翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 MIZZI, Anthony;安东尼·米兹;; MIZZI, Edgar;埃德加·米齐;; MJAALAND, Dag;达格·姆约兰;; MKANDAWIRE, O. S.;姆坎达怀尔;; MKAPA, Benjamin William;本杰明·威廉·姆卡帕;; MKHONTA, W.F.;康塔;; MKOBA, Aloys Henry;阿洛伊斯·亨利·姆科巴;; MKUMBA, Tereza;德里萨·姆库巴;; MKWAWA, Adam Sapi;亚当·萨皮·姆克瓦瓦;; MLADENOV, Petar;佩塔·姆拉登诺夫;; MLADENOVIC, Vladislav;弗拉迪斯拉夫·姆拉德诺维奇;; MLADIC, Ratko;拉特科·姆拉迪奇;; MLADINEO, Mirjana;米里亚娜·姆拉迪内奥;; MLAMBO, Eshmael;伊斯梅尔·姆兰博;; MLC;现代液相色谱法;MLC; MLLOJA, Genc;根克·姆洛亚;; MMP;多种方式协调联运;MMP; MMWG;混合军事工作组;MMWG; multinational corporation;多国公司;MNC; MNC-Lumumba;刚果国民运动-鲁孟巴党;; MNCINA, L.M.;姆恩西纳;; MNCINA, Lawrence M.;劳伦斯·姆恩西纳;; MNUMZANA, Neo;内奥·姆努姆扎纳;; MOANACK, Francois;弗朗科斯·莫瓦纳克;; MOAWAD, Rene;勒内·莫阿瓦德;; MOBARAK, Samir;萨米尔·莫巴拉克;; mobile and standing patrol;例行和流动巡逻队;;队 Mobile Army Surgical Hospital MASH;陆军流动外科医院 流动医院;MASH;流动医院 Mobile Army Surgical Hospital Task Force;陆军流动外科医院特遣队;MASH; Mobile Disaster Unit;机动救灾股;; mobile forces;机动部队;; mobile ground inspection;机动的地面视察;; mobile group;流动小组;; mobile interpretation equipment;流动式的口译设备;; Mobile Investigation Team;机动调查队;; mobile kitchen;流动厨房;; mobile launching pad;机动发射台;; mobile library;流动图书馆;; mobile maintenance unit;流动维修股;; mobile medical units;流动救护队;; mobile missile MX;机动导弹;MX; mobile radio GM 300;GM 300型流动无线电台机;;机 mobile radio set;流动无线电台机;;机 Mobile Satellite System;活动卫星系统;MSS; mobile sensors;机动感测器;; mobile sets;流动设备;; mobile ship station;移动船舶站;; mobile strategy;流动战略;; mobile teams;机动巡逻队;; mobile training scheme;巡回训练计划;; mobile vaccinator;巡回接种员;; mobile vehicle;机动载器;; Mobile Verification Team;机动核查队;; mobile workshop truck;流动车间卡车;; mobile-satellite communications;活动卫星通信系统;MSAT; Mobile-Satellite Experiment;活动卫星实验;MSAT-X; mobility and hardship pay;调动和艰苦条件津贴;; Mobility International;活动国际;; mobility obligations;调动义务;; mobilization;活动化作用;; Mobilization Corps;动员军;; Mobilization for Survival;求生存动员运动;MFS; Mobilization of financial resources for industrial development;为工业发展调动资金;; mobilization of human resources;动员人力资源;; mobilization of international support for the Namibian people's struggle for liberation;动员国际上对纳米比亚人民解放斗争的支持;; mobilization of resources;调集资源筹集资金调动财源;; Mobilizing All for Health;全面动员促进健康;; Mobilizing All for Health for All;全面动员促进人人健康;; MOBUTU, Sese Seko Kuku Ngbendu Wa Za Banga;蒙博托·塞塞·塞科·库库·恩关杜·瓦 ·扎·邦加;; MOCHIZUKI, Toshio;望月敏夫;; MOCHTAR, Kusumaatmadja;穆赫塔尔·库苏马阿马查;; Mocidade Portuguese;葡萄牙青年运动;; mock execution;模拟处决假处决;; mock shooting;模拟枪毙假枪毙;; mock valley;淹谷;; MOCK, Alois;阿洛伊斯·莫克;; MOCK, Robert;罗伯特·莫克;; mock-landing operations;模拟登陆演习;; MOCUMBI, Pascoal Manuel;帕斯库亚尔·曼努埃尔·莫昆比;; modal weight;标准加权数;; modalities and guidelines for implementation of the new advisory services programme in the field of disarmament and security;执行裁军和安全领域新的咨询服务方案的方 式和准则;; modalities for implementation of the new disarmament training programme;新的裁军训练方案的执行方式;; modalities for operational activities;业务活动的各种方式;; Modalities for