翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Commission on Real Property Claims of Displaced Persons and Refugees;流离失所者和难民不动产索赔受理委员会;; Decision on OSCE Action for Peace, Democracy and Stability in Bosnia and Herzegovina;欧安组织促进波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那和平、民主和稳定的决定;; Socialist Party of Republika Srpska;斯普斯卡共和国社会党;SPRS; Democratic People's Union;民主人民联盟民盟;DNZ;民盟 Conference of the Peace Implementation Council;和平执行委员会会议;; Regulation on Eco-Management and Audit;生态管理和审计条例;EMAS; national technology needs assessment;国家技术需要评估;NTNA; green wall;绿墙;; material intensity per unit of service;单位产出物料密度;MIPS; Inter-agency Committee on Women and Gender Equality;妇女和两性平等机构间委员会;IACWGE; Vienna conclusions;维也纳结论;; Summit of Peacemakers;和平缔造者首脑会议;; pre-accession strategy;加入前战略;; South-West Atlantic Hydrocarbons Commission;西南大西洋碳氢化合物委员会;; Montreux Convention;蒙特勒公约;; UNDP/OSCE Joint Electoral Observer Mission;开发计划署/欧安组织联合选举观察团;; Annual Environmentally Sustainable Development Conference;环境上可持续发展年度会议;; Office of the President of the General Assembly;大会主席办公室;; Transport Dispatch Unit;运输调度股;; Dispatch Pool;备用车队;; Chief Transport Officer;运输主任;CTO; Chief Logistics Officer CLOGO;后勤主任;CLOGO; Sector Transport Officer;区运输干事;STO; National Islamic Front;全国伊斯兰阵线伊阵;NIF;伊阵 Chief of Procurement;采购主任;; Information Management and Records Section;信息管理和记录科;; Central American Council for Tourism;中美洲旅游业理事会;CCT; Regional Programme of Action for the Development of Tourism;发展旅游业区域行动纲领;; Declaration of Montelimar II;第二号蒙特利马尔宣言;; Central American Migration Programme;中美洲移徙方案;PROCAM; Convention concerning Home Work;家庭工作公约;; Home-based Workers Convention;家庭工作公约;; Home Work Convention;家庭工作公约;; Office of Human Resources;人力资源处人力处;OHR;人力处 Communications Project Team;传播项目队;; Management Excellence Programme;优良管理方案;MEP; Development Financing Unit;发展筹资股;; International Trade, Development Financing and Transport Division;国际贸易、发展筹资和运输司;; Integrated Information Management Section;综合信息管理科;; Environment and Development Division;环境与发展司;; Joint ECLAC/UNCTAD Transnational Corporations Unit [Industry, Agriculture and Technology Modernization Division, ECLAC];拉加经委会/贸发会议跨国公司联合股;; Agricultural Development Unit;农业发展股;; Industry, Agriculture and Technology Modernization Division;工业、农业和技术现代化司;; Development Studies Unit;发展研究股;; Macroeconomic Policy Unit;宏观经济政策股;; Women and Development Unit;妇女与发展股;WAND; Programme Planning and Management Division;方案规划和管理司;; CELADE: Population Division;拉美人口中心:人口司;; ILPES: Public Sector Management Division;拉加经社规划所:公共部门管理司;; Islamic Conference on the Adoption of a Unified Stand on the Belittling of Islamic Sanctities and Values;对亵渎伊斯兰圣所和观念行为采取统一立场伊斯兰会议;; Declaration on the OIC Action Programme to Implement the Peace Agreement for Bosnia and Herzegovina;伊斯兰会议组织执行波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 和平协定行动纲领宣言;; Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam;开罗伊斯兰人权宣言;; Inter-governmental Experts Group on the Security and Solidarity of Islamic States;伊斯兰国家安全和团结政府间专家组;; African Plan of Action for Drug Control;非洲禁毒行动计划;; Agreement on Normalization of Relations between the Republic of Croatia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia;克罗地亚共和国和南斯拉夫联盟共和国关系正朝协定;; Joint Implementation Committee on Civil Administration;民政联合执行委员会;; Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on the Need to Harmonize and Improve United Nations Information Systems for Optimal Utilization and Accessibility by all States;协调和改善联合国信息系统以使所有国家能 够最佳利用和检索问题不限成员名额特设工 作组;; Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front;查谟和克什米尔解放阵线解放阵线;JKLF;解放阵线 World Organization against Torture;世界禁止酷刑组织;OMCT/SOS-Torture; Remote Sensing Technology Centre;遥感技术中心;RESTEC; Intergovernmental Consultative Committee;欧洲、北美、澳大利亚庇护、难民和移徙政 