;WASME; World Assembly of Youth;世界青年大会青年大会;WAY;青年大会 World Assembly on Ageing;老龄问题世界大会;WAA; World Assembly on the Elderly;老年人问题世界大会;; World Association for Animal Production;世界畜产协会;WAAP; World Association for Bronchology;世界支气管病学协会;; World Association for Christian Broadcasting;世界基督教广播协会;; World Association for Christian Communications;世界基督教通信协会;WACC; World Association for Dynamic Psychiatry;世界官能神经病学协会;WADP; World Association for Educational Research;世界教育研究协会教研协会;WAER;教研协会 World Association for Element Building and Prefabrication;世界构件和预制件协会;WAEP; World Association for Gynecological Cancer Prevention;世界预防妇科癌症协会;; World Association for Infant Psychiatry;世界幼儿神经病学协会;WAIP; World Association for Medical Informatics;世界医学信息学协会;WAMI; World Association for Professional Training in Tourism;世界旅游职业训练协会;WAPTT; World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation;世界心理社会性康复协会;WAPR; World Association for Public Opinion Research;世界民意研究协会民意研究协会;WAPOR;民意研究协会 World Association for Social Psychiatry;世界社会精神病学协会;WASP; World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology;世界兽医寄生虫学促进协会;WAAVP; World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine;世界兽医学史协会;WAHVM; World Association for the Rehabilitation of the Psycho-Socially Disabled;世界社会心理伤残康复协会;; World Association for the School as an Instrument of Peace;学校促进和平世界协会;EIP; World Association for the Senior Citizens Union;世界老年人联盟协会;WASCU; World Association for World Federation;世界联合会世界协会;WAWF; World Association of Basketball Coaches;世界篮球教练协会;; World Association of Children's Friends;世界儿童之友协会;AMADE; World Association of Christian Radio Amateurs and Listeners;世界基督教无线电业余爱好者和收听者协会;WACRAL; World Association of Detectives;世界侦探协会;WAD; World Association of Document Examiners;世界文献审查人协会;WADE; World Association of Esperanto Journalists;全世界世界语新闻记者协会世界语记协;TEJA;世界语记协 World Association of Former United Nations Interns and Fellows;联合国前实习人员和研究员世界协会 前实习研究员协会;WAFUNIF;前实习研究员协会 World Association of French-Language Doctors;世界法语医生协会;; World Association of Friends for Children;世界友爱儿童协会;; World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts;世界女童子军协会女童军协会;WAGGGS;女童军协会 World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organizations;世界工业和技术研究组织协会工技研究协会;WAITRO;工技协会 World Association of Inventors and Researchers;世界发明家和探索者协会;AMINA; World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies;世界投资促进机构协会;WAIPA; World Association of Judges;世界法官协会;WAJ; World Association of Labour History Institutions;世界劳工史机构协会;; World Association of Medical Law;世界医疗法协会;; World Association of Metropolises;世界大都市协会;Metropolis; World Association of Natural Medicine;世界自然医学组织;; World Association of Navigation;世界航行协会;WAN; World Association of Nuclear Operators;世界核电站操作者协会;WANO; World Association of Seaweed Processors;世界海藻加工者协会;MARINALG; World Association of Small and Medium Enterprises;世界中小型企业协会中小企协;WASME;中小企协 World Association of Societies of Pathology;世界病理学会协会病理学协;;病理学协 World Association of Veteran Long-Distance Runners;世界老年长跑运动员协会;IGAL; World Association of Veterinary Anatomists;世界兽类解剖学家协会;WAVA; World Association of Veterinary Food Hygienists;世界兽类食物卫生学家协会;WAVFH; World Association of Veterinary Pathologists;世界兽医学病理学家协会;WAVP; World Association of Veterinary Physiologists, Pharmacologists and Biochemists;世界兽医学生理学家、药理学家和生物化学家协会;WAVPPB; World Association of Woman