翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Members Security Council;成员;; members and members ad hoc of the Chamber;分庭法官和专案法官;; members of a group and associated enterprises;某集团和联营企业的成员;; members of society;社会成员;; members of the board of directors;董事会董事;; members of the Court;国际法院法官;; members of the International Law Commission;国际法委员会委员 不译“成员”;;不译成“成员” members of the Inner Cabinet;核心内阁成员;; members of the International Court of Justice;国际法院法官;; Members of the United Nations System;联合国系统内各组织;; members present and voting;出席并参加表决的成员;; members, members ad hoc and experts of the Chamber;分庭法官、专案法官和专家;; membership;成员;; membership and attendance;成员和出席情况;; membership application;要求加入的申请;; MEMIAGHE-OSSAKEDJOMBO-NGOUA, Gisele;吉泽尔·梅米亚格 - 奥萨克江博 - 恩古瓦;; Meminska;梅明斯卡;; memo item;备忘项目;; Memorandum Account or record;备查帐户或记录;;或记录 memorandum entries;备查记录分录;;分录 memorandum item;备忘项目;; memorandum of agreement;协定备忘录;; Memorandum of the Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Organization;亚非人民团结组织的备忘录;; Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics regarding a Bilateral Verification Experiment and Data Exchange related to Prohibition of CW;美利坚合众国政府和苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟政府关于禁止化学武器的双边核查实验和数据交换的谅解备忘录;; Memorandum of Understanding Countries MOU Countries;海洋法 签署谅解备忘录国家;MOU Countrie; Memorandum of Understanding for the Programming of Regional Cooperation Funds under the Third Lome Convention for the ACP Africa, Caribbean and Pacific States of Southern Africa;根据第三次洛美协定为非洲、加勒比和太平洋国家中的南部非洲国家制订区域合作资金方案的谅解备忘录;; Memorandum of Understanding on Common Services;共同事务谅解备忘录;; Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control in Implementing Agreements on Maritime Safety and Protection of the Marine Environment;关于在执行海事安全和海洋环境堡协定中实行港口国管制的谅解备忘录;; Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control, 1982;1982年关于港口国管制的谅解备忘录;; Memorandum of Understanding on Principles and Arrangements Relating to Returning Vietnamese Non-refugees from Indonesia;有关从印度尼西亚遣返越南非难民的原则和安排谅解备忘录;; Memorandum of Understanding on Small Cetaceans in the North Sea;关于北海小鲸目动物的谅解备忘录;; Memorandum of Understanding on the Destruction of Chemical Weapon;关于销毁化学武器的谅解备忘录;; Memorandum of Understanding on the establishment of the SAARC secretariat;关于设立南盟秘书处的谅解备忘录;; Memorandum of Understanding on Warhead Attribution and Heavy Bomber Data Relating to the Treaty between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms;关于与<<美利坚合众国和俄罗斯联邦关于进 一步裁减和限制进攻性战略武器条约>>有关的 弹头属性和重型轰炸机数据的谅解备忘录;; Memorandum of Understanding regarding a bilateral verification experiment and data exchange;关于双边核查实验和数据交换的谅解备忘录;; Memorandum of Understanding regarding Mutual Assistance and Cooperation for Prevention and Repression of Customs Offences in the Caribbean Zone MOU;加勒比区域防止和禁止关税犯罪互助和合作 谅解备忘录;; Memorandum of Understanding regarding the establishment of a direct communication link;关于建立直接通讯联系的谅解备忘录;; Memorandum of Understanding regarding the Establishment of the Data Base for the Treaty between the USA and