翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 MAHAMANE, Bouba;布巴·马哈曼;; Regional Marketing Centre;区域销售中心;; KONDYLIS, Dionysios;狄奥尼修斯·孔季利斯;; KABLAN, Aka Edoukou Jean-Baptiste;阿卡·埃杜库·让 - 巴普蒂斯特·卡巴兰;; UNDP Gulf Task Force;开发计划署海湾工作队;; GUNAWARDENA, Asoka de Z.;阿索卡·德索伊萨·古纳瓦德纳;; GAA, Willy C.;威利·加;; DOLENC, Pavel;帕维尔·多伦茨;; ARIVONY, Eugenie Liliane;欧仁妮·利利亚纳·阿里沃尼;; UNDP/Norway Trust Fund for the Special Plan of Economic Cooperation for Central America;开发计划署/挪威中美洲经济合作特别计划 信托基金;; Participating Agencies Mobility System;参与机构调动系统;PAMS; UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases;开发计划署/世界银行/卫生组织热带病研究 和训练特别方案;; UNDP Trust Fund for Receipt of Payments by Users of the African Project Development Facility;开发计划署非洲项目发展机制用户收款信 托基金;; UNDP Trust Fund for the Africa 2000 Network;开发计划署非洲2000年网络信托基金;; UNDP Fund for the Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People;开发计划署援助巴勒斯坦人民方案基金;; Trust Fund for the Support to the Joint Group in El Salvador;支助萨尔瓦多联合小组信托基金;; UNDP/UNIDO Regional Pesticide Network;开发计划署/工发组织区域农药网;; FATCHET, Derek;德里克·法切特;; UNDP/World Bank Energy Sector Assessment Programme;开发计划署/世界银行能源部门评价方案;; Disaster Information Database;灾害信息数据库;; source book;原始资料集;;集 UNEP Trust Fund for International Prize in the Field of the Environment;环境规划署国际环境奖信托基金;; STAGG, Juan Antonio;胡安·安东尼奥·斯塔格;; CASTELLON DUARTE, Mario H.;马里奥·卡斯特利翁·杜阿尔特;; DUARTE, Mario H. CASTELLON;马里奥·卡斯特利翁·杜阿尔特;; civilian trial;非军法审判;; civil trial;民事审判;; UNESCO Cousteau Chair in Ecotechnics, Free University of Brussels;布鲁塞尔自由大学教科文组织/库斯托生态 技术教职;; Bahr-Alghazal states;加扎勒河地区各省;; Internal Assessment Group;内部评估组;IAG; UNESCO House;教科文组织大厦;; Research and Training Centres and Programmes;研究和训练中心和方案;RTC/Ps; need to review General Assembly resolution 2758 XXVI of 25 October 1971 owing to the fundamental change in the international situation and to the coexistence of two Governments across the Taiwan Strait;由于国际局势的根本改变及两个政府同时存 在于台湾海峡两岸因此需要审议大会1971年10月25日第2758XXVI号决议;; CROCE, Benedotto;贝内代托·克罗切;; UNESCO Prize for Human Rights Teaching;教科文组织人权教学奖;; UNESCO Prize for Peace Education;教科文组织和平教育奖;; UNESCO Special Account for World Literacy;教科文组织世界扫盲特别帐户;; LAUGIER, Henry;亨利·洛吉耶;; UNESCO/UNICEF Cooperative Programme;教科文组织/儿童基金会合作方案;; programme for universal primary education and literacy;普及初级教育和扫盲方案;; International Multiracial Shared Cultural Organization;国际多种族共享的文化组织 多种族文化组织;IMSCO;多种族文化组织 International year of Microcredit 2005;2005年国际微额信贷年;; Tumen River Economic Development Area;图门江经济开发区;; BOUTCHOUE, Bernard TANOH-;贝尔纳·塔诺 - 布崔;; non-residence status;非常住地位;; Joint Committee on Education;联合教育委员会;JCE; World Congress on Youth;世界青年大会;; UNFPA Task Force on Monitoring and Evaluation;人口基金监测评价工作队;; UNHCR/OAU Agreement of Cooperation;难民专员办事处和非统组织合作协定;; UNICEF Budget Manual;儿童基金会预算手册;; UNICEF Statistical Pocketbook;儿童基金会袖珍统计手册;; Uniform Law on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes;汇票和期票统一法;ULB; Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods;订立国际货物销售合同统一法;ULFC; Uniform Rules for Guarantees;统一担保规则;; Wang, Angsheng;王昂生;; JOSHI, Subhash C.;苏巴什·乔希;; CESPEDES, Rafael DAUSA;拉斐尔·道萨·塞斯佩德斯;; DE ARMAS GARCIA, Mercedes;梅塞德斯·德阿马斯·加西亚;; ARMAS GARCIA, Mercedes DE;梅塞德斯·德阿马斯·加西亚;; GARCIA, Mercedes DE ARMAS;梅塞德斯·德阿马斯·加西亚;; WITSCHEL, Georg;格奥尔格·维切尔;; MARQUARDT, Jorg Werner;约尔格·维尔纳·马夸特;; DEHGHANI, Gholamhossein;吴拉姆侯赛因·德赫加尼;; SAJJADPOUR, Seyed Mohammad Kazem;赛义德·穆罕默德·卡齐姆·萨贾德普尔;; AFSHAR, Reza;礼萨·阿夫沙尔;; BRAUZZI, Giovanni;乔瓦尼·布劳齐;; QUARLESS, Diane Marie;黛安娜·马里·夸尔斯;; AL-BADER, Jamal Nassir Sultan;贾迈勒·纳西尔·苏丹·贝德尔;; DOLGOV, Konstantin K.;康斯坦丁·多尔戈夫;; EDBERG, Kent;肯特·埃德贝格;; AL-AKWA, Ahmed Abudullah;艾哈迈德·阿卜杜拉·阿克瓦;; SANGO, Mike N.;迈克·桑戈;; Union de Asociaciones Tecnicas Internacionales;国际工程组织联合会工联;;工联 Union des associations techniques internationales;国际技术协会联盟技术协联;UATI;技术协联 UNITAR News;训研所新闻;; United Democratic Youth Organization;联合民主青年组织;EDON; United Front for an Independent, Neutral, Peaceful and Cooperative Cambodia;争取柬埔寨独立、中立、和平与合作团结 阵线团结阵线;FUNCINPEC;团结阵线 United Kingdom Support System;联合王国支助系统;; MISTURA, Staffan de;斯塔凡·德米斯图拉;; Senior