翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Working Group of the Commission on a Draft Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment;人权委员会拟订禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约任择议定书草案工作组;; Working Group of the Commission to Elaborate Policy Guidelines on the Effects of Structural Adjustment Programmes on the Full Enjoyment of Human Rights;委员会拟订关于机构调整方案对充分享受人权的影响的政策准则工作组;; Working Group on the Implementation and Promotion of the Right to Development;执行和促进发展权利工作组;; Working Group of the Commission on a Draft United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples;人权委员会拟订联合国土著人民权利宣言草案工作组;; Division of Information Resources Management;信息资源管理司;; Division of Evaluation, Policy and Planning;评价、政策和规划司;DEPP;评价规划司 Division of Human Resources;人力资源司;DHR;人力司 Regional Director for Europe;欧洲区域主任;; Joyful Learning programme;趣味教学方案;; Child's Environment Programme;儿童环境方案;; European Strategy for Children;欧洲儿童战略;; joint strategy for water supply and sanitation;供水与卫生联合战略;; Common Guidelines on Monitoring and Evaluation;监测与评价的共同准则;; Kampala Declaration;坎帕拉宣言;; Guardianship Councils;监护理事会;; Councils for the Rights of Children and Adolescents;少年儿童权利理事会;; regional conference on women's education and literacy;妇女教育和识字问题区域会议;; Mid-Decade Review of Education for Africa;非洲教育十年中期审查;; Ministerial Conference on South Asian Children;南亚儿童问题部长级会议;; Caribbean Conference on the Rights of the Child;加勒比儿童权利会议;; International Centre for Education Evaluation;国际教育评价中心;; edukit;教材包;; Consultation on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children;关于对儿童的商业色情剥削问题的协商;; Belize Commitment to Action for the Rights of the Child;伯利兹儿童权利行动承诺;; Electoral Unit;选举股;; Force Engineer;部队工程人员;; Human Rights Monitoring Unit;人权监测股;; Political Unit;政治股;; Board of Inquiry Section;调查委员会科;BOI Section; Global Technology and Economic Development database;全球技术和经济发展数据库GLOB-TED;GLOB-TED;GLOB-TED International Symposium on Women and Mainstreaming;妇女与进入主流国际专题讨论会;; Global Environment Information Centre;全球环境信息中心环信中心;GEIC;环信中心 United Nations System in the 21st Century, The;21世纪的联合国系统UN21项目;UN21 Project;UN21项目 Chair in Global Economics;全球经济学教席;; GAGNON, J.J.;加尼翁;; STOFFER, Howard;霍华德·斯托弗;; Conference on Coexistence of Nations and Good-Neighbourly Relations - the Guarantee of Security and Stability in Europe;国家共处睦邻关系-欧洲安全和稳定的保障 会议;; DAHLGREN, Hans;汉斯·达尔格伦;; KIM, Yung-chung;金英贞;; SJOGREN, Per;佩尔·舍格伦;; BERNES, Ann;安·贝尔内斯;; BILLING, Karin;卡琳·比林;; DARWISH, Ahmed H.;艾哈迈德·达尔维什;; DICKSON, Susan;苏珊·迪克森;; SMITH, Kate;凯特·史密斯;; McGURGAN, Kevin;凯文·麦高根;; Inter-African Monitoring Force;非洲监测部队;; LEMPREIA, Luiz Felipe;路易斯·费利普·兰普雷亚;; FELIPE LEMPREIA, Luiz;路易斯·费利普·兰普雷亚;; KINLOCH, Robin;罗宾·金洛克;; monument of culture;文化遗古迹;; cultural heritary;文化遗产;; cultural treasures;珍贵文物;; virtual communities of interest;虚拟利益群体;; Insurance, Master Aviation;航空总保险;; GLANZER, Hans-Peter;汉斯-彼得·格兰策;; CHUNG, Rae Kwon;钟来权;; CHOE, Myong Nam;崔明南;; WISSA, Karim;卡里姆·维萨;; MARTINEZ, Monica;莫妮卡·马丁内斯;; OBEID, Ghassan;加桑·奥贝德;; RESCH, Riitta;丽塔·雷施;; DANIELL, Craig J.;克雷格·丹尼尔;; BOSSA, Joseph;约瑟夫·博萨;; Stand-by-Forces High Readiness Brigade;待命部队高度戒备旅 高度戒备旅;SHIRBRIG;高度戒备旅 TORRES, Micha;米莎·托雷斯;; People's Assembly;1. 人民大会 2.人民代表大会;; WANG, Xiaolin;王晓琳;; ECOSOC Servicing Branch;经社理事会服务处;ESB; Disarmament and Decolonization Organs Servicing Branch;裁军和非殖民化机关服务处裁军非殖处;DDOSB;裁军非殖处 Copy Preparation and Proofreading Section;制稿和校对科;CPPS; Document Control Section;文件管制科;DCS; Coordinating and Records Unit;协调和记录股协记股;CRU;协记股 Meetings Servicing Unit;会议服务股;MSU; Planning Unit;规划股;PU; Editorial Control Section;编辑管制科;ECS; microfinance programmes;微额供资方案;; International Campaign to Ban Land Mines;禁止使用地雷国际运动;; Department for General Assembly Affairs and Conference Services;大会事务和会议事务部 会议部;DGAACS;会议部 Secretariat of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development;联合国贸易和发展会议秘书处;; Secretariat of the United Nations Environment