翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 National Programme Coordinator;国家方案协调员;NWC; New Zealand pound;新西兰镑;; Panama;巴拿马;; VIOTTI, Maria Luiza Ribeiro;玛丽亚·路易莎·里贝罗·维奥蒂;; BIATO, Marcel Fortuna;马塞尔·福尔图纳·比亚托;; ILO Convention concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour;劳工组织关于禁止和立即行动消除最有害的 童工形式公约;; Convention on the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour;关于禁止和立即行动消除最有害的童工形式 公约;; Organisation de l'aviation civile internationale;国际民用航空组织民航组织;OACI;民航组织 Organisation arabe de developpement agricole;阿拉伯农业发展组织阿拉伯农发组织;OADA;阿拉伯农发组织 Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflicts;负责儿童和武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表;; days of tranquillity;安宁日;; Arab Organization for Education, Culture and Science;阿拉伯教育、文化和科学组织;AOECS; Operation Flash;闪电行动;; Operation Storm;风暴行动;; NALETILIC, Mladen;姆拉登·纳莱迪里奇;; LAMANI, Mokhtar;莫赫塔尔·拉马尼;; Organisation arabe pour l'industrialisation;阿拉伯工业化组织;OAI; Organisation arabe du travail;阿拉伯劳工组织;OAT; Organizacion Consultiva Maritima Intergubernamental;政府间海事协商组织;OCMI; Organisation intergouvernementale consultative de la navigation;政府间海事协商组织;OMCI; optical character reader;光符阅读机;OCR; sound card;声卡;; Organismo Espacial Europeo;欧洲航天局欧空局;OEE;欧空局 Egyptian Organization for Metallurgical Industries;埃及冶金工业组织;EGOMI; Overall Economic Perspective;全面经济展望;OEP; Operating Fund Account;业务基金帐户;OFA; International Organization for Medical Cooperation;国际医疗合作组织;IOMC; Organismo Internacional de Energia Atomica;国际原子能机构原子能机构;OIEA;原子能机构 organisation intergouvernementale;政府间组织;OIG; Iberoamerican Youth Organization;伊美青年组织;OIJ; Organisation internationale du travail;国际劳工组织劳工组织;OIT;劳工组织 Memorandum of the Panmunjom Mission of the Korean People's Army issued on 24 August 1999;1999年8月24日朝鲜人民军板门店代表团发 表的备忘录;; player;角色;; financial and budgetary implications;所涉经费和预算问题;; Special Ministerial Conference on Agriculture in Small Island Developing States;关于小岛屿发展中国家农业问题的部长级特别会议;; Ministerial Declaration on Agriculture in Small Island Developing States;关于小岛屿发展中国家农业问题的部长级宣言;; Organizacion latinoamericana de vivienda y desarrollo de los asentamientos humanos;拉丁美洲住房和人类主区发展组织;OLAVI; Operational Management and Programming Division;业务管理和设计司业管司;OM;业管司 Angolan Women's Organization;安哥拉妇女组织;OMA; Organisation meteorologique internationale;国际气象组织气象组织;OMI;气象组织 Mission de l'OUA au Burundi;非统组织布隆迪特派团非布特派团;MIOB;非布特派团 Organisation meteorologique mondiale;世界气象组织气象组织;OMM;气象组织 Organisation mondiale de la propriete intellectuelle;世界知识产权组织知识产权组织;OMPI;知识产权组织 Organisation mondiale de la sante;世界卫生组织卫生组织;OMS;卫生组织 Organisation mondiale du tourisme;世界旅游组织旅游组织;OMT;旅游组织 Designated National Agency;指定国家机构;DNA; organisation non gouvernementale;非政府组织;ONG; Bureau economique et social des Nations Unies a Beyrouth;联合国驻贝鲁特经济社会办事处 贝鲁特经社处;BESNUB;贝鲁特经社处 Organisation des Nations Unies pour le developpement industriel;联合国工业发展组织工发组织;ONUDI;工发组织 Organismo de las Naciones Unidas para la Reconstruccion de Corea;联合国韩国重建局联韩重建局;ONURC;联韩重建局 MUTABOBA, Joseph W.;约瑟夫·穆塔博巴;; KAGAME, Paul;保罗·卡加梅;; Uganda People's Defence Force;乌干达人民抵抗力量;UPDF; Organizacion Panamericana de la Salud;泛美卫生组织;OPS; African Food and Nutrition Research Agency;非洲粮食和营养研究组织;ORANA; United Nations East Pakistan Relief Operation;联合国禁毒执法训练手册:执法官员指南;UNEPRO; logframe;逻辑框架;logframe; Operations Support Unit;业务支助股;OSU; Organisation mondiale du tourisme et de l'automobile;世界旅游和汽车组织;OTA; Organisation du Traite de l'Atlantique Nord;北大西洋公约组织北约;OTAN;北约 Basic Principles for Determining the Political Status of Abkhazia within the New State Constitution of Georgia;确定阿布哈兹在格鲁吉亚新国家宪法内政治地位的基本原则;; Organisation de l'unite africaine;非洲统一组织非统组织;OUA;非统组织 Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Haiti;海地问题特设咨询小组;; Tokyo