翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 major programmes not requiring revisions;不必修订的主要方案;; Major project for mutual appreciation of Eastern and Western cultural values;互相了解东西方文化价值的主要计划;; Major Repair Fund;大修基金;; major special conference;大规模主要特别会议;; major trafficking networks;重要的贩毒网;; major variables;主要不定因素;; major weapons;主要武器; 重要武器;; MAJOR, John;约翰·梅杰;; major-type activity;大型活动;; majority leader;多数党领袖;; majority of members present and voting;出席并投票的会员的多数;; Majority Rule;多数人统治;; majority-owned entity;拥有过半股本的实体;; majority-owned subsidiaries of transnational corporations;跨国公司握有过半股权的附属公司;; MAK BEN;麦彬;; MAK-2m;马克-2m声纳;; MAKALOU, Oumar;奥马尔·马卡卢;; MAKAREVITCH, Nikolai P.;尼古拉·马卡列维奇;; MAKARIOS, Archbishop;马卡里奥斯大主教;; MAKAROV, Vasily Georgievich;瓦西里·马卡罗夫;; Makarramah, Makkah Al;圣城麦加;; MAKATINI, Johnnie;约翰尼·马卡蒂尼;; MAKATINI, Johnstone;约翰斯顿·马卡蒂尼;; MAKATINI, Mfanafuthi J.;姆法纳富蒂·马卡蒂尼;; MAKAWI, Mahgoub;马哈古卜·马卡维;; make;自制;; make good managerial sense;明智的管理措施;; make or buy decisions;“自制”或“购买”决定;; make, brand and type or model;制造厂商、商标、型号;; MAKEBA, Marian;玛丽安·马凯巴;; MAKEBA, Miriam;米里亚姆·马凯巴;; MAKEEV, Evgeniy Nikolaevich;耶夫格尼·尼古拉耶维奇·马克耶夫;; MAKEKA, Tabo;塔博·马凯卡;; MAKELA, Jarmo;雅尔莫·麦克莱;; MAKHAN, Vijay Singh;维贾伊·辛格·马汉;; MAKHANDA, Lesaoana;莱萨奥纳·马干达;; MAKHOSINI, Prince;马霍西尼·德拉米尼;; makhtab;社区中心;; MAKHURANE, Phihias;菲希阿斯·马库兰;; MAKINA OSA, Inocencio;伊诺森西奥·马基纳·奥萨;; Makkah Al Makarramah;圣城麦加;; Makkah Al-Mukarramah Declaration;圣城麦加宣言;; Makkah Declaration;麦加宣言;; MAKKAWI, Khalil;哈利勒·马卡维;; MAKKAWI, Mahgoub;马哈古卜·马卡维;; MAKKI, Hassan M.;哈桑·马基;; MAKOBERO, Barthelemy;巴泰勒米·马科贝罗;; MAKOETJE, Ntai E.;恩泰·马科埃齐;; MAKONNEN, Alemayehu;阿勒马耶胡·马康南;; MAKONNEN, Endalkachu;恩达卡丘·马康南;; MAKOTO KATSURA;桂诚;; MAKOTO TANIGUCHI;谷口诚;; MAKSIMOV, Lev I.;列夫·马克西莫夫;; MAKSOUD, Clovis;克卢维斯·马克苏德;; MAKSUDOV, Latif;拉季夫·马克苏多夫;; MAKTHIPHARAK, Bounpone;奔彭·马蒂帕拉;; MAKUZA, Desire;德西雷·马古扎;; MAKWETU, Clarence;克拉伦斯·马克维图;; Mala Captus Bene Detentus;非法逮捕; 合法拘留;; mala fide in bad faith;恶意不真实欺诈;; Mala Gradusa;马拉格拉杜萨;; maladjusted children;行为问题儿童;; MALAFATOPOULOS, Stavros A.;斯塔夫罗斯·马拉法托谱洛斯;; MALAGA-EGO-AGUIRRE, David;戴维·马拉加-埃戈-阿基雷 3/5/91;; Malaga-Torremolinos Convention;马拉加--托雷莫里诺斯公约 新国际电信公约;;新国际电信公约 Malagasy Franc;马达加斯加法郎;; MALAKI, Abbas;阿巴斯·马拉基;; MALAN, Magnus;马格纳斯·马伦;; Malange;马兰盖;; malaria;疟疾;; Malaria Advisory Group;疟疾咨询小组;; Malaria Eradication Special Account;根治疟疾特别帐户;; malaria eradication worker;根治疟疾工作人员;; malaria focus;疟疾重点发病区;; malarial infection;疟疾感染;; malarious area;疟疾病区;; MALARY, Francois Guy;弗朗索瓦·居伊·马拉里;; MALARY, Guy;居伊·马拉里;; malathion;马拉硫磷;; Malawi;马拉维;; Malayan Banking Berhad of Kuala Lumpur;吉隆坡马来亚银行;; Malaysia;马来西亚;; Malaysian Association of Certified Public Accountants;马来西亚执业会计师协会;; Malaysian Industrial Development Authority;马来西亚工业发展局;; Malaysian Muslim Welfare