翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 dolcontral;哌口替啶;; Five plus Five;"五加五";; Five plus Four formula;"五加四方案";; dolcsona;美沙酮;; dolenal;哌口替啶;; dolental;哌口替啶;; dolestine;哌口替啶;; doleval;哌口替啶;; dolin;哌口替啶;; dolinal;哌口替啶;; dolisan;哌口替啶;; dolisina;哌口替啶;; dolodorin;氧可酮;; doloheptan;美沙酮;; doloneurin;哌口替啶;; dolopethin;哌口替啶;; dolophine;美沙酮;; dolor;哌口替啶;; dolorex;美沙酮;; doloridine;哌口替啶;; dolormin;哌口替啶;; dolosal;哌口替啶;; dolosil;哌口替啶;; dolsin;哌口替啶;; dolvanol;哌口替啶;; dorexol;美沙酮;; dosicodid;氢可酮;; dosilantine;哌口替啶;; dromoran;左吗喃;; duodin;氢可酮;; eclorion;海洛因;; emethibutin;甲已氨二噻吩丁烯;; equimorphine;氧可酮;; errecalma;右旋吗拉密特;; escofedal;氧可酮;; Florida Declaration "For National Harmony: The Florida Declaration";关于全国和谐的佛罗里达宣言;; four "Cs": common concern for women and children's health; complimentarity in support of countries; consistency in the messages conveyed; and coordination at all levels;四"C": 对妇女和儿童健康的共同关切; 对国家 支持的相互补充; 保持传送信息的一致性; 各个层次的协调;; free and fair elections shall be held within the framework of a comprehensive political settlement and under conditions where "no party would be advantaged";自由和公正的选举应在全面政治解决框架内和在"任何一方都不得占优势"的条件下举行;; Friends of Georgia group;"格鲁吉亚之友"小组;; from a "pollutee suffers" to a "polluter pays" principle;由"污染地受害"到"污染者受罚"的原则;; fuel blends on "deso-hols";柴油机燃料-酒精混合燃料;; Gleneagles Agreement on the Commonwealth "Statement of Apartheid" of June 1977;1977年6月关于英联邦“体育种族隔离声 明”的格莱尼格尔协定;; Global Trade Fair on "Good Ideas for Better Cities";“建设更理想城市的好点子”全球贸易博览会;; Granat;"石榴";; Green World;"绿色世界"运动;; Guidelines and recommendations on "the role of science and technology in the context of international security, disarmament and other related fields";关于"科学和技术在国际安全、裁军及其他 有关领域的作用"的准则和建议;; Guidelines for the Activities of National and Local "Urban Forums";国家和地方"城市论坛"活动准则;; Heads of Authority of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States;东加勒比国家组织政府首脑;; Health: A Bridge for Peace;卫生:和平的桥梁;; heroin "den";海洛因黑窝;; Hisbolah;真主党;; Japan-ASEAN Forum on "Development and Aid in ASEAN: the Role of Japan";日本-东盟关于"东盟发展和援助 - 日本的作用"论坛;; Joint Declaration on the Normalization of Relations between the Republic of Croatia and the "Federal Republic of Yugoslavia";关于克罗地亚共和国和"南斯拉夫联盟共和国"关系正朝的联合宣言;; KAMBANDA, Jean;让·坎班达;; Lailat al-kadr;盖德尔之夜;; language;语言语文;; loan for exclusive use;专用贷款;; Local Environment Facility;地方环境基金;; Local Perspectives in Development Project;"用地方观点看发展"项目;; NAPARAMAS;纳帕拉马斯;NAPARAMAS; eubine;氧可酮;; National Liberation Front of "Portuguese" Guinea;葡属几内亚全国解放阵线葡几阵线;FNLG;葡几阵线 eucodal;氧可酮;; eucodamine;氧可酮;; neck lacing;"戴项链";; Net "A" deficit;A亏绌净额;; eucosan;氧可酮;; eudin;氧可酮;; eudolak;哌口替啶;; New School;"新学校";; eukdin;氧可酮;; NGO Conference on "People and the Debt Crises-Challenge for NGO's";非政府组织关于"人民与外债晰 - 非政府组织面临的挑战" 会议;; eumorphal;氧可酮;; AABOUDIYE;阿布迪耶;; extussin;原美沙酮;; feldin;哌口替啶;; Nivanga;"尼瓦加" 号;; felidin;哌口替啶;; No "reserve for bad debts" shall be accrued;不提"坏帐准备";; fenadone;美沙酮;; fenpidon;狄匹潘浓;; genomorphine;氧化吗啡;; nolo contenders;不欲争辩;; gevelina;r;; Northward Expedition;北伐;; Northward March;北进;; Nuclear Safety Movement;"核安全"运动;; Old Problems, New Issues: Women's Health in Latin America and the Caribbean;老问题, 新问题: 拉丁美洲和加勒比妇女保健;; on a "sale or return basis";按照出售和退还原则;; Operation "Peace for Galilee";“加利利和平”行动;; Pan-African Conference on Youth and Development -- "African Youth in the 1990s and Beyond: Peace, Participation and Development";泛非青年与发展会议-“1990年代及其后的非 洲青年: 和平、参与和发展”;; Pan-European Ministerial Conference on the Theme "Environment for Europe";主题为"欧洲环境"的泛欧部长级会议;; Police Special Duties Detachment;警察特别任务分队;OMON; Pontifical Commission "Iustitia et Pax";教廷“正义与和平”委员会;; President Bush's Space Exploration Initiative SEI;布什总统的空间探索计划;; programme "round up" paper;方案“摘要”文件;; programme development, preparation, implementation and evaluation;方案发展、编制、执行和评价;; Programme on environmentally sustainable development;环境上可持续的发展方案;; Programme Publications, Library and Research Section;方案出版物、图书馆和研究科;; project financing;项目筹资;; project for "noting";“备案”项目;; Protocol of Procedure for the Transfer of Presidential Authority of the Republic of Nicaragua;尼加拉瓜共和国总统权力移交程序议定书;; gratidina;哌口替啶;; Planned Parenthood Federation of America;美国计划生育联合会计生联;PPFA;计生联 ATIYANTO, Prayono;普拉约诺·阿提扬托;; radicular system absorption;根系吸收;; United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Far East;联合国亚洲及远东区域制图会议;; United Nations Integrated Offices;联合国综合办事处综合办事处;UNIO;综合办事处 Radio "Hanguk Munhwa";“韩国文化”广播电台;; Radio Exploration Satellite;"电波"卫星;REXS; Ramadan War;斋月战争;; Regional Seminar on "the Impact of Economic Restructuring on the Employment, Training and Working Conditions of Women Workers in African Countries";关于"非洲国家经济体制改革对妇女职工就 业、训练和工作条件的影响"的区域讨论会;; Report on "International Action to Avert the Impending Protein Crisis" ACASTD;关于防止即将来临的蛋白质晰的国际行动 报告;; Resolutions adopted by the Moslem-Christian Meeting on Jerusalem;耶路撒冷问题伊斯兰教和基督教会议通过的决议;; reunification through northward march;北进统一;; revitalized system;"维新体制";; ride on the borderline, root out of Heights;监视边界,铲除高地;; rightful homes;合法家园;; Rocard Plan;罗卡尔计划;; Rodong Sinmun;"劳动新闻";; ROK Residents Association in Japan;韩国居留民团民团;MINDAN;民团 Rotary International;扶轮社国际;; safe biological build concept;"安全生物构造"概念;; salame tactics;"蚕食"策略;; sales suppliers;销售收入减去原料成本、向外部供应者购取 服务的费用以及货物税";; Samuel B. Roberts;"塞缪尔·罗伯茨"号军舰;; sanitary zone;"清洁区";; Seminar on "Shipbuilding 2000 - Maritime Conference BALTEXPO '88";“2000年造船业-1988年BALTEXPO海事会议”讨论会;; Set of Principles and Rules;一套原则和规则;; Shana Tova;新年好;; Shura;协商会议 会议委员会;; simplified and accelerated "no-objection" procedure;简化加速的"无异议"程序;; Sixth United Nations Population Inquiry among governments: "Monitoring of Governments Perceptions and Policies on Demographic Trends and Levels in relation to Development as of 1987";第六次各国政府间人口调查:“监测截至1987年各国政府对与发展有关的人口趋势和水平所持的概念和政策”;; skill mix;"混合技能";; social mobilization for "going to scale";为“规寞”进行社会动员;; society for all by the year 2010;到2010年实现人人共享的社会;; soft law;"软性法律";; Software;"软件";; Solidarity;"团结"工会;; South Africa Bombshell;南非炸弹;; Space Shuttle;航天飞机;; Space Shuttle Challenger;"挑战者"号航天飞机;; Spear of the Nation;"民族先锋";; special adjustments;特殊调整;; special atomic demolition munition;"特殊原子爆破弹";; specific element;专名部分;; Statement "Let us prevent a national split and reunify the country";“防止民族分裂、统一祖国”讲话;; subtheme "employment, health and education";就业、保健和教育次主题;; Supreme National Council hereinafter referred to as "the SNC" is the unique legitimate body and source of authority in which, throughout the transitional period, the;全国最高委员会以下简称"最高委员会"是柬埔寨的唯一合法机构和权力来源, 在整个过渡时期体现柬埔寨的国家主权, 独立和统一;; system of "housewife pay";家庭主妇薪给制;; Technological Information Pilot System;技术信息试验系统;TIPS; Terms of compensation in nationalization settlements in developing countries;发展中国家国有化理赔条件;; Tripartite meeting of experts on "Social Security and Social Protection: Equality of Treatment Between Women and Men";关于"社会保障和社会堡:男女待遇平 等"的三方专家会议;; Trust Fund "Energy Efficiency, 2000";“能源效率2000年”信托基金;; Trust Fund on Environmental Performance Reviews and "Environment for Europe";环境性能审查和“欧洲环境”信托基金;; umbrella nationalist movement in Ukraine;乌克兰民族总运动 "鲁赫"运动;Rukh; "鲁赫"运动 under the "no objection" procedure;根据无异议程序;; UNESCO international symposium on "Women and the Media";教科文组织关于"妇女与媒体"的国际专题讨 论会;; United Nations Conference on Disarmament Issues -- "Disarmament in the last half century and its future prospects";联合国裁军问题会议:过去半世纪的裁军及其未来前景;; United Nations Fund for Population;联合国人口基金人口基金;UNFPA;人口基金 United Nations Inter-Agency "Flash-Appeal";联合国机构间"紧急呼吁";; United Nations North American regional seminar on "Peace and Justice for the Palestinian People - an imperative for 1990s";"为巴勒斯坦人民争取和平与正义-1990年 代的紧急任务"联合国北美区域讨论会;; United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific;联合国亚洲及太平洋区域制图会议;; United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas;联合国美洲区域制图会议;; United Nations Symposium on Northeast Asia on "Multi-faceted Cooperation in Northeast Asia";关于“东北亚多方面合作”的联合国东北亚 专题讨论会;; United Nations/UNESCO/WMO/ICTP Conference