USSR on the Elimination of Their Intermediate Range and Shorter Range Missiles;关于建立美苏消除两国中程导弹和中短程导弹条约数据基的谅解备忘录;; Memorandum of Understanding signed between Iraq and the United Nations on 22 October 1992;1992年10月22日伊拉克和联合国签署的谅解备忘录;; Memorandum on Security Assurances in Connection with Ukraine's Accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons;关于乌克兰加入不扩散核武器条约的安全保 证备忘录;; Memorandum on the Approximation of the Law of Member States relating to Product Liability;使成员国产品责任法互相接近的备忘录;; Memorandum on the maintenance of peace and stability in the Commonwealth of Independent States;在独立国家联合体维护和平与稳定备忘录;; memorial;诉状;; Memorial Cemetery at Tanggok;堂谷纪念公墓;; Memorial Day;阵亡将士纪念日;; memorial lecture;纪念讲座;; Memory of the World programme;“世界追忆”方案;; memory system;存贮系统;; MEMSAH, Aissa;阿伊塞·门萨;; Men of Forestry Prize;“树木之人”奖;; Men's International Professional Tennis Council;国际男子职业网球理事会;; MENA QUINTANA, Juan de;胡安·德梅纳·金塔纳;; MENAGARISHVILI, Irakli;伊拉克利·梅纳加里什维利;; Menam;湄南河;; menarche;初经期;; MENARS, Balbi de;巴尔维·德米纳尔斯;; MENAT, Peirre Henri;皮埃尔·亨利·梅纳;; MENAT, Pierre;皮埃尔·梅纳;; MENDES, Francisco;弗朗西斯科·门德斯;; MENDES, Maria de Fatima V. de Andrade;玛丽亚·德法蒂马·德安德拉德·门德斯;; MENDES-France, Pierre;皮埃尔·孟戴斯 - 弗朗斯;; MENDEZ QUINTANA, Luis Napoleon;路易斯·纳波莱昂·门德斯·金塔纳;; MENDEZ, Manuel;曼努埃尔·门德斯;; MENDEZ, Miguel A. Sanchez;米格尔·桑切斯·门德斯;; MENDEZ, Nicanor Costa;尼卡诺尔·科斯塔·门德斯;; MENDEZ-PINELO, Cesar Augusto;塞萨尔·奥古斯托·门德斯-皮内洛;; MENDIETA, Marcos MARTINEZ;马科斯·马丁内斯·门迭塔;; MENDILUCE, Jose Maria;何塞·玛丽亚·门迪卢斯;; MENDONCA, Alberto Cangela de;阿尔贝托·坎热拉·德门东萨;; MENDOSCOLE, J.J.;门多斯科尔;; Mendoza Accord;门多萨协议;; MENDOZA JEREZ, Roberto Antonio;罗伯托·安东尼奥·门多萨·赫雷斯;; MENDOZA-DIESELDORFF, Maria del Carmen;玛丽亚·德尔卡门·门多萨 - 迭塞尔多尔夫;; MENDOZA-IBARGUEN, Patricia;帕特里西亚·门多萨 - 伊瓦尔根;; MENEM, Carlos Saul;卡洛斯·萨乌尔·梅内姆;; MENENDEZ PARK, Gonzalo;贡萨洛·梅嫩德斯·帕克;; MENENDEZ, Mario Benjamin;马里奥·本哈明·梅内德斯;; MENESES, Hugo;乌戈·梅内塞斯;; MENESES, Pedro RIBEIRO DE;佩德罗·里贝罗·德梅内泽斯;; MENG, Xianying;孟宪英;; MENGISTU HAILE MARIAM;门格斯图·海尔·马里亚姆;; MENICO, Maria;玛丽亚·梅尼科;; MENIKDIWELA, W.M.P.B.;梅尼克迪韦拉;; meningitis;脑脊膜炎;; MENKHAUS, Kenneth;肯尼斯·门考斯;; MENKVELD, Paul Alex;保罗·亚历克斯·门克维尔德;; MENNEYA, Ahmed Ould;艾哈迈德·乌尔德·门内亚;; Mennonite Central Committee;门诺派中央委员会;MCC; Mennonite Voluntary Service;门诺派志愿服务社;; MENON, Prabhakar;普拉巴卡尔·梅农;; MENON, Vanu Gopala;瓦努·戈帕拉·梅农;; MENON, Vijayalakshmi;维贾亚拉克什米·梅农;; menopause;绝经期; 更年期;; Mensa International;门撒国际;; MENSAH, Christian;克里斯琴·门萨;; MENSAH, Egle;埃格莱·门萨;; MENSAH, Herbert Kofi;赫伯特·科菲·门萨;; MENSAH, Thomas;托马斯·门萨;; menses;月经;; menses-inducer;月经诱导剂;; Mensk;明斯克;; mental and physical stimulation;身心方面的启发;; mental disability;心理残疾;; mental disorders;精神失常;; mental handicap;智力障碍;; mental health;精神保健; 心理健康; 心理保健;; Mental Health Review Board;心理健康审查委员会;; mental hospital;精神科医院;; mental hygiene;心理卫生;; mental illness;精神疾病;; mental incapacity;无智力能力; 心神丧失;; mental retardation;智力迟钝;; mental-health nursing;精神保健护理;; mentalizados;洗脑;; mentally disadvantaged persons;智力上处于不利地位的人;; mentally impaired;弱智;; mentally incompetent;精神上无能力; 无行为能力;; mentally retarded;弱智;; mentally retarded