the Establishment of Specific Binding Commitments under the Reform Programme;根据改革方案确立有约束性的具体承诺的模 式;; Middle Ocean Dynamics Experiment;大洋中部动力学实验;MODE; mode;众数;; mode of acquisition;取得方式;; mode of administration;管理方式;; mode of appointment reception, termination;委派接待终止方式;; mode of payment;支付方式;; mode, INTTB;工技信息库中心站;; model agreement;示范协定协定范本;; Model Agreement on the Transfer of Foreign Prisoners;关于转移外国囚犯的示范协定;; Model Agreement on the Transfer of Foreign Prisoners and recommendations on the treatment of foreign prisoners;关于转移外国囚犯示范协定以及关于外国囚 犯待遇的建议;; Model Agreement on the Transfer of Proceedings in Criminal Matters, draft;刑事问题诉讼程序的转移示范协定草案;; Model Agreement on Transfer of Supervision of Offenders Who Have Been Conditionally Sentenced or Conditionally Released, draft;有条件判刑或假释罪犯的转移监督示范协定;; model calibration;模式校准;; model centre;模范中心;; Model Clauses on Marine Hull and Cargo Insurance;海运船体和货物保险示范条款;; model code;示范准则;; Model Code of Safety Regulations for Industrial Establishments;工业企业安全示范准则;; model contract;示范合同合同范本;; model convention;示范公约;; Model Double Taxation Convention between Developed and Developing Countries the United Nations;联合国发达国家和发展中国家双重征税示范 公约;; model ecosystem;模拟生态系统;; Model Extradition Treaty;示范引渡条约;; model for analysis of energy demand;能源需求分析模式;MAED; Model Forms of Contract for the Construction of a Fertilizer Plant;化肥厂建造合同样本;; model forms of turnkey and cost reimbursable contracts;统包式和费用偿还式合同范本;; Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration;国际商业仲裁示范法;; Model Law on Legal Aspects of Electronic Data Interchange and Related Means of Communication;电子数据交换及有关传递手段法律方面示范 法;; Model Law on Procurement;采购示范法;; Model Law on Procurement of Goods and Construction;货物和工程采购示范法;; Model Law on Procurement of Goods, Construction and Services;货物、工程和服务采购示范法;; model legislation;示范立法;; model output diagnosis;模式输出分析;MOD; model output statistics;模式输出统计;MOS; Model Port Tariff Structure;示范港口税则结构;; model predictions;模式预报;; Model Protocol for a Legal Investigation of Extralegal, Arbitrary and Summary Executions;有关法外、任意和即决处决的法律调查的示 范议定书;; Model Provisions on the Protection of Computer Software;堡计算机软件示范条款;; model reciprocal law;示范互惠法;; model regulations to control chemical precursors and chemical substances, machines and materials;管制化学先质、化学物品、机器和材料的示 范条例;; Model Regulations Concerning Laundering Offences Connected to Illicit Drug Trafficking and Related Offences;关于非法贩毒所涉洗钱及有关罪行的示范 条例;; model rules;示范规则;; Model Rules on Arbitral Procedure;仲裁程序示范规则;; model status-of-forces agreement for peace-keeping operations;维持和平行动部队地位示范协定;; model status-of-force agreement;部队地位示范协定;; model status-of-forces agreement between the United Nations and host countries;联合国和东道国之间部队地位示范协定;; model tax treaty;税务示范条约;; model treaty;示范条约;; Model Treaty for the prevention of crime that infringe on the cultural heritage of peoples in the form of movable property;防止侵犯各民族动产形式文化遗产罪行示范 