翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 South Ethiopia People's Autonomous Region;南方人民民族州;; Gambela;甘贝拉人民民族州;; Harar;哈拉尔人民民族地区州;; Debubawi Keyih Bahri Region;南红海区;; Semenawi Keyih Bahri Region;北红海区;; Anseba Region;安塞巴区;; Gash-Barka Region;加什-巴尔卡区;; Debub Region;南部区;; Maakel Region;中部区;; MOGLIA, Ana;安娜·莫利亚;; MARSICO, Osvaldo;奥斯瓦尔多·马尔西科;; MARTINSEN, Holger;奥尔赫·马丁森;; PALACIO, Horacio Fernandez;奥拉西奥·费尔南德斯·帕拉西奥;; POSSE, Valeria Gonzalez;瓦莱里娅·冈萨雷斯·波塞;; PADROS, Mariano Simon;马里亚诺·西蒙·帕德罗斯;; MARTINIC, Gabriela;加芙列拉·马丁尼茨;; ESTREME, Mateo;马特奥·埃斯特雷姆;; KENDALL, Guillermo;吉列尔莫·肯德尔;; Combined Transport Bill of Lading;联运提单;COMBICONBILL; Combined Transport Document;联运单据;COMBIDOC; DUVAL, Michel;米歇尔·杜瓦尔;; VAMOS-GOLDMAN, Andras;安德拉斯·瓦莫斯-戈德曼;; GOLDMAN, Andras VAMOS-;安德拉斯·瓦莫斯-戈德曼;; ANGELL, David T. R.;戴维·安杰尔;; LALANI, Arif;阿里夫·拉拉尼;; Comision Mixta Peruano-Boliviana de Coordinacion;秘鲁和玻利维亚联合协调委员会;COMICOORD; SAUNDERS, Bernard;伯纳德·桑德斯;; GIROUX, Andre Francois;安德烈·弗朗索瓦·吉鲁;; HARVEY, Michael;迈克尔·哈维;; WRIGHT, Ellen;埃伦·赖特;; BURGESS, Anne;安妮·布格斯;; Commonwealth Association for Local Action and Economic Development;英联邦地方行动和经济发展协会;COMMACT; health sector;卫生部门;; Workshop on a rights-based approach to women's empowerment and advancement and gender equality;以权利为导向开展赋予妇女权力、提高妇女 地位和两性平等工作讲习班;; Expert Group Meeting on Women and Health-Mainstreaming the Gender Perspective into the Health Sector;妇女与健康专家组会议:将性别观点纳入卫生部门主流;; expert consultation on violence in families;家庭暴力问题专家协商;; Air and Water Team;空气和水小组;; European Monitoring Centre for Racism and Xenophobia;欧洲种族主义和仇外心理监测中心;; Lahore Declaration;拉合尔宣言;; Financial Stability Forum;金融市场稳定论坛;FSF; Arab conference on the integrated follow-up to United Nations global conferences;阿拉伯联合国全球会议综合后续行动会议;; Women and Political Participation: 21st Century Challenges;妇女与政治参与:21世纪的挑战;; African Women and Economic Development: Investing in Our Future;非洲妇女与经济发展:为我们的将来而投资;; locally reimbursed revolving TRAC;当地偿还的循环核心预算资源调拨目标;LRRT; Group of Friends of Albania;阿尔巴尼亚之友小组;; Joint Cuban-Russian Declaration in Support of the United Nations;古巴和俄罗斯联邦关于支持联合国的联合声明;; New York Convention Day;纽约公约日;; international investors conference for East Africa;东非国际投资者会议;; regional conference on the private sector;私营部门问题区域会议;; Expert Group Meeting on prudential regulation and supervision of insurance markets in developing countries and countries in transition to market economies;关于发展中国家和向市场经济转型国家对 保险市场进行谨慎管理和监督的专家组会议;; Information Technology and Social Development;技术信息与社会发展;; Isa, RASTAM Mohd;拉斯塔姆·穆罕默德·伊萨;; results-oriented annual report;注重成果的年度报告;ROAR; AZLAN, Man;阿兹兰·曼;; Man, AZLAN;阿兹兰·曼;; e-Trade initiative;电子贸易倡议;; Expert Meeting on Capacity-building in the Area of Electronic Commerce: Human Resource Development;电子商务领域能力建设专家会议:人力资源开发;; MISRAN, Karmain;米斯兰·卡尔梅因;; Karmain, MISRAN;米斯兰·卡尔梅因;; KHALID, Othman ABDUL;阿卜杜勒·哈立德·奥斯曼;; Othman, ABDUL KHALID;阿卜杜勒·哈立德·奥斯曼;; Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence;和平共处五项原则;; RANI, Ismail Hadi;拉尼·伊斯梅尔·哈迪;; Ismail Hadi, RANI,;拉尼·伊斯梅尔·哈迪;; Hadi, RANI, Ismail;拉尼·伊斯梅尔·哈迪;; AMRAN, Mohamed Zin;阿姆兰·穆罕默德·辛;; Mohamed Zin, AMRAN;阿姆兰·穆罕默德·辛;; Zin, AMRAN Mohamed;阿姆兰·穆罕默德·辛;; Braga Initiative on the Debt Crisis;布拉加债务晰倡议;; Youth Participation for Human Development;青年参与人类发展;; Braga Youth Action Plan;布拉加青年行动计划;; SHAHRIL, Effendy Abd Ghany;沙赫里勒·埃芬迪·阿卜杜·加尼;; Effendy Abd Ghany, SHAHRIL;沙赫里勒·埃芬迪·阿卜杜·加尼;; Abd Ghany, SHAHRIL Effendy;沙赫里勒·埃芬迪·阿卜杜·加尼;; Ghany, SHAHRIL Effendy Abd;沙赫里勒·埃芬迪·阿卜杜·加尼;; Comparative Perspectives on Decentralized Governance in a Globalizing World;在一个全球化世界上实行分权施政观点比较;; greening business in