child;弱智儿童;; mentally-ill;有精神疾病的人;;的人 mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document;凡是提到这种编号,就是指联合国的某一个文件;; Mentri Besar;首席大臣;; menu;菜单; 计算机选择单;; MENYENGUE-MROULS, Madeleine;马德琳·门延居 - 姆福拉;; Menzana;曼萨纳;; MENZIES, Authur Redpath;明明德;; MENZIONE, Elio;埃利奥·门齐奥内;; Meo;苗人;; Meprobamate miltown;甲丙安酯 眠尔通;;眠尔通 MERAFHE;梅拉费;; Mercado Comun del Sur;南方共同市场;MERCOSUR; MERCADO, Bayani S.;巴亚尼·梅尔卡多;; MERCADO, Sergio Ramirez;塞尔希奥·拉米雷斯·梅尔卡多;; mercenaries recruiting, financing, training, assembly, transit and use;招募、资助、训练、集结、运送和使用雇佣军;; mercenarism;雇佣军活动;; mercenary commando troops;雇佣军突击队;; Merchandise Marks Act;商标法;; merchandise on consignment;寄销品;; merchant fleet development;商船队的发展;; merchant marine;商船队;; merchant rate;商业汇价;; Merchant Ship Search and Rescue Manual;商船搜寻救助手册;MERSAR; merchant steel;商品钢;; MERCHANT, Anne;阿内·梅尔昌特;; MERCKX-VAN GOEY, T.;默克格兹-范戈伊;; MERCOSUR Trade Commission;南锥体共同市场贸易委员会贸委会;CCM;贸委会 Mercosur Treaty;南锥体共同市场条约;; mercuric subsulphate;碱式硫酸汞;; Mercury-Iodide Crystal Growth MICG facility;碘化汞晶体生长设施;MICG; Merdeka Day;独立日;; merged company;被兼并公司;; merger;合并、吸收合并;; merger by absorption;吸收合并;; merger by fusion;融合兼并;; merger accounting;吸收合并会计;; MERI, Lennard;伦纳德·梅里;; Meridian Club;子午线俱乐部;; Meridian House;子午屋;; MERIFIELD, Russel G.;拉塞尔·梅里菲尔德;; MERIMEE, Jean-Bernard P.H.P.;让-贝尔纳·默里梅;; MERINO, Lucia;露西亚·梅里诺;; merit;法律理由;; meritorious service;绩优服务;; merits;案情; 是非曲直案情实质;; merits of the case;案件实质;; Merka;梅尔卡梅尔卡港;; Merkava tank;默卡瓦型坦克;; merluccius australis;新西兰狗鳕;; merluccius hibbsi;巴塔哥尼亚无须鳕;; merluccius polylepis;多鳞鳕;; MERMAZ, Louis;路易·梅尔马兹;; MERORO, David;戴维·梅罗罗;; MEROUANE, Abderrahmane;阿卜杜勒拉赫曼·迈鲁安;; Merrill Lynch & Co.Inc.;梅里尔·林奇公司美林证券公司;;美林证券公司 Merrill Lynch International Banking Group;梅里尔·林奇国际银行集团;; MERRILLEES, Robert;罗伯特·梅里利斯;; MERTZ, Paul;保罗·默茨;; MERWE, Paul A. van der;保罗·范德梅尔韦;; MERZ, Katherine;凯瑟琳·梅尔斯;; MERZBAN, Mohamed Abduliah;穆罕默德·阿卜杜拉·马扎班;; group of Mediterranean and Scandinavian States;地中海和斯堪的纳维亚国家集团;MESCA Group; Mescaline;麦司卡林;; Mescaline aurichloride;金氯化麦司卡林;; Mescaline hydrochloride;盐酸麦司卡林;; Mescaline picrate;苦味酸麦司卡林;; Mescaline platinichloride;氯化铂麦司卡林;; Mescaline sulfate;硫酸麦司卡林;; MESDOUA, Abdelkader;阿卜杜勒卡德尔·迈斯杜阿;; MESDOUA, Amina;阿明娜·迈斯杜阿;; MESFIN, Ato Seyoum;阿托·塞尤姆·梅斯芬;; mesh size;网目尺寸;; Mesimvrini;午报;; MESMER, Pierre;皮埃尔·梅斯梅尔;; mesoscale;中尺度;; mesosphere-stratosphere;中层和平流层;; MESQUITA, Hernani Edmundo;埃尔纳尼·埃德蒙多·梅斯基塔;; Message of Caraballeda for Peace, Security and Democracy in Central America;关于中美洲和平、安全和民主的卡拉瓦列达公告;; Message of Panama;巴拿马文件;; Message on the State of the Territory;关于领土情况的报告;; message switching system;信息转接系统;; message-bearer;信差;; messages in code or cipher;明密码电信;; MESSAHEL, Abdelkader;阿卜杜勒卡德尔·迈萨赫勒;; messenger;送信员;; Messenger Unit;送信员事务股;; messenger/maintenance clerk;送信员/维修员;; messepalast;博览大楼;; MESSERVY WHITHING;梅瑟维-怀廷;; MESSMER, Fernando;费尔南多·梅斯梅;; MESSNER, Zbgniew;理兹·梅斯内尔;; Messrs. Pilamar;皮拉马尔公司;; mesticos;混合人种;; MESTIRI, Mahmoud;马哈穆德·梅斯蒂里;; MESZAROS, Marianna Mathe;玛丽安娜·玛泰·迈绍罗斯;; Metabio-Joulle Laboratories;梅塔比奥-儒莱实验室;; metabolic anomalies;代谢异常;; Metal