翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 International Geochemical Mapping Project;国际地球化学测绘项目;; Accion Contre el Hambre;消除饥饿行动;ACH; Global Modelling Forum for Sustainable Development;可持续发展全球模式论坛;; Information Services;新闻处;; Population Policies Information System;入口政策信息系统;PPIS; Consultative Committee of Ambassadors;大使协商委员会;; directly observed treatment, short course;短期直接观察治疗;DOTS; Women's Economic Empowerment Programme;赋予妇女经济权力方案;; Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee;政府间协调委员会;; Strategies for a Post-Beijing Palestinian Governmental Plan of Action Through the Year 2000;巴勒斯坦政府北京会议后至2000年行动计划 战略;; Symposium on health and mortality;健康与死亡率专题讨论会;; Expert group meeting on below-replacement fertility;低于更替生育率问题专家组会议;; Child Mortality Database;儿童死亡率数据库;; Child Mortality by Sex;按性别开列的儿童死亡率;; Working Group on Projecting Old-Age Mortality and its Consequences;预测老年死亡率及其后果工作组;; Group on Production Classification;产品分类小组;; court of accounts;帐目法庭;; Security Council Committee Established Pursuant to Resolution 985 1995 concerning Liberia;安全理事会关于利比里亚问题的第9851995 号决议所设委员会;; Security Council Committee of Experts;安全理事会专家委员会;; capital stock statistics;社会资本统计;; Expert Group on Capital Stock Statistics;股本统计专家小组;; Paris Group on Labour and Compensation;巴黎劳工和报酬小组;; Canberra Group on Household Income Statistics;堪培拉家庭收入统计小组;; Promotion Group;促进小组;; Sienna Group on Social Statistics;锡耶纳社会统计小组;; Delhi Group on Informal Sector Statistics;德里非正规经济部门统计小组;; General Service Salary Survey;一般事务人员薪金调查;; Working Group on the Review of the General Service Survey Methodology;一般事务人员待遇调查方法审查工作组;; Kigali Declaration on Peace, Gender and Development;基加利和平、性别与发展宣言;; Plan of Action for Conflict-affected Areas;受冲突影响地区行动计划;; Afghanistan Support Group;阿富汗支助小组;ASG; Ageing and Health Programme;老龄与保健方案;; Millennium Forum;千年论坛;; Sub-Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment;撒南非洲水文评估;; Women speaking to women: women's rural community radio in least developed countries;姐妹对话:最不发达国家农村社区妇女电台;; Poverty Eradication and Community Empowerment Initiative;消除贫穷和壮大社区行动;PEACE Initiative; Reference Point in Fishery Management;渔业管理参考点;; Information Management and Technology Unit;信息管理和技术股信技股;IMTU;信技股 Trust Fund for the Programme of Action for the Third Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination;向种族主义和种族歧视进行战斗的第三个十 年行动纲领信托基金;; Basic Hydrological Network Assessment Project;基本水文网评估项目 水评项目;BNAP;水评项目 Guide to Hydrological Practices;水文惯例指南;; Hydrology and Water Resources Department;水文和水资源部;HOMS; INFOHYDRO Manual;水文信息手册;; Hydrological Information Referral Services;水文信息查询服务处 水文信息;INFOHYDRO;水文信息 National Environment and Health Action Plan;国家环境和卫生行动计划环卫计划;NEHAP;环卫计划 communication and information programme;资讯方案;; obscene publications;淫秽出版物猥亵出版物;; communications received from individuals and non-governmental bodies relating to matters of which the Security Council is seized;从个人和非政府组织收到的有关安全理事会 处理中事项的来文;; Expert Group Meeting on Criminal Justice Management and Information Projects: Improving National and International Data Collection and Exchange;刑事司法管理和信息项目专家组会议:改进国家和国际数据收集和交换;; work schedule;工作计划表;; United Nations Peace Force - One;联合国和平部队一联和部队1;UNPF-1;联和部队1 United Nations Peace Force - Two;联合国和平部队二联和部队2;UNPF-2;联和部队2 United Nations Peace Force - Three;联合国和平部队三联和部队3;UNPF-3;联和部队3 United Nations Peace Force;联合国和平部队联和部队;UNPF;联和部队 Expert Group Meeting on Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power in the International Setting;国际环境下罪行和滥用权力行为受害者问题专家组会议;; Guidelines for Action on Children in the Criminal Justice System;刑事司法系统中儿童问题行动指南;; Working Group on Transparency in Government Procurement;政府采购透明度工作组;; Working Group on the Interaction between Trade and Competition Policy;贸易和竞争政策之间的相互作用工作组;; Working Group on the Relationship between Trade and Investment;贸易和投资关系工作组;; Memorandum of understanding relative to application to the Western Sectors of Berlin of the Agreement on most-favoured-nation treatment for areas of Western Germany under military occupation;关于西德军事占领区最惠国待遇协定适用于西 柏林的谅解备忘录;; Middle East/North Africa Economic Conference - Creating a new