United Nations Advisor to the Facilitator of the Burundi peace process;布隆迪和平进程调解人的联合国高级顾问;; mission preparatoire des Nations Unies au Cambodge;联合国驻柬埔寨先遣团联柬先遣团;MIPRENUC;联柬先遣团 Civil Defence Forces;民防部队;CDF; Action for the Rights of Children;堡儿童权利行动;ARC; Mission des Nations Unies pour l'assistance au Rwanda;联合国卢旺达援助团联卢援助团;MINUAR;联卢援助团 JAGNE, Baboucarr-Blaise Ismaila;巴布卡尔 - 布莱兹·伊斯梅拉·贾涅;; Fonds d'equipement des Nations Unies;联合国资本发展基金资发基金;FENU;资发基金 D'ALEMA, Massimo;马西莫·达莱马;; Virtual Experiment Station;虚拟实验站;VES; Central American Union;中美洲联盟;; bolsones;沙漠盆地封闭盆地;; land pockets;袋形地;; Gulf of Fonseca;丰塞卡湾;; San Juan River;圣胡安河;; Tuxtla Group;图斯特拉集团;; summit implementation revision group;首脑会议实施修订小组;; Grupo de Revision de la Implementacion de Cumbres;首脑会议实施修订小组;; results-based budget;成果预算制; 按成果编制预算[标题]; [文内可用]成果预算制度 成果预算办法;; Orden del Quetzal;绿咬鹃勋章;; Sunset provisions;“日落”条款;; Zone Improvement Program;邮政编码制度 邮编;ZIP;邮编 optical character recognition;光学字符识别光符识别;OCR;光符识别 World Conference on International Cooperation of Cities and Citizens for Cultivating an Eco-Society;开展城市和居民国际合作建设注重生态的社 会的世界会议;; National Narcotics Control Commission of China;中国国家禁毒委员会;NNCCC; Eurasian marine cable;欧亚海底电缆;; People's Bank of China;中国人民银行人行;PBC;人行 Hong Kong Trade Development Board;?;HKTDC; Sinosat-1;?;; Xichang Satellite Launch Centre;西昌卫星发射中心;; Long March 3B carrier rocket;长征3号乙运载火箭;; Sino Satellite Communications Company, Ltd.;中国卫星通信有限公司;; satellite launch vehicle;卫星发射器;; Chinese Academy of Carrier Rocket Technology;中国运载火箭技术研究院;; Iridium satellite;铱星;; Chinese Academy of Sciences;中国科学院中科院;CAS;中科院 academic appraisal;科学评议;; scientific examination;科学论证;; academician;院士;; Chinese Academy of Engineering;中国工程院;CAE; Macao Special Administrative Region;澳门特别行政区;MSAR; Special Administrative Region;特别行政区特区;SAR;特区 Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation;对外贸易经济合作部;MOFTEC; State Economic and Trade Commission;国家经济贸易委员会经贸委;SETC;经贸委 Wang, Yingfan;王英凡;; Grassland Law of the People's Republic of China, the;中华人民共和国草原法;; Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, the;中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法;; Law of Inheritance of the People's Republic of China, the;中华人民共和国继承法;; Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China, the;中华人民共和国婚姻法;; Metrology Law of the People's Republic of China, the;中华人民共和国计量法;; Individual Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China, the;中华人民共和国个人所得税法;; Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China Concerning Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures, the;中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业所得税法;; Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China Concerning Foreign investment Enterprises, the;中华人民共和国外国企业所得税法;; Economic Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, the;中华人民共和国经济合同法;; Forestry Law of the People's Republic of China, the;中华人民共和国森林法;; Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China;中华人民共和国商标法;; Patent Law of the People's Republic of China, the;中华人民共和国专利法;; Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures, the;中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法;; Law of the People's Republic of China on Economic Contracts Involving Foreigners, the;中华人民共和国涉外经济合同法;; lost adjust;损失理算;; lost adjuster;损失理算师;; loss quantification;计算损失数量;; Asset minder system;资产看管系统;; financial accountability;财会责任;; entry grade;起职职等;; corrective action;改正行动;; Ayeyarwady;艾亚瓦迪[谷];; Mercure project;信使项目;; United Nations Centre for Social and Criminological Research for the Near East;联合国近东社会和犯罪学研究中心;UNCSCR; United Nations Child-Care Centre, Inc.;联合国托儿所;UNCCC; United Nations Command Military Armistice Commission;联合国军司令部军事停战委员会;UNMAC; United Nations Commission on Youth;联合国青年委员会;; United Nations Conference on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences;联合国班轮公会行为守则会议;; Conference des Nations Unies sur l'environnement et le developpement;联合国环境与发展会议环发会议;CNUED;环发会议 marka;马尔卡;; United Nations Conference on the Law of Treaties;联合国条约法会议;; United