Organization;马亚西亚回教徒福利组织马回福利组织;PERKIM;马回福利组织 Malaysian Rubber Research and Development Board;马来西亚橡胶研究和发展局;; malcontents;不满意者;; Maldives;马尔代夫;; Maldives Rupee;马尔代夫卢比;; MALDONADO, Abundio;阿文迪奥·马尔多纳多;; MALDONADO, Jose E. MORALES;何塞·莫拉莱斯·马尔多纳多;; MALDONADO, Rosa Carmina Recinos de;罗莎·卡米纳·雷西诺斯·德马尔多纳多;; male and female parents;父母亲;; male chauvinism;男性沙文主义; 大男子主义;; male dominance;男性优势;; male education;男子教育;; male fertility methods;男性节育方法;; male power privilege and control;男性特权和控制;; male preserve;男性专属;; MALEBESUA;马莱贝苏阿;; MALECELA, John S.;约翰·马莱塞拉;; MALEK, Issa;伊萨·马立克;; MALEK-ZADEGAN, Muhammad Hossein;穆罕默德·侯赛因·马利克 - 扎德甘;; MALEKAMA, Antonin;安托南·马尔卡马;; MALEKO, J.G.;马勒科;; Maleski;马莱斯基;; MALESKI, Denko;丹科·马莱斯基;; MALFATTI, Franco;佛朗哥·马尔法蒂;; malformation;畸形; 变形;; MALHOUTRA, Moni;莫尼·马罗特拉;; Mali Franc;马里法郎;; Mali Zvornik;小兹沃尔尼克;; Malian Association for the Protection and Promotion of the Family;马里家庭堡和促进协会;; malice;预谋,蓄谋;; malice aforethought;预谋的恶意,预谋不轨,预谋罪;; malignant neoplasms;恶性肿瘤;; MALIK, Adam;亚当·马利克;; MALIK, Adnan;阿德南·马利克;; MALIK, Yakov Aleksandrovich;雅科夫·亚历山德罗维奇·马立克;; MALIKYAR, Abdullah;阿卜杜拉·马利克亚尔;; MALILE, Reis;雷兹·马利列;; MALINDI, K. N.;马林迪;; MALINDI, Kesiwe Ndlovu;克西韦·恩德洛武·马林迪;; MALINEN, Pekka;佩卡·马利宁;; MALINGA, N.M.;马林加;; Malinowski Honorary Prize;马林诺夫斯基名誉奖;; MALITZA, Mircea;米齐亚·马利察;; MALLET, William George;威廉·乔治·马利特;; MALLIAS, Alexandros P.;亚历山德罗斯·马利亚斯;; mallotus villosus villosus;毛鳞鱼;; MALLYA, Frederick E.G.;弗雷德里克·马尔亚;; MALMIERCA PEOLI, Isidoro;伊西多罗·马尔米耶卡·佩奥利;; MALMSTEN, Agneta;阿格内塔·马尔姆斯滕;; malnourished child;营养不良儿童;; malnutrition;营养不良;; malnutrition-morbidity cycle;营养不良--发病周期;; MALO, Javer;亚维尔·马洛;; MALONE, David;戴维·马隆;; MALONGA, Raphael;拉菲尔·马朗加;; MALOSKI, Denko;丹科·马洛斯基;; Maloti;马洛蒂;; MALRAL;马尔拉尔;; MALRAUX, Andre;安德烈·马尔罗;; Malta;马耳他;; Malta Declaration on the environment and sustainable development;关于环境和可持续发展问题的马耳他宣言;; Malta Labour Party;马耳他工党;; Maltese Pound;马耳他镑;; Malthasian Theory;马尔萨斯人口论;; MALTHUS, T.R.;托·罗·马尔萨斯;; maltreated women and children;受虐待的妇女和儿童;; MALTSEV, Iouri;伊乌里·马尔采夫;; MALUNGA, Joao Aleixo;若奥·阿莱绍·马伦加;; MALVAL, Robert;罗伯特·马尔瓦尔;; MAMALONI, Solomon;所罗门·马马洛尼;; MAMBA, George M.;乔治·马姆巴;; MAMBERTI, Dominique;多米尼克·曼贝蒂;; MAMEDIAROV, Elmar Mageram ogly;叶尔马尔·马格拉姆·奥格雷·马梅季亚罗夫;; MAMEDOV, Yakub;雅库布·马梅多夫;; Mamelukes;骑兵队;; MAMFOUMBI, Anne-Marie;安妮-玛丽·芒富姆比;; MAMFOUMBI, Etienne;艾蒂安·芒富姆比;; mammalian biology;哺乳生物学;; MAMO, Anthony J.;安东尼·约·马莫 1/19/76;; MAMORIBO, Jan;扬·马莫里博 2/18/76;; MAMOUDOU, Hama;阿马·马马杜;; MAMOUDOU, M. Maidah;马伊达·马马杜;; MAMUGWE, Werner;沃纳·梅谬格威;; Man and Biosphere;人与生物圈方案;MAB; Man and the Biosphere Programme;人与生物圈方案;MAB; Man of War Bay;战舰湾;; man sievert;人西沃特;man Sv; man versus the Virus;人类抵御病毒;; man-made environment;人为环境;; man-made fibres;人造纤维;; man-month;人工月;M/M; man-of-war;战舰;; man-powered flight;人力飞机;; man-rad;人拉德;; man-year;人工年;; MANAFI, Hadi;哈迪·马纳菲;; management