翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Abidjan Peace Agreement;阿比让和平协定;; Ministerial Committee of Four on Sierra Leone;塞拉利昂问题四国部长级委员会;; Ministerial Committee of Five on Sierra Leone [comprising the Foreign Ministers of Nigeria, Guinea, Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana, lately adding Liberia];塞拉利昂问题五国部长级委员会;; Contact Group on Sierra Leone;塞拉利昂问题联络小组;; LIM, Chang Yuel;林昌烈;; United Nations Conference on Climate Change;联合国气候变化问题会议;; aerosols;浮质;; anthropogenic climate change;人类引起的气候变化;; bottom-up;从下往上[的方法];; cap and trade;上限和交易;; carbon budget;碳预算;; natural variability;自然变数;; top-down;从上往下[的方法];; MOSHA, Felix;费利克斯·莫沙;; democratic constitutional rule;民主宪政;; National Commission for Democracy;国家民主委员会民委;NCD;民委 National Consultative Conference on Elections;全国选举协商会议;; National Republican Party;全国共和党 共和党;NRP;共和党 Coalition for Progress Party;联合进步党进步党;CPP;进步党 Kiyomizu Temple;清水寺;; UWI;国际联合募捐协会;UWI; Herri Batasuna;埃里·巴塔苏纳党;; GWENDE, Chim Ten;奇姆·滕·古文德;; Joint Exploratory Review;联合探讨性审查;; Tropical Diseases Research and Development Alliance;热带疾病研究发展联盟;; Malaria Prevention and Control Programme;疟疾防治方案;; Action Plan for Malaria Control;疟疾防治行动计划;; Task Force on Malaria Prevention and Control;疟疾防治工作队;; United Nations Special Initiative for Africa;联合国非洲特别倡议联非倡议;UNSIA;联非倡议 Special Programme on Food Production for Food Security;粮食生产促进粮食安全特别方案;SPFP; Communications for Peace-Building;传播为建设和平服务;; Sector Investment Programmes;部门投资方案;SIPs; Dubai Award for Best Practices to Improve the Living Environment;迪拜改善生活环境最佳做法奖;DABPILE; Dubai Declaration;迪拜宣言;; Regulations and Procedures concerning the Dubai Award for Best Practices;迪拜最佳做法奖条例和程序;; co-financing modalities;共同供资方式;; management support agreement;管理支助协定;; Africa Conference on Consumer Protection;非洲堡消费者会议;; World Consumer Rights Day;世界消费者权利日;; South Pacific Consumer Protection Programme;南太平洋消费者堡方案;; European Conference on Consumer Education in Schools;欧洲学校消费者教育会议;; Alternative Energy;替代能源;; Model Law for Africa;非洲示范法;; European Network of Consumer Educators;欧洲消费者教育人员网络;; green household budget;绿色家庭预算;; Pharmaceutical Technology Service Centre of Thailand;泰国制药技术服务中心;; World Solar Summit Process;世界太阳能首脑会议进程;; Charter on a Distinctive Partnership between the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Ukraine;北大西洋公约组织和乌克兰特别伙伴关系宪章;; Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Energy Efficiency Standards and Labels;能源效率标准和标记特设专家组;; Office of Audit and Performance Review;审计和业绩审查处;OAPR;审查处 Working Group on Primary Health Care;初级保健工作组;; Sub-group on Macroeconomic and Social Framework [World Bank/Inter-Agency Task force on the Enabling Environment for Economic and Social Development in Washington DC];宏观经济和社会框架分组;; Sub-group on Capacity Development for Governance;施政能力建设分组;; Women's Self-Employment Project;妇女自营职业项目;WSEP; Association pour le droit a l'initiative economique;经济活动权利协会;; Local Initiatives Project;地方行动项目;; Policy Advisory Group;政策咨询组;PAG; Declaration and Plan of Action of the Microcredit Summit;微额信贷高层会议宣言和行动计划;; Guiding Principles for Selecting and Supporting Intermediaries;甄选和支助中介机构指导原则;; Committee of Donor Agencies for Small Enterprise Development;促进小型企业发展捐助机构委员会;; Donor's Working Group on Financial Sector Development;金融部门发展问题捐助者工作组;; microenterprise intermediary;微型企业中介机构;; Institutional Action Plan;机构行动计划;; Council of Donor Agencies;捐助机构理事会;; Banking Innovation Council;银行革新理事会;; RESULTS Educational Fund;效果教育基金;; microcredit practitioners;微额信贷业者;; Microcredit Summit Council;微额信贷高层会议理事会;; Microcredit Summit 2005 Campaign Committee;微额信贷高层会议2005年运动委员会;; Microcredit Summit Declaration of Support;微额信贷支助宣言;; United Nations Association of the Virgin Islands;维尔京群岛联合国协会;UNAVI; SPECT;单光子发射计算机断层显像;SPECT; ECT;单光子发射计算机断层显像成像技术;ECT; Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Children in Armed