翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Joint Implementation Committee on ...;xx联合执行委员会;JIC; Ottawa Group on Price Indexes;渥太华价格指数小组;; Meeting of Technical Experts on Demining Technology in preparation for the Tokyo meeting;筹备东京会议排雷技术技术专家会议;; Mine-Clearance Task Force;排雷工作队;; Subcommittee on Preparations for the Post-Election Period;选举后时期筹备工作小组委员会选后筹 委;JIC-PE;选后筹 委 International Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International;国际农业和生物科学中心农生中心;CABI;农生中心 International Foundation for Art Research;国际艺术研究基金会;IFAR; International Fund Sports Disabled;国际残疾人体育基金;IFSD; International Gas Carrier Code;国际载气法规;IGC Code; International Institute for Children's, Juvenile and Popular Literature;国际青少年和大众文学研究所;; International Institute for Informatics Law;国际信息法研究所;; International Institute for Rehabilitation in Developing Countries;发展中国家残疾人康复国际研究所;ITRDC; International Institute for Systems Analysis;国际系统分析研究所;; International Institute for the Planning of Scientific and Technological Development;国际科技发展规划研究所;; International Institute of Public Administration;国际公共行政研究所;; International Institute of Social Studies;国际社会研究所;; International Islamic Court of Justice;国际伊斯兰法院;; International Islamic Law Commission;国际伊斯兰法律委员会;; International Jute Agreement;国际黄麻协定;; International Jute Council;国际黄麻理事会;; International Labour Information System;国际劳工信息系统;ILIS; International Law Institute;国际法学会;ILI; Canadian Foundation for the Americas;加拿大美洲基金会;FOCAL; International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants;堡植物新品种国际联盟;UPOV; Industry and Trade Coordination Division;工业和贸易协调司工贸司;SITCD;工贸司 Intermodal Transport and Customs Facilitation Programme;联运和海关便利方案;; Roads and Coastal Shipping;公路和沿海运输;ROCS; Attachment Programme;附属方案;; Monetary and Exchange Affairs Department;货币和汇兑事务部;MAE; International Liaison Committee for Food Crops Programme;国际粮食作物方案联络委员会;CILCA; International Maritime Bureau;国际海洋局;IMB; International Natural Rubber Council;国际天然胶理事会;; International Network for Chemical Education;国际化学教育网;INCE; International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group;国际核安全咨询小组;INSAG; International Patent Institute;国际专利研究所;IIB; LEHTO, Marja-Liisa;玛丽亚-莉萨·莱赫托;; SAIDOV, Rizvon;里兹翁·赛义多夫;; International Organization for the Control of African Migratory Locust;国际防治非洲流蝗组织;OICMA; International Organization of Space Communications;国际空间通信组织;INTERSPUTNIK; TANG, Guoqiang;唐国强;; Board of Administrators;管理委员会;; Advisory Committee on Human Rights and Foreign Policy;人权与外交政策咨询委员会;; UN Supervision of Human Rights;联合国对人权的监督;; United Nations Supervision of Human Rights;联合国对人权的监督;; ARIMA-SAKAI, Makiko;有马-酒井真喜子;; ARIMA SAKAI, Makiko;有马-酒井真喜子;; SAKAI, Makiko ARIMA-;有马-酒井真喜子;; FURUTA, Yuki;古田佑纪;; ITO, Hideki;伊藤秀树;; KOHARA, Masahiro;小原雅博;; SUZUKI, Noriko;铃木规子;; SHINADA, Mitsuhiko;品田光彦;; ITO, Noriko;伊东纪子;; KONDO, Tetsuo;近藤哲生;; NAKA, Kinya;仲均也;; ABE, Haruo;阿部春雄;; KASAI, Yuichi;笠井勇一;; TAKAGI, Machiko;高木麻千子;; NAKAYAMA, Toshihiro;中山俊宏;; principle of discrimination;区别原则[指战时区别军事/非军事目标];; opinio juris;法律意见;; erga omens;普遍义务;; fall-out;坠尘;; principle of humanity;人道原则;; dictates of public conscience;公众良心的要求;; mahabharata;薄伽梵歌;; emphasis added;着重部分由作者标明;; blast;[核弹]冲击波;; separate opinion;个别意见;; HAMURO, Kazuchika;叶室和亲;; ALEMAN, Arnaldo;阿纳尔多·阿莱曼;; SEITNER, Manfred;曼弗雷德·塞特纳;; Safety of Nuclear Installations programme;核设施安全方案;; Government of National Unity and Reconciliation;民族团结与和解政府;GNUR; ORBIS;国际奥比斯组织 奥比斯;ORBIS;奥比斯 RUAN, Ping;阮平;; International Referral System for Sources of Environmental Information Programme Activity Centre;国际环境信息来源查询系统方案活动中心;INFOTERRA/PAC; unenhance vision;未用增视器材状态下的视觉器官;; corrective eyesight devices;视力矫正装置;; Snellen;斯内伦;; remotely-delivered mine;遥布地雷;; civilian objects;民用物体;; self-destruction mechanism;自毁装置;; self-neutralization mechanism;自失效装置;; star wars;“星球大战”;; self-deactivating;自失能;; perimeter of a perimeter-marked area;标界区周界;; active hostilities;现行敌对行动;; United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund for Assistance in Mine Clearance;联合国协助排雷自愿信托基金;; on-going hostilities;正在进行的敌对行动;; demining;排雷; 扫雷[常规武器公约第二号议定书第12条用语];; row minefields;行列雷场;; lot number;批量号;; serial number;1.