Nations Consolidated Inter-Agency Appeal for Rwanda;联合国卢旺达问题机构间联合呼吁;; United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons in the Asia and Pacific Region;亚洲及太平洋区域联合国残疾人十年;; Semipalatinsk;塞米巴拉金斯克;; Konvertible Marka;可兑换马尔卡马尔卡;KM;马尔卡 RTV BiH;波黑广播电视台;; Return Facilitation Group;协助难民回返小组;; Instruction on the Temporary Admission of Kosovo Refugees;关于临时接纳科索沃难民的指示;; United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination Stand-by Teams;联合国灾害评估和协调常备工作队;; United Nations Electronic Information Network;联合国电子信息网;UNINET; United Nations Emergency Planning and Preparedness Group;联合国应急规划准备小组;UNEPPG; United Nations Expert Working Group on Management of Government Information Systems;联合国政府信息系统管理专家工作组;; Reseau d'intervention aupres des personnes ayant subi la violence organisee;堡有组织暴力受害者干预网;RIVO; Intervention network for victims of organized violence;堡有组织暴力受害者干预网;RIVO; ZAHRAN, Motaz M.;穆塔兹·扎赫兰;; Fiji Islanders;斐济群岛人;; Follow-up Plan of Action for the United Nations Year for Tolerance;联合国容忍年后续行动计划;; Kosovo Verification Mission Agreement between the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia;北大西洋公约组织与南斯拉夫联盟共和国之 间的科索沃核查团协定;; MILO, Paskall;帕斯卡尔·米洛;; Verification Mission in Kosovo;科索沃核查团;; United Nations Consolidated Inter-Agency Appeal for Humanitarian Assistance Related to the Kosovo Crisis;联合国关于为科索沃晰提供人道主义援助 的机构间联合呼吁;; NATO Kosovo Verification Mission;北约科索沃核查团;; non-combatant platform;非作战平台;; non-combatant reconnaissance platform;非作战侦察平台;; FRY Air Force and Air Defence Forces;南联盟空军和空防部队南空军;FAADF;南空军 International Summit of Sexually Exploited: Out from the Shadows;性剥削问题国际首脑会议:走出阴影;; Mutual Safety Zone;共同安全区 安全区;MSZ;安全区 United Nations Fund for Colonial Territories and Peoples;联合国殖民地领土和人民基金;FCTP; Trust Fund for Disaster Relief Assistance;救灾援助信托基金;; Trust Fund for Disaster Relief;救灾信托基金;; Depo Provera;醋甲孕酮;; approach fix;进场位置;; instrument approach fix;仪表进场位置;; flight operations;飞行作业;; unmanned reconnaissance platform;不载人侦察平台;; manned reconnaissance platform;载人侦察平台;; Fonds des Nations Unies pour le developpement industriel;联合国工业发展基金工发基金;FNUDI;工发基金 United Nations Information Services;联合国信息服务;UNISER; Treaty on the Foundation for Inter-state Relation, Friendship and Cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Uzbekistan;关于俄罗斯联邦和乌兹别克斯坦共和国两国 关系、友好和合作基础的条约;; Declaration on the Development and Intensification of All-round Cooperation;关于发展和加强全面合作的宣言;; Treaty between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation on the Intensification of Economic Cooperation over the period 1998 - 2007;1998年至2007年乌兹别克斯坦共和国和俄罗斯联邦加强经济合作条约;; SODERBERG, Nancy;南希·瑟德贝里;; Declaration on All-round Cooperation among the Russian Federation, Republic of Tajikistan and Republic of Uzbekistan;俄罗斯联邦、塔吉克斯坦共和国和乌兹别克 斯坦共和国全面合作宣言;; cross borrow;交叉借款;; troop and equipment contributing country;提供部队和装备的国家;; TARSCHYS, Daniel;达尼埃尔·塔尔许斯;; Bureau of the Interparliamentary Assembly;议会间大会主席团;; BARILLAS, Eduardo Stein;爱德华多·斯泰因·巴利亚斯;; Year 2000 compliant;2000年就绪;; Y2K ready;Y2K就绪;; Mission d'observation des Nations Unies pour l'Iraq et le Koweit;联合国伊拉克-科威特观察团伊科观察团;MONUIK;伊科观察团 United Nations Journal;联合国日刊;; Mission d'observation des Nations Unies au Liberia;联合国利比里亚观察团联利观察团;MONUL;联利观察团 Mission d'observation des Nations Unies en Sierra Leone;联合国塞拉利昂观察团联塞观察团;MONUSL;联塞观察团 Mission d'observation des Nations Unies en Afrique du Sud;联合国南非观察团联南观察团;MONUAS;联南观察团 Operation des Nations Unies en Somalie;联合国索马里行动联索行动;ONUSOM;联索行动 Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution on Heavy Metals;1979年远距离越境空气污染公约关于重金属 的议定书;; Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution on Persistent Organic Pollutants;1979年远距离越境空气污染公约关于持久性 有机污染物的议定书;; Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade;关于在国际贸易中对某些危险化学品和农药 采用事先知情同意程序的公约;; Force de deploiement preventif des Nations Unies;联合国预防性部署部队联预部队;FORDEPRENU;联预部队 force de protection des Nations Unies;联合国堡部队联保部队;FORPRONU;联保部队 SATOH, Yukio;佐藤行雄;; AIKAWA, Kazutoshi;相川一俊;; FUKUI, Kenshiro;福井贤志郎;; KAGAMI, Masato;加贺美正人;; United Nations Relief