and non-management employees category;经理人员和非经理人员职工职类;;职工职类 management accounting practices;管理会计实务;MAP; Management Advisory Group for Information System;信息系统管理咨询小组;MAGIS; Management Advisory Service;管理咨询处;MAS; Management and Coordination Agency;管理和协调机构;MCA; Management and Information System Staff;管理和信息系统工作人员;MISS; management and planning of development projects;发展项目管理和规划;; management audit;管理情况审计;; Management Audit Section;管理审计科;; Management Board;管理委员会;; management by objective;目标明确的管理;MBO; management by reference point;参考点管理法;; Management Committee;管理委员会;; Management Committee of the Global Programme on Aids;全球艾滋病方案管理委员会;; Management Committee Task Force;管理委员会工作队;; management concept;管理思想;; Management contract;管理合同;; Management Coordination Committee;管理协调委员会管理协委会;MCC;管理协委会 Management Council;管理委员会;; Management Development and Governance Division;管理发展和施政司施政司;MDGD;治理司 Management Development Programme;管理发展方案;MDP; Management Development Support Unit;管理发展支助股;; Management Facility;管理资助金;; management fees;管理费用;; Management for Development Programme;管理促进发展方案;; Management Group;管理小组;; management improvement agencies;管理改进机构;; Management Improvement Section;改善管理科;MIS; Management Information Advisory Committee;管理信息咨询委员会;; Management Information Officer;管理信息干事;; Management Information Service Division;管理信息事务司;MIS; Management Information Service Unit;管理信息事务股;; Management Information System in Transport;运输管理信息系统;; Management Information System;管理信息系统;MIS; Management Information Systems Project;管理信息系统项目;; Management Information Systems Unit;管理信息系统股;; Management Information Technical Committee;管理信息技术委员会;; Management Inspections and Audit Service;管理检查和审计处;; management letters;管理信件;; Management Loan Fund;管理贷款基金;MLF; management of human resources development;人力资源开发管理;; Management of Livestock and Rangelands in the Sudan-Sahalian Region to Combat Desertification;管理苏丹 - 萨赫勒区域牲畜和牧场防止荒 漠化计划苏丹 - 萨赫勒牲畜管理计划;SOLAR;苏丹 - 萨赫勒牲畜管理计划 Management of Nutritional Emergencies in Large Populations;庞大人口营养紧急状况的管理;; management of quality control;质量控制管理;; Management of Social Transformations;社会变革管理;MAST; management of technical cooperation;技术合作的管理;; management of the fund;管理基金;; Management Overview of Flood Forecasting Systems;水灾预报系统管理办法;MOFFS; management positions;管理职务;; management representations;管理当局的陈述; 管理当局申述书;; Management Review and Analysis Section;管理审查和分析科;MRAS;审查分析科 Management Review Group;管理审查小组;MRG; management review team;管理审查小组;; Management Sciences for Health;保健管理科学协会;MSH; Management Service Division;管理事务司行管部/管理司;AM/MSD;行管部/管理司 management services agreement;管理事务协议;MSA; Management Services and Special Procurement Section;管理事务和特别采购科;; Management Services Division;管理事务司管理司;MSD;管理司 Management Services Section;管理事务科;; Management Skills