策政府间协商;ICC; Regional Space Applications Programme for Sustainable Development RESAP [ESCAP];空间应用促进可持续发展区域方案;RESAP; Regional Advisor on Mineral Policy and Mineral Economics;区域矿物政策和矿物经济顾问;; Regional Inter-agency Committee for Environment and Development in Asia and the Pacific;亚洲及太平洋环境与发展区域机构间委员会 亚太机构间委员会;RICAP;亚太机构间委员会 Global Contraceptive Commodity Programme;全球避孕商品方案;GCCP; Poverty Fund;扶贫基金;; Arab Court of Justice;阿拉伯法院;; Iraq Account;伊拉克帐户;; Secretary-General's Task Force on United Nations Operations;秘书长联合国行动工作队;; Programme Evaluation and Committee Liaison Unit;方案评价和委员会联络股;; Central Planning and Coordination Service;中央规划和协调处规协处;CPCS;规协处 Croatian Office for Displaced Persons and Refugees;克罗地亚流离失所者和难民事务处难民处;ODPR;难民处 Guiding Principles for Staff Commitment and Conduct;工作人员承诺与品行指导原则;; Structure of Accountability Phase I Project Team;问责制结构第一阶段项目小组;; Management Excellence Steering Committee;优良管理指导委员会;; Global Council on Management Excellence;全球优化管理理事会;; Headquarters Advisory Council;总部咨询理事会;; Management Task Force;管理问题工作队;; Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Advisory Council;东部和南部非洲区域咨询理事会;; Staff Deployment Team;工作人员部署小组;; Effective Field Management Team;有效外地管理小组;; Human Resources Strategy Team;人力资源战略拟定小组;; Working Group on Strategy and Leadership Style;战略和领导风格工作组;; Working Group on Staff and Staff Development [UNOPS];工作人员和工作人员发展工作组;; Working Group on Systems and Procedures;制度和程序工作组;; Working Group on Vision, Mission and Values;远景、任务和价值观念工作组;; Contracts Training Programme;合同训练方案;; Business Plan;业务计划;; Global Advisory Council;全球咨询理事会;; Management Steering Committee;管理指导委员会;; Coordinating Committee on External Consultancies;外部咨询协调委员会;; Human Resources Strategy and Strategic Function Project Team;人力资源战略和战略功能项目拟定小组;; Division on Investment, Technology and Enterprise Development;投资、技术和企业发展司投技企发司;DITE;投技企发司 Division on Globalization and Development Strategies;全球化和发展战略司;; Division on International Trade in Goods and Services, and Commodities;货物和服务国际贸易及商品司贸商司;DITC;贸商司 Division for Services Infrastructure for Development and Trade Efficiency;发展和贸易效率服务基础设施司;; Research and Right to Development Branch;研究和发展权利处;; Activities and Programmes Branch;活动和方案处;; Central Asian External Trade and Transport Initiative;中亚对外贸易和运输倡议;; Technical Meeting on Central Asia's Transit Transport Links with World Markets;中亚与世界市场的过境运输连接技术会议;; Supreme Council of Magistracy;最高司法行政官委员会;; Audience Africa;非洲问题讨论会;; Army of Republika Srpska;斯普斯卡共和国军;VRS; Croatian World Congress;克罗地亚世界大会;; Zvonomir;兹沃诺米尔城;; Homeland Thanksgiving Day;国土感恩节;; Framework for Coordination;协调框架;; Complex Emergencies Training Initiative;复杂紧急情况培训倡议;CETI; ARNALDEZ, Jean-Jacques;让-雅克·阿纳尔德;; BOS, Adriaan;阿德里安·博斯;; Zapatista National Liberation Army;萨帕塔民族解放军;; Rwandan Patriotic Front;卢旺达爱国阵线卢爱阵;FPR;卢爱阵 Front Patriotique Rwandais;卢旺达爱国阵线卢爱阵;FPR;卢爱阵 Republican Democratic Movement;共和民主运动共运;MDR;共运 Forum for Peace and Democracy;和平与民主论坛;; Democratic Forces for Change;民主变革力量;FDC; Social Democratic Party PSD;社会民主党社民党;PSD;社民党 Rwandan People's Democratic Union;卢旺达人民民主联盟卢人联;UDPR;卢人联 Rwandan Socialist Party;卢旺达社会主义党卢社会主义党;PSR;卢社会主义党 Alliance for the Reinforcement of Democracy;加强民主同盟民盟;ARD;民盟 National Republican Movement for Democracy and Development;全国民主与发展共和运动全国共运;MRNDD;全国共运 Towards a Global Ban on Anti-Personnel Mines;促成全球禁止杀伤人员地雷;; Declaration of the Ottawa Conference;渥太华会议宣言;; IKEDA, Yukihiko;池田行彦;; AIC;亚洲综合业务数字网研究会;AIC; CDS;分布式计算机控制系统;CDS; spatial information system;空间信息系统;SIS; Harare Declaration on Solar Energy and Sustainable Development;关于太阳能与可持续发展的哈拉雷宣言;; World Solar Programme 1996-2005: an Outline;1996-2005年世界太阳能方案: 概览;; combined delivery report;综合交付情况报告;CDR; field accommodation;外地住房;; indicator of performance;业绩指标;; ex-gratia payment;惠给金;; Management