翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 cascade effect;连带效应;; Action threshold;行动门槛;; Joint International Committee for the Protection of Telecommunication Lines and Ducts;堡电信线路和管道联合国际委员会;CMI; Advisory Workshop on Industrial Restructuring;工业结构调整咨询讲习班;; Working Group on SMEs;中小型企业工作组;; Advisory Group on Privatization;私有化咨询小组;; Indicative Elements for Consideration in Formulating Privatization Programmes;制订私有化方案应审议的指示性要素;; State-owned enterprise;国有企业 国企;SOE;国企 Human Resources Development Programme;人力资源开发方案;; Central and Eastern European Privatization Network;中欧和东欧私有化网络;; Network for Entrepreneurship Development;发扬企业家精神网络;NED; Interregional Workshop on Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Developing Countries in Transition;转型期发展中国家中小企业发展区域间讲习班;; World Convention of Small and Medium Enterprises--Towards 2000;世界中小企业会议-迈向2000年;; Entrepreneurship and Small and Medium-Size Enterprise Development Programme;企业家精神和中小企业发展方案;ESME; Buenos Aires Action Plan for Global Telecommunications Development;全球电信发展布宜诺斯艾利斯行动计划;BAAP; Minimum Initial Service Package;最低初步成套服务;MISP; Working Group on Basic Education, with Special Attention to Gender Disparities;特别注意性别差异的基础教育工作组;; Working Group on a Common Approach to National Capacity-building in Tracking Child and Maternal Mortality;建立国家追踪儿童和孕妇死亡率能力的共同 办法工作组;; Working Group on Reproductive Health;生殖健康工作组;; Working Group on International Migration;国际移徙工作组;; Working Group on Policy-related Issues;政策相关问题工作组;; Latin America and the Caribbean Division;拉丁美洲和加勒比司;; Concept for prevention and settlement of conflicts in the territory of States members of the Commonwealth of Independent States;在独立国家联合体成员国境内预防和解决争端的构想;; Agreement on the training and instruction of military and civilian personnel of States members of the Commonwealth of Independent States for participation in peace-keeping operations;独立国家联合体成员国参加维持和平行动的 军事和文职人员培训和教导协定;; Protocol on the staffing, structure, logistical and financial support of military observer groups and the collective peace-keeping forces in the Commonwealth of Independent States;独立国家联合体军事观察团和集体维持和平部 队的人员配置、体制和后勤及财务支助议定书;; Protocol on the provisional arrangements for the formation and deployment of military observer groups and collective peace-keeping forces in areas of conflict between and within the States members of the Commonwealth of Independent States;独立国家联合体成员国之间和国内发生冲突地 区组成和部署军事观察团和集体维持和平部队 临时安排议定书;; Protocol on the status of military observer groups and collective peace-keeping forces in the Commonwealth of Independent States;独立国家联合体军事观察团和集体维持和平部 队地位议定书;; Agreement on Military Observer Groups and Collective Peace-keeping Forces in the Commonwealth of Independent States;独立国家联合体军事观察团和集体维持和平部队协定;; Mandate for deployment;部署的任务;; Statute on Collective Peace-keeping Forces in the Commonwealth of Independent States;独立国家联合体集体维持和平部队规约;; Islamic Network of Water Resources Development and Management;伊斯兰水资源开发和管理网水资源网;INWARDAM;水资源网 Assistant Secretary-General for Palestine and Al-Quds;主管巴勒斯坦和圣城事务助理秘书长;; Working Group on Disarmament;裁军工作组;; Call from Colombia;来自哥伦比亚的呼吁;; Central American Commission on Maritime Transport;中美洲海运委员会;COCATRAM; Declaration of principles on tourism, trade and transportation and plan of action;旅游、贸易和运输问题原则宣言和行动计划;; Caribbean Tourism Education and Training Council;加勒比旅游业教育和训练理事会;; Trade and External Relations Committee;贸易和对外关系委员会;; Inter-American Ports and Harbours Conference;美洲港口会议;; Port Management Association of Eastern Caribbean States;东加勒比国家港口管理协会;; Statute of the Joint Command of the Collective Peace-keeping Forces;集体维持和平部队联合指挥部规约;; Declaration of the Heads of States Members of the Commonwealth of Independent States on International Obligations in the Sphere of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedom;独立国家联合体成员国国家元首关于人权和基本自由领域国际义务的宣言;; Agreement on Assistance to Refugees and Persons Subjected to Forced Resettlement;关于向难民和被迫重新定居者提供援助的协 定;; Agreement on Urgent Measures for the Protection of Victims of Armed Conflicts;关于采取紧急措施堡武装冲突受害者的 协定;; Joint IOC/UN Programme on Ocean Science in Relation to Non-living Resources;海洋学委员会/联合国非生物资源海洋科学联 合方案 非生物海洋科学方案;OSNLR;非生物海洋科学方案 Joint IOC/WMO Working Committee on Integrated Global Ocean Services System;海洋学委员会/气象组织全球海洋服务综合系 统联合工作委员会;; Joint Islamic Action;伊斯兰联合行动;; Joint Management Committees;联合管理委员会;JMCs; joint management/staff consultative group;劳资联合协商组;; Joint Meeting of Governmental Experts from Africa and Latin America on Economic and Technical Cooperation;非洲和拉丁美洲政府专家经济和技术合作联 席会议;; Joint Meeting on Statistics of Women;妇女统计联席会议;; Joint Meeting of the Committee for Programme and Coordination and the Administrative Committee on Coordination;方案和协调委员会与行政协调委员会联席会 议;; joint memorandum;联合备忘录;; Joint Memorandum concerning a New Global Energy Policy Interrelationship;新的全球能源政策相互关系联合备忘录;; Joint Military Command;联合军事指挥部;; Joint Military