Programme;联合国环境规划署秘书处;; Secretariat of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific;亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会秘书处;; Secretariat of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia;西亚经济社会委员会秘书处;; Secretariat of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean;拉丁美洲和加勒比经济委员会秘书处;; Under-Secretary-General for Management;主管管理事务副秘书长;; Secretariat of the Joint Disciplinary Committee;联合纪律委员会秘书处;; Ad Hoc Committee of the Whole for the preparation of the new international development strategy;编制新的国际发展战略特设全体委员会;; Secretariat of the Panel on Discrimination and Other Grievances;歧视和其他冤情调查小组秘书处;; Secretariat of the Panel of Counsel;法律顾问小组秘书处;; Secretariat of the Fifth Committee;第五委员会秘书处;; Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs;主管经济和社会事务副秘书长;; Executive Committee on Economic and Social Affairs;经济和社会事务执行委员会;; Assistant Secretary-General for Policy Coordination and Inter-Agency Affairs;主管政策协调和机构间事务助理秘书长;; Project Review Steering Committee;项目审查指导委员会;; Management Board of the United Nations Office for Project Services;联合国项目事务厅管理委员会;; Ad Hoc Committee of the Whole to Review the Implementation of the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States;审查各国经济权利和义务宪章执行情况特设全体委员会;; contested tribe;有争议部落;; Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women;秘书长关于性别问题和提高妇女地位问题特别顾问;; Office of the Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women;秘书长关于性别问题和提高妇女地位问题特 别顾问办公室;OSAGI/DAW; Development Policy Analysis Division;发展政策分析司;DPAD;政策分析司 Division for Economic and Social Council Support and Coordination;经济及社会理事会支助和协调司;; Public Economics and Public Administration Division;公共经济学和公共行政司;; Social Policy and Development Division;社会政策和发展司;; Executive and Administrative Office;执行和行政办公室;; Enclosure: a/s;附文: 照录原件;; critical mass;临界质量足够数量;; desk officer system;主管干事制度;; Deputy to the High Commissioner for Human Rights;人权事务高级专员帮办;; Staff Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights;人权事务高级专员办公室;; Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture;酷刑受害者自愿基金;; Voluntary Fund on Contemporary Forms of Slavery;当代形式奴隶制问题自愿基金;; Voluntary Fund for the International Decade of the World's Indigenous People;世界土著人民国际十年自愿基金;; Voluntary Fund of Technical Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights;人权领域技术合作自愿基金;; emergency leave;紧急事假;; family-friendly policy;关爱家庭的政策;; International Bureau of the Permanent Court of Arbitration;常设仲裁法院国际事务局;; Applications Development Service;用途发展处;; Disaster Mitigation Branch;减灾处;; SALIM, Rafiah;拉菲亚赫·萨利姆;; HARAGUCHI, Koichi;原口幸一;; OTA, Masahide;大田昌秀;; ASAKAI, Kazuo;朝海和夫;; PLUMER, Aytug;艾图·普吕默;; Health Maintenance Organization;健保组织;MHO; health care provider;医生或保健提供者;; LU, Kang;陆慷;; OGURA, Kazuo;小仓和夫;; Division of Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea;海洋事务和海洋法司;; International Trade Law Branch;国际贸易法处;ITLB;贸法处 Secretariat of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal;联合国行政法庭秘书处;; PARNOHADININGRAT, Sudjadnan;苏查德南·帕尔诺哈迪宁拉特;; VERDIER, Alejandro Guillermo;亚历杭德罗·吉列尔莫·贝迭尔;; KOTEREC, Milos;米洛什·科捷雷奇;; VU, Khoan;武宽;; Summit Meeting of the Central American Presidents;中美洲总统首脑会议;; Summit of the Americas;美洲首脑会议;; Supreme Arab Committee on Drugs;阿拉伯药品最高委员会;; Supreme Council for the Arab Child;阿拉伯儿童最高理事会;; Sustainable Development Network;可持续发展网;SDN; Swedish Commission on Ethnic Prejudice and Discrimination;瑞典种族偏见和歧视委员会;; Swedish Society for the Conservation of Nature;瑞典堡自然学会;; Joint Meeting on National Accounts;国民核算联席会议;; system of social statistics indicators;社会统计指标制度;SSSI; Tanzanian National Disaster Relief Committee;坦桑尼亚国家救灾委员会;TANDRO; Logistics Management Training Strategy Development;后勤管理训练战略发展;; Pilot Seminar on the Mobilization of the Private Sector in Order to Encourage Foreign Investment Flows towards the Least Developed Countries: Investment Opportunities in Pre-emerging Markets;动员私营部门鼓励外国投资流向最不发达国 家试办讨论会:新兴市场形成之前的投资机 会;; succession