and Planning Unit;管理和规划股;; Support Services Branch;支助事务处;; Emergency Response and Humanitarian Assistance Unit;应急和人道主义援助股应急股;ERHAU;应急股 country programme adviser;国家方案顾问;CPA; Director of External Relations for UNAIDS;艾滋病方案对外关系主任;; Country Office Support Division;国家办事处支助司;; Tunis Declaration of Heads of State of the Great Lakes Region;大湖区国家元首突尼斯宣言;; Directorate of the Reconstruction and Development of Sarajevo;萨拉热窝重建和发展局;; Plan of Action to Restore Essential Public Services in Sarajevo;恢复萨拉热窝基本公用事业行动计划;; Gulf Family Health Survey Programme;海湾家庭健康调查方案;; Policy and Contracts Division;政策和合同司;; Palestine and Decolonization Section;巴勒斯坦和非殖民化科;PDS;非殖科 Women and Industry Recognition Award;妇女对工业贡献奖;; Working Group on the Future of the Commission for Social Development;社会发展委员会未来工作组;; Working Group on Poverty Eradication;消除贫穷工作组;; Ministerial Conference on Economic Assistance to the Palestinian People;向巴勒斯坦人民提供经济援助部长级会议;; International Collective in Support of Fishworkers;国际渔工援助合作社;ICSF; marine and coastal protected areas;海洋和沿海堡区;MPAs; Oil Spill and Research Development Forum;漏油研发论坛;; Promotion of Marine Sciences Programme;促进海洋科学方案;PROMAR; Mediterranean Action Plan;地中海行动计划;MAP; Cooperative Programme Framework for Integrated Coastal Area Management;沿海区综合管理合作方案框架;; coastal area management plans;沿海区管理计划;CAMPs; hazard assessment and risk management;危害评估和风险管理;HARM; Arctic Seas Assessment Project;北极海评估项目;; Marine Environment Laboratory;海洋环境实验室;MEL; Advisory Committee on Fisheries Research;渔业研究咨询委员会;ACFR; Subcommittee on Fish Trade;鱼类贸易小组委员会;; International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange;国际海洋学数据和信息交换所 海洋信息交换所;IODE;海洋信息交换所 carrying capacity assessment;负荷量评估;CCA; Agreement on Social and Economic Aspects and the Agrarian Situation;社会经济问题和土地状况协定;; Presidential Peace Commission;总统和平委员会;; Education Reform Commission;教育改革委员会;; National Land Fund;全国土地基金;; Office of Director of Operations;业务主任办公室;; Planning and Information Division;规划和信息司;; Finance, Control and Administration Division;财务、控制和行政司;; Rehabilitation and Social Sustainability Division;复兴和社会持续司;; Division of Procurement Projects;采购项目司;; Transition Office in the Former Yugoslavia;前南斯拉夫过渡办事处;UNTOFY; Electronic Services Division;电子事务司;ESD; Call to Action of the International Coral Reef Initiative;国际珊瑚礁倡议的行动呼吁;; International Year of the Reefs;国际海礁年海礁年;IYR;海礁年 Rules and Regulations Unit;规则和条例股;; Organizational Structure and Job Design Unit;组织结构和职务定义股;; Examinations and Tests Service;考试和测验处;; Litigation Unit;诉讼股;; Recruitment Support Section;征聘支助科;; Palestinian Information and International Relations Centre;巴勒斯坦信息和国际关系中心;; Palestinian Economic Research Centre;巴勒斯坦经济研究中心;; Expert Group on Poverty Statistics;贫穷统计专家组;; Protocol to the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-ban Treaty;全面禁止核试验条约议定书;; International Monitoring System;国际监测系统;IMS; Self-Defence Forces;自卫队;SDF; Task Force on Training;训练工作队;; Association of European Universities-Cooperation Programme in Europe for Research on Nature and Industry through Coordinated University Studies;欧洲大学协会自然与工业研究合作计划;CRE-Copernicus; Committee on Capacity Building in Science;科学能力建设委员会;CCBS; indigenous knowledge;本地知识;IK; traditional ecological knowledge;传统生态知识;TEK; Association of European Universities;欧洲大学协会;CRE; Belgrade Charter;贝尔格莱德宪章;; International Environmental Education Workshop;国际环境教育讲习班;; Belgrade International Workshop;贝尔格莱德国际讲习班;; Pioneering Useful and Learning Strategies in Basic Education;开创基础教育适用教学战略PULSE;PULSE;PULSE Integrated Programme for the Advancement of Medillin's Underprivileged Districts;改善麦德林地区贫困状况综合计划;PRIMED; Environment and School Initiatives Project;学校促进环鳖动项目;; Education for Sustainable Development;可持续发展教育;ESD; New Economics Foundation;新经济学基金会;NEF; Intergovernmental Informatics