Monitoring Commission;联合军事监督委员会;JMMC; Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries;世界银行理事会和国际货币基金组织理事会 向发展中国家转移实际资源联合部长级委员 会;JMCBG; joint mission;联合特派团;; Joint Monitoring Programme for the Water and Sanitation Sector;供水和环境卫生部门联合监测方案 联合监测方案;JMP;联合监测方案 Joint North-South Red Cross Committee;联合南北红十字委员会;; Joint Observer Team No. 2;第二联合视察小组;; joint offices;联合办事处;; Joint Operations Centre of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards and the Army;伊斯兰革命卫队和军队联合作战中心;; Joint Operations Committee;联合业务委员会;JOC; Joint Organization for Locust and Avian Pest Control;防治蝗虫和害鸟联合组织;; Joint Panel on Monitoring and Evaluation;联合监测和评价小组;; Joint Peace-keeping Commission;联合维持和平委员会;; Joint Pledging Conference for Operational Activities of the Untied Nations System;联合国系统业务活动联合认捐会议;; joint plan of international cooperation to mitigate the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster;国际合作减轻切尔诺贝利灾难后果联合计划;; Joint Political Declaration of the Hamburg Ministerial Conference on Political Dialogue and Economic Cooperation between the European Community and its Members States, and the Countries of Central America and of the Contadora Group;欧洲共同体及其成员国和中美洲国家及孔塔 多拉集团国家汉堡政治对话和经济合作部长 级会议联合政治宣言;; Joint Position of the South Cone Countries prior to the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development;联合国环境与发展会议召开前南锥体国家的 共同立场;; joint powers;共同权力;; joint press communique;联合新闻公报;; Joint Programme of Action for Sub-Saharan Africa [World Bank, 1984];撒南非洲联合行动方案;; joint property of the spouse;夫妻共有财产;; Joint Red Cross Office;联合红十字会办事处;; Joint Refugee Advisory Board;难民联合咨询委员会;; Joint SADCC Petroleum Exploration Programme;南部非洲发展协调会联合石油勘探方案;; Joint Second and Third Committee;第二第三联合委员会;; Joint Secretary;联合秘书;; Joint Statement by the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics concerning a Uniform Interpretation of Rules of International Law governing Innocent Passage;美利坚合众国和苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟 关于统一解释无害通过国际法规则的联合声明;; Joint Statement of the Leaders of the National Government of Cambodia and the Cambodian National Resistance;柬埔寨民族政府和柬埔寨民族抵抗运动领导 人联合声明;; Joint Statement on Foreign Policy for Peace and Unification;和平统一外交政策联合声明;; Joint Statement on Future Negotiation on Nuclear and Space Arms and Further Enhancing Strategic Stability;关于今后核武器和空间武器及进一步加强战 略稳定谈判的联合声明;; Joint Statement on Non-Proliferation;关于不扩散的联合声明;; Joint Statement on the Treaty on Strategic Offensive Arms;关于进攻性战略武器条约的联合声明;; Joint Summit Meeting;首脑联席会议;; Joint Support Unit;联合支助股;; Joint Task Force on Uprooted Populations;被逐离家园者问题联合工作队;; Joint Trade and Economic Committee;联合贸易和经济委员会联合贸经委;JTEC;联合贸经委 Joint UNCTAD/IMO Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Maritime Liens and Mortgages;贸发会议/海事组织海运留置权和抵押问题联 合政府间专家组;; joint UNDP/UNOV/UNICEF Human Development Country Initiative;开发计划署/维也纳办事处/儿童基金会人类 发展联合国别倡议;; Joint UNDP/World Bank 70 Country Energy Sector Assessment Programme;开发计划署/世界银行70国能源部门联合评 方案;; Joint UNICEF/WHO EPI and MCH country reviews;儿童基金会/卫生组织扩大免疫方案和妇幼 保健联合国家审查;; Joint UN/ILO Committee on Forced Labour;联合国/劳工组织强迫劳役问题联合委员会;; Joint UNICEF/WHO Technical Group on Immunization;儿童基金会/卫生组织联合免疫技术组;; Joint Unit on Transnational Corporations;联合跨国公司股;; Joint Venture Agreement;合资企业协定;; Joint Working Committee for the Integrated Global Ocean Services System;全球海洋服务综合系统联合工作委员会;; Joint Working Group on Environment and Economics;环境和经济联合工作组;; Joint Working Group on Legal and Commercial Aspects of Electronic Data Interchange;电子数据交换的法律和商业方面联合工作组;; Joint Working Group on World Level Classifications;世界级分类联合工作组;; Jomada I;回历五月;; Jomada II;回历六月;; Jonbeshe Azadi;自由运动;; Jordan River;约旦河;; Jordanian-Palestinian Joint Committee for the Support of the Steadfastness of the Palestinian People on the Occupied Homeland;支持巴勒斯坦人民对被占领家园问题坚定不移立场的约旦-巴勒斯坦联合委员会;; Joseph's Tomb;约瑟墓;; Special Political Adviser to the Secretary-General on Gender Issues;秘书长男女平等问题特别政治顾问;; Mine Clearance Policy Group;排雷政策组;MCPG; General Services Unit;总务股;; Transport Unit;运输股;; Personnel Unit;人事股;; Finance Unit;财务股;FU; Office of the Chief Military Observer;首席军事观察员办公室;; Building Management Services;房舍管理处;; Schlaining Proposal;施莱宁提议;; Preparation of Civilian Peace-keepers, The;维持和平文职人员的培养;; International Civilian Peace-keeping and Peace-building Training Programme;国际维持和平与建设和平文职人员训练方案;IPT; Contact Group Ministerial Meeting;联络小组部长级会议;; Inter-sessional Ad hoc Working Group on Financial Resources/ Trade and Investment/ Economic Growth;财政资源/贸易和投资/经济增长问题闭会期间特设工作组;; Tehran Declaration;德黑兰宣言;; Final Document of the Contact Group Ministerial Meeting;联络小组部长级会议最后文件;; Centre for International Development and Environment;国际发展和环境中心;; Trans-European Rural Network;全欧农村网;TERN; Small Island Network;小岛屿网;SIN; Stop the Clock!;停止时钟摆动;; Indicators and Environmental Valuation Unit;指标和环境评价股;; ACC programme classification;行政协调会方案分类;; Arab