翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 mine destruction;销毁地雷;; mine destruction --in situ--;就地销毁地雷;; mine detection;地雷探测;; mine-detection array;探雷器列阵;; Mine-Detection Vehicle;探雷车;MDV; mine detector;探雷器;; mine detonation protection kit;车辆防雷装置;; mine detonation trailer;地雷起爆拖车;; mine-disabled; landmine-disabled;因地雷致残; 被地雷破坏;; mine disposal;地雷处理; 销毁地雷;; mine-disposal weapon;排雷武器;; Mine-Dog Centre;探雷犬中心;MDC; mine-dog group;探雷犬小组;MDG; mine dog;探雷犬;; mine-dog set;一对探雷犬;; mine dump;储雷场;; minefield;雷场;; minefield breaching;雷场排雷开道;; minefield clearing;排除雷场;; minefield density;雷场地雷密度;; minefield designation;雷场名称;; minefield diagram;雷场示意图;; minefield gap;雷场间隙;; minefield identifier;雷场标识符;; minefield information system;雷场信息系统;; minefield lane;雷场通道;; minefield markers;雷场标志;; minefield marking;设置雷场标志;; minefield marking stores;雷场标志用品;; minefield navigation exercise;雷场方位练习;;练习 minefield panel; mine panel;同类雷群;; minefield perimeter marker;雷场周边标志;; minefield planning;雷场规划;; minefield reconnaissance;雷场侦察;; minefield record;雷场记录;; minefield report;雷场报告;; minefield safe-lane marker;雷场安全通道标志;; mine fragment;地雷破片;; mine incident;地雷事故;; mine indicator; mine predictor;地雷征兆;; mine-infested area;雷患区;; Mine Information Coordination Cell;地雷信息协调组;MICC; mine intelligence;地雷情报;; minelayer;布雷器[飞机、车辆、舰艇等];; mine laying;布雷;; mine-laying pattern;地雷布局;; mine-laying train;布雷车;; minelet;子雷;; mine marker;雷标; 地雷标志;; mine marking;地雷标志;; mine-marking cone; signal cone;锥形地雷标志;; mine-marking team;地雷标志队;; mine mattress;排雷垫;; mine neutralization;使地雷失效;; mine plough; mine-clearing plough;排雷犁;; mine pollution;雷患;; mine-protected load carrier;防雷运载车辆;; mine-protected vehicle;防雷车;MPV; mine-protected personnel carrier;防雷运兵车; 防雷人员运输车;; mine recording;布雷记录;; mine removal;地雷搬运;; mine-clearing roller;排雷辊;MCR; mine row;雷行;; Mines Advisory Group;排雷咨询组;MAG; mine spotter;戳探员;; mine stack;雷垛;; mine strip;双行雷;; mine survey;雷区测绘;; mine sweeper;扫雷器;; mine target; mine-like target;雷状可疑物;; Mine-Tech;排雷技术公司;; mine technical advisory group;排雷技术咨询组;; mine tent;帐状雷标; 帐篷状地雷标志;; mine threat;地雷威胁; 地雷危险;; mine-verification officer;地雷核查员;; mine verification; verification of clearance;排雷核查;; mine victim;地雷受害者;; mine warfare;地雷战;MW; mine weapons;地雷战武器;; mini-flail;小型连枷;; minimum-metal mine; low-metallic-content mine;微量金属雷;; misfire;发火故障; 不发火; 不起爆;; mixed minefield;混合雷场;; mobile mine-awareness team;机动防雷宣传队;PMA; modular assembly prosthesis;模块组合假肢;; monitoring and training team;监测和训练队;MTT; moratorium on the export of anti-personnel landmines;暂停出口杀伤人员地雷;; multi-coil metal detector;多线圈金属探测器;; multi-sensor mine detector;多传感器探雷器;; multi-sensor suite;多传感器列阵;; mushroom mine;蘑菇雷;; myoplastic amputation;肌成形切除术;; myoplastic surgery;肌成形外科手术;; Instituto Nacional de Remocao de Obstaculos Explosivos;国家排除爆炸物研究所排爆研究所;INAROE;排爆研究所 Instituto Nacional de Accao sobre as Minas;国家排雷行动研究所;INAM; national mine-action plan or programme;国家排雷行动计划;; National Mine-Clearance Commission NMCC;国家排雷委员会;NMCC; national mine survey;国家地雷调查;; national ownership;国有;; negative cast;阴模;; net control station;无线电网络控制台;总台;NCS; neutralized