plan for women;妇女继任计划;; Child Rights Asianet;儿童权利亚洲网;; technical support network;技术支助网;TSN; Child Protection Network;儿童堡网;CPN; Amsterdam Conference on Intolerable Forms of Child Labour;阿姆斯特丹不可容忍童工形式问题会议;; Standing Committee on Programmes;方案常设委员会;; Programme on Substance Abuse/Street Children;药物滥用/街头儿童问题方案;; Arab Plan of Action for the Advancement of Women to the Year 2005;至2005年提高妇女地位阿拉伯行动计划;; Briefing Note on Women in Environment and Development;妇女参与环境和发展简报;; United Nations Seminar on Disabled Women;联合国残疾妇女问题讨论会;; Consultative Committee for Women;妇女协商委员会;; Expert Group on the Role of Women in Public Life;妇女在公共生活中的作用专家组;; Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace;作为和平区的印度洋;IOZOP; Cities at Risk;城市面临威胁;; United Towns Development Agency;联合城市发展机构;UTDA; Global Urban Observatory;全球城市观测站;; Huairou Commission;怀柔委员会;; Indicators of Sustainable Development: Framework and Methodologies;可持续发展指标:框架与方法;; Working Group on Procedural Matters;程序事项工作组;; Working Group on Complementarity and Trigger Mechanism;补充作用和触发机制问题工作组;; Conference on Water Resources Assessment and Management Strategies for Latin America and the Caribbean [San Jose, 6-11 May 96];拉丁美洲和加勒比水资源评估和管理战略 会议;; African Conference on Water Resources;非洲水资源会议;; African Conference on Water Resources: Policy and Assessment;非洲水资源会议:政策与评估;; African Water Resources Assessment Strategy;非洲水资源评估战略;; Water Resources Policy;水资源政策;; Building the bridge between water supply, sanitation and irrigation;架设供水、卫生和灌溉之间的桥梁;; Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21;进一步执行21世纪议程方案;; Geneva Ministerial Declaration;日内瓦部长宣言;; non-incorporated joint venture;非法人合营企业;; Working Group established by General Assembly resolution 51/210 of 17 December 1996;大会1996年12月17日第51/210号决议所设工作组;; Agenda for Democratization;民主化纲领;; Second Industrial Development Decade of Africa;第二个非洲工业发展十年;IDDA-II; Alliance for Africa's Industrialization Initiative;非洲工业化倡议联盟;AAI; Agency's administrative schools;[救济]工程处管理下的学校;; administrative schools;[救济]工程处管理下的学校;; University's Educational Fund for Palestinian Refugees;巴勒斯坦难民大学教育基金;UNIPAL; Dazi;达孜;; Ganden, Temple of;甘丹寺[西藏拉萨];; Temple of Ganden;甘丹寺;; Bangui Agreements;班吉协定;; TOURE, Amadou Toumani;阿马杜·图马尼·图雷;; European Centre for Global Interdependence and Solidarity;欧洲全球相互依存和团结中心;; Convention concerning the Employment of Women before and after Childbirth;关于雇用产前和产后妇女的公约;; Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development;亚太妇女、法律和发展论坛;; Regional Consultation on Asia Pacific Women's Issues, Law and the Development Process;亚太妇女问题、法律和发展进程区域协商;; Women in Power;掌权妇女;; Women in Decision Making;决策妇女;; Facilitator of the Burundi Peace Process;布隆迪和平进程调解人;; Intensified Cooperation with Countries and Peoples in Greatest Need;加强同最贫穷国家和人民的合作;IWC; International Telegraph Union;国际电报联盟;; International Association of Prosecutors;国际检察官协会;; Private-Sector Initiative;私营部门倡议;; Schengen Agreement on the Gradual Abolition of Checks at their Common Borders;在共同边界逐步取消检查的申根协定;; Convention Applying the Schengen Agreement on the Gradual Abolition of Checks at their Common Borders;实施在共同边界逐步取消检查的申根协定 的公约;; Adviser to the Director-General on the Employment and Participation of Women;总干事妇女就业和参与问题顾问;; United Nations Non-Governmental Group on Women and Development;联合国/非政府组织妇女与发展问题小组;; Oslo Diplomatic Conference on an International Total Ban on Anti-Personnel Landmines;国际彻底禁止杀伤人员地雷奥斯陆外交会议;; Task Force for Tajikistan;塔吉克斯坦工作队;; Personal Representative of the Secretary-General for East Timor;负责东蒂汶问题的秘书长个人代表;; SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry;南盟工商会;SCCI; reporting facility [OIOS; for reporting irregularities and possible fraud];举报中心;; Nordic Seminar on Human Rights;北欧人权讨论会;; World Congress on Human Rights;世界人权大会;; International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development;国际人权和民主发展中心;ICHRDD; Linking Hands for Changing Laws: Women's Rights as Human Rights Around the