翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Fonds monetaire internationale;国际货币基金组织货币基金组织;FMI;货币基金组织 Fisheries Management Information System;渔业管理信息系统;FMIS; interactive debates;参与式辩论;; Fonds des Nations Unies pour les refugies;联合国难民基金;FNUR; Tourism Promotion Fund;旅游业促进基金;FORTUR; family planning association;计划生育协会;FPP; fast patrol boat;快速巡逻艇;FPB; Common Foreign and Security Policy;共同外交和安全政策;CFSP; Urban 21;21世纪城市;; international conference on model cities;国际模范城市会议;; Towards Enhanced Ocean Security into the Third Millennium;面向第三个千年加强海洋安全;; Partnership Conference;伙伴关系会议;; Euro-African Summit;欧非首脑会议;; London Oceans Workshop;伦敦海洋讲习班;; World Leaders' Conference on Social Impacts of Tourism;世界领袖旅游业的社会影响会议;; Communal Areas Management Programme for Indigenous Resources;本土资源共同区域管理方案;CAMPFIRE; Administrative Management Design for Game Management Areas;狩猎管理区行政管理设计项目;AMDADE; Tourism and Child Prostitution Watch Task Force;旅游业与儿童卖淫监视工作队;; Personnel Policy and Services Unit;人事政策和事务股;; Staff Development and Training Unit;工作人员发展和训练股;; Distinguished Adviser on Human Development;人类发展杰出顾问;; Trust Fund for the Implementation of the Ottawa Convention on Landmines;执行渥太华禁雷公约信托基金;; Regional Centre for Combating Organized Crime and Corruption;打击有组织犯罪和贪污区域中心;; sustainable development agent network;可持续发展代表网;RADEAS; Joint Commission on Rights relating to Indigenous Peoples' Land;土著人民土地权利联合委员会;; Programme for Educational Self-Management;教育自治方案;PRONADE; Programme of Access to Medicines;药品提供方案;PROAM; Guatemala Housing Fund;危地马拉住房基金;FOGUAVI; United Nations Common Supplier Database;联合国供应商共同数据库;UNCSD; European Conference on Follow-up to the Beijing Platform for Action;北京行动纲要后续行动欧洲会议;; Multinational Peace Force of South-East Europe;东南欧多国和平部队;MPFSEE; Agreement on the Establishment of a Multinational Peace Force of South-east Europe;关于建立东南欧多国和平部队的协定;; Charter of Good-Neighbourly Relations in South-eastern Europe;东南欧睦邻关系宪章;; Antalya Summit;安塔利亚首脑会议;; taxable capacity;课税能力;; Workshop on Ensuring Access to Social Services of Under-served Populations;确保缺少服务的人群获得社会服务讲习班;; SUPACHAI, Panitchpakdi;苏帕猜·巴尼奇巴格迪;; Panitchpakdi, SUPACHAI;苏帕猜·巴尼奇巴格迪;; MOORE, Mike;迈克·穆尔;; Iomega Corporation;艾美加公司;; Commission on Sustainable Development acting as the preparatory body for the special session of the General Assembly for the review and appraisal of the implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing S;担任审查和评价《小岛屿发展中国家可持续 发展行动纲领》执行情况的大会特别会议筹 备机构的可持续发展委员会;; special session of the General Assembly for the review and appraisal of the implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States;审查和评价小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展行 动纲领执行情况的大会特别会议;; Commonwealth Youth Credit Initiative;英联邦青年信贷计划;CYCI; Baltic Sea Youth Ministers Conference;波罗的海青年事务部长会议;; youth empowerment for the new millennium;扶持青年走向新的千年;; Regional Conference of Youth Ministers of the Pacific Community;太平洋各国青年事务部长区域会议;; Pacific Youth Strategy 2005;面向2005年的太平洋青年战略;; World Declaration on Higher Education for the Twenty-first Century: Vision and Action;二十一世纪高等教育世界宣言:远见与行动;; Conference of Youth Ministers of the Portuguese-Speaking Countries;葡语国家青年事务部长会议;; Framework for Priority Action for Change and Development in Higher Education;改革和发展高等教育优先行动框架;; Caribbean Youth Summit on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights;青少年性和生殖健康及权利加勒比青年首脑会议;; international youth forum;国家青年论坛;; Youth Vision Drug Abuse Forum;青年与吸毒问题论坛;; Youth for Habitat International Network;青年生境国际网;; Vision from Banff, The;班夫远见;; United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq;联合国伊拉克人道主义协调员;; United Nations Office of the Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq;联合国伊拉克人道主义协调员办事处 驻伊协调处;UNOCHI;驻伊协调处 YU, Wenzhe;于文哲;; Southern