Forum for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament;核不扩散和裁军东京论坛;; unidentified flying object;不明飞行物幽浮;UFO;幽浮 ULUKALALA-LAVAKA-ATA;乌卢卡拉拉-拉瓦卡-阿塔;; Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council;和平执行委员会指导委员会;; tape bomb;胶布弹;; customs service of Kosovo;科索沃海关;; Andean Technological Development Programme;安第斯技术发展方案;PADT; Himalayan Research and Cultural Foundation;喜马拉雅研究和文化基金会;; Pan-American-Pan-African Association;泛美泛非协会;; autonomous province of the Yugoslav constituent Republic of Serbia;南斯拉夫组成部分塞尔维亚共和国自治省;; North Korean Military Demarcation Line in the West Sea Yellow Sea;西浩海北朝鲜军事分界线;; South-North Basic Agreement;南北基本协定;; European Union Humanitarian Office;欧洲联盟人道主义办事处;ECHO; World Conference on Science: Science for the Twenty-first Century - A New Commitment;世界科学会议:科学为二十一世纪服务 -新的承诺;; European Union observer group;欧洲联盟观察小组;; BABAA, Isa Ayad;伊萨·阿亚德·巴巴;; Committee of Five on the Dispute between the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, the United States of America and the United Kingdom;关于阿拉伯利比亚民众国、美利坚合众国和联合王国间争端的五国委员会;; URIB, Haroldt;哈罗特·乌里布;; MOON, Tae-young;文泰永;; KWON, Tae-myon;权泰泯;; AL-ABSI, Mohammed Rashid;穆罕默德·拉希德·阿卜西;; LEVITSKY, Jonathan E.;乔纳森·列维茨基;; PAULI, Rosemarie;罗斯玛丽·保利;; JEMAT, Haji Ampal;杰马特·哈吉·安帕尔;; Ampalm, JEMAT Haji;杰马特·哈吉·安帕尔;; market basket;市场篮子;; BASMILLAH Pengiran Haji Abbas, Pengiran;佩义兰·巴斯米拉·佩义兰·哈吉·阿巴斯;; Pengiran Haji Abbas, Pengiran BASMILLAH;佩义兰·巴斯米拉·佩义兰·哈吉·阿巴斯;; Haji Abbas, Pengiran BASMILLAH Pengiran;佩义兰·巴斯米拉·佩义兰·哈吉·阿巴斯;; Abbas, Pengiran BASMILLAH Pengiran Haji;佩义兰·巴斯米拉·佩义兰·哈吉·阿巴斯;; JORDAN-PANDO, Roberto;罗伯托·霍尔丹-潘多;; PANDO, Roberto JORDAN-;罗伯托·霍尔丹-潘多;; MERNIK, Irena;伊雷娜·梅尔尼克;; Modalities for the Implementation of the Framework Agreement proposed by the OAU High-Level Delegation on the Dispute between Ethiopia and Eritrea;非统组织高级代表团就埃塞俄比亚和厄立特 里亚间的争端拟议的框架协定的执行办法;; Electronic Commerce Modeling Language;电子商务模型语言;ECML; Hits;点击量;; Pageviews;页面访问量;; EOL;中国教育热线;EOL; Convention on Arrest of Ships;扣船公约;; Planning Data;规划数据表;; Manual on Policies and Procedures concerning Reimbursement and Control of Contingent-owned Equipment of Troop-Contributing Countries Participating in Peacekeeping Missions;参加维持和平行动部队派遣国特遣队所属装 备偿还和控制政策和程序手册;COE Manual; National Commission for War-affected Children;受战争影响儿童问题全国委员会;; Kosovo and its Neighbours in the Future;;; Uniform Rules on Electronic Signatures, draft;电子签字统一规则草案;; OECD Ministerial Conference "A Borderless World: Realising the Potential of Global Electronic Commerce";经合组织“无国界世界:实现全球电子商务的潜力”部长级会议;; OECD Action Plan for Electronic Commerce;经合组织电子商务行动计划;; Global Action Plan for Electronic Commerce;电子商务全球行动计划;; Declaration on the Protection of Privacy on Global Networks;关于在全球网络中堡隐私的宣言;; Declaration on Consumer Protection in the Context of Electronic Commerce;关于在电子商务中堡消费者的宣言;; Guidelines for Consumer Protection in the Context of Electronic Commerce;关于在电子商务中堡消费者的准则;; WIPO Copyright Treaty;知识产权组织版权条约;WCT; WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty;知识产权组织表演和录音制品条约;; WIPO Internet Domain Name Process;知识产权组织因特网域名程序;; Arbitration and Mediation Centre;仲裁和调解中心;; WIPO Conference on Electronic Commerce and Intellectual Property;知识产权组织电子商务和知识产权会议;; Declaration on Global Electronic Commerce;全球电子商务宣言;; Trade Electronic Data Interchange System;贸易电子数据交换系统;TEDIS; European Parliament and Council Directive on certain legal aspects of electronic commerce in the internal market;欧洲议会和理事会关于内部市场电子商务某些法律方面的指示;; Directive on a Common Framework for Electronic Signatures;关于电子签字共同框架的指示;; European Initiative in Electronic Commerce;欧洲电子商务倡议;; General Usage for International Digitally Ensured Commerce;国际数字保密商务通用法通用法;GUIDEC;通用法 ICC Guidelines on Advertising and Marketing on the