条约;; Model Treaty on Extradition;引渡示范条约;; Model Treaty on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters and Optional Protocol to the Model Treaty on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters concerning the proceeds of Crime;刑事事项互助示范条约和关于犯罪收益的刑 事事项互助示范条约的任择议定书;; Model Treaty on the Transfer of Enforcement of Penal Sanctions;刑事制裁执行工作转移问题示范条约;; Model Treaty on the Transfer of Proceedings in Criminal Matters;刑事事项诉讼转移示范条约;; Model Treaty on the Transfer of Supervision of Offenders Conditionally Sentenced or Conditionally Released;有条件判刑或有条件释放罪犯转移监督示范 条约;; Model UN;模拟联合国;; model village;模范村;; MODELNGAR, Donorabaye;多诺拉巴耶·莫德林加尔;; moder;酸性腐泥;; Moderata Samlingspartiet;瑞典温和联合党;; moderate or slight instability;稍不稳定或略不稳定;; Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectrometer;中分辨率成象分光仪;MODIS; moderator;调节员仲裁员辩论会主席主持人苏格兰教会长;; Modern Arab Telecommunication Network;现代阿拉伯电信网 电信网;MODARABTEL;电信网 modern contraception;现代避孕药具;; modern formulation;现代配方;; Modern Humanities Research Association;近代人文科学研究会;MHRA; modern international usage practice;现代国际惯例;; Modern Irrigation Project;现代化灌溉项目;; Modern Large Ballistic Missile;现代化大型弹道导弹;MLBM; modern law enforcement techniques;现代化执法技术;; modern liquid chromatography;现代液相色谱法;; modern mass entertainment;现代大众娱乐形式;;形式 modern treaties;现代条约;; modern weapons;现代化武器;; modern-type activities;现代类型的活动;; modes of transport;运输方式;; MODESTE, Denneth;丹尼思·莫德斯特;; MODIBO, Keita;凯塔·莫迪博;; modification of treaties;条约的更正;; modifications required in the approved programme of work for 198x-198x;核定的 198x-198x年工作方案中所需修改;; modified assessment scale formula;计算会费分摊比额的订正公式;; modified extended family;变型大家庭;; modified formula;订正公式;; modified non-resident's allowance;修改后的侨居津贴;; MODISANE, Basadir Edith;巴萨迪·伊迪丝·莫迪萨恩;; Modrica;莫德里查;; MODs;杂项承付费用文件;MODs; modular approach;模块法; 单元法;; Modular Combustion Facility;舱内燃烧设施;; modular construction;标准尺寸建造法;; modular containerless processing facility;舱内无容器加工设施;; modular coordination;模数协调;; Modular Coordination of Low-Cost Housing;廉价住房的模数协调;; Modular integrated video system;模件集成视频系统;MIV; Modular Multizone Furnace Facility;舱内多区火炉设施;; Modular Opto-Electronic Multispectral Scanner;模式光电多谱段扫描仪;MOMS; modular prefabricated wooden bridge system;预制标准件木桥组装法;;组装法 modular training programme;单元组合培训方案;; modus operandi;工作方式; 惯技; 作案手法;MO; modus vivendi;生活方式; 临时办法;; MOEHARIO, Dienne Hardianti;迪恩纳·哈迪安蒂·穆哈里奥;; MOENIR ALAM, L.C.G.;穆尼尔·阿拉姆;; MOGAARD, Britt;布里特·莫加尔德;; Mogadishu;摩加迪沙;; Mogadishu Central Prison;摩加迪沙中央监狱;; MOGAE, Festus Gontebanya;费斯图斯·贡特班亚·莫加;; MOGAMI, T.D.;塞贝·莫加米;; Mogdishu;摩加迪沙;; MOGENSEN, Bodil;博迪尔·莫根森;; MOGENSEN, Carsten Sode;卡尔斯滕·索德·莫根森;; MOGUME, James M.;詹姆斯·莫贡;; MOGWE, Archibald;阿奇博尔德·莫格韦;; MOGWE, Archiebold M.;阿尔奇博尔德·莫圭;; MOHA, Edouard;爱德华·莫哈;; MOHADDEM, Youssef;约瑟夫·莫哈德姆;; mohafaza;区域;; mohafegh;伪善者; 两面派;; mohafez;市长; 政府;; mohallah;街道;; MOHAMAD, Dato Seri Mahathir;达图·斯里·马哈蒂尔·穆罕默德;; MOHAMED