翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 World Food Security Summit Habitat II;世界粮食安全首脑会议人居二;;人居二 World Food Summit;世界粮食首脑会议;; World Food Survey;世界粮食调查;; World Football Congress;世界足球大会;; World Forest Watch;世界森林监测;WFW; World Forest Watch Conference;世界森林监测会议;; World Forum on Drug Demand Reduction;世界减少麻醉药品需求论坛;; World Forum on the Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Drug Demand Reduction;非政府组织在减少毒品需求方面的作用世界论坛;; World Foundation for AIDS Research and Prevention;世界艾滋病研究和防治基金会;; World Foundation on Crime Control and Assistance to Victims;犯罪控制和援助受害者世界基金会;; World Friendship Federation;世界友谊联合会;; World Fund for the Protection of Indigenous Cultures;堡土著文化世界基金;; World Future Research Conference;世界未来研究会议;; World Future Studies Federation;世界未来研究联合会未来研究联会;;未来研究联会 World Games Council;世界运动会理事会;WGC; World Geophysical Data Centres;世界地球物理数据中心;; World Gold Commission;世界黄金委员会;; World Government Organization Coordinating Council;世界政府组织协调理事会;WGOCC; World Gratitude Day;世界感恩日;; World Gratitude Day - International Children's Poster Exhibit;世界感恩日-国际儿童招贴画展;; World Gymnaestrada Festival;世界体操节;; World Habitat Day;世界人居日;; World Health Assembly;世界卫生大会卫生大会;WHA;卫生大会 World Health Day;世界卫生日;; World Health Day 1987;1987年世界卫生日;; World Health Foundation for the Development of Peace;世界发展与和平卫生基金会;; World Health Organization;世界卫生组织卫生组织;WHO;卫生组织 World Health Organization's Expert Committee on Nursing;世界卫生组织护理专家委员会;; World Health Programme;世界卫生计划署;; World Health Statistics Annual, 1983;1983年世界卫生统计年鉴;; World Health Statistics Quarterly;世界卫生统计季刊;; World Hearings on Development;发展问题世界听询会;; World Hebrew Union;世界希伯来人联合会;; World Heritage Committee;世界遗产委员会;; World Heritage Convention;世界人类遗产公约;; World Heritage Fund;世界遗产基金会;; World Hindu Council;世界印度人理事会;; World Hindu Organization;世界印度人组织;; World Home Economics Day;世界家政学日;; World Hotel Training Centre;世界旅馆训练中心;; World Housing Survey;世界住房调查;; World Human Rights Campaign;世界人权运动;; World Hunger Media Award;世界饥饿新闻报道奖;; World Hunger Programme;世界消除饥饿方案;; World Hydrological Cycle Observing System;世界水文循环观测系统;WHYCOS; World Hypertension League;世界高血压病联盟高血压病联盟;WHL;高血压病联盟 World Immunization News;世界免疫新闻;WIN; World Indigenous Youth Conference;世界土著青年会议;; World Industry Conference in Environmental Management;环境管理世界工业会议环管工业会议;WICEM;环管工业会议 World Information Clearing Centre;世界信息交换中心;WICC; World Information System for Science and Technology;世界科学和技术信息系统科技信息系统;UNISIST;科技信息系统 World Initiative for Children;世界儿童问题倡议;; world input-output model;世界投入产出模式投入产出模式;WIOM;投入产出模式 World Institute for Development Economics Research;世界发展经济学研究所发展经济学所;WIDER;发展经济学所 World Institute of Ecology and Cancer;世界生态学和癌症学会;WIEC; World Institute on Municipal Structures and Information on Local Government Administration;世界市政结构和地方政府行政资料学会;; World Intellectual Property Organization;世界知识产权组织知识产权组织;WIPO;知识产权组织 World Inventory of Abstracting Indexing Services and Systems;世界摘录和索引服务和系统清册;; World Inventory of Aquatic Science Research Projects;世界水生物科学研究项目清单;; World Investment Network Services;世界投资网络服务系统;WINS; World Investment Report 1991: the Triad in Foreign Direct