翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Institute for New Technologies;新技术研究所;INTECH; Institute for New Technology;新技术研究所; 新技术所;UNU/INTECH; Institute for Peace Research;和平研究所;; Institute for Peace Science-Hiroshima University;广岛大学和平科学研究所;; Institute for Planetary Synthesis;行星合成学会;; Institute for Policy Studies;政策研究学会;; Institute for Policy Studies - Transnational;政策研究学会 跨国;; Institute for Propaganda and Information;宣传和情报研究所;; Institute for Pure and Applied Chemistry;纯化学和应用化学研究所;; Institute for Relations between Italy and the Countries of Africa, Latin America and the Middle East;意大利与非洲、拉丁美洲和中东各国关系研究所;IPALMO; Institute for Research in Tropical Agriculture and Food Crops;热带农业和粮食作物研究所热带农研所;IRAT;热带农研所 Institute for Resource Development;资源开发研究所;IRD; Institute for Resource Development of Macro Systems;宏观系统资源开发研究所;; Institute for Scientific and Technological Cooperation;科技合作研究所;; Institute for Scientific Research in Central Africa;中非科学研究所;IRSAC; Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space;外层空间安全和合作研究所 外空安全合作所;ISCOS;外空安全合作所 Institute for Social and Economic Problems of Foreign Countries;外国社会和经济问题研究所;; Institute for Social Science, UNESCO;教科文组织社会科学研究所;; Institute for Society Ethics and Life Science;社会伦理和生命科学研究所;ISELS; Institute for Space Flight Technology and Nuclear Reactor Technology of the Technical University of Bruanschweig;不伦瑞克技术大学航天技术和核反应堆技术研究所航天核研所;IFRR/TUBS;航天核研所 Institute for Strategic Studies in London;伦敦战略研究所;; Institute for Technology of Nuclear and Other Mineral Raw Materials;核原料和其他矿物原料技术研究所;; Institute for the Advanced Training of Managers and Specialists;管理人员和专家高级培训所;; Institute for the Advancement of Social Sciences;促进社会科学研究所;AVANSCO; Institute for the Development of Agricultural Cooperatives in Asia;亚洲农业合作社发展研究所;IDACA; Institute for the Development of International Cooperation;发展国际合作学社;; Institute for the Economy of Developing Countries;发展中国家经济研究所;IEDC; Institute for the Sociology of Parliamentarianism;议会制政体社会研究所;; Institute for Tobacco Studies;烟草研究所;ITS; Institute for Women, Law and Development;妇女、法律与发展研究所;; Institute for World Economics and International Relations;世界经济和国际关系研究所;IMEMO; Institute of Advanced Studies;高等研究所高研所;IAS;高研所 Institute of African Studies;非洲问题研究所;; Institute of Air Transport;航空运输学会航运学会;ITA;航运学会 Institute of American Relations;美洲关系研究所;; Institute of Applied Science and Technology in Guyana;圭亚那应用科学和技术研究所;; Institute of Applied Social and Economic Research;应用社会和经济研究所;; Institute of Arab Manuscripts;阿拉伯手稿研究所;IAM; Institute of Auditors;审计师协会;; Institute of Brazil for Geography and Statistics;巴西地理与统计局;IBGE; Institute of Business Administration;企业管理研究所;; Institute of Certified Accountants and Auditors;执业会计师和审计师协会;; Institute of Certified Public accountants;执业会计师协会;; Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland;爱尔兰特许会计师协会;; Institute of Chartered Accountants of India;印度特许会计师协会;; Institute of Chartered Accountants of Jamaica;牙买加特许会计师协会;; Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan;巴基斯坦特许会计师协会;; Institute of Chartered Accountants of Zimbabwe;津巴布韦特许会计师协会;; Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales;英格兰威尔士特许会计师协会;; Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers;租船经纪人协会;; Institute of Child Health;儿童保健研究所;; Institute of Child Nutrition;儿童营养研究所;; Institute of Cost and Management Accountants;成本和管理会计师协会;; Institute of Cultural Affairs International;国际文化事务学会# 文化事务学会;; Institute of Cultural Affairs, MENA, the;中东和北非文化事务研究所;; Institute of Cybernetics and Robotics;计算机控制学和机器人学研究所;; Institute of Defence Studies and Analysis;防务研究和分析所;; Institute of Developing Economics;发展中经济体研究所;; Institute of Development Studies;发展研究学院;; Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies;外交和国际问题研究所外交研究所;IDIS;外交研究所 Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology;地震工程和工程地震学研究所;; Institute of East-West Dynamics;东西方动态研究所;; Institute of Education, UNESCO, Hamburg;教科文组织教育研究所汉堡;;汉堡 Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc.;电机和电子工程师学会;; Institute of Ferro-Alloy Producers in Western Europe;西欧铁合金生产者协会;IPFEO; Institute of Forensic Medicine;法医学学会;; Institute of Geological Sciences;地质科学研究所;IGS; Institute of Chartered Accountants;斯里兰卡特许会计师协会;; Institute of Health Manpower Development;保健人员培训研究所;; Institute of Higher Management;高级管理学院;ISG; Institute of Higher Military Studies;高级军事研究所;; Institute of Holy Land Studies;圣地研究学会;; Institute of