Conflict;负责处于武装冲突中的儿童问题的秘书长特 别代表;; Working Group on International Cooperation and Judicial Assistance;国际合作和司法协助工作组;; Bangkok Statement: Furthering Asia-Africa Cooperation;曼谷声明: 促进亚非合作;; Second Asia-Africa Forum;第二次亚非论坛;; TOPFER, Klaus;克劳斯·特普费尔;; Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-four on International Monetary Affairs;二十四国国际货币事务政府间小组;; San Jose Plan of Action;圣何塞行动计划;; South-South Conference on Trade, Investment and Finance;南南贸易、投资和金融会议;; Dispute Settlement Mechanism of the World Trade Organization;世界贸易组织争端解决机制;; Iraqi Nuclear Programme;伊拉克核方案核方案;INP;核方案 Technical and Scientific Materials Import Division;技术和科学材料进口司 科技材料进口司;TSMID;科技材料进口司 Iraqi Team;伊拉克小组;IT; IAEA AT;原子能机构行动小组;IAEA AT; Kyoto Protocol;京都议定书;; Clean Development Mechanism;清洁发展机制;; ATRP;原子转移自由基聚合;ATRP; Spectrosomes;膜骨体;; Founder;北大方正集团;; CIF;碳投资基金;CIF; CHEN, Yaobang;陈耀邦;; ZHA, Peixin;查培新;; CHA, Peixin;查培新;; HIV-positive person;艾滋病毒抗体阳性者;; TOSOVSKY, Josef;约瑟夫·托绍夫斯基;; Santa Fe de Bogota;圣菲波哥大;; Minister for Equal Opportunities;机会平等事务部长;; crioconservation;低温保存法;; patria potestas;家长权;; KAMITANI, Takeshi;神谷武;; NISHIGAHIRO, Wataru;西上广涉;; YOSHIKAWA, Motohide;吉川元伟;; WATANABE, Kazuo;渡部和男;; SAITO, Mitsugu;斋藤贡;; KITAZAWA, Yoshitaka;北泽吉隆;; HIGO, Kinzo;比后金三;; OKADA, Takashi;冈田隆;; KAWAMURA, Hiroshi;川村博司;; YAMAGIWA, Koji F.X.;山际宏治;; KAWASAKI, Masahiro;川崎方启;; IZUHARA, Motonari;出原基成;; ASAI, Ken;浅井宪;; ITO, Takako;伊藤恭子;; SHIMIZU, Akinori;清水明德;; KUNITA, Miki;国田美纪;; KIMURA, Takao;木村贵雄;; SHITO, Masumi;师藤真寿美;; BUI, Xuan Nhat;裴春日;; HOUT, Unq;英霍;; Jamiati Islami;阿富汗伊斯兰促进会;; Hezbi Islami;阿富汗伊斯兰党;; HEKMATYAR, Gulbuddin;吉尔布丁·希克马蒂亚尔;; Jonbesh Meli Islami;阿富汗伊斯兰民族运动;; Union for the Coordination of Production and Transmission of Electricity;电力生产和输送协调联盟;UCPTE; UMAR, Maulvi Mohammed;穆尔维·穆罕默德·乌马尔;; Islamic Party - Khalis;伊斯兰党哈里斯派;;哈里斯派 Hizb-i-Islami Khalis;伊斯兰党;; KHALIS, Younus;尤纳斯·哈里斯;; SAYAF, Abdul Rasul;阿卜杜尔·拉苏尔·萨亚夫;; Jebhe Meli Islami;阿富汗伊斯兰民族阵线;; Harakat Enghlab Islami;阿富汗伊斯兰革命运动;; MOHAMMEDI, Nabi;纳比·穆罕默迪;; Mahas Meli;阿富汗民族解放阵线;; MUJADIDI, Sibghatullah;西卜加图拉·穆贾迪迪;; Hezbi Wahdat Islami;阿富汗伊斯兰统一党;; KHALILI, Abdul Karim;阿卜杜尔·卡利姆·哈利利;; Harakat Islami;阿富汗伊斯兰运动;; MOHSENI, Sheikh Assif;谢赫·阿瑟夫·穆赫辛尼;; SKLAR, Richard;理查德·斯克拉;; RABBANI, Mullah Mohammad;穆罕默德·拉巴尼毛拉;; DURANI, Ahmad Shah;艾哈迈德·沙阿·杜拉尼;; Durand line;杜兰德线;; Pushtunistan;普什图尼斯坦;; Grand National Assembly;支尔格大会大国民议会;;大国民议会 Meli Shura;国民议会;; Supreme Council for the Defense of the Homeland;保卫家园最高委员会;; Afghan Interim Government;阿富汗临时政府;AIG; Islamic Jihad Council;伊斯兰圣战委员会;IJC; Leadership Council;领导委员会;; Council of Resolution and Settlement;解决冲突和达成解决方案会议;; Jamiat-ul-Ulema-e-Islam;伊斯兰神学者协会;; Assembly of Islamic Clergy [Jamiat-ul-Ulema-e-Islam];伊斯兰神学者协会;; poultry flu;禽流感;; uncertified sick leave;无证明病假;; Srinakharinwirot University;诗纳卡琳威洛大学;; Martha Organization;玛尔塔组织;; FIM;芬兰马克;FIM; League of Finnish Feminists;芬兰男女平等主义者协会;UNIONI; Finnish Society of Women's Studies;芬兰妇女研究会;; Coalition of Finnish Women's Associations for Joint Action;芬兰妇女协会联合行动同盟 芬兰妇联;NYTKIS;芬兰妇联 National Council of Women of Finland;芬兰全国妇女理事会;; NGO in General Consultative Status with ECOSOC;具有经济及社会理事会全面性咨商地位的非 政府组织;; NGO in Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC;具有经济及社会理事会专门性咨商地位的非政府组织;; International Boxing Federation;国际拳击联合会;IBF; INTERLEUKINE-2;因特勒基纳-2;; ZACKHEOS, Sotos;索托斯·扎克海奥斯;; HEV;戊型肝炎病毒;HEV; ABWR;先进型沸水反应堆;ABWR; bird flu;禽流感;; Hezbi Ettehad Islami;阿富汗圣战者伊斯兰联盟;; Jamaat-i-Islami Afghanistan;阿富汗伊斯兰促进会;; Islamic Afghan Association;阿富汗伊斯兰促进会;; Ittehad-i-Islami;伊斯兰联盟;; Islamic Unity;伊斯兰联盟;; Harakat-i-Ingilab-i-Islami Afghanistan;阿富汗伊斯兰革命运动;; National Liberation Front;民族解放阵线;; Mahaz-i-Milli-i-Islami;伊斯兰民族阵线;; Hizb-i-Wahdat-i-Islami;阿富汗伊斯兰统一党;; field-office staffing table;外地办事处员额配置表;; Afghan Nasr Organization;阿富汗纳斯尔组织;; Sazmane Nasr;阿富汗纳斯尔组织;; Da'wa Party of Islamic Unity of Afghanistan;阿富汗伊斯兰统一达瓦党;; Da'wa-i-Ittehad-i-Islami