African Regional Police Commissioners Coordination Organization;南部非洲警察局长区域协调组织;SARPCCO; Consultative Group for the International Year of Older Persons;国际老年人年协商小组;; Inter-sessional Ad Hoc Working Group on Oceans and Seas and on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States;海洋问题和小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展问题闭会期间特设工作组;; Learning Without Frontiers;学习无国界;LWF; Learning Without Frontiers Unit;学习无国界方案协调股;; Study Group on Ammunitions and Explosives;弹药和爆炸物研究小组;; Trust Fund for the International Commission of Inquiry on Arms Flow in the Great Lakes Region of Central Africa;中部非洲大湖区军火流动国际调查委员会信 托基金;; Trust Fund for the Voluntary Financing of Activities under the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification;自愿资助联合国防治荒漠化公约活动信托 基金;; carbon bomb;碳质炸弹;; second resumed session of the General Assembly;大会续会第二期会议;; Conselho Nacional da Resistencia Timorense;帝汶民族抵抗委员会;; Speaker of the Conselho Nacional da Resistencia Timorense;帝汶民族抵抗委员会主席;; Porvety Eradication Award;脱贫奖;; Standard Basic Cooperation Agreement between UNICEF and Governments;儿童基金会与各国政府的标准基本合作协定;; Millennium Summit of the United Nations;联合国千年首脑会议;; Health for all policy for the twenty-first century;二十一世纪人人享有健康政策;; OSCE Spillover Monitor Mission to Skopje;欧安组织斯科普里预防冲突蔓延监测团;; Kosovo Verification Coordination Centre;科索沃核查协调中心;KVCC; People's Democratic Party NDP;人民民主党 民主党;NDP;民主党 Commission Secretariat and Legal Affairs Branch;委员会秘书处和法律事务处;CSLAB; Facing the challenges of the year 2000: promoting Palestinian national development;面对2000年的挑战:促进巴勒斯坦国家发展;; framework of principles to protect human rights defenders;堡人权维护者原则框架;; benchmarks for economic, social and cultural rights;经济、社会和文化权利基准;; special debate on gender issues and human rights;关于妇女问题与人权的特别辩论;; permanent forum for indigenous people;土著人民常设论坛;; Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement;关于国内流离失所问题的指导原则;; globalization and the eradication of poverty;全球化与消灭贫穷;; women and the eradication of poverty;妇女与消灭贫穷;; Programme Planning and Technical Cooperation Division;方案规划和技术合作司;; intergovernmental meeting of experts on the El Nino phenomenon;厄尔尼诺现象政府间专家组会议;; International Conference on Early Warning Systems for the Reduction of Natural Disasters;减少自然灾害预警系统国际会议;; Intergovernmental Meeting of Experts on El Nino;厄尔尼诺问题政府间专家会议;; Trade Related Entrepreneurship Assistance Development Programme;贸易创业援助发展方案;TREAD; International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism;制止向恐怖主义提供资助的国际公约;; African Meeting in Support of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People;支持巴勒斯坦人民不可剥夺权利非洲会议;; Videoconference for a World Free of Violence against Women;一个没有对妇女暴力行为的世界视像会议;; International Year of Mobilization against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance;动员反对种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和 有关不容忍行为国际年;; Interregional Expert Group Meeting on Policies for a Society for All Ages;关于不分年龄人人共享社会的政策区域间专家组会议;; Palestinian Development and Investment Co.;巴勒斯坦发展和投资公司;Padico; Near Death Experience;频死体验;NDE; Fuerza Provisional de las Naciones Unidas en el Libano;联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队联黎部队;FPNUL;联黎部队 Field Projects Procurement Unit;外地项目采购股;FPPU; Special Development Fund;特别发展基金;SDF; Food Security Technical and Administrative Unit;粮食安全技术和行政股;FSTAU; China Economic and Cultural Foundation of Overseas Chinese;中国华侨经济文化基金会;CECFOC; China Quality Long March;中国质量万里行;; cryoplane;低温飞机;; foreign interest;外国利益;; mandates;委任统治;; neocolonialism;新殖民主义;; self-determination of peoples;人民自决;; trusteeship agreements;托管协定;; aerial bombings;空中轰炸;; air power;空中力量空中实力空军空军强国;; air warfare;空战;; armed incidents;武装事件;; bomb shelters;防空洞防空掩蔽部;; border incidents;边界事件;; command