developing countries;发展中国家的企业绿化;; Business Responsibility for Environmental Protection in Developing Countries: An International Workshop;发展中国家企业的环保责任国际讲习班;; Advancing the Social Agenda: Two Years after Copenhagen;推进社会议程:哥本哈根会议两年之后;; Gender Focal Point System;两性平等问题协调中心制度;; Globalization and Citizenship;全球化与公民资格;; Grassroots Initiatives and Knowledge Networks for Land Reform in Developing Countries;发展中国家土地改革基层举措和知识网;; Emerging Mass Tourism in the South;南方国家的新兴大众旅游业;; Public Sector Reform and Crisis-ridden States;公共部门的改革与陷入晰的国家;; Business Responsibility for Sustainable Development;企业对可持续发展的责任;; Gender, Poverty and Well-being;性别、贫穷与安康;; SCHEFFERS, J.W.;舍费斯;; DAALEN, M.T.G. van;范达伦;; van DAALEN, M.T.G.;范达伦;; ZAAGMAN, R.W.;扎赫曼;; NAEFF, F.;纳夫;; MOLLEMA, P.;默勒马;; GENEE, P.J.;格内;; FAAL,;法尔;; MADUREIRA,;马杜雷拉;; Ad Hoc Committee on the Elaboration of a Convention against Transnational Organized Crime;制订一项打击跨国有组织犯罪公约特设委员 会;; BENEDEJCIC, Andrej;安德烈·贝内代契奇;; Consultative Meeting of Experts of the Central Asian Countries, the Nuclear-Weapon States and the United Nations;中亚国家、核武器国家和联合国专家协商会议;; ad hoc committee to negotiate a non-discriminatory, multilateral and internationally and effectively verifiable treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices;谈判缔结一项非歧视性的、可由国际有效核 查的禁止生产核武器或其他爆炸装置所用裂 变材料的多边条约特设委员会;; Arusha Initiative on the Burundi Peace Process;关于布隆迪和平进程的阿鲁沙倡议;; Trust Fund for the Consolidation of Peace through Practical Disarmament Measures;采取切实可行裁军措施巩固和平信托基金;; Special Coordinator on transparency in armaments;军备透明度问题特别协调员;; Eritrea;厄立特里亚;; Subregional Seminar on the Training of Trainers in Practical Disarmament Measures for the Consolidation of Peace for Senior Military and Civilian Officers;高级军职和文职官员巩固和平的实际裁军措 施分区域训练员培训讨论会;; First Geneva Convention;日内瓦第一公约;; Second Geneva Convention;日内瓦第二公约;; Third Geneva Convention;日内瓦第三公约;; Fourth Geneva Convention;日内瓦第四公约;; Consultation on the Management of Fishing Capacity, Shark Fisheries and Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries;关于捕捞能力管理、捕鲨及延绳钓渔业中偶 然捕获海鸟的协商;; business and financial analyst;业务和财务分析员;; brand development officer;品牌开发干事;; Transit Transport Framework Agreement;过境运输框架协定;TTFA; Joint Investigation Group;联合调查组;; Intergovernmental Group of Experts for the Protection of War Victims;堡战争受难者政府间专家组;; NGO Coalition for the Establishment of an International Criminal Court;非政府组织促进设立国际刑事法院联盟;; Joint Liaison Committee;联合联络委员会;; Ad Hoc Liaison Committee;特设联络委员会;; Palestinian Development Plan;巴勒斯坦发展计划;; Ministerial Conference to Support Middle East Peace and Development;支持中东和平与发展的部长级会议;; Declaration of Athens-The heritage of ancient civilization: Implications for the modern world;雅典宣言-古代文明遗产对现代世界的影响;; Mine Action Forum;排雷行动论坛;; Agenda for Mine Action;排雷行动议程;; international conference on modern demining technology;现代排雷技术国际会议;; regional conference on landmine injury and rehabilitation in the Middle East;中东地雷致伤与康复区域会议;; international conference on the implementation of treaty obligations in the armed forces;武装部队履行条约义务国际会议;; International Forum on Demining and Victim Assistance;排雷和援助受害者国际论坛;; Hashimoto-Yaltsin Plan;桥本-叶利钦计划;; Japanese-Russian Intergovernmental Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs;日俄贸易和经济事务政府间委员会;; Japanese-Russian Investment Company;日俄投资公司;; Japanese-Russian Joint Committee on the Conclusion of a Peace Treaty;日本和俄罗斯缔结和平条约联合委员会;; subcommittee on border demarcation;划界小组委员会;; subcommittee on joint economic activities;联合经济活动小组委员会;; Moscow Declaration on Establishing a Creative Partnership between Japan and the Russian Federation;关于日本和俄罗斯联邦建立创造性伙伴关系 