and Allied Workers' Union;金属业工人工会;MAWU; metal degreasing;金属脱脂; 清除金属油渍;; metal drum;金属桶;; metal handling systems;金属处理系统;; Metal Mining Agency;金属采矿署;; Metal Trades Committee;金属贸易委员会;; metal transformation process rolling, forging, extruding, heat treating;金属加工工艺轧制、锻造、挤压、热处理;;轧制、锻造、挤压、热处理 metal transforming industry;金属改形工业;; metal windows for X-ray machines;X射线机的金属窗;; metallic impurites;金属杂质;; metallic standard;金属本位制;; metallogenesis;矿成因;; Metallopenesis, hydrocarbons and tectonic patterns in Eastern Asia;东亚矿成因、碳氢化合物和构造地质学形式;; Metallurgical Industrial Section;冶金工业科;; Metallurgical Industrial Unit;冶金工业股;; Metallurgical Industries Branch;冶金工业处;MET; Metallurgical Project Consulting and Engineering Company;冶金项目咨询工程公司;; Metalworking Industries Testing Centre in Chile;智利金属制造工业试验中心;; metalworking industry;金属加工工业;; Metamfetamine;去氧麻黄碱;; Metamfetamine hydrochloride;盐酸去氧麻黄碱;; Metamfetamine racemate;去氧麻黄碱外消旋体;; Metamfetamine racemate hydrochloride;去氧麻黄碱外消旋体盐酸;; Metamfetamine sulfate;硫酸去氧麻黄碱;; Metamfetamine tartrate;酒石酸去氧麻黄碱;; Metazocine;美他左辛间唑新;; Metazocine hydrobromide;氢溴化间唑新;; Metazocine hydrochloride;盐酸间唑新;; METCALFE, Lisbeth;莉斯贝特·梅特卡尔弗;; Meteor-2;气象 - 2号卫星;; meteor-priroda satellite;气象 - 地球资源卫星;; meteorological and sounding rockets;气象和探空火箭;; meteorological data dissemination;气象数据传播;MDD; meteorological data meteorological extremes;气象的极端情况;; meteorological rocket soundings;气象火箭探测;; meteorological satellite;气象卫星;; meth;脱氧麻黄碱俗名;; methadone;美散酮; 美沙酮;; Methadone hydrobromide;氢溴化美散酮;; Methadone hydrochloride;盐酸美散酮;; Methadone intermediate;美散酮中间体美沙酮中间体;; methamphetamine;甲基苯丙胺; 甲基安非他明去氧麻黄素;;去氧麻黄素 methane gas unit;沼气股;; Methaqualone;甲喹酮安眠酮;;安眠酮 Methaqualone hydrochloride;盐酸甲喹酮;; Methaqualone resinate;树脂酸甲喹酮;; methedrine;脱氧麻黄碱; 梅太德林;; method of costing inventory;存货成本计价方法;; method of extinct generations;消失世代法;; method of integrated sector programming;综合性部门方案制订法;; method of operation;行动方式;; method of security;核实方法;; methode ofmethyl;甲基;; Methodist Church;卫理公会;; Methodological Manual on the collection and Utilization of Statistics relating to Women;有关妇女的统计数据的收集和利用方法手册;; methodological purity;方法上的纯一;; methodology for assessing and programming of production and consumption systems;评估和编制生产和消费系统方案的方法;MEPS; Methods and Means of Maintenance and Modernization of Matellurgical Installations;冶金设施的维修和现代化方法;; methods of accounting for goodwill arising on acquisition;收购产生的商誉的会计处理方法;; methods of accounting for minority interest;少数股权的会计处理方法;; methods of compiling and analysing statistics and indicators on disabled persons;编纂和分析关于残疾人的统计和指标的方法;; methods of diversion;挪用的方法;; Methods used in compiling the United Nations Price Indexes for External Trade;编纂联合国外贸价格指数的方法;; methyl;甲基;; methyl chloroform;三氯甲烷;; methyl ester of benzoylecgonine;苯甲酰爱冈宁甲脂;; methyl ethyl ketone;甲基乙基酮;MEK; methyl groups;甲基原子团;; methyl isocyanate gas;异氰酸甲酯;MIC; methyl paraffinal;甲蜡醇;; methyl radical;甲基原子团;; methylcellulose;甲基纤维素;; Methyldesorphine;甲地索啡甲基去氧吗啡;; Methyldesorphine hydrochloride;盐酸甲基去氧吗啡;; Methyldihydromorphine;甲基二氢吗啡;; methylene