Administrative Development Organization;阿拉伯行政发展组织 行发组织;ARADO;行发组织 Inter-Agency Committee on Advancement and Employment of Women;提高妇女地位和妇女就业机构间委员会;; Agreement on the Establishment of the Joint Cooperation Council;关于成立联合合作理事会的协议;; Joint Cooperation Council;联合合作委员会;; Day of the Workplace;工作场所日;; Marrakesh Ministerial Decision on Measures concerning the Possible Negative Effects of the Reform Programme on Least Developed and Net Food-importing Countries;关于改革方案对最不发达国家和粮食净进口国的可能不利后果的措施的马拉喀什部长级决定;; Marrakesh Ministerial Decision on Measures in Favour of LDCs;马拉喀什有利于最不发达国家措施部长级决定;; Agreement on Cooperation in the Search for Missing Persons;关于合作寻找失踪人员的协定;; Declaration on Peace, Security and Cooperation in the Caucasus Region;高加索区域和平、安全与合作宣言;; United Nations Trust Fund to Support the Implementation of the Agreement on a Temporary Cease-fire and the Cessation of Other Hostile Acts on the Tajik-Afghan Border and within the Country for the Duration of the Talks;支助执行谈判期间在塔吉克斯坦-阿富汗边 境和塔吉克斯坦境内暂时宛并停止其他敌 对行动的协定联合国信托基金;; Subregional Conference on the Proliferation of and Illicit Traffic in Small Arms in Central Africa;中部非洲小武器扩散和非法贩运问题分区域 会议;; Human Rights Coordination Centre;人权协调中心;HRCC; Joint Civilian Commission;联合民事委员会联合民委;JCC;联合民委 Ministerial Donors Conference;部长级捐助国会议;; Peace Implementation Review Conference;和平协定执行情况审查会议;; OSCE Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina;欧安组织驻波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那特派团;; Working Group on Missing Persons and Exhumation;失踪人员和掘墓工作组;; Legal Reform Trust Fund;法律改革信托基金;; N'Djamena Declaration;恩贾梅纳宣言;; National Commission for Illicit Arms Collection and Control;非法武器收缴和管制国家委员会;; Commission on Refugees and Displaced Persons;难民和流离失所者委员会;; Human Rights Education and Reconciliation Fund;人权教育与和解基金;; International Round Table on Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina;波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那人权问题国际圆桌会议;; Security Model Committee;安全模式委员会;; Office of the Human Rights Ombudsman;人权调查员办公室;; Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina;驻波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那特派团;; Arms Control Framework;军备控制框架;; Mediterranean Partners for Cooperation;地中海合作伙伴;; Parliamentary Assembly;议会;PA; Assistance Group;援助小组;; High-level Planning Group;高级别规划组;; Andean Presidential Council;安第斯总统理事会;; Trujillo Act;特鲁希略声明;; Protocol of Amendment Establishing the Andean Community and the Andean Integration System;建立安第斯共同体和安第斯一体化体系的修 正议定书;; Protocol Amending the Cartagena Agreement;修正卡塔赫纳协定的议定书;; Summit Conference on Sustainable Development;可持续发展首脑会议;; Madrid Summit;马德里首脑会议;; Andean Advisory Group;安第斯协商组;; Alliance for Sustainable Development;可持续发展联盟;ALIDES; San Pedro Sula Declaration;圣佩德罗苏拉宣言;; ALIDES Plan of Action;可持续发展联盟行动计划;; Framework Treaty on Democratic Security in Central America;中美洲民主安全框架条约;; Central American Democratic Security Model;中美洲民主安全模式;; Central American Institute for Advanced Police Studies;中美洲高级警政研究所;; Central American Security Information and Communications Mechanism;中美洲安全信息和通信机制;; Meeting of Presidents;总统会议;; Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs;外交部长理事会;; Security Commission;安全委员会;; Central American Security Index;中美洲安全指数;; Central American Treaty on the Recovery and Return of Stolen, Appropriated or Illicitly Retained Vehicles;中美洲关于收回和归还被偷、被抢、被充公或被非法或不当扣留车辆的条约 依西班牙文译;; International Environmental Conference on Codifying Rio Principles into National Legislation;关于将里约原则编入各国法律的国际环境会议;; Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association;希腊海洋环境堡协会海洋环保协会;HELMEPA;海洋环保协会 Multilateral High-level Conference on South Pacific Tuna Fisheries;南太平洋金枪鱼捕捞问题多边高级别会议;; Global Fisheries Enforcement Workshop;全球渔业执法讲习班;; Berlin Mandate;柏林授权;; International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests;评价和监测空气污染对森林影响的国际合作 方案森林合作方案;ICP Forests;森林合作方案 Coordination Centre for Effects;影响协调中心;; Forest Health Surveys;森林卫生调查;; revolving savings and credit associations;循环储蓄和信贷协会;ROSCAS; accumulating savings and credit associations;累计储蓄和信贷协会;ASCRAS; European Commission against Racism and Intolerance;欧洲反对种族主义和不容忍委员会;ECRI; Plan of Action on Combating Racism, Xenophobia, Anti-Semitism and Intolerance;向种族主义、仇外心理、反犹太主义和不容 忍行为进行战斗行动计划;; Sectoral Review Meeting on Food and Agriculture;粮食和农业部门审查会议;; Sectoral Review Meeting on Energy;能源部门审查会议;; United Nations Conference on the Financing of Development;联合国筹措发展资金会议;; COP-2 [of the Convention on Biodiversity];第二次缔约国会议;COP-2; Declaration on the African Plan of Action concerning the Situation of Women in Africa in the Context of Family Health;关于非洲妇女家庭保健处境非洲行动计划的 宣言;; United Nations System-wide Special Initiative for Africa;联合国全系统援助非洲特别倡议;; Clarification Commission;查明真相委员会;CEH; Grupos de Concertacion y Apoyo a Nivel Nacional;国家级协调和支助小组协助组;GRUCAN;协助组 Asia-Pacific Urban Forum;亚太城市论坛;; Ministerial Meeting on Human