private/public partnership for trade and economic growth beyond the year 2000;中东和北非经济会议-建立私营公营伙伴关系促进2000年以后的贸易和经济增长;; Model Bilateral Treaty for the Return of Stolen or Embezzled Vehicles;送还被窃或被盗用车辆双边示范条约;; Kampala Declaration on Prison Conditions in Africa;关于非洲监狱条件的坎帕拉宣言;; Special Rapporteur on the situation of systematic rape, sexual slavery and slavery-like practices during periods of armed conflict;武装冲突期间蓄意强奸、性奴役和类似奴役做 法情况特别报告员;; systematic rape;蓄意强奸;; Agreement establishing the Bank for Economic Cooperation and Development in the Middle East and North Africa;关于建立中东和北非经济合作与发展银行的 协定;; Bank for Economic Cooperation and Development in the Middle East and North Africa;中东和北非经济合作与发展银行;; International Solidarity and Globalisation: In Search of New Strategies;国际团结和全球化:探索新战略;; Abidjan Accord;阿比让协定;; Agreement providing for the provisional application of the Draft International Customs Conventions on Touring, on Commercial Road Vehicles and on the International Transport of Goods by Road;规定暂时适用旅游事业国际关务公约草 案、公路营业车辆国际关务公约草案和国 际公路货运国际关务公约草案的协定;; Declaration on the Development of Cooperation between Georgia and Romania;关于发展格鲁吉亚与罗马尼亚的合作的宣言;; Additional Protocol to the Agreement providing for the provisional application of the Draft International Customs Conventions on Touring, on Commercial Road Vehicles and on the International Transport of Goods by Road, relating [to be continued in Note];规定暂时适用旅游事业国际关务公约草案、公 路营业车辆国际关务公约草案和国际公路货运 国际关务公约草案的协定的有关根据国际公路 货运通行证制度下国际集装箱货运的附加议定 书;; Additional Protocol amending certain provisions of the Agreement providing for the provisional application of the Draft International Customs Conventions on Touring, on Commercial Road Vehicles and on the International Transport of Goods by Road;修正规定暂时适用旅游事业国际关务公约草 案、公路营业车辆国际关务公约草案和国际 公路货运国际关务公约草案的协定的某些条 款的附加议定书;; Declaration on the Further Development of Cooperation between Georgia and the Republic of Kazakhstan;关于进一步发展格鲁吉亚与哈萨克斯坦共和 国的合作的宣言;; International Convention to Facilitate the Importation of Commercial Samples and Advertising Material;简化商业样品和广告材料进口手续国际公约;; Declaration on the Development of Cooperation between Georgia and Bulgaria;关于发展格鲁吉亚与保加利亚的合作的宣言;; Special session of the General Assembly for the overall review and appraisal of the implementation of the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development;全面审查和评价社会发展问题世界首脑会议 成果执行情况的大会特别会议;; Special Envoy of the Secretary-General in Africa;秘书处非洲特使;; Additional Protocol to the Convention concerning Customs Formalities for Touring, relating to the Importation of Tourist Publicity Documents and Material;关于便利旅游海关公约有关进口旅游宣 传文件和材料的附加议定书;; Representative of the Secretary-General and Regional Humanitarian Adviser for the Great Lakes Region;秘书长代表兼大湖区区域人道主义顾问;; European Convention on Customs Treatment of Pallets Used in International Transport;关于海关处理用于国际运输的货盘的欧洲公约;; Manual for Statistics on Scientific and Technological Activities;科技活动统计手册;; International Convention on the Harmonization of Frontier Controls of Goods;协调统一货物边境管制国际公约;; minder;陪同;; Chernobyl and Beyond: Humanitarian Assistance to Victims of Technological Disasters;切尔诺贝利及其后:向技术灾难受害者提供人道主义援助;; National Transitional Government;全国过渡政府;; Declaration of Peace and Cooperation;和平与合作宣言;; Declaration of National Commitment;民族承诺宣言;; Cairo Declaration on Somalia;关于索马里的开罗宣言;; Protocol concerning Countries or Territories at Present Occupied;关于目前被占领的国家或领土的议定书;; European Agreement on the Application of article 3 of Annex 7 of the 1949 Convention on Road Traffic concerning the Dimensions and Weights of Vehicles Permitted to Travel on Certain Roads of the Contracting Parties;关于适用1949年公路交通公约有关获准在缔 约方某些公路行使的车辆的尺寸和重量的附 件7第3条的欧洲协定;; General Agreement on Economic Regulations for International Road Transport;关于国际公路运输经济条例的总协定;; Protocol relating to the adoption of Annex C.1 to the Set of Rules annexed to the General Agreement on Economic Regulations for International Road Transport;有关通过附件C.1列入作为关于国际公路运 输经济条例的总协定附件的整套规则的议定书;; Agreement on Signs for Road Works, amending the European Agreement of 16 September 1950 Supplementing the 1949 Convention on Road Traffic and the 1949 