on "Bridging the Information Gap in Space Science and Technology";联合国/教科文组织/气象组织/理论物理中 心"填补空间科学和技术信息空白"会议;; United Way International;联合道路国际协会;; Uniting for Peace resolution;"联合一致共策和平"决议;; University of Jerusalem "Al-Quds";耶路撒冷"圣城"大学;; University of Jerusalem "Al-Quds" for Palestine refugees;为巴勒斯坦难民设立的耶路撒冷"圣城"大学;; unsafe motherhood;不安全孕产;; USS Samuel B. Roberts;美军"塞缪尔·罗伯茨"号军舰;; Ustashi;乌斯达莎;; V"ushna t"rgoviia na Narodna Republika B"kgariia - statisticheski danni, 1939-1974;保加利亚人民共和国对外贸易统计资料, 1939-1974;; Vaccination Commando campaign;"种痘突击队"运动;; Vakfs religious trusts;教产;; Villa "La Fenetre";"明窗"别墅;; Villa "Le Chene";橡园别墅;; Villa "Les Feuillantines";绿荫别墅;; Lucent Technologies;朗讯技术公司;; Voluntary Work Service;志愿工作服务;;服务 Vostok rocket;"东方"火箭;; Wal-fajr;"曙光"作战;; wali;圣徒;; Wali of Sokoto;索科托圣徒;; war tax "impuestos de guerra" ;战争税;; Washington Agreements on the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina;关于波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那联邦的华盛顿 协定;; We the people of the United Nations...United for a Better World;我联合国人民共建更美好世界;; White Lager;白人营地;; Whitestans;白人斯坦;; Workshop on Enhancement of the Role of the Private Sector in Development;增强私营部门在发展中的作用讲习班;; World Commemoration of the "Slave Route";"贩奴之路"世界纪念活动;; World Forum on Launching the International Year of the Family;开始国际家庭年世界论坛;; World No-tobacco Day 1994: "The media and tobacco: getting the health message across";1994年世界戒烟日: "媒体与烟草: 传播健康信息";; WRESAT I;武器研究卫星一号;; X-Y Movement;"X-Y"运动;; yachtjacking;劫持游艇;; Yadernaya Bezopasnost;"核安全"运动;; Yashyllar;绿色运动;; Yellow Cake Road;黄饼之路;; Yum Kippur War;斋月战争;; Zeleniy svit;"绿色世界"运动;; Zeltoskan;十二月运动;; Zemunik Airport;泽穆尼克机场;;机场 XIA, Kunbao;夏堡;; Simon Bolivar Satellite Project;“西蒙·玻利瓦尔”卫星项目;; International Conference of Experts on "International Criminal Justice: historical and contemporary perspectives";“国际刑事司法:历史和现代观点”国际专家会议;; International Conference " One Decade after Chernobyl: Summing up the Radiological Consequences of the Accident";“切尔诺贝利事故十年之后:总结事故的放射后果”国际会议;; IBFAN Action Pact "Breast is Best";婴儿食品网行动资料“母乳最佳”;; Inter-Parliamentary Conference on "Health -- Basis for Development in Africa";各国议会联盟“健康乃非洲发展的基础”会 议;; Inter-Parliamentary Symposium on "Parliament: Guardian of Human Rights";"议会:人权卫士"议会间专题讨论会;; Intergovernmental Symposium on the Theme "UNCED, the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Bern Convention: the next steps";"环发会议、生物多样性公约和伯尔尼公约: 下一步骤" 政府间专题讨论会;; interhamwe;帮派民兵;; International Children's Assembly "Banner of Peace";"和平旗帜" 国际儿童大会;; International Colloquium on "The implementation of the ESA Convention - Lessons from the Past";"欧空局条约的执行 - 以往的教训"国际座谈会;; International Conference on "Democratic Culture and Development: Towards the Third Millennium in Latin America";"民主文化与发展:拉丁美洲迈向第三千年"国际会议;; International Conference on "Families Across Frontiers";"家庭跨越国界"国际会议;; International Conference on "Peoples of the World against Apartheid for a Democratic South Africa";“世界人民反对种族隔离支持民主南非”国际会议;; International Conference on "rehabilitation of disabled children: present state and future trends";“残疾儿童康复问题:当前状况和未来趋势”国际会议;; International Conference on "Sports Against Drugs";“体育禁毒”国际会议;; International Conference on "The Reconstruction and Development of the Croatian Economy;重建和发展克罗地亚经济国际会议;; Ad Hoc Preparatory Working Group of Senior Officials "Environment for Europe";“欧洲环境”进程特设高级官员筹备工作组;; Public Forum on "Women and Mainstreaming: Towards a Research Agenda";“妇女与进入主流问题:拟订一项研究议 程”公共论坛;; High Level Consultation on "Women's Contribution to the Culture of Peace";“妇女对和平文化的贡献”高级别协商;; tabu;土地登记;; international conference on a "Central Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone";建立中亚无核武器区国际会议;; International Year for the Culture of Peace;和平文化国际年;; UNDP-Corporate Sector Partnerships;开发计划署与企业界的伙伴关系;; inquisitors;纠察队员;; human signal;人类导因;; KOTANI, Mikako;小谷"冗"盖头下"夫"加"一"可子;; resolve that ...;正式决定;; family leave programme;家事假方案;; International Congress "Cities and Education for a Culture of