HASSANALI;穆罕默德·哈萨纳利;; MOHAMED RADZI, Abd. Rahman;穆罕默德·拉齐·阿卜杜勒·拉赫曼;; MOHAMED, Abdelaziz;阿卜杜勒阿齐兹·穆罕默德;; MOHAMED, Abdou Ghafar;阿卜杜·加法尔·穆罕默德;; MOHAMED, Abdul Ghafoor;阿卜杜勒·加富尔·穆罕默德;; MOHAMED, Abdullah Zawawi;阿卜杜拉·扎瓦维·穆罕默德;; MOHAMED, Abdulmalek Ismail;阿卜杜勒马莱克·伊斯梅尔·穆罕默德;; MOHAMED, Ahmed Abdel Halim;艾哈迈德·阿卜杜勒·哈利姆·穆罕默德;; MOHAMED, Ahmed Yousif;艾哈迈德·优素福·穆罕默德;; MOHAMED, Ali Ibrahim;阿里·易卜拉欣·穆罕默德;; MOHAMED, Ali Mahdi;阿里·马赫迪·穆罕默德;; MOHAMED, Ali Nasser;阿里·纳赛尔·穆罕默德;; MOHAMED, Mohamed Ragis SNU;穆罕默德·拉吉斯·穆罕默德 博士;; MOHAMED, Moinourou;莫伊努鲁·穆罕默德;; MOHAMED, Noah;诺阿·穆罕默德;; MOHAMED, Salim Himidi Bin;萨利姆·希米迪·本·穆罕默德;; MOHAMED, Sallam;穆罕默德·萨拉姆;; MOHAMED, Sayed Fakhreddine;赛义德·法赫雷丁·穆罕默德;; MOHAMED, Thabit Ahmed;撒比特·艾哈迈德·穆罕默德;; MOHAMMAD, Matook Abdul Sattar;马图克·阿卜杜勒·萨塔尔·穆罕默德;; MOHAMMADI, Mir;米尔·穆罕默迪;; MOHAMMED, Adnan Ahmed;阿德南·艾哈迈德·穆罕默德;; MOHAMMED, Hamid;哈米德·穆罕默德;; MOHAMMED, Mostafa Faruque;穆斯塔法·法鲁克·穆罕默德;; MOHAMMED, Muritala Rufai;穆里塔拉·鲁法伊·穆罕默德;; MOHAMMED, Ruda;鲁达·穆罕默德;; MOHAMMED, Ruda Titemwa;鲁达·蒂特姆瓦·穆罕默德;; MOHAMMED, Sani L.;萨尼·穆罕默德;; MOHAMOUD, Ahmed Mohamed;艾哈迈德·穆罕默德·穆罕默德;; MOHAMUD, Mohamed Shekh;穆罕默德·谢赫·穆罕默德;; MOHIUDDIN, A.H.G.;穆希乌丁;; MOHKTAR, Brahim;卜拉欣·莫赫塔尔;; MOHSIN ALI, Syed;赛义德·穆赫辛·阿里;; MOHSIN, Mohammad;穆罕默德·穆赫辛;; MOHSIN, Zoheir;祖海尔·穆赫辛;; MOI, Daniel Arap;丹尼尔·阿拉普·莫伊;; MOIANE, Salome;萨洛梅·莫伊安内;; MOINE, Mohamed Abderrahmane Ould;穆罕默德·阿卜杜拉赫曼·乌尔德·穆瓦纳;; MOISALA, Markku;马尔库·莫伊萨拉;; MOISES JORGE, Arturo;阿图罗·莫伊塞斯·豪尔赫;; MOISSA, Petr S.;彼得·莫伊萨;; moisture content;水气含量;; moisture content profile;土壤含水曲线;; MOJADEDI, Sibgatullah;西卜加图拉·穆贾迪迪;; Mojahedin;圣战者;; Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization;人民圣战者组织;MKO; MOJOUKHOV, Alexei A.;阿列克谢·莫约霍夫;; MOJSOV, Lazar;拉扎尔·莫伊索夫;; MOKA, Corneille Edouard;科尔内耶·爱德华·莫卡;; MOKBIL, Saeed Taleb;赛义德·塔莱布·穆克比勒;; MOKGANTSANE, Mogale;莫加勒·莫克冈萨内;; MOKHEHLE, Ntsu;恩祖·莫赫勒;; mokhtar;村长; 村代表; 长官;; MOKHTAR, Brahim;卜拉欣·莫赫塔尔;; MOKHTAR, Ezzeddin;埃泽丁·穆赫塔尔;; MOKHTARI-AMIN, Morteza;莫尔特扎·莫赫塔里-阿明;; MOKKADEM, Sadok;萨多克·莫卡德姆;; MOKOLO WA MPOMBO;莫伊洛·瓦·姆庞博;; MOKTEFI, Djamel;贾迈勒·穆克泰菲;; MOKTI bin Haji Md. Daud, Haji Abd.;哈吉·莫克蒂·本·哈吉·稻德;; MOLANDER, Johan;约翰·莫兰德;; MOLAPO, C.D.;查尔斯·杜贝·莫拉波;; MOLAPO, Charles Dube;查尔斯·杜贝·莫拉波;; MOLAPO, Mooki V.;穆基·莫拉波;; MOLATLHIWA, M.A.;莫拉特尔希瓦;; MOLDAN, Bedrich;贝德里奇·莫尔丹;; MOLDE, Jorgen;约恩·莫尔德;; Moldova, Republic of;摩尔多瓦共和国;; molecular beam mass spectrometers;分子束质谱仪;; molecular laser isotope separation;分子激光同位素分离;MLIS; molecular pumps;分子泵;; molecular scattering;分子散射;; molecule breaking;分子离解;; MOLEFE, Mmamosadinyana P.J.;姆马莫萨丁亚纳·莫尔弗;; MOLGAT, Daniel;丹尼尔·莫尔格特;; MOLINA ARAMBARRI, Jorge A.;豪尔赫·莫利纳·阿兰巴里;; MOLINA, Jose Luis;何塞·路易斯·莫利纳;; Molinaka and Naktaorsou Khmer for Freedom;莫利纳卡和纳克道尔苏高棉争取自由党;MOLINAKA; MOLITOR, Edouard;爱德华·莫利托尔;; MOLIVIATIS, Demetrio;德梅特里奥·莫利维亚蒂斯;; MOLKOVA, Dagmar;达格马·莫尔科娃;; MOLLER, Eva;埃瓦·默勒;; MOLLER, Lars;拉斯·莫勒;; MOLLER, Lena;莱娜·莫莱尔;; MOLLER, Per Stig;珀·斯蒂·莫勒;; MOLLER, Robert C.;罗伯特·莫勒;; molluscicides;灭螺剂; 