World;携手共促法律改革:妇女权利乃世界人权;; Nordic-United Nations Senior Peace-keeping Management Seminar;北欧联合国维和管理高级讨论会;; MicroStart Programme;微创方案;; High Commissioner for Human Rights News;人权事务高级专员新闻;; International Business Opportunities Service;国际商业机会;IBOS; UNIFEM Gender, Environment and Development Guide;妇发基金性别、环境与发展指南;; Trust Fund to Eliminate Violence Against Women;消除对妇女暴力行为信托基金;; Inter-Agency Meeting on Women;机构间妇女问题会议;; Girl Children in Especially Difficult Circumstances;特困女童;GCEDC; Conference on Cooperation in Police Matters;警务合作会议;; SAARC Drug Offences Monitoring Desk;南盟毒品罪监测股;SDOMD; SAARC Terrorist Offences Monitoring Desk;南盟恐怖主义罪监测股;STOMD; Regional Treaty on Environment;区域环境条约;; Consortium of Open Universities;开发大学联合会;; Initiative on Nutrition;营养倡议;; Human Resource Development Centre;人力资源开发中心;HRD; Decade of the Rights of the Child;儿童权利十年;; Convention on Regional Arrangements for the Promotion of Child Welfare in South Asia [SAARC, proposed];促进南亚儿童福利区域安排公约;; Polio Immunisation Days;小儿麻痹症免疫日;; Economic Cooperation Conference;经济合作会议;; Chairperson of the human rights treaty bodies;人权条约机构主持人;; buildings and other structures;建筑物和其他建筑;; capital accounts;资本帐户;; cash transfer receivable payable;资本转移应收额应付额;;应付额 anti-vehicle landmine;反车辆地雷;; LHC;大型强子对撞机;LHC; commercial sexual exploitation;商业色情剥削;; MINA' AL-BAKR;巴克尔港;; Risk Assessment and Diagnosis of Urban Areas against Seismic Disasters;城市预防地震灾害风险评估和分析 防震评估;RADIUS;防震评估 South East Asia Nuclear Weapon Free Zone;东南亚无核武器区;SEANWFZ; DORDA, Abuzed Omar;阿布扎德·奥马尔·杜尔达;; homemaker services;家务工作;; personal injury;受伤;; mental anguish;精神创伤;; Sarcophagus;石棺;; Global International Waters Assessment;全球国际水域评估水域评估;GIWA;水域评估 Kieyskie Vodomosty;基辅新闻;; habeas data;资料堡令状;; accion de tutela;堡基本权利的补救办法;; suicidal bombing;自杀性爆炸;; Lehlu Bir;莱赫卢井;; HALLIGAN, Irene;艾琳·哈利根;; Spacelab Life Sciences;空间实验室生命科学[实验];SLS; International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements;国际辐射单位和测量委员会辐射测量委;ICRU;辐射测量委 Crime Prevention and Standards and Norms Implementation Section;预防犯罪和标准规范实施科;; Operational Activities and Advisory Service Section;业务活动和咨询事务科;; Transnational Crime and Proceeds of Crime Section;跨国犯罪和犯罪收益科;; Crime Statistics Reference, Collection and Clearing-house Section;犯罪统计资料参考、收集和交流科;; Task Force on Common Services;共同事务工作队;; Amman Affirmation;安曼声明;; Oversight Support Unit;监督支助股;OSU;监督股 Contributions Service;会费处;; Management Policy Office;管理政策处;; Management Policy Committee;管理政策委员会;; Management Reform Unit;管理改革股;; Management Reporting Unit;管理报告股;; Russian-Armenian Intergovernmental Commission on Economic Cooperation;俄罗斯-亚美尼亚政府间经济合作委员会;; Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance;友好合作互助条约;; Meetings and Conferences Services Branch;会议事务处;; Global and Regional Activities Branch;全球和区域活动处;; Regional Conference in Follow-up to the World Summit for Social Development;社会发展问题世界首脑会议后续行动区域会议;; Consensus of Sao Paulo;圣保罗共识;; Treaty Section;条约科;; Disaster Response Branch;救灾处;; Information Management Services Unit;信息管理事务股;; Policy, Advocacy and Inter-Agency Division;政策、倡导和机构间司;; Advocacy and Information Management Branch;倡导和信息管理处;; Emergency Response Branch;应急处;; Humanitarian Coordination Division;人道主义协调司;; Consolidated Appeal Process and Financial Tracking Branch;联合呼吁程序和财务支出核实处;; Inter-Agency Standing Committee Liaison;机构间常设委员会联络处;; Advocacy/External Relations Unit;倡导和对外关系股;; Inter-Agency Standing Committee/Executive Committee on Humanitarian Affairs Unit [Office of the Emergency Relief Coordinator, UNOG, proposed under SG 97 reform programme];机构间常设委员会/人道主义事务执行委员会 股;; Policy and Analysis Branch;政策和分析处;; Security Council Secretariat Branch;安全理事会秘书处事务处;SCSB;安理会处 Security Council Subsidiary Organs Branch;安全理事会附属机关事务处;SCSOB;安理会附属机关处 Asia Division;亚洲司;; Americas/Europe Division;美洲和欧洲司;; Office for Development Financing;发展筹资处;; Economic and Social Council Servicing Branch;经济及社会理事会服务处经社会服务处;ESB;经社会服务处 General Assembly Servicing