Investment;1991年世界投资报告: 三角的外国直接投资;; World Islam Congress;世界伊斯兰大会;; World Islamic Call Society;世界伊斯兰召唤协会;; World Jersey Cattle Bureau;世界泽西种乳牛管理局;WJCB; World Jewish Congress;世界犹太人大会;WJC; World Jewry;犹太世界;; World Jurist Association of the World Peace Through Law Centre;以法律求世界和平中心世界法律工作者协会;WJA; World Labour Report;世界劳工报告;; World Land Reform Conference;世界土地改革会议;; World Leisure and Recreation Association;世界文娱协会文娱协会;;文娱协会 World Liberal Union;世界自由联盟;; World Literacy Programme;世界识字方案;; World LPG Forum;世界液化石油气论坛;; World Map of Human-induced Soil Degradation;世界人为土壤退化图;; World Maritime Administrative Radio Conference;世界水上电讯行政会议;; world market price;世界市场价格世界市价;; World Mass Media Leaders' Roundtables;世界大众媒体领导人圆桌会议;; World Medical Association;世界医学协会医协;WMA;医协 World Meeting of War Veterans, Resistants and War Victims, Second;退伍军人、抵抗运动成员和战争受害人第二 次世界会议;; World Meeting of Writers;世界作家会议;; World Meteorological Centre;世界气象中心气象中心;WMC;气象中心 World Meteorological Congress;世界气象大会;; World Meteorological Day;世界气象日;; World Meteorological Organization;世界气象组织气象组织;WMO;气象组织 World Methodist Council;世界卫理公会理事会;WMC; World Methodist Historical Society;世界卫理公会教徒历史学会;; World Mining Congress;世界采矿会议;; World Ministerial Conference on Organized Transnational Crime;有组织跨国犯罪问题世界部长级会议;; World Ministerial Drugs Summit;世界毒品问题部长级高层会议;; World Ministerial Summit to Reduce the Demand for Drugs and to Combat the Cocaine Threat;世界减少毒品需求和打击可卡因威胁部长级高层会议;; World Monuments Fund;世界历史遗践金;; World Movement of Christian Workers;世界基督教工人运动基督教工运;;基督教工运 World Movement of Mothers;世界母亲运动母亲运动;WMM;母亲运动 World Muslim Congress;世界穆斯林大会穆斯林大会;WMC;穆斯林大会 World Muslim League;世界穆斯林联盟;; World Neighbours;世界睦邻会;; World Network of Microbiological Resource Centres;世界微生物资源中心网微资网;MIRCEN;微资网 World Newspaper Supplement;世界报纸副刊;; World NGO Forum on Launching the International Year of the Family;发起国际家庭年世界非政府组织论坛;; World No-Tobacco Day;世界戒烟日;; World Nutrition Situation;世界营养状况;; World Ocean Watch;世界海洋监测;; world of work;工作领域;; World Office of Information on Environmental Problems;世界环境问题情报局;WOIEP; World Organization for Early Childhood Education;世界幼儿教育组织;OMEP; World Organization for Human Potential;世界人类潜力组织;WOHP; World Organization for Modelshipbuilding and Modelship Sort;世界航海模型运动联合会;; World Organization for Rehabilitation through Training Union;世界训练重建组织联合会;; World Organization of Building Officials;世界建筑官员组织建筑官员组织;WOBO;建筑官员组织 World Organization of Dredging Association;世界疏浚协会;WODA; World Organization of Former Students of Catholic Teaching;世界天主教学校校友组织校友组织;OMAAEC;校友组织 World Organization of Gastroenterology;世界胃肠病学组织;OMGE; World Organization of General Systems and Cybernetics;世界控制论与系统论研究组织;WOGSC; World Organization of Jewish Deaf;世界犹太聋人组织;WOJD; World Organization of Mediterranean Cooperation for Solar Energy;地中海太阳能合作组织;COMPLES; World Organization of National Colleges, Academies and Academic Associations of General Practitioners;国立普通医生学院、学会和学术协会世界组织;; World Organization of the Scout Movement;世界童子军运动组织;WOSM; World Organization of the Teaching Profession;世界教学专业组织;WOTP; World Organization of Volcano Observation;火山观测站世界组织火山观测组织;WOVO;火山观测组织 World