Afghanistan;阿富汗伊斯兰统一达瓦党;; Guardians of the Islamic Jihad of Afghanistan;阿富汗伊斯兰圣战卫士组织;; Pasadaran-i-Jihhad-i-Afghanistan;阿富汗伊斯兰圣战卫士组织;; Islamic Force of Afghanistan;阿富汗伊斯兰力量;; Nehzat-i-Afghanistan;阿富汗伊斯兰力量;; Harakat-i-Islami Afghanistan;阿富汗伊斯兰运动;; Islamic Struggle for Afghanistan;阿富汗伊斯兰斗争组织;; Narave Islami Afghanistan;阿富汗伊斯兰斗争组织;; Hezbollah;真主党;; Jabhe Muttahid-i-Afghanistan;阿富汗伊斯兰联合阵线;; United Islamic Front of Afghanistan;阿富汗伊斯兰联合阵线;; Jumbish-i-Milli;民族阵线;; Shura-i-Ahl-i-Hal wa Aqd;解决冲突和达成解决方案会议;; Haqiqat-i-Inqilab-i-Sawr;四月革命真理报;; Truth of the April Revolution;四月革命真理报;; Anis;阿尼斯报;; Bakhtar News Agency;巴赫塔尔新闻社;; DUNBAR, Charles F.;查尔斯·邓巴;; AL-DOSARI, Rashid Saad;拉希德·萨阿德·杜萨里;; DOSARI, Rashid Saad AL-;拉希德·萨阿德·杜萨里;; AL-MANSOOR, Tawfeeq Ahmed;陶菲克·艾哈迈德·曼苏尔;; MANSOOR, Tawfeeq Ahmed AL-;陶菲克·艾哈迈德·曼苏尔;; AL-KHALIFA, Abdullah Ahmed;阿卜杜拉·艾哈迈德·哈利法;; KHALIFA, Abdullah Ahmed AL-;阿卜杜拉·艾哈迈德·哈利法;; SALEH, Mohammed Saleh Mohammed;穆罕默德·萨利赫·穆罕默德·萨利赫;; CORDEIRO de Andrade Pinto, Paulo;保罗·科代罗·德安德拉德·平托;; Pinto, Paulo CORDEIRO de Andrade;保罗·科代罗·德安德拉德·平托;; EBANG, Marcelin Mve;马塞兰·姆韦·埃邦;; MOUNGARA, Alfred;阿尔弗雷德·蒙加拉;; LOUMBA, Gregoire;格雷瓜尔·卢姆巴;; ONANGA, Annette;安妮特·奥南加;; NKAZENGANY, Dominique Roger;多米尼克·罗歇·恩卡曾加尼;; SALLAH, Abdoulie Momodou;阿卜杜利·莫莫杜·萨拉赫;; JOHNSON, Crispin Gray;克里斯平·格雷·约翰逊;; TOURAY, Mawdo;马夫多·图雷;; ZBOGAR, Samuel;塞缪尔·日博加尔;; LENARCIC, Janez;亚内兹·莱纳契奇;; SMARTH, Rosny;罗斯尼·斯马思;; Plataforma Politica LAVALAS;拉瓦拉斯政治组织拉瓦拉斯组织;PPL;拉瓦拉斯组织 Alliance Nationale pour la Democratie et le Progres;全国进步民主同盟 民主同盟;ANDP;民主同盟 Assemblee populaire Nationale;国民大会党 国大党;APN;国大党 PAUL, EVANS;伊万·保罗;; Front National de Concertation;全国协调阵线协阵;FNC;协阵 GOURGUE, Gerard;热拉尔·古尔盖;; Comite National du Congres des Mouvements Democratiques;民主运动大会国民委员会;KONAKOM; BENOIT, Victor;维克托·贝努瓦;; Front contre la Repression;反镇压阵线;; Creole;克里奥尔语; 克里奥尔人;; Port-au-Prince;太子港;; SMARTH, Rony;罗尼·斯马思;; Hispaniola;伊斯帕尼奥拉岛;; voodoo;伏都教;; Tontons Macoutes;鬼怪部队;; International Day in support of Victims of Torture;支持酷刑受害者国际日;; United Nations International Day in support of Victims of Torture;联合国支持酷刑受害者国际日;; National Council of Government;全国执政委员会全执委;CNG;全执委 Conseil National du Gouvernement;全国执政委员会全执委;CNG;全执委 National Front for Change and Democracy;争取改革和民主全国阵线改革阵线;FNCD;改革阵线 Unified Party of Haitian Communists;海地共产主义者统一党共产党;PUCH;共产党 Lavalas Political Organization;拉瓦拉斯政治组织拉瓦拉斯组织;OPL;拉瓦拉斯组织 Mobilization for National Development party;全国发展动员党 发动党;MDN;发动党 Parti de l'Unite Nationale;民族团结党团结党;PUN;团结党 Parti Nationale Progressiste;民族进步党民进党;PNP;民进党 Haitian National Christian Party;海地全国基督教党 基督教党;PCNH;基督教党 Parti Chretien National d'Haiti;海地全国基督教党基督教党;PCNH;基督教党 National Congress of Democratic Movements;全国民主运动大会 民运大会;CNMD;民运大会 Congres National des Mouvements Democratiques;全国民主运动大会民运大会;CNMD;民运大会 National Front for Concerted Action;全国协调阵线协阵;FNC;协阵 Plateforme Politique Lavalas;拉瓦拉斯政治组织拉瓦拉斯组织;PPL;拉瓦拉斯组织 Organisation Politique Lavaras;拉瓦拉斯政治组织;; Organisasyon Politik Lavalas;拉瓦拉斯政治组织拉瓦拉斯组织;OPL;拉瓦拉斯组织 Movement for the Organization of the Country;国家组织运动国组运动;MOP;国组运动 Mouvement d'Organisation du Pays;国家组织运动国组运动;MOP;国组运动 Confederation of Democratic Unity CUD0;民主统一联盟;CUD; Confederation d'Unite Democratique;民主团结联盟团结联盟;CUD;团结联盟 Konvansyon Inite Demokratic;民主统一委员会;KID; Party of the National Congress of Democratic Movements;全国民主运动大会党 民运大会党;CNMD;民运大会党 Parti du Congres National des Mouvements Democratiques;全国民主运动大会党 民运大会党;CNMD;民运大会党 Pati Kongre Nasyonal Mouvman Demokratic Yo;民主运动大会党 民运大会党;Konakom;民运大会党 Rally of Progressive National Democrats;全国进步民主人士联合会进步民联;RDNP;进步民联 Rassemblement des Democrates Nationaux Progressistes;全国进步民主人士联合会进步民联;RDNP;进步民联 Revolutionary Progressive Nationalist Party;民族主义革命进步党民族革进党;Panpra;民族革进党 Nationalism Progressive Revolutionary Party;民族主义革命进步党民族革进党;Panpra;民族革进党 Movement for the Installation of Democracy in Haiti;海地争取建立民主制度运动 民制运动;MIDH;民制运动 Movement