的莫斯科宣言;; European Union and Bosnia and Herzegovina Consultative Task Force;欧洲联盟和波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那协商工作 队;; European Union Declaration on Bosnia and Herzegovina;欧洲联盟关于波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那的声明;; Slovenian International Trust Fund for Demining and Mine Victims Assistance n Bosnia and Herzegovina;波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那境内排雷和援助地雷受害者斯洛文尼亚国际信托基金;; Memorandum of Understanding concerning Joint Reconstruction of Traffic Links between the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina;关于共同重建克罗地亚共和国与波斯尼亚- 黑塞哥维那间交通联系的谅解备忘录;; Joint Council for Cooperation between the Republic of Croatia and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina;克罗地亚共和国与波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那联邦联合合作委员会;; Agreement on the Establishment of Special Relations between the Republic of Croatia and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina;克罗地亚共和国与波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那联邦建立特别关系协定;; Agreement on Free Transit through the Territory of the Republic of Croatia to and from the Port of Ploce and through the Territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina at Neum;经克罗地亚共和国领土自由进出普洛切港和经波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那领土自由进出内乌姆的协定;; Forum on Asia-Africa Cooperation in Export Promotion;亚非促进出口合作论坛;; Seoul Framework for Cooperation;汉城合作框架;; Asia-Africa Business Forum;亚非商业论坛;; Index of Irritation;恼怒指数;IRRIDEX; International Symposium on World Human Rights Toward the 21st Century;面向21世纪的世界人权国际研讨会;; cooperative partnership toward the 21st Century;面向21世纪的合作伙伴关系;; World Animal Day;世界动物日;; moderate level of prosperity;小康;; national condition;国情;; domestic demand;内需国内需求;; NTAHOMVUKIYE, Severin;塞韦林·恩塔霍姆武基耶;; KIKWETE, Jakaya Mrisho;贾卡亚·姆里绍·基奎特;; JUMA, Omar Ali;奥马尔·阿里·朱马;; LE, Kha Phieu;黎可漂;; Consejo Nacional de Poblacion y Familia;国家人口和家庭委员会;CONAPOFA; Confederacion General de Cooperativas;合作社总联合会;; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas;国家科学技术研究委员会;CONICET; Comision Nacional de Investigacion del Espacio;国家空间研究委员会;CONIE; Consejo Superior de Planificacion Economica;经济规划高级委员会;; Comision Panamericana de Normas Tecnicas;泛美技术标准委员会;COPANT; Advisory Committee on Consumer Policy;消费者政策咨询委员会;COPCO; logistic complex;后勤综合设施;; Comision de Pesca Continental para American Latina;拉丁美洲内陆渔业委员会;COPESCAL; Commission permanente intercompagnies aeriennes;航空公司间常设委员会;COPIC; Palestinian Confederation for Latin America and the Caribbean;拉丁美洲和加勒比巴勒斯坦联合会;; Regional Cooperative Pharmaceutical Production and Technology Centre;制药技术区域合作中心;COPPTEC; Centre for Overseas Pest Research;海外虫害研究中心;COPR; Cooperative Programme of Research on Aquaculture;水产养殖业合作研究方案;COPRAQ; Corporacion de Desarrollo de La Paz;拉巴斯开发公司;CORDEPAZ; Corporacion de Desarrollo de Puno;普诺开发公司;CORDEPUNO; New Zealand Association for International Relief, Rehabilitation and Development;新西兰国际救济复兴发展协会;CORSO; Director of Communications and Special Projects;文电和特别项目主任;; Status of free association;自由联系地位;; Palestinian Jerusalemite;巴勒斯坦裔耶路撒冷人;; EU Troika mission;欧盟三人代表团;; Troika mission EU ;欧盟三人代表团;; Special Committee for the Protection and Conservation of the Environment and the Caribbean Sea;堡与养护环境和加勒比海特别委员会;; International Consultation on Research and Information Systems in Forestry;关于森林研究和信息系统的国际磋商会;ICRIS; SQL server;SQL服务机;; dynamic HTML;动态HTML动态超文标语;; stylus;输入笔;; RDBMS;关系数据库管理系统;RDBMS; fuzzy logic;模糊逻辑;; KNI;KNIKatmai新指令;KNI; policy-based management;政策性管理;; IPMI;促进IP多播论坛;; IP cache server;IP高速缓存服务机;; IP