chloride;二氯甲烷;; methylenedioxyamphetamine;二亚甲基双氧安非他明;MDA; methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone,3,4-;3,4 - 亚甲基二氧苯基-2-丙酮;; methylfentanyl, 3-;3 - 甲基芬太尼;; methylmorphine;甲基吗啡;; methylphenebarbital;甲苯巴比妥;; methylphenidate;哌醋甲酯利他林;;利他林 Methylphenidate hydrochloride;盐酸哌醋甲酯;; Methylphenobarbital;甲苯巴比妥;; Methylphenobarbital sodium;甲基苯巴比妥钠;; methylphosphonyl difluoridate;甲基膦酰二氟;; methylsulphonic acid;甲基磺酸;; Methyprylon;甲乙哌酮甲普里隆;; meticals;梅蒂卡尔;; Metis;梅蒂斯人;; Metkovic;梅特科维奇;; Metopon;美托酮甲氢吗啡铜;; Metopon hydrochloride;盐酸吗啡铜;; metrad;气象雷达;; Metric Convention;米制公约;; metric system;米制, 公制;; metric ton unit;公吨单位公吨制;MTU; metric tons per year;每年...公吨;MTPY; metropolitan;天主教等都主教指首都、大都会的主教;;指首都、大都会的主教 metropolitan area;大都市区;; Metropolitan Branch of the UNIFEM United States National Committee;妇发基金美国国家委员会大都会支会;; metropolitan country;宗主国;; Metropolitan Environmental Improvement Programme;大都会环境改善方案大都会方案;MEIP;大都会方案 Metropolitan Environmental Improvement Project;大都会环境改善项目;MEIP; Metropolitan Guard [Uruguay];大都会卫队;; Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.;大都会人寿保险公司;Metlife; Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York City;纽约市大都会艺术博物馆;; metropolitan territory;本部领土; 本土领土;; Metropolitan Transit Authority, New York;大纽约交通管理局;; METSMAA, Okke;奥克·梅茨马;; METSO, Pekka;佩卡·梅佐;; METZGER, Albert Llewelyn Olawole;艾伯特·卢埃林·奥拉沃尔·梅茨格;; METZGER, Peter;彼得·梅茨格;; Meuse Case;默兹河分流案;; Mexican Association of Plastic Arts;墨西哥造型艺术协会;; Mexican Centre for Drug Addiction Studies;墨西哥吸毒成瘾研究中心;CEMEF; Mexican Commission for Cooperation with Central America;墨西哥促进与中美洲合作委员会;; Mexican Committee of Solidarity with the Guatemalan People;墨西哥声援危地马拉人民委员会;CMSPG; Mexican Front for Human Rights;墨西哥人权阵线;; Mexican Government Tourism Department;墨西哥政府旅游部;MGTB; Mexican Institute for the Integration of Art and Culture;墨西哥文化艺术一体化研究所;; Mexican Institute of Public Accountants;墨西哥公共会计师协会;; Mexican National Tourist Council;墨西哥国家旅游理事会;; Mexican Peso;墨西哥比索;; Mexican Social Security Institute;墨西哥社会保障协会;IMSS; Mexico;墨西哥;; Mexico Agreement;墨西哥协定;; Mexico City Declaration on Cultural Policies;关于文化政策的墨西哥城宣言;; Mexico City Declaration on Population and Development;关于人口与发展的墨西哥城宣言;; Mexico City recommendations;墨西哥城建议;; Mexico Declaration;墨西哥宣言;; Mexico's Iron and Steel Research Centre;墨西哥钢铁研究中心;; MEYER PICON, Santiago;圣地亚哥·迈耶·皮康;; MEYER-LANDRUT, Andreas;安德烈亚斯·迈尔-兰德鲁特;; MEZA, Luis;路易斯·梅萨;; MEZA, Roberto;罗伯托·梅萨;; Mezem;梅津;; MEZZALAMA, Francesco;弗朗切斯科·梅扎拉马;; mezzanine lounge;夹层休息室;; MFENYANA, Sindiso;辛迪索·姆芬亚纳;; MFULA, Godwin M.S.;戈德温·姆富拉;; MFULA, Godwin Mutale Swivel;戈德温·穆塔勒·斯韦维勒·姆富拉;; MGBOKWERE, Timothy Anaele;蒂莫西·阿奈莱·姆博奎雷;; MHAKA, Morgan;摩根·姆哈卡;; MHAVILE, John Aron;约翰·阿隆·姆哈维利;; MHEGABOLAWE, Carlson;卡尔森·姆海加博拉韦;; MHLAMBISO, Thami;塔米·姆兰比索;; MHLANGA, D. P.;姆兰加;; MHLANGA, Danisa;丹尼萨·姆兰加;; MHLANGA, M.T.;姆赫兰加;; MI-4 armed reconnaissance helicopter;米-4型武装侦察直升飞机;; MIADIC, Ratko;拉特科·姆拉迪茨;; MIAN, Muhammad Nasser;穆罕默德·纳赛尔·米安;; MIAO Zaifang;苗在芳;; MIC-UN;联合国国际监督机构;MIC-UN; mica;云母;; MICA, Primo Jose Esono;普里莫·何塞·埃索诺·米卡;; MICHA ONDO