for Establishment of Democracy in Haiti;海地争取建立民主制度运动民制运动;MIDH;民制运动 Mouvement pour l'Instauration de la Democratie en Haiti;海地争取建立民主制度运动民制运动;MIDH;民制运动 National Alliance for Democracy and Progress;全国进步民主同盟民主同盟;ANDP;民主同盟 Movement for National Reconstruction;全国重建运动 重建运动;MRN;重建运动 Mouvement pour la Reconstruction Nationale;全国重建运动重建运动;MRN;重建运动 Revolutionary Front for the Advancement and Progress of Haiti;争取海地进步革命阵线进革阵;FRAPH;进革阵 Le Frap;争取海地进步革命阵线进革阵;FRAPH;进革阵 Parti Agricole et Industriel National;全国农工党 农工党;PAIN;农工党 Mobilisation pour le Developpement National;全国发展动员党发动党;MDN;发动党 Haitian Christian Democratic Party;海地基督教民主党 基民党;PDCH;基民党 Parti Democratique Chretien d'Haiti;海地基督教民主党 基民党;PDCH;基民党 Front against Repression;反镇压阵线;; Front contra la Repression;反镇压阵线;; Autonomous Central of Haitian Workers;海地工人中部自治会中部自治会;CATH;中部自治会 Centrale Autonome des Travailleurs Haitiens;海地工人中部自治会 中部自治会;CATH;中部自治会 September 17 Popular Organization;9·17人民组织;; OP-17 Septembre;9-17人民组织;; Organisation Popular de 17 Septembre;9·17人民组织;; National People's Assembly;国民大会党国大党;APN;国大党 Panafrican Conference on Peace, Gender and Development;关于和平、妇女与发展的泛非会议;; Alliance for the Liberation and Advancement of Haiti;争取海地解放与进步联盟 解进联盟;ALAH;解进联盟 Alliance pour la Liberation et l'Advancement d'Haiti;争取海地解放与进步联盟 解进联盟;ALAH;解进联盟 Assembly of Democrats for the Republic;民主人士保卫共和国联合会民主卫国会;RDR;民主卫国会 Rassemblement des Democrates pour la Republique;民主人士保卫共和国联合会民主卫国会;RDR;民主卫国会 Haitian Moderate Republican Party;海地温和共和党 温共党;PRMH;温共党 Parti Republicain Modere Haitien;海地温和共和党温共党;PRMH;温共党 Haitian National Popular Party;海地全国人民党 人民党;PPNH;人民党 Parti Populaire National Haitien;海地全国人民党人民党;PPNH;人民党 Movement for the Liberation of Haiti/Revolutionary Party of Haiti;海地解放运动/海地革命党 解运/革命党;MLH/PRH;解运/革命党 Mouvement pour la Liberation d'Haiti/Parti Revolutionnaire d'Haiti;海地解放运动/海地革命党解运/革命党;MLH/PRH;解运/革命党 Mouvement pour la Liberation d'Haiti;海地解放运动解运;MLH;解运 Movement for the Liberation of Haiti;海地解放运动 解运;MLH;解运 Revolutionary Party of Haiti;海地革命党革命党;PRH;革命党 Parti Revolutionnaire d'Haiti;海地革命党革命党;PRH;革命党 National Konbit Movement;全国孔比特运动 孔比特运动;MCN; Mouvement Koumbite National;全国孔比特运动 孔比特运动;MCN;孔比特运动 National Party of Labour;全国工党工党;PNT;工党 Parti National du Travail;全国工党工党;PNT;工党 National Patriotic Movement;全国爱国运动爱国运动;MNP;爱国运动 Mouvement Nationale Patriotique;全国爱国运动爱国运动;MNP;爱国运动 Party for National Unity and Development;民族团结和发展党 团结发展党;PUND;团结发展党 Parti pour l'Unite Nationale et le Developpement;民族团结和发展党团结发展党;PUND;团结发展党 Louvri Baye;开门;; Organization for Democracy in Haiti;促进海地民主组织 促进民主组织;OPDH;促进民主组织 Organisation pour la Democratie en Haiti;促进海地民主组织 促进民主组织;OPDH;促进民主组织 Union of Democratic Patriots;民主爱国人士联盟爱国联盟;UPD;爱国联盟 Union des Patriotes Democratiques;民主爱国人士联盟爱国联盟;UPD;爱国联盟 Electricity Network Rehabilitation Programme for Northern Iraq;伊拉克北部电力网重建方;; National Research and Investigation Centre;国家研究和调查中心;CNRI; Centre national de recherche et d'investigation;国家研究和调查中心;CNRI; Section d'enquete, de recherche et de la documentation;调查、研究和文献科;SERD; Pro-femmes/TWESE HAMWE;提高妇女地位组织/齐心协力组织;; TWESE HAMWE;齐心协力组织;; Forum Democratique pour la Modernite;争取现代化民主论坛 民主论坛;FODEM;民主论坛 Mouvement de Liberation du Peuple Centrafricain;中非人民解放运动;MLPC; Chairman pro tempore;临时主席;; PANTING, Delmer URBIZO;德尔梅尔·乌尔维索·潘廷;; URBIZO PANTING, Delmer;德尔梅尔·乌尔维索·潘廷;; Comprehensive Audit and Recommendations Database System;审计和建议数据库综合系统;CARDS; ZALVIDAR, Luis Arturo;路易斯·阿图罗·萨尔维达尔;; VILLALOBOS, Fernando NARANJO;费尔南多·纳兰霍·比利亚洛沃斯;; NARANJO VILLALOBOS, Fernando;费尔南多·纳兰霍·比利亚洛沃斯;; ALVAREZ MONTALVAN, Emilio;埃米利奥·阿尔瓦雷斯·蒙塔尔万;; AGULLERA, Gabriel;加夫列尔·阿古列拉;; D'ALESSANDRO, Guido;吉多·德亚历山德罗;; GAO, Shangquan;高尚全;; Working Group on Toponymy Course;地名学培训班工作组;; United Nations Training Course on Geographical Names;联合国地名培训班;; Names Research Institute of South Africa;南非地名研究所;; shi;市;; cho;町;; machi;町;; son;乡;; mura;乡;; Geographical