软体动物杀灭剂;; molluscs;软体动物;; MOLNAR, Gyorcy;哲尔奇·莫尔纳尔;; MOLNAR, Gyorgy;哲尔吉·莫尔纳尔;; MOLNAR, Laszlo;拉斯洛·莫尔纳尔;; Molniya;闪电;; Molniya-1;闪电-1号;; MOLODTSOV, S.V.;斯捷潘·莫洛德佐夫;; MOLOISE, Benjamin;本杰明·莫洛伊塞;; MOLOJWANE, B.M.;莫洛吉瓦内;; Molotov Cocktail;自制燃烧弹;; Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact;莫洛托夫-里宾特洛甫条约;; molten core;熔态地心;; MOLTENI, Atilio Norberto;阿蒂略·诺韦尔托·莫尔特尼;; MOLTKE, Gebhardt von;格布哈特·冯莫尔特克;; MOLTKE-LETH, Aase;奥斯·莫尔特克-莱特;; molybdenum;钼;; MOMBESHORA, Swithun;斯威森·蒙贝肖拉;; MOMIN, Pengiran ABDUL;彭吉兰·阿卜杜勒·莫敏;; MOMOH, Joseph Saidu;约瑟夫·赛义杜·莫莫;; Monaco;摩纳哥;; Monaco Declaration: the Role of the Bern Convention in the Implementation of Worldwide International Instruments for the Protection of Biodiversity;摩纳哥宣言: 伯尔尼公约对执行堡生物多样 性世界性国际文书的作用;; MONAGAS, Norman;诺尔曼·莫纳加斯;; Monash University Medics for Population Awareness, Department of Physiology, Monash University;莫纳什大学生理学系莫纳什大学提高人口意 识卫生员协会;MUMPA; monastic orphanage;寺院办孤儿院;; MONAYAIR, Ziyad;齐亚德·莫纳亚伊尔;; MONCADA BERMUDEZ, Daysi Estela;戴西·埃斯特拉·蒙卡达·贝穆德斯;; MONCADA, Daysi;戴西·蒙卡达;; Monckton Commission;芒克顿委员会;; MONDAL, D.;蒙代尔;; MONDAY Jr., Horace;小霍勒斯·蒙代;; MONDELLO, Mario;马里奥·蒙德洛;; MONDJO, Nicolas;尼古拉·蒙乔;; Mondlane Foundation;蒙德兰内基金会;; MONDLANE, Eduardo Chivambo;蒙德兰·爱德华多·希万博;; Monetary and Development Finance Section;货币和发展金融科;; monetary and financial crisis;货币和金融晰;; monetary area;货币区;; monetary assets;货币资产;; monetary authority;金融当局货币主管当局;; Monetary Authority in the Areas;地区货币署货币署;PMA;货币署 monetary bloc;货币集团;; monetary capital;货币资本;; Monetary Clearing Union;货币清算联盟;; Monetary Committee;货币委员会;; monetary contribution;捐款;; monetary correction of income tax payable;应付所得税货币修正数;; monetary crisis;货币晰;; Monetary expression of the aggregate of products or service;产品或劳务的货币总值;; monetary income;货币收入;MI; monetary mechanisms;货币结构;; monetary method;货币办法;; monetary obligation;欠债还钱义务;; Monetary Policy Council;货币政策理事会;; monetary situation;货币形势;; monetary system;货币制度;; monetary transactions;货币交易;; monetary union;货币同盟;; monetary unit;货币单位;; monetary/non-monetary method;货币/非货币法;; Monetization of food aid;粮食援助作为货币使用;; Money and Banking Statistics;货币和金融统计;MBS; Money and Medals Programme;纪念钱币和纪念章方案;; money capital;货币资本;; money income;货币收入;; money laundering;洗钱;; money market;金融市场;; money market rate;货币金融市场利比率;; money of account;记帐货币;; Money, Finance and Development Division;货币、金融和发展司;MFD; Money, finance and trade: reform for world development;货币、财政和贸易: 改革促进世界发展;; money-market fund;货币市场基金;; MONG, Ambrose;安布罗斯·蒙格;; MONGBE, Rene-Valery;勒内-瓦莱里·蒙贝;; MONGELLA, Gertrude;格特鲁德·蒙盖拉;; MONGELLA, Stanislaus E.S.;斯坦尼斯拉斯·蒙盖拉;; Monggumpo, Harbour of;梦金浦港;; Mongkolborey;蒙哥比里;; Mongol Uls;蒙古;; Mongolia;蒙古;; Mongolia Women's Federation;蒙古妇女联合会;MWF; Mongolian News Agency;蒙古通讯社;MONTSAME; Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party;蒙古人民革命党;; Mongolian Telegraph Agency;蒙古通讯社;MONTSAME; MONGOMERY, Thomas;托马斯·蒙哥马利;; Moniteur Belge;比利时公报;; monitor;监测; 