Settlements in European Countries in Transition;欧洲转型期国家人类住区部长级会议;; Regional Ministerial Meeting for Africa on Preparations for the Second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements Habitat II;筹备第二次联合国人类住区会议人居二非 洲区域部长级会议;; San Jose Process;圣何塞进程;; Provision for Directed Conciliation;指导和解条款;; Moscow Mechanism on Human Dimension;人的方面莫斯科机制;; Berlin Mechanism on Serious Emergency Situations;关于严重紧急情势的柏林机制;; Mechanism for Consultation and Cooperation as Regards Unusual Military Activities;关于异常军事活动的协商合作机制;; Valletta Mechanism;瓦莱塔机制;; Declaration of Santiago on Confidence- and Security-Building Measures;关于建立信任和安全措施的圣地亚哥宣言;; Regional Conference on Confidence- and Security-Building Measures;建立信任和安全措施区域会议;; Training Advisory Board;训练咨询委员会;; South Pacific Institute for Research, Extension and Training in Agriculture;南太平洋农业研究、推广和训练所;; Caribbean Community Ocean Sciences Network;加勒比共同体海洋科学网;CCOSNET; right of establishment;创设权;; Habitat II Urban Finance Conference;人居二城市财政会议;; Conference on Human Settlements in Changing Political and Economic Processes;政治和经济变动中的人类住区会议;; International Consultation on Access to Land and Security of Tenure for Africa and Arab States;非洲和阿拉伯国家关于土地的取得和拥有保障的区域间协商;; Global Workshop on Urban Governance;全球城市施政研讨会;; Beijing Conference on Managing Water Resources in Rapidly Growing Cities;快速发展城市水资源管理北京会议;; Group of 4+;4+集团;; Protocol of Lisbon;里斯本议定书;; World Assembly of Cities and Local Authorities;城市和地方当局世界大会;; Caribbean Regional Preparatory Workshop for Habitat II;加勒比人居二区域筹备讲习班;; Arab Preparatory Conference for the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements Habitat II;阿拉伯国家联合国人类住区会议人居二筹 备会议;; Regional Preparatory Meeting on Habitat II for Latin America and the Caribbean;拉丁美洲和加勒比人居二区域筹备会议;; Local Authority Platform of Action and Commitments to the Global Plan of Action;地方当局行动纲领和对全球行动计划的承诺;; Forum of National Academies of Sciences;国家科学院论坛;; Private Sector Forum;私营部门论坛;; Forum of Parliamentarians;议员论坛;; NGO Global Forum on Habitat II;非政府组织人居二全球论坛;; Countdown to Istanbul;伊斯坦布尔倒计时;; Habitat Debate;生境辩论;; Declaration of Belgrade for a Better Future;为了更美好将来贝尔格莱德宣言;; International Conference for a Better Future;为了更美好将来国际会议;; New York Declaration on the Independence and Rights of International Civil Servants;国际公务员的权利和独立纽约宣言;; Yearly Organizing Reunion of International Civil Services;国际公务员年度组织会议公务员年会;YORICS;公务员年会 Symposium on the Legal Status of International Civil Servants;国际公务员法律地位专题讨论会;; Curriculum Development Committee;课程编排委员会;; Basic Training Manual for Correctional Workers;惩戒人员基本训练手册;; Crime and Criminal Justice in the Mediterranean Area: Promotion of Informed Decision-Making and International Cooperation;地中海地区的犯罪和刑事司法:促进合理决策与国际合作;; United Nations Integrated Assistance Programme for Palestinian Civil Police;联合国巴勒斯坦民警综合援助方案;; Resource Committee on Corrections;惩戒资料委员会;; Task Force on Democracy, Governance and Participation;民主、施政与参与工作队;; Asia-Pacific Training Workshop on Juvenile Justice and the Rights of the Child;亚洲-太平洋少年司法和儿童权利训练班;; United Nations Criminal Justice Standards for Peace-keeping Police;联合国维持和平警察刑事司法标准;; United Nations On-line Crime and Justice Clearinghouse;联合国犯罪和司法联机信息系统 司法联机系统;UNOJUST;司法联机系统 Guidelines on the Use of Military and Civil Defence Assets in Disaster Relief;使用军事和民防资源救灾的指导方针;; Oslo Guidelines;奥斯陆指导方针;; Information System Section;信息系统科;ISS;信息科 Newly Independent States NIS and Middle East Section;新独立国家和中东科;; East Asia and the Pacific Division;东亚和太平洋司;; Quick Impact Project;速效项目;QIP; Emergency Coorination Group;紧急状况协调组;ECG; Security Council Affairs Division;安全理事会事务司;SCAD;安理会司 West Asia Division;西亚司;; Africa II Division;非洲二司;; Africa I Division;非洲一司;; Europe Division;欧洲司;; Policy and Methodological Framework;政策和方法框架;; Americas Division;美洲司;; Information Dissemination Unit;信息散发股;; External Relations and Publications Section;对外关系和出版物科;; Pisa Warehouse;比萨仓库;; Decolonization Secretariat Services Branch;非殖民化秘书处事务处;; Mitigation Branch;减灾处;; International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction Secretariat;国际减少自然灾害十年秘书处;; Asia, Europe and Latin America Section;亚洲、欧洲和拉丁美洲科;AELAS;亚欧拉美科 Evaluation Section;评价科;; Africa II Section;非洲二科;; Africa I Section;非洲一科;; Financial Administrative Unit;财务行政股;; Humanitarian Crisis Web;人道主义晰网;HCWEB; Epidemiological Early Warning System;流行病预警系统;EEWS; Interdepartmental Working Group on Early Warning;部门间预警工作组;; Field Coordination Unit;外地协调股;FCU; specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound;具体、可计量、可实现、相关、有时限 SMART;SMART;SMART Senior Management Task Force;高级管理工作队;; strength, weakness, opportunity and threat analysis;强点、弱点、机会、威胁分析SWOT分析;SWOT analysis;SWOT分析 Director of Policy Planning and Operations;政策规划和行动主任;; European Workshop on National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights;欧洲国家促进和堡人权机构讲习班;; Coordinator for