Organization of Volcanological Observatories;世界火山观测所组织;WOVO; World Organization of Young Esperantists;全世界青年世界语学者组织;TEJO; World ORT Union;世界口服体液补充疗法联盟;; World OSE Union - World Wild Organization for Child Care, Health and Hygiene Among Jew;世界卫生及儿童组织联合会-全世界犹太人 卫生及儿童保育组织;; World Ozone Data Centre;世界臭氧数据中心;WODC; World Ozone Network;世界臭氧监测网;; World Packaging Organization;世界包装组织包装组织;WPO;包装组织 World Parks Congress;世界公园大会;; World Parliament of the People for Peace;世界爱好和平人民代表大会;; World Parliamentarians' Council on Population and Development;全球议员人口和发展委员会;; World Peace Academy;世界和平学院;; World Peace Congress for Peace, Security and National Independence;争取和平、安全和民族独立世界和平大会;; World Peace Council;世界和平理事会和平理事会;;和平理事会 World Peace Day Association;世界和平日协会;; World Peace Society Inc.;世界和平学会;; World Peace Through Law Centre;以法律求世界和平中心;WPTLC; World Peace Through Law Conference;以法律求世界和平会议;; World Peacemakers;世界和平缔造者;; World Petroleum Arrangements, 1987;世界石油安排, 1987年;; World Petroleum Congress;世界石油大会;WPC; World Petroleum Trends, 1987;世界石油趋势, 1987年;; World Phosphate Rock Institute;世界磷酸盐研究所;IMPHOS; World Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War;世界医生争取防止核战争运动;; World Plan of Action for the Application of Science and Technology to Development;应用科学和技术促进发展世界行动计划;; World Plan of Action for the Implementation of the Objectives of the International Women's Year;实现国际妇女年目标世界行动计划;; World Plan of Action on Education for Human Rights and Democracy;人权和民主教育世界行动计划;; World Plan of Action on the Ozone Layer;科学和技术应用于发展世界行动计划;; World Ploughing Organization;世界耕作组织;WPO; World Poker Federation;世界烙画用具联合会;; World Police Congress;世界警察大会;; World Population and Housing Census Programme;世界人口和住房普查方案;; World Population Conference, 1974;1974年世界人口会议;; World Population Day;世界人口日;; World Population Picture;世界人口实况;; World Population Plan of Action;世界人口行动计划;WPPA; World Population Prospects: Estimates and Projections as Assessed in 1984;世界人口前景: 1984年的估计和预测;; World Population Prospects: the 1988 Revision;世界人口前景: 1988年订正本;; World Population Society;世界人口学会人口学会;;人口学会 world population trends and policies;世界人口趋势和政策;; World Population Year;世界人口年;WPY; World Poultry Science Association;世界家禽学协会家禽学协会;;家禽学协会 World Power Conference;世界动力会议;WPC; World Press Centre;世界新闻中心;WPC; World Press Freedom Day;世界新闻自由日;; World Press Freedom Prize;世界新闻自由奖;; world price level;世界物价水准;; World Prize for Culture;世界文化奖;; World Programme for the Improvement of Vital Statistics;世界改善生命统计方案;; World Programme of Action against Illicit Narcotic Drugs;取缔非法麻醉品世界行动纲领;; World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons;关于残疾人的世界行动纲领;; World Programme of Action for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development;世界土地改革和农村发展行动纲领;; World Programme of Action for Youth;世界青年行动纲领;WPAY; world programme of action for youth towards the year 2000 and beyond;到2000年及其后世界青年行动纲领;; World Programme of Industrial Statistics;世界工业统计方案;; World Protected Areas Congress;世界堡区大会;; World Psychiatric Association;世界精神病学协会精神病学协会;;精神病学协会 World Public Information Campaign on Human Rights;世界人权宣传运动;; World Radiation Centre;世界辐射中心;; World