序列号 2.入伍编号;; allotment report;拨款报表;; International Society of Airlines Telecommunications;航空公司电讯国际协会;; LU, Wenzheng;吕文正;; CHAN CHIM YUK, Andre C.W.;安德烈·陈沾育;; AL-ZAID, Ali Fahad;阿里·法赫德·扎伊德;; JAAFAR, Bakar;巴卡尔·加法尔;; JURACIC, Mladen;姆拉登·尤拉契奇;; SUDRAJAT, Adjat;阿查特·苏德拉查;; World Water Forum;世界水论坛;; First World Water Forum;第一届世界水论坛;; CHARUMBIRA, G.M.;扎鲁姆比拉;; YU, Chong Ha;柳宗夏;; induced radiation;感生辐射;; hypocenter;爆心投影点 [空中核爆时爆心的垂直地面点];; ground for absolution;免除责任的理由;; ultra petita;诉案范围外;; arguendo;在辩论上;; countervalue;打击财富;; threat or use of nuclear weapon;以核武器进行威胁或使用核武器;; uniform commercial code;统一商法典;UCC; immediate family;直系亲属;; AMOR, Abdelfattah;阿卜杜勒法塔赫·奥马尔;; RODRIGUEZ, Alejandro Artucio;亚历杭德罗·阿图西奥·罗德里格斯;; BALLESTEROS, Enrique Bernales;恩里克·贝纳莱斯·巴列斯特罗斯;; BIRO, Gaspar;加斯帕尔·比罗;; CALCETAS-SANTOS, Ofelia;奥费利娅·塞尔塞塔斯-桑托斯;; CHARFI, Mohamed;穆罕默德·沙尔菲;; Ad Hoc Committee Established by General Assembly Resolution 51/210 of 17 December 1996;大会1996年12月17日第51/210号决议所设特设委员会;; COPITHORNE, Maurice;莫里斯·科皮索恩;; CUMARASWAMY, Param;帕拉姆·库马拉斯瓦米;; DEGNI-SEGUI, Rene;勒内·德尼-塞吉;; DIENG, Adama;阿达马·迪昂;; ELIASSON, N.;埃利亚松;; ENNACEUR, M;纳塞尔;; HALINEN, Hannu;汉努·哈利宁;; HUSSAIN, Abid;阿比德·侯赛因;; JOINET, Louis;路易·茹瓦内;; KSENTINI, Fatma Zohra;法蒂玛·祖赫拉·克桑提尼;; LIZIN, Anne Marie;安妮·玛丽·利津;; MACHEL, Graca;格拉萨·梅切尔;; GODOY, Mora I.;莫拉·戈多伊;; N'DIAYE, Bacre Waly;巴克尔·瓦利·恩迪亚耶;; N'DOURE, M'Bam Diarra;姆巴姆·迪亚拉·恩杜雷;; NOWAK, Manfred;曼弗雷德·诺瓦克;; PAIK, Choong-Hyun;白宗贤;; PINHEIRO, Paulo Sergio;保罗·塞尔吉奥·皮涅罗;; PINTO, Monica;莫妮卡·平托;; RHEN, Elizabeth;伊丽莎白·雷恩;; RODLEY, Nigel S.;奈杰尔·罗德利;; TEMPLETON, Hugh;休·坦普尔顿;; URRUTIA, Jose;何塞·乌鲁蒂亚;; STOEL, van der Max;马克斯·范德尔斯图尔;; PIZARRO, Carlos Vargas;卡洛斯·巴尔加斯·皮萨罗;; YIMER, F.;伊梅尔;; International Platform Association;国际政纲协会;; Institute of World Affairs;世界事务研究所;; Cyprus Fulbright Commission;塞浦路斯富布赖特委员会;; International Advisory Board of the American University;国际广告协会;; ZHANG, Yuqing;张玉卿;; SMYTHE, Amy Onike Eileen;阿米·奥尼克·艾琳·斯迈思;; International Polar Orbiting Meteorological Satellite;国际极轨道气象卫星;IPOMS; International Price Statistics Programme;国际价格统计方案;IPSP; International Review Group of Social Science Research on Population;人口社会学研究国际审查小组;IRG; International Satellite Geodesy Experiment;国际卫星大地测量实验;ISAGEX; International Superphosphate and compound Manufacturers' Association;国际过磷酸钙和化合物制造商协会;ISMA; International Training Centre on Human Rights and Peace Teaching;国际人权与和平教学训练中心;CIFEDHOP; International Tropical Pediatrics Congress;国际热带儿科大会;; International Tropical Timber Council;国际热带木材理事会;; International Union for Nutritional Sciences;国际营养学联合会;IUNS; International Union for the Protection of Industrial Property;国际堡工业产权联盟;; International Uranium Geology Information System;国际铀地质信息系统;INTURGEO; International Vitamin A Consultative group;维生素A国际咨询小组;IVACG; International Volunteer Day;国际志愿人员日;IVD; International Water and Sanitation Centre;国际供水和卫生中心;IRC; International Year of Disabled Persons;国际残疾人年残疾年;IYDP;残疾年 International Year of the Forest;国际森林年;; Interregional Project: Cooperation Among Management Development Institutions;管理发展机构区域间合作项目 区域合作项目;INTERMAN;区域合作项目 Interregional Training Information System;区域间训练信息系统;IRTIS; Interrogation, Recording and Location System;询问记录定位系统;IRIS; Intersecretariat Group for Water Resources;秘书处间水资源小组;ISGWR; Intersectoral Cluster;部门间小组;; Inter-University Centre for Andean Development;大学间安第斯发展中心;CINDA; Investigation of International Migration in Latin America;拉丁美洲国际移徙调查;IMILA; Investigation of the Dynamics of the Euro-Asian Lithosphere;欧亚岩石圈动态调查;IDEAL; Investment Feasibility Study;投资可行性研究;IFS; Investment Feasibility Study Facility;投资可行性研究机制;IFSF; Investment Support Programme;投资支助方案;ISP; Islamic Academy of Sciences;伊斯兰科学院;IAS; Islamic States Telecommunications Union;伊斯兰国家电信联盟;ISTU; Israel Space Agency;以色列航天局;ISA; Italo-Latin American Institute;意大利-拉丁美洲学会;ILAI; Joint Advisory Group;联合咨询组;JAG; Joint Board of Remote Sensing Activities;遥感活动联合理事会;JOBRESA; Joint Coordinating Board;联合协调委员会;JCB; subprime lending;风险借贷;; Insurance, Claims and Compensation Section;保险、索赔和赔偿科;ICCS;索赔科 Planning and Development Service;规划和发展处;; Project