Survey Institute;地理测绘所;GSI; Joint Committee on the Standardization of Geographical Names;地名标准化联合委员会;; Advisory Board on Geographical Names in Oceans and Seas;海洋地名咨询委员会;; Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition;日本南极研究考察;JARE; Antarctic Geographical Names Committee;南极地名委员会;; National Geographical Names Gazetteer;国家地名词典;; Commission for the Standardization of Geographical Names Outside Poland;波兰境外地名标准化委员会;; China Committee on Geographical Names;中国地名委员会;; Institute for Chinese Toponymic Research;中国地名研究所;; Technical Commission on the Standardization of Chinese Geographical Names;中国地名标准化技术委员会;; UKAS;英国皇家认可委员会;UKAS; Compilation of Geographical Names in the People's Republic of China;中华人民共和国地名录;; Charter of Partnership;伙伴关系宪章;; impregnated bednet;浸药蚊帐;; national-owned equipment;国家所属装备;; Al-Hayat Al-Jadida;新生活报;; Al-Ayyam;天天日报;; AL-HOSANI, Yacub Yousif;雅各布·优素福·胡塞尼;; HOSANI, Yacub Yousif AL-;雅各布·优素福·胡塞尼;; Handbook for the Translation of Foreign Geographical Names;外国地名译名手册;; Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Geographical Names in the People's Republic of China;中华人民共和国地名大词典;; Atlas and Gazetteer of Standard Geographical Names in the People's Republic of China by Administrative Division;中华人民共和国标准行政区划地名图集;; Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Ancient and Modern Chinese Geographical Names;中国古今地名大词典;; Principles of Chinese-character Transcription of Foreign Geographical Names;外国地名汉字译写规则;; Principles of Chinese-character Translation of the Li Language;黎语地名汉字译音规则;; Principles of Chinese-character Transcription of the Liangshan Yi Language;凉山彝语地名汉字译音规则;; MELLO, Sergio Vieira de;塞尔希奥·比埃拉·德梅洛;; de MELLO, Sergio Vieira;塞尔希奥·比埃拉·德梅洛;; Process of Stability and Good Neighbourliness in South-East Europe Royaumont Initiative;东南欧稳定和睦邻进程 拉姚蒙特倡议;;拉姚蒙特倡议 CMBA;男子职业篮球联赛;CMBA; South-East European Cooperative Initiative;东南欧合作倡议;; Administrative Regulations for Geographical Names;地名管理条例;; Guidelines for Implementing Administrative Regulations for Geographical Names;地名管理条例实施细则;; Principles of Pinyin Romanization of Chinese Geographical Names [Han-language Section];中国地名汉语拼音字母拼写规则 [汉语地名部分];; Technical Norms for Chinese Toponymic Information Systems [Trial Implementation];中国地名信息系统技术规范 [试行];; General Principles for Han-character Transcription of Foreign Geographical Names [Trial Implementation];外国地名汉字译写通则 [试行];; Principles of Transliterating English, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Arabic Names;英、法、德、俄、西班牙、阿拉伯六种译 名规则;; Table of Han Character Forms for General Use in Printed Materials;印刷通用汉字字型表;; Chinese Phonetic Plan;汉语拼音方案;; Methods for Converting Minority-language Geographical Names to Pinyin Romanization;少数民族语地名汉语拼音字母音译转写法;; Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre;捷克测绘和土地清册局;COSMAC; Fundamental Base of Geographic Data;地理数据基础基;ZABAGED; Coordination Office of the National Programme for Women;国家妇女方案协调办公室;PRONAM; Partido de Accion Nacional;国家行动党;PAN; National Action Party PAN;国家行动党[墨西哥];PAN; Partido Revolucionario Democratico;民主革命党;PRD; Democratic Revolutionary Party;民主革命党;PRD; Partido Revolucionario Institucional;革命制度党;PRI; Institutional Revolutionary Party;革命制度党;PRI; National Executive Committee CEN;全国执行委员会;; Emergency Service Organization;紧急服务组织;ESO; Board on Geographical Names;地名委员会;AKO; Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Kartographische Ortsnamenkunde;地名委员会;AKO; Austrian Geographical Society;奥地利地理学会;; Austrian Cartographic Commission;奥地利地图绘制委员会;; Permanent Committee on Geographical Names;地名常设委员会;; Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying;联邦计量和测量局;BEV; Bundesamt fur Eich- und Vermessungswesen;联邦计量和测量局;BEV; services of the Social and Counselling Programme;社会和咨询服务方案;SeCor; Monitoring of Eastern Europe;东欧监测莫内项目;MONEE project;莫内项目 SALAMANCA, Alberto;阿尔韦托·萨拉曼卡;; OKOUDJOU, Thomas