Radiation Network;世界辐射监测网;; World Relief Council;世界救济理事会;WRC; World Religion Day;世界宗教日;; World Requirements of Opiates for Medical and Scientific Purposes;世界对鸦片制剂在医药和科学上的需要;; World Resources Institute;世界资源学会资源学会;WRI;资源学会 World Resources;世界能源;; World Road Conference;世界公路会议;; A World Safe for Children - Meeting the Challenge in the 1990s;造福于儿童的安全世界-迎接1990年代的挑 战;; World Safety Organization;世界安全组织安全组织;WSO;安全组织 World Science Fiction Society;世界科学小说协会;WSFS; World Science Information System;世界科学信息系统;UNISIST; World Sea Trade Service;世界海运贸易服务社;WSTS; World Seismic Safety Initiative;世界地震安全倡议;WSSI; World Sephardi Federation;世界西班牙和葡萄牙籍犹太人联合会;ESF; World Series of Bathymetric Plotting Sheets;世界等深图汇编;; World Small Animal Veterinary Association;世界小动物兽医协会;WSAVA; World Social Prospects Association;世界社会前景协会;WSPA; World Social Prospects Study Association;世界社会未来研究协会;AMPS; World Social Situation;世界社会概况;; World Society for Ekistics;世界环境生态学会环生学会;;环生学会 World Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery;世界趋实体和功能神经外科学学会;; World Society for the Protection of Animals;世界动物堡学会动物堡学会;;动物堡学会 World Society of Ekistics;世界环境生态学会;; World Society of Victimology;世界受害者研究学会;; World Soil Charter;世界土壤宪章;; world soils and terrain digital data base;世界土壤和岩层数字数据库土岩数据库;SOTER;土岩数据库 World Solar Summit;世界太阳能首脑会议;; World Space Congress;世界空间大会;; World Space Organization;世界空间组织空间组织;WSO;空间组织 World Spiritual Council;世界宗教理事会;WSC; World Star Festival;世界明星演奏;; World Statistical Data;世界统计数据;; World Statistics in Brief;简要世界统计;; World Strategy and Framework for Action in the Field of Population Education;人口教育领域世界战略和行动框架;; World Student Christian Federation;世界基督教学生联合会基督教学联;WSCF;基督教学联 World Student Conference;世界学生会议;; World Summit for Children: Moving from words to action;世界儿童问题首脑会议: 言出必行;WSC; World Summit for Social Development;社会发展问题世界首脑会议 社发问题首脑会议;WSSD;社发问题首脑会议 World Summit of Ministers of Health on Programmes for AIDS Prevention;预防艾滋病方案世界卫生部长高峰会议;; World Summit on Indigenous Peoples;土著人民问题世界首脑会议;; World Summit on the Instruments of War and Weapons of Mass Destruction;关于战争手段和大规馁灭性武器的世界首 脑会议;; World Summit on Trade Efficiency;贸易效率问题世界首脑会议;; World Survey of Agricultural Education;世界农业教育调查;; World Survey of Disaster Damage;世界灾害损坏情况调查;; World Survey on the Role of Women in Development;关于妇女在发展中的作用的世界概览;; World Sustainable Agricultural Association;世界可持续农业协会世界农协;WSAA;世界农协 World Symposium of Experts on Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries and Technical Assistance for Prevention of Disability and Rehabilitation of Disabled Person;关于伤残预防和伤残复健方面的发展中国家技术合作和技术援助问题世界专家专题讨论会;; World Symposium on Industrial Development;工业发展世界专题讨论会;; World Symposium on Social Implications of New International Economic Order;关于新的国际经济秩序的社会影响的世界专题讨论会;; World Symposium on Trade Efficiency;世界贸易效率问题专题讨论会;; World Table;世界图表;; World Tables;世界统计表汇编;; world tax service;世界赋税汇编;; World Telecommunication Day;世界电信日;; World Telecommunication Development Conference;世界电信发展会议;; World Theosophical Youth Federation;世界通神学青年联合会;WTYF; World Touring and Automobile Organization;世界旅游和汽车组织;OTA; World Tourism