Internet;国际商会关于在因特网做广告和推销的准则;; Electronic Trade Practices Working Group;电子贸易惯例工作组;; E-terms service;电子商务术语服务;; Internet Law and Policy Forum;因特网法律和政策论坛;ILPF; Framework for Global Electronic Commerce;全球电子商务框架;; Commission for the Management of Strategic Resources, National Reconstruction and Development;战略资源管理、国家重建和发展委员会 资管委;CMRRD;资管委 Committee for Humanitarian Assistance;人道主义援助委员会;; National Commission for Resettlement, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction;国家安置、复兴和重建委员会;; Hanoi Meeting on the 20/20 Initiative;河内20/20倡议会议;; global poverty reduction target;全球减贫指标;; basic social development indicators;基本社会发展指标;; global action plan for education for all by the 2015;到2015年普及教育全球行动计划;; global action plan for basic health services by the year 2015;到2015年普及基本保健服务全球行动计划;; Clearing House Mechanism;信息中心机制;CHM; Global Plan of Action;全球行动计划;GPA; LI, Taizhang;李太章;; Global Plan of Action Clearing House Mechanism;全球行动计划信息中心机制;; KIWANUKA, Matia MULUMBA SEMAKULA;马蒂亚·穆隆巴·塞马库拉·基瓦努卡;; MULUMBA SEMAKULA KIWANUKA, Matia;马蒂亚·穆隆巴·塞马库拉·基瓦努卡;; BALESTRA, Filippi;菲利皮·巴莱斯特拉;; LORDKIPANIDZE, Gocha;戈查·洛尔德基帕尼泽;; Kosovo Action for Civil Initiative;科索沃民间倡议行动;; HADJIARGYROU, Demetris;德梅特里斯·哈吉亚尔杰罗;; HANKIN, Louis;路易斯·亨金;; TITO, Teburoro;塞布罗罗·斯托;; HARRIS, Rene;雷内·哈里斯;; WENSLEY, Penny;彭尼·温斯利;; Decade for a Culture of Non-Violence and Peace for the Children of the World 2001-2010;为世界儿童建设非暴力与和平文化十年2001-2010年;;2001-2010年 FERNANDEZ, Aurelio;奥雷利奥·费尔南德斯;; Deputy Personal Representative of the Secretary-General;秘书长副个人代表;; Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration programme;解除武装、复员和重返社会方案 复员方案;DDR programme;复员方案 General Meeting between representatives of the United Nations system and the Organization of American States;联合国系统和美洲国家组织代表大会;; General Meeting between representatives of the United Nations system and the Caribbean Community;联合国系统和加勒比共同体代表大会;; Police Commissioner;警务专员;PC; Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Institution-building;主管体制建设的秘书长副特别代表;; Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs;主管人道主义事务的秘书长副特别代表;; Communal Criminal Justice Commissions;市镇刑事司法委员会;; Kosovo Criminal Justice Commission;科索沃刑事司法委员会;; Interim Police Academy;临时警察学院;; International Security Force in Kosovo;驻科索沃国际安全部队驻科部队;KFOR;驻科部队 Judicial Affairs Office;司法事务办公室;; United Nations Mine Action Coordination Centre;联合国排雷行动协调中心排雷协调中心;UNMACC;排雷协调中心 Principal Deputy Special Representative;首席副特别代表;; Joint Advisory Council for judicial appointments;司法人员任用联合咨询委员会;; Task Force for Reconstruction;重建工作队;; MIRANDA, Joao Bernardo de;若昂·贝尔纳·德米兰达;; Joint Planning Group;联合规划小组规划组;JPG;规划组 Kosovo Police Service;科索沃警察部队;KPS; technical advisory commission;技术咨询委员会;; Inter-agency Coordination Unit;机构间协调股;; Legal Affairs Unit;法律事务股;; Open-ended ad hoc working group on the causes of conflict and the promotion of durable peace and sustainable development in Africa;非洲境内冲突起因和促进持久和平与可持续 发展不限成员名额特设工作组;; Declaration concerning a European Policy on New Information Technologies;欧洲新信息技术政策宣言;; Constitutional Declaration of the CPLP;葡语共同体组织宣言;; Triennial plan of action for educational cooperation between member States of the CPLP;葡语共同体成员国间教育合作三年期行动 计划;; General Cooperation Agreement;总体合作协定;; Ceasefire Agreement;宛协定;; Joint Implementation Commission;联合执行委员会;; security gap;安全漏洞;; Modalities for the Implementation of the Cease-fire Agreement in the Democratic Republic of Congo;在刚果民主共和国境内执行宛协定的方式;; entry-into-force day;开始生效日;EIF; forces vives;有生力量;; air safety zone;空中安全区空安区;ASZ;空安区 military-technical agreement;军事技术协定;; Former Uganda National Army;前乌干达国家军队前乌军;FUNA;前乌军 Allied Democratic Forces;联合民主阵线联阵;ADF;联阵 Declaration on Science and the Use of Scientific Knowledge, draft;科学与利用科学知识宣言草案;; Science Agenda-Framework for