Protocol on Road Signs and Signals;公路工程标志协定,修正1950年9月16日欧 洲补充1949年公路交通公约和1949年公路标 志及信 号议定书协定;; Convention on the Taxation of Road Vehicles for Private Use in International Traffic;国际交通中私用公路车辆征税公约;; Convention on the Taxation of Road Vehicles Engaged in International Goods Transport;从事国际货运的公路车辆征税公约;; Convention on the Taxation of Road Vehicles Engaged in International Passenger Transport;从事国际客运的公路车辆征税公约;; Baltic Security Assistance Group;波罗的海安全援助小组安援小组;BALTSEA;安援小组 Special Representative to the Central African Republic;驻中非共和国特别代表;; European Agreement on Road Markings;欧洲路面标示协定;; Expert Group Meeting on Caregiving and Older Persons: Gender Dimensions;老年人照料专家组会议:性别问题;; procedural justice effect;程序公正效应;; Inter-sessional Ad Hoc Working Group on Strategic Approaches to Freshwater Management;淡水管理战略办法闭会期间特使工作组;; Regional Meteorological Training Centre;区域气象训练中心 气训中心;RMTC;气训中心 Statistical Working Party on Globalization;全球化统计工作队;; Agenda 2000;2000年议程;; Central American Free Trade Zone;中美洲自由贸易区;; Northern Trade Triangle;北部贸易三角;; Central American Group of Four;中美洲四国集团;; Agreement on Special Equipment for the Transport of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Use of Such Equipment for the International Transport of Some of Those Foodstuffs;关于用于运输易腐食品的专用设备和关于用这 类设备作某些这类食品的国际运输的协定;; Protocol on Road Markings, additional to the European Agreement supplementing the Convention on Road Signs and Signals opened for signature at Vienna on 8 November 1968;附加在1968年11月8日于维也纳开放供签署 的 欧洲补充路标和信号公约协定关于路面标示的议定书;; Nangahar Drug Control and Development Unit;楠格哈尔药物管制和发展机构;; State High Commission for Drug Control;国家药物管制高级委员会;; Ad Hoc Inter-Agency Group on Gender Issues in Afghanistan;阿富汗两性平等问题特设机构间小组;; Convention relating to the Limitation of the Liability of Owners of Inland Navigation Vessels;内河航行船舶所有人责任限制公约;CLN; Convention regarding the Measurement and Registration of Vessels Employed in Inland Navigation;内河航行船舶丈量和注册公约;; Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms against Unauthorized Duplication of their Phonograms;堡录音制品制作者防止未经许可复制其 录音制品公约;; Law on Convalidation;共同追认法;; Affidavit on the Rights of Public Employees;公职人员权利宣誓书;; Declaration on Educational Certificates;关于教育证书的宣言;; Agreement on the Distribution of Principals' Positions;关于分配校长职位的协定;; Declaration on Minority Education Rights;关于少数民族教育权利的宣言;; Joint Statement on Reintegration of the Tax Department;关于整合税务部门的联合声明;; Agreement on Recognition and Handover of Record Books;关于承认和移交登记册的协定;; Declaration on Conditions for Judicial Reintegration;关于司法整合的条件的宣言;; Memorandum of Understanding on Restructuring the Transitional Police Force;关于改组过渡时期警察部队的谅解备忘录;; Joint Statement on Reintegration of the Employment System;关于整合就业系统的联合声明;; Joint Statement on Reintegration of the Social Welfare System;关于整合社会福利系统的联合声明;; Agreement establishing the Asian Coconut Community;建立亚洲椰子共同体协定;; Agreement establishing the Pepper Community;建立辣椒共同体协定;; Declaration concerning the Prohibition of Launching Projectiles and Explosives from Balloons;禁止从气球上投掷投射物和爆炸物宣言;; China Society for Human Rights Studies;中国人权研究会;CSHRS; Declaration concerning the Prohibition of the Use of Expanding Bullets;禁止使用裂开弹头宣言;; Declaration concerning the Prohibition of the Use of Asphysiating gases;禁止使用窒息性气体宣言;; Friends of 1999;“1999年之友”;; Friends of the centennial of the first International Peace Conference;“第一次国际和平会议一百周年庆典之友”;; Programme of action for the celebration of the centennial of the first International Peace Conference;纪念第一次国际和平会议一百周年行动方案;; Agreement establishing the International Tea Promotion Association;建立国际茶叶促进协会协定;; Agreement establishing the Southeast Asia Tin Research and Development Centre;建立东南亚锡研究和发展中心协定;; Optional Protocol concerning Energy Assistance;关于能源援助的任择议定书;; Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons;禁止核武器机构;; safety controls;安全管制办法;; abuse of the right of verification;滥用核查权利;; vitrification;玻璃化;; nuclear weapons research;核武器研究;; special nuclear material;特殊核材料;; special fusionable material;特殊聚变材料;; International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives;国际橄榄油和食用橄榄协定;; Providing Global Public Goods: Making Globalization Work for All;提供全球公益物:使全球化服务全人类;; special fissionable material;特殊裂变材料;; other nuclear facility;其他核设施;; nuclear weapons testing facility;核武器试验设施;; nuclear weapons storage facility;核武器储存设施;; nuclear weapons research facility;核武器研究设施;; circular note verbale;通告普通照会;; nuclear weapons production facility;核武器生产设施;; nuclear weapons facility;核武器设施;; nuclear weapons destruction facility;核武器销毁设施;; nuclear reprocessing facility;核再加工设施;; nuclear enrichment facility;核浓缩设施;; deployment site;部署现场;; command, control or communication facility;指挥、控制或通讯设施;; nuclear facility;核设施;; nuclear weapons delivery vehicle;核武器运载工具;; nuclear-capable submarine;有核能力的潜艇;; nuclear capable state;有核能力国家;; nuclear threshold state;核门槛国家;; non-nuclear capable state;无核能力国家;; nuclear weapons state;核武器国家;; Conference of the State Parties;缔约国会议;; Model Nuclear Weapons Convention;核武器示范公约;; Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Testing, Production, Stockpiling, Transfer, Use and Threat of Use of Nuclear Weapons and on Their Elimination;关于禁止发展、试验、生产、储存、转让、 使用和威胁使用核武器及消除此种武器的 公约;; Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution concerning the Control of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds or their Transboundary Fluxes;1979年远距离越境空气污染公约关于控制挥 发性有机化合物排放量或其越境流量的议定书;; Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution on Further Reduction of Sulphur Emission;1979年远距离越境空气污染公约关于进一步 减少硫磺排放量议定书;; Convention concerning the Use of Broadcasting in the Cause of Peace;广播用于和平事业公约;; Convention on Certain Questions relating to the Conflict of Nationality Laws;关于国籍法冲突的若干问题的公约;; Convention on the Taxation of Foreign Motor Vehicles;对外国机动车辆征税公约;; International Convention for the Campaign against Contagious Diseases of Animals;防治动物传染病国际公约;; Convention concerning the Transit of Animals, Meat and Other Products of Animal Origin;动物、肉类和其他动物产品过境公约;; Forest Department Conservation Guides;林业部养护指南;; Atlas method;阿特拉斯法;; Photovoltaic Market Initiative;光生伏打市场倡议;; International Convention concerning the Export and Import of Animal Products other than Meat, Meat Preparations, Fresh Animal Products, Milk and Milk Products;关于动物产品不包括肉类、肉类制作、 新鲜动物产品、奶和奶制品进出口的国际公 约;; Convention establishing an International Relief Union;建立国际救济联合会公约;; Ceremony of World Leaders in Population Stabilisation;世界领袖人口稳定典礼;; Convention regarding the Measurement of Vessels Employed in Inland Navigation;内河航行船舶丈量公约;; Working Group on Penalties;刑罚问题工作组;; Working Group on Definitions and Elements of Crimes;罪行定义和要素工作组;; CETA;中国经济科技联盟;CETA; XIANG, Huaicheng;项怀诚;; China Newspaper Association;中国报业协会 中国报协;CNA;中国报协 Project Hope;希望工程;; LIU, Mingkang;刘明康;; North West;西北省;; Free State;自由邦;; Committee on the quality of life and status of women;生活质量和妇女地位委员会;; Great Lakes Justice Initiative;大湖区司法倡议;; All Union Society "Znarie";全苏知识协会;; OAU Eminent Personalities Study of the Rwanda Genocide and the Surrounding Events;非统组织知名人士关于卢旺达种族灭绝和相关事件调查;; amicus curiae;法院临时法律顾问;; Appeal "for a World without Wars";“争取无战争世界”呼吁书;; Apple;苹果;; Private Sector Division;私营部门司;PSD; SUN;联合国会计系统;SUN; Ariane Passenger Payload Experiment;阿丽亚娜乘客有效载荷实验苹果;APPLE;苹果 Arkan;"阿尔干团";; Arrangements for making the fenced area of Varosha a special area for bicommunal contact and commerce;关于将瓦罗沙围区订为两族接触和商业特区的办法;; ASEAN Chambers of Commerce and Industry "Regional Industry Club";东盟工商协会地区工业俱乐部;; Ashura;阿舒拉节;; Association of Catholoc Clergy "Pacem in Terris";天主教教士“天下太平”协会;; Backing Palestine Committee;支持巴勒斯坦委员会;; UN Arms Flow Commission;联合国武器流动委员会;; Amway;安利;; Mary Kay;马丽关;; Sohoo;搜狐;; Avon;雅芳;; Nuskin;如新;; Georgia;格鲁吉亚;; Nina Ricci;丽姿;; Ricci, Nina;丽姿;; Non-governmental organizations on the Roster for the purposes of the work of the Commission on Sustainable Development;因可持续发展委员会的工作而列入名册的非政 府组织;; AHEC;美国阔叶木外销委员会;AHEC; HGV/GBV-C;庚肝病毒;HGV/GBV-C; TTV;TTV病毒;TTV; Rolls Royce;劳斯莱斯;; SKRACIC, Vice;维采·斯克拉契奇;; APMT;个人卫星移动通信系统;APMT; NGO Committee on Girl-Child;非政府组织女童问题委员会;; Conference on Theft of and Illicit Trafficking in Motor Vehicles;偷窃和非法贩卖机动车辆问题会议;; Conference on International Cooperation in the Prevention and Control of the Theft of and