监察; 监督; 显示器;; monitor training;导生训练;; monitoring;监测;; Monitoring and Assessment Research Centre;监测和评价研究中心;MARC; Monitoring and Close Air Support Coordination Centre;监测和近距离空中支援协调中心 监测协调中心;MCCC;监测协调中心 Monitoring and Evaluation Officer;监测与评价干事;; Monitoring and Follow-up Commission;监测和后续行动委员会;; Monitoring and Inspection Commission;监测和检查委员会;; Monitoring and Supervision Commission;监测和监督委员会;; monitoring and verifying;监测和核查;; Monitoring Committee;监测委员会;; Monitoring Committee of Nine;九国监测委员会;; Monitoring Committee of Nine of the Heads of State and Government of the Economic Community of West African States on the Liberian Crisis;西非国家经济共同体九国国家元首和政府首 脑利比里亚晰监测委员会;; Monitoring Committee of Nine on the Liberian Conflict;利比里亚冲突问题九国监测委员会;; Monitoring Directorate;监测指导委员会;; Monitoring Ecosystems with Remote Sensing and Cartography of African Tropical Regions;利用遥感和制图学监测非洲热带区域的生态 系统遥感监测项目;MERCATOR project;遥感监测项目 Monitoring facility;监测设施;; Monitoring Group;监测组;MERCATOR project; Monitoring guidelines for national shelter strategies;国家住房战略监测指导方针;; Monitoring Instrument;监测仪器;; Monitoring Mission;监测团;; LOU, Xiaobo;罗小波;; monitoring of borders;监测边界;; Monitoring of Population Trends and Policies;监测人口趋势和政策;; monitoring officer;监测干事;; Monitoring process;监测过程;; monitoring station;监测站;; Monitoring system;监测制度;; Monitoring Team;监测队;; Monitoring the Earth Rotation and Intercomparison of Techniques;监测地球自转及观测技术的相互比较;MERIT; Monitoring the voluntary boycott of South Africa;监测对南非的自愿禁运;; monitoring trust fund utilization;监督信托基金的运用;; Monitoring Unit on Sanctions;制裁问题监测组;; Monitoring, Analysis and Evaluation Division;监测、分析和评价司;; Monitoring, Analysis and Studies Branch;监测、分析和研究司;; monitoring, control and surveillance;监测、控制和监视监控监;MCS;监控监 Monitoring, Coordination and Control Centre;监测、协调和控制中心;MCCC; Monitors;情况通报;; mono-superpower;独特的超级大国;; monobromoethane;乙基溴; 溴乙烷;; monobromomethane;甲基溴; 溴甲烷;; monochloroethane;乙基氯; 氯乙烷;; monochlorotrifluoromethane;三氟氯甲烷;; monoculture;单作物制;; monofilaments;单纤丝;; monogamy;一夫一妻制;; Monograph and Periodical Article Database;专论和期刊文章数据库;HSLIB; monohalogenocarbons;一卤碳氢化合物;; MONOKO, N.;莫诺科;; monolithic blocs;坚如磐石的集团;; monolithic society;单体社会;; monometallic standard;单本位制;; mononitrogen monoxide;氧化氮; 一氧化一氮;; Monoply of Foreign Trade and Payment;对外贸易和支付专营制;MFT; monopolies;专营企业;; Monroe Doctrine;门罗主义;; Monrovia Colloquium on Africa's Development Prospects by the Year 2000;2000年非洲发展前景蒙罗维亚座谈会;; Monrovia Declaration of Commitment of the Heads of States and Governments of the OAU on the guidelines and measures for national and collective self-reliance in economic and social development for the establishment of a new int'l eco order;非统组织国家和政府首脑坚决执行为建立新 的国际经济秩序在经济和社会发展方面实行 国家和集体自力更生的准则和措施的蒙罗维 亚宣言;; Monrovia Strategy for the Economic Development of Africa;促进非洲经济发展的蒙罗维亚战略;; MONSALVE, Sigisfredo;西希斯弗雷多·蒙萨尔维;; MONSANTO, Pablo;巴勃罗·蒙桑托;; MONSENGWO, Laurent;洛朗·蒙桑沃;; MONSHEMVULA