and control systems;指挥和控制系统;; compulsory military service;义务兵役;; courts martial;军事法庭;; disarmament research;裁军研究;; dual-use technology;双重用途技术;; fighter plane;战斗机;; fleet ballistic missile systems;舰队弹道导弹系统;; infrasound monitoring;次生监控;; Front uni de liberation Kanak;卡纳克解放联合阵线;FULK; Force d'urgence des Nations Unies;联合国紧急部队紧急部队;FUNU;紧急部队 Grupo asesor en integracion economica centroamericana;中美洲经济一体化咨询小组;GARICA; General Assembly of International Sports Federations;国际体育联合会大会;GAIF; Grupo de Apoyo Mutuo;互助小组;GAM; Global Commission on AIDS;艾滋病问题全球委员会;GCA; CARTON, Podrinje;波德里涅·卡通;; gas-cooled reactor;气冷式反应堆;GCR; Global Environment Monitoring System Programme Activity Centre;全球环境监测系统方案活动中心监测系统/ 活动中心;GEMS/PAC;监测系统/ 活动中心 gross expenditure on research and development;研发总支出;GERD; Anti-Slavery International;反奴隶制国际;; Dhaka Ahsania Mission;达卡阿赫萨尼亚使团;DAM; Registry, Records and Mailing Section;登记、记录和邮务科;; self-administration, self-propagation and self-support;自治、自传、自养;; Central and Eastern European countries associated with EU;欧盟的中欧和东欧联系国;; associated country;联系国;; European Free Trade Association countries members of the European Economic Area;参加欧洲经济区的欧洲自由贸易联盟成员国;; ground-launched ballistic missile;地射弹道导弹;GLBM; ECU;欧元;ECU; troop-contributing countries;部队派遣国出兵国;TCCs; troop-contributing country;部队派遣国出兵国;TCC; Group of Negotiations on Goods;货物谈判小组;GNG; gross national income;国民总收入;GNI; growth charts, oral rehydration, breast-feeding, immunization, family spacing and food security;发育表、口服体液补充、母乳喂养、免疫接 种、生育间隔和粮食安全GOBI-FF;GOBI-FF;GOBI-FF growth charts, oral rehydration, breast-feeding, immunization, family spacing, food supplementation , female education;发育表、口服体液补充、母乳喂养、免疫接 种、生育间隔、粮食补充、妇女教育GOBI-FFF;GOBI-FFF;GOBI-FFF Malvinas Islands Falkland Islands;马尔维纳斯群岛 福克兰群岛;; Falkland Islands Malvinas Islands;福克兰群岛 马尔维纳斯群岛;; Groupe d'observation des Nations Unies au Liban;联合国黎巴嫩观察组联黎观察组;GONUL;联黎观察组 messaging software;接送邮件的软件;; Group of Seven;7国集团;G-7; Goddard Space Fight Center;戈达德航天中心;GSFC; Global Trade Point Network;全球贸易点网络;GTPNet; Global Geospatal Information;全球地球空间信息;GGI; Global Tropospheric Experiment;全球对流层实验;GTE; Masiaka;马西亚卡;; high definition television;高清晰度电视;HDTV; Health, Empowerment, Rights and Accountability;健康、赋权、权利与责任;HERA; high energy solar physics;高能太阳物理;HESP; Harvard Institute for International Development;哈佛国际发展研究所;HIID; horizontal take-off and landing;水平起降;HOTOL; Human Resources Administration;人力资源行政;HRA; human resources management;人力资源管理;HRM; high resolution imager;高分辨率成象仪;HRI; human resources planning;人力资源规划;HRP; Human Resources Planning and Development;人力资源规划和开发;HRPD; International Aerospace Abstracts;国际航天文摘;IAA; Inter-Agency Coordinating Committee for the Regional African Satellite Communication System;非洲区域卫星通信系统机构间协调委员会;IACC; International Association of Chiefs of Police;国际警察首长协会;AICP; Internal Auditing Department;内部审计部;IAD; development support information;发展援助信息;DSP; Israel Atomic Energy Commission;以色列原子能委员会;IAEC; International Animal Husbandry Association;国际畜牧协会;IAHA; security service of US Air Force;美国空军保密局;; security officer of US Air Force;美国空军保密局官员;; Al-Shifa Pharmaceutical factory;希法制药厂;; constitutional name of a country;立宪政体名称;; Cour d'Honneur;国旗广场;; human security;人的安全保障;; sub-topics;副主题;; International Association of Esperantist Lawyers;国际世界语律师协会;IAJE; overall theme;总主题;; International Association of Law Libraries;国际法律图书馆协会;IALL; International Association of museums of Arms and Military History;国际军械和军事历史博物馆协会;IAMAM; African and Mauritian Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics;非洲和毛里求斯统计学和应用经济学研究所;IAMSEA; pension adjustment index;养恤金调整指数;PAI; Association internationale de droit penal;国际刑法协会刑法协会;AIDP;刑法协会 United Nations Task Force on Environment