Journalists, Writers and Media;世界女新闻工作者、作家和媒体协会;; World Association of Women Business Leaders;世界商界妇女领导人协会;; World Association of Women Entrepreneurs;世界女企业家协会;; World Association of Women Journalists and Writers;世界女新闻工作者和女作家协会;AMMPE; World Association of World Federalists;世界联邦主义者世界协会世联协;;世联协 World Association of World Federation;世界联邦主义世界协会;WAWF; World Atmosphere Fund;世界大气基金;; World Atmosphere Trust Fund;世界大气信托基金;; world balance sheet;世界资产负债表;; World Bank;世界银行世银;WB;世银 World Bank Atlas;世界银行图表集;; World Bank Atlas conversion rates;世界银行图表集换算率;; World Bank Atlas rates;世界银行图表集汇率;; World Bank bonds;世界银行公债;; World Bank Consultative Group;世界银行协商组;; World Bank Group;世界银行集团;; World Bank Policy Paper: Water Resources Management;世界银行政策文件: 水资源的管理;; World Bank Programme on Social Dimensions of Adjustment;世界银行调整的社会方面问题方案;; World Bank simulated trade linkages model;世界银行模拟贸易连环模式;WB/SIMLINK; World Bank Staff Working Paper;世界银行工作人员工作文件;; World Bank/IDA credit;世界银行和开发协会贷款;; World Bank/UNIDO Cooperative Programme;世界银行/工发组织合作方案;; World Baptist Alliance;世界浸礼会联合会;; World Billiards Union;世界台球联合会;UMB; World Blind Union;世界盲人联合会盲联;WBU;盲联 World Boxing Association;世界拳击协会;WBA; World Boxing Council;世界拳击理事会;WBC; World Bridge Federation;世界桥牌联合会;WBF; World Brotherhood;世界兄弟会;WB; World Bureau of Metal Statistics;世界金属统计局;WBMS; World Business reports;世界商业报告;; World Calendar Association, Inc.;世界日历协会;; World Calendar Association, International;国际世界日历协会;; World Campaign against Military and Nuclear Collaboration with South Africa;反对与南非的军事和核勾结世界运动;; World Campaign for a Free and Independent Namibia;全世界支持自由和独立的纳米比亚运动;; World Campaign for Human Rights;世界人权运动;; World Campaign for the Release of South African Political Prisoners;世界争取释放南非政治犯运动;; World Campaign for Universal Literacy;世界普及识字运动;; World Campaign Save Humanity;拯救人类世界运动;; World Campaign to Support United Nations Resolutions for a Free and Independent Namibia;全世界支持联合国建立自由独立纳米比亚各项决议的宣传运动;; World Cartography;世界制图学;; World Cartography Bulletin;世界制图学公报;; World Catholic Federation for the Biblical Apostolate;世界天主教圣经传道者联合会;WCFBA; World Census of Agriculture, programme of;世界农业普查方案;; World Charter for Nature;世界大自然宪章;; World Charter on the Rights and Duties of Humanity in Relation to the Global Water Cycle;全球水循环方面人类权利和义务世界宪章;; World Chess Federation;世界国际象棋联合会;FIDE; World Children Day;世界儿童日;; World Child Emergency;世界儿童紧急状况;; World Christian Endeavour Union;世界基督教奋进同盟;WCEU; World Christian Life Community;世界基督教徒生活社团;WCLC; World Chronicle;世界纪事;; World Church Service - Action for relief and rehabilitation in Kampuchea;世界教会服务社-救济和重建柬埔寨行动;ARRK; World Citizens Assembly;世界公民大会;ARRK; World Citizens for the Preservation of Humanity;世界公民保全人类协会;; World Climate Applications and Services Programme;世界气候应用和服务方案 气候应用服务方案;WCASP;气候应用服务方案 World Climate Applications Programme;世界气候应用方案气候应用方案;WCAP;气候应用方案 World Climate Conference;世界气候会议;WCC; World Climate Conference - A Conference of Experts on Climate and Mankind;世界气候会议-一次关于气候与人类的专家 会议;; World Climate Data Information Referral Service;世界气候数据情报检索服务;; World Climate Data Programme;世界气候数据方案;WCDP; World Climate Impact Assessment and Response Strategies Programme;世界气候影响评估和反应战略方案;; World Climate Impact Programme;世界气候影响研究方案;WCIP; World Climate Impact Studies Programme;世界气候影响研究方案;WCIP; World Climate Programme;世界气候方案;WCP; World Climate Programme Department;世界气候方案司;; World