Organization;世界旅游组织旅游组织;WTO;旅游组织 World Trade Annual;世界贸易年报;; World Trade Annual and Supplement;世界贸易年报和补编;; World Trade Centers Association;世界贸易中心协会贸易中心协会;WTCA;贸易中心协会 World Trade Organization;世界贸易组织世贸组织;WTO;世贸组织 World Travel Market;世界旅游市场;; World Treaty on the Non-Use of Force in International Relations;关于在国际关系上不使用武力的世界条约;; World Underwater Federation;世界水下活动联合会;CMAS; World Union for Progressive Judaism;世界进步犹太教联盟;; World Union for the Safeguard of Youth;世界堡青年联合会保青联;;保青联 World Union of Acupuncture Scientists and Societies;世界针刺疗法专家和学会联盟;WUASS; World Union of Catholic Philosophical Societies;世界天主教哲学协会联合会;; World Union of Catholic Teachers;世界天主教教员联合会天主教教员联合会;WUCT;天主教教员联合会 World Union of Catholic Women's Organizations;世界天主教妇女组织联合会天主教妇联;;天主教妇联 World Union of Cities of Peace;世界和平城市联盟;; World Union of Hebrew Teachers;世界希伯来语教师联盟;; World Union of Intellectuals;世界知识分子联合会;; World Union of Jewish Students;世界犹太学生联合会犹太学联;WUJS;犹太学联 World Union of Karatedo Organizations;世界空手道组织联盟;WUKO; World Union of Liberal Trade Union Organizations;世界自由工会组织联盟;WULTUO; World Union of Martyr Cities - Cities of Peace;世界蒙难城市-和平城市联盟;UMVMVP; World Union of Martyred Towns, Peace Towns;世界蒙难城市-和平城市联盟;UMVMVP; World Union of the Catholic Press;世界天主教报业联合会;; World Union of Women for International Concord;世界妇女国际和睦联盟;; World Union OSE - World Wide Organization for Child Care, Health and Hygiene among Jews;世界卫生和儿童组织联合会-全世界犹太人 卫生及儿童保育组织;; World University Service;世界大学服务会;WUS; World University Service of the United Kingdom and Canada;联合王国和加拿大世界大学服务社;; World Urban Forum;世界城市论坛;; World Urbanization Prospects: The 1992 Revision;世界城市化前景:1992年订正本;; World Veterans Federation;世界退伍军人联合会;WVF; World Veterinary Association;世界兽医协会兽医协会;WVA;兽医协会 World Veterinary Epidemiology Society;世界兽类流行病学学会;WVES; World Veterinary Poultry Association;世界家禽兽医协会;WVPA; World Vision International;世界展望国际组织;WVI; World Watch List for Domestic Animal Diversity;世界家畜多样性监测表;; World Watch List of Endangered Livestock Breeds;濒危牲畜品种世界监测清单;; World Water;世界水分;; World Water Day;世界水日;; World Water Ski Union;世界滑水联盟;WWSU; World Weather Watch;世界天气监视网;WWW; World Weather Watch Department;世界天气监视网司;; World Weather Watch Global Observing System;世界天气监视全球观察系统全球观察系统;GOS;全球观察系统 World Weather Watch Programme;世界天气监视方案;; World Week of Peace;世界和平周;; World Wide Fund for Nature;世界大自然基金; 世界野生生物基金会;WWF; World Wide Organization for Child Care, Health and Hygiene Among Jews;世界犹太儿童管理、卫生和保健组织;World OSE Un; World Wilderness Congress;世界原野会议;WWC; World Wildlife Fund;世界野生动物基金野生动物基金;WWF;野生动物基金 World without Borders;世界无国界;; World without War Council;世界非战理事会;; World Women Parliamentarians for Peace;女议员促进和平世界协会女议员和平协会;WWPP;女议员和平协会 World Women's Christian Temperance Union;世界基督教妇女戒酒联合会妇女戒酒联会;WORLD WCTU;妇女戒酒联会 World Women's Congress for a Healthy Planet;妇女促进健全地球世界大会;; World Women's Parliamentarians for Peace;世界女议员促进和平协会;WWPP; World Women's Party for Equal Rights;世界妇女平等权利党;; World Year of Peoples' Commemoration of the Victims of the Second World War;各国人民纪念第二次世界大战死难者世界年;; World Young Women's Christian Association;世界基督教女青年会女青年会;WORLD YWCA;女青年会 World Youth Assembly;世界青年大会;; World