trap;失效诱杀装置;; no-go area;禁区; 危险区;; non-contact influence;无接触感应;; non-electric detonator;非电雷管;N/E det; non-governmental organizations conference on anti-personnel mines;非政府组织杀伤地雷问题会议;; non-metallic mine;非金属雷;; non-scatterable mine;非散雷;; nuclear quadruple resonance;核四极共振;NQR; nuisance minefield;骚扰性雷场;; nylon cord;尼龙索;; offensive use of mines;进攻性使用地雷;;地雷 off-route mine;路边雷; 水平爆炸反坦克地雷;; operational weight;运行状态重量;; Operation Salam;萨拉姆行动;; operations order;行动命令;; ordnance and explosive waste;废弃军械和爆炸物;OEW; Organization for Mine Awareness;防雷宣传组织;OMA; orthopaedic surgeon;矫形外科医生;; osteomyelitis;骨髓炎;; other devices;其他装置;; Ottawa Declaration;渥太华宣言;; Ottawa Group;渥太华集团;; overkill method of demolition;过度摧毁法;; overlaying;重叠布雷;; pace counting;步测;; padding;1.垫 2.虚报支出;; paramedic;辅助医务人员; 助理护士;; pass;探测通过;; passive mine;被动雷;; pattern laying;定形布雷;; pattern minefield;定形雷场;; peg leg; straight pylon;简易假腿;; penetration bomb;穿甲弹; 破甲弹;; percentage of clearance;排雷百分比;; percussion cap;击发式火帽; 击发式雷管;; performance milestones;进度里程碑;; performance specifications;成绩检验规范;; perimeter-marked area;周边标志区;; perimeter marking;周边标志;; period of deferral; transition period; grace period;推迟期; 过渡期;; personal ballistic protection;个人防护; 个人防弹;; personal protection equipment;个人防护设备;; phantom limb sensation;幻肢感;; phantom pain;幻肢痛;; phoney minefield;假雷场;; photon-backscatter sensor;光子后向散射传感器;; Physicians for Human Rights;医生促进人权协会;PHR; placed mine;布设的地雷;; Plan for the Removal of Mines in the National Territory;国家领土排雷计划;; platoon commander;队长;; platoon supervisor;排雷队督导员;; ploughshare mine;犁铧雷;; plough tank;挂犁坦克;; point man;尖兵;; polypropylene limb;聚丙烯假肢;; positive model;阳模;; practice mine;教练雷;; pre-deployment course;部署前训练课;PDC; pre-operative hydration;手术前输液;; pressure mine;压发雷;; pressure plate;压盘; 传压板;; pressure-release action fuze;解压起爆引信;; pressure-release mechanism;解压装置;; pre-stock point;预储点;; primed charge;待发装药;; prime mover;原动机; 牵引机;; priming charge;点火药; 引爆药;; probe arrangement;探杆配置;; prodder;1.戳探杆 2.引爆棒; 引爆耙;; prodder man;戳探员;; prodding; probing;戳探;; programme of instruction;教学方案;POI; projected mine-clearing charge;投射排雷装药;; projectile-producing mine;抛射地雷;; proof to;检验;; proportionality principle;相称原则;; prosthesis;假肢;; prosthesis workshop;假肢工厂;; prosthethic ambulation;借助假肢行走;; prosthetic fitting of an amputee;假肢试装;; prosthetic gait;假肢步态;; prosthetic refitting;假肢改装;; protective anti-mine trousers;防雷裤;; protective goggles;护目镜;; protective minefield;防护性雷场;; protective suit;防护套服;; protective visor;防护面罩;; Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Mines, Booby Traps and Other Devices;禁止或限制使用地雷水雷、诱杀装置和其 他装置的议定书;; prowords;电台业务通信代字;; proximity fuze;近爆引信;; pull action fuze;拉发引信;; pulling party;拉雷组;; pulling rope; pulling cable;拉雷索;; pull-release mechanism;张弛装置;; pylon; leg shaft;义胫;; pyrotechnic;烟火剂;; pyrotechnic delay;烟火延时器;; quality assurance check checking or testing;质量保证控制;; quick decision exercise;速决练习;QDE; Rampas device;兰帕斯爆炸装置; Rampas爆炸装置;; random mine laying;随意布雷; 无定形布雷;; range-safety officer;靶场安全官;RSO; rapid demolition explosive;速爆炸药; 