Branch;大会服务处;GASB; General Assembly Subsidiary Organs Servicing Branch;大会附属机关服务处;; Interpretation, Meetings and Publishing Division;口译、会议和出版司;IMPD;口译司 Documentation Programming and Monitoring Unit;文件规划和监测股文件规监股;DPMU;文件规监股 General Assembly and Economic and Social Council Affairs Division;大会和经济及社会理事会事务司 大会经社理事会司;GAEAD;大会经社理事会司 Office of Communications and Public Information;传播和新闻厅;; Division for Public Economics and Public Administration;公共经济学和公共行政司;DPEPA;公共行政司 Division for ECOSOC Support and Coordination;经社理事会支助和协调司;DESC;经社支协司 Information Support Unit;信息支助股;ISU;信息股 Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women;性别问题和提高妇女地位特别顾问办公室;OSAGI;性别问题特别顾问办公室 Division for Development Policy Analysis;发展政策分析司;; United Nations System Position Statement on India;联合国系统关于印度的立场声明;; KPONGO, Ambroisine;安布鲁瓦西恩·克蓬戈;; AMERASINGHE, Chittharanjan Felix;奇塔兰坚·费利克斯·阿梅拉辛格;; Audi;奥迪;; Cherokee;切诺基;; Cadillac;卡迪拉克;; Fiat;菲亚特;; Ferrari;法拉利[汽车名];; Honda;本田;; Iveco;伊维科;; Otto;奥拓;; Peugeot;标致;; Toyota;丰田;; Volkswagen;大众;; MSBA;工商管理科学硕士;MSBA; Computer Associates International, Inc;国际联合电脑公司;; de-ethnicize;非种族化;; on a recourse basis;临时挪借;; recourse basis, on a;临时挪借;; translation through relay;接力转译;; relay translation;接力转译;; BRAYER, Linda;琳达·布拉耶尔;; Society of St. Yves;圣伊维斯协会;; Agreement concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions for Periodical Technical Inspections of Wheeled Vehicles and the Reciprocal Recognition of such Inspections;采用轮式车辆定期技术检查统一条件和互相 承认这种检查的协定;; Protocol on Combined Transport on Inland Waterways to the European Agreement on Important International Combined Transport Lines and Their Related Installation AGTC;欧洲重要国际联合运输线及其有关设施协定 联合运输线协定关于内陆水道联合运输的 议定书;; Fund Convention International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage;基金公约 关于设立油污损害赔偿国际基金 的国际公约 ;FUND Convention;关于设立油污损害赔偿国际基金 的国际公约 Society for all Ages, A;不分年龄人人共享的社会;; Jabal Abu Ghneim;阿布古奈姆[山];; Towards a Society for all Ages;建立一个不分年龄人人共享的社会;; DOSTIEV, Abdumadjid;阿布杜马吉德·杜斯提耶夫;; virtual communities;虚拟群体;; Orphan and Relief Assistance International;国际孤儿和救济援助组织;; El Nino Current;厄尔尼诺海流;; El Nino phenomenon;厄尔尼诺现象;; United Nations Mission to Iraq;联合国伊拉克特派团;; DORDAH, Abuzed Omar;阿布扎德·奥马尔·杜尔达;; BRUGUIERE, Jean-Louis;让-路易·布吕吉埃;; KUNTZLE, Gerhard;格哈德·金策尔;; Treaty on the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa;非洲商业法统一公约;; Conference of the Heads of State, Government and Delegation of France and Africa;法国和非洲国家元首、政府首脑和代表团团 长会议;; Measures for Sub-Regional Arms Control [Dayton Agreement];分区域军备控制措施;; Media Action Working Group;媒体行动工作组;; Joint Election Operation Centre;联合选举工作中心;; 2000 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons;不扩散核武器条约缔约国2000年审议大会;; Special Programme for Food Security;粮食安全特别方案 粮安方案;SPFS;粮安方案 Declaration on the end of the rebellious action;关于终止叛乱的声明;; CIVICUS--World Alliance for Citizen Participation;公民社会-公民参与世界联盟;; Joint Russian-Egyptian Commission on Trade and Economic, Scientific and Technological Cooperation;俄罗斯-埃及贸易和经济、科技合作委员会;; integrated resource framework;综合资源框架;IRF; Autorite Portuaire Nationale;国家港务局;APN; Baku Accord on Regional Cooperation against Illicit Cultivation, Production, Trafficking, Distribution and Consumption of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances and their Precursors;禁止麻醉药品和精神药物及其前体非法种植 、生产、贩运、分销和消费区域合作巴库 协定;; Global Programme on Money Laundering;打击洗钱全球方案;; Drugs and Crime: New Challenges;毒品与犯罪:新的挑战;; South-East Asia Subregional Action Plan [drug control];东南亚分区域行动计划;; Global Vision, Local Voice - A strategic communications programme for the United Nations;全球的展望,地方的声音-联合国的一个战略性传播方案;; Protocol on the Main Functions and Powers of the Commission on National Reconciliation;关于民族和解委员会的主要职能和权力的议 定书;; Protocol on the Guarantees of the Implementation of the General Agreement on Establishment of Peace and National Accord in Tajikistan [Tehran, 28 May 97];关于建立塔吉克斯坦和平与民族和解总协定执行保证议定书;; International Training