HOPE'87;希望'87研究所;; Institute of HOPE'87 Secretariat;希望'87研究所秘书处;; Institute of Ibero-American Cooperation;伊比利亚-美洲合作研究所;ICI; Institute of In-service Teacher Training;在职教师培训学院;IITT; Institute of Intellectual Cooperation;智力合作协进会;; Institute of Internal Auditors, Inc.;内部审计员协会;IIA; Institute of International Affairs;国际事务研究所;; Institute of International and Strategic Studies;国际和战略研究所;; Institute of International Business Law and Practices;国际商业法和惯例学社;; Institute of International Container Lessors;国际集装箱出租商协会;IICL; Institute of International Education, Inc.;国际教育学会;IIE; Institute of International Humanitarian Law;国际人道主义法研究所;; Institute of International Law;国际法学会;IDI; Institute of International Transport Law;国际运输法学会;IDIT; Institute of Man and Science;人类与科学学社;; Institute of Management Sciences;管理学研究会;TIMS; Institute of Mathematical Statistics, U.S.A.;美国数理统计学会;; Institute of Medical and Biological Problems;医学和生物学问题研究所;; Institute of National Aqueducts and Drainage Systems;国家导水和排水系统研究所;; Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama;中美洲和巴拿马营养研究所营养研究所;INCAP;营养研究所 Institute of Oceanographic Sciences;海洋科学研究所;; Institute of Oriental Studies;东方研究所;; Institute of Patentees and Inventors;专利权所有人和发明者学会;IPI; Institute of Precision Mechanics and Computer Technology;精密机械和计算机技术研究所;; Institute of Public Administration;公共行政学会;IPA; Institute of Radiation Medicine;辐射医学研究所;; Institute of Scientific and Technical Information Centre;科技资料中心;; Institute of Scientific and Technological Information of China;中国科技情报研究所科技情报所;ISTIC;科技情报所 Institute of Social Studies;社会研究学会;ISS; Institute of Social Studies Trust;社会研究信托学会;; Institute of Sociology of Law for Europe;欧洲法律社会学协会;ISLE; Institute of Space and Aeronautical Science;宇宙和航空科学研究所宇航科研所;ISAS;宇航科研所 Institute of Strategic and International Studies;战略和国际研究所战略所;ISIS;战略所 Institute of Telecommunication;电信研究所;; Institute of the Brain;人脑研究所;; Institute of the Sahel;萨赫勒学院;; Institute of the Transfer of Information;信息转让研究所;; Institute of the United States of America and Canada;美国和加拿大问题研究所;; Institute of Women;妇女协会;; Institute of World Economy and International Relations;世界经济和国际关系研究所;IMEMO; Institute on Man and Science;人类与科学学社;; institution;公共机构; 教养所; 养老院; 老人院; 慈善机构;; institution file;机构档案;; institution of asylum;庇护制度;; institution of higher education;高等教育机构;; institution of legation;使节制度;; institution strengthening and national capacity-building for child survival and development in the African region, phase II;非洲区域儿童生存与发展机构强化和国家能 力建设,第二阶段;; institution-building;体制建设;; institution-building project;体制建设项目;; institutional arrangement;体制安排;; institutional capability;机构能力;; institutional capacity-building;机构能力建设;; institutional care of the elderly;养老机构养老院;; institutional change;体制变革;; Institutional Development and Regional Electrical Integration of the Central American Isthmus;中美洲地峡机构发展和区域电气一体化;DIEICA; Institutional Development Assistance Project;机构发展援助项目;IDAP; Institutional Development Programme;机构发展方案;; Institutional Development Unit;体制发展股体制股;IDU;体制股 institutional efficiency;机构效率;; institutional focus;体制中心;; institutional framework;体制框架;; Institutional Infrastructure Branch;体制基础结构处;INFR; institutional inputs;体制性投入;; Arab Meeting for Follow-up to the Beijing Conference;北京会议后续行动阿拉伯会议;; institutional investment;公共团体投资;; institutional jurisdiction;体制权限问题;; institutional machinery, institutional mechanisms;机构; 体制结构;; institutional means;组织手段;; institutional mechanism;体制办法;; institutional memory;机构的经验传承; 制度化记忆;pping suppor; institutional personnel;监所人员; 监所人事;; institutional programme;机构方案;; Institutional Relations and NGO Section;机构关系和非政府组织科;; institutional sector;机构部门;; institutional sector accounts;机构部门核算;; Institutional Strategy for National Capacity-building;国家能力建设体制战略;; institutional structure;体制结构组织结构;; institutional support;机构性支助;; Institutional Support and Private Sector Development Branch;机构支助和私营部门发展处;; institutional system;监所制度;; institutional training;学院训练;; institutional training systems;机构培训制度;; institutional twinning;机构间挂钩;; institutional units;机构单位;; institutionalization;监禁;; institutionalization of youngsters;送教养院收容院;;收容院 Institutionalized Ministerial Meeting between the European Community and the Rio Group;欧洲共同体和里约集团制度化部长级会议;; institutionalized racism;制度化的种族主义;; institutionalized terrorism;有组织的恐怖行为官方恐怖行为;; institutions of excellence;杰出机构;; institutions of research;研究机构;; Instituto Latinoamericano de