Peace";“城市与教育促进和平文化”国际大会;; La Nina;拉尼娜“圣女”;; International Conference on Beyond Normalization: Towards One Society for All;"超越正朝: 建立人人共享社会" 国际会议;; international conference on elderly refugees in Europe -- "Age in Exile";欧洲老年难民问题国际会议-“流亡中的老年人”;; International Conference on Hydrology, "Towards the 21st Century: Research and Operational Needs";国际水文会议, "走向第21世纪: 研究和业务需要";; International Congress "Education and Informatics: Strengthening International Cooperation";“教育和信息学:加强国际合作”国际大会;; International Expert Meeting on the topic "Towards a Competitive Society in Central and Eastern Europe: Social Dimension";"中欧和东欧走向竞争性社会: 社会层面的问 题"国际专家会议;; International Federation of "Amies de la jeune fille";国际“青年妇女之友”联合会;; International Forum "For Solidarity against Intolerance, For a Dialogue of Cultures";“团结一致反对不容忍、支持文化间对话”国际论坛;; International Labour Office ILO International Forum on "Equality for Women in a Changing World: Challenge for the Future;国际劳工局关于"变化世界中妇女的平等: 今后的挑战"的国际论坛;; International Labour Office ILO Regional Seminar on "the Impact of Economic Restructuring on the Employment, Training and Working Conditions of Women Workers in African Countries";国际劳工局关于"非洲国家经济体制改革对 妇女职工就业、训练和工作条件的影响"的 区域讨论会;; International Labour Office ILO Tripartite meeting of experts on "Social Security and Social Protection: Equality of Treatment Between Women and Men";国际劳工局关于"社会保障和社会堡: 男 女待遇平等"的三方专家会议;; International Meeting of Experts on "Poverty and Progress";"贫穷与进步"问题国际专家会议;; International Meeting of Experts on the "Slave Route";"贩奴之路"国际专家会议;; International NGO Conference on "Non-alignment in International Relations";非政府组织“国际关系中不结盟”问题国际 会议;; International of Provisional Application of "GATT 1947";"1947 年总协定" 临时适用议定书;; International Prize "Alfonso Reyes";“阿方索·雷耶斯”国际奖;; International Research Centre for Environmental Structures "Pio Manzu";国际环境结构研究中心-皮奥·曼祖;; international seminar on "Children of the Amazon";“亚马孙河儿童”国际讨论会;; International Seminar on "The Development of Latin America and the Caribbean in the Twenty-First Century: Prospects of SELA Action";“二十一世纪拉丁美洲和加勒比的发展:拉美经济体系行动前景”国际讨论会;; International Symposium on "Culture, Democracy and Development: the Role of Intellectuals";“文化、民主与发展:知识分子的作用”国际专题讨论会;; international symposium on "Women and the Media";关于"妇女与媒体"的国际专题讨论会;; International Year of Disabled Persons 1981 "Full participation and equality";国际残疾人年充分参与和平等;; ISY Conference for Africa, MARISY-92: Evaluation of Natural Resources with Remote Sensing Techniques;"MARISY-92: 用遥感技术评价自然资源"非 洲国际空间年会议;; Making Beijing Successful;"使北京会议成功";; Mawlid al-Nabi;圣纪;; Mawlid an-Nabi;圣纪;; Meeting on "Safeguards";关于“保障措施”的会议;; Mi'raj;登霄节;; Ministerial Conference on "Culture, Education and Development";"文化、教育和发展"问题部长级会议;; Mother Kangaroo technique;"袋鼠妈妈"技术;; Muhajireem;迁土;; Muhajirum;迁土;; mujahid;"自由战士"派;; Rules of the Road;拘押规则;; Association "Europe" Agreements;“欧洲”结盟协定;; Civil Cisturbances Act;民众骚乱法;; Ottawa Declaration: "Towards a Global Ban on Anti-Personnel Mines";渥太华宣言: 促成全球禁止杀伤人员地雷;; South Kivu;南基伍;; North Kivu;北基伍;; net remuneration margin;净薪差幅;; Research for Action Series;"研究促进行动"丛书;; International Strategy Conference "Towards a Global Ban on Anti-personnel Mines" Ottawa International Strategy Conference;“全面禁止杀伤人员地雷”国际战略会议 渥太华国际战略会议;;渥太华国际战略会议 house keeping concept;"以住户为主"的概念;; tapadas;"塔帕达斯";; Food for All Campaign;“人人有饭吃”活动;; Western Bekaa;贝卡西部;; Coordinator International Charting Area "J";国际制图“J”区协调员;; Charter of Young People for a 21st Century Free of Drugs;争取无毒品21世纪青年宪章;; Pan-African Conference on Youth and Devleopment - "African Youth in the 1990s and Beyond: Peace, Participation and Development";泛非青年与发展会议-“1990年代及其后 的非洲青年:和平、参与和发展”;; Al Sa'eqa;"闪电"突击队;; sun- set rule;“日落”规定;; Sara Initiative;萨拉倡议;; Specialized Inter-Parliamentary Conference on the theme "Towards Partnership between Men and Women in Politics";各国议会联盟专题会议:男女合作参与政治;; Tokyo Declaration on African Development "Towards the 21st Century";关于非洲发展“走向21世纪”的东京宣言;; Lisbon International Exposition: "The Oceans: A Heritage for the