OMVUANE;蒙谢姆武拉·奥姆武阿内;; monsignor;天主教高级教士尊称主教;Mgr.; MONSOD, Solita;索利塔·蒙索德;; monsoon climatology;季风气候学;; Monsoon Experiment;季风实验;MONEX; monsoon-affected country;受到季风影响的国家;; MONT, Efrain RIOS;埃弗拉因·里奥斯·蒙特;; MONTAGU, David;戴维·蒙塔古;; MONTALVO, Jaime;海梅·蒙塔尔沃;; MONTALVO, Mauricio;毛里西奥·蒙塔尔沃;; MONTANIO, Jorge;豪尔赫·蒙塔尼奥;; MONTANO, Jorge;豪尔赫·蒙塔尼奥;; MONTANO, Martha V.;玛尔塔·蒙塔尼奥;; MONTDARGENT, Robert;罗贝尔·蒙达尔让;; Monte Carlo simulation of fishing;蒙特·卡洛模拟法;; monte;山;; MONTEIRO LIMA, Antonio Pedro;安东尼奥·佩德罗·蒙泰罗·利马;; MONTEIRO, Jose Luis Barbosa LEAO;若泽·路易斯·巴尔博扎·莱昂·蒙泰罗;; MONTEIRO, Jose Oscar;若泽·奥斯卡·蒙泰罗;; MONTEITH, Sheila SEALY;希拉·西利·蒙蒂思;; MONTEMAYOR CANTU, Vicente;维森特·蒙特马约尔·坎图;; Montenegro;黑山;; MONTEPEQUE, Miguel Angel;米格尔·安赫尔·蒙特佩格;; MONTERIRO, Antonio Mascarenhas;安东尼奥·马斯卡雷尼亚斯·蒙特里罗;; MONTERO, Luis M. de Posadas;路易斯·德波萨达斯·蒙特罗;; MONTERO, Raul;劳尔·蒙特罗;; MONTES DE OCA, Abraham;阿夫拉姆·蒙特斯·德奥卡;; MONTES, Oscar A.;奥斯卡·蒙特斯;; MONTES-MARROQUIN, Jose Antonio;何塞·安东尼奥·蒙特斯-马罗金;; MONTESQUIEU;孟德斯鸠;; Montevideo Declaration;蒙得维的亚宣言;; Montevideo Declaration: Democratic Culture and Governance;蒙得维的亚宣言: 民主文化与施政;; Montevideo Programme for Development and Periodic Review of Environmental Law;蒙得维的亚环境法发展和定期审查方案;; Montevideo Treaty on International Criminal Law;蒙得维的亚国际刑法条约;; Montevideo Treaty;蒙得维的亚条约;; MONTGOMERY, Hugh;休·蒙哥马利;; Montgomery, Thomas Deputy Commander;托马斯·蒙哥马利少将 副指挥官;;副指挥官 Month of Tranquility;安宁月;; month-end cash balances;月底现金余额;; MONTHE, Tommo;托莫·蒙特;; monthly allotment reports;每月分配用款报告;; monthly amortization;分月摊销;; Monthly Attendance Report;月出勤报告;MAR; monthly balance sheet;月终决算表;; monthly bank statement;银行月结单;; Monthly Bulletin of Primary Products Prices;初级产品价格月报;; Monthly Bulletin of Statistics;统计月报;; Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, Volume XXV;统计月报, 第二十五卷;; Monthly Commodity Price Bulletin;商品价格月报;; monthly hire cost per aircraft;每架飞机月租;; Monthly Labour Review;每月劳工评论;; Monthly List of Book Catalogue;书籍编目月刊;; Monthly List of Selected Articles;每月论著选目;MLSA; monthly price survey;每月价格调查;; monthly progress report;每月进度报告;; monthly settlement of inter-agency indebtedness;机构间债务月度清算;; Monthly Statement of Treaties;条约月报;; monthly subsistence allowance;月生活津贴;MSA; Monthly Survey of Selected Events in the Peaceful Exploration of Outer Space;和平探索外层空间特定事件每月概览;; Montoneros;蒙托内罗斯[译音]; 城市游击队;; Montoneros subversive group;蒙托内罗斯颠覆集团;; Montreal Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation;关于制止危害民用航空安全的非法行为的蒙 特利尔公约;; Montreal Guidelines for the Protection of the Marine Environment against Pollution from Land-based Sources;关于堡海洋环境免受陆源污染影响的蒙特 利尔指导方针;; Montreal Protocol No.4;第4号蒙特利尔议定书;; Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer;关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书;; Montreal Rules on Water Pollution;关于水污染的蒙特利尔规则;; Montserrat;蒙特塞拉特;; Montserrat Labour Party;蒙特塞拉特劳工党;MLP; MONTT, Efrain Rios;埃弗拉因·里奥斯·蒙特;; Monuments and Sites