翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Committee for Free and Fair Elections in Cambodia;柬埔寨自由公平选举委员会;; Central American Council on Forestry;中美洲森林理事会;; Central American Council on Protected Areas;中美洲堡区理事会;; Committee of Five;五国委员会;; Statement on Biological Diversity and Forests;关于生物多样性和森林的声明;; Agreement on the Settlement of Disputes and the Normalization of Relations between Uganda and the Sudan;乌干达与苏丹解决争端和关系正朝协定;; Mediation Document;调解文件;; Ministerial Committee on External Information;部长级对外新闻委员会;; International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies;国际地中海高级农学研究中心农学中心;ICAMAS;农学中心 Desert Research Centre;沙漠研究中心;; Ad Hoc Group on Transparency in Armaments;特设军备透明度小组;; reintegration support scheme;重返社会支助计划;RSS; Aid-For-Democracy Group;援助民主小组;ADG; Declaration on International Cooperation in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space for the Benefit and in the Interest of All States, Taking into Particular Account the Needs of Developing Countries [draft];关于开展探索和利用外层空间的国际合作, 促进所有国家的福利和利益,并特别考虑到 发展中国家的需要的宣言;; South-South Conference on Finance, Trade and Investment;关于金融、贸易和投资的南南会议;; Centre for South-South Technical Cooperation;南南技术合作中心;; Lisbon Declaration on a Common and Comprehensive Security Model for Europe for the Twenty-first Century;关于二十一世纪欧洲共同全面安全模式的里斯本宣言;; Micro-Credit Summit;微额信贷高层会议;; UNICEF/WHO/UNFPA Coordinating Committee on Health;儿童基金会/卫生组织/人口基金卫生问题协调委员会;; World Television Forum;世界电视论坛;; Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop of National Human Rights Institutions;亚太国家人权机构区域讲习班;; Asia-Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions;亚太国家人权机构论坛;; Regional Conference on African National Human Rights Institutions;非洲国家人权机构区域会议;; Trust Fund for travel assistance to developing countries;发展中国家旅费补助信托基金;; International Conference on Counter-Terrorism;打击恐怖主义国际会议;; Stability Process;稳定进程;; Summit of the Heads of States and Governments of the OSCE;欧安组织国家元首和政府首脑会议;; Ministerial Steering Board;部长指导委员会;; London Peace Implementation Conference 1996;1996年伦敦和平执行会议;; Ministerial Meeting of the Steering Board;指导委员会部长级会议;; Federation Implementation Council;联邦执行委员会;; Conference on the Role of the Media in Support of the Peace Process in the Former Yugoslavia;媒体在支持前南斯拉夫和平进程中的作用 会议;; Working Group on the Process for Tracing Persons Unaccounted For;追查失踪人员工作组;; International Commission on Missing Persons in the Former Yugoslavia;前南斯拉夫境内失踪人员国际委员会 前南失踪委;ICMP;前南失踪委 Federation Forum;联邦论坛;; Bosnian Women's Initiative;波斯尼亚妇女倡议;; Procedure for Return and Reconstruction in the Zone of Separation;隔离区回返与重建程序;; two Chinas;“两个中国”;; Women Victims of Violence;女性暴力受害者;; Impact of Armed Conflict on Children;武装冲突对儿童的影响;; Working Group on Children in Armed Conflict;武装冲突中的儿童问题工作组;; Regional Consultation on the Impact of Armed Conflict on Children in Europe;欧洲武装冲突对儿童的影响区域协商;; Regional Consultation on the Impact of Armed Conflict on Children in Latin America and the Caribbean;拉丁美洲和加勒比武装冲突对儿童的影响区域协商;; Regional Consultation on the Impact of Armed Conflict on Children in West and Central Africa;西部和中部非洲武装冲突对儿童的影响区域协商;; Regional Consultation on the Impact of Armed Conflict on Children in the Arab Region;阿拉伯区域武装冲突对儿童的影响区域协商;; Regional Consultation on the Impact of Armed Conflict on Children in the Horn, Eastern, Central and Southern Africa;非洲之角和东部、中部、南部非洲武装冲突对儿童的影响区域协商;; Regional Consultation on the Impact of Armed Conflict on Children in Asia and the Pacific;亚太武装冲突对儿童的影响区域协商;; teacher's emergency pack;教师应急包;TEP; sectoral observation unit;领域观察股;; multidisciplinary observation unit;多科观察股;; geographical observation unit;地域观察股;GOU; Sub-Regional Action Programme;分区域行动纲领;SRAP; Asia-Africa Forum on Combating Desertification;亚非防治荒漠化论坛;; Regional Action Programme