Design and Evaluation Unit;项目设计和评价股;; joint Conference Follow-up Unit;联合会议后续工作股;; World Solar Commission;世界太阳能委员会;; Buenos Aires Declaration on Prevention and Control of Organized Transnational Crime;预防和控制有组织跨国犯罪布宜诺斯艾利斯 宣言;; Joint Commission for Demobilization and Reintegration;复员和重返社会联合委员会;; Technical Ad Hoc Working Group;特设技术工作组;; New Life Programme;新生活方案;; Community Rehabilitation Programme;社区重建方案;CRP; Vocational Training for Ex-Combatants project;前战斗人员职业培训项目;; Central American Military Forum for a Culture of Peace;中美洲和平文化军事论坛;; Expert Group on Maritime Drug Law Enforcement;海上禁毒执法专家组;; Commission on Enterprise, Business Facilitation and Development;企业、工商促进和发展委员会;; Commission on Investment, Technology and Related Financial Issues;投资、技术和有关资金问题委员会;; Commission on Trade in Goods and Services, and Commodities;货物和服务贸易及商品委员会;; Midrand Declaration and A Partnership for Growth and Development;米德兰特宣言和促进增长和发展的伙伴关系;; Stabilization Force;稳定部队;SFOR; international convention on the suppression of terrorism, draft;国际禁止恐怖主义公约草案;; Ministerial Review Conference of the World Trade Organization;世界贸易组织部长级审查会议;; United Nations Trust Fund for the Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa;联合国中部非洲安全问题常设咨询委员会信 托基金;; Peace Operations Training Seminar;和平行动训练研讨会;; Priority Africa Department;非洲优先部;; Special Representative on the impact of armed conflict on children;负责武装冲突对儿童影响问题的特别代表;; Special Coordinator for Membership of the Conference on Disarmament;裁军谈判会议的组成问题特别协调员;; Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Reform;秘书长改革事务特别顾问;; Focal Point on Human Rights;人权协调中心;; Plan of Action on Drug Abuse Control and Illicit Drug Trafficking in Africa;非洲禁止药物滥用和非法贩运行动计划;; Legal Adviser for Gender Issues;女性问题法律顾问;; Special Coordinator for Least Developed, Land-locked and Island Developing Countries;最不发达国家、内陆和岛屿发展中国家特别 协调员;; Office of the Special Coordinator for Least Developed, Land-locked and Island Developing Countries [UNCTAD, the Division for Least Developed, Land-locked and Island Developing Countries is discontinued];最不发达国家、内陆和岛屿发展中国家特别 协调员办公室;; Islamic Foundation for Science, Technology and Development;伊斯兰科学、技术和发展基金会 伊斯兰科技发展基金会;IFSTAD;伊斯兰科技发展基金会 UNU Press;联合国大学出版社;; Action Contre la Faim;反饥饿行动组织;ACF; Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection;海洋环境堡的科学方面联合专家组 科学专家组;GESAMP;科学专家组 Joint IMCO/FAO/UNESCO/WMO Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection;海事组织/粮农组织/教科文组织/气象组织合 设海洋环境堡科学专家小组 科学专家组;GESAMP;科学专家组 shadow budget system;假定的预算系统;; mainstreaming the gender perspective in the United Nations activity for poverty eradication;将性别观点纳入联合国灭贫活动的主流;; cross-cutting gender issue;相互交织的性别问题;; Logistic Command Control Unit;后勤指挥控制股;; allotment account;拨款帐户;; OICISNET;伊斯兰会议组织信息系统网;OICISNET; budget mockup;模拟预算;; housedwelling concept;以住房为主的概念;; intercensal indices;普查期间指数;; Manual for the Development of Statistical Information for Disability Programme and Policies;残疾方案和政策统计资料发展手册;; LELONG, Pierre;皮埃尔·勒隆;; Lisban Declaration on a Common and Comprehensive Security Model for Europe for the Twenty-first Century;关于二十一世纪欧洲共同全面安全模式的里斯本宣言;; Working Group on the Definition of Crimes;罪行定义工作组;; Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act;古巴自由和民主团结法;; HO, Tong Yeh;何堂延;; United Nations Transitional Office for the Former Yugoslavia;联合国前南斯拉夫过渡时期办事处;; Agency for Protection from Mines;防雷机构;; drug dog;缉毒犬;; Survey Standards for Mine Clearance;排雷勘查标准;; Standards for Mined Area Marking;标明布雷区的标准;; PAGETT, Christopher;克里斯托弗·佩吉特;; EIDE, Kai;凯·艾德;; General Roosevelt Johnson's wing of the United Liberation Movement of Liberia for Democracy;利比里亚争取民主联合解放运动尤利姆罗斯福·约翰逊将军派尤利姆约派;ULIMO-J;尤利姆约派 Alhaji Kromah's wing of the United Liberation Movement of Liberia for Democracy;利比里亚争取民主联合解放运动哈吉·克罗马派 尤利姆克派;ULIMO-K;尤利姆克派 National Patriotic Front of Liberia;利比里亚全国爱国阵线 爱国阵线;NPFL;爱国阵线 United Nations Humanitarian Assistance Coordination Office;联合国人道主义援助协调办事处 人援协调处;HACO;人援协调处 Congo Defence Force;刚果防卫部队;; Staff Management Catering Committee;工作人员管理部门饮食供应委员会;; BERNTSEN, Thorbjorn;托尔比约恩·贝恩特森;; SOBRINHO, Gustavo Krause