Youth Choir;世界青年合唱团世青合唱团;WYC;世青合唱团 World Youth Folk Festival;世界青年民间音乐节;; World Youth Leaders Conference;世界青年领袖会议;; World Youth Orchestra;世界青年交响乐团;; world youth programme of action towards the year 2000 and beyond;到2000年及其后世界青年行动纲领;; World YWCA Council Meeting;世界基督教女青年会理事会会议;; World Zionist Council;世界犹太复国主义理事会;; World Zionist Organizations;世界犹太复国主义组织犹复组织;WZO;犹复组织 World's Poultry Science Association;世界家禽学协会;WPSA; World's Women's Christian Temperance Union;世界基督教妇女戒酒联合会;WWCTU; world-state;世界国;; World-wide drug abuse assessment system;世界性药物滥用问题评估系统;; world-wide emissions of pollutants;污染物的全世界排放量;; World-wide Navigation Warning Service;世界航运警报处航运警报处;WWNWS;航运警报处 World-wide News Association;全球新闻联合会;; world-wide production;全世界生产;; world-wide scale;世界范围;; Worldview International Foundation;世界观点国际基金会;WIF; Worldwatch Institute;世界观察研究所;; Worldwide Network;世界网;; worm infestations;蠕虫感染;; WORONIECKI, Jan;扬·沃罗尼耶兹基;; worth of the human person;人格价值;; WOTAVA, Richard;里夏德·沃塔法;; WOTAWA, Richard;里夏德·沃塔瓦;; WOUTERS, Dirk;德克·武泰;; WOZNIAK, Stanislaw Franciszek;斯坦尼斯瓦夫·弗朗齐歇克·沃兹尼亚克;; WRANKER, Bo Lennart;博·伦纳特·兰克尔;; wrapping paper for foodstuffs;食物包装纸;; WRATHALL, John;约翰·拉索尔;; WRIGHT, Andre Joseph;安德烈·约瑟夫·赖特;; writ;令状;; writ of attachment;拘票;; writ of Habeas Corpus;人身堡状;; writ of subpoena;传票;; writ of summons;传票;; write down;减记; 划减;; write-off period;注销期;; write-once-read-many;一写多读;WORM; writer-translator;撰译员;; Writers for Peace Committee;作家促进和平委员会;; Writers International;作家国际;; Writers' Association of South Africa;南非作家协会;WASA; writing system;文字系统;; written application;申请书;; written authorization;核准书;; written commitment;书面承诺;; written communication;书面信件;; written contract;书面合同;; written down replacement cost;减记重置成本;; written down value;减记后价值;; written instrument;文书;; written law;成文法;; written observation;书面意见;; written off;资产注销;; written pledge;书面认捐;; written procedure;书面程序;; written proceedings;书面审理程序;; written request;书面请求; 请求书;; written statement of the reason for ...;书面陈述, 说明 ... 理由;; written test;笔试;; wrongdoing;错失行为;; wrongful act;不法行为; 错误行为;; wrongful interference;不正当干扰;; wrongful intervention;不法干涉;; wrongful state;不法行为国家;;家 wrought copper;锻铜;; Women's Service Coordinating Committee;妇女事务协调委员会;WSCC; Wsstcoast Transmission Co. Ltd.;西岸输送公司;; WTO Agreement;世贸组织协定;; WTO Ministerial Conference;世贸组织部长级会议;; WU, Cangping;邬沧萍;; WU, Chengjing;吴成江;; WU, Gang;吴钢;; WU, Hailong;吴海龙;; WU, Han;武汉;; WU, Hsiao-ta;吴晓达;; WU, Jianmin;吴建民;; WU, Jihong;吴继红;; WU, Lianqi;吴连起;; WU, Miao-fa;吴妙发;; WU, Shanxiu;武善秀;; WU, Tsien-min;吴建民;; WU, Yikang;吴贻康;; WULFFTEN PALTHE, P.P. van;范维尔弗藤·帕尔特;; WUNDERLICH, Claus;克劳斯·冯德利希;; Wuppertal Institute, the;伍珀塔尔研究所;; WURTH, Hubert;休伯特·沃思;; Wyoming Memorandum of Understanding;怀俄明谅解备忘录;; WYSE, C.E.;查尔斯·怀斯;; WYZNER, Eugeniusz;欧根纽什·维兹内尔;; WYZNIKIEWICZ,;博赫丹·韦兹尼基耶维奇;; X-3 Prospero;X-3 普罗斯帕罗;; X-ray technician;X光技术员;; Xat Lao;老挝民族报;; XBT;抛弃式深水温度计;XBT; XCTD;抛弃式电导深水温度计;XCTD; xenon flashlamp drivers;氖闪光灯激励器;; xenophobia;仇外心理; 恐外心理; 恐外症;; xerophthalmia;干眼病;; Xerox Corporation;施乐公司;; Xhosa;科萨族;;族 XI, Zhengjiu;奚政久;; XIA, Daosheng;夏道生;; Xiao, Weicai;肖伟才;; XIBERRAS, Maurice;莫里斯·齐贝拉斯;; XIE, Bohua;谢波华;; XIEU, Le