Programme;管理技巧方案;; management structure;管理结构;; Management Support Unit;管理支助股; 管理支助单位;MSU; Management System International;国际管理系统;MSI; Management Systems Section;管理系统科;; Management Team;管理队;; Management Training and Development Fund;管理训练和发展基金;; manager of the UNDCC;发展合作周期的主管单位;; managerial accounting;管理会计;; Managerial Advisory Group on Information Systems;信息系统管理咨询组;; managerial auditing;管理审计;; managerial directors' report;常务董事报告;; managerial operations of programmes;方案的管理工作;; Managerial Policy Group;管理政策组;MPG; managers;管理人员;; Managing Director;总裁;; Managing Editor;总编辑;; managing integrated production/consumption systems;管理综合生产/消费系统办法;;办法 Managua Agenda;马那瓜议程;; Managua Protocol on Disarmament;马那瓜裁军议定书;; MANAI, Ibrahim;易卜拉欣·马奈伊;; MANAKINE, E.M.;马纳金;; MANALO, Enrique A.;恩里克·马纳洛;; Manama Declaration;麦纳麦宣言;; Manas;玛纳斯;; Manas Epic;玛纳斯史诗;; MANASAN, Mae Agnes L.;马埃·阿格尼丝·马纳桑;; manat;马纳特;; Manaus Declaration on the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development;关于联合国环境与发展会议的马瑙斯宣言;; Mancanhos;曼坎霍族;; MANCHAM, James;詹姆斯·曼卡姆;; Manchester Guardian Weekly;曼彻斯特前卫周刊;; MANCINI, Bernardino;贝尔纳迪诺·曼奇尼;; MANDA-LOUNDHET, Sylvain;西尔万·芒达-卢恩德;; mandamus;训令;; mandate;任务规定;; mandate for...;授权;; mandate and strength;任务规定与编制;; mandate and terms of reference;任务和职权范围;; Mandate of South Africa over Namibia, to terminate;结束[或终止]南非对纳米比亚的委任统治;; Mandate of UNPROFOR is an interim arrangement to create the conditions of peace and security required for the negotiation of an overall settlement...;联保部队的任务是一种临时安排,其目的在于建立和平和安全的环境,以便通过谈判全面解决南斯拉夫的晰...;; mandated activities;已获授权的活动;; mandated territory;委任统治地;; mandatory State or power;委任统治国;; mandatory age of separation;强制性离职年龄;; mandatory arms embargo;强制性武器禁运;; mandatory ceiling on emoluments;硬性规定的最高报酬总额;; mandatory challenge inspection, system of;强制性质疑核查制度;; mandatory contributions;法定缴款;; mandatory decision;强制性决定;; mandatory embargo;强制禁运;; mandatory increase;法定增加数;; mandatory inspection;强制性视察;; mandatory provision;强制性规定;; mandatory sanction;强制性制裁;; MANDELA, Nelson Rorihlahla;纳尔逊·罗里拉拉·曼德拉;; MANDELA, Nomzamo Winnie;农扎莫·温尼·曼德拉;; MANDERSON-JONES, R.B.;曼德森-琼斯;; MANDI, Stanislas;斯塔尼斯拉斯·芒迪;; Mandingo;曼丁戈;; MANDIS, Vernon L.B.;弗农·曼迪斯;; Mandrax;复方安眠酮;; mandrels and dies;心轴和模具;; MANDUNGU BULA NIATI;曼顿古·布拉·尼亚蒂;; MANE, Malam;马兰·马内;; MANEK, Gyula;久拉·曼内克;; MANESCU, Corneliu;科·曼内斯库;; MANESCU, Manea;马尼亚·曼内斯库;; Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competitions;Manfred Lachs 空间法模拟法庭竞赛;; MANFREDO, Fernando;费尔南多·曼弗雷多;; Manganese Centre;锰研究中心;; manganese nodule;锰结核;; manganese ore;锰矿砂;; manganin gauges;锰铜压力计;; MANGET, Earl;厄尔·芒热;; MANGLAPUS, Raul S.;劳尔·曼格拉普斯部长;;部长 MANGOAELA, Percy Metsing;佩尔西·梅青·曼戈阿拉;; MANGONA, Protais;普罗塔·曼古纳;; MANGOPE, Lucas;卢卡斯·曼戈普;; MANGUSHO, Arapta Martinez;阿拉普塔·马丁内斯·曼古肖;; Manila