黑索今;RDX; raster format;光栅格式;; recording requirement;雷场记录要求;; reference point;基准点;参考点;; regional ICBL conference;禁雷运动区域会议;; remnants of war; battlefield debris; debris of war;战争残留物战争残留弹药;; remote delivery;远距离投布;; remotely delivered mine;远距离投布的地雷;RDM; removable mine barrier;活动雷障;; request for proposal;索取承包人估价书;RFP; resection;后方交会法;; response signal;响应信号;; rest area;休息区; 安全区;; retaining ball;制动球;; revision of the residual limb or stump;残肢修正;; revolving cutter discs;旋转切削盘;; Rimfire International;Rimfire国际公司;; ripper;橇具;; rolling text;活络案文; 滚动案文; 提案汇编;; Ronco Consulting Corporation;Ronco咨询公司;; round robin practical test;系列实用测验;; route clearance;道路排雷;; route denial;道路封锁;; route-marking group;道路标志组;; route mining;道路布雷;; row marker;行标; 行首尾标志;; row minefield;成行雷场;; Royal Ordnance;皇家军械公司;; sacrificial trolley;牺牲车;; safe area;安全区; 无雷区;; safe lane;安全通道;; safe-lane marking;安全通道标志;; safe route;安全路线;; safety and arming mechanism;保险备炸装置;保险和解除保险装置;; safety device;保险装置;; safety distance;安全距离;; safety fuse;保险引信;SF; safety line;安全线;; safety officer;安全员;; safety pin;保险销;S/PIN; safety shoes; protective boots;安全鞋; 防护靴;; sandbag wall;沙袋护墙;; scatterable anti-personnel blast mine;冲击波杀伤散雷;; scatterable anti-personnel fragmentation mine;破片杀伤散雷;; scatterable anti-vehicle blast mine;冲击波反车辆散雷;; scatterable-mine dispenser;散雷撒布器;; scatterable-mine ground dispenser;地面散雷撒布器;; scatterable-mine pre-positioned dispenser;预置散雷撒布器;; scatterable mine;可撒布的地雷 散雷;SM;散雷 scattered minefield laying;布设散雷雷场;; scattered mine laying;无定形布雷;布设散雷;; scattered mines;无定形布雷; 撒布地雷;; scrap metal point;碎金属储存点;; search speed of search head;探测速度;; Seattle foot;西雅图义脚;; secondary closure;二期闭合;; section commander;分队长;; segmented outer case or casing;分瓣外壳;; self-arming scatterable mine;自行解除保险散雷;; self-deactivating mechanism;自行解除待发状态装置;自行失效装置;; self-destructing mechanism;自毁装置;; self-destruction;自毁; 自行销毁;; self-forming fragment mine;自锻破片雷;SFF mine; self-forming fragment; self-forging fragment;自锻破片;SFF; self-neutralization;自行失效;; self-neutralizing mechanism;自行失效装置;; self-neutralizing mine;自行失效雷;; sensor-data fusion; sensor fusion;传感器数据混合处理;; sensor-fused multi-spectral detector;传感器数据混合处理多光谱探测器;; sequence circuit;顺序电路;; setting out;初始排雷;;排雷 setting-out lane;初始通道;; setting-out party;初始组;; Seven-point Action Programme on Anti-Personnel Mines;关于杀伤地雷的七点行动方案;; sex casualty ratio;伤亡的性别比率;; sex fatality ratio;死亡的性别比率;; shear pin;剪切保险销;; shell clearance;排除炮弹;; shock management;休克处理;; shoulder strap;肩带;; shrapnel mine;霰弹雷; 破片雷;; side attack mine;侧向攻击雷;; sieve rake;筛耙;; sifter;筛具;; signal processing algorithm;信号处理算法;; single coherent mass;单一相干体;; single-impulse pressure-fuzed mine;单脉冲雷;SI mine; site coordinator;现场协调员;; site-remediation project;现场补救项目;; site supervisor;现场督导员;; situation report;;情况报告;Sit Rep; skin avulsion;皮肤撕脱法;; skin flap;皮瓣;; slack tripwire;松弛的绊索;; Small Projected Line Charge;小型投射直列装药;SAPLIC; smart mine;智能雷;; social choice model;美观型假肢;; sonar-activated initiator;声纳起爆装置;; South-West Afghanistan Agency for Demining;阿富汗西南部排雷机构;SWAAD; spacer;隔离片; 垫片;; spade man;挖掘员;; Special Mine-clearing Unit;特别排雷部队;UED; spikes; stakes;竹签陷阱;;陷阱 spoil;弃土;; spontaneous demining;自发排雷;; spot demining;定点排雷;; spring-operated igniter;弹簧点火装置;; stacking of mines;雷垛;; stake mine;桩雷;; standard mine marker;标准地雷标志;; standard pattern;标准定形;; standard training manual;标准训练手册;; stand-off countermine operation;远距离抗雷作业;; stand-off distance;远距离;; stand-off mine-detection system;远距离探雷系统;; stand-off minefield breacher;远距离雷场引爆排雷网;; start line;1.