and Human Settlements;联合国环境和人类住区工作队;; High-Level Committee of Ministers and Officials;部长和官员高级别委员会;; Central and Eastern European countries associated with EU, the associated country Cyprus and the European Free Trade Association EFTA countries members of the European Economic Area align themselves with the present statement;欧盟的中欧和东欧联系国、联系国塞浦路斯 和参加欧洲经济区的欧洲自由贸易联盟欧贸 盟 成员国同意本声明;; countries associated with European Union;欧洲联盟联系国;; EPTA countries members of the European Economic Area;参加欧洲经济区的欧贸盟成员国;; European Free Trade Association EFTA countries members of the European Economic Area;参加欧洲经济区的欧洲自由贸易联盟欧贸盟 成员国;; Inter-Agency Resident Mission for the Eastern Caribbean;机构间东加勒比驻地特派团;IARM; International Association for Systems Analysis;国际系统分析协会;IASA; Instituto Interamericano de Estadistica;美洲统计学会;IIE; Je vous saurais gre de bien vouloir porter le contenu de cette lettre a la connaissance des membres du Coseil de securite;请提请安全理事会成员;; Je vous saurais gre de bien vouloir porter le contenu de cette lettre a la connaissance des membres du Conseil de securite;请提请安全理事会成员注意该信为荷;; I should be grateful if you would have this letter circulated as a document of the Security Council;请将本信作为安全理事会的文件分发为荷;; affirm;申明;; reaffirm;重申再次申明;; PRUEHER, Joseph W.;约瑟夫·W·普吕厄;; AIBO;好朋友;; ICRA;互联网内容评级协会;ICRA; RSAC;娱乐软件顾问委员会;RSAC; Inter-agency Working Group on the Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Information and Mapping System;粮食安全薄弱环节信息和绘图系统机构间工 作组;IAWG-FIVIMS; International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk;建造和装备载运散装液化气船舶的国际法规 IBC法规;IBG Code;IBC法规 Brazilian Geographical and Statistical Institute;巴西地理和统计研究所地理统计所;IBGE;地理统计所 incurred but not reported losses;发生未报的损失;IBNR; Investment Centre Division;投资中心司;TCI; power user;行家用户;; power user computer;电脑行家用的计算机;; Comite Interamericano de la Alianza para el Progreso;美洲进步同盟委员会美洲进步同盟会;CIAP;美洲进步同盟会 International Committee for Applied Research in Population in Latin America;国际拉丁美洲人口应用研究委员会;ICARP-AL; International Committee for Applied Research in Population in Asia;国际亚洲人口应用研究委员会;ICARP-Asia; International Container Bureau;国际集装箱局;ICB; International Council of Commerce Employers;国际商业雇主理事会;ICCE; Instituto Colombiano de Especializacion Tecnica en el Exterior;哥伦比亚国外训练研究所;ICETEX; mother-to-child transmission of Aids;儿童经母体感染艾滋病;; sanitary platform;平台式厕所;; categoguing in publication;图书在版编目;CIP; XIAO, Caiwei;肖才伟;; Barak, Ehud;埃胡德·巴拉克;; Regional Tropical Medicine and Public Health Network;区域性热带医药与公共保健网;; International Centre for Small Hydropower Development;国际小水电开发中心;IN-SHD; STEPASHIN, Sergei;谢尔盖·斯捷帕申;; pivotal country;枢轴国;; Islamic Capitals Organization;伊斯兰首都组织;ICO; Intercountry Programme Management Plan;国家间方案管理计划;ICPMP; Luzamba;卢桑巴;; mouseover;鼠过;; Netcheque;网络支票;; commerce server;商务服务机;; MP3;MP3;; plasma display;等离子显示器;; Hyperstitial;Hyperstitial;; meta ad;关键字广告;; blue screen of death;死机蓝屏;; Uniform Resource Identifier;统一资源识别器;URI; channel bonding;信道合并;; bug;故障错误虫;; Note by the Secretary-General transmitting the report of ...;秘书长的说明,转送...的报告;; United Nations Inter-Agency Donor Alert for Urgent Needs Related to the Kosovo Crisis;联合国机构间提醒捐助者注意科索沃晰引 起的紧急需求的通知;; Donor Alert for Urgent Needs Related to the Kosovo Crisis;提醒捐助者注意科索沃晰引起的紧急需求 的通知;; Information and Communications Technologies in Support of Sustainable Human Development;信息和通信技术促进可持续人类发展;ICT/SHD; island developing country;岛屿发展中国家;IDC; Commission on Population and Development acting as the preparatory committee for the special session of the General Assembly for the review and appraisal of the implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and D-;人口与发展委员会作为审查和评价国际人口 与发展会议行动纲领执行情况的大会特别会 议筹备委员会;; Sheqalim;谢克尔;; Shekel;谢克尔;; information, education and motivation;信息、教育和鼓励;IEM; International