Action, draft;科学议程-行动框架草案;; Congolese Armed Forces;刚果武装部队刚果部队;FAC;刚果部队 National Army for the Liberation of Uganda;解放乌干达民族军乌民族军;;乌民族军 Ad Hoc Working Group on Oceans and Seas and on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States;海洋问题和小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展问 题特设工作组;; high-level ocean symposium;高级别海洋专题讨论会;; United Nations conference on ocean affairs;联合国海洋事务会议;; open-ended working group on ocean issues;会议问题不限成员名额工作组;; United Nations Observer Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo;联合国刚果民主共和国观察团 [请看注解] 联刚特派团联刚观察团;MONUC;联刚观察团 Multinational Brigades;多国旅;MNBs; Multinational Brigade;多国旅;MNB; PONTE, Carla Del;卡拉·德尔庞特;; Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States;关于小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展的巴巴多 斯行动纲领;; Scientific and Technical Guidelines;科学和技术准则;; Contingency Credit Line;应急信贷额度;CCL; Recommendation concerning employment and conditions of work and life of nursing personnel;关于护理人员就业和工作条件及生活的建议;; Recommendation concerning procedures for determining conditions of employment in public service;关于公职人员就业条件确定程序的建议;; Modalities for the Implementation of the OAU Framework Agreement on the Settlement of the Dispute between Ethiopia and Eritrea;非洲统一组织解决埃塞俄比亚和厄里特利亚 间争端框架协定的执行办法;; Oslo Ministerial Declaration;奥斯陆部长级宣言;; Localizing Agenda21 Programme;21世纪议程地方化方案;; catch-phrases;警句;; environmental management group;环境管理小组环管小组;EMG;环管小组 Ombudsman Unit;人事调查员办公室;; Convention concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour;关于禁止并立即采取行动消除最有害的童工 形式的公约;; Tashkent Declaration on Fundamental Principles for a Peaceful Settlement of the Conflict in Afghanistan;关于和平解决阿富汗冲突基本原则的塔什干 宣言;; Bilateral Investment Treaties;双边投资条约;BITs; Division for the Renovation of Secondary and Vocational Education;中等和职业教育改革司;; Kashmir;克什米尔;; multiple-element gas container;多元气体容器;MEGC; Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals;危险货物运输和全球化学品统一分类标签制 度专家委员会;; Subcommittee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals;全球化学品统一分类标签制度专家小组委员会;GHS Subcommittee; McGOWAN WALD, Patricia;帕特里夏·麦高恩·瓦尔德;; WALD, Patricia McGOWAN;帕特里夏·麦高恩·瓦尔德;; globally harmonized system of classification and labelling of chemicals;全球化学品统一分类和标签制度;GHS; Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Strengthening of Mutual Security;友好、合作和加强相互安全条约;; International Conference-Seminar on the Policy of Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in Abkhazia, Georgia: the Principal Weapon of Aggressive Separatism;关于格鲁吉亚阿布哈兹境内的种族灭绝和种 族清洗政策:侵略性分离主义的主要武器国 际会议和讨论会;; UNESCO Chair in Reorienting Teacher Training Towards Sustainable Development;教科文组织调整师范教育面向可持续发展教职;; Self-Study Programme for Teachers on Sustainability;可持续发展问题教师自学课程大纲;; Annual World Bank Conference on Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development;关于环境上和社会上可持续的发展的世界银行年度会议;; Inter-American Program of Education;美洲教育方案;; educating for a sustainable future;教育促进可持续未来;; International Experts Meeting on Advertising and Sustainable Consumption;广告和可持续消费国际专家会议;; Code of Democratic Conduct;民主行为守则;; Leadership Initiative for Children;儿童事业领导倡议;; Stabilization Pact Summit;稳定协定首脑会议;; Republika Srpska Army;斯普斯卡共和国军;VRS; Agreement defining the operation, composition and status of ECOMOG on the territory of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau;关于西非监测组在几内亚比绍共和国领土的 行动、组成和地位的协定;; Global Workshop on Addressing the Underlying Causes of Deforestation and forest Degradation;森林砍伐和退化的根本原因全球讲习班;; Multi-Stakeholder Consultative Meeting;各有关利益方协商会议;; Transnational Institute;跨国学会;TNI; International Association for Counselling;国际辅导协会;; World Congress 2000;世界2000年大会;; Global Forest Information Service;全球森林信息处;GFIS; Task Force on the Forest Science-Policy