Operations in Ethiopia;联合国埃塞俄比亚救济行动;; OHTAKA, Masato;大鹰正人;; TAKAHASHI, Toshiyuki;高桥俊之;; AKIBA, Yoshitoshi;秋叶佳利;; KATO, Shunsuke;加藤俊辅;; TESHIMA, Yuka;手岛有香;; KATOH, Miwa;加藤美和;; ISHIKAWA, Kae;石川雅惠;; SHIMOMURA, Norimasa;下村宪正;; TAKADA, Aki;高田亚树;; OGIHARA, Chieko;荻原千惠子;; International Conference on Restoration of the Historic Silk Route;复兴具有历史意义的丝绸之路国际会议;; Europe-Caucasus-Asia transport corridor;欧洲-高加索-亚洲运输走廊欧高亚运输走廊;TRASECA;欧高亚运输走廊 kuleana;库莱阿纳组织;; Special Summit of the Caribbean Forum of the ACP States;非加太国家加勒比论坛特别首脑会议;; Caribbean Forum of the ACP States;非加太国家加勒比论坛加勒比论坛;CARIFORUM;加勒比论坛 Guidelines for Programme Monitoring and Evaluation;方案监测和评价准则;; Kosovo Verification Mission;科索沃核查团;KVM; Messenger of Peace;和平信使;; RAMADAN, Taha Yasin;塔哈·亚辛·拉马丹;; People, Land Management and Environment Change programme;人、土地管理和环境变化方案 人地环方案;PLEC;人地环方案 Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network;减少贫穷和经济管理网减贫经管网;PREM;减贫经管网 Employment Intensive Work Programme;就业密集工作方案就业方案;EIP;就业方案 Coordinating Action on Small Arms;小武器问题协调行动;CASA; United Nations Standards Coordinating Committee;联合国标准协调委员会;UNSCC; United Nations Standing Committee on AIDS;联合国艾滋病问题常设委员会;; United Nations Statistical Information System;联合国统计信息系统;UNSIS; Central Asia Pipeline;中亚输送管公司;Cent Gas; Caspian Pipeline Consortium;里海输送管联营企业;CPA; Organization for Cooperation between Railways;铁路合作组织;OSZhD; International Year of Dialogue among Civilizations;不同文明之间对话国际年;; Dialogue among Civilizations;不同文明之间的对话;; United Nations Telecommunications Network;联合国电信网;; Agreement on International Rail Transport of Goods;国际铁路货运协定;SMGS; Institut des Nations Unies pour la formation;联合国训练所训练所;INUF;训练所 Autorite provisoire des Nations Unies au Cambodge;柬埔寨过渡时期联合国权力机构 联柬权力机构;APRONUC;联柬权力机构 International Year of Ecotourism;国际生态旅游年;; LUCINSCHI, Petru;彼得·鲁钦斯基;; United Nations University Press;联合国大学出版社;; United Nations Vocational Training Centre for Namibia;联合国纳米比亚职业训练中心;UNVTC; free trade agreement;自由贸易协定;FTA; Dublin;都柏林;; Andorra la Vella;安道尔城;; Wien;维也纳;; Minsk;明斯克;; United States Information Agency;美国新闻署;USIA; Thorshavn;曹斯哈恩;; Faroes, the;法罗群岛;; Citta del Vaticano;梵蒂冈城;; exit interview;出口采访;; exit poll;出口民意测验; 出口民意调查;; Vaduz;瓦杜兹;; Valleta;瓦莱塔;; Bern;伯尔尼;; Bratislava;布拉迪斯拉发;; Budapest;布达佩斯;; WHITE, Hugo;雨果·怀特;; MSF-France;法国医师无国界协会;; Protocol on the Meeting of the Georgian and Abkhaz sides concerning stabilization of the situation along the line of separation;格鲁吉亚和阿布哈兹双方关于稳定隔离线沿线局势会议的议定书;; Climate Information and Prediction Services;气候信息和预报服务;CLIPS; universal child immunization plus;儿童全面免疫扩展免疫扩展;UCI Plus;免疫扩展 Task Force on El Nino;厄尔尼诺现象工作队;; WILLIAMS, Graeme;格雷姆·威廉斯;; Universal Postal Union Day;万国邮政联盟日;; Universal Religious Tolerance Day;世界宗教宽容日;; universalization and renewal of primary education and eradication of adult illiteracy in the Arab States by the year 2000;2000年阿拉伯国家普及和恢复初级教育及成人扫盲方案普教方案;ARABUPEAL;普教方案 Universalization of Primary Education and Literacy;普及初级教育和扫盲;UPEL; University Association for Educational and Cultural Development in Africa and Madagascar;促进非洲和马达加斯加教育文化发展大学协会;AUDECAM; YU, Shihao;余世豪;; TONG, Xiaoling;佟晓玲;; LE, Yucheng;乐玉成;; EBOUMY, Guy Marcel;居伊·马塞尔·埃布米;; OSEI, Yaw Odei;亚乌·奥代·奥塞;; NICULESCU, Alexandru;亚历山德鲁·尼古列斯库;; Urban Employment Charter;城市就业宪章;; Urban Forum;城市论坛;; Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia;乌巴玻三国;Urupabol; Verification and Control Commission for Security Matters;安全事项核查和监督委员会;; Victoria Falls Initiative;维多利亚瀑布倡议;; Victoria Falls Summit;维多利亚瀑布首脑会议;; UYANGODA, Ranjith;兰吉特·乌扬戈达;; Vienna Institute of International Economic Comparison;维也纳国际经济比较研究所经比所;VIIEC;经比所 Vienna Non-Governmental Organization Committee on Disabled Persons;维也纳非政府组织残疾人委员会;; Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace;和平文化行动纲领;; Declaration on a Culture of Peace;和平文化宣言;; Voice of Youth;青年之声;; KHUDOIBERDIEV, Mahmud;穆罕默德·胡多伊贝尔迪耶夫;; Agreement between the Government of Guinea-Bissau and the self-proclaimed military junta;几内亚比绍政府与自行任命的军政府之间的协定;; MANE, Ansumane;安苏马内·马内;; JAMMEH, Yahya A. J. J.;叶海亚·贾梅;; PLESU, Andrei