Illicit Trafficking of Motor Vehicles;国际合作预防和打击偷窃和非法贩卖机动车 辆会议;; North-east Asia Subregional Consultative Meeting of Landlocked and Transit Countries;东北亚内陆国和过境国分区域协商会议;; National Reconciliation Pact;民族和解协定;; Special session of the General Assembly for an overall review and appraisal of the implementation of the outcome of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements Habitat II;全面审查和评价联合国人类住区会议 人居二成果执行情况的大会特别会议;; national incomes accounts;国民收入帐户;; Cairo Conference on Early Warning, Preventive Diplomacy and African Peace Keeping;开罗预警、预防性外交和非洲维持和平会议;; Periodical Meeting on International Humanitarian Law;国际人道主义法定期会议;; Intersessional Open-ended Intergovernmental Group of Experts for the purpose of elaborating a preliminary draft of a possible comprehensive international convention against organized transnational crime;负责拟订一项可能的打击有组织跨国犯罪全面国际公约的初稿的闭会期间不限成员名额政府间专家组;; Radio Stores and Inventory Unit;无线电器材库和盘存股;; Working Group on Migrants and Human Rights;移民与人权问题工作组;; Arms Control and Regional Security Working Group;军备控制和区域安全工作组;; Continental Conference of African Experts on Landmines;非洲地雷专家大陆会议;; Task Force on Statistics of International Trade in Services;国际服务贸易统计工作队;; World conference against racism and racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance;反对种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和有关 不容忍行为世界会议;; Seminar on extreme poverty and the denial of human rights;极端贫困和剥夺人权问题讨论会;; Global Demining Initiative: "Demining 2010";“排雷2010”全球倡议;; Global Demining 2010 Conference;“排雷2010”全球会议;; Special Adviser on Women Workers' Questions;女工问题特别顾问;; Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation to Control Illicit Production, Traffic and Abuse of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances and Their Precursors;关于在管制麻醉药品和精神药物及其先质的 非法生产、贩运和滥用方面合作的谅解备 忘录;; China Disabled Persons' Federation;中国残疾人联合会中国残联;CDPF;中国残联 Gender Task Force;男女平等工作队;; Inter-Island Comorian Conference;科摩罗岛屿间会议;; International Conference on the Comoros;科摩罗问题国际会议;; roster status;名册地位;; Session on integrated and coordinated implementation and follow-up of major United Nations conferences and summits;关于联合国各次主要会议和首脑会议统筹和 协调一致的执行情况和后续行动的会议;; integrated and coordinated implementation and follow-up of major United Nations conferences and summits;统筹和协调一致地执行联合国各次主要会议和首脑会议的成果并采取后续行动;; International Psycho-Analytical Association Trust;国际心理分析协会信托基金会;; Medium-Term Community Action Plan on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men 1996-2000;男女机会平等中期社区行动方案1996-2000年;;1996-2000年 Indo-China Seminar on Promoting Women's Participation in Economic Development;印度支那促进妇女参与经济发展讨论会;; Arab Conference for Formulating a Programme for Action and Follow-up Mechanism to the Fourth World Conference;制订第四次妇女问题世界会议后续机制行动方案的阿拉伯会议;; Unified Arab Programme for Action;阿拉伯统一行动方案;; Reproductive Health for Refugees Consortium;难民生殖健康联合会;; Plan of Action for the Alliance for Africa's Industrialization;非洲工业化联盟行动计划;; HU, Zhaoming;胡兆明;; Declaration on Gender and Development;男女平等与发展宣言;; Protocol on Shared Watercourse Systems;共有水道系统议定书;; Community Water Sector Round-table Conference;共同体水部门圆桌会议;; Maputo Development Corridor;马普托发展走廊;; Board of Donors;捐助者理事会;; Organized Crime Unit;打击有组织犯罪股;; Drug Control Unit;禁毒股;; Women in Development Service;妇女参与发展处;; Santiago Consensus;圣地亚哥共识;; Caribbean Ministerial Meeting on Poverty Eradication;加勒比消除贫穷问题部长级会议;; Directional Plan of Action for Poverty Eradication in the Caribbean;加勒比消除贫穷指示性行动计划;; Georgetown Consensus;乔治敦共识;; CARICOM/ECLAC/UNIFEM Post Beijing Encounter: Caribbean Subregional Ministerial Conference;加共体/拉加经委会/妇发基金北京会议后碰头会:加勒比分区域部长级会议;; Guidelines for the Review of Policies and Procedures concerning Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries;审查关于发展中国家间技术合作的政策和程序的指导方针;; African Conference of Human Rights National Institutions;非洲国家人权机构会议;; European Conference of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights;欧洲促进和堡人权国家机构会议;; international meeting on Chernobyl;切尔诺贝利问题国际会议;; International Chernobyl Centre;国际切尔诺贝利中心;; International Chernobyl Shelter Pledging Conference for