Workshop on Probation;国际假释训练讲习班;; Handbook on Procedures and Criteria for determining Refugee Status under the 1951 Convention and the 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees [Sept 1979];根据关于难民地位的1951年公约和1967年议 定书确定难民身份的程序和标准手册;; 1998: Human Rights Year;1998: 人权年;; Directive and Instructions to the Registry;对书记官处的指示;; Directive on the Assignment of Defence Counsel;关于指定辩护律师的指示;; Code of Conduct for Defence Counsel;辩护律师行为守则;; Model Protocol Additional to the Agreements between States and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards;各国和国际原子能机构关于实施保障的协定 的附加议定书范本;; Protocol Additional to the Agreement between XXX and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards;XXX和国际原子能机构关于实施保障的协 定附加议定书;; CFE-1A agreements;CFE-1A协定;; Personal Envoy for Western Sahara;西撒哈拉问题个人特使;; Trust Fund for the least developed countries in the work of the Preparatory Committee on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court and the 1998 Diplomatic Conference of Plenipotentiaries;参加设立国际刑事法院筹备委员会工作和1998年全权代表外交会议的最不发达国家信托 基金;; European Year of Older People and Solidarity between Generations;欧洲老年人和各代间团结年;; General Affairs Council;一般事务理事会;; Trust Fund for the Least Developed Countries;最不发达国家信托基金;; Executive Director of the Iraq Programme;伊拉克方案执行主任;; Trust Fund for Preventive Action;预防性行动信托基金;; Executive Coordinator for Common Services;共同事务执行协调员;; Applications Development Section;应用程序开发科;; Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand Economic Cooperation;孟印斯泰经济合作;BIST-EC; adjournment of a debate;暂停辩论;; temporary adjournment of a session;暂行休会;; Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and on Their Destruction;关于禁止使用、储存、生产和转让杀伤人员 地雷及销毁此种地雷的公约;; Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;香港特别行政区;HKSAR; New Agenda for Disarmament and Regional Security;裁军和区域安全新议程;; Priority Issues on the Current Disarmament Agenda [theme of 1996 Kathmandu regional disarmament meeting];目前裁军议程中的优先问题;; North-East Asia Dialogue: The Kanazawa Process;东北亚对话:金泽进程;; Common Efforts towards a Safer Nuclear-Weapon-Free World;共同努力建设一个更安全的无核武器世界;; Rainbow International Movement against Drugs;彩虹国际禁毒运动;; Inter-American Convention against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunitions, Explosives, and Other Related Materials;美洲国家禁止非法制造和贩运火器、弹药、 爆炸物及其他有关材料公约;; Espace republicain pour la defense de la democratie et de l'unite nationale;捍卫民主和国家统一共和联盟共和联盟;ERDDUN;共和联盟 Alliance for Africa's Industrialization;非洲工业化联盟;AIA; Programme for Improving Livelihood and Urban Settlements;改善生计和城市住区方案;PLUS; Bridgetown Declaration of Principles;布里奇敦原则宣言;; Peace Secretariat;和平秘书处;SEPAZ; Consultative Group for Guatemala;危地马拉协商小组;; National Agricultural Development Council;国家农业发展理事会农发会;CONADEA;农发会 Timetable Agreement;时间表协定;; Commission on the Strengthening of the Justice System;加强司法制度委员会;; Land Trust Fund;土地信托基金;; Presidential Office for Legal Assistance and Dispute Settlement in Land Matters;解决土地争端法律援助总统办公室 法援办;CONTIERRA;法援办 Commission on Holy Places;圣地事务委员会;; National Civic Education Programme for Democracy and Peace;全国民主与和平公民教育方案;; Pre-Trial Chamber;预审分庭;; Foundation for International Community Assistance;国际社区援助基金会社援基金会;FINCA;社援基金会 Forum on Women and Traditional Technologies;妇女与传统技术论坛;; Countdown to 1999;1999年倒计时;; Ulaanbaatar Memorandum of Understanding;乌兰巴托谅解备忘录;; People and Resource Dynamics Project in Mountain Watershed of the Hindu Kush-Himalayas;兴都库什-喜马拉雅山脉山区流域人口和资源动态项目;PARDYP; Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Information and Mapping System;粮食安全薄弱环节信息和绘图系统;FIVIMS; Agency for Facilitating Real Estate Transactions;便利房地产交易处;; From the Dove to Peace;从鸽子到和平;; Special Rapid Action Unit;特别快速行动队;; Leadership Fund for African Women;非洲妇女领导基金;; High-level meeting of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific to review the implementation of the Bali Declaration and the Programme of Action [proposed for 