Interface;森林科学和政策接合工作队;; Interregional Debt-Management Conference;区域间债务管理会议;; Relational Data Management System;关系数据管理系统;; Resource Management Service;资源管理处;; Intergovernmental Support Services;政府间支助处;; Information Technology Support;信息技术支助处;; anti-retroviral drugs;抗反转录病毒药物;ARV; Multi-Country Aids Programme for Africa;援助非洲抗艾滋病多国方案;MAP; Yerevan Declaration on Decentralization;埃里温权力下放宣言;; Human Rights Information Computerized Analysis Environment;人权信息计算机化分析环境;HURICANE; International Forum for the Operational Review and Appraisal of the Implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development;国际人口与发展会议行动纲领执行情况业务 审查和评价国际论坛;; Islamic Symposium on Dialogue among Civilizations;不同文明之间对话问题伊斯兰专题讨论会;; Tehran Declaration on Dialogue among Civilizations;德黑兰不同文明之间对话宣言;; Village Employment and Environment Protection Programme;乡村就业与环境堡方案 就业与环保方案;VEEP;就业与环保方案 United Nations Offshore Forum;联合国海外论坛;; multi-track diplomacy;多轨外交;; Union of Concerned Scientists;关心的科学家联盟;UCS; International Network of Engineers and Scientists Against Proliferation;国际工程师和科学家反扩散网络反扩散网;INESAP;反扩散网 Abolition 2000;2000年消除核武器;; Middle Powers Initiative;中等国家倡议;MPI; International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms;国际律师反对核武器协会律师反核协会;IALANA;律师反核协会 The Hague Appeal for Peace;海牙呼吁和平运动;HAP; The Hague Agenda for Peace and Justice for the Twenty-first Century;海牙二十一世纪和平正义纲领;; Global Campaign for Peace Education;全球和平教育运动;; World Order Models Project;世界秩序模式项目;WOMP; New Agenda Coalition;新议程联盟;NAC; Renforcement des capacit閟 africaines de maintien de la paix;加强非洲维持和平能力方案;RECAMP; Global Ratification Campaign for the International Criminal Court;推动批准国际刑事法院规约全球运动;; Proposals on the biological aspects of race;关于种族的生物特性的建议;; Statement on race and racial prejudice;关于种族和种族偏见的声明;; Statement on Race;关于种族问题的声明;; Statement on the nature of race and race differences;关于种族和种族差异问题的声明;; African Technical Advisory Committee;非洲技术咨询委员会;; Subcommittee on Statistics and Geoinformtion;统计和地理信息小组委员会;; Partnership for Information and Communication Technologies in Africa;非洲信息和通信技术伙伴关系;PICTA; Subcommittee on Information and Communication Technologies;信息和通信技术小组委员会;; Subcommittee on Library Services;图书馆事务小组委员会;; Information and Communication Team;信息和通信队;; African Road Safety Initiative;非洲公路安全倡议;; Network Development Team Leader;网络开发队队长;; Subregional Development Centre Coordinating Unit;分区域发展中心协调股;; Roed LARSEN, Terje;泰耶·勒厄德·拉森;; Subcommission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights;促进与堡人权小组委员会;; IVANOV, Igor;伊戈尔·伊凡诺夫;; HALONEN, Tarja Kaarina;塔里娅·卡里娜·哈洛宁;; GEELAN, Kirsten;基尔斯藤·吉兰;; AL-SUDAIRY, Naif Bin Bandar;纳伊夫·本·班达尔·苏德里;; SIAL, Amjad Hussain B.;阿姆贾德·侯赛因·西亚勒;; CARDOZE, Judith Maria;胡迪特·玛丽亚·卡多斯;; FACUSSE, Carlos Roberto Flores;卡洛斯·罗伯托·弗洛雷斯·法库塞;; MACCHI, Luis Angel Gonzalez;路易斯·安赫尔·冈萨雷斯·马基;; VIKE-FREIBERGA, Vaira;瓦伊拉·维凯-弗赖贝加;; FREIBERGA, Vaira VIKE-;瓦伊拉·维凯-弗赖贝加;; GUELLEH, Ismail Omar;伊斯梅尔·奥马尔·贾勒赫;; ECHEVERRIA, Miguel Angel Rodriguez;米格尔·安赫尔·罗德里格斯·埃切韦里亚;; WIJDENBOSCH, Jules Albert;尤勒斯·阿尔贝特·韦登博斯;; FALCAM, Leo Albert;利奥·阿尔贝特·法尔卡姆;; KAZHURA, Yury;尤里·卡茹拉;; Kosovo Protection Corps;科索沃堡团;KPC; MEIDANI, Rexhep;雷杰普.迈达尼;; MBASOGO, Teodoro Obiang Nguema;特奥多罗·奥比昂·恩圭马·姆巴索戈;; MOSISILI, Pakalitha Bethuel;帕卡利萨·贝蒂埃尔·莫西西里;; EL-HOSS, Salim;萨利姆·胡斯;; MOSCOSO, Mireya;米雷娅·莫斯科索;; REYNA, Leonel Fernandez;莱昂内尔.