起始线; 准线[排雷] 2.进攻出发线登陆出发线;; start point;1.起始点[排雷] 2.出发点起点;SP; statement of requirements;需求说明;SOR; steel-wedge -shaped insert;楔形钢垫;; stepped frequency;分段频率;; sterilizer;自行失效装置;; stigmatization campaign;谴责运动;; stopping power;阻挡威力;; striker;击针; 撞针;; striker spring;击针弹簧; 撞针弹簧;; strip marker;双行标志;; stump; residual limb;残肢;; submunition;子弹药;; sub-surface clearance;浅层排雷;; subterranean clearance;深层排雷;; surface-laid mine;地面雷;; Surface-Launched Unit, Fuel Air Explosive;地面发射油气炸药;SLUFAE; surface laying;地面布雷;; surgical amputation;外科截肢; 外科切除;; survey team; surveyor team;调查队;; sweep;扫描; 扫探;; switch;1.点火开关[排雷] 2.交换器[计算机];; sympathetic detonation;感应起爆;; Symposium on Anti-Personnel Land Mines;杀伤地雷专题讨论会;; synthetic aperture radar;综合孔径雷达;SAR; tactical minefield;战术雷场;; tape measure;卷尺; 带尺; 皮尺;; target feature extraction;目标特征抽取;; target signature;目标特征;; task-site final map;任务现场完成情况图;; task-site map;任务现场图;; taut tripwire;绷紧的绊索;; team commander;队长;; team leader;组长[排雷]小队长领队;TL; team leaders' course;队长训练课程;TLC; team subcommander;副队长;; Technical Annex;技术附件;; tele-operated ordnance disposal system;遥控爆炸物处理系统;TODS; temporary marking;临时标志;; temporary prosthesis;暂用假肢;; tension-release mechanism;解压装置;; Tepesquintle device;特佩斯金特尔爆炸装置;; terrain feature;地形特征; 地物;; terror mining;恐怖性布雷;; tethering wire;系留线;; thermoneutron sensor; thermal neutron analyzer;热中子传感器;TNA; thermos mine;保温瓶雷;; thigh pylon;义股; 假腿的膝上部分;; thrombose to;形成血栓;; tibial stump;残留胫骨; 胫骨残肢;; tiltrod mine;倾斜杆地雷;; tiltrod; tilt fuze;倾斜杆引信;; timescales;时标;; toolbox approach or system;混合法;; tourniquet;止血带;; towing/mine-detection vehicle;牵引探雷车;T/MDV; toy mine;玩具形地雷;; track;路径履带跟踪;; tracking;装甲车履带排雷; 装甲车履带开道;; track-width clearance;履带宽度排雷;; track-width mine plough;履带宽度排雷犁;TWMP; training mine;教练雷;; training prosthesis; training leg;训练用假肢;; train the trainers;训练教练员;; transfusional safety;输血安全;; transit case;运输箱;; traumatic amputation;外伤性截肢;; treaty conference to sign a ban on anti-personnel mines;签署禁止杀伤地雷条约会议;; trip flare;绊索照明雷;; tripwire;绊索; 绊线;; tripwire feeler;绊索探杆;; trowel;铲;; turning point marker;转弯点标志;; turning point;转弯点;TP; type 72 mine; T-72 mine;72型雷; T-72型雷;; ultrawide band radar;超宽带雷达;; uncleared landmine;未排地雷;; underside of a vehicle;车辆底面;; undetectable mine;探测不到的地雷;; unexploded bomb;未爆炸弹;UXB; unexploded ordnance;未爆弹药;UXO; unfuzed mine; defuzed mine;卸除引信的地雷;; unilateral amputation;单侧截肢;; United Nations clearance standard;联合国排雷标准;; United Nations Demining Database;联合国排雷数据库;; United Nations Landmine Database;联合国地雷数据库;; United Nations Mine-Clearance Programme in Afghanistan;联合国阿富汗排雷方案;; United Nations Office for Humanitarian Assistance Coordination;联合国人道主义援助协调办事处 