Programme;政府间信息学方案;IIP; Inter-agency Earthwatch Working Party;机构间地球观察工作队;; Campaigns for Action to Protect the Earth;堡地球行动运动;CAPE 21; global information plaza of the UNU;联合国大学全球信息中心全球信息中心;UNU/GIP;全球信息中心 Kyoto Conference on Cooperation for Immunization in the New Independent States;新独立国家免役合作京都会议;; Narino Accord;纳里尼奥协定;; 20/20 initiative;20/20倡议;; Standing Group on National Committees for UNICEF;各国儿童基金会委员会常设小组;; 661 Committee;661委员会;; State Oil Marketing Organization;国营石油销售组织;SOMO; Cartagena Document on Methodology;卡塔赫纳方法文件;; Work the Pacific;开发太平洋;; Pacific Regional Seminar to Review the Situation in the Non-Self-Governing Territories, Particularly their Political Evolution Towards Self-Determination by the Year 2000;审查非自治领土局势,特别是到2000年实 现自决的政治演进的太平洋区域讨论会;; Joint declaration of the Baltic Presidents on Partnership for Integration;波罗的海三国总统关于一体化合作的联合宣 言;; Baltic Sea Region Initiative;波罗的海区域倡议;; Inter-State Defence and Security Committee;国家间防务和安全委员会;; Organ on Politics, Defence and Security;政治、防务和安全机关;; fixed-term contract;定期合同;; Ad hoc Working Group on Emergency Telecommunications;特设紧急电信工作组;WGET; Sub-Regional Consultative Commission;分区域协商委员会;; Agreement on Sub-Regional Arms Control;分区域军备控制协定;; Russian-Palestinian Working Committee on the Middle East;俄罗斯-巴勒斯坦中东问题工作委员会;; Bureau Programme Advisory Committee;局方案咨询委员会;BPAC; regional cooperation framework;区域合作框架;RCF; global cooperation framework;全球合作框架;GCF; dispute settlement means;争端解决办法;DSMs; counter-measures;反措施;CMs; post-countermeasures dispute settlement obligations;反措施后解决争端义务反措施后;Post-CMs;反措施后 pre-countermeasures dispute settlement obligations;反措施前解决争端义务;Pre-CMs;解决争端义务 dispute settlement obligations;解决争端义务;; Electronic Documentation and Publishing Unit;电子文件和出版股;; United Nations Affairs Office;联合国事务处;; Special Adviser on Child Rights;儿童权利特别顾问;; Office of Aid Management;援助管理厅;; Agreement on Interim Co-financing of Public Services on the Territory Administered by UNTAES, by the Government of the Republic of Croatia;关于由克罗地亚共和国政府为东斯过渡当局管理的领土内的公共服务临时共同提供经费的协定;; Regional Conference on Illicit Cross-border Drug Trafficking;非法越界贩运毒品问题区域会议;; Trust Fund in Support of Action to Eliminate Violence against Women;消除对妇女暴力行为支援行动信托基金;; Agreement on the regulation of relations and promotion of cooperation between the Republic of Macedonia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia;马其顿共和国和南斯拉夫联盟共和国关于调 整关系和促进合作的协定;; Ad Hoc Committee of the Whole of the General Assembly for the Mid-term Review of the Implementation of the United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s;1990年代联合国非洲发展新议程执行情况中 期审查大会特设全体委员会;; Transdisciplinary Project: Environment and Population Education and Information for Development;跨学科项目:环境和人口方面的教育和信息促进发展;EPD; Guidelines on the Role of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services in the Implementation of Agenda 21 and the Framework Convention on Climate Change [WMO];国家气象、水文机构在执行21世纪议程和气候变化框架公约中的作用的指导方针;; Environmental Performance Review Unit;环境工作审查股;; Environment Unit;环境股;; Economic Policy and Resource Strategy Department;经济政策和资源战略部;; Environmental Fund for Central America;中美洲环境基金;; Social Development Fund;社会发展基金;; Fund for Debt Reconversion;债务再调换基金;; Environmental Advisory Council;环境咨询理事会;; Social Programmes and Sustainable Development Department;社会福利计划和可持续发展部;; Division of Operational Support in Environmental Health;环境卫生业务支助司;; Bureau for Coordination of Environmental Programmes;环境方案协调局;; Integrated Pest Management Facility;虫害综合防治机制;; Sustainable Development Multidisciplinary Team;可持续发展跨学科小组;; Working Group on the Environment;环境问题工作组;; Regional Monitoring/Evaluation Officer;区域监测/评价干事;; Regional Education Adviser;区域教育顾问;; National Information Analysis Unit;国家信息分析股;NIAU;信息股 Social Development Management