Future";里斯本国际展览会:“海洋:未来的遗产”;; Hannover Exposition 2000: "Mankind, nature, technology";2000年汉诺威展览会:“人类、自然、技术”;; minder = escort;看管人员;; escort [= minder];陪同人员;; Sub-Group on Sanctions;制裁问题分组;; treaty body;条约机构;; Joint Declaration of the Bangladesh-India-Pakistan Business Summit;孟加拉-印度-巴基斯坦商业首脑会议联合 声明;; International Weapons and Explosives Tracking System;国际武器和爆炸物追跟踪系统;IWETS; Integrated On-Demand Network;集成必应网 必应网;ION;必应网 Zhu, Rongji;朱基;; Soci閠?des Nations;国际联盟 国联;SDN;国联 United Nations Conference on the Declaration of Death of Missing Persons;联合国失踪人死亡宣告会议;; Protocol for Extending the period of validity of the Convention on the Declaration of Death of Missing Persons;展延失踪人死亡宣告公约有效期间之议定书;; Protocol for the further extension of the period of validity of the Convention on the Declaration of Death of Missing Persons;再度展延失踪人死亡宣告公约有效期间之议定 书;; GARCIA DEL REAL, Bustelo;布斯特洛·加西亚·德尔雷亚尔;; International Tropical Timber Bureau;国际热带木材局;; Agreement establishing the International Tropical Timber Bureau;建立国际热带木材局协定;; Summit for Peace and Prosperity;促进和平与繁荣首脑会议;; Eminent Persons Study of the Rwanda Genocide and the Surrounding Events;知名人士对卢旺达种族灭绝和相关事件的调查;; African Growth and Opportunity Act;非洲增长和机会法;; Partnership for Economic Growth;促进经济增长伙伴关系;; Joint Declaration of Principles;联合原则宣言;; Terms of Reference of the International Copper Study Group;国际铜研究组织职权范围;; Special Parallel Relationship Agreement;特别平行关系协定;; Development Partnership Forum: From Aid Coordination to Development Partnership;发展伙伴关系论坛:从援助协调到发展伙伴关系;; Sarajevo Return Conference;萨拉热窝回返工作会议;; Joint Exhumation Commission;挖掘遗骸联合委员会;; Licensing Sub-Commission;许可证小组委员会;; Mineral Resources Forum;矿物资源论坛;; Round Table on Mining: the Next 25 Years;采矿圆桌会议:未来25年展望;; Tashkent Declaration on the United Nations Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia;关于联合国中亚经济体特别方案的塔什干宣 言;; United Nations Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia;联合国中亚经济体特别方案中亚经济体方案;SPECA;中亚经济体方案 Declaration on the further intensification of regional integration;关于进一步加强区域一体化的宣言;; From Aid Coordination to Development Partnership;从援助协调到发展伙伴关系;; Capacity-building for Governance Programme;治理能力建设方案;; Treaty on the Creation of a Unified Economic Space between the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Uzbekistan;哈萨克斯坦共和国、吉尔吉斯共和国、乌兹别克斯坦共和国建立共同经济区条约;; island systems management;岛屿系统管理;ISM; General Meeting on National Defence;国防全面情况委员会;; Central Office for the Suppression of Banditry;中央剿匪办公室中央剿办;OCRB;中央剿办 Movement for Democracy and Development;争取民主和发展运动民发;MDD;民发 United Nations General Assembly Special Session on the World Drug Problem;关于世界毒品问题的联合国大会特别会议;; International Expert Meeting on the Role of Publicly-funded Research and Publicly-owned Technologies in the Transfer and Diffusion of Environmentally Sound Technologies;政府资助的研究和公有技术在转让和推广无害环境技术中的作用国际专家会议;; Supplemental Award;补充裁决;; Global Hub;全球联络中心;; Year of Safe Motherhood;安全孕产年;; Copenhagen Alternative Declaration;哥本哈根备选宣言;; 1997 New Delhi Declaration of the SAARC Environment Ministers;1997年南盟环境部长新德里宣言;; 1997 New Delhi Declaration of Environment Ministers on a common position of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation before the special session of the General Assembly on the implementation of Agenda 21;1997年南亚区域合作联盟各国环境部长在关 于21世纪议程执行情况的大会特别会议前夕 采取的共同立场新德里宣言;; Kosovo Liberation Army KLA;科索沃解放军科军;KLA;科军 Special Session on the World Drug Problem;关于世界毒品问题的联合国大会特别会议;; Policy Planning and Programme Development Section;政策规划和方案制定科;; Budget and Finance Section;预算和财务科;BFS;财务科 Monitoring and Evaluation Section;监测和评价科;; Human Resources Services Section;人力资源事务科;HRSS;人力资源科 Technology Systems Services Section;技术系统事务科;; Health Services Section;医务科;; Facilities Maintenance Unit;设施维修股;; Documents and Publications Control Board;文件和出版物管制委员会;; Regional Cooperation and Integration Division;区域合作和一体化司;; Development Information Services Division;发展信息事务司;; Food Security and Sustainable Development Division;粮食安全和可持续发展司;; Economic and Social Policy Division;经济和社会政策司;; subregional