BILE, Pastor;帕斯托·米查·翁多·比莱;; MICHAELIDES, Alecos;阿莱焦斯·米海利德斯;; MICHEL, Herve;埃尔韦·米歇尔;; MICHEL, Smarck;斯马克·米歇尔;; MICHELIS, Gianni de;詹尼·德米凯利斯;; MICHI, Ryokuichiro;道井绿一朗;; MICKIEWICZ, Janusz;雅努什·米基耶维奇;; micro levels community, family and individual;微观一级社区、家庭和个人;;社区、家庭和个人 Micro-capital Assistance;小额资金援助;MCA; Micro-computer programmes for demographic analysis;人口统计分析微型计算机软件;; Micro-computer Software Package developed by IDRC;国际发展研究中心研制的整套微型计算机 软件;MINISIS; micro-computer-based commodity information and analysis system;微型计算机商品信息和分析系统;MICAS; micro-computer-based data processing, 1990 World Census of Agriculture;微型计算机数据处理, 1990年世界农业普查;; micro-district;微型区;; Micro-economic Issues and Policy Unit;微观经济问题和政策股;; micro-electronics;微电子学;; micro-enterprises;微型企业;; micro-entrepreneurs project;微型企业家项目;; micro-experiences;微观经验;; micro-fund;微基金?;; micro-irrigation;微型灌溉[系统];; micro-merchants project;“小商人”项目;; micro-nutrient deficiencies;微营养素缺乏症;; micro-nutrients;微营养素;; micro-organism;微生物;; micro-project fund;微型项目基金;; micro-projects;微型项目;; micro-state;微小国家;; micro-switcher;微动开关;; micro-wave radiometry;微波辐射测量;; microanalysis;微量分析;; microbial agent;微生物剂;; Microbial Strain Data Network;微生物菌株数据网;MSDN; microbicides;杀菌剂;; virucides;杀病毒剂;; Microbiological Resources Centre;微生物资源中心;MIRCEN; Microcomputer Data Base on Women, Population and Development;妇女、人口和发展问题微型计算机数据基;; microcomputer technology;微型计算机技术;; microcosm test;微生态系统试验;; microdisarmament;微观裁军;; microelectronics;微电子学;; Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation;微电子和计算机技术公司;MCC; microfiche;缩微胶片;; microfiche readers;缩微胶片阅读器;; microfiching;缩微胶片;; microfilm;缩微胶卷;; microform storage;缩微储存;; Microgravity Experiments in Space and Their Applications;空间微重力实验及其应用;; Microgravity Science and Applications Division;微重力科学和应用司;; micromesisteus australis;南鳕;; micromesisteus poutassou;非洲鳕;; micronaire spraying set;弥雾式喷射器;; Micronesia Federated States of;密克罗尼西亚联邦;; Micronesia Coalition;密克罗尼西亚联盟;; Micronesia Trades Apprenticeship Programme;密克罗尼西亚手艺学徒方案;; Micronesian Claims Act;密克罗尼西亚赔偿要求法;; Micronesian Claims Commission;密克罗尼西亚索赔委员会;; Micronesian Mariculture Demonstration Center;密克罗尼西亚海产养殖示范中心;MMDC; Micronesian Mariculture Development Centre;密克罗尼西亚海产开发中心;MMDC; Micronesian Occupational College;密克罗尼西亚职业学院;MOC; Micronoticias;新闻小报;; micronutrient deficiencies;微营养素缺乏症;; Micronutrient Initiative;微营养素倡议;; micronutrient supplementation;微营养素补充;; micronutrients;微营养素补充剂;; microprocessors;微处理器;; Microprocessors and Informatics Programme;微处理机和信息学方案;; microseismic noise;微震噪音微震干扰;; microwave links;微波中继器;; microwave power sources and antennae;微波动力源和天线;; microwave scanning radiometer;微波扫描辐射仪;MSR; microwave region;微波区;; Microwave Remote Sensing Experiment;微波遥感实验;MRSE; middle atmosphere;中层大气;; Microwave Sounding Unit;微波探测装置;MSU; MICU, Nicolae;尼古拉·米库;; mid cycle review;周期期中审查;; mid water trawlnet;中层拖网;; mid-assignment review meeting;任期中期审查会议;; mid-biennium;两年期中点;; mid-course correction;中期纠正;; mid-point of desirable ranges;适当员额幅度中点;; mid-point rate;平均价格; 平均汇率;; mid-project review