人道援助协调处;UNOHAC;人道援助协调处 United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance to Afghanistan;联合国向阿富汗提供人道主义援助协调办 事处援阿协调处;UNOCHA;援阿协调处 Unit for the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance to Angola;向安哥拉提供人道主义援助协调股;UCAH; unliftable minefield;不可起雷的雷场;; UXO contamination;未爆弹药污染;; vacuum forming;真空成型;; vapour-collection box;蒸气采集箱; 采气箱;; vapour-concentrator tube; air-sample collection tube;采气管;; vapour-detection method;蒸气探测法;; vector format;向量格式;; Vehicle Magnetic Signature Duplicator;车载磁照图发生器;VEMASID; vehicle-mounted detection system;车载探测系统;VMD system; vehicle-mounted mine detector;车载探雷器;VMMD; vehicle park;停车场;; vehicle turn-around point;车辆调头点;; velocity of detonation;爆炸速度; 爆速;VOD; verge group or party;路边排雷组;; VHF radio; VHF transceiver;甚高频无线电收发机;; Viana Rehabilitation Centre;维亚纳康复中心;VRC; victim profiles;被害人简况;; Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation;美国越战退伍军人基金会;VVAF; village deminer;村排雷员;; Voluntary Relief Doctors;志愿救助医师组织;VRD; Voluntary Trust Fund for Assistance in Mine Action;协助排雷行动自愿信托基金;; v50 standard or rating;v50标准;; waist belt; pelvic band;腰部系带;; war surgeon;战地外科医生;; water-pocket insert;水垫;; weapon of choice;首选武器;; weapon of mass destruction in slow motion;慢速大规馁灭性武器;; weed-eater;除草器;; wide-area anti-personnel mine;宽面杀伤雷;WAAPM; wide-area mine clearance;排除宽面地雷;WAMC; wide-area mine;宽面地雷;WAM; wire cutter;克丝钳;; withdrawal lane;撤退通道;; working lane;工作通道;; working map;工作图;; work model;实用型假肢;; wound ballistics;创伤弹道学;; wound healing;伤口愈合;; wounding effect;致伤效应;; APERS mine;杀伤人员地雷;APERS mine; AP mine;杀伤人员地雷;AP mine; propelling charge;抛射装药;; expelling charge;抛射装药;; jumping mine;跳雷;; proof factor;验证因子;; clearance-to-failure ratio;排除/漏排比率;; quality assurance certificate;质量保证证书;; intermediate tape;中间标志带;; protective mining;防护性布雷;; clearance deficit;排雷负差;; firing train;点火系列;; igniter set;点火装置;; parrot mine;鹦鹉雷;; kill zone;杀伤区杀伤范围;; high-explosive plastic;可塑高爆炸药;HEP; shaped charge;空心装药;; humanitarian demining;人道主义排雷;; chain of initiation;引爆链;; electronic detector;电子探雷器;; magnetic mine-detector;磁性探雷器;; National Mine-Clearance Commission MCC;国家排雷委员会;MCC; exercise mine;练习雷;; pole arrangement;探杆配置;; orthopaedic workshop;假肢工厂;; pull fuze;拉发引信;; pull igniter;拉发引信;; time fuze;定时引信;; arming pin;保险销;; shock treatment;休克治疗;; thigh-piece pylon;义股; 假腿的膝上部分;; thigh section;义股; 假腿的膝上部分;; accidental amputation;外伤性截肢;; Inter-agency Census Coordination Committee for Sub-Saharan Africa;撒南非洲机构间人口普查协调委员会 普协委员会;ICCC;普协委员会 Nine High-Population Developing Countries;九个人口众多的发展中国家 E-9;E-9;E-9 Development Partnerships in the New Global Context;新全球范围内的发展伙伴关系;; Agenda for the Future of Adult Learning;成人教育的未来议程;; International Conference on Adult Education;国际成人教育会议;CONFINTEA; Adult Learning: A key for the 21st Century;成人教育:进入21世纪的钥匙;; Forum of African and Arab Parliamentarians on Population and Development;非洲和阿拉伯议员人口于发展论坛 非阿人发论坛;FAAPPD;非阿人发论坛 Pan-Arab Project for Family Health;泛阿拉伯家庭保健项目家保项目;PAPFAM;家保项目 Ugandan Parliamentarians Forum on Food Security, Population and Development;乌干达议员粮食安全、人口与发展论坛;; Pacific First