Climate Programme-Water;世界气候方案-水;WCH-Water; World Climate Research Programme;世界气候研究方案;WCRP; World Climate System Monitoring Programme;世界气候系统监测方案;; World Coal Institute;世界煤炭学会;WCI;煤炭所 World Coalition for the Abolition of Experimentation on the Animal;世界废除动物实验联盟;; World Coast Conference;世界海岸会议;; World Coffee Producers Group;世界咖啡生产国组织咖啡组织;WCPG;咖啡组织 World Colloquium of Mayors;世界市长座谈会;; World Commission on Culture and Development;世界文化和发展委员会;WCCD; World Commission on Environment and Development;世界环境与发展委员会环发委;WCED;环发委 World Commission on Forests and Sustainable Development;世界森林与可持续发展委员会森发委;WCFSD;森发委 World Committee on Disability;世界残疾问题委员会;; World Commodity Conference;世界商品会议;; World Communication Year: Development of Communications Infrastructures;世界通讯年:发展通讯基础设施;; World Communications Report;世界传播状况报告;; World Community of Nations;世界大家庭世界社会;; World Concern;世界关怀协会;; World Concern and the United Nations, Model Teaching Units for Primary, Secondary and Teacher Education;世界问题和联合国:小学、中学和师范学校标准教材;; World Confederation for Diplomatic and Press Relations;世界外交和新闻界关系联合会;; World Confederation for Physical Therapy;世界理疗联合会理疗联;WCPT;理疗联 World Confederation for the Deaf;世界聋人联合会;; World Confederation of Jewish Community Centres;世界犹太人社团中心联盟;WCJCC; World Confederation of Labour;世界劳工联合会世界劳联;WCL;世界劳联 World Confederation of Organizations of Teaching Profession;世界教育工作者组织联合会教组联;WCOTP;教组联 World Confederation of Productivity Science;世界生产力科学研究联合会;WCPS; World Confederation of Teachers;世界教师联合会世界教联;WCT;世界教联 World Confederation of Trade Unions;世界工会联合会世界工联;WCTU;世界工联 World Conference against Racism, Racial and Ethnic Discrimination, Xenophobia and Other Related Contemporary Forms of Intolerance;反对种族主义、种族和民族歧视、仇外心理 和其他有关当代形式不容忍行为世界会议;; World Conference for a Nuclear-free World;建立一个无核武器世界世界会议;; World Conference for a Peaceful and Secure Future for All Children;为所有儿童建立和平与安全的未来世界会议;; World Conference for Action against Apartheid;世界反对种族隔离行动大会;; World Conference for Drugs and Intoxicants Control;麻醉药品和致醉品管制世界会议;; World Conference for the Eradication of Racism;彻底消灭种族主义世界会议;; World Conference of Agrarian Reform and Rural Development;世界土地改革和农村发展会议;WCARRD; World Conference of Cities of Peace;世界和平城市会议;; World Conference of Cities, Local Government and Private Sector Partners on Families;城市、地方政府和私营部门家庭问题世界会议;; World Conference of Mayors;世界市长会议;; World Conference of Mayors for Peace through Inter-City Solidarity;加强城市间团结以促进和平世界市长会议;; World Conference of Mayors, Local Government and Private Sector Partners;市长、地方政府和私营部门合作者世界会议;; World Conference of Religion for Peace;世界宗教争取和平会议;; World Conference of the International Women's Year;国际妇女年世界会议;; World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women;联合国妇女十年世界会议;WCUNDW; World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace;联合国妇女十年: 平等、发展与和平世界 会议;; World Conference on Actions and Strategies on Education, Disability Prevention and Integration of Disabled Persons;关于残疾人的教育、伤残预防和参与的行动 和战略问题世界会议;; World Conference on Administration and Development;世界公共行政与发展会议;; World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development;世界土地改革和农村发展会议;WCARRD; World Conference on Apartheid, Racial Discrimination and Colonialism in Southern Africa;南部非洲境内种族隔离、种族歧视和殖民主 义问题世界会议;; World Conference on Combating Apartheid;反对种族隔离世界会议;; World Conference on Cultural Policies;世界文化政策会议;MONDIACULT; World