for Africa;非洲区域行动纲领;; Azimuth Programme;Azimuth 节目;; Consultative Group on the Benchmarks and Indicators for the Implementation of the Convention;公约执行基准和指标协商小组;; Special Process on Missing Persons in the Territory of the former Yugoslavia established pursuant to paragraph 24 of Commission on Human Rights resolution 1994/72 of 9 March 1994;根据人权委员会1994年3月9日第1994/72号决议第24段所设立的关于前南斯拉夫 领土内失踪的人的“特别程序”;; Division for Governance, Public Administration and Finance;施政、公共行政和财政司;; Energy Management Branch;能源管理处;; Public Finance and Business Development Branch;公共财政和商业发展处;; Natural Resources and Environment Management Branch;自然资源和环境管理处;; Division for Economic and Social Development and Natural Resources Management;经济社会发展和自然资源管理司;; Economic and Social Development Management Branch;经济和社会发展管理处;; Special Session of the General Assembly Devoted to the Combat Against the Illicit Production, Sale, Demand, Traffic and Distribution of Narcotic Drugs and psychotropic Substances and Related Activities;专门审议打击麻醉药品和精神药物非法生产 、销售、需求、贩运和分销及有关活动 问题的大会特别会议;; Iran's Remote Sensing Centre;伊朗遥感中心;IRSC; National Spatial Data Infrastructure;国家空间数据基础设施;NSDI; Federal Geographic Data Committee;联邦地理数据委员会;FGDC; National Imagery and Mapping Agency;国家成像和测绘局;NIMA; Department of Defense;国防部;DoD; Global Spatial Data Infrastructure;全球空间数据基础设施;GSDI; Spatial Data Infrastructure;空间数据基础设施;SDI; Regional Spatial Data Infrastructure RSDI;区域空间数据基础设施;RSDI; National Institute of Standards and Technology;国家标准和技术研究所;NIST; Spatial Data Transfer Standard;空间数据转移标准;SDTS; Topological Vector Profile;拓扑向量剖面图;TVP; Open GIS Consortium;开放地理信息系统联营企业;OGC; National States Geographic Information Council;全国州地理信息理事会;NSGIC; Open Geodata Interoperability Specification;开放地理数据交替使用说明;OGIS; European Committee for Standardization;欧洲标准化委员会;CEN; Office of Communications and Media Services;传播和媒体事务厅;; LI, Baodong;李保东;; Institute for Land Information;土地信息研究所;ILI; National Digital Orthophoto Program;国家数字化正射摄影方案;NDOP; U.S. Geological Survey;美国地质调查;USGS; National Aerial Photography Program;国家空中摄影方案;NAPP; digital orthophoto quadrangles DOQ's;数字化正射摄影四边形;DOQ'S; Normalized Difference Vegetation Index;归一化差异植被指数;NDVI; Land Analysis System;土地分析系统;LAS; YACOUBOU, Fassassi Adam;法萨西·亚当·亚库布;; JAIN, Alok;阿洛克·贾殷;; JABBARY, Mohammad Reza H.K.;穆罕默德·雷扎·贾巴里;; MOORE, Franklin;富兰克林·穆尔;; BALOYAN, Samvel;萨姆韦尔·巴洛扬;; the Programme;计划署;; Principal Deputy High Representative for the Implementation of the Peace Agreement on Bosnia and Herzegovina;负责执行波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那和平协定的首席副高级代表;; PRLIC, Jadranko;亚得兰科.普尔利奇;; BICAKCIC, Edhem;埃德海姆·比查克契奇;; CROUCH;克劳奇;; Policy Coordination Group;政策协调小组;; Steering Committee on United Nations Reform;联合国改革指导委员会;; Management Reform Group;管理改革小组;; Department of General Assembly Affairs and Conference Services;大会事务和会议事务部 会议部;DGAACS;会议部 United Nations Country Team;联合国国家工作队;UNCT; Executive Committee on Development Operations;发展业务执行委员会;; United Nations Code of Conduct;联合国行为守则;; Owambo;奥瓦姆波;; Uukwambi;乌克瓦姆比;; Ombalamtu;奥姆巴拉姆图;; Uukwanyama;乌克万亚马;; Kwambi;克瓦姆比;; Department of Women Affairs;妇女事务部;DWA; Milli Majlis;议会;; SANTIPITAKS, Sweeya;斯西亚·讪迪比塔;; BOUAZIZ, Zakia Amara;扎基亚·阿玛拉·布阿齐兹;; National Union of Namibian Workers;纳米比亚工人全国工会;NUNW; Metal and Allied Namibian Workers' Union;纳米比亚金属业工人工会;; Mineworkers' Union of Namibia;纳米比亚矿工工会;; Namibia Transport and Allied Union;纳米比亚运输业工会;; Namibia Domestic and Allied Workers' Union;纳米比亚家佣工人工会;; Namibia Food and Allied Union;纳米比亚食品业工会;; Namibian National Teachers' Union;纳米比亚全国教师工会教师工会;NANTU;教师工会 Ecumenical Women of Namibia;纳米比亚全基督教妇女会纳基督教妇女会;EWON;纳基督教妇女会 Namibia National Women's Organization;纳米比亚全国妇女组织;; Young Women Christian Association;青年妇女基督徒协会;; Namibia Women's Association;纳米比亚妇女协会;; Har