National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights;国家促进和堡人权机构协调员;; forestry sector review;林业部门审查;FSR; lesser-used species;较少利用的树种;LUS; International Conference on Certification and Labelling of Products from Sustainably Managed Forests;可持续管理森林产品证书和标记国际会议;; full cost internalization;全部成本内在化;; joint forest management;森林共同管理;JFM; World Watch Institute;世界观察学会;; carbon offsets;碳抵销;; tradable development rights;可转让发展权利;TDRs; internationally tradeable emission carbon dioxide permits;可国际转让二氧化碳排放许可证;; International Technical Tropical Timber Association;国际热带木材技术协会;ITTTA; ASEAN Timber Technology Centre;东盟木材技术中心木材技术中心;ATTC;木材技术中心 ASEAN Institute of Forest Management;东盟森林管理研究所森林所;AIFM;森林所 Medicinal Plants Programme;药用植物方案;; Asian Network on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants;亚洲药用和芳香植物网药芳植物网;ANMAP;药芳植物网 Latin American Dendroenergy Network;拉丁美洲树木能源学网;; African Forest Action Network;非洲森林行动网;; tradable reforestation credits;可转让重新造林免税额;; willingness to pay;支付意愿;WTP; existence value;存在价值;EV; non-use value;非使用价值;NUV; option value;选择价值;OV; indirect use value;间接使用价值;IUV; total non-use value;总非使用价值;TNV; total use value;总使用价值;TUV; total economic value;总经济价值;TEV; willingness to accept;接受意愿;WTA; compensating variation;补偿变差;CV; equivalent variation;等值变差;EV; indirect opportunity cost;间接机会成本;IOC; efficiency shadow price;效率影子价格;; related good approaches;相关商品法;; production function approach;生产函数法;; constructed market techniques;构成市场法;; simulated market;模拟市场;SM; contingent ranking;或有等级;CR; cost-based valuation;按成本估价;; restoration cost method;复原成本法;RSC; replacement cost method;重置成本法;RPC; relocation cost method;搬迁成本法;RLC; preventive expenditure approach;预防支出法;PE; damage costs avoided approach;避免损害成本法;DC; Systems and Data Analysis Unit;系统和数据分析股;SDAU;系统股 Tarapoto Proposal on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainability of Amazonian Forests;关于亚马孙森林可持续管理的标准和指标的 塔拉波托建议;; Global Forest Conference;全球森林会议;; Helsinki Process;赫尔辛基进程;; Expert Meeting on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management in Dry-Zone Africa;非洲干旱地区可持续森林管理的标准和指标 专家会议;; Montreal Process;蒙特利尔进程;; Working Group on Timber Certification;木材证书工作组;; Expert Meeting on the Harmonization of Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management;统一可持续森林管理的标准和指标专家会议;; Forestry Sector Technical Coordination Unit;林业部门技术协调股;; African Forestry and Wildlife Commission;非洲林业和野生生物委员会非洲林生委;AFWC;非洲林生委 Near East Forestry Commission;近东林业委员会近东林委会;NEFC;近东林委会 Intergovernmental Seminar on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management;可持续森林管理的标准和指标政府间讨论会 管理标准讨论会;ISCI;管理标准讨论会 European Process;欧洲进程;; Dry-Zone Sub-Saharan Africa initiative;撒南非洲干旱地区倡议;; missing markets;失踪市场;; critical natural capital;关键自然资本;; Inter-Agency Task Force on Forests;机构间森林工作队;ITFF; Global Forest Policy Project;全球森林政策项目;GFPP; ecofloristic zones;生态植物区;EFZ; low forest cover;低森林覆盖率;LFC; non-wood forest products;非木材林业产品;NWFPs; endemic bird area;特有鸟类区;EBA; permanent forest estate;永久森林区;PFE; International Technical Conference on the Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture;养护粮食和农业植物遗传资源国际技术会议;; subregional parliament in Central Africa;中部非洲分区域议会;; Europe and Latin America Unit;欧洲和拉丁美洲股欧洲拉美股;ELAU;欧洲拉美股 Electronic Data Processing Unit;电子数据处理股电数股;EDPU;电数股 Association of the Sugar Products Industries of the EEC;欧共体糖制品业协会糖业协会;CAOBISCO;糖业协会 Association pour la promotion et le developpement industriel;工业进步和发展协会;APRODI; Asuncion Declaration;亚松森宣言;; Athens resolution;雅典决议;; Atmospheric Transport Model Evaluation Study;大气输运模式评价研究;ATMES; Australian Centre for International Agriculture Research;澳大利亚国际农业研究中心农研中心;ACIAR;农研中心 Australian Cricket Board;澳大利亚板球委员会;ACB; subregional centre for human rights and democracy;分区域人权与民主中心;; Austrian Conference Centre;奥地利会议中心;; Automated Field Office Accounting System;外地办事处自动化会计系统;AFOAS; Auxiliary Transitory Police;过渡时期辅警辅警;PAT;辅警 balance-of-payments statistics BOP;国际收支统计;BOP; Balkan Environment Programme;巴尔干环境方案;BEP; Ballistic Missile Group;弹道导弹小组;; Baltic and International Maritime Conference Council;波罗的海和国际海事理事会海事理事会;BIMCO;海事理事会 Bandung Conference;万隆会议;; Free Trade Area of the Americas;美洲自由贸易区;FTAA; acidification, volatization and reneutralization;酸化、挥发、再中和;AVR; International Strategic Minerals Inventory;国际战略矿物目录;; International Studies of Minerals Issues;国际矿物问题研究;; Integrated Regional Information Network;综合区域信息网;IRIN; Inter-American Convention on Forced Disappearance of Persons;美洲被迫失踪人士公约;; Treaty of Bangkok;曼谷条约;; Declaration on the United Nations System-wide Special Initiative for Africa;联合国全系统援助非洲特别倡议宣言;; Task Force on Financing Modalities for Operational Activities;业务活动筹资模式工作队;; Ad Hoc Inter-Agency Meeting on the Year of the Family;家庭年机构间特别会议;; International Colloquium to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the Cartagena Declaration on Refugees;纪念卡塔赫纳难民宣言十周年国际座谈会;; World Population Monitoring