Conference on Culture and Development;世界文化与发展会议;; World Conference on Disabilities;残疾问题世界会议;; World Conference on Economic Sanctions against South Africa;关于对南非实行经济制裁的世界会议;; World Conference on Education for All: Meeting Basic Learning Needs;世界全民教育会议: 满足基本学习需要;; World Conference on Education for Special Education Needs: Access and Quality;特殊教育需要世界会议: 机会与质量;; World Conference on Employment, Income Distribution and Social Progress and the International Division of Labour;世界就业、收入分配和社会进步及国际分工 会议;; World Conference on Environmental Information Exchange in the 1990s;1990年代环境信息交流问题世界会议;; World Conference on Fisheries Management and Development;世界渔业管理和发展会议;; World Conference on Hazardous Wastes;关于危险废物的世界会议;; World Conference on Human Rights;世界人权会议;; World Conference on Human Settlements, Habitat II;世界人类住区会议,人居二;; World Conference on Metropolitan Governance;大都市施政问题世界会议;; World Conference on Natural Disaster Reduction;减少自然灾害世界会议;; World Conference on New and Renewable Energy;世界新能源和可再生能源会议;; World Conference on Passports and Frontier Formalities;世界护照和边境手续会议;; World Conference on Population, Third;第三届世界人口会议;; World Conference on Problems of Working Women;劳动妇女问题世界会议;; World Conference on Religion and Peace;世界宗教与和平会议;WCRP; World Conference on Sanctions against Racist South Africa;制裁种族主义南非世界会议;; World Conference on Sanctions against South Africa;制裁南非世界会议;; World Conference on Sustainable Mountain Development;山区可持续发展世界会议;; World Conference on the Changing Atmosphere: Implications for Global Security;大气变化问题世界会议: 对全球安全的影响;; World Conference on the Establishment of an International Criminal Tribunal to Enforce International Criminal and Human Rights;关于设立国际刑事法庭以执行国际刑法和人权的世界会议;; World Conference on Tobacco or Health;世界烟草或健康大会;; World conference on Transborder Data Flow Policies;越界数据流动政策世界会议;; World Conference on Women;妇女问题世界会议;; World Conference on Women: Action for Equality, Development and Peace;妇女问题世界会议: 以行动谋求平等、 发展与和平;; World Conference on World Peace through Law;世界法治促进和平会议;; World Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination;向种族主义和种族歧视进行战斗世界会议;; World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Nations Decade for Women;审查和评价联合国妇女十年成就世界会议;; World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace;审查和评价联合国妇女十年:平等、发展与和平成就世界会议;; World Congress against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children;[第X届]禁止对儿童商业色情剥削世界大会;; World Congress Blind Union;盲人联合会世界大会;; World Congress for the International Year of Peace;国际和平年世界大会;; World Congress of Accountants;世界会计师大会;; World Congress of Disabled People's International;残疾人国际协会世界会议;; World Congress of Disabled Persons;残疾人世界大会;; World Congress of IPA;国际儿科协会世界大会;; World Congress of Local Governments for a Sustainable Future;地方政府争取可持续性未来世界大会;; World Congress of Ministers of Education on the Eradication of Illiteracy;世界教育部长扫除文盲大会;; World Congress of Peace Forces;世界和平力量大会;; World Congress of Peaceful Forces for International Security and Disarmament, National Independence, Cooperation and Peace;争取国际安全和裁军、国家独立、合作及和平的世界和平力量大会;; World Congress of Rehabilitation International;国际康复协会世界大会;; World Congress of Sociology;世界社会学大会;; World Congress of the Deaf;世界聋人大会;; World Congress of the Humanities;世界人文科学学会;WCH; World Congress of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions;国际自由工会联合会世界大会;; World Congress of