mission;项目期中审查团;; mid-school;小学;; mid-term election;期中选举;; mid-term evaluation project;中期审评项目;; Mid-Term Global Review of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the 1990s;1990年代支援最不发达国家行动纲领中期全球审查;; mid-term review;中期审查;MTR; mid-term review and appraisal of progress in the implementation of the international strategy for development;国际发展战略执行情况的中期审查和评价;; Mid-term review and appraisal of the implementation of the United Nations Programme of Action for African Economic Recovery and Development 1986-1990 and recommendations for the acceleration of its implementation;1986-1990年联合国非洲经济复苏和发展行 动纲领执行情况的中期审查和评价及关于加速执行该行动纲领的建议;; Mid-term Review of Country, Regional, Interregional and Global Programme;对国家、区域、区域间和全球方案进行中期审查;; mid-term review of disarmament decade;裁军十年中期审查;; Mid-way;“中途”号;; mid-week tickets;周中票;; Midazolam;咪达唑仑;; Midazolam hydrochloride;盐酸咪达唑仑;; midcourse guidance;飞行中段制导;; Middle and Near East Regional Animal Production and Health Project;中东和近东区域畜牧业和家畜卫生项目 中近东畜牧项目;MINEADEP;中近东畜牧项目 Middle Atmosmiddle stratosphere;平流层中部;; middle channel;中流航道;; Middle East Advisory Board;中东咨询委员会;; Middle East Airlines;中东航空公司;MEA; Middle East and North Africa;中东和北非;MENA; Middle East and North Africa Regional Office;中东和北非区域办事处中东北非办事处;MENARO;中东北非办事处 Middle East Centre for the Transfer of Appropriate Technology;转让应用技术中东中心;; Middle East Committee for the Welfare of the Blind;中东盲人福利委员会;; Middle East Council of Churches;中东基督教理事会;MECC; Middle East Development Bank;中东开发银行;; Middle East Development Fund;中东开发基金;; Middle East Emergency Aid;中东紧急援助;; Middle East Multilateral Working Group on Arms Control and Regional Security;军备控制和区域安全问题中东多边工作组;; Middle East Multilateral Working Group on Water Resources;中东水资源多边工作组;; Middle East Narcotics Survey Mission;中东麻醉品调查团;; Middle East Neurosurgical Society;中东神经外科学会;MENS; Middle East Peace Process - Working Group on Environment;中东和平进程 - 环境工作组;; Middle East Radio Unit;中东广播电台股;; Middle East Relief Association;中东救济协会;; Middle East Relief, Inc.;中东救济社;; Middle East Section;中东科;; Middle East Solidarity Committee;中东团结委员会;; Middle East Technical University;中东技术大学;METU; Middle East Union Mission Seventh Day Adventists;中东联合传信会安息再临会;;安息再临会 Middle East Water Forum;中东水事论坛;; Middle East, Mediterranean, Europe and Interregional Section;中东、地中海、欧洲和区域间科;MEI; Middle East/North Africa Economic Strategy Group;中东和北非经济战略小组;; Middle East/North Africa Economic Summit;中东和北非经济首脑会议;; Middle Eastern Department;中东部;; Middle European Good Templar Youth Council;中欧戒酒会青年理事会;MEGJR; Middle Juba;中朱巴;; middle rate;中间价;; middle-level administrators;中级管理人员;; Middlemen's profits and losses;中间商的损益;; Midgetman missile;美国侏儒型导弹;; MIDHADI, Ahmed Saif AL-;艾哈迈德·赛义夫·米扎迪;; Mediterranean Academy for Diplomatic Studies;地中海外交研究学院;; Midland Bank;米德兰银行;; Midrand;米德兰特;; Midrash;希伯来圣经注;; midwife;助产士;; midwife aid;助产士助理;; midwifery clinic;助产诊所;; midwifery kits;整套助产器材;; MIERLO, Hans van;汉斯·范米尔洛;; MIERZEWSKI, Piotr;皮奥特尔·米埃尔泽夫斯基;; MIFUMU, Miguel Oyono Ndong;米格尔·奥约诺·恩东·米富穆;; MIGLIUOLO, Giovanni;乔瓦尼·米廖洛;; MIGNOTT, Ava;阿瓦·米格诺特;; migrant