development centres;分区域发展中心;SRDC; Human Resources and Systems Services Division;人力资源和系统事务司;HRSMS; Radio and Central News Service;无线电和中央新闻处;; Bureau for Development Policy;发展政策局 发展局;BDP;发展局 Operations Support Group;业务支助组;OSG;业务组 Guidelines for Internal Control Standards;内部控制标准准则;; General Guidelines for Peacekeeping Operations;维持和平行动一般指导方针;; Strategic Communications Planning Group;战略性传播规划小组;; Information Technology Section;信息技术科;ITS;信技科 Generic Planing Unit;一般规划股;GPU; Standby Arrangement Unit;待命安排股;SAU; Selection Assistance Team programme;甄选援助队方案;; responsibility centres;责任中心;; International Conference on Environment and Society: Education and Public Awareness for Sustainability;国际环境与社会会议:可持续发展的教育和公众认识;; Thessaloniki International Award;塞萨洛尼基国际奖;; Declaration of Thessaloniki;塞萨洛尼基宣言;; Headquarters inventory system;总部盘存系统;HQINVENT; quality service initiative;优质服务倡议;QSI; Regional Audit Service Centres;区域审计事务中心;RASC;审计中心 Management Review and Oversight Committee;管理审查和监督委员会审监委;MROC;审监委 Bureau for Financial and Administration Services;财务和行政事务局 财政局;BFAS;财政局 Financial Information Management System;财务信息管理系统;FIMS; Regional Campaign to Raise Awareness of Violence Against Women;提高对妇女暴力行为问题的认识区域运动;; Field office inventory system;外地办事处盘存系统;FOINVENT; unintended birth;意外分娩;; unintended birth;意外分娩;; intended birth;意愿分娩;; intended pregnancy;意愿怀孕;; Acting Assistant Secretary-General for Central Support Services;主管中央支助事务代理助理秘书长;; Compensation and Classification Policy Unit;报酬和叙级政策股;CCPU;报酬股 Wide Area Network Unit;广域网股;; Network Control Centre;网络管制中心;; Tracking Team;侦查队;; Legal Advisory Group;法律咨询组;; Information and Evidence Support Unit;资料和证据支助股;; Trial Unit;起诉股;; Detention Facility;拘留设施;; Typing and Editing;打字和编辑;; Translation and Revision;翻译和审校;; Language and Conference Services Section;语文和会议事务科;; Special Projects and Courtroom Support;特别项目和审判室支助;; Staff Servicing;工作人员事务;; Personnel Records Unit/Roster;人事记录股/名册;; Training and Career Development;训练和职业发展;; Philippines, the;菲律宾;; Payments Unit;薪给股;; Procurement and Contracts;采购和合同;; Communications and EDP/MIS;通信和电子数据处理/管理信息系统;; Crime Analyst Unit;罪行分析股;; International Conference Centre;国际会议中心;; Security Services Section;警卫事务科;; Research and Legal Agreements;研究和法律协定;; Lawyers and Detention Facility Management Section;律师和拘留设施管理科;; Court Management Services Section;法庭管理事务科;; Court Records Unit;法庭记录股;; Witness and Victims Support Section;证人和被害人支助科;; Courtroom Support;审判室支助;; General Legal Services Section and Chambers Support Section;一般法律事务和分庭支助科;; CALIS;高等教育文献保障体系;CALIS; AMS;阿尔法磁谱仪实验;AMS; EAS;中国大通国际运输有限公司;EAS; approval, arrival and distribution of humanitarian supplies;人道主义用品的核准,抵达和分发;; award, awarding;授标维也纳文件;;维也纳文件 Caribbean Law Institute Centre;加勒比法律研究中心法律中心;CLIC;法律中心 competitive procedure;竞争性程序;; agreed statement;商定声明;; demand creation;创造需求;; Iberoamerican Institute of International Economic Law;伊比利亚-美洲国际经济法学会 伊美经法会;INIDIE;伊美经法会 legislative recommendation 1;立法建议1;;Committee I project consortium;项目企业集团;; selection proceedings;选择程序;; Shipley, Jenny;詹尼·西普利;; United Nations Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa;联合国中部非洲安全问题常设咨询委员会 中部非洲咨委会;SACSQ;中部非洲咨委会 Commander of SFOR;稳定部队指挥官;COMSFOR; HARTZ, Halvor;哈尔沃·哈尔茨;; Task Force on Health in Development;发展顾及健康工作队;; Programa Nova Vida;新生活方案;; Yuzpe regimen;尤兹普配方;; LPX;LPX;LPX; memory management unit;存储管理器;MMU; microcode;微指令;; pelvic inflammatory disease;骨盆炎;PID; nullipara;未产妇;; emergency contraceptive pills;紧急避孕药;ECPs; herpes simplex virus;单纯性疱疹病毒;HSV; chlamydia;衣原体;; syphilis;梅毒;; gonorrhoea;淋病;; trichomoniasis;毛滴虫病;; National Academy Press;国家科学院出版社;; Special Session of the General Assembly on the World Drug Problem;关于世界毒品问题的联合国大会第二十届 特别会议;; year 2000 date conversion problem of computers;2000年计算机日期调整问题;; Report of the Secretary General's Investigative Team Charged with Investigating Serious Violations of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law in the Democratic Republic of Congo;秘书长负责调查刚果民主共和国境内严重侵 犯人权和违反国际人道主义法事件的调查队 的报告;; Secretary