the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect;防止虐待和忽视儿童国际协会世界大会;; World Congress of Women;世界妇女大会;; World Congress of Women - Equality, National Independence and Peace;国际妇女大会-平等、民族独立与和平;; World Congress on Books;世界书籍大会;; World Congress on Climate and Development;世界气候与发展大会;; World Congress on Disarmament Education;世界裁军教育大会;; World Congress on Education and Communication for Environment and Development;关于环境与发展的教育与宣传问题世界大会;ECO-ED; World Congress on Technology: Information technology, computerization and electronics in the workplace for people with disabilities;世界技术大会: 残疾人工作场所的信息技 术、计算机化和电子学;; World Conservation Monitoring Centre;世界养护监测中心养护监测中心;WCMC;养护监测中心 World Conservation Programme;世界养护方案养护方案;WCP;养护方案 World Conservation Strategy;世界养护战略;WCS; World Conservation Strategy/Caring for the Earth;世界养护战略/关心地球;; World Conservation Union;世界堡联盟;IUCN; World Constitution and Parliament Association;世界宪法和议会协会;WCPA; World Consultation of Teachers' Organizations on Education for AIDS Prevention;教师组织关于预防艾滋病教育的世界协商会议;; World Contraceptive-use Data Diskettes, 1991;世界避孕药具使用数据磁盘,1991年;; World Council for the Welfare of the Blind;世界盲人福利理事会;WCWB; World Council of Churches;世界基督教协进会;WCC; World Council of Comparative Education Societies;比较教育学会世界理事会;WCCES; World Council of Credit Unions;世界信贷业联合会理事会;WOCCU; World Council of Indigenous Peoples;世界土著人理事会土著理事会;WCIP;土著理事会 World Council of Management;世界管理理事会;CIOS; World Council of Peace;世界和平理事会;WPC; World Council of Reformed Churches;归正会世界理事会;; World Council of Synagogues;世界犹太会堂理事会;; World Council of Young Men's Service Clubs;世界男青年俱乐部理事会;WOCO; World Crafts Council;世界手工艺理事会;WCC; World Criminal Justice Library Network;世界刑事司法图书馆网刑图网;WCJLN;刑图网 World Cultural Development Decade;世界文化发展十年;; World Culture Data Centre;世界培植品数据中心培植数据中心;WCPC;培植数据中心 World Data Centre;世界数据中心数据中心;WDC;数据中心 World Data Centre for Rockets and Satellites;世界火箭卫星数据中心;WDCRS; World Data Centre on Micro-organisms;世界微生物数据中心;; World Data Centres for Meteorology;世界气象数据中心;; World Data Referral Centre;世界数据检索中心;WDRC; World Data Referral System;世界数据查询系统;; World Day for Cultural Development Day of All the World's Cultures;世界文化发展日世界一切文化日;;世界一切文化日 World Day for Overcoming Extreme Poverty;克服极度贫困世界日;; World Day for Prayer;世界祷告日;; World Day for Water;世界水日;; World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought;防治荒漠化和干旱世界日;; World Debt Tables;世界债务表汇编;; World Decade for Cultural Development;世界文化发展十年;; World Declaration on Education for All;世界全民教育宣言;; World Declaration on Nutrition;世界营养问题宣言;; World Declaration on the Control of Malaria;世界防治疟疾宣言;; World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children;儿童生存、堡和发展世界宣言;; World Decolonization Campaign;世界非殖民化运动;; World Development;世界开发;; World Development Fund;世界发展基金;; World Development Information Day;世界发展信息日;; World Development Movement;世界发展运动发展运动;;发展运动 World Development Report;世界发展报告;WOR; World Development Report model;世界发展报告模式;WDR; World Directory of Human Rights Teaching and Research Institutions;世界人权教学和研究机构名录;; World Directory of International Law Research and Training Institutions;世界国际法研究与训练机构名录;; World Directory of Peace Research and Training Institutions;世界和平研究和训练机构名录;; World Directory of Trade Promotion Organizations and Other Foreign Trade Bodies;贸易促进组织和其他外贸机构世界名录;; World Disarmament Authority;世界裁军管理局;; World Disarmament