Van;黎文绍;; Xindonga;辛唐加族;; XING, Hua;邢骅;; Xites;X军;; XU, Dunxin;徐敦信;; XU, Guangjian;许光建;; XU, Naijiong;许乃炯;; XU, Shouguan;徐寿官;; XU, zhaoxiang;徐肇翔;; XUAN, Thuy;春水;; XUAN, Ngo Quang;春午光;; XUE, Hanqin;薛捍勤;; XUEREB, Paul;保罗·祖埃雷布;; XYDIS, Stephen;斯泰芬·克西季斯;; Y chromosom;Y染色体;Y; YAACOBI, Gad;加德·雅阿科比;; YAAKOVI, Gad;加德·雅阿科维;; YAAQOOB, Mustafa;穆斯塔法·亚库布;; YAC;酵母人工染色体基因;YAC; YACE, Philippe;菲利普·亚塞;; YAFI, Abudulla;阿卜杜拉·亚菲;; YAGAO, Lazarre;拉扎尔·亚加奥;; YAGUIBOU, Telesphore;泰莱斯福尔·亚吉布;; YAHIA, Habib Ben;哈比卜·本·亚希阿;; YAHIA, Hussein Taher;侯赛因·塔赫尔·亚希阿;; YAHYA Bin Idris;亚赫亚·本·伊德里斯;; YAHYA, Baba;亚赫亚·巴巴;; YAHYA, bin Idris;亚赫亚·本·伊德里斯;; YAHYA, Mahammad;穆罕默德·叶海亚;; YAHYA, Suyono;苏约诺·亚赫亚;; YAKEDA,Minoru;武田实;; YAKER, Layachi;拉亚希·亚凯尔;; YAKOVLEV, Grigoriy D.;格里戈里·雅科夫列夫;; YAKOVLEV, Igor Ivanovich;伊戈尔·伊万诺维奇·雅克夫列夫;; YAKUBOVSKY, I.I.;雅库鲍夫斯基;; YAKUNIN, Vladimir Ivanovich;弗拉基米尔·伊万诺维奇·亚库宁;; Yakutsk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic;雅库次克自治苏维埃社会主义共和国;; Yakuza;博奕人;; YALA, M'hamed Hadj;穆罕默德·哈吉·亚拉;; YALINSKY, Grigory;格里戈里·亚夫林斯基;; Yalta Agreement;雅尔塔协定;; YAMADA, Chusei;山田中正;; YAMADA, Kazumi;中野和美;; YAMAGUCHI, Yuko;山口裕康;; YAMAGUCHI, Hiroji;山口广次;; YAMAMOTO, Sachio;山本幸雄;; YAMAMOTO, Tadamichi;山本忠通;; YAMAMOTO, Eiji;山本荣二;; YAMAMOTO, Jota;山本条太;; YAMAMOTO, Nobuaki;山本信明;; YAMAMOTO, Soji;山本宗二;; YAMANAKA, Sadanori;山中贞则;; YAMANI, Ahmed Zaki;艾哈迈德·扎基·亚马尼;; Yamashita Case;山下案;; YAMAZAKI, Rinko;山琦伦子;; Yameyat-e-Islami Afghanistan;阿富汗伊斯兰协会;; Yamoussoukro Accord;亚穆苏克罗协议;; Yamoussoukro IV Accord;第四项亚穆苏克罗协议;; YAN, Jiande;燕建德;; YANAGIYA, Toshinori;柳谷俊范;; YANAI, Amos;阿莫斯·亚奈;; YANAI, Shunji;柳井俊二;; YANE,;亚内;; YANEZ BARNUEVO, Juan Antonio;胡安·安东尼奥·亚涅斯·巴尔努埃沃;; YANEZ-BAR-NUEVO, Don Juan Antonio;胡安·安东尼奥·亚涅斯-巴尔-努埃沃;; YANEZ-BARNUEVO, Don Juan Antonio;胡安·安东尼奥·亚涅斯-巴尔-努埃沃;; YANG dao;扬道;; YANG, Chengxu;杨成绪;; YANG, Haipo;扬海波;; YANG, Hon;扬宪;; YANG, Houdi;杨侯第;; YANG, Husan;杨虎山;; YANG, Hyong Sop;杨亨燮;; YANG, Jie;杨杰;; YANG, Jin;央金;; YANG, Xiuping;杨秀萍;; YANG, Yanyi;杨燕怡;; YANGCHEN, Sonam;索南·延琴;; YANGO, Alejandro D.;亚历杭德罗·扬戈;; YANGO, Jaime P.;海梅·扬戈;; YANGO, Mario D.;马里奥·扬戈;; Yanhap Yearbook;联合年鉴;; YANKOV, Alexander;亚历山大·扬科夫;; YANNAKAKIS, John;约翰·扬纳卡基斯;; YANNOPOULOS, Dimitri;季米特里·扬诺普洛斯;; YANNOPOULOS, George;乔治·扬诺普洛斯;; YANSANE, Sekou Mouke;塞库·穆凯扬萨内;; Yant Award;扬特奖;; YAO VILLALAZ, Julio;胡利奥·姚·比利亚拉斯;; YAO, Erxin;姚尔辛;; YAO, Wenlong;姚文龙;; YAO, Yuhua;姚毓华;; Yaounde Convention;雅温得公约;; YAPI, Ignace;伊尼亚斯·亚皮;; Yaqshid;亚克希德;; YAQUB-KHAN, Sahabzada;萨哈卜扎达·雅各布-汗;; YAQUBI, Ahmad Shah;艾哈迈德·沙阿·亚库比;; yard rubbish;庭园废物; 庭园垃圾;; yard waste;庭园废物; 庭园垃圾;; YARKA, Kappa;卡帕·亚尔卡;; Yarmak Army;亚尔马克军;; Yarmuk-Jordan Valley Scheme;亚尔穆克-约旦流域工程计划;; YASAY, Marie Cecile JOAQUIN;玛丽·塞西尔·华金-亚塞;; YASEEN, Mustafa Kamil;穆斯塔法·卡迈勒·亚西恩;; YASSIN, Ali Mohamed Osman;阿里·穆罕默德·奥斯曼·雅辛;; YASSIN, Fawaz;法瓦兹·雅辛;; YASUDA, Naoko;安田直子;; YASUDA, Yosuki;安田洋右;; Yasujuni shrine;靖国神社;; YASUSHI, Akashi;明石康;; YATABE, Atsuhiko;矢田部厚彦;; Yatama;大西洋海岸土著运动;; YATES, Nell;内尔·耶茨;; YATIV, Yehiel;耶希埃尔·亚蒂夫;; YATTARA, Arsike;阿尔西凯·亚塔拉;; yaws;雅司疹;; YAYA, Moussa;穆萨·亚雅;; Yaye, ABDOULMOUMINE Hadjo;阿卜杜勒穆尼奈·哈朱·亚耶;; YAZDI, Mehdi