Gabiel;安德烈·加布里埃尔·普莱苏;; KUBIS, Jan;扬·库比什;; VAZIROV, Zokir;佐基尔·瓦日罗夫;; Waste Management Advisory Programme;废物管理咨询方案;WAMAP; Waste Management Assessment and Technical Review Programme;废物管理评估和技术审查方案;WATRAP; Waste Processing and Storage Facility;废物处理和储存设施;WPSF; interposition force;干预部队;; union economic et monetaire ouest africain;西非经济和货币联盟西非经货联盟;UEMOA;西非经货联盟 West African Federation of Associations for the Advancement of Handicapped Persons;西非残疾人福利协会联合会西非残联;WAFAH;西非残联 West African Monetary Union;西非货币联盟;UMOA; Union de l'Europe occidentale;西欧联盟;UEO; WHO AIDS Series;卫生组织艾滋病丛书;; WHO Collaborating Centre on AIDS;卫生组织艾滋病合作中心;; WHO Collaborating Centre in Primary Health Care;卫生组织初级保健合作中心;; WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence;卫生组织药瘾问题专家委员会;; WHO Management Group;卫生组织管理小组;WHOPAX; WHO Strategy for AIDS Vaccine Development;卫生组织艾滋病疫苗研制战略;; Wye River Memorandum;怀伊河备忘录;; Women and Development Programme;妇女与发展方案;; FBC-1;中国飞豹1型歼击轰炸机;; ethnic Serbs;塞裔;; DE SANTA CLARA GOMES, Goncalo;贡萨洛·德圣克拉拉·戈梅斯;; Motor Vehicle Valuation;机动车辆估价;MVV; mental pain and anguish;精神创伤和痛苦;MPA; post traumatic stress disorder;创伤后精神压力障碍;PTSD; Chisinau Statement on Trilateral Cooperation signed by the Presidents of the Republic of Moldova, Romania and Ukraine on 22 October 1998;1998年10月22日摩尔多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚和乌克兰三国总统签署的基希纳乌三边合作声明;; Upper Prut "Euro-region";上普鲁特“欧洲区域”;; Lower Danube "Euro-region";下多瑙“欧洲区域”;; Programme for the Establishment of Trust, Accelerated Return and Normalization of Living Conditions in the War-Affected Regions of the Republic of Croatia;克罗地亚共和国受战争影响地区建立信任、加速回返和生活条件正朝方案;; Women's Action Agenda 21;21世纪妇女行动议程;; MARTENSSON, Carina;卡里纳·马藤松;; NORSTROM, Per;佩尔·诺尔斯特伦;; GEREMEK, Bronialaw;布罗尼亚拉夫·格雷梅克;; Civil Society for Poverty Reduction Programme;民间社会推动减少贫穷方案;; African Centre for Civil Society;非洲民间社会中心;; Telefood project;Telefood捐款项目;; Working Group on Refugee Women;难民妇女问题工作组;; Final Act of the United Nations Diplomatic Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Establishment of An International Criminal Court;联合国设立国际刑事法院全权代表外交会议最后文件;; remain seized with the matter, the Security Council;安全理事会继续处理此案。;; remain actively seized with the matter, the Security Council;安全理事会继续积极处理此案。;; seized with the matter, the Security Council remains;安全理事会继续处理此案。;; Principles and Guidelines for International Negotiations draft;国际谈判原则和准则草案;;草案 Draft Principles and Guidelines for International Negotiations;国际谈判原则和准则草案;;草案 trial counsel;出庭律师检察律师;; Rarim Basin;塔里木盆地;; Junggar Basin;准噶尔盆地;; Turpan-Kumul Basin;吐哈盆地;; stabilizing oil output and controlling water content;稳油控水;; China National Oil Corp.;中国国家石油公司;CNOC; emancipating the mind;解放思想;; banking system;金融体制;; rejuvenating the country through science and education;科教兴国;; reducing staff and increasing efficiency;减员增效;; re-employment;再就业重新雇用;; appeals on merits;就案情提出的上诉;; court reporter;法庭记录员;; court reporting;法庭记录;; diverting laid-off workers;下岗分流;; remote court reporting method;远距离法庭记录方法;;方法 full appeals;正式上诉;; interlocutory appeals;中间上诉;; senior trial counsel;高级检察员;; Trial Chamber I, II, ....;第一、第二、.....审判分庭;; courtroom 1, 2, 3,...;2号、3号...审判室;; SY, Cheikh Tidiane;谢赫·蒂迪亚内·西;; United Nations Office in Burundi;联合国布隆迪办事处联布办事处;UNOB;联布办事处 World Aerial Photographic Index;世界航空摄影索引;WAPI; World Aeronautical Chart;世界航空图;WAC; Association Europeenne de libre-echange;欧洲自由贸易联盟;AELE; World Association for the Advancement of Educational Research;世界教育研究促进协会;WAAER; World Association of Muslim Scholars;世界穆斯林学者协会;; World Bank Administrative Tribunal;世界银行行政法庭;WBAT; World Climate Data and Monitoring Programme;世界气候数据和监测方案;WCDMP; Roll Back Malaria Initiative;击退疟疾倡议;; World Conference on Education for All;世界全民教育会议;WCEFA; co-counsel;协理律师[前南法庭];;; hedge fund;对冲基金;; World Congress of Gerontology;世界老年学大会;; World Congress on Sociology on Youth;世界青年社会学大会;; individual contractor;独立订约人;; free lance staff;自由应聘工作人员;; department or office;部厅处;; United Nations Peace-building Support Office in Liberia;联合国利比里亚建设和平支助办事处 联利支助处;UNOL;联利支助处 Personal