Campaign;世界裁军运动;; World Disarmament Campaign Newsletter;世界裁军运动通讯;; World Disarmament Campaign Voluntary Trust Fund;世界裁军运动自愿信托基金;; World Disarmament Conference;世界裁军会议;WDC; World Disaster Report;世界灾害报告;; World Diving Coaches Association;世界跳水教练员协会;WDCA; World Economic and Social Survey 1994;1994年世界经济和社会概览;; World Economic Group;世界经济小组;WEG; World Economic Organization;世界经济组织;; World Economic Outlook;世界经济展望;WEO; World Economic Research Centre;世界经济研究中心经研中心;CIEM;经研中心 World Economic Survey;世界经济概览;; World Education;世界教育协会;; World Education Fellowship;世界教育联谊会;WEF; World Education Report;世界教育报告;; World Employment Conference;世界就业问题会议;; World Employment Programme;世界就业方案;WEP; World Energy Council;世界能源理事会;WEC; World Energy Efficiency Association;世界能源效率协会能源效率协会;WEEA;能源效率协会 World Energy Supplies;世界能源供应状况;WES; World Engineering Conference;世界工程会议;; World Engineering Partnership for Sustainable Development;世界工程合作促进可持续发展;WEPSD; World Environment Academy;世界环境学院;; World Environment and Disaster Observation Satellite System;世界环境与灾害观察卫星系统 环灾观察卫星系统;WEDOS;环灾观察卫星系统 World Environment and Resources Council;世界环境与资源理事会环资理事会;WERC;环资理事会 World Environment Day;世界环境日;; World Environment Institute;世界环境研究所环境研究所;WEI;环境研究所 World Esperantist Vegetarian Association;世界素食世界语者协会;TEVA; World Evangelical Fellowship;世界福音派新教会联谊会;WEF; World Expeditionary Association;世界远征协会;; World Experimental Literacy Programme;世界实验扫盲方案;; World Export Processing Zone Association;世界出口加工区协会;WEPZA; World Federal Authority Committee;世界联盟权力委员会;; World Federalist Movement;世界联邦主义者运动;WFM; World Federalists, USA;世界联邦主义者协会美国分会;; World Federation for Cancer Care Association;世界癌症治疗协会联合会;WFCC; World Federation for Culture Collections;世界培养物收集联合会;WFCC; World Federation for Medical Education;世界医学教育联合会医教联;WFME;医教联 World Federation for Mental Health;世界心理卫生联合会心卫联;WFMH;心卫联 World Federation for the Protection of Animals;世界动物堡联合会;WFPA; World Federation for Voluntary Surgical Contraception;世界自愿接受外科避孕手术联合会;WFVSC; World Federation of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Societies;世界针灸学会联合会;; World Federation of Agricultural Workers;世界农业工人联合会农工联;WFAW;农工联 World Federation of Agriculture and Food Workers;世界农业和粮食工人联合会农粮工联;;农粮工联 World Federation of Associations of Clinical Toxicology Centres and Poison Control Centres;临床毒物学中心和毒药控制中心协会世界联合会;; World Federation of Associations of Paediatric Surgeons;世界小儿外科医生协会联合会;; World Federation of Associations of Secretaries of YMCAs;世界基督教青年会秘书协会联合会;; World Federation of Building and Woodworkers Unions;世界建筑和木工联合会;WFBW; World Federation of Building Service Contractors;世界建筑业承包人联合会;WFBSC; World Federation of Catholic Young Women and Girls;世界天主教青年妇女联合会天主教青妇联;WFCYWG;天主教青妇联 World Federation of Catholic Youth;世界天主教青年联合会天主教青联;WFCY;天主教青联 World Federation of Christian Life Communities;世界基督教生活团体联合会生活团体联会;WFCLC;生活团体联会 World Federation of Cultural Collections;世界培植品采集联合会;WFCC; World Federation of Democratic Women;世界民主妇女联合会;; World Federation of Democratic Youth;世界民主青年联合会民主青联;WFDY;民主青联 World Federation of Development Financing Institutions;世界发展筹资机构联合会筹联;;筹联 World Federation of Diaconal Associations and Sisterhoods;教堂执事协会世界联合会教堂执事协联;DIAKONIA;教堂执事协联 World Federation of Engineering Organizations;世界工程组织联合会工组联;WFEO;工组联 World Federation of Foreign-Language Teachers' Associations;世界外语教师协会联合会外语教师联会;FIPLV;外语教师联会 World Federation of Friends of