Facilitating Group;国际促进小组;IFG; p. 123, at pp. 345-678;第123页,第345至678页;; International Food and Nutrition Policy Programme;国际粮食和营养政策方案;IFNP; Inter-African Film Production Consortium;非洲电影制片集团;IFPC; Inter-African Film Distribution Consortium;非洲电影发行集团;IFDC; International Federation of Unions of Employees in Public and Civil Services;国际公务员工会联合会;IFPCS; balance of commitments;承付额结余;; Principles of International Commercial Contracts;国际商事合同通则;; International Commercial Contracts;国际商事合同;; extension;延长年数;; Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on the UNDP Funding Strategy;开发计划署筹资战略不限成员名额特设工作 组;; subregional resource facility;分区域资源中心;SURF; subregional resource facilities;分区域资源中心;SURFs; Change Implementation Committee;改革执行委员会;; Intergovernmental Conference on Emergency Telecommunications;紧急电讯问题政府间会议;ICET98; multi-year funding framework;多年期筹资框架;MYFF; Special Situation Countries;特殊情况国家;; special development situations;特殊发展情况;SDS; occupational rehabilitation;职业康复;; educational rehabilitation;教育康复;; medical rehabilitation;医疗康复;; Provisional Agenda for the meeting of the Security Council to be held on , at;安全理事会第 次会议临时议程 定于 年 月 日星期 午 时 分举行;; relevant organs, funds and programmes, and specialized agencies of the United Nations system;联合国系统有关机关、基金和方案、以及专门机构;; organs, funds and programmes;机关、基金和方案;; submission;1.划界案[海洋法] 2.呈件;; logical framework;逻辑框架;logframe; popular consultation;全民协商;; Conseil Affaires Generales de L'Union Europeene;欧洲联盟一般事务理事会;; femmes africa solidarite;非洲妇女团结会;; instance;申诉庭;; Issues for discussion at the meeting to be held on , 1999 at a.m./p.m., in the Secuity Council Consultation Room;1999年 月 日星期 上/下午 时 分 在安全理事会磋商室举行的会议上要讨论的问题;; Fissile Material Cut-Off treaty;裂变材料禁产条约 禁产条约;FMCT;禁产条约 Third Session of the Preparatory Committee;筹备委员会第三届会议;; universal and effectively verifiable treaty ...;可核查和具有普遍性的条约;; nuclear-capable states;有核能力的国家;; discriminatory and exclusive in nature;歧视性和排他性;; safeguards function;保障监督职能;; In anticipation of a positive response from you;望允准;; International Green Cross;国际绿十字绿十字;IGC;绿十字 Personnel Policies Division;人事政策司;; Salaries and Allowances Division;薪金和津贴司;; Inter-Governmental Meeting;政府间会议;IGM; intergovernmental organization;政府间组织;IGO; Access to Justice Programme;伸张正义方案;; Administradores de Fondos de Pensiones;养恤基金管理公司养恤基金公司;AFP;养恤基金公司 Alliance of Parties for Democracy;争取民主政党联盟;; Awareness raising workshops;提高认识研讨会;; Carabineros;武警;; CASEN;社会经济趋势调查;; Centro de Atencion Integral a Victimas de Violencia Intrafamiliar;家庭暴力受害者综合照料中心;; Centro de Informacion de Derechos de la Mujer;妇女权利信息中心;; Centro de Perfeccionamiento, Experimentacion e Investigacion Pedagogica;教学发展实验和研究中心教学研究中心;CPEIP;教学研究中心 Chilean Association of Municipalities;智利市政府协会;; CIDEM;妇女权利信息中心;CIDEM; Circular No.--;第--号通知;; Comision Nacional de la Familiar;国家家庭事务委员会;; Comision Nacional de Prevencion de la Violencia Intrafamiliar;国家防止暴力委员会;; Comprehensive Care Centre for Victims of Domestic Violence;家庭暴力受害者综合照料中心;; Comprehensive Women's Health Programme;妇女保健综合方案;; Comunas;社区;; CONADI;促进本土发展公司;CONADI; CONAF;国家林业公司;CONAF; Concertacion de Partidos por la Democracia;争取民主政党联盟;; Corporacion de Asistencia Judicial;司法协助协会;; Corporacion Nacional de Desarrollo Indigena;国家促进本土发展公司促进本土发展公司;CONADI;促进本土发展公司 Corporacion Nacional Forestal;国家林业公司;CONAF; CPEIP;教学研究中心;CPEIP; Crop Farming and Livestock Service;作物耕种和牲畜处;SAG; Decreto Supremo No. ---;第---号最高法令;; Departmental Sectoral;经济部门局;; Dialogue Days on Emotional Health and Sexuality;心智健康与性活动问题对话日心智健康对话日;JOCAS;心智健康对话日 Diario Oficial;《政府公报》;; DIGEDER;体育部;DIGEDER; Direccion de Administracion Municipal de Educacion;市教育局;DAEM; Direccion del Trabajo;劳工事务局;; Direccion General de Deportes y Recreacion;体育和文娱活动部体育部;DIGEDER;体育部 