General's Investigative Team Charged with Investigating Serious Violations of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law in the Democratic Republic of Congo;秘书长负责调查刚果民主共和国境内严重侵 犯人权和违反国际人道主义法事件的调查队 秘书长调查队;SGIT;秘书长调查队 Integrated Meeting and Documentation Information System;综合会议和文件信息系统会文信息系统;IMDIS;会文信息系统 No advance document is expected;没有要预先分发的文件;; Mai-mai;马伊-马伊人;; SANDOS, Jose Eduardo dos;何塞·爱德华多·多斯桑多斯;; Rwandese Army FAR;卢旺达军武装部队;;武装部队 Offshore Group of Banking Supervisors;海外银行监督员小组;; Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering;亚太洗钱问题小组;; Summit of the Americas Conference concerning the Laundering of Proceeds and Instrumentalities of Crime;美洲犯罪收益和犯罪工具清洗问题首脑会议;; RUAK, Taur Matan;陶尔·马坦·鲁阿克;; Measures to Prevent the Illicit Manufacture, Import, Export, Trafficking and Distribution of Precursors used in the Illicit Manufacture of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances;防止非法制造、进口、出口、贩运和分销用 于非法制造麻醉药品和精神药物的前体的措 施;; special session of the General Assembly devoted to countering the world drug problem together;专门审议共同解决世界毒品问题的大会 第二十届特别会议;; Declaration on the Guiding Principles of Drug Demand Reduction;减少毒品需求指导原则宣言;; Political Declaration;政治宣言;; Action Plan against Illicit Manufacture, Trafficking and Abuse of Amphetamine-type Stimulants and their Precursors;打击安他非明类兴奋剂及其前体的非法制 造、贩运和滥用行动计划;; Action Plan on International Cooperation on the Eradication of Illicit Drug Crops and on Alternative Development;开展国际合作根除非法药用作物和促进替代发展行动计划;; Interregional Expert Group Meeting on Consumer Protection and Sustainable Consumption;堡消费者和可持续消费问题区域间专家组会议;; Joint Statement on Common Interests;关于共同关心问题的联合声明;; Beijing Watershed Development Programme;北京流域发展方案;; Technology Cooperation Workshop;技术合作讲习班;; Conference PlanetERE;地球会议;; European Roundtable on Cleaner Production;欧洲清洁生产圆桌会议;; A Globalising World: Roles for Volunteers;一个全球化世界:志愿人员的作用;; Anti-War Agenda;反战议程;; Division of General Assembly and Economic and Social Council Affairs;大会和经济及社会理事会事务司;; Public Relations and the United Nations: Working Together for Change;公共关系与联合国:共同努力促进变革;; Lee, See-Young;李时荣;; Astana;阿斯塔纳;; Emergency Liaison Branch;紧急情况联络处;ELB;紧急联络处 Complex Emergency Response/Consolidated Appeal Process Branch;复杂紧急情况应急和联合呼吁程序处;; High-level Tripartite Meeting on Social Response to the Financial Crisis in East and South-East Asian Countries;对东亚和东南亚国家金融晰的社会反应高 级别三方会议;; Public-Private Partnerships for Sustainable Development;公私合作促进可持续发展;; visualization in participatory planning;直观式参与性规划;VIPP; woreda;县;; woreda integrated basic services programme;县级综合基本服务方案;WIBS; country programme management team;国家方案管理小组;CPMT; Department for International Development;国际开发部;DFID; ACC Subcommittee on Water Resources;行政协调会水资源问题小组委员会;; International Conference on Climate and Water;气候与水国际会议;; International Conference on Early-Warning for Natural Disasters;自然灾害预警系统国际会议;; Global Environment Sanitation Initiative;全球环境卫生倡议;GEO; Inter-agency Working Agreement on Water Resources Assessment;机构间水资源评估工作协议;; Global Information Network on Activities of the United Nations System in the Field of Water Resources;联合国系统水资源领域活动全球信息网;; ACC Subcommittee Internet Modernization Project;行政协调会小组委员会因特网现代化项目;; Water and Sanitation Monitoring System;饮水和卫生监测系统;WASAMS; Asia-Pacific Mussel Watch;亚太贻贝观察方案;; World Commission on Dams;世界水坝委员会;; Tumen River Area Development Programme;图门江流域开发方案;TRADP; Country Population Assessment;国家人口评估;CPA; Regional Support Centre;区域支助中心;; South Asian Poverty Alleviation Programme;南亚减缓贫穷方案;SAPAP; Building Development Partnerships through Development Financing;通过发展筹资建立发展伙伴关系;; Naif Arab Academy for Security Sciences;奈夫阿拉伯治安学院;; Social Sciences Citation Index;社会科学引文索引;; National Institute of Justice;国家司法研究所;; Whitehorse Mining Initiative Accord;怀特霍斯采矿倡议协定;; Mine Environment Neutral Drainage programme;矿山中性排水方案;MEND; Ad Hoc Special Conference on Liberia;利比里亚问题特设特别会议;; Ministerial Meeting of the Ad Hoc Special Conference on Liberia;利比里亚问题特设特别会议第X次部长 级会议;; Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to