Homa;霍马山;; Abu Ghneim;阿布古奈姆[山];; jabal;山;; International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings;制止恐怖主义爆炸事件国际公约;; national statistics office;国家统计局; 国家统计局;NSO; Baltic States;波罗的海国家;; caucasus, the;高加索;; Transcaucasia, the;外高加索;; Central Asia;中亚;; respublika;共和国;; krai;边疆区;; raion;区;; okrug;专区;; gorod;镇;; Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic;苏维埃社会主义自治共和国自治共和国;ASSR;自治共和国 Soviet Socialist Republic SSR;苏维埃社会主义共和国 共和国;SSR;共和国 Model Law on Electronic Commerce;电子商务示范法;; AL KHALIFA, Nasser Bin Hamad;纳赛尔·本·哈马德·哈利法;; KHALIFA, Nasser Bin Hamad AL;纳赛尔·本·哈马德·哈利法;; Supreme Council for the Defence of Afghanistan;阿富汗最高防卫委员会;SCDA; V Chip;V芯片;; Training for Rural Employment;农村就业训练;TRE; Industrial Technology and Market Information Network;工业技术和市场信息网;ITMIN; judge counsellor;合议法官;; old boy's network;老同学关系网;; Special Initiative for Governance in Africa;非洲施政特别倡议;SIGA; global education programmes;全球教育方案;; Protocol on Security Assurances, draft;安全保证议定书草案;; Southern Ocean Joint Global Ocean Flux Study;南极洋联合全球海流研;; ethical framework;道德框架;; donor pullout;捐助者撤出;; Inter-Agency Consultation on Education for Humanitarian Assistance and Refugees;人道主义援助和难民教育机构间协商;; education for development programmes;教育促进发展方案;; food for guns programme;以粮换枪方案;; Child Soldiers Research Project;儿童兵研究项目;; World Congress of Engineering Education and Industrial Leaders;世界工程教育者和工业领袖大会;; Regional Meeting of Ministers of Industry of Asia and the Pacific;亚太工业部长区域会议;; Regional Meeting of Ministers of Industry from Central America and the Caribbean;中美洲和加勒比工业部长区域会议;; Area-Wide Environmental Quality Management Plan;全区环境质量管理计划;AEQM; Operation ReUNite;团圆行动;; Working Group on Asylum;庇护问题工作组;; Full Round of Consultations;全面协商;; Conference on the Eradication of Poverty and Discrimination;消除贫穷和歧视会议;; Regional Cooperation Framework for Latin America and the Caribbean 1997-1999;拉丁美洲和加勒比区域合作框架 1997-1999年;;1997-1999年 Fund for the Plata Watershed;拉普拉塔河流域基金拉普拉塔河基金;FONPLATA;拉普拉塔河基金 Ad Hoc Working Group on Drugs;特设毒品工作组;; Declaration of the Tenth Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Rio Group;里约集团第十届国家元首和政府首脑会议声明;; Declaration on the Tenth Anniversary of the Rio Group;里约集团十周年纪念声明;; Conference on Conflict Management in Natural Resources Use;自然资源利用中的冲突管理会议;; Task Force of Regulatory Oversight in Biotechnology for Central and Eastern Europe;中欧和东欧生物技术管理监督工作队;; Nairobi Meeting to Support the Implementation of the International Convention on Desertification in Africa;支持在非洲执行《国际防治荒漠化公约》内 罗毕会议;; Expert Meeting on the Rehabilitation of Degraded Forest Ecosystems;恢复退化森林生态系统专家会议;; OAU Commission of Twenty on Refugees, Returnees and Displaced Persons in Africa;非统组织非洲难民、回返者和流离失所者问题20国委员会;; Joint Operational Strategy for 1996-2000;1996-2000年联合作业战略;; International Conference on the Settlement of Energy, Petroleum and Gas Disputes;解决能源、石油、天然气争端国际会议;; Supplier Roster Officer;供应商名册干事;; Supplier Review Committee;供应商审查委员会;; Supplier Relations Manager;供应商关系经理;; Special Initiative for Least Developed Countries;支援最不发达国家特别倡议;; Americas and the Caribbean Regional Office;美洲和加勒比区域办事处;TACRO; when actually employed;实际受聘;WAE; Force Commander, United Nations Disengagement Force;部队指挥官,联合国脱离接触部队;; Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Cyprus;秘书长驻塞浦路斯副特别代表;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Liberia;负责利比里亚问题的秘书长特别代表;; Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs in the Sudan;秘书长苏丹人道主义事务特使;; Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Greece and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia;秘书长希腊和前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国问题特使;; Special Coordinator of the Secretary-General in the Occupied