Assistant to the Under-Secretary-General;副秘书长个人助理;; Assistant to the Military Adviser;军事顾问助理;AMA; Associate Political Affairs Officer;协理政治事务干事;; Civilian Police Adviser;民警顾问;; World Economic Forum;世界经济论坛;WEF; World Energy Conference;世界能源会议;WEC; World Federation of Advertisers;世界广告商联合会;WFA; Committee Representing the People's Parliament Elected by the 1990 Multiparty Democratic General Elections;代表1990年多党制民主大选产生的人民议会的委员会;; World Federation of Medical Education;世界医学教育联合会;; Fortune Magazine;《财富》月刊;; Fortune 100;《财富》月刊所列100家公司;; Fortune 500;《财富》月刊所列500家公司;; World Food Council Trust Fund;世界粮食理事会信托基金;; World Food Programme Information System for Africa;世界粮食计划署非洲信息系统;WISA; World Forestry Congress;世界森林大会;; World Foundation on Ageing;世界老龄基金会;; World Future Society;世界未来协会;WFS; World Glacier Monitoring Service;世界冰川监测机构;WGMS; World Hemophilia AIDS Centre;世界血友病艾滋病中心;WHAC; World Heritage List;世界文化遗产名单;; World Hunger Year;世界消除饥饿年;; World Industry Council for the Environment;世界堡环境工业理事会环工理事会;WICE;环工理事会 Wye Plantation Agreement;怀伊种植园协议;; World Maritime Day;世界海洋日;; World Medical Assembly;世界医学大会;; World Mental Health Year;世界心理健康年;; CHOI, Young-jin;崔英镇;; Contingent-Owned Equipment Unit;特遣队所属装备股;COEU;装备股 World Police Institute;世界警察研究所;; World Post Day;世界邮政日;; World Press Freedom Committee;世界新闻自由委员会;WPFC; World Refugee Year;世界难民年;; World Scout Bureau;世界童子军局;WSB; World Seed Year;世界种子年;; World Standards Day;世界标准化日;; World Telecommunication Forum;世界电信论坛;; World Understanding and Peace Day;世界理解与和平日;; Property Control Unit;财产管制股;PCU;财管股 Movements Control Unit;调动管制股;MCU;调管股 Administrative and Information Management Section;行政和信息管理科 行政信管科;AIMS;行政信管科 Information Management Unit;信息管理股信管股;IMU;信管股 International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda;卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭卢旺达问题国际法 庭;ICTR;卢旺达问题国际法庭 one stop shopping;一次买全;; Cnet;中国C网;; Palestine;巴勒斯坦;; WTO Commission for Europe;旅游组织欧洲委员会;CEU; WTO Commission for the Americas;旅游组织美洲委员会;CAM; Yalta Summit Declaration;雅尔塔首脑会议宣言;; Yaounde Declaration on Humanitarian Law;雅温得人道主义法宣言;; Yaounde Institute;雅温得研究所;; Movimiento Indigena de la Costa Atlantica;大西洋海岸土著运动;Yatama; Year of Communication and Cooperation about AIDS;艾滋病宣传与合作年;; Year of Immunization;免疫年;; Year of Immunization in Africa;非洲免疫年;; Year of the United Nations;联合国年;; Youth and AIDS: Strategy on Information and Educational Programme for AIDS prevention and Control;青年与艾滋病:艾滋病防治信息和教育方案 战略;; Youth Prize Foundation;青年奖基金会;; Zambian Cooperation Federation;赞比亚合作联合会;ZCF; Zambia Tanzania Road Services;赞坦公路局;ZTRS; Association africaine pour l'enseignement par correspondance;非洲函授教育协会;AAEC; Arab Alternatives Futures;阿拉伯不同未来;AAF; United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention;联合国药物管制和预防犯罪办事处 药管办事处;UNODCCP;药管办事处 Association of African Sports Confederations;非洲体育联合会协会;AASC; Rassemblement pour le Retour des Refugies et de la Democratie au Rwanda;卢旺达难民回返和回复民主联盟 卢民主联盟;RDR;卢民主联盟 Administration de l'assistance technique;技术援助管理处技援处;AAT;技援处 Administration de l'assistance techniquedes Nations Unies;联合国技术援助管理处技援处;AATNU;技援处 Association bois de feu;薪柴协会;ABF; Parti Socialiste Rwandais;卢旺达社会党卢社会党;PSR;卢社会党 Parti pour la Democratie Islamique;伊斯兰民主党伊民党;PDI;伊民党 Union Democratique du Peuple Rwandais;卢旺达人民民主同盟 卢民盟;UDPR;卢民盟 China Insurance Regulatory Commission;中国保险监督管理委员会中国保监会;CIRC;中国保监会 Association de bibliotheques internationales;国际图书馆协会;ABI; China Apec Enterprises Assembly;亚太经合组织中国企业联席会议;; Agenda for Science and Technology Industry Cooperation into 21st Century;走向21世纪的科技产业合作议程;; Skills Development Action Plan;技能开发行动计划;; Cyberview Lodge;[吉隆坡]电子风景旅馆;; Apec Economic Leaders' Declaration;亚太经合组织经济领导人宣言;; Anthropometrics and Biomechanics Lab;人体测量和生物力学实验室;ABL; approved budget level;核定预算额;ABL; Ma, Yongwei;马永伟;; China Securities Regulatory Commission;中国证券监督管理委员会;; procurator;检察官;; Amazon Boundary Layer Experiment;亚马孙边界层实验;ABLE; Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union;亚太广播联盟;ABU; Inter-Bureau Project Action Committee;局间项目行动委员会;AC; Arab Civil Aviation