Dirrection de Asuntos de Familia;家庭事务局;; Division de Coordinacion Interminsterial;部门间协调司;; Equal Opportunity for Women Plan;妇女平等机会计划;; Executive branch;行政部门;; FIA;农业改革基金会;FIA; FONASA;全国保健基金;FONASA; Fondo de Solidaridad e Inversion Social;团结与社会投资基金团结投资基金;FOSIS;团结投资基金 Fondo Nacional de Salud;全国保健基金;FONASA; FOSIS;团结投资基金;FOSIS; Fundacion de Comunicacion, Capacitacion y Cultural del Agropecuario;农业信息、培训和文化基金会;FUCOA; Fundacion de Innovacion Agraria;农业改革基金会;FIA; GESTOR;管理和加强农村组织方案;GESTOR; Government Gazette;政府公报;; INDAP;农业发展研究所;INDAP; INP;社会保健标准化委员会;INP; Instituciones de Salud Previsional;保健计划参加机构;; Institute of Social Security Normalization;社会保健标准化委员会;INP; Institutional senator;指定参议员;; Instituto de Normalizacion Previsional;社会保健标准化委员会;INP; Instituto Nacional de Estadisticas;国家统计局;; Instituto Nacional de la Juventud;国家青年问题研究所;; Instituto Nacional para el Desarollo Agropecuario;国家农业发展研究所农业发展研究所;INDAP;农业发展研究所 ISAPRES;保健计划参加机构;ISAPRES; Jornadas de Conversacion sobre Afectividad y Sexualidad;心智健康与性活动问题对话日心智健康对话日;JOCAS;心智健康对话日 Judicial Assistance Corporation;司法协助协会;; Junta Nacional de Auxilio Escolar y Becas;学校支助和奖学金国家委员会 学校奖学金委员会;JUNAEB;学校奖学金委员会 JUNJI;幼儿园委员会;JUNJI; Labour Commission;劳工委员会;; Ley de la Republica No. ---;共和国第---号法令;; Ley No.---Organica Constitutcional de Muncipalidades;市政府组织法第---号法令;; MECE;促进公平教育并提高教育质量方案;MECE; Mesa de Trabajo Mujer Rural;农村妇女工作队;; Metropolitan Region;首都区;; MINAGRI;农业部;MINAGRI; MINEDUC;教育部;MINEDUC; Minister-Director;部长级主任;; Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales;国家资产部;; Ministerio Secretaria General de la Presidencia;总统府秘书长部级办公厅;; Ministry Office of the Secretary General of the Presidency;总统府秘书长部级办公厅;; MINSAL;卫生部;MINSAL; Movimiento Unitario Campesino y Ethnias de Chile;智利农民和少数民族团结运动;MUCECH; National Board for Nursery Schools;国家幼儿园委员会幼儿园委员会;JUNJI;幼儿园委员会 National Commission for Family Affairs;国家家庭事务委员会;; National Directorate;国家理事会;; National Forest Corporation;国家林业公司;CONAF; National Health Fund;全国保健基金;FONASA; National Institute for Agricultural Development;国家农业发展研究所 农业发展研究所;INDAP;农业发展研究所 National Institute of Youth;国家青年问题研究所;; National Office for Women's Affairs;国家妇女事务处妇女事务处;SERAM;妇女事务处 National Training and Employment Service;国家培训和就业处 培训就业处;SENCE;培训就业处 Pedagogical Development Experimentation and Research Centre;教学发展实验和研究中心教学研究中心;CPEIP;教学研究中心 Planes Anuales de Desarollo Educativo Municipal;市级教育发展年度计划;PADEM; OMEP;世界幼儿教育组织;OMEP; PMJH;女户主方案;PMJH; Policia Civil de Investigacion;民警 部队;;部队 Presidential decree;总统令;; PRODEMU;农村妇女发展方案;PRODEMU; Programa de Apoyo a Las Trabajadoras Temporares;季节性女工 援助方案;; Programa de acceso a la Justicia;伸张正义方案;; Programa de Educacion Sexual y Afectiva;性教育和心智健康方案;; Programa de Habilitacion Laboral a Mujeres de escasos recursos;低收入妇女职业培训方案;; Programa de Mujeres Jefas de Hogar;女户主方案;PMJH; Programa de nivelacion;补习辅导方案;; Programa de Prevencion de la Violencia Intrafamiliar;防止家庭暴力方案;; Programa de Prevencion del Embarazo Adolescente;预防少女怀孕方案;PREA; Programa de Reformas Legales;法律改革方案;; Programa de Salud Integral de Mujer;妇女保健综合方案;; Programme for improving equity and quality in education;促进公平教育并提高教育质量方案;; Programme for managing and strengthening rural organizations;管理和加强农村组织方案;; Programme for the Prevention of Teenage Pregnancy;预防少女怀孕方案;; Region Metropolitana;首都区;; Region [Chile];大区;; Registro Civil;民事登记处;; Remedial teaching;补习辅导;; SAFP;养恤基金管理公司监管局;SAFP; SAG;作物耕种和牲畜处;SAG; Seasonal Women Workers' Assistance Programme;季节性女工 援助方案;; Sectoral Department;经济部门局;; Servicio Nacional de Capacitacion y Empleo;国家培训和就业处培训就业处;SENCE;培训就业处 Servicio Electoral;选举事务处;; Servicio de Salud;卫生事务处;; Servicion Agricola y Granadero;作物耕种和牲畜处;SAG; Servicion Nacional de Mujeres;国家妇女事务处妇女事务处;SERAM;妇女事务处 Solidarity and Social Investment