Goncalves;古斯塔沃·克劳斯·贡萨尔维斯·索布里尼奥;; CHEN, Qinghong;陈庆红;; Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on the Use of Mercenaries as Means of Impeding the Exercise of the Right of Peoples to Self-determination;人权委员会关于利用雇佣军作为手段阻止人 民行使自决权利问题特别报告员;; CAFLISCH, Lucius;卢修斯·卡弗利施;; MBA, Casimir Oye;卡齐米尔·奥耶·姆巴;; KEALY, Robin;罗宾·基利;; GIERVELD, Jenny;燕妮·吉尔韦尔德;; TAKHT-RAVANCHI, Majid;马吉德·塔赫特-拉万希;; Convention on the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism;制止核恐怖主义行为公约;; RICHARDSON, William;威廉·理查森;; Intergovernmental Authority on Drought;政府间抗旱管理局 抗旱局;IGAD;抗旱局 RODRIGUEZ, Jose B. Rodriguez;何塞·罗德里格斯·罗德里格斯;; BOUSSIENGUET, Juste;朱斯特·布西恩盖;; PANDE, S.K.;潘德;; PISARENKO, Anatoliy I.;阿纳托利·皮萨连科;; NEGI, Takanobu;大户隆信;; Working Group on Electronic Commerce;电子商务工作组;; Treaty on the Reduction and Limitation of strategic Offensive Arms;裁减和限制进攻性战略武器条约 第一阶段裁武条约;START;第一阶段裁武条约 Southern Ocean;南极洋;; Climate Variability and Predictability Project;气候多变性和可预报性项目 气候多变性项目;CLIVAR;气候多变性项目 U.S. Board on Geographic Names;美国地名委员会;US BGN; Canadian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names;加拿大常设地名委员会;CPCGN; GEOnet Names Server;地名网地名服务机;GNS; Board on Geographic Names;[美国]地名委员会;BGN; Geological Survey's Geographic Names Information System;地质调查地名信息系统;GNIS; KOSTOVIC, Ivica;伊维察·科斯托维奇;; de VERGARA, Evergisto Arturo;埃韦尔希斯托·阿图罗·德贝尔加拉;; VERGARA, Evergisto Arturo de;埃韦尔希斯托·阿图罗·德贝尔加拉;; Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for the Elaboration of an International Convention to Combat Desertification in those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa INCD;拟订在发生严重干旱和/或荒漠化的国家特别 是在非洲防治荒漠化的国际公约政府间谈判 委 员会防治荒漠化公约谈判委员会;INCD;防治荒漠化公约谈判委员会 RANA, Kipkorir Alyazad;基普科里尔·阿利亚扎德·拉纳;; AMOLO, Thomas Boniface;托马斯·博尼费斯·阿莫洛;; MWAMBIA, Wanyambura;瓦尼亚姆布拉·姆瓦姆比亚;; MOHAMMED, Amina;阿米纳·穆罕默德;; KIHWAGA, James Warui;詹姆斯·瓦鲁伊·基华加;; MWANGI, Thuita;苏伊塔·姆万吉;; United Nations Office at Nairobi;联合国内罗毕办事处内罗毕办事处;UNON;内罗毕办事处 expert on mission;特派专家执行特派任务的专家;; Committee on the Rights of Child;儿童权利委员会;CRC; Netherlands Institute of Human Rights;荷兰人权学会;SIM; Notes on Organizing Arbitral Proceedings;组织仲裁程序的说明;; Dutch section of the International Commission of Jurists;国际法学家委员会荷兰分会;NJCM; European Convention for the Prevention of Torture;欧洲防止酷刑公约;ECPT; National Strategy for Poverty Alleviation;国家减缓贫穷战略;; National Population Programme;国家人口方案;NPP; Regional Population Council;区域人口委员会;COREPO; Inter-American Development Bank IADB;美洲开发银行;IADB; Programme Management Committee;方案管理委员会;PMC; Sustainable Human Development Programme;可持续人类发展方案;SHDP; Policy and Regional Programme Division;政策和区域方案司;PRPD; Department for the Coordination of External Economic Activities;对外经济活动协调司;DCEEA; Social Transformation Fund;社会变革基金;STF; Local Programme Advisory Committee;当地方案咨询委员会;LPAC; TAN, Karen;陈卡伦;; KABILA, Laurent-Desire;洛朗-德西雷·卡比拉;; KAMANDA, Gerard Kamanda wa;热拉尔·卡曼达·瓦卡曼达;; Office of the Humanitarian Coordinator in Iraq;驻伊拉克人道主义协调员办事处 驻伊协调处;UNOHCI;驻伊协调处 outsourcing;外包; 外部采办; 外购;; Al-Da'wah Party;伊斯兰召唤党;; Classification of Products by Activities;按活动分列的产品分类;CPA; BLASKIC, Tihomir;蒂霍米尔·布拉斯基奇;; Standard Industrial Trade Classification;标准工业贸易分类工贸分类;SITC;工贸分类 Committee on Science and Technology CST;科学和技术委员会科技委;CST;科技委 marital power of husbands;夫权;; HASINA WAZED, Sheikh;谢赫·哈西娜·瓦吉德;; WAZED, Sheikh HASINA;谢克·哈西娜·瓦吉德;; WNBA;女子篮球职业联赛;WNBA; SASSER, James R.;尚慕杰;; ZHOU, Fei;周非;; Culture and Free Thought Association;文化和自由思想协会;CFTA; heavily indebted poor country;重债穷国;HIPC; Conventional Development Scenario;常规发展设想;CDS; Low CO2-Emitting Energy Supply System;二氧化碳低排放能源供应系统;LESS; Office of United Nations System Support and Services OUNSSS;联合国系统支助和事务厅;OUNSSS; National Population Commission;国家人口委员会;NPC; Private Sector Development Programme;私营部门发展方案;PSDP;私营方案 National Environmental System;国家环境系统;SINA; Namibia Planned Parenthood Association;纳米比亚计划生育协会;NAPPA; Planned Parenthood Association of Eritrea;厄立特里亚计划生育协会;PPAE; Eritrean People's Liberation Front;厄立特里亚人民解放阵线解阵;EPLF;解阵 BERROCAL-SOTO, Fernando;费尔南多·贝罗卡尔·索托;; SAENZ-BIOLLEY, Melvin;梅尔文·萨恩斯-比奥利;; BIOLLEY, Melvin SAENZ-;梅尔文·萨恩斯-比奥利;; HERNANDEZ, Liliana;莉莉亚娜·埃尔南德斯;; SAENZ, Federico;费德里科·萨恩斯;; DIAZ, Carlos Fernando;卡洛斯·费尔南多·迪亚斯;; MENDIOLA, Oriana