Council;阿拉伯民航理事会;ACAC; Arab Civil Aviation Organization;阿拉伯民航组织;ACAO; Conseil africain de la comptabilite;非洲会计理事会;CAC; Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce of America;美国航空商会;ACCA; Assistant du conseiller en matiere de drogues;药物顾问助理;ACD; Association des conseillers Europeens;欧洲咨询协会;ACE; African Continental Geodetic Network;非洲大陆大地测量网;ACGN; Association des centres pour handicapes d'Afrique centrale;中部非洲残疾人中心协会;ACHAC; Alliance cooperative internationale;国际合作联盟;ACI; Association cartographique internationale;国际制图协会制图协会;ACI;制图协会 International Catholic Girls' Society;国际天主教女青年协会;ICGS; Association catholique internationale des services de la jeunesse feminine;国际天主教女青年协会;ACISJF; Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies;英联邦文学和语言研究协会;ACLALS; Asociacion Cubana de Naciones Unidas;古巴联合国协会;ACNU; Asociacion de Corresponsales en las Naciones Unidas;驻联合国新闻记者协会;ACNU; Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados;联合国难民事务高级专员办事处 难民专员办事处;ACNUR;难民专员办事处 annual country reviews;年度国家审查;ACRs; Association of Commonwealth Students;英联邦学生协会;ACS; African Committee for Technical Cooperation;非洲技术合作委员会;ACTC; Advanced Communications Technology Satellite Programme;先进通信卫星技术方案;ACTS; Assisting Communities Together Project;共助项目;ACT Project; Human Rights Corner;人权角;; Women's Rights: the Responsibility of All;妇女权利:共同责任;; Children's Rights: Creating a Culture of Human Rights;儿童权利:建设人权文化;; Confidence and Security-building Measures Officer;建立信任和安全措施人员;OSBM Officer; Joint UNDP/UNCDF Special Unit on Microfinance;开发计划署/资发基金联合微额供资特别股;; Gender and Programme Partnership Section;两性平等和方案伙伴关系科;GPPS;方案科 International Space Station;国际空间站;; Meeting of Senior Officials to Mark the Mid-point of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, 1993-2002;1993-2003年亚洲及太平洋残疾人十年中期高级官员会议;; Seoul Proposals;汉城建议;; regional administrative committee on coordination;区域行政协调委员会;; Modules of Employable Skills;谋职技能单元;MES; Code of Conduct for the Referendum Campaign in Western Sahara;西撒哈拉全民投票宣传运动行为守则;; Poverty Sector Board;消除贫穷委员会;; Development Cooperation Policy Branch;发展合作政策处;DCPB; Manual on Government Statistics;政府统计手册;; Ideas Data Bank;点子数据库;; Ah Hoc Group of Experts Meeting via Internet on Weakened System of Public Financial Management: Solutions for Enhancing Transparency and Accountability;公共财政管理削弱问题特设专家组因特网会议:提高透明度和问则制的办法;; Roundtable on Indigenous Intellectual Property;土著人民知识产权圆桌会议;; Global Intellectual Property Issues Division;全球知识产权问题司;; Durban Declaration for the New Millennium;德班新千年宣言;; Food Outlook;粮食展望;; right to adequate food;适当粮食权;; Consultation on the Right to Adequate Food;关于适当粮食权的协商;; year of mobilization against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance;动员反对种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和 有关不容忍行为年;; National Council for Development;国家发展理事会;CONADE; Joint Declaration on the development and further strengthening of cooperation between the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Tajikistan;关于吉尔吉斯共和国和塔吉克斯坦共和国发展和进一步加强合作的联合宣言;; diplomatic conference to consider and adopt a convention on arrest of ships;审议和通过一项扣留海船公约外交会议;; role of employment and work in poverty eradication: the empowerment and advancement of women;就业和工作在消除贫穷方面的作用:赋予妇女权利和提高妇女地位;; Globalization and the international financial and monetary system: lessons learned from the Asian crisis;全球化与国际金融货币制度:从亚洲晰中 吸取教训;; guiding principles for international negotiations, draft;国际谈判指导原则草案;; Rotterdam Convention;鹿特丹公约;; Integrated Defence Committee;综合防卫委员会;; Civilian Reporting System;民间报告系统;; Yuan, Junlin;袁俊林;; VIEIRA DE MELLO, Sergio;塞尔希奥·比埃拉·德梅洛;; Deputy to the Under-Secretary-General and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator;副秘书长帮办兼紧急救济副协调员;; GRIFFITHS, Matin;马丁·格里菲思;; humanitarian affairs officer;人道主义事务干事;; senior humanitarian affairs officer;高级人道主义事务干事;; associate humanitarian affairs officer;人道主义事务协理干事;; Policy, Advocacy and Information Division;政策、倡导和信息司;PAID;政策司 Conference on Governance in Africa: consolidating the institutional foundations;非洲施政会议:巩固体制基础;; Network