Declaration on the Agenda for Action on Social Development in the ESCAP Region;关于亚太经社区域社会发展行动议程的马尼 拉宣言;; manifest;包口单;; manifest of cargo;船货舱单;; manifest of clearance;出港证;; manifest religion or belief;表现宗教或信仰;; Manifesto for the New South Africa;新南非宣言;; Manifesto on Southern Africa;南部非洲宣言 ;; MANIGAT, Leslie F.;莱斯利·马尼加特;; MANIKFAN, Hussein;侯赛因·马尼克凡;; Manila Communique of the World Food Council: A Programme of Action to Eradicate Hunger and Malnutrition;世界粮食理事会马尼拉公报: 消除饥饿和营养不良行动纲领;; Manila Declaration;马尼拉宣言;; Manila Declaration and Programme of Action;马尼拉宣言和行动纲领;; Manila Declaration on a Social Development Strategy for the ESCAP Region towards the Year 2000 and Beyond;关于亚太经社会区域到2000年及其后的社会 发展战略的马尼拉宣言;; Manila Declaration on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes;关于和平解决国际争端的马尼拉宣言;; Manila Declaration on World Tourism;关于旅游问题的马尼拉宣言;; Manila Principles for High Seas Fisheries Management;马尼拉公海渔业管理原则;; MANIMEKALAI, M.;马尼梅卡莱;; manipulation;操纵;; manipulation of accounts;窜改帐目;; manipulator;机械手;; MANITSKI, Jaan;扬·马尼茨基;; Mankind's Heritage Programme;人类文化传统方案;; Manley, Albert Leslie;艾伯特·莱斯利·曼利;; MANLEY, Audrey;奥德丽·曼利;; Manley, Michael;迈克尔·曼利;; MANLEY, Simon;西蒙·曼利;; MANN, Laurent;洛朗·芒恩;; manned military position;驻防军事阵地;; manned space flight;载人空间航行;; manned space object;载人空间物体;; manned space station;载人空间站;; manned space system;载人空间系统;; manned spacecraft;载人航天器;; manned submersibles;载人潜水器;; manner of warfare;作战方式;; MANNER, Eero;埃罗·曼内尔;; Mannesmann-Konzern;曼内斯曼康采恩;; MANNHEIMER, Kaj;卡伊·曼黑默;; manning of ships;船员配置;; manning table;员额表; 人员配置表; 作战部署表;; manning table posts;员额表员额;; Mano River Union;马诺河联盟;MRU; manoeuvrable re-entry vehicle;可操纵重返火箭;MARV; manoeuvring stages;机动级;; manpower management survey;人力管理调查;; Manpower and the Energy Sector Coordinator;人力和能源部门协调员;; Manpower and Training Section;人力和训练科;; manpower balance;人力资源平衡表;; Manpower Development Coordination Division;人力发展协调处;; manpower planner;人力规划人员;; manpower resources;人力资源;; manpower utilization;人力利用;; manpower utilization and deployment survey;人力利用和配置调查;; manpower utilization survey;人力利用调查;; MANRIQUE, Miguel Angel;米格尔·安赫尔·曼里克;; MANSARAY, Khadijatu;卡迪贾图·曼萨赖;; MANSARAY, Sheka Abdulai;谢卡·阿卜杜莱·曼萨赖;; manslaughter;过失杀人罪,误杀罪;; MANSOUR, Farhan;法尔罕·曼苏尔;; MANSOUR, Ibrahim Moneim;易卜拉欣·穆奈姆·曼苏尔;; MANSOUR, Mohamed Yahia;穆罕默德·叶海亚·曼苏尔;; MANSOUR, Omar;奥马尔·曼苏尔;; MANSOUR, Riyad;里亚德·曼苏尔;; MANSOURI, Mohammad Samir;穆罕默德·萨米尔·曼苏里;; MANSOURI, Samir;萨米尔·曼苏里;; MANTANE LOPEZ, Sergio;塞尔希奥·曼塔内·洛佩斯;; MANTOUCK, M. Richard;里沙德·曼托克;; MANTOUCK, Richard;里沙德·曼托克;; MANU-MAHOUNGOU, Dieudonne;迪厄多内·马努-马翁古;; Manual and Guidelines for Comprehensive Flood Loss Prevention and Management;全面预防和管理洪灾损失手册和指导方针;; Manual and Mental Workers Union;体力和脑力工作者工会;; manual crafts;手工艺品;; Manual for Practitioners;执业律师手册;; Manual for the