caching;IP高速缓存;; Global Information Infrastructure;全球信息基础设施;GII; LinuxCare;LinuxCare;; EAI;企业资源规划应用程序整合;EAI; premenstrual syndrome;经前综合症;; Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology;妇产科学杂志;; Tibet House;西藏之家;; Dalai Lama;达赖喇嘛;; promotion of cultural and ethical progress;精神文明建设;; triennial comprehensive policy review;三年期全面政策审查;TCPR; vegetable basket project;菜篮子工程;; see project;种子工程;; conservation of water resources;水源涵养;; ecological environment;生态环境;; conservation of water and soil;水土保持;; sandstorm-stricken area;风沙区;; township enterprise;乡镇企业;; adequately fed and clothed;温饱;; material interests;物质利益;; decision-making right;自主权;; diversified forms of ownership, with public ownership as the main form;以公有制为主体的多种所有制;; double-tier system that combines unified and separated operations;统分结合的双层经营体制;; utilization and proprietary rights;使用权和所有权;; market-oriented reform;以市场为取向的改革;; macro-control;宏观调控;; three favourables;三个有利于;; semi-illiterate;半文盲;; farm produce marketing system;农产品市场体系;; rural socialized service system;农业社会化服务体系;; villager self-administration;村民自治;; KAARIAINEN, Matti;马蒂·卡里艾宁;; people's congress system;人民代表大会制度;; OULD MOHAMED, Sidi Mohamed;西迪·穆罕默德·乌尔德·穆罕默德;; MOHAMED, Sidi Mohamed OULD;西迪·穆罕默德·乌尔德·穆罕默德;; CHUQUIHUARA, Alfredo;阿尔弗雷多·丘基瓦拉;; VERMEULEN, Pieter Andries;彼得·安德里斯·韦尔默朗;; Programme for Coordination and Assistance for Security and Development;安全和发展协调援助方案;PCASED; Declaration of a Moratorium on the Importation, Exportation and Manufacture of Small Arms and Light Weapons in West Africa;关于在西非暂停进口、出口和制造小武器和 轻武器的宣言;; Phase One - Precautionary;第一阶段-预防;; Phase Two - Restricted Movement;第二阶段-限制行动;; Phase Three - Relocation;第三阶段-转移;; Phase Four - Programme Suspension;第四阶段-方案中止;; Phase Five - Evacuation;第五阶段-撤离;; High-level Conference on Regional and Subregional Economic Cooperation of the Developing Countries;发展中国家区域和分区域经济合作高级别会 议;; Bali Declaration on Regional and Subregional Economic Cooperation of the Developing Countries;关于发展中国家区域和分区域经济合作的巴厘宣言;; Bali Plan of Action on the Regional and Subregional Economic Cooperation of the Developing Countries;关于发展中国家区域和分区域经济合作的巴厘行动计划;; International Conference on the Safety of Radiation Sources and the Security of Radioactive Materials;辐射源安全和放射性材料保安国际会议;; International Conference on Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials: Experience in Regulation, Implementation and Operations;核材料实物堡国际会议:监管、执行和运 作经验;; International Workshop on Mine-action Coordination;国际排雷行动协调讲习班;; Conference on Global Humanitarian Demining;全球人道主义排雷会议;; Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining;日内瓦国际人道主义排雷中心;GICHD; Information Management System for Mine Action;排雷行动信息管理系统;IMSMA; Landmine Monitor;地雷监测系统;; Working Group on Advocacy, Verification and Compliance;倡导、核查和遵守工作组;; Hazardous Areas Life-Support Organization HALO Trust;危险地区生命支援组织;; Croatian Mine-Action Centre;克罗地亚排雷行动中心克排雷中心;CROMAC;克排雷中心 Mine-Action Programme of Bosnia and Herzegovina;波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那排雷行动方案;; mine awareness;防雷宣传;; Steering Committee on Mine Action;排雷行动指导委员会;; Inter-Agency Coordination Group on Mine Action;机构间排雷行动协调小组;; Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries;中国人民对外友好协会对外友协;CPAFFC;对外友协 Centre for Population and Family Health;人口和家庭健康中心;CPFH; body spray;爽身喷剂;; boxfoam;方块泡沫;; butytaled hydroxy toluene;丁化羟基甲苯; 防老剂;BHT; Central Research Organization;中央研究组织;CRO; control and risk self-assessment;管制和风险自行评估;CRSA; countries stricken by desertification and drought;荒漠化和干旱受灾国;CSD; pashtunwali;普什图人准则;; TURKOGLU, Gurcan;居尔灿·蒂尔克奥卢;; DOBRAJA, Dace;戴斯·多布拉贾;; AL-OTAIBI, Mansour