Territories;秘书长驻被占领领土特别协调员;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Tajikistan;负责塔吉克斯坦问题的秘书长特别代表;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General, United Nations Preventive Deployment force in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia;秘书长特别代表,联合国前南斯拉夫的马其 顿共和国预防性部署部队;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Cyprus;负责塞浦路斯问题的秘书长特别代表;; Special Envoy of the Secretary-General on Women and Development;秘书长妇女与发展问题特使;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Haiti and Chief of Mission;负责海地问题的秘书长特别代表兼特派团团 长;; Special Adviser on Communications;通讯问题特别顾问;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Public Affairs;负责公共事务的秘书长特别代表;; Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Western Sahara and Chairman of Identification Commission;负责西萨哈拉问题的秘书长代理特别代表兼 身份查验委员会主席;; Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Sierra Leone;秘书长塞拉利昂问题特使;; European Arid Land Centre;欧洲旱地中心;; Round Table on Approaches of Human Rights Treaty Bodies Towards Women's Health, with a Focus on Reproductive and Sexual Health Rights;关于人权条约机构处理妇女保健、特别是生 殖和性健康权利的做法圆桌会议;; Arab Academy for Science and Technology;阿拉伯科技学院;AAST; Council of Arab Telecommunications Ministers [League of Arab States];阿拉伯国家电信部长理事会;; Arab Permanent Postal Commission;阿拉伯常设邮政委员会阿邮委;APPC;阿邮委 Arab Board for Medical Specialization;阿拉伯医学专科委员会;; Arab Group of Permanent Representatives to the United Nations in New York;纽约阿拉伯常驻联合国代表小组;; Council of Arab Ministers for Housing;阿拉伯国家住房部长理事会;; Steering Committee for Environment Pollution in the Arab World;阿拉伯世界控制环境污染指导委员会;; Regional Population Committee;区域人口委员会;; Union of Arab Pharmacists;阿拉伯药剂师联盟;UAP; Main Economic Indicators;主要经济指标;MEI; Malaysia Export Credit Insurance Board;马来西亚出口信贷保险委员会;MECIB; Management Activities Board;管理活动委员会;MAB; Management Development Fund;管理发展基金;MDF; Management Policy Group;管理政策小组;MPG; Management Review/Oversight Committee;管理审查监督委员会;; Management Training Programme;管理训练方案;MTP/JPO; Manned Space Laboratory;载人空间实验室;SKYLAB; Manual of Civil Aviation Medicine;民航医学手册;; Marine and Coastal Technology Information Service;海洋和沿海技术信息处;MACTIS; Marine Science Country Profile;国家海洋科学概况;MSCP; Maritime Safety Committee/Marine Environment Protection Committee;海事安全委员会/海洋环境堡委员会 海安会/海贬;MSC/MEPC;海安会/海贬 Maritime Training Academy;海洋训练学院;; Market Information Service for Fish Products in the Latin American Region;拉丁美洲区域鱼产品市场信息服务拉美鱼信;INFOPESCA;拉美鱼信 Mayors for Peace prize;市长和平奖;; Measurement of Air Pollution from Space;空间空气污染测量;MAPS; Mediterranean Academy for Diplomatic Studies;地中海外交研究学院;; Maximizing access and quality;优化服务机会和质量;MAQ; Johns Hopkins Programme for International Education in Gynecology and Obstetrics Corporation;约翰·霍普金斯妇产科国际教育方案社;JHPIEGO; International Projects Assistance Programme;国际项目援助方案社;IPAS; Consultative Group for Nicaragua;尼加拉瓜问题协商小组;; Biological Corridor of the Atlantic;大西洋生物走廊;; Meso-American Biological Corridor;中美洲生物走廊;; Autonomous Region of the North Atlantic;北大西洋自治区;; Central American Network for Democratic Governance;中美洲民主施政网;; Programme for Sustainable Human Development at the Local Level;地方一级可持续人类发展方案;PDHSL; Declaration of the Support Group for Nicaragua;尼加拉瓜支援小组声明;; Meeting of Development Assistance Coordinators for the Mid-Term Assessment of the Intercountry Programme for Asia and the Pacific;亚太国家间方案中期评估发展援助协调员会议;MAC II; JIANG, Qiaofeng;姜峭峰;; SU, Wei;苏伟;; Federal Law on the Ban of Anti-personnel Mines;禁止杀伤人员地雷联邦法;; LEIS, David A.;戴维·莱斯;; AUP;大学校长国际协会;AUP; IDG;国际数据集团;IDG; BI, Hua;毕华;; WANG, Zuoan;王作安;; AMS;阿尔法磁谱仪;AMS; Ebola virus;伊波拉病毒;; Division of Audit and Management Review;审计和管理审查司;DAMR; HOUMENY, Ihor V.;伊霍尔·胡梅尼;; HOUMENNY, Ihor V.;伊霍尔·胡梅尼;; HUMENNY, Ihor V.;伊霍尔·胡梅尼;; Office of Oversight and Evaluation;监督和评价办公室;OOE;监督办 gasoil;瓦斯油; 粗柴油;; vessel diversions;指示改道船只;; diverted