Assessment of the Socio-economic Effects of Natural Disasters;评估自然灾害的社会经济影响手册;; Manual for the Compilation of Balance of Water Resources and Needs;水资源及对水需要盈绌情形资料编集方法手册;; Manual for the Development of Criminal Justice Statistics;发展刑事司法统计手册;; Manual for the Preparation of Industrial Feasibility Studies;工业可行性研究报告编写手册;; manual labour;手工; 体力劳动;; Manual of environment statistics, vol. II: Natural resources statistics;环境统计手册, 第二卷: 自然资源统计;; manual of organization of the Secretariat;秘书处组织情况手册;; Manual of Population Census Methods;人口普查方法手册;; Manual of Protocol for the United Nations;联合国礼宾手册;; Manual of Supply Procedures on the Procurement of Supplies and Equipment;采购用品和设备的供应程序手册;; Manual of the Balance of Payment;国际收支手册;BOP; Manual of United Nations Technical Assistance;联合国技术援助手册;; Manual on census data processing using micro-computers and software packages;使用微型电子计算机和软件包处理人口普查数据手册;; Manual on Commodities and Marketing Channels;商品和销售渠道手册;; Manual on Computerization in the Management of Criminal Justice;刑事司法管理计算机化手册;; Manual on Cooperation for Ageing;老龄合作社手册;; Manual on Costing of Water Resources Projects;水资源工程估价手册;; Manual on Environmental Accounting;环境核算手册;; Manual on Human Rights;人权手册;; Manual on Human Rights Reporting;《人权报告手册》;; Manual on Integrating Population Variables into Development Planning;人口变量纳入发展规划手册;; Manual on Licensing Procedures in Member Countries of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe;联合国欧洲经济委员会成员国许可证程序手册;; Manual on Practical Measures against Corruption;反贪污切实措施手册;; Manual on Money and Banking Statistics;货币和银行统计手册;; Manual on National Accounts at Constant Prices;不变价格国民核算手册;; Manual on National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights;各国促进和堡人权机构手册;; Manual on Procedures for Programming and Control of Implementation of Industrial Projects in Developing Countries;发展中国家工业项目的方案编制和实施管制 程序手册;; Manual on the development and implementation of coastal environmental management plans;制定和执行沿悍境管理计划手册;; Manual on the Effective Prevention and Investigation of Extra-Legal, Arbitrary and Summary Executions;有效防止和调查法外、任意和即决处决手册;; Manual on the equalization of opportunities for disabled persons;残疾人机会均等手册;; Manual on the ICAO Statistics Programme;民航组织统计方案手册;; Manual on the promotion of environmental technology and prevention of chemical accidents;促进环境技术和预防化学事故手册;; manual payments;人工付款;; manual typewriter;手动打字机;; manual worker gardener;劳力园丁;; manual workers;体力工人; 体力工作者;; Manuel des lois de la guerre maritime dans les rapports entre belligerants;海战交战关系法规手册;; Manuel des lois de la guerre sur terre;陆战法规手册;; MANUEL SANTOS, Juan;胡安·曼努埃尔·桑托斯;; MANUEL, Alferes;阿尔费雷斯·曼纽尔;; manufactured products;工业制成品;; Manufacturers Hanover Corp.;汉华实业公司;; Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company;汉华实业银行;; manufacturers' association;制造者协会;; manufactures;制成品;; Manufactures