labour;移徙劳工;; migrant women;移徙妇女;; migrant workers;移徙工人;; Migrant Workers Supplementary Provisions Convention 1975;1975年移徙工人补充规定公约;; migrant workers in an irregular situation;身份不正常的移徙工人;; Migrants's Forum;移民论坛;; migration fish;洄游;; migration conference;移徙会议;; Migration for Employment Convention;移徙就业公约;; Migration Information Programme;移徙信息方案;; migration intake;接收移徙人口;;人口 migratory locust;流蝗;; migratory route;洄游路线;; migratory species;洄游类;; migratory spminihole;臭氧小洞;; Migros;米格罗;; MIGUEL-HARB, Benjamin;本哈明·米格尔-阿布;; MIHAJLOVIC, Miodrag;米奥德拉格·米哈伊洛维奇;; MIHANOVIC, Nedjeljko;内杰利科·米哈诺维奇;; MIHOV, Deyan M.;德扬·米霍夫;; Mihr;波斯历7月;; MIJATOVIC, Tatjana LJUJIC-;塔季扬娜·柳伊奇-米亚托维奇;; MIJOSO, W. R. J.;米乔索;; MIKANAGU, Patrice;帕特里斯·米卡纳格;; MIKASA, Prince;二笠宫崇仁亲王;; MIKELIC;米凯利奇;; MIKHAILOV, Dimitar N.;迪米塔尔·米哈伊洛夫;; MIKHEEV, Vladimir Alexandrovich;弗拉基米尔·亚历山德罗维奇·米赫耶夫;; MIKO, Benjamin Mba Ecua;本杰明·姆巴·埃库阿·米科;; MIKO, Ecua;埃库阿·米科;; MIKOLO-KINZOUNZI, Jean;让·米科洛-金宗齐;; MIKOYAN;米高扬;; MIKUCHAUSKAS, Vladislovas Kosto;弗拉季斯洛瓦斯·科斯托·米库乔斯卡斯;; MIKUIN LELIEL, BALANDA;巴兰达·米库因·莱利尔;; MIKULKA, Vaclav;瓦奇拉夫·米库尔卡;; mils;米耳;; Mila U-Nabi Mawlid al-Nabi;圣纪;; Milan Plan of Action;米兰行动计划;; mile nautical;海里;; MILE, Popovic;波波维奇·米尔;; MILHEM, Mohammed;穆罕默德·米勒海姆;; MILI, Mohamed;穆罕默德·米里;; MILIAN, Caridad CUETO;卡里达·奎托·米利安;; MILIK, Zenon;泽农·米利克;; MILINTACHINDA, Piamsak;扁塞·米林达钦达;; militant friendship and revolutionary unity;战斗友谊和革命团结;; militant solidarity;战斗团结;; militarily denuclearized zone;军事非核化区;; militarily important states;军事大国;; militarily significant states;军事大国;; Military activities and arrangements by colonial powers in territories under their administration which might be impeding the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples;殖民国家在其所管领土内可能妨碍《给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言》的执行的军事活动和安排;; Military Adviser's Office MILAD;军事顾问办公室;MILAD; Military Advisory Unit;军事顾问股;; Military Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina;关于波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那境内实现和平的军事协定;; Military Agreement on the Cessation of Hostilities;停止敌对行动军事协定;; military aid;军事援助;; military airlift;军事空运;; Military airlifts;军事空运;; military alliances;军事联盟;; military allocations;军事拨款;; Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua;在尼加拉瓜境内和针对尼加拉瓜的军事和准 军事活动;; Military and related issues;军事及有关问题;; military arrangements during the transitional period;过度时期的军事安排;; military assistance;军事援助;; Military Assistance Advisory Group;军事援助顾问团军援顾问团;MAAG;军援顾问团 military attache;武官陆军武官;; military balance;军事平衡;; military bases, installations and fortifications;军事基地、装置及堡垒;; military bloc;军事集团;; military blockade;军事封锁;; military blueprint;军事蓝图;; military budget;军事预算;; military build-up;军事集结;; military collaboration with South Africa;与南非的军事勾结;; military column;军事纵队;; Military Command Council of Yemen Arab Republic;阿拉伯也门共和国武装部队指挥委员会;; military commander;军事指挥官;; military commissars;军管人员;; Military Commission a faction of Guatemalan Labour Party;军事委员会;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司