of African Mayors against HIV/AIDS;非洲市长防治艾滋病毒/艾滋病网;; Subregional Expert Group Meeting on Integrating Environmental Considerations into Economic Policy-making Process for South Asia;将环境因素纳入经济决策过程南亚分区域专 家组会议;; Enterprise and Bank Restructuring in the Transitional Economies;转型期经济体企业和银行的调整;; United Nations Global Forum on Innovative Policies and Practices in Local Governance;联合国地方施政创新性政策和做法全球论坛;; global workshop on the Programme for Accountability and Transparency;问责制和透明度方案全球讲习班;; International Symposium on Advanced Information Technology and Governance;先进信息技术与施政国际研讨会;; international centre of innovation and exchange in public administration;国际公共行政创新和交流中心;; Colloquium on Promoting Ethics in the Public Service;提高公务员道德水平座谈会;; Management of Development: National Capacity Strengthening;发展管理:加强国家能力;; International Conference on Performance Contracting;国家业绩承包会议;; food for oil agreement;石油换粮协议;; MAHUAD WITT, Jamil;雅米尔·威特·马瓦德;; WITT, Jamil MAHUAD;雅米尔·威特·马瓦德;; CARDOSO, Fernando Henrique;费尔南多·恩里克·卡多佐;; humane market;人道市场;; Policy Development and Advocacy Branch;政策制订和倡导处;PDAB;政策处 Advocacy and External Relations Unit;倡导和对外关系股;AERU;倡导股 ministerial conference for the Sub-Sahara African region on the 20/20 Initiative;撒南非洲区域20/20倡议部长级会议;; Task Group on Social Development;社会发展工作组;; Forum on Social Development;社会发展论坛;; SAARC Seven Sisters: District Development Coordination and Improved Poverty Project Design;南盟七姐妹:区域发展协调和改进扶贫项目设计;; international meeting on the 20/20 initiative;20/20倡议国际会议;; A World Economy for the Benefit of All;造福所有人的世界经济;; international expert meeting on innovative employment initiatives;创新性就业举措国际专家会议;; initiation of the overall review of the implementation of the outcome of the Summit for Social Development;开始全面审查社会发展问题首脑会议成果的执行情况;; Manila Declaration on Accelerated Implementation of the Agenda for Action on Social Development in the ESCAP Region;关于加速执行亚太经社会区域社会发展行动议程的马尼拉宣言;; asesor sobre drogas;药物顾问;AD; Assistant to Drug Advisor;药物顾问助理;ADA; Association pour le developpement des bibliotheques publiques en Africque;非洲公共图书馆发展协会;ADBPA; Water, Development and the Environment in Latin America;拉丁美洲水、发展与环境;ADEMA; Association pour le developpement de la science politique europeenne;欧洲政治学发展协会;ADESOE; Association du droit international;国际法协会;ADI; Association pour le developpement international;国际开发协会开发协会;ADI;开发协会 Integrated Reporting Facility Application;综合报告功能应用软件;IRFA; Association protestante internationale de prets;国际新教徒借贷协会;ADIPEP; Automated Data Interchange Systems;自动数据交换系统;ADIS; automatic data processing;自动数据处理;ADP; Association pour le developpement de la riziculture en Afrique de l'Ouest;西非稻米发展协会;ADRAO; Agricultural Development Service;农业发展处;ADS; Association europeenne des centres d'audiophonologie;欧洲听觉音韵学中心协会;AECA; Association europeenne des enseignants;欧洲教师协会;AEDE; Association europeenne pour la direction de personnel;欧洲人事管理协会;; Agence europeenne pour l'energie nucleaire;欧洲核能机构;AEEN; European Centre for Federalist Action;欧洲联邦主义行动中心;AEF; Association europeenne des festivals de musique;欧洲音乐节协会;AEFM; Arab Employment Institutions;阿拉伯就业机构;AEI; Association des ecoles internationales;国际学校协会;AEI; Association europeenne de lifre-echange;欧洲自由贸易联盟欧贸联;AELE;欧贸联 European Alliance of Muscular Dystrophy Associations;欧洲肌营养不良协会联盟;EAMDA; Alliance europeenne des associations de myopathes;欧洲肌营养不良协会联盟;AEMDA; Agence pour l'energie nucleaire;核能机构;AEN; International Study Society for the Exploration of Arctic Regions by Airship;利用飞艇探测北极区域国际研究学会;AEROARCTIC; Agricultural Economics Society;农业经济学学会;AES; Association of Earth Science Editors;地球科学刊物编辑协会;AESE; Association europeenne de thermographie;欧洲温度记录协会;AET; Agro-Ecological Zones;农业生态区;AEZs; Administrative and Finance Department;行政和财务部;AF; Association des femmes africaines pour la recherche sur le developpement;非洲妇女研究和发展协会妇女研发协会;AFARD;妇女研发协会 Arab Fisheries Company;阿拉伯渔业公司;AFC; Asociacion Cristiana Femenina Mundial;世界基督教女青年会女青年会;AFCM;女青年会 African Development Bank AfDB;非洲开发银行非银;AfDB;非银 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司