Report;世界人口监测报告;; United States Per diem allowance;美国每日津贴;USPDA; National Electoral Commission of Nigeria;尼日利亚全国选举委员会;NECON; Regional Summit on Rwanda;卢旺达问题区域首脑会议;; Joint Commission for the Repatriation of Rwandan Refugees;遣返卢旺达难民联合委员会;; Operation Retour;回返行动;; Integrated Displaced Persons Task Force;流离失所者综合工作队;; Legal Analysis and Coordination Unit;法律分析和协调股;; Framework Programme for Support to the Rehabilitation of the Rwandan Judicial System;支助恢复卢旺达司法系统框架方案;; National Trauma Recovery Centre;国家创伤康复中心;; Operation Clean Hands;洗手运动;; Rwanda Country Office;卢旺达国家办事处;; Transport Coordination Unit;运输协调股;; Teacher Emergency Package;教师紧急状况进修材料袋;; Programme of Education for Emergencies and Reconstruction;紧急状况和重建教育方案;; Latin American Development Communicators Association;拉丁美洲发展宣传员协会拉美宣协;ALACODE;拉美宣协 Asociacion Latinoamericana de Comunicadores del Desarrollo;拉丁美洲发展宣传员协会拉美宣协;ALACODE;拉美宣协 Humanitarian Programme for Somalia;索马里人道主义方案;; Government of Unity and National Reconciliation;团结与民族和解政府团结政府;GURN;团结政府 Locations Outside Facilities;设施外场所;LOFs; Working Group on Documentation;文件工作组;; Assistant Secretary-General for Infrastructure, Logistics and Civil Emergency Planning;主管基础设施、后勤和民事紧急状况规划助理秘书长;; Climate Vulnerability and Predictability Research;气候脆弱性和可预报性研究;CLIVAR; International Symposium on Coal Bed Methane;国际煤床沼气专题讨论会;; Kyoto Declaration and Plan of Action on the Sustainable Contribution of Fisheries to Food Security;渔业对粮食安全的可持续贡献京都宣言和行动计划;; International Conference on the Sustainable Contribution of Fisheries to Food Security Kyoto Conference;渔业对粮食保障的可持续贡献问题国际会议 京都会议;;京都会议 Interstate Council for Anti-monopoly Policies of the Commonwealth of Independent States;独立国家联合体国家间反垄断政策委员会;; Commission for the Protection of Competition;堡竞争委员会;; Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Competition Law and Policy;竞争法和竞争政策政府间专家组;; Meeting on Competition Policy in Latin America and the Caribbean;拉丁美洲和加勒比竞争政策会议;; African Workshop on Competition Policy;非洲竞争政策讲习班;; Regional Symposium for the Newly Independent and Developing Land-locked States in Central Asia;中亚新独立内陆发展中国家区域专题讨论会;; United Nations Regional Seminar on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children;联合国关于影响妇幼健康的传统习俗问题 区域讨论会;; Task Force on Employment and Sustainable Livelihoods;就业和可持续生计工作队;; London Workshop on Environmental Science, Comprehensiveness and Consistency in Global Decisions on Ocean Issues;全球海洋问题各项决定的环境科学、全面性和一致性伦敦讲习班;; HDI rank;人类发展指数排名;; Ad Hoc Inter-sessional Working Group on Finance and Changing Consumption and Production Patterns;财务问题和消费及生产模式改变问题特设闭会期间工作组;; pollution abatement fund;减轻污染基金;PAF; Canary Islands Commitment;加那利群岛承诺;; Tricontinental Conference of Institutions for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights;三洲堡和促进人权机构会议;; preliminary programme note;初步方案说明;PNN; country cooperation framework;国家合作框架;CCF; Bureau Programme Appraisal Committee;局方案评估委员会;BPAC; future programming arrangement;未来方案编制安排;; Programme Management Oversight Committee;方案管理监督委员会;PMOC; Local Programme Appraisal Committee;当地方案评估委员会;LPAC; well-child care;儿童保育;; First call for Children;儿童至上;; UNICEF at a Glance;儿童基金会一瞥;; Swiss Trade Initiative for the Middle East and Northern Africa;瑞士中东和北非贸易倡议;STIMENA; Ad Hoc consultative Group of Developing Island States;发展中岛屿国家特设协商组;; High-level Panel on Island Developing Countries;发展中岛屿国家问题高级别小组;; Decision on Trade in Services and Environment;关于服务贸易与环境的决定;; Technical Cooperation, Policy and Coordination Unit;技术合作、政策和协调股;; Technical Assistance Coordination and Operations Office;技术援助协调和业务处;; Programme Planning and Coordination Division;方案规划和协调司;; Programme Coordination and Evaluation Unit;方案协调和评价股;; OIOS Bulletin;监督厅公报;; anti-personnel landmine;杀伤人员地雷;APL; International Conference on Sustainable Industrial Development: Sharing Responsibilities in a Competitive World;可持续工业发展国际会议竞争世界中的责任分担;; United Nations Orange Book;联合国橘皮书;; Standing Committee on Developing Services - Shipping;发展服务部门常设委员会--海运;; International Seminar of Experts on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management;可持续森林管理标准和指标国际专家讨论会;; Workshop on Sustainable Forestry and Land Use: The Process of Consensus-building;可持续林业和土地利用:建立共识进程讲习班;; Workshop on Promotion of National Forest and Land Use Programmes;促进国家森林和土地利用方案讲习班;; Human Rights Field Presence in Burundi;布隆迪境内人权实地人员;; Chief of HRFOR;卢旺达人权行动主任;; InterAmerican Convention against Corruption;美洲国家反腐败公约;; Balkan Conference on Stability, Security and Cooperation in South-Eastern Europe;关于东南欧稳定、安全与合作的巴尔干会议;; Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Countries of South Eastern Europe Sofia, 6-7 July 1996;东南欧国家外交部长会议 1996年7月6日至7日, 索非亚;; Environmental Health Criteria Programme;环境健康标准方案;; Administration of the International Organization for Migration;国际移徙组织管理局;; MBEKI, Thabo;塔博· 姆贝基;; Equal Weighting;同等比重; 同等加权 [用于 ICSC; 在非同等比重情况下, weighting 