d'Aquin;托马斯·达坎·奥库朱;; KONIN, Kouadio;夸迪奥·科宁;; RI, Nam Su;李南寿;; ABDELAZIZ, Maged A.;马吉德·阿卜杜拉齐兹;; IVANOV, Sergey;谢尔盖·伊凡诺夫;; DOGANI, Richard T.;理查德·多加尼;; KAPALATA, Christine;克里斯蒂娜·卡帕拉塔;; ESTEVEZ-LOPEZ, Luis Raul;路易斯·劳尔·埃斯特韦斯-洛佩斯;; AL-HAJRI, Ali Fahad Faleh A.;阿里·法赫德·法勒赫·哈杰里;; MOORE, Maurice E.;莫里斯·穆尔;; OULD DEDDACH, Mahfoudh;马赫福兹·乌尔德·德达什;; DEDDACH, Mahfoudh OULD;马赫福兹·乌尔德·德达什;; MALLOY, David J.;戴维·马洛伊;; STAEHELIN, Jeno C.A.;耶诺·施特赫林;; WILTON, Wouter;沃特·威尔顿;; National Convention Arms Control Committee;国家常规武器管制委员会武管会;NCACC;武管会 Oslo Conference on Child Labour;奥斯陆童工问题会议;; shahrestan;县;; dehestan;乡;; Institut fur Militarisches Geowesen;军事地理系统研究所;IMG; Institute of the Military Geosystem;军事地理系统研究所;IMG; International Map of the World;国际世界地图;IMW; Carte internationale du monde;国际世界地图;CIM; Brcko Arbitration Award;布尔奇科仲裁裁决;; Committee for Geographical Names in Australia;澳大利亚地名委员会;CGNA; Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping;政府间测绘委员会;IGCSTD; Institute of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing;测绘和遥感研究所;FOMI; Database of Geographical Names;地名数据库;FNT; Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism;菲律宾调查性新闻中心;PCIJ; Center for Reproductive Law and Policy;生殖法和政策中心;CRLP; help screen;求助屏幕;; transaction screen;事务处理屏幕;; deliverables, list of;交货清单;; circulatory disease;循环系统疾病;; Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights;世界人类基因组与人权宣言;; instrument relating to an act of formal confirmation;正式确认书;; General Intelligence Service;情报总局;; Technical Consultation Corporation;技术协商委员会;TCC; Police Anti-Terrorist Brigade;警察反恐怖活动队;PATB; SANTA CLARA GOMES, Goncalo De;贡萨洛·德圣克拉拉·戈梅斯;; CLARA GOMES, Goncalo De SANTA;贡萨洛·德圣克拉拉·戈梅斯;; GOMES, Goncalo De SANTA CLARA;贡萨洛·德圣克拉拉·戈梅斯;; CHINAGBN;中国金桥信息网;CHINAGBN; Parents and Teachers Association;家长和教师协会;PTA; Grameen Trust of Grameen Bank;格拉明银行格拉明信托社;; Groupe de recherches et d'echanges technologiques;技术研究和交流小组;GRET; Farmers' Income-Generation Group;农民创收小组;FIGG; Women's Income-Generation Group;妇女创收小组;WIGG; human development officer;人类发展事务干事;HDO; Permanent Human Rights Commission;常设人权委员会;; Movement for Multiparty Democracy;多党民主运动;MMD; MIYANDA, Godfrey;哥德弗雷·米扬达;; United Nations Diplomatic Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court;联合国设立国际刑事法院全权代表外交会议;; Committee on the Review of the Implementation of the Convention;审查公约执行情况委员会 审约委;CRIC;审约委 YEL'CHENKO, Volodymyr;沃洛德梅尔·叶利琴科;; FedEx;联邦快递公司;FedEx; HIRSCH, John;约翰·赫希;; Societe europeenne des Satellites;欧洲卫星公司;SES; Oversight Group;监督小组;; International Confederation of Plastics Packaging Manufacturers;国际塑料包装材料制造商联合会;ICPP; European Confederation of Paints, Printing Ink and Artist's Colours Manufacturers Associations;欧洲油漆、印刷油墨及艺术用颜料制造商协会联合会;CEPE; DIMITROV, Philip;菲利普·季米特洛夫;; GOMES, Arlindo Horacio;阿林多·奥拉西奥·戈梅斯;; mountain bike;山地自行车;; Interdepartmental Task Force on Accessibility;部门间无障碍环境工作队;; Task Force on National Sustainable Development Strategies;国家可持续发展战略工作队;; Conference on Interaction and Confidence-building Measures in Asia;亚洲相互协调和建立信任措施会议 亚洲信任会议;CICA;亚洲信任会议 Tea Research Foundation;茶叶研究基金会;; Technical Advisory Notes;技术咨询说明;TANs; Technical Assistance and Cooperation Committee;技术援助合作委员会技援委;TACC;技援委 technical assistance programme;技术援助方案;TAP; Technical Backstopping Plan;技术支援计划;TBP; Technical Commission on Disarmament;解除武装技术委员会;; Technical Committee on Air Transport in Africa;非洲空运技术委员会;; Technical Committee on Energy and Nuclear Power Planning in the United Nations System and other Organizations;联合国系统及其他组织能源和核电规划技术委员会;; Technical Cooperation among Islamic Countries;伊斯兰国家间技术合作;TCIC; technical cooperation resources;技术合作资源技合资源;TC resources;技合资源 Joint Commission for Abnormal Conflict Resolution;解决非常冲突联合委员会;; Conference in Support of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People;支持巴勒斯坦人民不可剥夺权利会议;; United Nations Conference on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court;联合国关于设立国际刑事法院的会议;; Independent