Branch;社会发展管理处;; Environment Statistics Section;环境统计科;ESS;环境科 Inter-Departmental Coordination Group on Agenda 21;21世纪议程部门间协调组;; Resources Mobilization Unit;资源调动股;; Development Study Groups;发展研究小组;; Programme on Development of Telematics and Computer Networks;远距离传送和计算机网络发展方案;; Programme on Integrated Rural Development;农村综合发展方案;; Directorate for Environmental Health;环境卫生局;; Office of Global and Integrated Environmental Health;全球和综合环境卫生处;; Office for Global and Integrated Environmental Health;全球和综合环境卫生处;; Baalbeck-Hermel Integrated Rural Development Programme;巴勒贝克-赫迈勒农村综合发展方案;; National Administrative Rehabilitation Programme;国家行政重建方案;NARP; Recovery and Development Programme Horizon 2000;复兴和发展方案地平线2000;;地平线2000 Aid Management and Accountability Framework;援助管理和问责制框架;AMAF; Working Group on Training;训练工作组;; UNESCO Prize for Children's and Young People's Literature in the Service of Tolerance;教科文组织促进容忍青少年文学奖;; UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-violence;教科文组织-马登吉特·辛格促进容忍和非暴力奖;; Declaration of Principles on Tolerance;容忍原则宣言;; Plan of Action to Follow-up the United Nations Year for Tolerance 1995;联合国容忍年1995年后续行动计划;; Safety and Health in Mines Convention;矿山安全与卫生公约;; Convention concerning Safety and Health in Mines;1995年矿山安全与卫生公约;; Kosovo Declaration;科索沃宣言;; Advisory Selection Committee;甄选咨询委员会;; Joint and Co-sponsored Programme on HIV/AIDS Trust Fund;联合和共同赞助的艾滋病毒/艾滋病方案信 托基金;; Programme for Preventing and Combating Illicit Trafficking in Nuclear Material;防止和打击非法贩运核材料方案;; Moscow Summit Declaration on Nuclear Safety and Security;莫斯科首脑会议核安全与保障宣言;; Summit on Nuclear Safety and Security;核安全与保卫问题首脑会议;; Conference Services Division;会议事务司;; Office of Administration and Management;行政和管理处;; Office of Resources and Environmental Monitoring;资源和环境监测处;; Office of Legal Services and Implementation Services;法律事务和执行事务处;; Strategic Planning Unit;战略规划股;; Ministerial Conference on Terrorism;恐怖主义问题部长级会议;; Joint Implementation Committee on Human Rights;人权联合执行委员会;; Joint Implementation Committee on Returns;回返问题联合执行委员会;; United Nations Declaration on Corruption and Bribery in Transnational Commercial Activities, draft;联合国反对跨国商业活动中的贪污和贿赂 宣言;; Inter-American Convention Against Corruption;美洲国家反腐败公约;; Recruitment and Career Management Section;征聘和职业管理科;; Organization Management Unit;组织管理股;; Convention concernant la condition des etrangers sur les territoires des parties contractantes;关于各缔约方领土内外侨地位的公约;; Judicial Support Services Division;司法支助事务司司法司;JSD;司法司 Electronic Support and Communications Section;电子支助和通信科;ECS; Gender Analysis Section;性别问题分析科;GAS; Operational Activities for Development Unit;发展业务活动股;OADU; IC;智能卡;IC; DONG, Guilan;董桂兰;; derivative loss;派生投资损失;; equity portfolio;证券组合;; fiscal discipline;财政纪律;; out-source;外包;; Ocussi Ambeno;欧库西·安贝诺飞地;; Antouro;阿陶罗岛;; affiliated programmes;[与联合国]有联系的方案;; identifiable entity;单独列名的实体;; French Institute of Scientific Research for Development Cooperation;法国科学研究促进发展合作学会;ORSTOM; User-management Committee;用户管理委员会;; financial statements and accounts;财务报表和决算 [accounts在与financial statements连用时一律译为决算];; Shelter Now International;国际立即解决住房协会;; SINYINZA, Patrick N.;帕特里克·辛因扎;; accreditation;核证 [在行文中若有必要,可译为1. [非政府组织]认 可参加[会议] 2. [新闻机 构]核准采访;; Decision concerning an extension of and an addition to the mandate of the Collective Peacekeeping Forces in the conflict zone in Abkhazia, Georgia;关于延长集体维持和平部队在格鲁吉亚阿布哈兹冲突地区的任务期限以及增加该部队的任务的决定;; Ceasefire and Separation of Forces Agreement;宛和隔离部队协议;; Executive Secretariat of the Commonwealth of Independent States;独立国家联合体执行秘书处;; non-statutory;不属法定的;; GLELE-AHANHANZO, Maurice;莫里斯·格莱莱-阿汉汉佐;; AHANHANZO, Maurice;莫里斯·格莱莱-阿汉汉佐;; radio frequency cards;射频卡; 无线电频率卡;; access card;出入卡;; International Convention against Organized Transnational Crime;打击有组织跨国犯罪国际公约;; Uvira;乌维拉;; Bukavu;布卡武;; Assessment