country;改道前往国家;; LONG, Xuequn;龙学群;; information and communication strategy;资讯战略;; communication and information policy;资讯政策;; Disarmament Periodic Review;定期裁军审查;; Alliance des forces democratiques pour la liberation du Congo/Zaire;解放刚果扎伊尔民主力量同盟解盟;AFDL;解盟 PANOU, Koffi;科菲·帕努;; Working Group on General Principles of Criminal Law and Penalties;刑法和刑罚的一般原则工作组;; Red Sea State;红海省;; national human development report;国家人类发展报告;NHDR; Poverty Strategy Initiative;消除贫穷战略倡议;PSI; Governance for Sustainable Human Development;治理促进可持续人类发展;; capacity assessment guidelines and computerized project design assistance;能力评价准则和计算机项目设计援助;CAPBUILD; advisory notes;咨询说明;; MicroStart;微额起动方案;; Money Matters Initiative;资金事项倡议;; Integrated Financial Information Management system;综合财务信息管理系统;FIM; Central Evaluation Database;中央评价数据库;CEDAB; LI, Honggui;李宏规;; QIU, Shaofang;邱绍芳;; HU, Hongtao;胡宏陶;; SKOOG, Olof;奥洛夫·斯科格;; Senior Demobilization Coordinator;高级遣散协调员;; Electoral Officer;选举干事;; Hanoi Declaration;河内宣言;; East Asia and Pacific Ministerial Consultation on the Goals for Children and Development to the Year 2000;到2000年儿童与发展目标东亚和太平洋各国 部长级协商;; Special Representative of the President of Georgia to the Peace Process;格鲁吉亚总统和平进程特别代表;; Permanent Council;常设理事会;; Task Force on Macroeconomic Issues;宏观经济问题工作队;; Mine Action Task Force;排雷行动工作队;; Working Group on Foreign Policy Issues;外交政策问题工作组;; United Nations Consolidated Inter-Agency Flash Appeal for the Great Lakes Region in Response to the Crisis in Eastern Zaire;联合国就扎伊尔东部晰发出的大湖区问题机构间紧急联合呼吁;; Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Countries Members of the United Nations Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa;联合国中部非洲安全问题常设咨询委员会成员国国家元首和政府首脑会议;; Advisory Council for Human Rights;人权咨询理事会;ACHR; Expert Consultation on Implementing the Forest Principles: Promotion of National Forest and Land-use Programmes;执行森林原则-促进国家森林和土地利用方案专家协商;; Expert Group on Social Statistics;社会统计专家组;; Expert Group on Construction Statistics;建筑业统计专家组;; International Conference on Peace and Tolerance;国际和平与容忍会议;; regional Culture of Peace Chair;区域和平文化教授职位;; Georg Eckert Institute of International Textbook Research;Georg Eckert 国际教科书研究所;; International Textbook Research Network;国际教科书研究网;; Indian Institute of Advanced Study;印度高级研究所;; Declaration on the Role of Religion in the Promotion of a Culture of Peace;关于宗教在促进和平文化中的作用的宣言;; National Conference on a Culture of Peace and Human Rights;全国和平文化与人权会议;; National Consultation on a Culture of Peace;全国和平文化协商;; Plan of Action for Burundi, 1996-1997;1996-1997年布隆迪行动计划;; House of the Culture of Peace;和平文化之家;; Culture of Peace Teachers Association;和平文化教师协会;; Contribution by Religion to the Culture of Peace;宗教对和平文化的贡献;; Inter-Parliamentary Conference on Education, Science, Culture and communication on the Eve of the 21st Century;各国议会联盟21世纪前夜教育、科学、文化 、交流会议;; From Partial Insecurity to Global Security;从局部不安全到全球安全;; Security for Peace: Peace-building and Peacekeeping;安全促进和平:建设和平与维持和平;; AFI Meteorological bulletin Exchange Scheme;非洲印度洋气象简报交换计划;AMBEX; Meteorological Information and Extraction Centre;气象信息和提取中心;MIEC; Meteosat Ground Computer System;气象卫星地面计算机系统;MGCS; Meteosat Operational Programme;气象卫星作业方案;MOP; Meteosat Operations Control Centre;气象卫星作业控制中心;MOCC; Miami Conference on the Caribbean;迈阿密加勒比问题会议;; Middle Atmosphere Programme;中层大气方案;MAP; Middle East and Mediterranean Telecommunication Network;中东和地中海电信网;Medarabtel; Mine Clearance Planning Agency;排雷规划机构;MCPA; Ministerial Conference of West and Central African States on Maritime Transport;西部和中部非洲国家海运问题部长级会议;MINCONMAR; Operation Plan;行动计划;OPLAN; Ministers Responsible for Forest Matters of the Nordic States;北欧国家主管森林事务部长;; Inter-sessional Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Sectoral