Ayyad Sh. A.;曼苏尔·伊亚德·奥泰比;; OTAIBI, Mansour Ayyad Sh. A. AL-;曼苏尔·伊亚德·奥泰比;; lateral unmanning;横向交叉撤防;; taksim;分治;; Dial-Up Networking DUN;拨号上网;DUN; IP faxing;IP传真;; Cyrix;Cyrix公司;; Mac Os;Mac Os苹果操作系统;; Sun Microsystems;SUN微系统公司;; cost effective;成本效果;; cost efficiency;成本效率;; Institutional Contractual Agreement;机构合同协定;ICA; verbatim trascript;逐字记录稿;; Second London Oceans Workshop;第二次伦敦海洋工作会议;; ZEPHIRIN, Diabre;迪亚布雷·泽菲林;; integrated coastal area management;沿海区综合管理;ICAM; ReefBase: a Global Database on coral Reef and their Resources;珊瑚礁数据库: 全球珊瑚礁及其资源数据库;; international tropical marine ecosystems management symposium;国际热带海洋生态系统管理专题讨论会;ITMEMS; oceans: a heritage for the future, the;海洋:留给后世的遗产;; coral bleaching;珊瑚漂白现象;; thin blue line;薄蓝线;; Racak;拉查克;; Chen, Ranfeng;陈然峰;; B-2 Stealth Bomber;B-2隐形轰炸机;; A-10 Thunderbolt;A-10霹雳攻击机;; B-52 Bomber;B-52轰炸机;; Tornado;“旋风”式超音速变后掠翼战斗机;; Jaguar;“美洲虎”式攻击机;; AV-8B;AV-8B垂直短距起降攻击机;; Mirage series;幻影战斗机系列;; Operation Allied Force;联合力量行动;; F-117 Stealth Fighter;F-117隐形战斗机;; concentrated solar energy;聚合太阳能;CSE; European Space Conference;欧洲空间会议;ESC; Cooperative Study on Kuroshio;黑潮合作研究;CSK; Committee on Satellite Laser Ranging;卫星激光测距委员会;CSLR; Special Committee for the International Biometric Society;国际生物方案特别委员会;SCIBP; Council for Gender Equality;男女共同参画审议会;; Liaison Conference for the Promotion of Gender Equality;男女共同参画推进连携会议;; Cabinet order on the Council for Gender Equality;男女共同参画审议会令;; Foreign Service personnel Law;外务公务员法;; Eugenic Protection Law;优生堡法;; Employment Insurance Law;雇佣保险法;; Maternal Protection Law;母体堡法;; Youth Protection Ordinance;青少年堡育成条例;; Film Ethics Regulatory Committee;映伦管理委员会;; Film Ethics Regulations;映画伦理规定;; Law Regulating Adult Entertainment Businesses;风营适正化法;; Headquarters for the Promotion of Gender Equality;男女共同参画推进本部;; Administrative Reform Council;行政改革会议;; Basic Law on Measures for the Aging Society;高龄社会对策基本法;; Council for Medical Insurance and Welfare;医疗保险福祉审议会;; District Legal Affairs Bureau;地方法务局;; Civil Liberties Commissioners;人权拥护委员;; Metropolitan Government of Tokyo;东京都;; Patronage Dating;援助交际;; Travel Agency Law;旅行业法;; House of Councilors;参议院;; Women Diet, the;女性国会;; Japan's Official Development Assistance Charter;[日本]政府开发援助大纲;; Women's University of Osaka Prefecture;大阪府立女子大学;; Aichi Shukutoku University;爱知淑德大学;; University of the Air;放送大学;; National Women's Education Centre;国立妇人教育会馆;; Prefectural Women's and Young Workers' Office of the Ministry of Labour;劳动省都道府县女性少年室;; Economic Planning Agency;经济企画厅;; Mother and Child Health Law;母子保健法;; Health and Medical Service Law for the Aged;老人保健法;; Farmer's Pension Fund Law;农业者年金基金法;; New Peace Party;新党平和新和平党;;新和平党 Niin Club;两院俱乐部;; Ni-in Club;两院俱乐部;; Second Chamber Club;两院俱乐部;; Shinto-Sakigake;新社会党;NSP; New Socialist Party;新社会党;; Cyprus Police;塞浦路斯警察;CYPOL; Iraq;伊拉克;; Win32;Win32;; FreeBSD;FreeBSD;; interlacing;隔行扫描;; LZW;LZW;LZW; script;1.文字 2.脚本文件;; digital cadastral database;数字地籍数据库;DCDB; Disarmament Commission Official Records;裁军审议委员会正式记录;DCOR; Dissemination Division;分发司;DD; Africa Service;非洲处;DDAA; European Service;欧洲处;DDAE; Asia and Far East Service;亚洲和远东处;DDAF; NESHO, Agim;阿吉姆·内绍;; Latin America Service;拉丁美洲处;DDAL; Near East and North Africa Service;近东和北非处;DDAN; drugs and diet supplements;药品和补充营养;DDS; Design Calculi and Research for Telecommunication Systems project;电信系统设计计算和研究项目;DESCARTES; directed energy weapon;射线武器;DEW; Deputy Director-General;副总干事;DDG; Derecho de Importacion Centroamericana;中美洲进口税;DICA; meteorological research rocket;气象研究火箭;DIM; digital image processing;数字图象处理;DIP; Secretariat for