Governments;各国政府援建切尔诺贝利掩蔽工程国际认捐会议;; Gender Habitat;妇女参与人居发展;; direct-line communique;直线公报;; Customs Convention Concerning Spare Parts Used for Repairing EUROP Wagons;关于用于修理EUROP货车的备件的海关公约;; follow-on U.N. presence;联合国后继派驻人员;; follow-on UN presence;联合国后继派驻人员;; follow-on United Nations presence;联合国后继派驻人员;; Agreement concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be fitted and/or be used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Approvals [to be continued in Note];关于对轮式车辆、设备以及能装配和/或使用 在轮式车辆上的配件采用统一技术规定和互 相承 认根据这些规定所做出的许可的条件的协定;; Han, Jia;韩佳;; TBM;全断面隧道钻掘机器;TBM; Protocol to the Convention relating to the Limitation of the Liability of Owners of Inland Navigation Vessels;内河航行船舶所有人责任限制公约议定书;; LIN, Sha;林莎;; opium tablet;鸦片片;; opium power;鸦片粉;; platycodon powder compound;复方桔梗散;; tablet of platycodon powder compound;复方桔梗片;; tincture of opium;鸦片酊;; Morphine hydrochloride injection;盐酸吗啡注射液;; Morphine hydrochloride and atrophine injection;盐酸吗啡阿托品注射液;; Morphine hydrochloride tablet;盐酸吗啡片;; Ethylmorphine hydrochloride tablet;盐酸乙基吗啡片;; Ethylmorphine hydrochloride injection;盐酸乙基吗啡注射液;; Codeine phosphate injection;磷酸可待因注射液;; Codeine phosphate tablet;磷酸可待因片;; Codeine phosphate syrup;磷酸可待因糖浆;; pholcodine tablet;福可定片;; reclassification of NGO status;更改非政府组织类别;; donor community;捐助者;; Cocaine hydrochloride injection;盐酸可卡因注射液;; Pethidine injection;哌替啶注射液度冷丁注射液;; Pethidine tablet;度冷丁片;; a-prodine;安侬痛 [安那度尔];; a-prodine injection;安侬痛注射液;; Fentanyl citrate injection;枸椽酸芬太尼注射液;; methadone injection;美散痛注射液;; Anileridine;阿尼利定氨苄哌替啶;; South Africa Law Commission;南非文摘;SALC; South African Police Service;南非警察署;SAPS; Betaprodine;倍他罗定倍他丙啶;; Cannabis Indian Hemp;大麻印度大麻;;印度大麻 Cannabis resin of Indian Hemp;印度大麻脂;; poppy shell;罂粟壳;; chip microprocessor;芯片微型处理机;; Socio-Economic and Gender Analysis Programme;社会经济和性别分析方案 分析方案;SEAGA;分析方案 Special Rapporteur on Income Distribution;收入分配问题特别报告员;; Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty;赤贫问题特别报告员;; International Conference of New or Restored Democracies on Democracy and Development;新的民主政体或恢复民主的政体民主与发展 国际会议;; ASEAN Troika;东盟三国代表;; Six Plus Two;六国加两国;;国 country cooperation frameworks;国家合作框架;CCFs; Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network;全球珊瑚礁监测网;GCRMN; area-specific programme;地区特有方案;; inter-agency consolidated appeal for emergency humanitarian and rehabilitation assistance for Afghanistan;向阿富汗提供紧急人道主义援助和恢复援助 的机构间联合呼吁;; International Workshop on Africa's Urban Poor Child: Towards African Child-Friendly Cities;非洲城市贫困儿童问题国际讲习班:建设非洲爱幼城市;; Meeting of Experts on Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned Countries;不结盟国家科学和技术专家会议;; Towards an inclusive twenty-first century;缔造人人共享的二十一世纪;; Plan of Action on Cultural Cooperation;文化合作行动计划;; codeine-N-oxide;氧化可待因;; pirtramide;氰苯双哌酰胺;; Contact Group of Guarantor States and International Organizations;保证国和国际组织联络小组;; methamphetamineracemate;甲安非他明外消旋体;; CNB;安钠咖;CNB; VURAL, Volkan;沃尔坎·武拉尔;; globazam;氯巴詹;; clorazepate;氯拉卓酸;; ethylloflazepate;氯氟卓己醋;; Structural Adjustment Participatory Review Initiative;结构调整参与性审查倡议;SAPRI; Micro-credit Declaration and Plan of Action;微额信贷宣言和行动计划;; termination benefit;解雇补助金;; Partnership Working Group;伙伴关系工作组;; Civilian Establishment and Pay Office;文职人员编制和薪酬处 文职编薪处;CEPO;文职编薪处 gratuities;遣散费;; Assistant Secretary-General, Department of General Assembly Affairs and Conference Services;主管大会事务和会议事务部助理秘书长;; Convention relating to the Non-Fortification and Neutralisation of the Aaland Islands;奥兰德群岛不设防和中立化公约;; Expert Group on Women in Development;妇女参与发展问题专家组;; ACC Task Force on Conference Follow-up;行政协调会会议后续行动工作队;; Strategic Planning Meeting on Women's Human Rights;妇女人权问题战略规划会议;; Inter-agency Workshop on Field-level Follow-up to Global Conferences;全球会议实地后续行动机构间讲习班;; Regional Conference on Gender and Communication Policy;妇女与传播政策问题区域会议;; Governance for Human Development: UNDP and Civil Society;治理促进可持续人类发展:开发计划署与民 间社会;; Conference on Domestic Violence in Latin America and the Caribbean;拉丁美洲和加勒比家庭暴力问题会议;; International Day to Stop Violence against Women;制止对妇女暴力行为国际日;; Women's Caucus for Gender Justice;男女平等待遇问题妇女核心小组;; lopmetazepam;氯甲西泮;; global