Vargas de;奥里亚纳·巴尔加斯·德门迪奥拉;; de MENDIOLA, Oriana Vargas;奥里亚纳·巴尔加斯·德门迪奥拉;; LANG, Jessica;杰西卡·兰;; MONTEIRO, Antonio Victor Martins;安东尼奥·维克托·马丁斯·蒙泰罗;; BRITO, Nuno;努诺·布里托;; SALANDER, Henrik;亨里克·萨兰德;; STIERNLOF, Torkel;托克尔·谢恩洛夫;; THORESSON, Per a;佩尔·托雷松;; HAMMARSKJOLD, Elinor;埃莉诺·哈马舍尔德;; Joint Organization Committee;联合组织委员会;JOC; Joint Programme Committee;联合方案委员会;JPC; Joint Staff Assistance Fund Committee;工作人员援助基金联合委员会;; Steering Committee on the Coordination of Technical Assistance in Statistics to the Countries of the Former Soviet Union;向前苏联各国提供统计技术援助协调指导委员会;; Special Representative on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran;伊朗伊斯兰共和国境内人权情况特别代表;; Kagera River Basin Organization;卡盖拉河流域组织;KBO; Kenya National Farmers' Union;肯尼亚全国农民联合会全国农会;KNFU;全国农会 Kuwait Action Plan;科威特行动计划;KAP; Labour Information Database;劳工信息数据库;LID; Labour Statistics Data Bank;劳工统计数据库;LABORSTA; Land Information and Geographical Information System;土地信息和地理信息系统;LIS/GIS; LANDSAT Information System;大地卫星信息系统;LIS; Protocol Amending the Andean Subregional Integration Agreement Cartagena Agreement;修正安第斯分区域一体化协定卡塔赫纳协 定的议定书;; Andean Integration System;安第斯一体化体制;; Andean Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs;安第斯外交部长理事会;; Latin America Demographic Centre;拉丁美洲人口统计中心拉美人口中心;CELADE;拉美人口中心 Latin American Agency for Special Information Services;拉丁美洲特别新闻服务机构 拉美特别新闻机构;ALASEI;拉美特别新闻机构 Latin American Agency for the Marketing of Foodstuffs;拉丁美洲食品销售机构;; Latin American and Caribbean Regional INFOODS Conference;拉丁美洲和加勒比区域粮食数据网会议 拉加粮食会议;LATINFOODS;拉加粮食会议 Latin American Association of Capital Goods Manufacturers;拉丁美洲资本货物制造商协会 资本货物协会;ALABIC;资本货物协会 Latin American Centre for International Economics and Policies;拉丁美洲国际经济和政策中心 拉美经政中心;CLEPI;拉美经政中心 Latin American Commission on Development and Environment;拉丁美洲发展与环境委员会;; Latin American Confederation of Credit Unions;拉丁美洲信用社联合会;; Latin American Council for the Social Sciences;拉丁美洲社会科学委员会;CLACSO; Latin American Energy Cooperation Programme;拉丁美洲能源合作方案;PLACE; Latin American Features Agency;拉丁美洲特别新服务机构 拉美特别新闻机构;ALASEI;拉美特别新闻机构 Latin American Institute for Economic and Social Planning;拉丁美洲经济和社会规划研究所;; Latin American Leisure and Recreation Association;拉丁美洲文娱协会拉美文娱协会;ALATIR;拉美文娱协会 Latin American Maritime Transport Commission;拉丁美洲海洋运输委员会 拉美海运委员会;COLTRAM;拉美海运委员会 Latin American Multinational Fertilizer Marketing Corporation;拉丁美洲多国肥料销售公司;MULTIFERT; Latin American Network of Biotechnology Centres;拉丁美洲生物技术中心网络;; Latin American State Radio and Television Association;拉丁美洲国家无线电电视协会;ARTEAL; Latin American Regional Environmental Programme;拉丁美洲区域环境方案;; Latin American Trade Information Network;拉丁美洲贸易信息网;RELIC; Launch Service Agreement;发射服务协定;LSA; Law World Organization;国际法学组织;; League of Nations Administrative Tribunal;国际联盟行政法庭;LNAT; Livestock and Meat Economic Community;畜牧和肉类经济共同体;CEBV; Antarctic Protected Area;南极堡区;; Polar Task Force;极地工作队;; Regional Committee for the Southern Ocean;南极洋区域委员会;IOCSOC; Start Your Own Business;创办自己的企业;; Southern Ocean Forum;南极洋论坛;; Catalogue on Antarctic Climate Data;南极洋气候数据目录;; International Centre for Antarctic Information and Research;国际南极信息研究中心南极信研中心;ICAIR;南极信研中心 Antarctic Master Directory;南极总目录;AMD; Antarctic Data Directory System;南极数据目录系统;ADDS; Antarctic Coastal and Shelf Ecosystem;南极沿海和陆架生态系统南极沿海生态;ACSE;南极沿海生态 Group of Specialists on Southern Ocean Ecology;南极洋生态专家组;; Antarctic Geospace Observatory Network;南极地球空间观测网地空观测网;AGONET;地空观测网 First Regional Observing Study of the Troposphere;首次对流层区域观测研究;FROST; Southern Ocean - Joint Global Ocean Flux Study;南极洋全球洋流联合研究;SO-JGOFS; Antarctic Sea-ice Processes, Ecosystems and Climate programme;南极海冰过程、生态系统和气候方案 海冰生态气候方案;ASPECT;海冰生态气候方案 Antarctic Ice Sheet Mass Balance and Sea-level Contributions;南极冰盖质量平衡和对海平面作用伊斯马斯;ISMASS;伊斯马斯 Paleoenvironmental Records from Antarctic Ice Cores;南极冰芯古环境记录派斯;PICE;派斯 Southern Ocean Whale and Ecosystem Research Programme;南极洋鲸和生态系统研究方案鲸生方案;SOWER;鲸生方案 Global Change and the Antarctic;全球变化与南极;CLOCHANT; Ecology of the Antarctic Sea-ice Zone;南极海冰带生态;EASIZ; Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management;生态系统监测和管理工作组;; Global