1998];亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会审查巴厘宣言 和行动纲领执行情况高级别会议;; Ad Hoc Committee on Population and Development;人口和发展特设委员会;; International forum for the review and appraisal of the Programme of Action;行动纲领审查评估国际论坛;; Short Guide for Setting National Targets on Ageing;制订国家老龄目标简要指南;; small arms;小武器;SA; Statement on small arms;关于小武器的声明;; Call upon Afghanistan;对阿富汗的呼吁;; Joint appeal on small arms;关于小武器的联合呼吁;; Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage;核损害补充赔偿公约;; Dag Hammarskjold Medal;达格·哈马舍尔德勋章;; Declaration of the Economic Community of West African States Committee of Four on Sierra Leone [Abidjan, 30 July 97];西非国家经济共同体塞拉利昂问题四国委员会宣言;; ECOWAS Committee of Four on Sierra Leone;西非经共体塞拉利昂问题四国委员会;; Law on the Use of Flags of the National Minorities [Republic of Macedonia];少数民族旗帜使用法;; Agreement on Border Crossings;过境协定;; Almaty Outline Plan;阿拉木图纲要计划;; Multilateral High-Level Conference on the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific;养护和管理西中太平洋高度洄游鱼类种群多 边高级别会议;; Pacific Islands Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation APEC Centre;太平洋岛屿亚太经合中心;; Statement on Climate Change and Sea Level Rise;关于气候变化和海平面上升的声明;; Economic Summit of Small Island States Leaders;小岛屿国家领导人经济首脑会议;; Majuro Declaration;马朱罗宣言;; Economic Ministers Meeting;经济部长会议;; Aitutaki Declaration on Regional Security Cooperation;关于区域安全合作的艾图塔基宣言;; Pacific Islands Centre;太平洋岛屿中心;PIC; Forum Leaders retreat statement on climate change;论坛领导人静修会关于气候变化的声明;; PARDO, Fernando Chico;费尔南多·奇科·帕尔多;; HARSHEGYI, Frigyes;弗里杰什·哈尔什海吉;; PAPAMARKOU, Alexander P.;亚历山大·帕帕马尔库;; PLOIX, Helene;埃莱娜·普卢瓦;; BARADEI, Mohamed El;穆罕默德·巴拉迪;; ElBARADEI, Mohamed;穆罕默德·巴拉迪;; Failpule;长老大会联合主席;; Towards More Humane and Effective Sanction Management;以更人道和有效的方式处理制裁;; KIM, Fook;金福;; U Ko Lay;吴哥莱;; U AUNG SHWE;吴昂瑞;; Humane Society International;国际慈善协会;; Shan Nationalities League for Democracy;掸邦民主联合会 掸邦民联;SNLD;掸邦民联 International Year of Thanksgiving;国际感恩年;; Expert Workshop on Participation and Social Justice;关于参与和社会正义问题的专家研讨会;; Follow-up to the World Summit for Social Development;社会发展问题世界首脑会议的后续行动;; Third United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space;第三次联合国探索与和平利用外层空间会议 第三次外空会议;UNISPACE III;第三次外空会议 Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law;联合国贸易法委员会跨国界破产示范法;; Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination;向种族主义和种族歧视进行战斗的十年;; Third Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination;向种族主义和种族歧视进行战斗的第三个 十年;; World Conference on Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance;种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和有关不容 忍行为行为世界会议;; World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance;反对种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和有关 不容忍行为世界会议;; Mexico City Policy;墨西哥城政策;; Partners for Development Initiative;发展伙伴倡议;; Alhaji;哈吉;; Alhajiya;哈吉娅;; BAKWESEGHA, Christopher;克里斯托弗·巴奎塞加;; CALOVSKI, Naste;娜斯特·查洛夫斯基;; HANDZISKI, Blagoj;布拉戈伊·汉季斯基;; MASRI, Ahmad Fathi AL-;艾哈迈德·法特希·马斯里;; Agreement on the Establishment of the International Vaccine Institute;关于建立国际疫苗研究所的协定;; SALIBA, George;乔治·萨利巴;; Substantive Economic and Social Council Secretariat;经济及社会理事会实务秘书处;; MUJAHID, Abdul Hakeem;阿卜杜勒·哈基姆·穆贾希德;; Institute for the Social and Professional Reintegration of Ex-Combatants;退役战士重返社会和重操专业研究所 社专所;IRSEM;社专所 KAPANGA, Andre Mwamba;安德烈·姆万巴·卡潘加;; OKITUNDU, She;谢·奥基通杜;; micro air vehicle;微型飞行器;MAV; microflyers;微型飞行器;; airplanes-on-a-chip;芯片飞机;; Heshvan;希伯莱历二月;; GOLD, Dore;多尔·戈尔德;; Force Armee Rwandaise;卢旺达武装部队;FAR; Front Patriotique pour la Progres;爱国进步阵线;FPP; air-launched bomb;空投炸弹;; IAEA Action Team on Iraq;原子能机构伊拉克问题行动队;; Action Team on Iraq;伊拉克问题行动小组;; DILLON, Garry;加里·狄龙;; Account for Development;发展帐户;; pro tempore secretariat;临时秘书处;; United Nations Foundation, Inc.;联合国基金会;UNF; WIRTH, Timothy E.;蒂莫西·沃思;; KANE, Angela;安格拉·凯恩;; Villafranca space station;比利亚弗兰卡空间站;; Aeronautical and Space Information and Education