Reparation for Victims of [Gross] Violations of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law;关于[严重]侵犯人权和国际人道主义法行为 受害者赔偿权利的基本原则和准则;; Agreement on Education Normalization;教育正朝协定;; Integrated Framework for Trade-Related Technical Assistance, including for Human and Institutional Capacity-Building, to Support Least-Developed Countries in Their Trade and Trade-Related Activities;关于提供贸易方面的技术援助包括人力和 机构能力建设以支持最不发达国家的贸易及 与贸易有关的活动的综合框架;; Archives and Records Management Working Group;档案和记录管理工作组;; Information and Telecommunications Group;信息和电信小组;; Information Technology and Telecommunications Management Committee;信息技术和电信管理委员会;; Security and Safety Services Group;警卫和安全事务小组;; Transportation and Traffic Operations Group;交通运输业务小组;; Working Group on Procurement;采购工作组;; Facilities Management Group;设施管理小组;; Staff Officer, Military Personnel;军职人事参谋;; Military Assistant;军事助理;; United Nations Police Support Group;联合国警察支助小组警察支助组;UNPSG;警察支助组 Information and Research Officer;信息和研究干事;; Contingent-Owned Equipment Claims Unit;特遣队所属装备索赔股;COEU;装备股 Death and disability and Other Claims Unit;死亡伤残和其他索赔股;; Asia and the Middle East Unit;亚洲和中东股;AMEU; Logistics Current Operations Officer;当前行动后勤干事;; Contracts Management Officer;合同管理干事;; Commission on Sustainable Development;可持续发展委员会;CSuD; Public Choice Theory;公共选择理论;; Supply Officer-Rations Contracts;供应干事-口粮合同;; Supply Officer-General Supply/Letters of Assist;供应干事-一般供应和协助通知书;; Supply Officer-Petrol, Oil and Lubricants;供应干事-汽油、机油和润滑油;; Medical Supply Officer;医疗供应干事;; Aviation Safety Unit;航空安全股;ASU; Air Transport Officer;空运干事;; Surface Transport Officer;水陆运输干事;; Travel and Reimbursement Unit;旅行和报销股;; Mail Operations Subunit;邮件收发分股;; International Decade for a Culture of Non-Violence and Peace for the Children of the World 2001-2010;为世界儿童建设非暴力与和平文化国际十年 2001-2010年;;2001-2010年 EUR11;欧元十一国会议;EUR11; Euro-11;欧元十一国会议;; MENKERIOS, Haile;海尔·门克里欧斯;; real effective exchange rates;实际有效汇率;REERs; Ruwandese Army;卢旺达军武装部队;FAR;武装部队 Rwandese Army APR;卢旺达军爱国军;;爱国军 Canadian Bureau for International Education;加拿大国际教育局;CBIE; Agence Tunisienne de Cooperation Technique;突尼斯技术合作机构;ATCT; informatics system;信息学系统;; Tang, Jiaxuan;唐家璇;; offload;下载;; Acceptable Use Policy;正当用途政策;AUP; Acer;宏;; Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation;适应性差动脉码调制 ADPCM;ADPCM;ADPCM Address Resolution Protocol;地址转换协议;ARP; Advanced Digital Network;先进数字网络;ADN; Advanced Interactive Executive;先进交互执行程序;AIX; Advanced Research Projects Agency;高级研究计划署;ARPA; agent;1. 物剂药剂 2. 代理 3. 代理程序;; alias;别名;; America Online;美国在线网络公司;AOL; AMon;AMon;; anchor;链接点;; Anonymous FTP;无记名FTP匿名FTP;; anonymous server;无记名服务机匿名服务机;; application;1. 申请书 2. 应用程序;; Application Program Interface;应用程序接口 API接口;API;API接口 application server;应用程序服务机;; Archie;阿奇检索系统;; architecture;结构;; archive;档案文库档库;; ARM;ARM公司;; Advanced Research Projects Agency Network;高级研究计划署网络 阿帕网;ARPANet;阿帕网 Association for Computer Machinery;计算机协会;ACM; AST;虹志电脑有限公司;; Asynchronous Transfer Mode;异步传输方式 ATM方式;ATM;ATM方式 Audio Interchange File Format;声频交换文件格式;AIFF; authentication;鉴别;; Authorized Training Education Centres;授权培训中心;ATECs; Autonomous System;自主系统;AS; backbone;主干网;; bandwidth;带宽频带宽度;; Banyan Systems Corp.;Banyan系统公司;; Basic Rate Interface;基本速率接口;BRI; backup domain controller;后备域控制程序;BDC; Because It's Time Network;此其时网 BITNET网;BITNET;BITNET网 Berkeley lnternet Name Domain;伯克利因特网名域;BIND; Binhex;Binhex;; Bolt, Beranek, and Newman, Inc.;BBN公司;BBN; Borland International Inc.;Borland国际公司;; bounce;弹回;; broadband;宽带;; browser;浏览器;; BSD;BSD 伯克利软件发布版本;;伯克利软件发布版本 BTW;BTW 顺便一提;;顺便一提 Bulletin Board System;公告板系统 BBS系统;BBS;BBS系统 cable modem;有线电视调制解调器;; catenet;链式网;; cc:Mail;cc:Mail;; CCIRN;洲际研究网络协调委员会;; CD-R;CD-R 可写光盘;;可写光盘 CD-Recordable;可写光盘 CD-R;CD-R;CD-R CD-ROM;CD-ROM; 光盘; 光盘只读存储器;; Code-Division Multiple Access;码分多址;CDMA; CDROM-XA;CDROM-XA;; Certified Network Professional;执照网络技术员;CNP; Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol;查询握手鉴别协议;CHAP; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司