by the Organization of African Unity of the implementation of the United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s;非洲统一组织对《1990年代联合国非洲发展 新议程》的执行情况的评价;; Mwanga;姆旺加;; Fizi;菲齐;; Masisi;马西西人;; MONGA-A-ONDO, Eluki;埃鲁基·蒙加-阿-翁多;; ONDO, Eluki MONGA-A-;埃鲁基·蒙加-阿-翁多;; Runingo;鲁宁戈难民营;;难民营 Ruzizi Plain;鲁齐齐平原;; Zairean Refugee Camp Security Contingent;扎伊尔难民营保安队;ZCSC; Civilian Freedom of Movement;平民行动自由;FOM; Freedom of Return;回返自由;FOR; Office of the High Representative;高级代表办事处;OHR; HYNES, Ross Garfield;罗斯·加菲尔德·海因斯;; ESSONGHE, Charles;夏尔·埃松格;; LOPES da ROSA, Mario;马里奥·洛佩斯·达罗萨;; SANDOR, Istvan;伊斯特万·桑多尔;; ARCE de JEANNET, Angelica;安赫利卡·阿尔塞·德琼纳特;; RABENA, Francisco J.;弗朗西斯科·拉韦纳;; LAWLOR, Kim M.;金·劳勒;; KWONG Wan Chat Taye Wah Michel;邝万查·泰华·米歇尔;; OULD SID'AHMED, Ahmed;艾哈迈德·乌尔德·西德艾哈迈德;; MOSES, Resio S.;雷西奥·摩西;; ERWA, Elfatih Mohamed Ahmed;埃勒法提赫·穆罕默德·艾哈迈德·埃尔瓦;; WINNICK, Seth D.;塞思·温尼克;; BOYNTON, Michael Raymond;迈克尔· 雷蒙德·博因顿;; TADIE, Eugene Phillip;尤金·菲利普·塔迪埃;; RODRIGUEZ-FERNANDEZ. Ines;伊内斯·罗德里格斯 - 费尔南德斯;; MAURER, Peter;彼得·莫伊雷尔;; VICTORIA, Roberto;罗伯托·维多利亚;; MOHAMMED, Duri;杜里·穆罕默德;; ABDUL KHALID, Othman;阿卜杜勒·哈立德·奥斯曼;; BESSELINK, Gerrit Hendrik;赫里特·亨德里克·贝塞林克;; VICTOROV, Anatoli D.;阿纳托利·维克托罗夫;; KAYINAMURA, Gideon;吉迪恩·卡伊纳穆拉;; JONAH, James O. C.;詹姆斯·乔纳;; WESTENDORP, D. Carlos;卡洛斯·韦斯滕多尔普;; SEMAKULA KIWANUKA, Matia Mulumba;马蒂亚·穆隆巴·塞马库拉·基瓦努卡;; BOGAYEVSKIY, Yuriy Vadimovich;尤里·瓦季莫维奇·博加耶夫斯基;; BENITEZ SAENZ, Julio;胡利奥·贝尼特斯·萨恩斯;; BISOGNIERO, Claudio;克劳迪奥·比索涅罗;; ABDULLAH, Ahmad;阿卜杜拉·艾哈迈德;; GARCIA GONZALEZ, Carlos Enrique;卡洛斯·恩里克·加西亚·冈萨雷斯;; JAGANDER, Annika;安尼卡·亚甘德尔;; RICHMOND, David;戴维·里奇蒙;; WONG, Yvette Marie;伊薇特·玛丽·王;; XU, Haichao;徐海潮;; FRAHER, Brendon Lee;布伦敦·李·弗拉赫尔;; DEDOUCHKINE, Vladimir P.;弗拉基米尔·德杜奇基内;; KOVAL, Nikolay N.;尼古拉·科瓦利;; GELBER, Herbert Donald;赫伯特·唐纳德·盖尔伯;; ERICHSEN, Robin A.;罗宾·埃里克森;; SVETOGORSKY MARINO, Boris E.;鲍里斯·斯韦托戈尔斯基·马里诺;; ESTEVEZ, Luis Raul;路易斯·劳尔·埃斯特韦斯;; CANAVAN, Maurice;莫里斯·卡纳万;; AL-HUSSEIN, Zeid Ra'ad Zeid;扎伊德·拉阿德·扎伊德·侯赛因;; BERTELING, Jan;扬·贝尔特林;; PLUSKOTA, Zbigniew;兹比格涅夫·普卢斯科塔;; GRUBER, Gunter;京特·格吕贝尔;; GORELIK, Alexandre S.;亚历山大·戈列利克;; GUANI, Alberto;阿尔韦托·瓜尼;; YOUNG, George A.;乔治·扬;; REPASCH, Thomas;托马斯·里帕斯奇;; KERMA, Ahcene;阿塞恩·凯尔马;; KEPPLER-SCHLESINGER, Susanne;苏珊·开普勒 - 施莱辛格;; RODRIGUEZ SAN MARTIN, Gualberto;瓜尔韦托·罗德里格斯·圣马丁;; SAENZ MURILLO, Federico;费德里科·萨恩斯·穆里略;; DROUSHIOTIS, James;詹姆斯·德鲁希奥蒂斯;; HASSELBALCH, Carl Christian;卡尔·克里斯蒂安·哈塞尔巴尔克;; LETROT HADJ HAMOU, Janie;雅尼·勒特罗·哈吉·哈穆;; METSCHER, Klaus Horst;克劳斯·霍斯特·梅切尔;; MANICKAM, Aldyian;阿尔迪伊安·马尼卡姆;; McCook, Wayne St. John;韦恩·圣约翰·麦库克;; AAMIRY, Ayman M. A.;艾曼·阿米里;; POPOV, Sergey N.;谢尔盖·波波夫;; OSMAN, Daffa-Alla Alhag Ali;达法-阿拉·哈吉·阿里·奥斯曼;; MOHAMED, Omer Dahab Fadol;奥梅尔·达哈卜·法多勒·穆罕默德;; COUGHLIN, Christian;克里斯琴·库格林;; PETRELLA, Fernando Enrique;费尔南多·恩里克·彼得雷拉;; GUO, Kun;郭昆;; LOEWE, Ole;奥勒·勒韦;; SAHA, Rajat;拉杰特·萨哈;; ESHMAMBETOVA, Zamira B.;扎米拉·叶什马姆贝托娃;; RALITSOELE, Lisema Walter;利塞马·沃尔特·拉利特索埃莱;; ANDJABA, Martin;马丁·安贾巴;; POWLES, Michael John;迈克尔·约翰·波尔斯;; GOODERHAM, Peter Olaf;彼得·奥拉夫·古德哈姆;; CANIL, Virginia Ann;弗吉尼亚·安·卡尼尔;; SCHLESINGER, Thomas;托马斯·施莱辛格;; HANSON-HALL, Henry;亨利·汉森 - 霍尔;; JABER, Abdulla Hussain Mohamed;阿卜杜拉·侯赛因·穆罕默德·贾比尔;; DABOR, Fode M.;福德·戴博;; UGDUL, Tunc;通奇·于迪尔;; CYNKIN, Thomas N.;托马斯·辛金;; GAGHEN, Rebecca L.;丽贝卡·加格亨;; MINAR, Kara McGuire;卡拉·麦圭尔·米纳;; BARBOZA, Alvaro R.;阿尔瓦罗·巴尔沃萨;; MENDES, Rufino Jose;鲁菲诺·若泽·门德斯;; HORVATH, Dezso;德热·霍瓦特;; MAPURANGA, Machivenyika Tobias;马奇文伊卡·托比阿斯·马普兰加;; AYOUB, Mowafak Mahmoud;穆瓦法克·马哈茂德·阿尤布;; NAD, Milos;米洛什·纳德;; ALABRUNE, Francois;弗朗索瓦·阿拉布吕纳;; CAMINITI, Roberto;罗伯托·卡米尼蒂;; HOWARD, Linda S.;琳达·霍华德;; MOHAMMAD, Pehin;佩欣·穆罕默德;; LIN, Chengxun;林承训;; LIU, Yanguo;刘延国;; TANOH-BOUTCHOUE, Bernard;贝尔纳·塔诺 - 布崔;; ABDELLATIF, Adel;阿德尔·阿卜杜勒拉蒂夫;; DISCUA ELVIR, Luis Alonso;路易斯·阿隆索·迪斯夸·埃尔维尔;; MUKHOPADHAYA, Gautam;高塔姆·穆科珀德耶;; BAPTISTA, Tito