Issues;部门议题闭会期间不限成员名额特设工作组;; Middle East/South-west Asia Maritime Safety Conference;中东和西南亚海事安全会议;; Declaration on the Situation in the Great Lakes Region;关于大湖区局势的宣言;; National Disarmament and Demobilization Commission;国家解除武装和复员委员会复员委;NDDC;复员委 United Nations Humanitarian Assistance Coordinator;联合国人道主义援助协调员人援协调员;HACO;人援协调员 Task Force on Demobilization and Reintegration [Liberia];遣散和安置工作队;; therapeutic feeding programme;食疗方案;TFP; Cofinancing Operations;共同供资业务;; Ibero-American Forum of Ombudsmen on Human Rights and a Culture of Peace;伊比利亚-美洲人权与和平文化监察员论坛;; Environmental Development Fund;环境发展基金;; Protocol to the Treaty of Central American Economic Integration;中美洲经济一体化条约议定书;; Peace Commission;和平委员会;COPAZ; Partial Scope Agreements;局部协定;; Tuxtla process;图斯特拉进程;; Encuentro Panama 2000;巴拿马2000年会议;; Expert Consultation on Global Forest Assessment;全球森林评估专家协商科特卡三;Kotka III;科特卡三 Dialogue on Forest Research;森林研究对话;; Natural Resources Institute;自然资源研究所;NRI; National Forestry Action Programme Support Unit;国家森林行动方案支助股;; Kazakstan, Republic of;哈萨克斯坦共和国;; Raptor fighter jet;猛禽喷气式战斗机;; F-22 Raptor fighter jet;F-22猛禽喷气式战斗机;; WHO Expert Advisory Panel on Drug Dependence and Alcohol Problems;卫生组织药瘾和酗酒问题专家咨询小组;; Ad Hoc Committee to elaborate an International Convention for the Suppression of terrorist bombings;拟订制止恐怖主义爆炸活动国际公约特设委 员会;; HARUN-AR-RASHID;哈伦-拉希德;; AR-RASHID, HARUN;哈伦-拉希德;; RASHID, HARUN-AR-;哈伦-拉希德;; Core Welfare Indicator Questionnaire;核心福利指标问卷;CWIQ; Interregional Seminar on Global Mapping for the Implementation of Multinational Environmental Agreements;执行多国环境协定全球测绘区域间讨论会;; International Steering Committee for Global Mapping;全球测绘国际指导委员会测绘指委会;ISCGM;测绘指委会 Santa Barbara Statement;圣巴巴拉声明;; video conference;电视商谈; 电视会谈[如与某个候选人会谈, 不需到总部来]; 电视会议;; World Congress of ICC;国际商会[第X届]世界大会;; parliamentary process;会议过程;; full-text searching;全文检索;; one-stop access to UN Web sites;一次作业进入所有联合国网址;; Cyber School Bus;网络空间校车;; UN Info Quest;联合国信息查询系统查询系统;UN-I-QUE;查询系统 World in Review, the;世界评论;; surfer;冲浪运动员; 冲浪爱好者; [电脑]冲浪者; 巡览者;; user-selectable information;用户可选信息;; Information Technology Services Strategy;信息技术服务战略;; Core Information Technology Initiative;核心信息技术倡议;; electronic glossary;电子词汇;; text retrieval tool;文本检索工具;; hard-copy;硬拷贝; 复制件;; charge-back;收费;; profile-based document dissemination service;类别式文件分发服务;; Ad Hoc Expert Group Meeting on the Implementation of Special Measures for the Least Developed Countries in Agenda 21;执行21世纪议程中有利于最不发达国家的特别措施特设专家组会议;; MOF;多器官功能衰竭;MOF; BANDARANAYAKE, George Randolph Tissa Dias;乔治·伦道夫·蒂萨·迪亚斯·班达拉纳亚克;; ELBASHIR, Babiker Zain Elabideen;巴比克尔·扎因·埃拉比丁·埃尔贝希尔;; JORDA, Claude;克洛德·若尔达;; MAY, Richard George;理查德·乔治·梅;; MUMBA, Florence Ndepele Mwachande;佛罗伦萨·恩德佩尔·姆瓦钱德·蒙巴;; RIAD, Fouad Abdel-Moneim;福阿德·阿卜杜勒-穆奈姆·里亚德;; RODRIGUES, Almiro Simoes;阿尔米罗·西蒙斯·罗德里格斯;; SKUPINSKI, Jan;扬·斯库平斯基;; WANG, Tieya;王铁崖;; Political Director;政治指导员;; Commander of the operation;行动指挥官;; FRANCHIS, Amedeo de;阿美迪奥·德弗朗西斯;; VENTURONI, Guido;圭多·文图罗尼;; FORLANI, Luciano;卢恰诺·福拉尼;; Italian General Staff;意大利总参谋部;; multinational protection force;多国堡部队多保部队;MPF;多保部队 Regional Office for South-East Asia;东南亚区域办事处;SEARO; domovnicas;公民证书;; Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea;国际海洋法法庭特权和豁免协定;; REBAGLIATI, Orlando R.;奥兰多·雷巴格利亚蒂;; TURK, Helmut;赫尔穆特·蒂尔克;; ALBUQUERQUE, Alexandre Tagore Medeiros De;亚历山大·塔戈雷·梅德罗斯·德阿尔布克尔克;; ASTIZ, Osvaldo Pedro;奥斯瓦尔多·佩德罗·阿斯蒂斯;; BELTAGY, Aly I.;阿里·贝勒塔吉;; BETAH, Samuel Sona;萨米埃尔·索纳·贝塔;; BREKKE, Harald;哈拉尔·布雷克;; CARRERA HURTADO, Galo;加洛·卡雷拉·乌尔塔多;; HURTADO, Galo CARRERA;加洛·卡雷拉·乌尔塔多;; CROKER, Peter F.;彼得·克罗克;; FRANCIS, Noel Newton St. Claver;诺埃尔·牛顿·圣克拉弗·弗朗西斯;; HINZ, Karl H. F.;卡尔·欣茨;; JURCIC, Mladen;姆拉登·尤尔契奇;; KAZMIN, Yuri Borisovitch;尤里·鲍里索维奇·卡兹明;; LAMONT, Iain C.;伊恩·拉蒙特;; M'DALA, Chisengu