费尔南德斯·雷纳;; CONTE, Lansana;兰萨纳· 孔戴;; JAGDEO, Bharrat;巴拉特·贾格迪奥;; FRIAS, Hugo Chavez;乌戈·查韦斯·弗里亚斯;; DZURINDA, Mikulas;米库拉什·祖林达;; SIDIBE, Modibo;默迪博·西迪贝;; KOUMURA, Masahiko;高村正彦;; FERRERO-WALDNER, Benita;贝尼塔·费雷罗-瓦尔德纳;; WALDNER, Benita FERRERO-;贝尼塔·费雷罗-瓦尔德纳;; BENAISSA, Mohamed;穆罕默德·贝奈萨;; KAMILOV, Abdulaziz;阿卜杜勒阿齐兹·卡米洛夫;; LINDH, Anna;安娜·林德;; MATUTES, Abel JUAN;阿韦尔·马图特斯·胡安;; JUAN MATUTES, Abel;阿韦尔·马图特斯·胡安;; DINI, Lamberto;兰贝托·迪尼;; YLITALO, Jaakko;亚科·于利塔洛;; fume cupboard;排烟柜;; Abuelas de la Plaza de Mayo Argentina;五月广场祖母协会;; Abuelas de la Plaza Mayo;五月广场祖母协会 更正;; dignified return;堂堂正正地回返;; BROWN, Mark Malloch;马克·马洛赫·布朗;; Mwalimu;导师;; Mwalimu Julius Nyerere;朱利叶斯·尼雷尔导师;; Mercure satellite;信使卫星;; personnel action form;人事行动表;; TRAC line 1.1.3;核心预算资源调拨目标第1.1.3项;; Norwegian Initiative on Small Arms Transfer;挪威小武器转让问题研究机构;NISAT; KOFFIGOH, Joseph Kokou;约瑟夫·科库·科菲戈;; Pulau Ligitan;利吉丹岛;; Sovereignty over Pulau Ligitan and Pulau Sipadan Indonesia/Malaysia;利吉丹岛和西巴丹岛的主权归属;; Pulau Sipadan;西巴丹岛;; KONNO, Misako;绀野美沙子;; WIDJENBOSCH, Jules Albert;尤勒斯·阿尔贝特·韦登博斯;; LAMPREIA, Luiz Felipe Palmeira;路易斯·费利贝·兰普雷亚;; KHATIB, Abdel-Elah Mohammad;阿卜杜勒-埃拉赫·穆罕默德·哈提卜;; LACAYO, Arnoldo Aleman;阿诺尔多·阿莱曼·拉卡约;; ARANGO, Andres Pastrana;安德烈斯·帕斯特拉纳·阿朗戈;; SAMPAIO, Jorge Fernando Branco de;若尔热·费尔南多·布兰科·德桑帕约;; BONDEVIK, Kjell Magne;谢尔·马格纳·邦德维克;; CHAUDHRY, Mahendra Pal;马亨德拉·帕尔·乔德里;; snoopware;窥探软件;; nannyware;保姆软件;; LEXIS-NEXIS;LEXIS-NEXIS;LEXIS-NEXIS; cumulative sum chart;累计和图;CuSum chart; Twenty-Second Special Session of the General Assembly on the review and appraisal of the implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States;审查和评价小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展行 动纲领执行情况的第二十二届大会特别会议;; REMENGESAU, Tommy Jr.;小汤米.雷门格绍;; PEREZ, Francisco Guillermo Flores;弗朗西斯科·吉列尔莫·弗洛雷斯·佩雷斯;; AMARJARGAL, Rinchinnyamyn;林钦尼亚明·阿马尔扎尔嘎勒;; DOUGLAS, Denzil;登齐尔·道格拉斯;; SINGH, Jaswant;贾斯万特·辛格;; KAVAN, Jan;杨·卡万;; SAILELE MALIELEGAOI, Tuilaepa;图伊莱帕·塞莱莱·马列莱高伊;; MALIELEGAOI, Tuilaepa SAILELE;图伊莱帕·塞莱莱·马列莱高伊;; GREEN, Rosario;罗萨里奥·格林;; HASSI, Satu;萨图·哈西;; MULLINGS, Seymour;西摩·马林斯;; DOWNER, Alexander;亚历山大·唐纳;; BONNELAME, Jeremie;热雷米·博纳拉姆;; GENIA, Kilroy;基尔罗伊·热尼亚;; LIZARDO, Magdalena;玛格达莱娜·利萨尔多;; FONSECA, Gelson;杰尔松·丰塞卡;; ARTHUR, Owen;欧文·阿瑟;; MUBANDA, Alfred;阿尔弗雷德·穆班达;; KARI, Hilda;希尔达·卡里;; MINNA, Maria;玛丽亚·明娜;; World Saving Bank Institute;世界储蓄银行协会;WSBI; SNIJDERS, Erroll Glenn;埃罗尔·格伦·斯奈德斯;; MARTIN, Earl Asim;厄尔·阿西姆·马丁;; EFUMAN, Santiago Nsobeya;圣地亚哥·恩索贝亚·埃富曼;; EID, Ursula;乌尔苏拉·埃德;; LUNDE, Leiv;莱夫·伦德;; LARREA, Paulina Garcia de;保利娜·加西亚·德拉雷亚;; ADAMU, Hassan;哈桑·阿达姆;; KHALIL, Abdelrahim Ahmed;阿卜杜勒拉希姆·艾哈迈德·哈利勒;; POLFER, Lydie;莱迪·波尔费尔;; DIMITROV, Aleksandar;亚历山大·季米特洛夫;; BAUDIN, Jacques;雅克·博丹;; ROQUE, Felipe Perez;费利佩·佩雷斯·罗克;; TOKAEV, Kassymzhomart;卡西姆卓马特·托卡耶夫;; EL-AMINE, Souef Mohamed;素埃富·穆罕默德·阿明;; LOJ, Ellen Margrethe;埃伦·玛格丽特·洛伊;; LOY, Franck;弗兰克·洛伊;; MARTELLI, Valentino;瓦伦蒂诺·马尔泰利;; LEO, Clement;克莱门特·利奥;; PINO, Norman;诺曼·皮诺;; LINTON, Hans;汉斯·林顿;; NAIDU, Amraiya;阿姆莱亚·奈杜;; RAMGOOLAM, Navinchandra;纳文钱德拉·拉姆古兰;; PITSUWAN, Surin;素林·比素万;; BOSTWICK, Janet;珍内特·博斯特威克;; RATSIFANDRIAMANANA, Lila;莱拉·拉齐凡德里亚马纳纳;; THABANE, Thomas Motsoahe;托马斯·莫措阿海·塔巴内;; JOBE, Momoudou Lamin Sedat;莫莫杜·拉明·塞达特·乔布;; WALUBITA, Keli;凯利·瓦卢比塔;; OUEDRAOGO, Youssouf;尤素福·韦德拉奥果;; SHOBOKSHI, Fawzi Bin Abdul Majeed;法齐·本·阿卜杜勒·马吉德·舒博克什;; VIGNAUD, Juan Carlos;胡安·卡洛斯·比尼奥德;; BATISTA, Jose Pereira;何塞·佩雷拉·巴蒂斯塔;; SHAFEEU, Ismail;伊斯梅尔·沙菲乌;; LINATI-BOSCH, Jose Antonio;何塞·安东尼奥·利纳蒂-博什;; BOSCH, Jose Antonio LINATI-;何塞·安东尼奥·利纳蒂-博什;; LEVI, Noel;诺埃尔·列维;; DUARTE, Simon Molina;西蒙·莫利纳·杜阿尔特;; Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, the;中华人民共和国刑法;; AARTSEN, Jozies van;约齐斯·范阿尔岑;; small house policy;小型屋宇政策[香港];; MARTONYI, Janos;亚诺什·马尔托尼;; ASGRIMSSON, Halldor;哈尔多尔·奥斯格里姆松;; LATYPOV, Ural;乌拉尔·拉特波夫;; VALDES, Juan Gabriel;胡安·加布里埃尔·巴尔德斯;; MICHEL, Louis;路易·米歇尔;; BORG, Joseph;约瑟夫·博格;; SANHA, Malam Bacai;马拉姆·巴凯·桑哈;; GODANA, Bonaya Adhi;博纳亚·阿迪·戈达纳;; IDJI, Antoine Kolawole;安托万·科拉沃莱·伊德吉;; Patriotic Union of Yugoslavia;南斯拉夫爱国联盟;; HALLUM, Victoria;维多利亚·哈卢姆;; KLISOVIC, Josko;约什科·克利索维奇;; MAYAKI, Ibrahim Assane;易卜拉欣·阿萨内·马亚基;; BHATTARAI, Krishna Prasad;克里希纳·普拉萨德·巴特拉伊;; Ad Hoc Committee of the Whole of the Twenty-second