Dos Santos;蒂托·多斯桑托斯·巴普蒂丝塔;; FARIDZADEH, Mehdi;梅赫迪·法里德扎德;; SIGRAH, Tadao P.;塔道·西格拉;; TCHALYI, Iouri;约乌里·恰尔厄;; NEBENZIA, Vassili;瓦西里·内边贾;; JAYANAMA, Asda;阿斯达·猜耶南;; HIGGINS, Thomas;托马斯·希金斯;; institutional investment advice;体制投资咨询意见;; pension adjustment system;养恤金调整制度;; retirement benefits;退休金;; early retirement benefits;提前退休金;; Regulations and Administrative Rules of the Fund;[养恤]基金条例和基金管理规则;; moving market average method;浮动市价平均法;; step increments;职级例常加薪;; nominal investment return;名义投资收益;; explicit cost assumption;明确费用假设;; plan termination;计划中止;; funded position;资金情况;; actuarial position of the Fund;[养恤]基金的精算情况;; Agreement on Unmanning of Positions in Sensitive Areas of Nicosia;撤离尼科西亚敏感地区阵地协定;; Procedures for Air Navigation Services;空中导航事务程序;PANs; new global partnership;新的全球伙伴关系;; donor fatigue;捐助疲劳症;; Tokyo Conference on Development Strategy;东京发展战略会议;; Armed Conflict Prevention Group;预防武装冲突小组;; Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli;产肠毒素菌种;ETEC; merozoite surface protein 1;裂殖子表面蛋白-1;MSP-1; apical membrane antigen;顶膜抗原;AMA-1; Division of Diarrhoeal and Acute Respiratory Disease Control;腹泻和急性呼吸道疾病防治司;CDR; serine rich antigen;多丝氨酸抗原;SERA; Managing Tropical Diseases Through Education and Understanding;通过教育和认识防治热带疾病;MANTEAU; Global Malaria Control Strategy;全球疟疾防治战略;; Regional Water and Sanitation Group East Africa;区域水和卫生小组东非;;东非 Plan of Action for Malaria Control, 1995-2000;1995-2000年疟疾防治行动计划;; Global Fibre Supply Study;全球纤维供应研究;GFSS; Office of Management Coordination and Reforms;管理协调和改革处;MCR; Management Development Office;管理发展处;MDO; Field Imprest System;外地定额备用金制度;FIS; Computerized Programme Planning System;计算机化方案规划系统;FLANSYS; Human Resources Advisory Group;人力资源咨询组;; Integrated Financial Management Information System;综合财务管理信息系统;IFMIS; Task Force on Information Systems;信息系统工作队;; Strategic Information Systems Planning Project;战略信息系统规划项目;SISP; Information Technology and Communications Bureau;信息技术和通信局;ITCOM; Information Technology Management Committee;信息技术管理委员会;; Information Technology Technical Committee;信息技术技术委员会;; Managerial Assistance Programme;管理援助方案;; monitoring, self-evaluation and reporting system;监测、自我评价和报告制度;MERS; Working Group on Funding Strategy;筹资战略工作组;; Reference Group on Structure and Format of Budget;预算结构和格式研究组;; Programme Performance Assessment System;方案执行情况评估制度;PPAS; project performance monitoring system;项目执行情况监测制度;COPR; Management and Appraisal of Performance System;管理和考绩制度;MAP; Management Development Committee;管理发展委员会;MDC; Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee;方案、财务和行政委员会;PFAC; Subcommittee on Administrative and Financial Matters;行政和财务事项小组委员会;SCAF; Management Coordination and Monitoring Unit;管理协调和监测股;; Strategic Planning and External Affairs Unit;战略规划和对外事务股战略规划股;SPU;战略规划股 Programme Planning and Evaluation Office;方案规划和评价处;PPEO; Effectiveness Evaluation Section;效率评价科;; Internal Audit Section;内部审计科内审科;IAS;内审科 Office of Internal Audit, Inspection and Management control;内部审计、检查和管理控制办公室内审办;AUD;内审办 Office of Management Services;管理事务处;ADMS; Compensation and Management Services Division;报酬和管理事务司;; Budget and Data Control Unit;预算和数据控制股;; Development and Coordination of Policies and Strategies and Methodological Support Unit;政策和战略制订、协调及方法支助股;DCM; Evaluation Unit;评价股;PROG/EVAL; Follow-up and Evaluation Section;后续行动和评价科;FUES; uniform rules on assignment in receivables financing draft;应收款融资转让统一法;; Group of Experts on Effects of Pollutants;污染物影响专家组;GEEP; Group of Experts on Long-term Scientific Policy and Planning;长期科学政策和规划专家组;GELTSPAP; regional conference to address the problems of refugees, displaced persons, other forms of involuntary displacement and returnees in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, and relevant neighbouring