Eastern African Coastal Area Management;东非沿海区管理秘书处;SEACAM; Pan-African Conference on Sustainable Integrated Coastal Management;泛非可持续综合沿海管理会议;PACSICOM; Advisory Committee on Protection of the Sea;海洋堡咨询委员会海保咨委会;ACOPS;海保咨委会 Cape Town Declaration on an African Process for the Development and Protection of the Coastal and Marine Environment, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa;关于特别是在撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲地区发展和堡沿海和海洋环境的非洲进程的开普敦宣言;; Caribbean Marine Biodiversity Workshop;加勒比海洋多样性工作会议;; Coral Reef Strategic Action Plan;珊瑚礁战略行动计划;; OSPAR Convention;奥斯陆-巴黎公约;; Democratic Party of British Gibraltar;英属直布罗陀民主党;DPBG; Deputy Representative and Adviser on Population;副代表兼人口顾问;DRAP; Deputy Representative and Senior Adviser on Population;副代表兼高级人口顾问;DRSAP; data relay satellite system;数据中继卫星系统;DRSS; Doctor of Science in Agriculture;农学博士;DSA; direct use value;直接使用价值;DUV; deadweight tonnage;载重吨位;DWT; AH-64 Apache;AH-64阿帕奇攻击型直升机;; United Nations Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks;联合国执行1982年12月10日联合国海洋法公 约有关养护和管理跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游 鱼类种群的规定的协定;; by-catch;副渔获物;; marine capture fisheries;海洋捕获渔场;; Indian Ocean and Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuaries;印度洋和南极洋鲸鱼堡区;; Marine Stewardship Council;海洋管理委员会;MSC; marine fishery landings;海洋渔业上市量模式;;模式 Voluntary Population Exchange Agreement;自愿居民互换协议;; Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network;美洲生物多样性信息网;IABIN; Indigenous Peoples Biodiversity Information Network;土著人民生物多样性信息网;IBIN; Biodiversity Information Network 21;21世纪生物多样性信息网;BIN21; Biodiversity Conservation Information Network;生物多样性养护信息网;BCIS; formula translator;FORTRAN语言;FORTRAN; Scalable Processor Architecture;可扩缩处理器结构SPARC;SPARC;SPARC connectivity;连通性;; Majordomo;Majordomo;; Network Access Point;网络接驳点;NAP; Digital video express;Divx视盘;Divx; flash memory;快闪存储器;; United Nations Civilian Police Support Group;联合国民警支助组 民警支助组;UNCPSG;民警支助组 administrative policy manual;管理政策手册;; admissible assets;认可资产;; admitted assets;计列资产有清算值资产;; asset depreciation range;资产折旧幅度;ADR; advance billing;预开帐单票据;;票据 advance rentals;预付租金;; advance rulings;提前裁决;; advances;预付款预付垫付款垫款;; advances from customers;预收客户款;; advances on sales;预收货款;; advances to officers and employees;职工预支款;; adventure;投机经营短期经营;; adverse opinion;反面意见;; advertising;广告广告费;; advertising budget;广告费预算;; advertising expenses prepaid;预付广告费;; advice of audit;审核通知书;; advisory services to management;管理咨询服务;; affiliated company corporation;联营公司;; affiliated interests;联营股权联营权益;; affreightment;海运契约合同;; after closing trial balance;结算后试算表;; Contact Group on Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo;波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那及科索沃问题联络小 组;; HSBC;汇丰[银行];HSBC; Charles Schwab;嘉信理财;; after-cost;后续成本;; after date;发票后;; after-separation cost;分离后成本;; after sight;见票后;; age-distribution;帐龄分裂可使用时间分布情况;; aged trial balance;过期试算表;; agency accounts;代理帐代理会计;; agency and trust funds;代理和信托基金;; agency funds;代理基金分销处基金;; aggregate cash inflows;现金流入总额;; aggregate cash outflows;现金流出总额;; aggregate cost;总成本累计成本;; aggregate indebtedness;债务总计;; aggregate indebtedness to capital ratio;债务总额对资本比率;; aging schedule;帐龄分析表;; agreed-upon price;商定价格;; agreement not to compete;停止竞争协议;; ZHENG, Jiwang;郑继旺;; YUAN, Xiaoying;袁小英;; Library and Information Resources Division;图书馆和信息资源司;LIRD;信息司 NORDUNET2;二号北欧网;; services in support of:;为下列提供支助服务;; expected accomplishments;预期的成绩;; remaining questions and concerns;余留问题和关注点;; Internal Dissidence Working Group;国内异见工作组;; VUKOVICH, Gabriella;加布里埃拉·武科维奇;; Population, gender