Special Session;第二十二届特别会议特设全体委员会;; HANIF, Navid;纳维德·哈尼夫;; ANNADIF, Mahamat Saleh;穆罕默德·萨利赫·安纳迪夫;; MATUTE, Daul;道尔·马图特;; A'ALA, Hussam Edin;胡萨姆·埃丁·阿拉;; Grass, G黱ter;君特·格拉斯;; Transparency International;透明国际;TI; National Missile Defence System;国家导弹防御系统;NMD; International Force, East Timor;东帝汶国际部队;INTERFET; United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor;联合国东帝汶过渡行政当局 东帝汶过渡当局;UNTAET;东帝汶过渡当局 JAGGABATTARA, Songkitti;颂吉迪·乍甲巴达拉;; Organisation de la Ligue arabe pour l'education, la culture et la science;阿拉伯联盟教育、文化及科学组织 阿联教文科组织;ALECSO;阿联教文科组织 PAEK, Nam Sun;白南舜;; European Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation;欧洲证券经纪人协会自动报价伊斯达克;EASDAQ;伊斯达克 HERF;高能射频;HERF; United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process and Personal Representative of the Secretary-General to the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority;联合国中东和平进程特别协调员兼秘书长派 驻巴勒斯坦解放组织和巴勒斯坦权力机构个 人代表;; Conference on Facilitating the Entry into Force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty CTBT;促进全面禁止核试验条约全面禁试条约生 效会议;; RATANGA, Barthelemy;巴泰勒米·拉坦加;; SAN MARTIN, Gualberto RODRIGUEZ;瓜尔韦托·罗德里格斯·圣马丁;; MARTIN, Gualberto RODRIGUEZ SAN;瓜尔韦托·罗德里格斯·圣马丁;; Kigali Commitment;基加利承诺;; Nairobi Commitment;内罗毕承诺;; BRIZUELA DE AVILA, Maria Eugenia;玛丽亚·欧亨尼娅·布里苏埃拉·德阿维拉;; DE AVILA, Maria Eugenia BRIZUELA;玛丽亚·欧亨尼娅·布里苏埃拉·德阿维拉;; AVILA, Maria Eugenia BRIZUELA DE;玛丽亚·欧亨尼娅·布里苏埃拉·德阿维拉;; GREEN MACIAS, Rosario;罗萨里奥·格林·马西亚斯;; MACIAS, Rosario GREEN;罗萨里奥·格林·马西亚斯;; MINDAOUDOU, Aichatou;艾莎图·明达乌杜;; ZUMA, Nkosazana;恩科萨扎纳·祖马;; ATEF, Muhammad;穆罕默德·阿特夫;; COSGROVE, Peter;彼得·科斯格罗夫;; Armed Forces for the National Liberation of East Timor;东帝汶民族解放组织武装部队;FALINTIL; Cassa;卡萨;; Atsabe;阿特萨贝;; Gleno;格莱诺;; Lospalus;洛斯帕劳斯;; Maliana;马利亚纳;; Oecusse;乌库西;; Darwin;达尔文;; Kupang;古邦;; Governance and public administration component;施政和公共行政部门;; Deputy Special Representative for Governance and Public Administration;主管治理和公共行政副特别代表;; Judicial Affairs Division;司法事务司;; Electoral Operations Division;选举事务司;; Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline;巴库-第比利斯-杰伊汉石油管道;; Georgia Uzbekistan Ukraine Azerbaijan Moldova Group;格鲁吉亚、乌兹别克斯坦、乌克兰、阿塞拜疆、摩尔多瓦集团;GUUAM;格乌乌阿摩集团 Deputy Special Representative for Humanitarian Assistance and Emergency Rehabilitation;主管人道主义援助和紧急复原副特别代表;; gacaca;加卡卡;; imidugudu;伊米杜古杜;; PETROV, Ivo;伊沃·彼得罗夫;; sender state;制裁国;; Beijing plus Five;北京会议五周年;; Road Show;路演也有人译作“路游”;;也有人译作“路游” Green Shoe;绿鞋;; Bare Shoe;光脚鞋;; Center for Dialogue Among Civilizations;不同文明之间的对话中心;CDAC; International Centre for Dialogue Among Civilizations;不同文明之间的对话国际中心;ICDAC; Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention;最有害的童工形式公约;; Convention against the illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives and other related Materials;禁止非法生产和贩运火器、弹药、爆炸物和 其他有关材料公约;; Institute for Security Studies and Saferworld;安全研究和更安全的世界学会;; Ermera;埃尔梅拉;; Uamori;瓦莫里;; Mount Maulo;莫洛山;; Maulo, Mount;莫洛山;; Ambeno enclave;安贝诺飞地;; SIEBERT, Gunther;京特·西伯特;; SADASKAS, Kestitis;凯斯蒂蒂斯·萨达斯卡斯;; BAKHIT, Tarig Ali;塔里格·阿里·巴希特;; SORRETA, Carlos D.;卡洛斯·索雷塔;; SEPAROVIC, Zvornimir Minister of Justice of Croatia;兹沃尼米尔·舍帕罗维奇;; Agreement on the Establishment of the Commission to Clarify Past Human Rights Violations and Acts of Violence that Have Caused the Guatemalan Population to Suffer;关于设立委员会以查明过去曾使危地马拉人民遭受痛苦的侵犯人权事件和暴力行为的协定;; follow up commission;后续工作委员会;; First deputy head of Government of the Russian Federation/Premier chef du gouvernement adjoint de la Fedaration de Russie;俄罗斯联邦政府第一副总理;; export/import control;进出口管制;; physical protection;实物堡;; Training Programme for Aviation Security;航空安全培训方案;; Standardized Training Package;标准培训综合教材民航组织;;民航组织 Masire, Sir Ketumile;凯图米莱·马西雷爵士;; Saharawi