States;处理独立国家联合体各国和有关邻国的难民、流离失所者、其他形式的非自愿流离失所和回返者问题区域会议;; Neveh Daneil;内韦达内勒;; Cape Ostri;奥斯特里角;; Title II;第二章;; secondary boycott;间接抵制;; accrued benefits;累积养恤金;; accrued benefit entitlements;累积养恤金权利;; discounted cash flow method;贴现现金流动方法;; actuarial valuation model;精算估值模式;; actuarial equivalent of a benefit;养恤金精算等值;; unisex mortality table;男女通用死亡率表;; notch effect;缺口效应;; International Conference on Mine Clearance Technology;国际排雷技术会议;; Orient House;东宫;; cumulative annualized total return;累积年总收益;; base currency;基准货币;; asset allocation ranges;资产分配幅度;; Morgan Stanley Capital International;摩根斯坦利资本国际;MSCI; MSCI-Europe indices;摩根斯坦利资本国际--欧洲指数;; performance benchmark;业绩基准;; Morgan Stanley Capital International World Index;摩根斯坦利资本国际公司世界指数;; Salomon Brothers World Bond Index;索罗门兄弟公司世界债券指数;; custodial arrangements;保管安排;; regional custodian;区域保管人;; Master Record Keeper;总帐管理人;; tax reclamation;退税;; institutional adviser;机构顾问;; investment performance;投资业绩;; investment benchmark;投资基准;; performance criteria;业绩标准;; European Convention on the adoption of children;欧洲领养儿童公约;; track record;成绩记录; 跟踪记录; 上轨记录; [IMF]良好业绩建立;;建立 Special Investigation Committee on Allegations of Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances and Reported Cases of Slavery;关于指称被强迫或非自愿失踪和据报被奴役案例的特别调查委员会;; Civil Service Retirement Scheme;公务员退休计划;CSRS; Federal Employees Retirement Scheme;联邦雇员退休计划;FERS; thrift saving plan;节约储蓄计划;; Zealots of the Temple Mount;圣殿山奋锐党人;; income inversion anomaly;收入倒挂的反常现象;; remuneration margin range;薪酬差幅;; NYUNT, Sd Khim;钦纽;; DOUDECH, El Walid;瓦利德·杜德什;; Distilled Spirits Council of the United States;美国蒸馏酒精理事会;Discus; sub-decree;二级法令[暂译];; youth rehabilitation;青年自新;; labour rehabilitation;劳工复兴;; First United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty;联合国第一个消灭贫穷十年1997-2006;;1997-2006 regression techniques;递减方法;; income inversion phenomenon;收入倒挂的现象;; married tax rate;已婚税率;; single tax rate;单身税率;; marginal tax rate;边际税率;; International Year of Tolerance;国际容忍年;; cap provision;上限规定;; local currency track pension;当地货币轨道养恤金;LCP; cost-of-living differential factor;生活费差别因素;; special index of pensioners;养恤金领取人特别指数;; real;里亚尔;; reais;里亚尔;; date of initial entitlement;开始领取养恤金的日期;; entitlement date;开始领取养恤金的日期;; local currency pension;当地货币养恤金;LCP; programme of correspondence instruction;函授方案;POCI; HIRAOKA, Takashi;平冈敬;; Itoh, Iccho;伊藤一长;; International Convention on Suppression of Terrorism;国际禁止恐怖主义公约;; Instrument for the Protection of Minorities;堡少数群体文件;; Fifth Multimodal Corridor;第五多式联运走廊;; Community Initiative concerning Border Areas;共同体边境地区倡议;INTERREG; United Nations in Action;联合国在行动中;; Convention europeenne en matiere d'adoption des enfants;欧洲领养儿童公约;; MULE, Harris Mutio;哈里斯·穆蒂奥·穆莱;; Shonenstein Centre for Press, Politics and Public Policy;肖嫩斯坦新闻、政治和公共政策中心;; Group of Latin American and Caribbean States;拉丁美洲和加勒比国家集团;GRULAC; Group of Rapporteurs on Brakes and Running Gear;刹车和轮轴报告员小组;GRRF; Group of Rapporteurs on Crashworthiness;抗撞性报告员小组;GRCS; Harmonized System-based Trade Analysis and Information System;统一制度计算机贸易分析和信息系统;TRAINS; Hazard Information System;危险信息系统;HIS; Health-Education Telecommunications;卫生教育电信;HEM; Health Maintenance Facility;健康维持设施;HMF; Health Situation and Trend Assessment Programme;健康状况和趋势评价方案;HSATAP; High-Resolution Picture Transmission;高分辨率图象传送;HRPT; Higher University Council of Central America;中美洲大学高级理事会;CSUCA; Human Development Country Initiative;人类发展国家倡议;HDCI; Human Resource Facility;人力资源机构;HRF; Human Rights Notice;人权通报;HRC; IAEA Safeguards Information System;原子能机构保障制度信息系统;ISIS; Ibero-American Cooperation Institute;伊比利亚-美洲合作研究所 伊美合作所;ICI;伊美合作所 Improving Port Performance;提高港口能力;IPP; Indian Federation of United Nations Associations;印度联合国协会联合会;IFUNA; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司