Change Programme Office;全球变化方案办公室;GLOCHANT; United Nations Special Representative for the Great Lakes region;联合国大湖区问题特别代表;; Fund to Combat Desertification and Drought;防沙治旱基金;; Declaration on Terrorism;关于恐怖主义的声明;; Senior Experts Group on Transnational Organized Crime;跨国有组织犯罪问题高级专家组;; Human Frontier Science Program;人类疆界科学方案;; Information Society and Development Conference;信息社会与发展会议;; Principles and Objectives for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament;核不扩散与核裁军的原则和目标;; Summit of Heads of State and Government of Countries Members of the United Nations Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa;联合国中部非洲安全问题常设咨询委员会成员国国家元首和政府首脑会议;; Working Group on a draft declaration on the right and responsibility of individuals, groups and organizations of society to promote and protect universally recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms;关于个人、社会团体和组织在促进和堡普 遍公认的人权和基本自由方面所应有的权利 和责任宣言草案工作组;; Working Group on a draft declaration on freedom and non-discrimination in respect of the right of everyone to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country;人人享有离开包括本国在内的任何国家和返 回本国的权利的自由和不歧视宣言草案工作 组;; Conference of African Ministers of Trade and Regional Cooperation and Integration;非洲贸易和区域合作及一体化部长会议;; Working Group on the draft declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples;土著人民权利宣言草案工作组;; Working Group on the rights of persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities;在民族或族裔、宗教和语言上属于少数群体 的人的权利工作组;; General Agreement on Peace and National Accord;和平与民族和睦总协定;; Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Debt Initiative;重债穷国债务倡议;; Honiara Declaration on Law Enforcement Cooperation;关于执法合作的霍尼亚拉宣言;; Punta del Este Declaration;埃斯特角宣言;; Ad Hoc Committee to Promote Respect for International Humanitarian Law;促进尊重高级人道主义法特设委员会;; agreed common agenda;商定共同议程;; Ceasefire Violations Committee;违反宛问题委员会;CFVC; Disarmament Committee;解除武装问题委员会;; Mine Awareness Day;防雷宣传日;; Task Force on the Enabling Environment for Economic and Social Development;促进有利于经济和社会发展的环境工作队;; Expert Group on Critical Problems in Economic Statistics;经济统计中的关键问题专家组;; Manual on Monetary and Financial Statistics [IMF publication];货币和金融统计手册;; World Statistics Day;世界统计日;; impairment, disability and handicap;缺陷、残疾和残障;IDH; Strategies for Accelerating the Improvement of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems;加速改善民事登记和生命统计系统战略;; Working Group on Cultural Rights;文化权利工作组;; Declaration Relating to Cultural Rights;文化权利宣言;; Institute of Culture, Peace and Tolerance;文化、和平与容忍研究所;; Report on Consultations on the Most Appropriate Arrangement to Negotiate a Treaty Banning the Production of Fissile Material for Nuclear Weapons or Other Nuclear Explosive Devices [Shannon Report];关于谈判禁止生产核武器或其他核爆炸装置所 用裂变材料条约的最适当安排问题磋商情况的 报告;; Shannon Report [;香农报告;; Working Group on Bribery in International Business Transactions;国际商业交易中的贿赂问题工作组;; Committee on Fiscal Affairs;财政事务委员会;; Regional Sanctions Coordinating Committee;区域制裁协调委员会;RSCC; Special Relief Operations Service;特别救济行动处;TCOR; Special Session of the General Assembly on the Overall Review and Appraisal of the Implementation of Agenda 21;全面审查和评价21世纪议程执行情况的大会 特别会议;; World Television Day;世界电视日;; Assistant Secretary-General for External Relations;主管对外关系助理秘书长;; Under-Secretary-General, Chef de Cabinet;副秘书长兼办公厅主任;; United Nations/Organization of African Unity Special Representative for the Great Lakes region of Africa;联合国/非洲统一组织非洲大湖区问题特别 代表;; Special Coordinator in the Occupied Territories and Representative of the Secretary-General to the Multilateral Talks on the Middle East Peace Process;被占领土特别协调员兼秘书长中东和平进程 多边谈判代表;; National Accounting Matrix including Environmental Accounts;包括环境帐户的国民核算矩阵;NAMEA; Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy;伍珀塔尔气候、环境和能源研究所;; Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States;独立国家联合体国家间统计委员会 独联体统计委;STATCIS;独联体统计委 London Group on environmental accounting;伦敦环境核算小组;; Nairobi Group;内罗毕小组;; Scientific Workshop on Indicators of Sustainable Development;可持续发展指标科学讲习班;; Dry Zone of Africa initiative;非洲旱区倡议;; Large Cities Statistics