World Commission on the Oceans;独立世界海洋委员会;survival; United Nations Consolidated Inter-Agency Appeal Donor Alert on Urgent Humanitarian Needs in Tajikistan;联合国请捐助者注意塔吉克斯坦紧急人道主义需要的机构间联合呼吁;; Diplomatic Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court;关于设立国际刑事法院的全权代表外交会议;; model for modern European good-neighbourly relations among Balkan States;巴尔干国家间现代欧洲睦邻关系模式;; Agenda on the Europeanization of the Balkans;巴尔干欧洲化纲领;; Coordination of the geoscience programme of the United Nations system;联合国系统地球科学方案的协调;; International Forum on Urban Poverty;国际城市贫困问题论坛;; Association of African Election Authorities;非洲选举事务当局协会;; Advisory Meeting on Technical Cooperation;技术合作咨询会议;; Working Group of Technical Experts;技术专家工作组;; Hamburg Declaration on Adult Learning;汉堡成人教育宣言;; Conference on Knowledge for Development in the Information Age;信息时代知识促进发展会议;; Director for Change;改革主任;; International Conference on the Culture of Peace and Governance;国际和平文化与施政会议;; Regional Meteorological Cooperation project on Tropical Cyclones for the South West Indian region;西南印度洋区域热带气旋区域气象合作项目;; International Conference on Child Labour;国际童工问题会议;; Amsterdam Child Labour Conference;阿姆斯特丹童工问题会议;; GLOBALink, The International Tobacco-Control Network;全球连线-国际烟草管制网络;; Sport and the arts without tobacco;无烟体育与艺术;; Non-Smokers' Rights Association;不吸烟者权利协会;; Conflict Management Division;冲突管理司;; Expert Group Meeting on Biodiversity in the Arab World;阿拉伯世界生物多样性专家组会议;; Expert Meeting on Poverty Alleviation and Sustainable Livelihoods in the Arab Region;阿拉伯区域减轻贫穷和可持续生计专家会议;; Symposium on Sustainable Growth in the Arab States;阿拉伯国家可持续增长专题讨论会;; Drought Monitoring Centre;旱情监测中心;DMC; Geographic Information System for Africa;非洲地理信息系统;AFRICAGIS; Information Integration Clerk;资料汇集员;; Conference on Developing Food Security Strategies;制订粮食安全战略会议;; Food Security Training Project;粮食安全训练项目;; Mediterranean Hydrological Cycle Observing System;地中海水分循环观测系统水观系统;MED-HYCOS;水观系统 family friendly policies;关爱家庭的政策;; Group of Eleven Opposition Political Parties;十一反对党集团;; Public Security and Crime Prevention: Roles and Responsibilities of the Police and the Local Authorities in the Context of Democratization;公安与预防犯罪:警察和地方当局在民主化 过程中的作用和责任;; Dakar Declaration on the Prevention and Control of Organized Transnational Crime and Corruption;关于预防和控制有组织跨国犯罪和腐败的达 喀尔宣言;; Democratic Council of the Opposition Parties;反对党民主委员会;CODEPO; Commission of National Unity and Human Rights;民族团结和人权委员会;; Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board;公布标准公告栏;DSBB; Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems;支付和清算制度委员会;CPSS; real-time gross settlement systems;实时总清算制度;RTGS; Euro-currency Standing Committee;欧洲货币常设委员会;ECSC; Commissioner for Economic, Monetary and Financial Affairs;经济、货币和金融事务专员;; Declaration on the Consequences of State Succession for the Nationality of Natural Persons;国家继承对自然人国籍的影响宣言;; Coordinating Committee of Women Parliamentarians;女议员协调委员会;; Appeal against World Hunger;消除世界饥饿呼吁;; Task Force on Human Resources Management;人力资源管理工作队;; Declaration on Unilateral Measures;关于单方面措施的宣言;; Summit of the Americas on Sustainable Development;美洲可持续发展首脑会议;; Free Aceh Movement;自由亚齐运动;; Declaration on the Strengthening of the United Nations and the Reform of the Security Council;关于加强联合国和改革安全理事会的宣言;; Declaration on the Defence of Democracy;关于捍卫民主的宣言;; Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping;弱点分析和绘图;VAM; Working Party on Cooperation in the Mediterranean Basin;地中海盆地合作工作队;; Group of Non-Aligned Mediterranean Countries;地中海不结盟国家集团;; Euro-Mediterranean parliamentary partnership;欧洲-地中海议会伙伴关系;; Global Information Infrastructure Commission;全球信息基础设施委员会;GIIC; field-level committee;外地级委员会;; national execution modality;国家执行模式;; country programme review committee;国家方案审查委员会;; thematic working group;专题工作组;; Sarcophagus