Board;团结与社会投资基金团结投资基金;FOSIS;团结投资基金 Superintendencia de Administradores de Fondos de Pensiones;养恤基金管理公司监管局;SAFP; Talleres de sensibilizacion;提高认识研讨会;; Task Force on Rural Women;农村妇女工作队;; Unified Peasant and Ethnic Peoples' Movement of Chile;智利农民和少数民族团结运动;; Vocational Training Programme for Low-income Women;低收入妇女职业培训方案;; International Institute of Rural Reconstruction;国际农村重建研究所;IIRR; distress;危难;; necessity;晰情况;; wrongfulness;不法性;; preclude wrongfulness;解除不法性;; Mouvement international de la jeunesse agricole et rurale catholique;国际天主教农业和农村青年运动;MIJARC; industrialized market economy;工业化市场经济;IME; International Microgravity Laboratory;国际微重力实验室;IML; Information Management Service;信息管理处;IMS;信管处 La Francophonie;法语国家组织;; Institute of Social, Economic and Technological Assistance;社会经济技术援助研究所;INASET; Savarkar;“萨瓦尔卡”案;; Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Censos;国家统计和人口普查研究所;INDEC; Instituto Nacional de los Recursos Naturales renovables y del ambiente;国家可再生自然资源和环境研究所;INDERENA; Interim National Development Plan;国家临时发展计划;INDP; Information Network of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States;东加勒比国家组织信息网;INFONET; Instituto Nacional Indigenista;国家土著事务研究所;INI; Indian National Science Academy;印度国家科学院;INSA; Institito Tecnico Argentino de la Industria Plastica;阿根廷塑料研究所;INSTIPLAST; International Tokamak Reactor;国际托卡马克反应堆;INTOR; Tigers;新兴工业化国家;; New Tigers;第二代新兴工业化国家;; A priori or a posteriori estimates of random and systematic errors;随机和系统误差的先验和后验估计数;; A priori statistical information;先验统计资料;; Abyssal plains of the deep ocean;深海平原;; Accreted sediments;增生沉积物;; Accretionary convergent continental margin;增生会聚型大陆边;; Accretionary wedge;增生楔;; Acquisition parameters including track direction, elevation and position control;采集参数包括航迹方向、高程和位置控制;;包括航迹方向、高程和位置控制 Active and inactive subduction zones;活动和停滞俯冲带;; Active margins;活动大陆边;; Active spreading ridges;活动扩张脊;; Altitude of the reflecting interfaces;反射界面高度;; Analogue records;模拟数据;; Base of the continental slope;大陆坡坡底;; Basement material;基底物质;; Basement surface;基底面;; Bathymetric data;测深数据水深数据;; Bathymetric model;测深模型;; Bathymetric side-scan measurements;测深侧扫测量数据;; Bathymetric techniques;测深技术;; Borehole data;岩心数据;; Breadth of the territorial sea;领海宽度;; Calibration;校准;; CDPs;共深点;; Chart datum transfer techniques;海图基准点转换技术;; Charts;海图;; Chord segment joining the two end points of a line;连接测线两端点的弦;; Closing baselines;闭合基线;; Common depth points;共深点;cdps; Compilation maps;编绘原图;; Confidence zones;置信区;; Constant depth error;恒定深度误差;; Constraint line;制约线;; Constraints;制约;; Continental basements;陆壳基底;; Continental crust;大陆地壳;; Continental margin;大陆边; 大陆边缘;; Continental rise;大陆基; 陆基;; Continental shelf;大陆架; 陆架;; Continental slope;陆坡大陆坡;; Contour currents;等深流;; Convergent active continental margins;会聚活动型大陆边;; Coordinate transformation parameters;坐标变换参数;; Correction procedures;校正程序;; Co-variance matrix;协变矩阵;; Assistant Secretary for Health and Surgeon General;助理卫生部长兼公共卫生署署长;; Cross-sections;横断面图;; Cruise tracks;航迹线;; Crustal lens;地壳透镜体;; Decimal degrees;十进制;; Deep ocean floor;深洋洋底;; Delineation of the foot of the continental slope;大陆坡脚的划定;; Delineation of the outer limits of the continental shelf based on sediment thickness;根据沉积厚度划定大陆架外部界限;; Density of measured bathymetric data;已测水深数据密度;; Depth conversion;深度转换;; Depth conversion of seismic data;地震数据的深度转换;; Depth-to-top of the basement;海底至基底顶部的深度;; Destructive convergent continental margin;消亡会聚型大陆边;; Direct and inverse positioning problems;正和逆定位问题;; Direct sampling;直接取样;; Distance resection model;距离后方交会模型;; Dix equation;迪克斯方程;; Downgoing lower plate;下降下层板块;; Dynamic orbital analyses;动态轨迹分析;; Entitlement to an extended continental shelf;划定扩张大陆架的权利;; Envelope;包络;; Envelope line;包络线;; Equivalent