Questionnaire;大城市统计调查问卷;; Project on Environment and Development in Coastal Regions and in Small Islands;沿海地区和小岛屿环境与发展项目;CSI; Pretoria Declaration;比勒陀利亚宣言;; Workshop on Financial Mechanisms and Sources of Finance for Sustainable Forestry;关于可持续林业的财政机制和资金来源的讲习班;; Special Data Dissemination Standard;特别数据发布标准;SDDS; Expert Group on the Revision of the United Nations Recommendation on Migration Statistics;修订联合国移徙统计建议专家组;; Common Code of Statistical Practice in the United Nations System;联合国系统统计业务共同守则;; Regional Secretariat Information Base;区域秘书处信息库;; Conference on governance and development in the Caribbean;加勒比国家施政与发展会议;; Desert Margin Initiative;治沙行动;DMI; Ramsar Strategic Plan for 1997-2002;1997-2000年拉姆萨尔战略计划;; Commission on Ecosystem Management;生态系统管理委员会;; International Day for Tolerance;国际容忍日;; Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women;性别问题和提高妇女地位问题特别顾问;; Executive Coordinator for United Nations Reform;联合国改革执行协调员;; Inter-agency Task Force on Gender;两性平等问题机构间工作队;; Task Force on Information Activities for the Social Summit;社会问题首脑会议新闻活动工作队;; Working Group on Operational Activities;业务活动工作组;; Working Group on Gender Balance in the United Nations;联合国内性别平衡问题工作组;; International Programme on More and Better Jobs for Women;为妇女创造更多更好的工作国际方案;; Arab Regional Conference: Beijing Year One;阿拉伯区域会议:北京会议一年之后;; Arab NGO Forum;阿拉伯非政府组织论坛;; multi-channel seismic reflection system;多信道地震反射系统;MCS; World Geodetic System;世界大地测量系统;WGS; Joint declaration on the cessation of hostilities and observance of the Tehran Agreement;关于停止敌对行动和遵守德黑兰协定的联合 声明;; Protocol on the implementation of a humanitarian action involving the exchange of prisoners of war and detainees;关于实施涉及交换战俘和被拘留者的人道主义 行动的议定书;; Intersecretariat Working Group on Forest Statistics;秘书处间森林统计工作组;; Black Sea Business Forum;黑海商业论坛;; Transit Facilitation and Customs Modernization Programme;过境便利和海关现代化方案;; Priority Reconstruction and Recovery Programme for Bosnia and Herzegovina;波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那优先重建和恢复方案;; International Institute on Peace Education;国际和平教育研究所;; Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Centre;亚太人权信息中心;; education for a culture of peace;教育促进和平文化;; Training Course in International Human Right Law and Diplomacy;国际人权法与外交训练班;; Commonwealth Conference on Human Rights Education;英联邦人权教育会议;; Congressional Human rights Commission;议会人权委员会;; Advisory Council on Security;安全顾问委员会;; Strategic Analysis Secretariat;战略分析秘书处;; Civilian Intelligence and Information Analysis Department;民事情报和信息分析司;; Summit Meeting of the States Members of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe;欧洲安全与合作组织成员国首脑会议;; International Law Enforcement Academy;国际执法学院;ILEA; Regional Humanitarian Coordinator;区域人道主义协调员;; International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour;消灭童工现象国际计划;IPEC; Commissioner for Refugees in Serbia;塞尔维亚难民专员;; Commissioner for Displaced Persons in Montenegro;黑山流离失所者专员;; Euro-Mediterranean partnership EUROMED;欧洲-地中猴伴关系欧地伙伴;EUROMED;欧地伙伴 Bajram;巴伊拉姆节; 扫墓日;; Global Environment Outlook-1;全球环境展望-1;; Al-Quds Al-Arab;圣城;; clone;克隆; 无性繁殖;; cloning;克隆; 无性繁殖;; Togo Family Welfare Association;多哥家庭福利协会;ATBEF; Islamic Group;伊斯兰集团;; Kinyarwanda-speaking people;讲基尼亚卢旺达语的人;; Joint United Nations/OAU Special Representative for the Great Lakes Region;联合国/非统组织大湖区问题共同特别代表;; Special Representative for the Great Lakes Region;大湖区问题[共同]特别代表;; AK-47 assault rifle;AK-47冲锋枪;AK-47; freedom of movement;行动自由移徙自由;FOM; Operations Plan;行动计划;OPLAN; Commission on National Reconciliation;民族和解委员会和委会;CNR;和委会 Statute of the Commission on National Reconciliation;民族和解委员会章程;; Treaty between the Government of the Republic of India and the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh on sharing of the Ganga/Ganges Waters at Farakka;印度共和国政府和孟加拉人民共和国政府关于分享法拉卡恒河水域的条约;; HANDOUSSA, Heba Alimad;赫巴·阿利马德·汉杜萨;; HERFKENS, Eveline;伊夫琳·赫夫肯斯;; RIVERA, Marcia;马西娅·里韦拉;; SEN, Gita;吉塔·森;; Non-Governmental Organizations in Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC;具有经济及社会理事会专门性咨商地位的非政府组织;; Non-Governmental Organizations in General Consultative Status with ECOSOC;具有经济及社会理事会全面性咨商地位的非政府组织;; LEE, Do