Ladies Conference on "The Family, Women and Opportunities";太平洋“家庭、妇女与机会”问题第一夫人会议;; Resource Development Branch;资源开发处;; Executive Board Branch;执行局事务处;EBB; Management Information Services Branch;管理信息事务处;; External Relations and Liaison Branch;对外关系和联络处;ERLB;外联处 Procurement and Administrative Branch;采购和行政处;PAB;采购处 East and Southern Africa Branch;东非和南部非洲处;ESAB;东南非处 West and Central Africa Branch;中西部非洲处;WCAB;中西非处 South and West Asia Branch;南亚和西亚处;SWAB;南西亚处 Asia and the Pacific Division;亚洲及太平洋司;; East and South East Asia Branch;东亚和东南亚处;ESEAB;东亚处 Interregional and NGO Programmes Branch;区域间和非政府组织方案处;; Division for Treaty Affairs and Support to Drug Control Organs;条约事务和支助药物管制机构司;; communales cachots;社区土牢社区监禁所;; electronic conference;电子会议;; gender mainstreaming;将性别观点纳入主流将男女平等问题纳入 主流;; Eritrea, the State of;厄立特里亚;; China Ocean Mineral Resources Research and Development Association;中国大洋矿产资源研究开发协会 中国大洋协会;COMRA;中国大洋协会 Freedom from Poverty;免于贫穷;; Building Partnerships for Sustainable Human Development: A Government, Civil Society, and Donor Roundtable;建立伙伴关系促进可持续的人类发展:政府 、民间社会、捐助者圆桌会议;; Sustainable Livelihoods Programme;可持续生计方案;; Guidance Note on Gender Mainstreaming;关于将男女平等问题纳入主流的指导说明;; Gender Equality Sub-group;两性平等分组;; Sub-group on Gender;两性平等分组;; Programme for Accountability and Transparency;问责制和透明度方案;PACT; regional strategy on financial accountability in governance for economies in transition;关于转型期经济体施政中的财政问责制的区 域战略;; African Regional Project for Governance-Capacity Assessments;非洲国家施政能力评估区域项目;; Sub-Task Force on Capacity-building for Governance;施政能力建设工作分队;; Generations in Dialogue: Visions and Actions for the 21st Century;时代对话:21世纪的构想与行动;; Umbrella Programme for Engaging the Private Sector in Support of Sustainable Human Development;动员私营部门支助可持续人类发展总括方案;; Enterprise Africa Programme;非洲企业方案;; Information Technology for Development Programme;信息技术促进发展方案;ITDP; Internet Initiative for Africa;非洲因特网倡议;IIA; Sustainable Energy Global Programme;可持续能源全球方案;; Global Programme on Forests;全球森林方案;GPF; Strategic Initiative for Ocean and Coastal Management;海洋和海岸管理战略倡议;SIOCAM; Programme Learning Initiative;方案学习倡议;; Global Sustainable Development Fund Project;全球可持续发展基金项目;; Global Development Studies and Partnership-building Programme;全球发展研究和建立伙伴关系方案;; Promotion of Civil Society and Participatory Development;促进民间社会和参与性发展;; UNDP Poverty Report;开发计划署贫穷问题报告;; Knowledge Network for Poverty Reduction;减少贫穷知识网络;; Poverty Monitoring and Sustainable Human Development Indicators;贫穷监测和可持续人类发展指标;; Policy and Analytic Framework for Gender Equality;两性平等的政策和分析框架;; Gender Mainstreaming: Capacity-development, Demonstration, communications and Learning;将性别观点纳入主流:能力建设、示范、交 流、学习;; Global Partnership for Empowerment of Women and Conference Follow-up;全球合作促进赋予妇女权力和北京会议后续行动;; Crisis Countries;晰国家;; Parleament/Electoral Assistance;议会和选举援助;; Human Rights Strengthening;加强人权;HURIS; Decentralization and Local Governance;权力下放与地方施政;; Civil Service Reform;公务员制度改革;; Urban Development Cooperation Programme;城市发展合作方案;; Globalization, Liberalization and Sustainable Human