Division;制成品司;MAN; manufacturing;制造业;; manufacturing as a percentage of total GDP;制造业占国内总产值的百分比;; manufacturing company;制造公司;; manufacturing employment;制造业的就业;; manufacturing facilities;制造设备;; manufacturing firm;制造企业;; manufacturing industry;制造工业;; manufacturing production;制成品生产;; manufacturing sector;制造业部门;; manufacturing TNCs;跨国制造公司;; manufacturing value added;制造业增值;MVA; MANUFAHI, Maria de;玛丽亚·德马努法希;; manuscripts;草稿;; Manushi for Sustainable Development;可持续发展曼努什协会;; MANYEMA, Charles C.;查尔斯·曼耶马;; MANZ, Hans Peter;汉斯·彼得·曼茨;; MANZ, Johannes J.;约翰尼斯·曼斯;; MANZANARES VELOZ, Victor;维克托·曼萨纳雷斯·贝洛斯;; MANZANO ZAVALA, Cesar Augusto;塞萨尔·奥古斯托·曼萨诺·萨瓦拉;; MANZHOSOV, Alexei Yurievich;阿列克谢·尤里耶维奇·曼诺索夫;; MANZI, Bakuramutsa;巴库拉穆察·曼齐;; MANZOU, James;詹姆斯·曼佐;; Maori Land Court of New Zealand;新西兰毛利土地法院;; Map Collection;地图室;; Map Documentation and Reference Centre;地图文献和资料中心;; map information;图上说明性注记;; Map Library;地图馆;; map marked with locations of all troop positions;兵力部署地图;; map name;图上名称;; map reference MR;交点;MR; Mapai River Dam;马拜河水坝;; Mapai;工党;; Mapai, Socialist Labour Party;马拜, 社会主义工党;; Mapam Party;统一工人党;; MAPANI, B.;马帕尼;; mapping;制图;; mapping expedition;踏勘; 查勘;; mapping of clearly defined career paths within and between occupational groups;制订各职业类之内和之间明确规定的职业发 展路线;; maps of basic unsatisfied needs;未满足基本需要图;MBUN; Mapuche National Confederation;马普切民族联盟;; MAPURANGA, M.T.;马普兰加;; Maputo Declaration in Support of the Peoples of Zimbabwe and Namibia and the Programme of Action for the Liberation of Zimbabwe and Namibia;支持津巴布韦和纳米比亚人民的马普托宣言 和争取津巴布韦和纳米比亚解放的行动纲领;; MAQSUDI, Farid A.;法里德·马克苏迪;; MAQTARI, Abdul-Ghani Thabit;阿卜杜勒-加尼·萨比特·马格塔里;; MAQUIEIRA, Cristian;克里斯蒂安·马凯拉;; maquiladoras;边境加工厂;; Mar del Plata Action Plan;马德普拉塔行动计划;MPAP; MARA, Joseph;约瑟夫·马拉;; MARA, Ratu Finau;拉图·菲瑙·马拉;; MARA, Ratu Sir Kamisese;卡米塞塞·马拉爵士;;爵士 maraging steel;马氏体时效钢;; MARAIS, Piet;皮特·马雷斯;; MARAJ, Ralph;拉尔夫·迈拉杰;; MARALDI, Guglielmo Guerrini;古利埃尔莫·圭里尼·马拉尔迪;; MARAMIS, J.B.P.;马拉米斯;; marasmic kwashiorkor;消瘦型蛋白质缺乏营养不良症;; marasmus;消瘦;; MARATA, O.;马拉塔;; marauding acts;劫掠行为;; MARCANO, Luis Herrera;路易斯·埃雷拉·马卡诺;; MARCELLIN, Raymond;雷蒙·马塞兰;; MARCELO, Emily;埃米莉·马塞洛;; MARCHAN, Jaime;海梅·马尔昌;; MARCHAND, De Montigny;德蒙蒂尼·马尔尚;; MARCHAND, J.M.M.G.;盖伊·马尔尚;; MARCHANT et d'ANSEMBOURG, Count Jan M.V.A. De;扬·马尔尚和安森堡伯爵;; Marches Tropicaux et Mediterraneens;热带和地中海市场;; Marchetti ground-support aircraft;马尔凯蒂地面部队掩护飞机;; Marchioness;侯爵夫人; 女侯爵;; Marco Polo-2 satellite;马可波罗2号卫星;; MARCO, Guido de;吉多·德马尔科;; MARCONDES de CARVALHO, Jose Antonio;若泽·安东尼奥·马孔德斯·德卡瓦略;; MARCOS, Imelda Romualdez;伊梅尔达·罗穆亚尔德斯·马科斯;; MARCOULLIS, Erato K.;埃拉托·科扎库·马尔库利斯;; MARCUARD, Sigismond;西吉斯蒙·马夸尔;; MARCUS, Lars;拉斯·马絮斯;; Mardan Basic Democrats;马丹基本民主党;; MARDIT, Supatra;素巴·马沙滴;; Mardoqueo