realizations of an ITRS;地面基准参考系的等效实现;; Evidence to the contrary;相反证据;; Exhaustive combinatorial search algorithm;穷举组合搜索算法;; Exhaustive iterative combinatorial algorithms;穷举迭代组合算法;; Extended continental shelf;扩展大陆架;; Extension line;扩展线;; Extraterrestrial gravity estimates;天体重力估算;; Eotvos E鰐v鰏;厄特沃什效应;; FCS;大陆坡脚;; Filter;滤波器;; Filtering;滤波;; Fixed points;定点;; folding and thrusting;褶皱和逆掩断层作用;; Foot of the continental slope;大陆坡脚;; Foot of the continental slope determined as the point of maximum change in the gradient at its base;定为大陆坡坡底坡度变动最大之点的大陆坡 脚;; Foot of the continental slope determined by means of evidence to the contrary;以相反证明方式确定的大陆坡脚;; Forearc and back-arc ridges;前弧脊和后弧脊;; Formulae;公式;; Formulae line;公式线;; Fractal and geostatistical analysis;分形和地质统计分析;; Fractal properties;分形特质;; Free air anomalies;自由空间异常;; geochemical-isotope chemical analyses;地球化学-同位素化学分析;; Geodetic definition of baselines;基线的大地测量定义;; Geodetic methodologies;大地测量方法;; Geodetic reference ellipsoid;大地参考椭球面;; Geodetic Reference System 1980;1980年大地测量参照系统GRS80;GRS80;GRS80 Geodetic reference systems;大地测量参考系;; Geoid;大地水准面;; Geomorphological and bathometric evidence;地貌和水深证据;; Geostatistical, fractal and wavelet tests and analyses;地质统计、分形和子波检验和分析;; GPS satellite;全球定位系统卫星;; Gravimetric and magnetic data;重力和磁力数据;; Hybrid side-scan measurements;混合侧扫数据;; Hydrocarbon industry;油气工业;; Hydrographic criterion;水道测量标准;; In situ core samples;站位岩心样本;; In situ samples and measurements;站位样本和测量数据;; In situ velocity surveys;现场速度测量;; Incipient plate boundaries;初始板块边界;; Inclusive disjunction;相容析取;; Interbedded lava;熔岩互层;; International Deep Sea Drilling Project/Ocean Drilling Programme;国际深海钻探计划/大洋钻探计划;DSDP/ODP; International Earth Rotation Service;国际地球自转局IERS;IERS;IERS International hydrographic positioning standard;国际水道测量定位标准;; International Ocean Drilling Programme;国际大洋钻探计划;ODP; International Terrestrial Reference System;国际地面基准参考系;ITRS; Interpolation or approximation method;内插法或近似法;; Intersecting arcs;交叉弧线;; Interval velocities;层速度;; Interval velocity map/profile;层速度图/剖面图;; Inverse theory techniques;反演技术;; Inversion of gravity data;重力数据的反演;; Irregularly spaced data;不规则间隔数据;; Island arc systems;岛弧系;; Iterative procedure;迭代法;; Iterative ray-tracing simulation;迭代射线跟踪模拟法;; Landward boundary;向陆界限;; Light-detection-and-ranging LIDAR airborne systems;机载激光雷达系统;; Low tidal datum;低潮位基准面;; Low water line;低潮线;; Low-crustal lens;下地壳透镜体;; Lowest astronomical tide;最低天文潮位;LAT; Loxodromes;等方位线;; M [Nautical mile];海里;; Magnetic stripes of the oceanic crust;大洋地壳磁条带;; Main body of the submission;划界案主要案文;; Manual methodology;手工方法;; Marginal ridges;围脊;; Marine and aerial fluxgate and proton-precession magnetometer measurements;海洋和航空磁通量测量和质子旋进磁力仪测量;; Marine, aerial and sea-bottom gravimeter measurements;海洋、航空和海底重力测量;; Method of envelopes of arcs;弧线包络法;; Metre;米;m; Multi-beam echo sounding measurements;多波束回声测深数据;; Multi-beam sounding measurements;多波束测深数据;; Multi-beam swath bathymetric technologies;多波束条带测深技术;; Multi-channel reflection data;多道反射数据;; Multi-channel seismic techniques;多道地质技术;; Multi-satellite altimetry measurements;多卫星测高数据;; Narrow, thick-crusted continental margin type;窄厚地壳型大陆边;; Natural prolongation;自然延伸;; Nautical charts and maps with contours;显示等深线的海图和图件;; Nautical mile;海里;M; Navigation plot;导航图;; Navigation positional methods;导航定位法;; Non-intersecting arcs;非交叉弧线;; Normal sections from either end point of a segment;从扇形体端点印出的法截线;; Ocean bottom seismograph OBS techniques;洋底地震测量技术;; Ocean-bottom geophysical measurements;海底地球物理测量;; Oceanic basaltic rocks;大洋玄武岩;; Oceanic basement;洋壳基底;; Oceanic crust;大洋地壳;; oceanic ridges;洋脊;; Oceanic-continental crust boundary;大洋地壳与大陆地壳边界;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司