DANESH-;迈赫迪·达内什-亚兹迪;; YAZID, M'hammed;穆罕默德·亚齐德;; Year against Apartheid;反对种族隔离年;; Year against Drug Abuse;反对滥用药物年;; year class;年群鱼;; year ending;终了年度;; Year for the Protection, Survival and Development of the African Child;非洲儿童堡、生存和发展年;; year of account;结算年;; Year of CARICOM Increased Food Production;加勒比共同体粮食增产年;; Year of General Mobilizaiton and Decisive Action for Final Victory;最后胜利总动员和决定性行动年;; Year of Older People and Solidarity between Generations;老年人和老少团结年;; Year of Sport and the Olympic Ideal;体育运动和奥林匹克精神年;; Year of the African Child;非洲儿童年;; Year of the Girl Child;女童年;; Year of the Protection, Survival and Development of the African Child;非洲儿童堡、生存和发展年;; year-end closing;年终结算;; year-end confirmation of balances;年终结余确认书;; year-end cut-off procedures;年终截止舍弃办法;; year-end stock;年终存货;; Yearbook ... 1989, Vol.II Part One;1989年 ... 年鉴, 第二卷第一部分;;第一部分 Yearbook of Human Rights;人权年鉴;; Yearbook of International Commodity Statistics;国际商品统计年鉴;; Yearbook of International Trade Statistics;国际贸易统计年鉴;; Yearbook of Labour Statistics;劳工统计年鉴;; Yearbook of National Accounts Statistics;国民核算统计年鉴;; Yearbook of Telecommunication Statistics;电信统计年鉴;; Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights;欧洲人权公约年鉴;; Yearbook of the Human Rights Committee;人权事务委员会年鉴;; Yearbook of the International Court of Justice;国际法院年鉴;; Yearbook of the International Law Commission;国际法委员会年鉴;; Yearbook of the United Nations;联合国年鉴;; Yearbook of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law;联合国国际贸易法委员会年鉴;; Yearbook of World Energy Statistics;世界能源统计年鉴;; Yearbook on Human Rights;人权年鉴;; YEBOAA, Amma;阿玛·耶博阿;; Yediot Aharonoth;新消息报;; YEGANEH, Mohammed;穆罕默德·耶加内赫;; YEGOROV, Georgy;格奥尔吉·叶戈罗夫;; YEH Yi-sen;叶弈森;; YEKE, Edmond Nzapa;埃德蒙·恩扎帕·耶克;; YELLIN, Friedman;弗里德曼·耶林;; yellow back;黄背纸币;; yellow cake;黄饼;; Yellow Dragon operation;黄龙演习;; yellow fever;黄热病;; Yellow List;黄名单;; yellowfin tuna;黄鳍金枪鱼;; YELTSIN, Boris N.;鲍里斯·叶利钦;; Yema'a or djemaa;撒哈拉大会;; Yemen;也门;; Yemen Jurists's Association;也门法律工作者协会;; Yemen Reform Group;也门改革小组;; Yemen Revolutionary Militants Party;也门革命民兵党;; Yemen Women's Federation;也门妇女联合会;; Yemeni Committee for Peace and Solidarity among Peoples;也门促进各国人民和平与团结委员会;; Yemeni Council for Peace and Solidarity;也门促进和平与团结委员会;; Yemeni Economists' Society;也门经济学家学会;; Yemeni Engineers' Union;也门工程师联盟;; Yemeni Historians's Society;也门历史学家学会;; Yemeni Journalists' Union;也门新闻工作者联盟;; Yemeni Lawyers' Union;也门律师联盟;; Yemeni Renaissance Movement Party;也门复兴运动党;; Yemeni Revolutionary Democratic Party;也门革命民主党;; Yemeni Scholars' Society;也门学者学会;; Yen;日元;; YENEL, Selim;塞利姆·耶内尔;; YENGWA, Massabalala B.;马萨巴拉拉·延格瓦;; Yeni Dogus Partisi;新生党;; Yeniduzen;新制报;; Yeo, Cheng Ann;杨成安;; YEO, Anthony K.S.;安东尼·耶奥;; YEPES-ENRIQUEZ, Rodrigo;罗德里戈·耶佩斯·恩里克斯;; YEPEZ, Roger;罗赫尔·耶佩斯;; YERO, Salaiman;苏莱曼·耶罗;; Yes to Life, No to Drugs;热爱生命, 拒绝毒品;; YESHAAYAHU, Israel;以色列·耶萨亚胡;; yeshiva;神学院;; yeshivah Etz Hayyim;埃茨·海伊姆神学院;; Yeshivah Porat Yosef;波拉特·优素福神学院;; Yevomos;书本的第 节;; YEVTUSHENKO, Yevgeny;耶夫根尼·耶夫图申科;; YEZHOV, Vladimir;弗拉季米尔·耶佐夫;; YHOMBI Opango, Joachim;若阿基姆·雍比-奥庞戈;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司