Hoon;李度勋;; Abu Ghuniem;阿布古奈姆[山];; Time-Invariant Bathymetry;时不变测深法;; mean high tide;[多年]平均高潮位;MHT; Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo/Zaire;解放刚果扎伊尔民主力量同盟解盟;ADFL;解盟 five-point peace plan for eastern Zaire;扎伊尔东部五点和平计划;; Preparatory Committee for the 2000 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons;不扩散核武器条约缔约国2000年审议大会筹 备委员会;; NAMAKANDO, Bruce Lutangu;布鲁斯·卢坦古·纳马坎多;; HIDAYAT, Mochamed Slamet;莫恰迈德·斯拉梅·希达亚特;; AHN, Choung-Jun;安忠俊;; WLOSOVICZ, Zbigniew Maria;兹比格涅夫·马里亚·沃索维奇;; Division for Planning and Information;规划和信息司;; EISELE, Manfred;曼弗雷德·艾泽勒;; HALBWACHS, Jean-Pierre;让-皮埃尔·阿尔布瓦克斯;; AMOAKO, K.Y.;阿莫亚科;; BEBLAWI, Hazem El;哈齐姆·德卜拉维;; MOOY, Adrianus;阿德里亚努斯·穆迪;; ROSENTHAL, Gert;格特·罗森塔尔;; State of the Nation;“国家状况”;; N'DOW, Wally;瓦利·恩多乌;; Alliance for United Nations Sustainable Development Programmes;支持联合国可持续发展方案联盟;; HARTKE, Jan;简·哈特基;; CHAN, Julius;朱利叶斯·陈;; Felix Houphouet-Boigny Prize on Research for Peace;费利克斯·乌弗埃-博瓦尼和平研究奖;; Inter-Agency Consultative Meeting on International Migration Statistics;国际移徙统计机构间协商会议;; Latin American Women's Network;拉丁美洲妇女网;; Third World Network - Africa;第三世界网-非洲;; Third World Institute;第三世界研究所;; Freedom from Debt Coalition;无债自由联盟;; Development Caucus;发展政策讨论会;; Social Watch;社会观察;; United Nations Resident Coordinator System;联合国驻地协调员制度;; Tripartite Meeting of Parliamentary, Governmental and Inter-governmental Representatives to Follow-up on the World Summit for Social Development;议会、政府、政府间代表社会发展问题世界首脑会议后续行动三方会议;; Operational Services Division;业务司;OSD; Health Section;卫生科;; Human Rights Procurator;人权检察官;; Regional Conference on Afghanistan;阿富汗问题区域会议;; Declaration to Supplement the 1994 Declaration on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism;补充1994年消除国际恐怖主义措施宣言的宣言;; Panama Canal Authority;巴拿马运河管理局;; Technical Co-operation Servicing and Co-ordination programme;技术合作服务和协调方案;; Today's children - tomorrow's world;“今日之儿童-明日之世界”;; Inter-American Programme of Action for Environmental Protection;美洲环境堡行动纲领;; Panama Canal Commission;巴拿马运河委员会;; Transition Commission;过渡委员会;; Interoceanic Regional Authority;洋际区域管理局;; Building Engineering Section;建筑设计科;; Maintenance/Transport Unit;维修和运输股;; Office of Transport;运输处;; Director of the UNAMIR Liaison Office;联卢援助团联络处主任;; Kinshasa Liaison Office;金沙萨联络处;; UNAMIR Liaison Office;联卢援助团联络处;; International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in Connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea HNS Convention [adopted at Int'l Conference on Hazardous ... 15 April-3 May 1996];国际海上运载有害和有毒物质造成损害的责 任和赔偿公约有害物质公约;HNS Conventi;有害物质公约 LLMC Protocol;海事赔偿责任限制公约议定书;; Working Group on Ship/Port Interface;船港接口工作组;; Water Branch;水事务处;; Joint Control Scheme for Hunting of Marine Mammals;捕捉海洋哺乳动物联合管制计划;; North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission;北大西洋海洋哺乳动物委员会;NAMMCO; Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development;农业和农村发展委员会;; integrated coastal zone management;沿海区综合管理;ICZM; Standing Committee on Observation and Inspection;观察和检查常设委员会;; Inter-American Convention for the Protection and Conservation of Sea Turtles;美洲堡和养护海龟公约;; Standing Committee on Fishing Activities of Non-Contracting Parties;非缔约方捕鱼活动常设委员会;; International Convention on Wreck Removal draft;国际沉船清除公约草案;;草案 Meeting of Legal Experts on Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas;特别敏感海区法律专家会议;; treaty system of ocean institutions;条约所设海洋机构系统;; Law of the Sea Information Circular;海洋法信息通报;LOSIC; Vina del Mar Agreement;比尼亚德尔马协定;; Baltic Strategy for Port Reception Facilities for Ship-generated Wastes and Associated Issues;关于接收船舶所产生废物的港口设施及有关问题的波罗的海战略;; Sound Surveillance System;声音监测系统;Sosus; Consultative Forum of the Peoples of Tajikistan;塔吉克斯坦人民协商论坛;; traditional forest-related knowledge;传统森林知识;TFRK; Human Values of Biodiversity: Perspectives from Indigenous and Traditional Peoples;生物多样性的人类价值:土著和传统居民的看法;; United Front for an Independent, Neutral , Peaceful and Cooperative Cambodia;争取柬埔寨独立、中立、和平与合作团结阵线团结阵线;FUNCINPEC;团结阵线 Coalition for Free and Fair Elections;自由公平选举联盟;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司