Estudios Transnacionales;拉丁美洲跨国公司研究所;; Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Aridas;阿根廷旱地研究所;IADIZA; Instituto de Desarrolle Indigena;土著发展学会;IDI; Instituto de Desarrollo Agropecuario;农牧业发展学会;INDAP; Instituto de Ecuatoriano de Investigaciones y Capacitacion de la Mujer;厄瓜多尔妇女研究训练所;; Instituto de Investigaciones Tecnologicas;技术研究所;IIT; Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnologicas;技术研究所;IPT; Instituto Geografico Augustin Codazzi;Augustin Codazzi 地理研究所;IGAC; Instituto Italo-Latino Americano;意大利-拉丁美洲研究所;; Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social;墨西哥社会保险协会;IMSS; Instituto Mundo Libre;自由世界协会;; Instituto Nacional de Estadistica;国家统计研究所统计所;INE;统计所 Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial;国家工业产权研究所工业产权所;INPI;工业产权所 Instituto Nacional de Tecnica Aerospacial;国家航天技术研究所航天所;INTA;航天所 Instituto Nacional del Indigena;全国土著协会;; INSTRAW Interregional Conference on Women, Environment and Health;提高妇女地位研训所妇女、环境与健康区域间会议;; INSTRAW News;研训所通讯;; INSTRAW Portfolio on Women in Development WID Teaching;研训所妇女参与发展资料集 妇女参与发展教材;WID Teaching;妇女参与发展教材 instructing party;指示方; 通知方;; instructions and definitions for the national accounts questionnaire;国民核算问题单说明和定义;; Instructions for determining UNDP representation at meetings;关于确定开发计划署参加会议的指示;; Instructivo para Regular los Procedimientos sobre Reclutamiento Militar;关于调整募兵程序的指示;; instrument;文书文件;; instrument for standardized international reporting of military expenditures;军事支出国际标准汇报表;; Instrument for the Establishment of the Restructured Global Environment Facility;关于建立经调整的全球环境基金的文件 环境基金文件;GEF II;环境基金文件 Instrument for the Free Port of Trieste;的里雅斯特自由港规约;; instrument landing system;仪表着陆系统;ILS; instrument let-down;仪表减速下降;; instrument measurements;仪器测定; 用仪器测量;; instrument of acceptance;接受书;; instrument of accession;加入书;; instrument of adherence;加入书;; instrument of approval;核准书;; instrument of delegation;授权书;; instrument of mass annihilation;大规模灭绝性工具;; instrument of payment;支付手段;; instrument of ratification;批准书;; instrument of restraint;戒具;; instrumental observation, record;用仪器观测,记录;; instrumental approach;手段处理法;; instrumental perpetrator;从犯;; instrumental use of children in criminal activities;利用儿童从事犯罪活动;; instrumentalities;工具;; instruments of production;生产工具;; instrumentalities of the state;国家部门;; insular regime;岛屿制度;; insular shelf;岛屿架岛架;; insular slope;岛屿坡岛坡;; insulating foam;绝缘泡沫塑料;; insulating substance;绝缘物质;; insulation foam;绝缘泡沫塑料;; INSULZA, Jose Miguel;何塞·米格尔·因苏尔萨;; insurable interest;可保权益;; Insurance Accounting and Statistical Association, U.S.;美国保险会计与统计协会;IASA; insurance benefit;保险津贴;; insurance certificate;保险凭证;; insurance claims;保险索赔;; insurance clerk;保险办事员;; insurance coverage;承保范围;; insurance indemnity;保险赔偿;; Insurance Institute for Asia and the Pacific;亚洲和太平洋保险研究所亚太保险所;IIAP;亚太保险所 insurance premium;保险费;; Insurance Review;保险评论;; Insurance Section;保险科;; insurance service charges;保险服务费;; Insurance Survey Board;保险调查委员会;; insurance technical reserves;保险专门准备金;; insured amount;保险金额;; insurer;保险人承保人;; insurgent communities;叛乱团体;; Intagoheka;不闭眼的人;; Intair;国际航空公司;; intake manifold;进气歧管;; intake of foods;食物摄入;; intake port;进气口; 进气道;; intangible property;无形的财产;;财产 intangible assets;无形资产;; integral agency;统筹机构;; integral cost of financing;筹资总成本;; integral development;整体发展;; integral industries;整体工业;; integral part of the financial statements;财务报表构成部分;; Integral Study of the Silk Roads-Roads of Dialogue;丝绸之路-对话之路综合研究;; integrated additions;统筹增建设施;; Integrated Administrative System Project;综合行政系统项目;IAS; Integrated Afforestation Project in the Louga, Bahal and Mbake Regions of Senegal;塞内加尔卢加、巴赫尔和姆巴克区综合造林项目;; Integrated Agricultural Development Projects;综合农业发展项目;IADP; integrated agro-industrial development programmes;农产工业综合发展方案;; integrated approach;综合性办法统筹办法;; Integrated Arab Information Network;阿拉伯综合信息网;; Integrated Atoll Development;综合环礁发展项目;; integrated basic services;综合基本服务;; Integrated Care Association;综合护理协会;; Integrated Child Development Services;儿童发展综合性服务儿童发展服务;ICDS;儿童发展服务 Integrated Communications System;综合通讯系统;; integrated computer-based management information system;计算机化综合管理信息系统;; Integrated Container Service;统一集装箱运输公司;ICS; integrated country programmes;综合国家方案;; integrated country review;综合国家审查;; Integrated Data Base;综合数据库;; Integrated Database Management System;综合数据库管理系统;IDMS; integrated development;综合发展; 全面发展;; integrated economic accounts