Project;石棺项目;; Memorandum of Understanding MOU on Closing Chernobyl by the Year 2000;关于到2000年关闭切尔诺贝利的谅解备忘录;; Shelter Implementation Project;掩蔽工程实施项目;SIP; International Initiative for Chernobyl Sarcophagus [IAEA];关于切尔诺贝利石棺的国际倡议;; Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Children and Armed Conflicts;负责儿童和武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表;; logistics capacity contract;后勤能力合同;LOGCAP; Technical Consultation on the Reduction of Wastage in Fisheries;关于减少渔业损耗的技术协商;; All human rights for all;所有人权,普天同享;; Augmented Logistics Intervention Team for Emergencies;应急后勤干预加强小组后勤干预组;ALITE;后勤干预组 Shaping the 21st century: The contribution of development cooperation;塑造21世纪:发展合作的贡献;; International Conference on Urban Poverty;国际城市贫困问题会议;; Handbook on Voluntary Repatriation;自愿遣返手册;; Guidelines on Unaccompanied Minors Seeking Asylum;关于孤身未成年人寻求庇护的指导方针;; DPI/NGO 50th Annual Conference: Building Partnerships;新闻部/非政府组织第50次年会:建设伙伴 关系;; Macroeconomic and Development Policies Branch;宏观经济和发展政策处;; Working Group on the Implementation of the Naples Political Declaration and Global Action Plan against Organized Transnational Crime and the Question of the Elaboration of an International Convention against Organized Crime;执行《那不勒斯政治宣言和打击有组织跨国犯罪全球行动计划》和拟定一项打击有组织犯罪国际公约问题工作组;; informal meeting on the question of the elaboration of an international convention against organized transnational crime;拟定一项打击有组织跨国犯罪国际公约问题非正式会议;; convention for the suppression of transnational organized crime, draft;打击有组织跨国犯罪公约草案;; Political 8;8国政治集团;P8; Central Authority;中央主管当局;; Second Tokyo International Conference on African Development;第二次非洲发展问题东京国际会议 第二次东京会议;TICAD II;第二次东京会议 Preparatory Conference for the Second Tokyo International Conference on African Development [Tokyo, 10-11 Nov 97];第二次非洲发展问题东京国际会议筹备会议;; New Development Strategy;新发展战略;NDS; Association of Families of Prisoners and Disappeared Saharans;囚犯和失踪撒哈拉人家属协会家属协会;AFAPREDESA;家属协会 Model Strategies and Practical Measures on the Elimination of Violence against Women in the Field of Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice;预防犯罪和刑事司法领域消除对妇女的暴力 行为的示范战略和实际措施;; Charter of Partnership [US, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania];伙伴关系宪章;; Via Baltica project;“波罗的海之路”项目;; border delimitation agreement;划界协定;; Dialogue on Building Partnerships;关于建立伙伴关系的对话;; Forum of Mayors on Cities and Desertification;城市与荒漠化问题市长论坛;; Revised Recommendations on Statistics of International Migration, Draft;国际移徙统计订正建议草稿;; Intergovernmental Expert Group Meeting on Extradition;引渡问题政府间专家组会议;; Seminar on Accounting for Sustainable Development;可持续发展会计讨论会;; accounting for sustainable development;可持续发展会计;; international panel of experts on Iraq's full, final and complete disclosure of its proscribed biological weapons programme;关于伊拉克全面、最后和彻底公布其被禁生物武器方案的国际专家小组;; ECOWAS six-month peace plan for Sierra Leone;西非经共体塞拉利昂六个月和平计划;; Regional Consulting Group on Migration;区域移徙协商小组;; ZHU, Bangzao;朱邦造;; mandated;已获授权的; 法定的;; net budgeting;按净额编制预算;; Ateret Kohanim movement;神甫之冠运动;;运动 Goulemine;古利明;; Council of Municipalities;市镇政务委员会;; universal design;全民设计;; special needs education;特殊需要教育;; term limit;任职次数;; Tokyo International Conference on Preventive Strategy;东京预防性战略国际会议;; synthesized report;综合报告;; International Committee for the follow-up of the Bangui Agreements;班吉协定国际监测委员会;; chief weapon inspector;首席武器视察员;; down-convertor;下变频器;; multiplexing;复用; 多路转接; 多路传输;; multiplexor;多种转接器; 多种复用器; 多种开关选择器;; up-convertor;上变频器;; redundant switch;冗余开关;; modem control unit;调制解调器控制器;; watt meter;瓦特计;; Ad Hoc Working Group on the Fourth Review and Appraisal of the Implementation of the International Plan of Action on Ageing and Preparations for the International Year of Older Persons;老龄问题国际行动计划执行情况第四次审查和评价和国际老年人年筹备情况特设工作组;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司