Division;名胜古迹司;; MONYANE, S.S.;蒙亚内;; MOOKODI, M.;穆科迪;; MOON DUK CHOO;文德周;; moon probes;月球探测器;; moon satellite;月球卫星;; MOON, Ha-yong;文河泳;; moonlighting;兼职工作;;工作 MOONYANE, P.K.;蒙亚内;; MOORANI, Zain;扎因·努拉尼;; MOORE, Jonathan;乔纳森·穆尔;; MOOSE, George Edward;乔治·爱德华·穆斯;; moot question;假设问题;; mopping-up operation;扫荡战;; mor;粗腐殖质;; MORA GODOY, Ivan;伊凡·莫拉·戈多伊;; MORABITO, Antonio;安东尼奥·莫拉比托;; MORADI, Behrooz;贝鲁兹·莫拉迪;; MORAGA, Antonio;安东尼奥·莫拉加;; moral and material assistance;道义上及物质上的援助;; moral and material interests;精神与物质利益;; moral character;品性;; moral choice;道义上的选择;; moral coercion;精神威逼;; moral condemnation;道义上的谴责;; moral education;道德教育;; moral interests;精神上的利益;; moral law;道德律;; moral obligation;道德上的义务;; moral pressure;道义压力;; moral principles;道义; 道德原则;; Moral Re-armament Movement;道德重振运动;; moral support;精神上的援助;; MORALES MALDONADO, Jose E.;何塞·莫拉莱斯·马尔多纳多;; MORALES TRONCOSO, Carlos;卡洛斯·莫拉莱斯-特龙科索;; MORALES, Enrique Dreyfus;恩里克·德雷福斯·莫拉莱斯;; MORALES, Ernesto Torrealba;埃内斯托·托雷亚尔瓦·莫拉莱斯;; MORALES, Fernando Solana;费尔南多·索拉纳·莫拉莱斯;; MORALES, Humberto Martones;温贝托·马托内斯·莫拉莱斯;; MORALES-TRONCOSO, Carlos;卡洛斯·莫拉莱斯-特龙科索;; Moramide intermediate;吗酰胺中间体吗散痛中间体;; moramide-intermediate;吗散痛中间体;; MORARU, Victor;维克托·莫拉鲁;; Morasha Party;莫拉沙党;; moratorium;延期偿还; 延期付款; 暂停试验; 暂停期间;; moratorium on fishing activities;禁渔;; MORATT, Shimon H.;西蒙·莫拉特;; MORAVCIK, Jozef;约瑟夫·莫拉夫奇克;; morbidity;发病率;; MORCZYNSKI, Ryszard;雷沙德·莫琴斯基;; MORDEN, John Reid;约翰·里迪·莫登;; more evolved blacks;较进化的黑人;; more evolved elements;更现代化的人;; MOREIRA DE ANDRADE, Manuel;曼努埃尔·莫雷拉·德安德拉德;; MOREIRA LIMA, Sergio Edwardo;塞尔吉奥·爱德华多·莫雷拉·利马;; MOREL, Claude;克洛德·莫雷尔;; MOREL, Pierre;皮埃尔·莫雷尔;; MORELOS;墨西哥卫星;MORELOS; Morelos system;墨西哥卫星系统;; Morelos-1 satellite;墨西哥 - 1号卫星;; MORENO DE DEL CUETO, Carmen;卡门·莫雷诺·德德尔奎托;; MORENO DIAZ, Samuel;萨穆埃尔·莫雷诺-迪亚斯;; MORENO FERNANDEZ, Abelardo;阿韦拉多·莫雷诺·费尔南德斯;; MORENO, Alfredo Martinez;阿尔弗雷多·马丁内斯·莫雷诺;; MORENO, Manuel Balbino;曼努埃尔·巴尔维诺·莫雷诺;; MORENO-DIAZ, Samuel;萨穆埃尔·莫雷诺 - 迪亚斯;; MORENO-FERNANDEZ, Abelardo;阿韦拉多·莫雷诺 - 费尔南德斯;; MORET ECHEVERRIA, Enrique;恩里克·莫雷特·埃切韦里亚;; MORETI, J.M.;莫雷蒂;; Morgan Guaranty Trust Co.;摩根保证信托公司;; MORGAN MOSS, Mary;马里·摩根-莫斯;; MORGAN, Peter;彼得·摩根;; MORGAN-MOSS, Mary;马里·摩根-莫斯;; morgen;摩肯; “荷亩”;; Morges Handels og Sjofartstiden's;挪威贸易航运日报;; Morihiro, HOSOKAWA;细川护熙;; MORILLON, Philippe;菲利普·莫里隆将军;;将军 MORITAKA HAYASHI;林司宣;; MORLAND, Martin;马丁·莫兰;; MORLENDE-OKYEMBA, Pascal;帕斯卡尔·莫伦德-奥金巴;; Mormon Church;摩门教会;; morning glory seed;牵浓子;; morning sickness;孕期恶心,孕期晨吐;; Moro Liberation Front;摩洛解放阵线;; Moro National Liberation Front;摩洛民族解放阵线;MNLF; MORO, Aldo;阿尔多·莫罗;; Moroccan Association for the Support of the Palestine Struggle;摩洛哥支持巴勒斯坦斗争协会;; Moroccan Ulemas's Association;摩洛哥回教神学家协会;; Morocco;摩洛哥;; MOROZOV, Platon Dmitrievich;普拉顿·德米季里维奇·莫罗佐夫;; morpheme;词素;; Morpheridine;吗哌利定吗乙苯哌酯;; Morpheridine hydrochloride;盐酸吗乙苯哌酯;; Morpheridine picrate;苦味酸吗乙苯哌酯;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司