for the nation;国家综合经济帐户;; integrated environmental and economic accounting;综合环境经济会计;; integrated environmental controls;综合环境控制;; integrated environmental impact assessment;综合环境影响评估;; Integrated Environmental Management;综合环境管理;IEM; Integrated Field Office System;综合外地办事处系统;UNIFOS; Integrated Field Programme Information System;综合外地方案信息系统方案信息系统;IFIS;方案信息系统 integrated foreign operations;一体化的国外业务;; Integrated Global Ocean Services System;全球海洋服务综合系统;IGOSS; Integrated Grasslands Management Training Programme in the Sahel;萨赫勒地区草地综合管理培训方案;; integrated horizontally;横向结合;; integrated industrial projects;综合工业项目;IIP; integrated international health programme;综合性国际卫生方案;; Integrated Laboratory on the Design of Regional Strategies;区域战略设计综合实验室综合实验室;LIDER;综合实验室 Integrated Land and Watershed Information System;综合陆地和分水岭信息系统陆岭信息系统;ILWIS;陆岭信息系统 Integrated Library Management System;图书馆综合管理系统;ILMS; Symposium on States, markets and social progress: roles and cooperation of the public and private sectors;关于国家、市场和社会进步的专题讨论会:公共和私营部门在作用与合作;; Integrated Macro Model for Population and Development;人口与发展综合宏观模式人口发展宏观模式;INMA;人口发展宏观模式 Integrated Management Development Programme;综合管理发展方案;; Integrated Management Information System;综合管理信息系统综管信息系统;IMIS;综管信息系统 integrated management of coastal systems;沿海体系综合管理;COMAR; integrated micro-processor-controlled instrumentation system;集成微处理机控制测试设备系统;; Integrated Microcomputer Processing System;集成微型计算机处理系统微机处理系统;IMPS;微机处理系统 integrated monitoring;综合监测;IM; Integrated Multi-regional Demographic Analysis Package;多区域人口分析综合数据包;; integrated multi-stage approach;综合性多阶段办法;; Integrated Natural Resources and Environment Accounting;综合自然资源和环境会计制度环境会计;INREA;环境会计 Integrated Office;综合办事处;; integrated ozone value;臭氧总值;; Integrated Personnel and Payroll System;综合人事和薪给系统;; integrated pest management;虫害综合防治;IPM; Integrated Plan of Action on Human Resources Development for the ESCAP Region;亚太经社会区域人力资源开发综合行动计划;; Integrated Population and Development Planning;人口与发展综合规划;INPLANT; Integrated Poverty Index;综合贫穷指数;; Integrated Professional Support System;专业综合支助系统专业支助系统;IPSS;专业支助系统 integrated programme approach;综合方案方法;; Integrated Programme for Commodities;商品综合方案;IPC; Integrated Programme Management;综合方案管理;IPM; Integrated Programme Management System;综合方案管理系统;IPM; income-smoothing;缓解收入波动;; Integrated Programme of International Cooperation for the Mobilization of Personal Savings in Developing Countries;调动发展中国家的个人储蓄综合国际合作方案;; integrated programme planning system;综合方案规划系统;; Integrated Programme Support Unit;综合方案支助组;IPS; integrated programming;综合方案编制;; integrated project;综合项目;; Integrated Projects and Central Monitoring Section;综合项目和中央监测科;IPCM; integrated promotional approach;综合促进法;; Integrated Reference and Terminology Information System;综合参考和词汇信息系统;; integrated regional cooperation;一体化区域合作;; Integrated Regional Programme for the Development of Trade;发展贸易综合区域方案;; Integrated Regional Project on the Fouta Djallon Massif in Guinea;几内亚富塔贾隆高原综合区域项目;; integrated rural development;农村综合发展;; integrated rural energy projects;综合农村能源项目;; Integrated Rwandese Defence Forces and Gendarmerie;一体化卢旺达国防部队和宪兵;; integrated sectoral programming approach;综合部门方案制订方法;; Integrated Service Post;综合服务站;; integrated services for children;综合性儿童服务;; Integrated Set of Information Systems;综合信息系统;ISIS; Integrated Software Package for Geographical Information, Maps and Graphics;地理信息、图表、图形综合软件 POPMAP软件;POPMAP;POPMAP软件 integrated statistical systems;综合统计系统;; Integrated Support Service;综合支助事务处;; Integrated Support Services Unit;综合支助事务股;; Integrated Survey;综合调查;IS; Integrated Systems Improvement Project;综合系统改良项目;ISIP; Integrated System of Classifications of Activities and Produces;活动和产品分类综合系统;SINAP; integrated technical cooperation programme;综合技术合作方案;ITCP; Integrated Technical Cooperation Programme of the International Maritime Organization;国际海事组织综合技术合作方案;; integrated whole, an;统一的整体;; integration;参与 [妇女参与发展]就地安置 [难民]一体化合并;; integration of assistance;援助一体化;; integration of women in development;妇女参与发展;; Integration of Women in Development Service;妇女参与发展处;; integration of women in economic and social life;妇女参与经济和社会生活;; Integration of Women in Industrial Development;妇女参与工业发展;; Integration of Women in Industrial Development Unit;妇女参与工业发展股;; Integration, Renovation and New Hope;融合、革新和新希望运动;Irene; integrationism;种族融合主义;; integrity;完整忠诚;; integrity and financial soundness of the pension