译加权];; VAHI, Tiit;季特·维亚希;; SKELE, Andris;安德里斯·什克莱;; STANKEVIEIUS, Mindaugas;明道加斯·斯坦基亚维丘斯;; Minister President [Latvia];部长会议主席;; Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes;解决争端的规则和手续谅解书;DSU; green countervailing duties;绿色抵消关税环境补偿关税;; BIOTRADE Initiative;生物贸易倡议;; domestically prohibited goods;国内禁止的货物;DPGs; European Union eco-management and audit standard;欧洲联盟生态管理和审计标准;EEMA; International Network for Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies;转让无害环境技术国际网;INTET; Environmental Management System standards;环境管理系统标准;EMS; International Conference on Environmentally Sound Technology;无害环境技术国际会议;; Joint Declaration by the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation;中华人民共和国和俄罗斯联邦联合声明;; Habitat Dialogues for the 21st Century;21世纪生境对话;; Forum on Human Solidarity;人类团结论坛;; Partners Hearings;伙伴听询会;; Expert Group on International Migration Statistics;国际移徙统计专家组;; Southern Africa Network of AIDS Organizations;南部非洲艾滋病组织网络 艾滋病网络;SANASO;艾滋病网络 Millbrook Commonwealth Action Programme on the Harare Commonwealth Declaration;关于哈拉雷英联邦宣言的米尔布鲁克英联邦行动纲领;; Commonwealth Partnership for Technology Management;英联邦技术管理合作协会;; Committee on Cooperation through Sport;体育促进合作委员会;; Commonwealth Association of Public Administration and Management;英联邦公共行政和管理协会行管协会;CAPAM;行管协会 Commonwealth Local government Forum;英联邦地方政府论坛地方政府论坛;CLGF;地方政府论坛 Commonwealth Good Government Programme;英联邦贤政方案;; Iwokrama Rain Forest Programme;伊沃克拉马雨林方案;; Consultative Group on Environment;环境协商小组;; Commonwealth Private Investment Initiative;英联邦私人投资倡议;CPII; Intergovernmental Group on the Emergence of a Global Humanitarian Order;新兴全球人道主义秩序政府间小组;; global humanitarian order;全球人道主义秩序;; Harare Commonwealth Declaration;哈拉雷英联邦宣言;; Commonwealth Plan of Action on Gender and Development;英联邦妇女与发展行动计划;; Inter-agency Committee on Women, Gender and Development;妇女、性别和发展机构间委员会;; Inter-agency Consultation on Capacity-building;能力建设机构间协商;; Geneva Local Salary Survey Committee;日内瓦当地薪金调查委员会;; Expert Group on the Statistical Implications of Recent Major United Nations Conferences;最近联合国主要会议所涉统计问题专家组;; environmentally preferable products;无害环境产品;EPPs; Environmental Management Standards;环境管理标准;; Workshop on Education and Public Awareness for Sustainable Development;可持续发展教育和公众意识讲习班;; Workshop on Sustainable Production and Consumption;可持续生产与消费讲习班;; sustainable production and consumption;可持续生产和消费;; United Nations Conference on Medical Support for Peace-keeping Operations;联合国维持和平行动医务支助会议;; Working Group on Coordination of Activities on Ports;港务活动协调工作组;; Subcommittee on Oceans and Coastal Areas;海洋和沿海区小组委员会;SOCA;海洋小组委员会 Working Group on Population, Sustainable Development and Reproductive Health;入口、可持续发展和生殖健康工作组;; subregional mechanism for the prevention, management and settlement of conflicts in Central Africa;中部非洲分区域预防、管理和解决冲突机制;; African High-Level Meeting on Environmental Impact Assessment;非洲环境影响评价高级别会议;; Workshop on Capacity-Building for the Environment;环境能力建设讲习班;; Palestinian Water Authority;巴勒斯坦水务局水务局;PWA;水务局 Interim Autonomy Agreement Oslo II Agreement;临时自治协定奥斯陆第二项协定;;奥斯陆第二项协定 Water Resources Action Programme;水资源行动纲领;WRAP; Jakarta Mandate on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine and Coastal Biological Diversity [adopted at 2nd session of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, UNEP, Nov 95 decision II/10];关于养护和可持续利用海洋和沿海生物多样性的雅加达任务规定;; United Nations Crime and Justice Information Network;联合国犯罪和司法信息网;; Our Creative Diversity;我们的创造性的多样性;; International Leadership Academy;国际领导才能学院;ILA; Commission of Experts established pursuant to Security Council Resolution 935 1994 to Examine and Analyse the Grave Violations of International Humanitarian Law in Rwanda, including Possible Acts of Genocide;安全理事会第9351994号决议所设审查 和分析卢旺达境内严重违反国际人道主义法 行为,包括可能发生的种族灭绝行为专家委 员会;; Expert Group on International Environmental Law Aiming at Sustainable Development;促进可持续发展国际环境法专家组;; intellectual property right;知识产权;IPR; Multinational United Nations Stand-by Forces High Readiness Brigade;多国联合国待命部队高度戒备旅 高度戒备旅;SHIRBRIG;高度戒备旅 Palestinian National Council;巴勒斯坦全国委员会;; Palestinian Charter;巴勒斯坦宪章;; International Conference on Public Administration and Social Development;公共行政和社会发展国际会议;; National Needs Assessment;国家需要评估;NNA; International Expert Meeting on the Assessment of Technology Needs for Sustainability;评估可持续能力的技术需要国际专家会议;; Language Coordinator;语文协调员;; International Round-table on Artisanal and Small-scale Mining;手工和小规模采矿国际圆桌会议;; American Crop Protection Association;美国作物堡协会美国作保协会;ACPA;美国作保协会 EarthAction Network;地球行动网;; Chlorine Chemistry Council;氯化学理事会;CCC; Environmental and Energy Study Institute;环境和能源研究所环能所;EESI;环能所 European Crop Protection Association;欧洲作物堡协会欧洲作保协会;ECPA;欧洲作保协会 Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development;国际环境法与发展基金会 环境法基金会;FIELD;环境法基金会 International Coastal and Ocean Organization;国际沿海和海洋组织海洋组织;ICO;海洋组织 Division of