Leo;奇森古·莱奥·姆达拉;; RIO, Daniel;达尼埃尔·里奥;; Union for Social Progress and Democracy;社会进步和民主联盟;; TSHISEKEDI, Etienne;艾蒂安·齐塞克迪;; United Nations General Assembly Special Session;联合国大会特别会议联大特别会议;UNGASS;联大特别会议 Intersessional Group;闭会期间小组;ISG; Global Information Network on Chemicals;全球化学品信息网;GINC;化学品信息网 persistent organic pollutants;持久性有机污染物;POPs; groupware tool;群件工具;; KARAHA, Bizima;比齐马·卡拉哈;; TCL;牵引力控制系统;TCL; ASMS;汽车行使稳定系统;ASMS; YACOUBOU, Fassassi A.;法萨西·亚库布;; FELICIO, Jose Eduardo Martins;若泽·爱德华多·马丁斯·费利西奥;; NOR, Jeludin;诺尔·杰卢丁;; RAMIREZ, Ana Maria;安娜·玛丽亚·拉米雷斯;; OK, Socheat;奥·索杰;; MAHAMAT SALEH, Ahmat;艾哈迈德·穆罕默德·萨利赫;; LARRAIN, Juan;胡安·拉腊因;; CHEN, Fuyuan;陈福元;; GARCIA, Andelfo;安德尔福·加西亚;; MOHMOUD, Mohamed Aboud;穆罕默德·阿布德·马哈茂德;; SAENZ BIOLLEY, Melvin;梅尔文·萨恩斯·比奥列;; CHAVES, Ana Patricia;安娜·帕特里夏·查韦斯;; RO, Yong Su;卢永寿;; HUIMASALO, Taisto;泰斯托·胡伊马萨洛;; RUDOLPH, Steffen Walter;斯特芬·瓦尔特·鲁道夫;; RUNGE, Wolfgang;沃尔夫冈·伦格;; WILMOT, Jacob Botwe;雅各布·博特韦·威尔莫特;; MASIKU, Manfred Stanley;曼弗雷德·斯坦利·马西库;; FUENTES ORELLANA, Fabiola;法维奥拉·富恩特斯·奥雷利亚纳;; CARRANZA CIFUENTES, Luis Fernando;路易斯·费尔南多·卡兰萨·西富恩特斯;; DA ROSA, Mario Lopes;马里奥·洛佩斯·达罗萨;; COLLINS, Bertram;伯特伦·柯林斯;; KUMAR, Pokalath Vijay;波卡拉特·维杰伊·库马尔;; MANONGGA, Zacharias;扎哈里亚什·马农加;; ASADI, Bagher;巴盖尔·阿萨迪;; AL-ANBUGE, Rokan Hama;罗坎·哈马·安布盖;; KORREN, Yigal;伊加尔·科伦;; COHEN, Zvi;兹维·科亨;; COHEN, Rivka;丽夫卡·科亨;; WILLIAMS, Hillary Ann;希拉里·安·威廉斯;; BROWN-HAMMOND, Estelle;埃丝特尔·布朗 - 哈蒙德;; EESIAH, James Z.;詹姆斯·埃西亚赫;; FRITSCHE, Claudia;克劳迪娅·弗里切;; THUNYANI, Dorothy Dzikhalire;多萝西·齐卡利雷·通亚尼;; SHUKRI, Ibrahim;舒凯里· 易卜拉欣;; EDWARDS, Laurence N.;劳伦斯·爱德华斯;; 2000 World Programme of Population and Housing Censuses;2000年世界人口和住房普查方案;; RELANG, Jackeo A.;杰基奥·雷兰;; LOZANO, Gerardo;赫拉尔多·洛扎诺;; MARADOL, Mathias;马赛厄斯·马拉多尔;; ENKHSAIKHAN, Jargalsaikhany;扎尔嘎勒赛哈努·恩赫赛汗;; SANTOS, Carlos Dos;卡洛斯·多斯桑多斯;; FERNANDEZ, Antonio Deinde;安东尼奥·德因德·费尔南德斯;; DEIR, Tint;丁·代尔;; SHAH, Narendra Bikram;纳伦德拉·比克拉姆·沙阿;; PAGUAGA FERNANDEZ, Enrique;恩里克·帕瓜加·费尔南德斯;; CASTELLON DUARTE, Maria;玛丽亚·卡斯特利翁·杜阿尔特;; AASS, Svein;斯韦恩·奥斯;; BABAR, Khalid Aziz;哈利德·阿齐兹·巴巴尔;; OVIA, Jimmy;吉米·奥维亚;; DIAZ-PEREIRA, Ramon A.;拉蒙·迪亚斯-佩雷拉;; RODRIGUEZ, Maritza;马里策·罗德里格斯;; BATOREU, Rosa;罗萨·巴托雷乌;; AL-KHALIFA, Nasser Bin Hamad;纳赛尔·本·哈马德·哈利法;; GORITA, Ion;扬·戈里策;; TCHOULKOV, Nikolai V.;尼古拉·乔乌尔科夫;; ZMEEVSKI, Alexandre V.;亚力山大·兹梅耶夫斯基;; MOORE, Lee L.;李·穆尔;; ISAAC, Kevin;凯文·艾萨克;; YOUNG, Herbert G. V.;赫伯特·扬;; WILSON, Dennie M. J.;丹尼·威尔逊;; DIAGNE, Alioune;阿利翁·迪亚涅;; VARSO, Jan;扬·瓦尔索;; BERGH, Frederick O.;弗雷德里克·贝格;; SILVA, Herman Leonard de;赫尔曼·伦纳德·德席尔瓦;; LUNDBORG, Hans;汉斯·伦德堡;; WEHBE, Mikhail;米哈伊尔·韦赫贝;; CHIRANOND, Karn;甘·七拉农;; ATAEVA, Aksoltan T.;阿克索尔坦·阿塔耶瓦;; WESTON, John;约翰·韦斯顿;; MANONGI, Tuvako V.;图瓦科·马农吉;; RODRIGUEZ FERNANDEZ, Ines;伊内斯·罗德里格斯·费尔南德斯;; KALAZ, Ahmed Ali;艾哈迈德·阿里·卡拉兹;; A Call to Action;行动呼吁;; BOSELLI, Luigi;路易吉·博塞利;; MOYS, Frederick;弗雷德里克·莫伊什;; BRUCE, Andrew;安德鲁·布鲁斯;; WAGNER, Allan;艾伦·瓦格纳;; GOMES, Solomon;所罗门·戈梅斯;; PEYROVI, Mohammad;穆罕默德·佩罗维;; ABOU, Mohammadou;穆罕默杜·阿布;; ZIMMERMANN, Bruno;布鲁诺·齐默尔曼;; PEDERSEN, Eigil;艾伊尔·彼得森;; MARULLO DI CONDOJANNI, Carlo;卡洛·马鲁洛·迪孔多亚尼;; AWAD, Pierre Elias;皮埃尔·埃利亚斯·阿瓦德;; QUENTIN, Gianluigi;詹路易吉·昆廷;; FREEDMAN, David H.;戴维·弗里德曼;; SIBAL, Nina;尼娜·赛布尔;; JOSEPH, Andrew J.;安德鲁·约瑟夫;; SFEIR-YOUNIS, Alfredo;阿尔弗雷多·斯费尔·尤尼斯;; ZULU, Justin B.;贾斯廷·祖卢;; GOLDBERG, Jean;琼·戈德堡;; WEILL-HALLE, Vera;薇拉·魏尔-阿莱;; AGUILAR, Enrique;恩里克·阿吉拉尔;; AL-HITTI, Khaled S.H.;哈立德·希提;; BOHAIEVS'KY, Yuriy V.;尤里·博海耶夫斯基;; FINO, Bashkim;巴什基姆·菲诺;; SCALFARO, Oscar Luigi;奥斯卡尔·路易吉·斯卡尔法罗;; PRODI, Romano;罗马诺·普罗迪;; spherical bomb;球形弹;; strip bomb;条形炸弹;; spindle bomb;纺锤形炸弹;; air-launched dispenser;空中发射子母弹箱;; Publications Review Committee;出版物审查委员会;PRC; State of the World's Children report;世界儿童状况报告;SOWCR; Electronic Information Committee;电子信息委员会;EIC; Empresas Technologica;技术性企业;EMPRETEC; African