system;养恤金制度的完整和财务健全;; integrity, independence and impartiality;忠诚,独立和公正;; intellectual property;知识产权智力产权;; intellectual resources;知识资源;; intellectually disabled minors;智力残疾儿童弱智儿童;; Intelligence Analysis Unit;情报分析股;; intelligence police;情报警察;; intelligence quotient test;智商测验;I.Q. test; intelligent geographical informative system;智能地理信息系统;IGIS; Intelsat Assistance and Development Program;国际通信卫星援助与发展方案援发方案;IADP;援发方案 Intelsat Business Services;国际通信卫星商务服务;IBS; Intelsat Development Fund;国际通信卫星发展基金发展基金;IDF;发展基金 intendant;地方行政长官;; intended beneficiaries;预定受益者;; intended for use in;意图用于;; intending spouses;婚嫁双方;; intensified operational condition;频繁使用状况;; Intensified WHO Cooperation Initiative for Countries and People in Greatest Need;卫生组织加强与最需要帮助的国家和人民合作的倡议;; intensive agriculture;集约农业;; intensive investment;集约投资; 密集投资;; intensive training programme;强化培训方案; 速成培训方案;; intensive type of industrial development;集约型工业发展;; intent;意图; 故意[国际刑事法院];; intent and purpose;意图; 故意[国际刑事法院];; intention;意图;; intentional abortion;有意识流产;; diploma tax;文凭税;; Inter Action Council of Former Heads of Government;前政府首脑国际行动理事会;; Inter African Union of Lawyers;泛非律师联盟;; inter alia;除其他事项外尤其特别;; Inter American Centre of Training in Public Administration;美洲公共行政训练中心;CICAP; inter communication system;内部通讯系统;; Inter Entity Boundary Line;实体间边界线;IEBL; inter fauces terrarum terrae;地角间突出地间;; inter fauces terrarum across the mouth of the river;河口两岸咽喉地角间;; inter se;彼此之间相互;; inter-related issues;相关问题;; Inter-American Convention to Prevent and Punish Torture;美洲防止和惩处酷刑公约;; Inter-African Centre for the Development of Vocational Training;非洲职业训练发展中心;CIADFOR; Inter-African Coffee Organization;非洲咖啡组织;IACO; Inter-African Labour Institute;非洲劳工研究所;ILI; Inter-African and Malagasy Organization;非洲马达加斯加组织非马组织;IAMO;非马组织 Inter-African Bureau for Animal Health;非洲畜牧卫生局;IBAH; Inter-African Bureau for Animal Research;非洲动物研究所;IBAR; Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources;非洲动物资源局;IBAR; Inter-African Bureau for Epizootic Diseases;非洲兽疫局;IBED; Inter-African Bureau for Soils;非洲土壤局;BIS; Inter-African Centre for the Development of Vocational Training;非洲职业训练发展中心;CIADFOR; Inter-African Coffee Organization;非洲国家咖啡组织;IACO; Inter-African Committee for Hydraulic Studies;非洲水利研究委员会水利研委会;CIEH;水利研委会 Inter-African Committee on Housing;非洲住房委员会;; Inter-African Committee on Oceanography, Sea and Inland Fisheries;非洲海洋学、海洋和内陆渔业委员会 非洲海渔委;IACOMIF;非洲海渔委 Inter-African Committee on Statistics;非洲统计委员会;IACS; Inter-African Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children;非洲影响妇幼健康传统习俗问题委员会;IAC; inter-African industrial cooperation;非洲内部工业合作;; Inter-African Organization for Forest Economy and Marketing of Timber;非洲国家间森林经济和木材销售组织;; Inter-African Organization of Forestry Economy and Timber Trade;非洲森林经济和木材贸易组织;; Inter-African Phytosanitary Council;非洲植物检疫理事会;IPC; Inter-African Seminar for Cooperation and Integration of Science and Technology for Development;合作和科学与技术一体化促进发展非洲讨论会;IPC; Inter-African Union of Lawyers;泛非律师联盟;; Inter-agency Working Group on the Relief-to-Development Continuum;从救济向发展过渡机构间工作组;; Inter-Agency Action Programme on Water and Sustainable Agriculture;水和可持续农业发展机构间行动纲领;; Inter-Agency Advisory Committee on Drug Abuse Control;麻醉药品滥用管制问题机构间咨询委员会;; Inter-Agency Advisory Committee on Drug Control Activities;药品管制活动机构间咨询委员会;; Inter-Agency Advisory Group on AIDS;艾滋病问题机构间咨询小组;; Inter-Agency Advisory Group on HIV/AIDS;艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题机构间咨询小组;; Inter-Agency Coordinating Committee for the United Nations Transport and Communications Decade in Africa;联合国非洲运输和通讯十年机构间协调委员会;UNTACDA; Inter-Agency Commission for Implementation of the Decisions of the Central American Economic Cooperation Committee;执行中美洲经济合作委员会决定的机构间委员会;; Inter-Agency Committee for Health Technology Development;机构间保健技术发展委员会;; Inter-Agency Committee for Nuclear Accident Response;核事故应变机构间委员会;IAC/NAR; Inter-Agency Committee for Response to Nuclear Accidents;应付核事故机构间委员会核事故委;IAC/RNA;核事故委 Inter-agency Committee for Sustainable Development;可持续发展机构间委员会;IACSD; Inter-Agency Committee for the Coordinated Planning and Implementation of Response to Accidental Releases of Radioactive Substances;协调规划和执行放射性物质意外泄露应付措 施机构间委员会;; Inter-agency Committee for the Response to Nuclear Accidents;应付核事故机构间委员会;; Inter-Agency Committee on Environment and Development;环境与发展机构间委员会;; Inter-agency Committee on Environment and Development in