Environmental Management Support;环境管理支助司;; Washington Declaration on Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities;堡海洋环境免受陆上活动污染华盛顿宣言;; Intergovernmental Conference to Adopt a Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities [Washington DC, 23 Oct--3 Nov 1995];通过堡海洋环境免受陆上活动污染全球行动纲领政府间会议;; Forest Advisory Group;森林咨询小组;; Seminar on Environmentally Sound Forest Roads and Wood Transport;无害环境森林公路和木材运输讨论会;; Forest Partnership Agreement;森林合作协定;FPA; Guidelines for the Formulation of a Policy Framework for Integrated Planning and Management of Land Resources;制订土地资源综合规划和管理政策框架的指导方针;; Partnership Programme in Sustainable Food Security;可持续粮食安全合作方案;; 2020 Vision for Food, Agriculture and Environment;2020年粮食、农业和环境展望;; High Performing Asian Economies;高增长亚洲经济体;HPAEs; NGO-NET;非政府组织网;; Information and Planning Service;信息和规划处;IERD; Periodical Room;期刊阅览室;; Baseline Atmospheric Pollution Monitoring Network;基线大气污染观测网;BAPMON; Basic Institute for Black Africa;黑非洲基本研究所;IFAN; Basic Safety Standards for Radiation Protection;辐射防护基本安全标准;BSS; Workshop on Policy Measures for Changing Consumption Patterns;改变消费模式政策措施讲习班;; Korean Citizens alliance for the Protection of Consumers;韩国堡消费者公民联盟;CACPK; Global Action Plan for the Earth;堡地球全球行动计划;GAP; War-Torn Societies Project;战患社会重建项目;WSP; European Institute for Public Administration;欧洲公共行政学会;EIPA; Battered Dream: Violence against Women, An Obstacle to Development;破碎的梦:对妇女的暴力行为--对发展的障碍;; Worldwide Campaign to End Violence against Women;消除对妇女暴力行为世界运动;; Partners for Population and Development: A South-South Initiative;入口与发展伙伴: 南南倡议;; International Vaccine Institute;国际疫苗研究所;; Beijing Express;北京快车;; Training and Staff Development Service;训练和工作人员发展处;; Turkish International Cooperation Agency;土耳其国际合作署;TICA; Communications Section;通信科;; Electronic Data-processing Section;电子数据处理科;; World Solar Initiative;世界太阳能倡议;; Database and Methodologies for Comparative Assessment of Different Energy Sources of Electricity Generation;比较评估不同发电能源的数据库和方法;DECADES; water right;水权;; sleeper rights;睡者权利;; Black People's Institute;黑人研究所;BPI; Disaster Reduction Division;减灾司;; Information Management and External Relations Branch;信息管理和对外关系处;; High Representative for the Implementation of the Peace Agreement on Bosnia and Herzegovina;负责监测波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那和平协定执 行情况高级代表 [根据安理会第10311995号决议定名];; International Technical Forum;国际技术论坛;; Local Area Network Administrator;局域网管理员;; Demobilization and Reintegration Officer;复员和重返社会方案干事;; Management Information Systems Section;管理信息系统科;; Air Operations and Movement Control Section;空中业务和调度科;; Administrative Services;行政事务处;; Mission Integrated Operations Centre;核查团统一行动中心;; Assistant Transport Officer;助理交通干事;; Division for Social Policy and Development;社会政策和发展司社发司;DSPD;社发司 United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights;联合国人权事务高级专员办事处;; Economic and Social Council Affairs and Inter-agency Coordination Division;经济及社会理事会事务和机构间协调司 经社会司;EAICD;经社会司 Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Division;预防犯罪和刑事司法司;CPCJD; Statistical Division UNSD;统计司;UNSD; Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers;法官和律师独立性问题特别报告员;; Humanitarian Relief Unit;人道主义救济股;HRU;救济股 Research and Programme Publications Section;研究和方案出版物科;; Regional Office for Central and Eastern Europe, the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Baltic States;中欧、东欧、独立国家联合体和波罗的海国家区域办事处;; Office of Strategic Planning, Policy Analysis and Evaluation;战略规划、政策分析和评价处;; ecological footprint;生境足迹;EF; ecological rucksack;生境口袋;ER; steady state economy;平衡状态经济;SSE; Working Group on Sustainable Production and Consumption;可持续生产和消费工作组;; Working Group on Eco-efficiency;生境效益问题工作组;; Workshop on Sustainable Consumption and Production: Clarifying the Concepts;可持续消费和生产:澄清概念讲习班;; Rosendal Workshop;罗森代尔讲习班;; Work Programme on Sustainable Consumption and Production;可持续消费和生产工作方案;; World Business Council for Sustainable Development;促进可持续发展世界商业理事会 促发世商会;WBCSD;促发世商会 Environment Directorate;环境局;; Expert Group Meeting on Gender and the Agenda for Peace;妇女问题与和平纲领专家组会议;; gender contract;男女契约;; Political Charter;政治宪章;; Global Programme for Vaccines and Immunization;全球疫苗和免疫方案;; Special Account for the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991;起诉应对1991年以来前南斯拉夫境内所犯严 重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者的国际法 庭特别帐户;; Sarajevo Declaration of Friendship and Partnership;萨拉热窝友好合作宣言;; Assistance Mobilization Group;调集援助小组调援组;AMG;调援组 Head of the Special Mission;特派团团长;; Supreme Coordination Council;最高协调理事会;; Special Representative for the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia;前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国问题特别代表;; Deputy Secretary-General for International Cooperation and Development;主管国际合作与发展常务副秘书长;; Zagreb Liaison Office;萨格勒布联络处;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司