march against child labour;反对使用童工全球大游行;; Armed Forces Revolutionary Council/Revolutionary United Front;武装部队革命委员会/革命联合阵线武革委/ 联阵;AFRC/RUF;武革委/ 联阵 United Nations military observer mission to Sierra Leone;联合国塞拉利昂军事观察团;; Africa Governance Forum;非洲施政论坛;AGF; Africa Governance Forum I;第一届非洲施政论坛;AGFI; United Nations Liaison Office in Sierra Leone;联合国驻塞拉利昂联络处;; sense of ownership;主人翁感;; country team;国家小组;; oil overseers;石油监督员;; customs officers;海关干事;; Obervation and Analysis Section;观察和分析科;; Deputy Director and Chief of Section;副主任兼科长;; Deputy United Nations Security Coordinators;联合国副安全协调员;; Programme Section;方案科;; Director and Deputy to the Executive Director;主任兼执行主任助理;; Training for Women: An Inventory of United Nations-Sponsored Activities;妇女训练:联合国赞助活动清单;; Shakti-1;沙克蒂-1;; Research on Women: An Inventory of United Nations-Sponsored Activities;妇女问题研究:联合国赞助活动清单;; Training Activities: Policy Outline;训练活动:政策纲要;; National Machineries for the Advancement of Women;各国提高妇女地位机构;; Women, Technology and Sexual Divisions;妇女、技术与性别分工;; Women in the World Economy;妇女与世界经济;; cannabis and cannabis resin;大麻与大麻脂;; dihydroetorphine;二氢埃托啡;; Section for Humanistic, Cultural and International Education;人文、文化和国际教育科;; Inter-agency Task Force on El Nino;厄尔尼诺现象机构间工作队;; 3-methylfentanyl;3-甲基芬太尼;; methlthiofentanyl;甲基硫代芬太尼;; 3-methlthiofentanyl;3-甲基硫代芬太尼;; Inter-sessional Ad Hoc Working Group on Industry and Sustainable Development;工业和可持续发展闭会期间特设工作组;; pentavalent nitrogen morphine derivatives;五价氮吗啡衍生物;; declaration on interdependence, draft;关于相互依存的宣言草案;; Group 3+3;3+3人小组;; Expert Group Meeting on Strategic Approaches to Freshwater Management;淡水管理战略办法专家组会议;; Cape Town Declaration;开普敦宣言;; International Consultations on Partnership in the Water Sector for Cities in Africa;非洲城市水利部门合作国际协商;; Ministerial Meeting on Water Resources and Sustainable Development;水资源和可持续发展部长级会议;; integrated water resources management;水资源综合管理;IWRM; United Nations Guidebook on integrated water resources management;联合国水资源综合管理指南;; strategic approaches to freshwater management;淡水管理战略办法;; Strategy for Coca and Opium Poppy Elimination;消除古柯和罂粟战略;SCOPE; United Nations Global Monitoring System;联合国全球监测系统;; Advocacy NGOs;专题性非政府组织;; piritramide;氰苯双哌酰胺;; Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change;联合国气候变化框架公约京都议定书;; Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions;禁止在国际商业交易中贿赂外国公职人员公 约;; international work programme on changing production and consumption patterns;改变生产和消费形态国际工作方案;; acetyldhydrocodeine;醋氢可待因;; ad hoc expert group on vulnerability indices;脆弱程度指数特设专家组;; etryptamine;乙色胺;; ecological vulnerability index;生态脆弱程度指数;; economic vulnerability index;经济脆弱程度指数;; MDMA;二亚甲基双氧安非他明;MDMA; methcathinone;甲卡西酮;; methylaminorex, 4-;甲米雷司;; MMDA;甲羟芬胺;MMDA; N-ethyl, MDA;乙芬胺;; N-hydroxy, MDA;羟芬胺;; Special session of the General Assembly for the overall review and appraisal of the implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development;全面审查和评价国际人口与发展会议行动纲 领执行情况的大会特别会议;; World Census of Agriculture 2000;2000年世界农业普查;WCA 2000; Programme for the World Census of Agriculture 2000;2000年世界农业普查方案;; Expert Group Meeting on Corruption;腐败问题专家组会议;; Universal Declaration on Democracy;世界民主宣言;; Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and its stereochemical variants;δ-9-四氢大麻酚及其立体化学变体;; zipeprol;齐培丙醇;; bucinnazine;布桂嗪 强痛定;;强痛定 aminorex;阿米雷司;; brotizolam;溴替唑仑;; Safety Standards Series;安全标准丛书;; Scenario sane, human and ecological;健全、人道、生态观念 女性观念;SHE;女性观念 Children living in a world with AIDS;生活在一个有艾滋病的世界上的儿童;; Child labour: Targeting the intolerable;童工:是可忍孰不可忍;; Trusteeship Council Chamber;托管理事会会议厅;; mesocarb;美索卡;; acedicon;蒂巴康;; acetomorphine;海洛因;; China United Telecommunications Corporation;中国联合通信有限公司中国联通;China UNICOM;中国联通 China UNICOM;中国联合通信有限公司中国联通;China UNICOM;中国联通 COSCO;中国远洋运输集团 中远;COSCO;中远 Lodging Touch