Asia and the Pacific;非洲及太平洋环境与发展机构间委员会;; Inter-Agency Committee on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific;亚洲及太平洋农村综合发展机构间委员会;; Inter-Agency Committee on Street Children;街头儿童问题机构间委员会;; Inter-Agency Committee on Sustainable Development;可持续发展机构间委员会;IACSD; Inter-agency Committee on Water for Asia and the Pacific;亚洲及太平洋水问题机构间委员会;; Inter-Agency Committee on Youth for the Asia-Pacific Region;亚太区域青年问题机构间委员会;; Inter-Agency Conference on Communication Policies in the Arab States;阿拉伯国家通信政策机构间会议 通信政策会议;ARABCOM;通信政策会议 Inter-Agency Consultation Group for Space Science;空间科学机构间协商小组空间科学协商组;IACG;空间科学协商组 Inter-agency Consultation Meeting on Environmental Education;机构间环境教育协商会议;; Inter-Agency Consultation on the Follow-up to the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the 1990s;1990年代支援最不发达国家行动纲领后续行动 机构间协商;; Inter-Agency Consultation on the Second Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination;向种族主义和种族歧视进行战斗的第二个十 年 机构间协商;; Inter-Agency Consultative Board;机构间协商局;IACB; Inter-Agency Consultative Committee;机构间协商委员会机构间协委会;IACC;机构间协委会 inter-agency consultative mechanism meeting;机构间协商会议;IACM; Inter-Agency Consultative Support Group;机构间协商支助组;; Inter-Agency Coordinated Plan of Action on Integrated Rural Development in the ESCAP Region;亚太经社会区域综合农村发展机构间协调行 动计划;; Inter-Agency Coordinating Meeting on Space Applications;空间应用问题机构间协调会议;; Inter-Agency Coordination Committee;机构间协调委员会;; Inter-agency Coordination Section;机构间协调科;IACS; Inter-agency core Group;机构间核心组;; Inter-Agency Disaster Group;机构间救灾小组;; Inter-Agency Environment Coordination Group;机构间环境协调组环境协调组;IAEG;环境协调组 Inter-Agency Facilitation Committee for Beijing;机构间北京会议促进委员会;北京促委会;IFBC; Inter-Agency Food and Nutrition Surveillance Programme;机构间粮食和营养监督方案;IFNS; Inter-Agency Fund for Nutrition Surveillance;营养监测机构间基金;; Inter-agency Group for Water in Africa;非洲水事机构间小组水事小组;IGWA;水事小组 Inter-Agency Group on Agricultural Biometeorology;机构间农业生物气象小组;; Inter-Agency Group on Evaluation;机构间评价组;; Inter-Agency Group on New and Renewable Sources of Energy;新能源和可再生能源机构间小组;; Inter-Agency Group on Reverse Transfer of Technology;技术反向转让机构间小组;; Inter-Agency Group on Youth;机构间青年问题小组;; Inter-Agency Humanitarian Programme - Plan of Action for Iraq;机构间人道主义方案-伊拉克行动计划;; inter-agency humanitarian programme for Iraq, Kuwait and the Iraq/Turkey and Iraq/Iran border areas;伊拉克、科威特和伊拉克/土耳其及伊拉克/伊朗边界地区机构间人道主义方案;; Inter-Agency Humanitarian Programme in Iraq;机构间伊拉克人道主义方案;; Inter-Agency Immunization Coordination Committee;机构间免疫接种协调委员会免疫协委会;IICC;免疫协委会 inter-agency meeting;机构间会议;; Inter-Agency Meeting for African Regional Institutions;非洲区域性组织机构间会议;; Inter-Agency Meeting for the Enhancement of the Private Sector Role in Development;加强私营部门在发展中作用机构间会议;; Inter-Agency Meeting on Ageing;老龄问题机构间会议;; Inter-Agency Meeting on Coordination;机构间协调问题会议;; Inter-agency meeting on Coordination on Matters of International Drug Abuse Control;国际药物滥用管制协调事项机构间会议;; Inter-Agency Meeting on Language Arrangements, Documentation and Publications;语文安排、文件和出版物问题机构间会议 语文会议;IAMLADP;语文会议 Inter-Agency Meeting on Outer Space Activities;外层空间活动机构间会议;; Inter-Agency Meeting on System-wide Coordination of Policies and Programmes in the Field of Ageing;关于老龄领域政策与方案全系统协调机构间会议;; Inter-Agency Meeting on the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons;联合国残疾人十年机构间会议;; inter-agency mission;机构间特派团;; Inter-Agency Mission on emergency assistance to displaced persons in the affected regions of northern Somalia;向索马里北部受影响区域的流离失所者提供紧急援助的机构间特派团;; Inter-Agency Monitoring Group;机构间监测小组;; Inter-Agency Needs Assessment Mission to Lebanon;派驻黎巴嫩的机构间需要评估特派团;; Inter-Agency Nuclear Safety Review Panel;机构间核安全审查小组;INSRP; Inter-agency Plan of Action for the Region Covered by the Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment;关于堡海洋环境区域组织所辖区域的机构 间行动计划;; Inter-Agency Planning Group for Environmental Funds;机构间环境基金规划组;; Inter-agency Procurement Services Office;机构间采购事务处采购处;IAPSO;采购处 Inter-agency Procurement Services Organization;机构间采购事务组织采购组织;IAPSO;采购组织 Inter-Agency Procurement Services Unit;机构间采购事务股;IAPSU; Inter-Agency Procurement Working Group;机构间采购工作组;IAPWG; Inter-Agency Programme Coordination Section;机构间方案协调科方案协调科;IAPCS;方案协调科 Inter-Agency Programme in Nutritional Surveillance;机构间营养监测方案;; Inter-agency Project on Post-Apartheid South Africa;取消种族隔离后的南非问题机构间项目;; inter-agency projects;机构间项目;; Inter-Agency Social Policy Group;机构间社会政策组;; Inter-Agency Standing