Republic;撒哈拉共和国;; Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic;阿拉伯撒哈拉民主共和国;; international steering committee of the global campaign for the ratification of the international convention on rights of migrants;促使批准<移民权利问题国际公约>全球宣传 运动国际指导委员会;; international basic safety standards for protection against ionizing radiation and for the safety of radiation sources;国际电离辐射防护和辐射源安全的基本安全标准;; Principled Common ProgrammePCP;有原则的共同拟订方案;; threshold area;轻灾区相对与重灾区,acute area;;相对与重灾区,acute are rada barnen;瑞典拯救儿童联合会;;瑞典拯救儿童联合会 World Economic and Social Survey;世界经济和社会概览 社经概览;WESS;社经概览 European Commission Humanitarian Office;欧洲联盟委员会人道主义事务处欧盟人道处;ECHO;欧盟人道处 United Nations Office to Combat Desertification and Drought;联合国防治荒漠化和干旱办事处 防治荒旱处;UNOCDD;防治荒旱处 MUSHARRAF, Pervaiz;佩尔韦兹·穆沙拉夫;; Jubilee 2000;2000大庆组织;; admissibility challenge;可受理性的质疑;; admissibility of a case;案件的可受理性;; admissibility of evidence;证据的可采性;; admissibility ruling;裁定可受理性;; admission of guilt;认罪;; aids, abets or otherwise assists in the commission or the attempted commission, including providing the means for the commission of a crime;帮助、教唆或以其他方式协助实施或企图实 施犯罪,包括提供犯罪手段;; alleged crime;被控告的犯罪;; Appeals Division;上诉庭;; appeared in response to a summons;被传唤到庭;; application for appeal and revision;对上诉和改判的申请;; Assembly of States Parties;缔约国大会;; assessment of contributions;摊款;; binding order;有约束力的命令;; case is admissible;案件可予受理;; case is inadmissible;案件不可受理;; charged with the commission of crimes;被指控实施了犯罪;; coercion, duress or threat;强迫、胁迫或威胁;; commence an investigation;开始调查;; competing requests;竞合请求;; complementary to national criminal jurisdictions;对国内管辖权起补充作用;; concurrent sentences;合并判刑;; confirmation of the charges before trial;审判前确认指控;; convicted person;被定罪人;; corruptly influencing a witness;不当影响证人;; crime of aggression;侵略罪;; crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court;法院管辖权内的犯罪;; cross appeal;交互上诉反上诉;; custodial State;羁押国;; decision;裁判;; determination;断定裁断;; documentary or summary evidence;书面证据或证据摘要;; Elements of Crimes;犯罪要件;; enforcement of the sentence;判刑的执行;; error of fact;认定事实错误;; error of law;适用法律错误;; escape;越狱;; examination-in-chief;询问本方证人;; examine evidence;审查证据;; excusing and disqualification of judges;法官职责的免除和回避;; expert opinion;鉴定意见;; experts;鉴定人;; fair representation of female and male judges;适当数目的男女法官;; fair trial;公平审判;; First and Second Vice-Presidents;第一及第二副院长;; forfeiture measures;没收措施;; general principles of criminal law;刑法的一般原则;; gravity of the crime;犯罪的严重程度;; grounds;理由;; in camera or ex parte proceedings;不公开或诉讼单一方参与的程序;; inadmissible;不可受理;; initial proceedings;初步程序;; initiate an investigation;开始调查;; interests of justice, in the;为了实现公正为了维护公正;; interim release;暂时释放;; yaba;耶巴;; LI, Enhuan;李恩恒;; international law of armed conflict;武装冲突国际法规;; international legal personality;国际法律人格;; irrelevance of official capacity;官方身份的无关性;; joinder or severance in respect of charges against more than one accused;合并审理或分开审理对多名被告人提出的指 控;; judgment, final;最终判决;; judicial notice;审判知识司法认知;; joint trial;合并审判;; legal representative of the victims;被害人的法律代理人;; life imprisonment;无期徒刑;; making a referral;提交情势;; mental element;心理要件;; misconduct before the court;在法院的不当行为;; mistake of fact;事实错误;; mistake of law;法律错误;; most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole;整个国际社会关注的最严重犯罪;; most serious crimes of international concern;国际社会关注的最严重犯罪;; multiple accused;多名被告人;; national criminal jurisdiction;国家刑事管辖权;; national security information;国家安全资料;; Serb National Assembly;塞族民族大会塞族民大;SNA;塞族民大 non-retroactivity ratione personae;对人不溯及既往;; offences against the administration of justice;妨害司法罪;; perpetrator, alleged;被控告的行为人;; person sought;被要求的人;; Pre-Trial Division;预审庭;; President of the Court;[国际刑事法院]法院院长;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司