TM;龙栈;; acetyldemethylodihydrothebaine;蒂巴康;; adanon;美沙酮;; adolan;美沙酮;; adolens;哌口替啶;; afluol;美沙酮;; alcioid;右旋吗拉密特;; algantine;哌口替啶;; algeril;丙吡胺;; algidon;美沙酮;; algil;哌口替啶;; algolysin;美沙酮;; algoxale;美沙酮;; alodan;哌口替啶;; alperidine;丙烯普鲁汀;; alvodine;匹密诺汀;; ambenyl;氢可酮;; amidalgon;丁酸吗福啉二苯乙酯;; amidol;狄美菲坦诺;; amidone;美沙酮;; amidosan;美沙酮;; aminobutene;二甲氨二噻吩丁烯;; amphosedal;哌口替啶;; anileriqine;安尼勒立汀;; anopridine;匹密诺汀;; antidol;哌口替啶;; antidnol;哌口替啶;; antispasmin;哌口替啶;; asmalina;哌口替啶;; assicodid;氢可酮;; assilaudid;二氢吗啡酮;; atenorax;爱托失立汀;; atenos;爱托失立汀;; bellalgina;哌口替啶;; bemidone;羟基哌口替啶;; biatos;氢可酮;; biocodone;氢可酮;; biomorphyl;二氢吗啡酮;; Indonesia, the Republic of;印度尼西亚共和国 印尼;;印尼 Women in Technology International;技术妇女国际;WITI; bionin;氧可酮;; bionone;氧可酮;; biphenal;羟哌口替啶哌口替啶;; Plan of Action for the International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism;铲除殖民主义国际十年行动计划;; boncodal;氧可酮;; broncodid;氢可酮;; Information Technology Division;信息技术司;ITD;信技司 butalgin;美沙酮;; calmodid;氢可酮;; carbetidine;爱托失立汀;; cardanon;氧可酮;; Regional Justice Project;区域司法项目;; centralgin;哌口替啶;; cimadon;匹密诺汀;; citarin;外消旋吗泛;; cliradon;比密冬酮;; codeigene;氧化可待因;; codeinon;氧可酮;; codesona;氢可酮;; codimal;氢可酮;; codinon;氢可酮;; codinovo;氢可酮;; coditrate;氢可酮;; codone;氢可酮;; cofacodide;氢可酮;; cormorphin;二氢吗啡酮;; cosil;氢可酮;; curadol;氢可酮;; deatussan;原美沙酮;; demerol;哌口替啶;; depridol;美沙酮;; deptadol;美沙酮;; rain-fed agriculture;依赖雨水的农业;; gender-mainstreaming;将性别问题纳入主流;; diaminon;美沙酮;; diamorphine;海洛因;; dianone;美沙酮;; diaphorm;海洛因;; dicodide;氢可酮;; dicodinon;氢可酮;; diconal;狄匹潘浓;; diconone;氢可酮;; dicotrate;氢可酮;; diethibutin;二乙氨二噻吩丁烯;; diethyliambutene;二乙氨二噻吩丁烯;; United Nations Office for Iraq Programme;联合国伊拉克方案办公室联伊办;UNOIP;联伊办 Balzana Prize "For Peace and Humanity";“争取和平与人道主义”巴尔赞奖;; beneficial ownership;船舶实际所有人;; bipkwele;比奎勒;; boevik;民兵;; branco;白人;; Building the smallest democracy at the heart of society;在社会核心建立最小的民主体制;; Canard;鸭翼;; caso jesuitas;耶稣会士案;; Centro de estudios y formacion para el ecodesarrollo "alter-vida";"另一种生活"生态发展研究和训练中心;; Charge to costs charged to "project costs";[把费用]记在“项目费用”帐上;; child bondage;抵押儿童;; Committee of Experts on the Question of "Micro-States";微小国家问题专家委员会;; Communications Branch;来文事务处;; Communications circulated under the "no objection" procedure to which objections have been raised.;根据“无异议”程序分发但有人提出异议的 来文;; communications under the "no objection" procedure;根据"无异议"程序收到的来文;; Companhia Angolana de Alimentacao Animal "Cuca Protector", SARL;安哥拉动物饲料公司“安联支持”;; Condor;神鹰;; Conference "Environment for Europe";"欧洲环境" 会议;; conference entitled "Independence 1992";题为“独立1992年”会议;; Conference of Ministers for the Environment "Environment for Europe";环境部长"欧洲环境"会议;; Conference on "Child, Family and Society";“儿童、家庭与社会”会议;; Conference Secretariat expert group meeting on Peace: women in international decision-making;会议秘书处关于"和平:妇女参与国际决策"的 专家组会议;; Convenio "Rodrigo Lara Bonilla";“罗德里戈·拉腊·博尼利亚”公约;; dihydrodesoxymorphine;二氢去氧吗啡;; dihydrohydroxycodeinone;氧可酮;; December;"十二月"运动;; dihydrohydroxymorphinone;氧吗啡酮;; dihydrokon;氢可酮;; Declaration Adopted by the Conference of the Sovereigns and Heads of the Member Countries of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries The Solemn Declaration;石油输出国组织成员国国王和国家元首会议通过的宣言 庄严宣言;;庄严宣言 dihydrone;氧可酮;; Declaration on "Statistics for Social Progress";关于促进建立独立的和多元的非洲新闻业的 温得和克宣言;; Denpa;"电波"卫星;REXS; Dobris Conference on "Environment for Europe";关于“堡欧洲环境”的多布日什会议;; dilaudide;二氢吗啡酮;; dominance;主导 平均薪金;;平均薪金 dimepheprimine;普鲁亥他净;; dimethibutin;二甲氨二噻吩丁烯;; Eid al-Adha;宰牲节;; dimethythiambutene;二甲氨二噻吩丁烯;; endorsement with the words "without recourse";无追索背书;; dimorphid;二氢吗啡酮;; Estudio Regional del Fenomeno "El Nino";“厄尔尼诺”现象区域研究;ERFEN; European Conference on "Integrating Social and Family Policy for the 90's";关于“90年代整体社会与家庭政策”欧洲会议;; dimorphinon;二氢吗啡酮;; dimorphone;二氢吗啡酮;; European International Space Year Conference, "Space in the Service of the Changing Earth";欧洲国际空间年会议, "空间为变化中的地球服务";; Ezuva;埃祖瓦社;; dinarcon;氧可酮;; Festival of Corban;古尔邦节;; dinicotinyl morphine;烟碱酰吗啡;; dionine;乙基吗啡;; diphencxylate;狄芬诺西莱;; diphenoxyle;狄芬诺西莱;; dipidclor;匹立特莱密特;; dipipancne;狄匹潘浓;; disipan;美沙酮;; dispadol;哌口替啶;; dodonal;哌口替啶;; dol;哌口替啶;; dolafin;美沙酮;; dolamid;美沙酮;; dolamina;美沙酮;; dolanquifa;哌口替啶;; dolantal;哌口替啶;; dolantin;哌口替啶;; dolantol;哌口替啶;; dolaremil;哌口替啶;; dolagan;哌口替啶;; dolarin;哌口替啶;; dolatol;哌口替啶;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司