Committee on Post-War and Disaster Reconstruction and Rehabilitation;战后和灾后重建与振兴机构间常设委员会;; Inter-Agency Standing Committee on Hides, Skins, Leather and Leather Products Industry;生皮、毛皮、皮革和皮革制品工业机构间常设委员会;; Inter-agency Steering Commission on Phase II 1992-1996 of the Transport and Communications Decade for Asia and the Pacific;亚洲及太平洋运输和通信十年第二阶段1992-1996年机构间指导委员会;; Inter-Agency Steering Committee for Cooperative Action for the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade;国际饮水供应和卫生十年合作行动机构间指导委员会;; Inter-agency Steering Committee of ACC for the World Decade for Cultural Development;行政协调会世界文化发展十年机构间指导委员会;; Inter-Agency Support Unit;机构间支助股;; Inter-Agency Surveillance Programme;机构间监测方案;; Inter-Agency Symposium on Reproductive Health in Refugee Situations;难民境况下生殖健康机构间专题讨论会;; Inter-Agency Task Force;机构间工作队;IATF; Inter-Agency Task Force for Chernobyl;切尔诺贝利机构间工作队;; Inter-Agency Task Force for the Implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development;执行国际人口与发展会议行动纲领机构间工作队;; Inter-agency Task Force for the Implementation of the United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s;执行1990年代联合国非洲发展新议程机构间工作队;; Inter-Agency Task Force on African Critical Economic Situation, Recovery and Development;非洲紧急经济形势、复苏和发展机构间工作队;; Inter-agency Task Force on Chernobyl;切尔诺贝利问题机构间工作队;; Inter-Agency Task Force on Data;机构间数据工作队;AITFD; Inter-Agency Task Force on Disability Issues;残疾问题机构间工作队;; Inter-Agency Task Force on Environment Statistics;环境统计机构间工作队;; Inter-Agency Task Force on Finance Statistics;机构间财务统计工作队;; Inter-Agency Task Force on Industrial and Construction Statistics;工业和建筑业统计机构间工作队;; Inter-Agency Task Force on Information Exchange and the Transfer of Technology;信息交换和技术转让机构间工作队 技术转让工作队;IATFIS;技术转让工作队 Inter-Agency Task Force on internally displaced persons;国内流离失所者问题机构间工作队;; Inter-Agency Task Force on International Trade Statistics;机构间国际贸易统计工作队;; Inter-Agency Task Force on National Accounts;机构间国民核算工作队;; Inter-Agency Task Force on Price Statistics;机构间价格统计工作队;; Inter-Agency Task Force on Services Statistics;机构间服务统计工作队;; Inter-Agency Task Force on Successor Arrangement for Agency Support Costs;机构支助费用后续安排机构间工作队;; Inter-Agency Task Force on Support Costs;支助费用问题机构间工作队;; Inter-agency Task Force on the Continuum from Relief to Development;从救济向发展过渡机构间工作队;; Inter-agency Task Force on the Implementation of the Social Development Strategy;实施社会发展战略机构间工作队;; Inter-Agency Task Force on the Measurement of Poverty;衡量贫穷机构间工作队;; Inter-Agency Task Force on the New Independent States;新独立国家问题机构间工作队;; Inter-Agency Task Force on the Support Cost Study;支助费用研究机构间工作队;; Inter-Agency Task Force on Water for Asia and the Pacific;亚洲及太平洋水事机构间工作队;; Inter-Agency Task Force on Women and IDWSSD;妇女与饮水供应和卫生十年机构间工作队;; Inter-Agency Task Force on Women in Development;妇女参与发展机构间工作队;; Inter-Agency Task Force on Youth Policies and Programme;青年政策和方案机构间工作队;; Inter-agency Technical Assistance Support Team;机构间技术援助支助队;; Inter-Agency Technical Committee on Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries;发展中国家间技术合作机构间技术委员会 技合技委会;IATC-TCDC;技合技委会 inter-agency technical follow-up mission;机构间技术后续工作视察团;; Inter-Agency Technical Support Assistance Centre;机构间技术支助援助中心;; Inter-Agency Technical Working Group;机构间技术工作组;; Inter-Agency Technical Workshop on Training Results to Finalize the Evaluation Training Guidelines for the United Nations System;最后确定联合国系统评价训练指导方针的训练结果问题机构间技术训练班;; Inter-Agency water Resources Board;机构间水资源委员会;; Inter-Agency Working Group Meeting on Phase II of the Transport and Communications Decade for Asia and the Pacific 1992-1996;亚洲及太平洋运输和通讯十年第二阶段1992-1996机构间工作组会议;; Inter-Agency Working Group of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment;环境问题非洲部长级会议机构间工作组;; Inter-Agency Working Group of the United Nations Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction;联合国减少自然灾害十年机构间工作组;; Inter-Agency Working Group on Desertification;荒漠化问题机构间工作组;IAWGD; Inter-Agency Working Group on Earth-Watch;机构间地球监察工作组;; Inter-Agency Working Group on Emergency Management;机构间紧急情况管理工作组;; Inter-Agency Working Group on Evaluation;评价问题机构间工作组;IAWGE; Inter-Agency Working Group on Female Genital Mutilation;切割女性生殖器官问题机构间工作组;; Inter-Agency Working Group on Human Rights Issues;机构间人权问题工作组;; Inter-Agency Working Group on Iraq;机构间伊拉克问题工作组;; Inter-Agency Working Group on Lebanon;黎巴嫩问题机构间小组;; Inter-Agency Working Group on Monitoring;机构间监测工作组;IAWGM; Inter-Agency Working