Cruz commando unit;“马德克奥·克鲁斯”突击队;; MARDOVICH, Anatoly A.;阿纳托利·马尔多维奇;; mare clausum;领海;; mare liberum;公海;; MARE, Macodou;马可杜·马雷;; MAREHALAU, Jesse B.;杰西·梅尔哈劳 11/19/91;; Marehan;马雷汉人;; MAREI, Sayed Ahmed;赛义德·艾哈迈德·马雷;; MARENGO, Marc;马克·马朗戈;; MARENGO, Marc Michael;马克·迈克尔·马朗戈;; MARGAIN, Hugo B.;乌戈·马尔盖恩;; margarine;植物黄油;; marged company;被兼并公司;; margin;差额; 差数;; margin between the import price and the domestic selling price;进口价与国内销售价的差额;; margin calculation methodology;差额计算方法;; margin calculations based on net base salaries;以基薪净额为准的差数计算;; margin considerations;差幅因素;; margin of tolerance;容许差额通融余地;; margin range;差幅;; marginal publications;可有可无的;; marginal activities;边际活动;; marginal airborne fraction;进入大气污染物源于矿物燃料的部分;; marginal cost;边际成本;; marginal costing;边际成本计算法;; marginal groups;边缘群体; 边际群体;; marginal labour market;边际劳工市场;; marginal land;边缘土地;; marginal low-income occupations;低收入的边际职业;; marginal note;边注;; marginal population;边际人口;; marginal price;边际价格;; marginal rates of investment;边际投资率;; marginal rates of savings;边际储蓄率;; marginal sea;边缘海;; marginal social benefits;边际社会效益;MSB; marginal social costs;边际社会成本;MSC; marginal yield;边际产量;; marginalization;陷入社会边缘地位;; marginalized communities;处于社会边缘地位的群体边际化社区;;; marginally employed;边际就业;; marginally useful or obsolete activities;功用不大或过时的活动;; MARGUEZ, Carlos Gonzales;卡洛斯·冈萨雷斯·马尔盖斯;; Marhaenism;麦汉平民主义;; Maria Theresa dollars;玛利特雷沙元;; MARIA, Victor Saude;维克多·萨乌德·玛丽亚;; Mariana Islands;马里亚纳群岛;; MARIANO, Maria Tereza Netto dos Santos;玛丽亚·特雷莎·内托·多斯桑托斯·马里亚诺;; MARICO, Aminata;阿米娜塔·马里科;; mariculture;海产养殖;; MARIE, Sayed Ahmed;赛义德·艾哈迈德·马雷;; marihuana, marijuana;大麻烟;; marina;游艇停泊港;; marine fisheries catches;海洋渔业渔获量;; Marine Affairs Institute;海事研究所;; marine biological features;海洋生物的特点;; marine biologist;海洋生物学家;; marine biota;海洋生物;; marine cables;海底电缆;; marine chemistry;海洋化学;; Marine Coastal Technology Information Service;海洋和沿海技术信息处;MACTIS; Marine Cooperation Project in Africa;非洲海事合作项目;COMARAF; marine court;海事法院;; marine data management;海洋数据管理;; marine disposal of hazardous wastes;危险废物的海洋处理;; marine ecosystem;海洋生态体系;; marine environment;海洋环境;; Marine Environment Division;海洋环境司;; Marine Environment Protection Committee;海洋环境堡委员会海贬;MEPC;海贬 Marine Environmental Data and Information Referral System;海洋环境数据和信息查询系统 海洋信息查询系统;MEDI;海洋信息查询系统 Marine Environmental Laboratory;海洋环境实验室;; Marine Geological Institute;海洋地质研究所;; marine incineration;海上焚化; 海上焚烧;; marine industrial technology;海洋工业技术;; marine insurance;海上保险;; marine insurance policy;海上保险单水险保单;;水险保单 marine life;海洋生物;; marine mammals;海洋哺乳动物;; Marine Midland Banks Inc.;马林·米德兰银行;; Marine Observation Satellite;海洋观测卫星;MOS; marine phosphorte;海洋磷灰岩;; marine pipelines;海底管道;; marine plants;海生植物;; marine police;海事警察;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司