Development;全球化、自由化与可持续人类发展;; Capacity Development;能力建设;; Accountability and Transparency;问责制与透明度;; Environment and Natural Resources Cross-cutting Programme;环境和自然资源交叉方案;; Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture Programme;粮食安全和可持续农业方案;; Global Programme on Fresh Water and Aquatic Environment;淡水和水环境全球方案;; Learning Network for Empowerment and Participation;授权和参与学习网络;LEAP; Public-Private Partnership;公私伙伴关系;PPP; Energy and Atmosphere Programme;能源和大气方案;EAP;能源方案 Supplementary list of items proposed for inclusion in the agenda of the Fifty-Third Session of the General Assembly;提议列入大会第五十三届会议议程的补充项 目一览表;; national unification of Korea;朝鲜国家统一;; Bassas da India;印度礁;; Programme;方案计划署规划署; [IMF]规划;; graduate from list of LDC;脱离最不发达国家名单;;最不发达国家名单 Inter-agency Brainstorming Workshop;机构间集思广益研讨会;; International Dialogue on Research Priorities;优先研究事项国际对话;; original;原件原文;; proactive;预先的预防性的先发制人的未雨绸缪;; special detachment for security;安全特遣队;SDS; Wavelength Division Multiplexing;波分复用;WDM; Statistical Time Division Multiplexing;统计时分复用;STDM; Time Division Multiplexing;时分复用;TDM; Driving force-State-Response;动力-结果-反应;DSR; Technology Partnership Initiative;技术伙伴关系倡议;TPI; Pacific Water and Waste Association;太平洋水和废物协会;; Caribbean Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology;加勒比气象和水文研究所气象水文所;CIMH;气象水文所 carbon emission trading;碳排放交易;; Peace-keeping Force;维持和平部队 维和部队;PKF;维和部队 PKF CIS;独联体维和部队;PKF CIS; Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters;在环境问题上获得信息、公众参与决策和 诉诸法律的公约;; Section de preparation et de reponse aux situation d'urgence;紧急准备和反应科;SPRSU; Section de coordination des programmes;方案协调科;SCP; Section de perfectionnement du personnel;工作人员发展科;SPP; Building Services Management Unit;房舍事务管理股;BSMU; Groupe de gestion des services du batiment;房舍事务管理股;GGSB; Administration Unit;行政股;AU; Groupe charge de l'administration;行政股;GA; Archives, Records and Communications Unit;档案、记录和通信股;ARCU; Groupe des archives, des dossiers et des communications;档案、记录和通信股;GADC; Information and Communications Systems Section;信息和通信系统科;ICSS; Section des systemes d'information de de communication;信息和通信系统科;SSIC; Supply and Transport Section;供应和运输科;STS; Section de l'approvisionnement et du transport;供应和运输科;SAT; Programme and Technical Support Section;方案和技术支助科;PTSS; Section d'appui technique aux programmes;方案和技术支助科;SATP; Funding and Donor Relations Service;筹资和捐助者关系处;FDRS; Service du financement des programmes et des relations avec les donateurs;筹资和捐助者关系处;SFPRD; Division of Operational Support;业务支助司;DOS; Division de l'appui operationnel;业务支助司;DAO; Performance Management Unit;业绩管理股;PMU; Groupe de gestion du comportement professionnel;业绩管理股;GGCP; Staff Welfare Unit;工作人员福利股;SWU; Groupe charge du bien-etre du personnel;工作人员福利股;GBEP; Post Classification and Documentation Section;职位叙级和文件科;PCDS; Section de classement des postes et de documentation;职位叙级和文件科;SCPD; Policy and Planning Section;政策和规划科;; Field Staff Safety Section;外地工作人员安全科;FSSS; Section de la securite du personnel sur le terrain;外地工作人员安全科;SSPT; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司