Management Services Company;非洲管理事务公司管理事务公司;AMSCO;管理事务公司 Office to Combat Desertification and Drought;防治荒漠化和干旱办事处防治荒旱处;UNSO;防治荒旱处 project development funds;项目发展基金;PDFs; Decade of the Girl Child;女童十年;; area, the;区域;; low-water line;低潮线;; low-tide elevations;低潮高地;; indentation;水曲[海洋法];; low-water mark;低潮标;; geographical coordinates;地理座标;; geodetic datum;大地基准点;; sea lanes;海道;; merchant ships;商船;; government ships;政府船舶;; transit passage;过境通行;; Rules of the Air;航空规则;; international distress radio frequency;国际呼救无线电频率;; archipelagic State;群岛国;; archipelagic waters;群岛水域;; traditional fishing rights;传统捕鱼权;; axis lines;中心线;; air routes;空中航道;; safety zones;安全地带;sea; harvested species;[被]捕捞鱼种;; ZHOU, Jue;周觉;; CHEN, Guangjian;陈光健;; YANG, Zhenhuai;杨振怀;; preventive development;预防发展;; VOHIDOV, Alisher;阿利舍尔·沃希多夫;; Nuclear Monitoring Group;核监测小组核小组;NMG;核小组 Multilateral Environmental Agreements;多边环境协定;MEAs; Model Treaty on the Transfer of Supervision of Foreign Offenders Conditionally Sentenced or Conditionally Released;有条件判刑或有条件释放的外国罪犯转移监 督示范条约;; National Renaissance Block;民族复兴团;; Protocol on settlement of the military and political situation in the areas of confrontation;关于解决对抗地区军事和政治局势的议定书;; Global Indigenous and Youth Cultural Olympics/Summit for Peace and Sustainable Development;全球土著和青年文化奥林匹克/和平与可持 续发展首脑会议;DICOS; framework convention on the law of the non-navigational uses of international watercourses;国际水道非航行使用法框架公约;; Oslo Declaration and Plan of Action;奥斯陆宣言和行动计划;; International Conference on Traumas on Children and Youth in Armed Conflict;武装冲突给青少年造成创伤问题国际会议;; International Conference on Urban Justice and Safety;国际城市司法与治安会议;; All African Prisons conference;全非监狱会议;; Special Emergency Relief for the Elderly;老人特别紧急救济会救老会;SERE;救老会 Christian Related Education Development Organization;基督教教育发展组织教发组织;CREDO;教发组织 Help Our People Exist;助民生存组织HOPE;HOPE;HOPE Demobilization and Reintegration Task Force;复员和重返社会工作队;; Accra Mechanism;阿克拉机制;; Southern Cone Common Market;南锥体共同市场 南方市场;MERCOSUR;南方市场 Multicentre Infant Growth Reference Study;多中心婴儿发育基准研究;; Environmental Law Programme;环境法方案;ELP; Model Law on International Credit Transfers;国际信用划拨示范法;; Model Rules of Procedure for International Mandatory Conciliation;国际强制调解程序示范规则;; Model Rules of Procedure for United Nations Bodies dealing with Violations of Human Rights;联合国处理侵犯人权事务机构程序示范规则;; Center Public Lobby;中央大厅[联合国];; SALGADO, Sebastiao;塞巴斯蒂奥·萨尔加多;; Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units;移动式海上钻机建造和设备准则钻机准则;MODU Code;钻机准则 monitoring and evaluation system;监测和评价制度监评制度;M&E system;监评制度 Moon Agreement;月球协定;; Movement of Non-Aligned Countries;不结盟国家运动;; Movimiento Autentico Cristiano;正统基督教运动基督教运动;MAC;基督教运动 Multilateral Trust Fund under the Montreal Protocol;蒙特利尔议定书多边信托基金;; Multinational Rail Traffic Agreement;多国铁路运输协定;MULTILAF; Multinational School of Advanced Telecommunication Studies;多国高级电信研究学校;ESMT; Multi-Party Conference;多党会议;MPC; Multispectral Scanner;多谱段扫描仪;MSS; United Nations Millennium Exhibition;联合国千年展;; International Model UN Conference;国际模拟联合国会议;; Nagoya Declaration on the Establishment of a Regional Network of Local Authorities for Management of Human Settlements;关于建立管理人类住区地方当局区域网的名古屋宣言;; Nassau Declaration on World Order;纳索世界秩序宣言;; Natal Indaba;纳塔尔会谈;; National Action Committee;国家行动委员会;NAC; National Centre for Space Studies;国家空间研究中心;CNES; National Cleaner Production Centres Programme;国家洁净生产中心方案;; National Currency Fund;国家货币基金;NCF; National Information Systems;国家信息系统;NATIS; National Institute for Population Research and Training;国家人口研究和训练所人口所;NIPORT;人口所 National Institute for Social and Preventing Medicine;国家社会和预防医学研究所;NIPSOM; national oceanographic data centre;国家海洋学数据中心;NODC; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司