Museums;世界博物馆公谊会联合会;WFFM; World Federation of Healing;世界康复联合会;WFH; World Federation of Health Agencies for the Advancement of Voluntary Surgical Contraception;促进自愿接受外科绝育手术世界保健机构联合会促进外科绝育手术联会;WFHA-AVSC;促进外科绝育手术联会 World Federation of Hemophilia;世界血友病联合会;; World Federation of Industrial Workers' Unions;世界产业工人工会联合会;WOFIWU; World Federation of Islamic Missions;伊斯兰教传教团体世界联合会;WFIM; World Federation of Liberal and Radical Youth;世界自由和激进青年联合会;; World Federation of Master Tailors;世界裁缝师傅联合会;; World Federation of Mental Health;世界精神卫生联合会;WFMH; World Federation of Methodist Women;世界卫理公会女教友联合会女教友联会;WFMW;女教友联会 World Federation of Modern-Language Teachers' Associations;现代语言教师协会世界联合会;; World Federation of Neurology;世界神经病学联合会;FMN; World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies;世界神经外科学会联合会;WFNS; World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology;世界核医学和生物学联合会核生联;;核生联 World Federation of Occupational Therapists;世界职业病治疗人员联合会;WFOT; World Federation of Parasitologists;世界寄生物学者联合会;; World Federation of Personnel Management Association;世界人事管理协会联合会;WFPMA; World Federation of Proprietary Medicine Manufactures;世界专利药物制造业联合会;WFPMM; World Federation of Psychiatric Users;世界精神病疗法使用者联合会;; World Federation of Public Health Associations;世界公共卫生协会联合会公卫协联;WFPHA;公卫协联 World Federation of Scientific Workers;世界科学工作者联合会科工联;WFSW;科工联 World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists;世界麻醉师学会联合会麻醉师学联;WFSA;麻醉师学联 World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry;世界生物精神病学学会联合会;WFSBP; World Federation of Teachers' Unions;世界教师工会联合会教工联;WFTU;教工联 World Federation of the Deaf;世界聋人联合会聋联;WFD;聋联 World Federation of the Heads of Beauty Institutes and Aesthetics;世界美学院和美学联合会;FEMIBE; World Federation of Therapeutic Communities, Inc.;世界治疗机构联合会;WFTC; World Federation of Trade Unions;世界工会联合会世界工联;WFTU;世界工联 World Federation of Trade Unions for Energy, Chemical and Miscellaneous Industries;世界能源、化学和杂货工业工会联合会;ECI; World Federation of Trade Unions of Non-Manual Workers;世界非体力劳动者工会联合;WFTUNMW; World Federation of Twinned Towns;姐妹城世界联合会;; World Federation of Ukrainian Women's Organizations;乌克兰妇女组织世界联合会;; World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations;教科文组织俱乐部、中心和协会世界联合会俱中协联;WFUCA;俱中协联 World Federation of United Nations Associations;联合国协会世界联合会联合国协联;WFUNA;联合国协联 World Federation of Workers in Food, Tobacco and Hotel Industries-WCL;世界食品、烟草和旅馆业工人联合会食品 烟草旅馆工联;WFFTH-WCL;食品 烟草旅馆工联 World Federation of World Health Foundations;世界卫生基金会世界联合会;; World Fellowship of Buddhist Youth;世界青年佛教徒联谊会;WFBY; World Fellowship of Buddhists;世界佛教徒联谊会;; World Fellowship of Orthodox Youth Organization;世界东正教青年组织联谊会;SYNDESMOS; World Fellowship of Religions;世界宗教联谊会;; World Fertility Study Group;世界生育率研究小组;; World Fertility Survey;世界生育率调查;WFS; World Fertilizer Fund;世界化肥基金;; world fertilizer production programme;世界肥料生产方案;; World Festival of Creative Women;世界才艺妇女节;; World Festival of Youth and Students;世界青年和学生节;; World Financial Market;世界金融市场;; World Fleet Forecasting Service;世界船队预报服务社;WFFS; World Food Bank;世界粮食银行;; World Food Conference;世界粮食大会;WFC; World Food Congress;世界粮食大会;WFC; World Food Council;世界粮食理事会粮食理事会;WFC;粮食理事会 World Food Day;世界粮食日;; World Food Prize;世界粮食奖;; World Food Programme Transport Operation in Ethiopia;世界粮食计划署埃塞俄比亚运输作业;WTOE; World Food Security Compact;世界粮食安全协议;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司