and development;人口、性别和发展;; Population, environment and development;人口、环境和发展;; KATSANDE, Christian M.;克里斯蒂安·卡特桑德;; National Institute on Drug Dependence;中国药物依赖性研究所;NIDD; Beijing Chemical and Pharmacological Institute;北京药物化学药理研究所;; Chinese Magazine of Drug Abuse Prevention;中国药物滥用防治杂志;; Chinese Bulletin on Drug Dependence;中国药物依赖性通报;; World Energy Assessment;世界能源评估;WEA; Honda Accord;本田雅阁;; Ghauri II missile;高里二型导弹;; Agni II;烈火二型导弹;; CCEC;中国商品交易中心;CCEC; Nasdaq;全美证券交易商协会自动报价表纳斯达克;Nasdaq;纳斯达克 South-Eastern Europe Cooperation;东南欧合作;SEEC; BUWITT, Detlef;德特勒夫·布维特;; United Nations Peace-building Support Office in Guinea-Bissau;联合国几内亚比绍建设和平支助办事处 联比支助处;UNOGBIS;联比支助处 MLANGENI, Nonhlanhla;农赫兰赫拉·姆兰根尼;; SUN, Minqin;孙敏勤;; SUN, Jiwen;孙继文;; RABUKA, Sakiusa;萨基乌萨·拉布卡;; ARHIN, Nana Kwesi;纳纳·奎西·阿尔欣;; AHMADI, Kourosh;库罗什·艾哈迈迪;; SIMONOVIC, Ivan;伊万·西蒙诺维奇;; POLIC, Jelena Grcic;叶连娜·格尔齐奇·波利奇;; AL-SINDI, Mohamed Abdo;穆罕默德·阿布杜·辛迪;; Madanij;马达尼伊;; Meja;梅亚;; Shaheen 1;“山鹰”一型导弹;; ITA;全球信息技术协议;ITA; Programme Framework Group;方案框架小组;PFG; MARKOVIC, Ratko;拉特科·马尔科维奇;; Agreement for Self-Government in Kosmet Kosovo and Metohija, the province of the Yugoslav constituent Republic of Serbia;科斯梅南斯拉夫组成部分塞尔维亚共和国的 科索沃和梅托希亚省自治协定;; McBRIDE, David;戴维·麦克布赖德;; Ljubuski;柳布什基;; Capljina;卡普利纳;; Framework Agreement on Police Restructuring, Reform and Democratization in the Republika Srpska;斯普斯卡共和国境内警察改组、改革和民主化框架协定;; Internet 2;第二代因特网;I2; Israel;以色列;; EKORONG A. NDONG, Paul;保罗·埃科龙·阿·恩东;; GREIVER, Bernardo;贝尔纳多·格雷贝尔;; NDONG, Paul EKORONG A.;保罗·埃科龙·阿·恩东;; TARASYUK, Borys;博雷斯·塔拉修科;; United Nations Group of Governmental Experts on Small Arms;联合国小武器问题政府专家组;; Exchange on Ageing, the Law and Ethics;老龄、法律和道德信息交流网;EAGLE; East Asia and the Pacific Regional Office;东亚和太平洋区域办事处东亚太办事处;EAPRO;东亚太办事处 EASWESPOP;EASWESPOP软件;EASWESPOP; extrabudgetary expenditure;预算外开支;EBE; Energy Bibliography/Index;能源书目/索引;EBIB; Population file of ESCAP Bibliographic Information System;亚太经社会文献信息系统/人口卷;EBIS POPFILE; European Cultural Foundation;欧洲文化基金会;ECF; Cooperative Investigation of the Mediterranean;地中海合作调查;CIM; nature-only test;以性质为唯一检验标准;; tariff peaks;关税高峰;; non-wood forest product;非木材森林产品;NWFP; Asia-Pacific Association of Forestry Research Institutions;亚洲-太平洋林业研究所协会亚太林研所协会;APAFRI;亚太林研所协会 POPLASEN, Nikola;尼古拉·波普拉申;; Rural Women's Development Programme;农村妇女发展方案;PRODEMU; Miombo woodlands;东非旱地林区;; National Service for Women;国家妇女事务办公室;SERNAM; Convention to Combat Desertification;防治荒漠化公约;CCD; Klashnikov;克拉什尼科夫型机枪;; FAR;前扎伊尔武装部队;FAR; services in support of ...;为下列提供支助服务......;; Total 1 and 2;1和2共计;; Summary of requirements by object of expenditure;按支出用途开列的所需经费总表;; transfer of observer status at the General Assembly;大会观察员地位的替代;; Congo, the Republic of the;刚果共和国;; experimental communications satellite;实验通信卫星;ECS; Summary of requirements by programme;按方案开列的所需经费总表;; requirements of ...;所需经费;; International Collaborative Exercises;国际合作活动;ICE; Eastern European time;东欧时间;EET; EFABASE;普及教育数据库EFABASE;EFABASE;EFABASE China Reinsurance Company;中国再保险公司;; at current rate;按现时费率计算;; funds, programmes and agencies of UN system;联合国系统各基金、方案和机构;; during the biennium 2000-2001 the following outputs will be delivered;在2000-2001两年期内,下列产出将交付到 位:;; Environmental health Criteria;环境卫生标准;EHC; European Hops Culture Committee;欧洲啤酒花种植委员会;EHCC; following output will be delivered, the;将有以下产出;; significant workload indicators;重要工作量指标;; thousands of page impressions;千印页;; thousands of items distributed;千分发件;; Sheikh Ashmawi Trust Fund;谢赫·阿什马维信托基金;; post financed from reimbursement for support to extrabudgetary administrative