Centre of Uruguay;乌拉圭航空和空间信息和教育中心 航空信教中心;CIDA-E;航空信教中心 National Commission for Space Activities CONAE;全国空间活动委员会;CONAE; Charter of Partnership among United States of America, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania;美利坚合众国、爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚和立陶宛之间伙伴关系宪章;; NIMETZ, Matthew;马修·尼米兹;; MEDICIS, Joao Augusto de;若昂·奥古斯托·德梅迪西斯;; MONTALVAN, Emilio ALVAREZ;埃米利奥·阿尔瓦雷斯·蒙塔尔万;; volunteers White Helmets;白盔志愿人员;; White Helmets volunteers;白盔志愿人员;; Union Solidarity and Development Association;联邦巩固与发展协会;USDA; KHIN NYUNT;钦纽;; TIN Oo;丁吴;; Maung Maung Khin;貌貌钦;; TIN TUN;丁吞;; MYA THIN;妙丁;; TUN KYI;吞基;; ABEL;埃博尔;; U OHN GYAW;吴翁觉;; U THA KYAW;吴达觉;; U TUN YI;吴吞意;; U HKUN HTUN OO;吴昆吞吴;; U SAI AI PAO;吴赛艾邦;; U SET;吴赛;; CQIN;中国质量信息网 中质网;CQIN;中质网 LLANOS, Ignacio;伊格纳西奥·利亚诺斯;; KOROMAH, Johnny Paul;约翰尼·保罗·科罗马赫;; CARLSTROM;卡尔斯特伦;; certification authority;验证机构;; privately financed infrastructure project;私人融资基础设施项目;; SAMAH, Dalila;达利拉·萨马赫;; SOULAMA, Hilaire;希莱尔·苏拉马;; DJABIR, Ahmed;艾哈迈德·贾比尔;; HAN, Chol O;韩哲伍;; RI, Chon Ung;李天鹰;; MAKONGA, Monga Mulenda;蒙加·穆伦达·马孔加;; RWUBUSISI, Mugereranya;穆盖雷兰亚·鲁布西西;; DOBE, Thomas Mbalanga;托马斯·姆巴兰加·多贝;; NGAY, Mukongo;穆孔戈·恩盖;; KELLMAN, Alexander;亚历山大·克尔曼;; BENEKE, Ana Geraldina;安娜·赫拉尔蒂娜·贝内克;; SAUVAGEOT, Jean-Philippe;让-菲利普·索瓦若;; LAKATOS, Veronika;韦罗妮卡·拉卡托什;; AL-MULGAWI, Gasim M.;卡西姆·穆勒贾维;; MULGAWI, Gasim M. AL-;卡西姆·穆勒贾维;; PRIEDKALNS, Janis;亚尼斯·普里埃德卡尔恩斯;; GOUVEIA, Cesar;塞萨尔·古韦亚;; OUSMANE, Alhassane;阿尔哈桑·奥斯曼;; status conference;情况会商;; Ministry of Education;教育部;MOE; Government of Iraq;伊拉克政府伊政府;GOI;伊政府 multi-disciplinary observation unit;多学科观察股;MDOU; Ministry of Transport and Communications;交通运输部;MOT; KADLEC, Ladislav;拉吉斯拉夫·卡德莱茨;; CIOBANU, Igor;伊戈尔·乔巴努;; AIDOGDYEV, Essen M.;埃森·艾多格德耶夫;; State Peace and Development Council;国家和平与发展委员会 和发会;SPDC;和发会 electronic signature;电子签字;; Centre for Trade and Commercial Diplomacy;贸易和商业外交中心;; HCV;丙肝病毒;HCV; Economic Union of Palestine;巴勒斯坦经济联盟;; Efrat;埃弗拉特;; Israel-Jordan Armistice Agreement;以色列-约旦停战协定;; Mandate for Palestine;巴勒斯坦委任统治[书];; Mandatory Power;受委任统治国;; Moghrabi Quarter;穆格拉比区;; upstream activities;上游活动;; Partition Plan of Palestine;巴勒斯坦分治计划;; Plan of Partition with Economic Union;政治分治经济合一计划;; Provisional Council of Government;临时政务会;; undeclared equipment;未申报的设备;; declared equipment;申报的设备;; final full, final and complete declaration;最后的全面、最后和彻底申报 最后全面申报;FFCD-F;最后全面申报 yellowcake;黄饼;; BANGURA, Thaimu;赛姆·班古拉;; KALLON, Maigore;马伊戈雷·卡伦;; BEREWA, Solomon Ekuma;所罗门·埃库马·贝雷瓦;; YILLAH, Momodu;莫莫杜·伊拉;; JALLOH, Sulaiman Tejan;苏莱曼·泰詹·贾洛;; HARDING, Prince A.;普林斯·哈丁;; SALIA-BAO, Kemoh;凯莫·萨利亚-巴奥;; WURIE, Alpha T.;阿尔法·武里;; TURAY, Mohammed K.;穆罕默德·图拉伊;; WILL, Harry;哈里·威尔;; THOMAS, George Banda;乔治·班达·托马斯;; SMYTHE, Amy;埃米·斯迈思;; GASSAMA, Mohammed;穆罕默德·加萨马;; MANSARAY, Yembeh;延贝·曼萨赖;; THORLLU-BANGURA, Abdul;阿卜杜勒·托卢-班古拉;; BANGURA, Abdul THORLLU-;阿卜杜勒·托卢-班古拉;; KAMARA, Lawrence;劳伦斯·卡马拉;; GRANT, Emmanuel O.;伊曼纽尔·格兰特;; SAFFA, George K.;乔治·萨法;; SACCOH, Sheku B.;谢库·萨科;; KAMARA, Abdul Rahman;阿卜杜勒·拉赫曼·卡马拉;; Sierra Leone People's Party;塞拉利昂人民党塞人民党;SLPP;塞人民党 United National People's Party;全国团结人民党团结人民党;UNPP;团结人民党 All People's Congress;全国人民大会党大会党;APC;大会党 Democratic Centre Party;民主中心党 中心党;DCP;中心党 Democratic People's Party;民主人民党;DPP; downstream activities;下游活动;; Sierra Leone Democratic Party;塞拉利昂民主党;SLDP; People's Progressive Party;人民进步党 进步党;PPP;进步党 People's National Convention;全国人民代表大会 人代会;PNC;人代会 National Unity Movement;民族团结运动 团结运动;NUM;团结运动 Social Democratic Party SDP;社会民主党 社民党;SDP;社民党 National Alliance Democratic Party;全国民主党联盟民主党联盟;NADP;民主党联盟 National People's Party;全国人民党人民党;NPP;人民党 National Front for the Restoration of Human Rights and Democracy in Sierra Leone;恢复塞拉利昂的人权和民主全国阵线;; Sierra Leoneon Initiative for Peace;塞拉利昂和平倡议;SLIP; Sierra Leone News Agency;塞拉利昂新闻社;Slena; Sierra Leone Broadcasting Service;塞拉利昂广播局;SLBS; Conakry Peace Plan;科纳克里和平计划;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司