Group on Outer Space;外空问题机构间工作组;; Inter-Agency Working Group on Refugees and Displaced Persons;难民和流离失所者机构间工作组;; Inter-Agency Working Group on Safe Motherhood;机构间安全孕产工作组;; Inter-Agency Working Group on Social Monitoring;社会监测机构间工作组;; Inter-Agency Working Group on the Reintegration of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons;难民和国内流利失所者重新融合问题机构间 工作组;; Inter-Agency Working Party on Marine Mammals;海洋哺乳动物机构间工作组;; Inter-Agency Project to Assist Countries Plan for Environmentally Sound Development;协助无害环境的发展的国家计划机构间项目;; Inter-agency Advisory Group on AIDS;机构间艾滋病咨询小组艾滋病咨询组;IAAG;艾滋病咨询组 Inter-Aid Committee;互助委员会;; Inter-Allied Declaration, 1941;同盟国宣言;; Inter-America Foundation;美洲基金会;IAF; Inter-America Tropical Tuna Commission;美洲热带金枪鱼委员会;IATTC; Inter-American Accounting Association;美洲会计协会;; Inter-American Advisory Committee;美洲咨询委员会;; Inter-American Air Transport Confederation;美洲航空运输联合会;CITA; Inter-American Association for Democracy and Freedom;美洲民主自由协会;IADF; Inter-American Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists;美洲农业图书馆员和文献工作者协会;AIBDA; Inter-American Association of Broadcasters;美洲广播业者协会;IAAB; Inter-American Association of Gastroenterology;美洲胃肠病学协会;AIGE; Inter-American Association of Industrial Property;美洲工业产权协会;ASIPI; Inter-American Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering;美洲国家卫生和环境工程协会;AIDIS; Inter-American Association of Sanitary Engineering;美洲国家卫生工程协会;; Inter-American Bar Association;美洲律师协会;IABA; Inter-American Bibliographical and Library Association;美洲书目和图书馆协会;IABLA; Inter-American Board of Agriculture;美洲农业委员会;; Inter-American Capital Corporation;美洲资本公司;; Inter-American Catholic Social Action Confederation;美洲天主教社会行动联合会;CIASC; Inter-American Centre for Integrated Development of Water and Soils;美洲水土综合开发中心;CIDIAT; Inter-American Centre for Labour Administration;美洲劳工管理中心;CIAT; Inter-American Centre for Regional Development;美洲区域发展中心;CINDER; Inter-American Centre for Social Development;美洲社会发展中心;CIDES; Inter-American Centre for Social Security Studies;美洲社会保障研究中心;; Inter-American Centre of Biostatistics;美洲生物统计中心;ICB; Inter-American Centre of Tax Administrators;美洲国家税务管理人员中心;CIAT; Inter-American Children Institute;美洲儿童研究所;IACI; Inter-American Coffee Organization;美洲咖啡组织;IACO; Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission;美洲商业仲裁委员会;; Inter-American Commission for Drug Abuse Control;美洲药物滥用管制委员会美洲药管会;IACAC;美洲药管会 Inter-American Commission for Environmental Law and Administration;美洲国家环境法和管理委员会;CIDAA; Inter-American Commission for the Control of Drug Abuse;美洲管制药物滥用委员会;CICAD; Inter-American Commission for Women;美洲妇女委员会;CIM; Inter-American Commission of Women;美洲妇女委员会美洲妇委会;IACW;美洲妇委会 Inter-American Commission on Culture;美洲文化委员会;CIDEC; Inter-American Commission on Human Rights;美洲人权委员会;IACHR; Inter-American Commission on Mathematics Education;美洲数学教学委员会;IACME; Inter-American Commission on the Status of Women;美洲妇女地位委员会;; Inter-American Commission on Women;美洲妇女委员会;; Inter-American Committee for Agricultural Development;美洲农业发展委员会;CIDA; Inter-American Committee for Crop Protection;美洲农业堡委员会;CIPA; Inter-American Committee of Agricultural Sciences;美洲农业科学委员会;; Inter-American Committee on the Alliance for Progress;美洲进步同盟委员会美洲进步同盟会;ICAP;美洲进步同盟会 Inter-American Committee on Education;美洲教育委员会;CIE; Inter-American Committee on Science and Technology;美洲科学和技术委员会美洲科技委;CICYT;美洲科技委 Inter-American Communications Service;美洲通信事务处;SIC; Inter-American Confederation of Catholic Education;美洲天主教教育联合会;CIEC; Inter-American Confederation of Cattlemen;美洲畜牧主联合会;CIAGA; Inter-American Confederation of Chemical Engineering;拉丁美洲化学工程联合会;IACCHE; Inter-American Conference at the Ministerial Level on Foot-and-Mouth Disease and other Zoonoses;美洲部长级口蹄疫及其他动物传染病会议;; Inter-American Conference for the Protection of Food and Tourism;美洲堡粮食和旅游业会议;; Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labour;第X届美洲劳工部长会议;; Inter-American Conference on Natural Disaster Reduction;美洲减少自然灾害会议;; Inter-American Conference on Responsible Fishing;美洲负责任捕鱼问题会议;; Conferencia Interamericana de Seguridad Social;美洲社会保障会议;CISS; Inter-American Conference on Social Security;美洲社会保障会议;IACSS; Inter-American Consultative Group on Cocoa Leaf Problems;美洲可可叶问题咨询小组;; Inter-American Convention on Conflict of Laws concerning Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes and Invoices;关于汇票、本票和发票方面法律冲突的美洲 公约;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司