structures;由资助预算外行政结构的偿还款提供经费的员额;; Educational Innovation Programme for Development in the Arab States;阿拉伯国家教育改革促进发展方案;EIPDAS; Greek Contingent in South Cyprus;希腊驻南塞浦路斯特遣队;ELDIK; European mean time;欧洲平时;EMT; Economic-Monetary Union of West Africa;西非经济和货币联盟西非经货联盟;EMUWA;西非经货联盟 energy planning software package;能源规划软件ENERPLAN;ENERPLAN;ENERPLAN Local Number Portability;可携区域号码;LNP; Emergency Operations Trust Fund;紧急业务信托基金;EOTF; Local Routing Number;路由号码;; Economic Analysis and Projections Department;经济分析和预测部;EPD; at the maintenance level;按维持原有活动水平编列经费或编列所需经费估计数......;;编列经费或编列所需经费估计数...... Perspective Study of World Agricultural Development;世界农业发展展望研究;PSWAD; environmental planning and management;环境规划和管理;EPM; Economic Recovery Programme;经济复苏方案;ERP; ESA Remote Sensing Satellite;欧空局遥感卫星;ERS; satellite pour l'etude des ressources terrestres;地球资源卫星;ERSAT; environmental survey;环境勘测;ES; Eastern and Southern African Mineral Resources Development Centre;东部和南部非洲矿物资源开发中心;ESAMRDC; Advanced School of Public Administration for Central America;中美洲高级公共行政学校;ESAPAC; Commodities and Trade Division;商品和贸易司;ESC; Economic and Social Council Official Records;经济及社会理事会正式记录;ESCOR; Office of Assistant Director-General;助理总干事办公室;ESD; European Space Data Centre;欧洲空间数据中心;ESDAC; Programme Coordination and Administration Office;方案协调和行政处;ESNC; Environmentally Sound Technology Centre;无害环境技术中心;ESTC; English Speaking Union;英语联盟;ESU; European Translations Centre;欧洲翻译中心;ETC; Study on European Timber Trends and Prospects;欧洲木材趋势与前景研究;ETTS; Union europeenne de radiodiffusion;欧洲广播联盟;EUROVISION; UNHCR Executive Committee;难民专员办事处执行委员会;EXCOM; KCAB;韩国民航局;KCAB; FDR;飞行数据记录器;FDR; QAR;快速读取记录器;; freight of all kinds;综合运费; 不分货物品种的运费;FAK; Federation of ASEAN Shipowners' Associations;东盟船东协会联合会;FASA; Food and Beverage Workers' Union;食品饮料业工会;FBWU; faecal coliform;粪便大肠杆菌;Fc; Free Elections Radio Network;自由选举无线电网;FERN; Federation internationale des acteurs;国际演员联合会;FIA; International Federation of Travel Agencies;国际旅行社联合会;FIAV; International Bowling Federation;国际保龄球联合会;IBF; Special Measures for the Achievement of Gender Equality;实现两性平等特别措施;; Trust Fund for Negotiations to Find a Comprehensive Settlement of the Georgia/Abkhaz Conflict;谈判寻求格鲁吉亚/阿布哈兹冲突全面解决信 托基金;; Washington D.C.;华盛顿市即哥伦比亚特区;;即哥伦比亚特区 Federation internationale des geometres;国际测量工作者联合会测联;FIG;测联 MOK, Ta;达莫;; TA, Mok;达莫;; Aral Sea;咸海;; Aral Denghis;咸海;; Concrete Action Programme for the Problems of the Aral Sea;咸海问题具体行动纲领;; International Ecological Fund;国际生态基金;; AKAYEV, A. A.;阿斯卡尔·阿卡耶夫;; 6+2 Group;6+2小组;; Group of neighbours and friends of Afghanistan;阿富汗邻友小组;; GOUNARIS, Elias;埃利亚 斯·古纳里斯;; KUMALO, Dumisani Shadrack;杜米萨尼·沙德拉克·库马洛;; Force interimaire des Nations Unies au Liban;联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队联黎部队;FINUL;联黎部队 far infrared absolute spectrophotometer;远红外绝对分光光度计;FIRAS; Fonds des Nations Unies pour l'enfance;联合国儿童基金会儿童基金会;FISE;儿童基金会 Fishery Statistical Database;渔业统计数据库;FISHDAB; International Garment Workers' Federation;国际服装工人联合会;IGWF; Plantation Workers' International Federation;种植园工人国际联合会;PWIF; Federation internationale de volley-ball;国际排球联合会;FIVB; Fishing Licence Action Group;捕捞许可证行动小组;FLAG; Montenegrin Democratic Party of Socialist;黑山社会主义民主党;DPS; United Democratic Front;联合民主阵线;LBD; Democratic League of Kosovo;科索沃民主联盟科民盟;LDK;科民盟 Enhanced Parallel Port;增强型并行端口;EPP; Multimedia Personal Computer;多媒体个人计算机;MPC; JScript;JScript;; Motif;Motif用户接口指南;; Round Robin DNS;循环式域名服务机;; cXML;cXML;cXML; serial port;串行端口;; Nonpoint Source Pollution;非点污染源;NPS; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司