翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Zastupnicki Dom;代表院;; One Day in Peace;和平一日;; General Counsel;总法律顾问;; GHB;GHB;GHB; International Year of Older Persons, 1999;1999年国际老年人年;IYOP; United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo;联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团 联刚特派团;MONUC;联刚特派团 United Nations Conference and Observances;联合国会议和纪念活动;; Working Group on the Crime of Aggression;侵略罪问题工作组;; Working Group on Rules of Procedure and Evidence related to Part 2 of the Statute;有关规约第二编的程序和证据规则工作组;; ALEMAN, Mario;马里奥·阿莱曼;; unlawfulness;不法性;; special occupation rate;特别职业薪金率;; custody State;羁押国;; duress;胁迫;; SONG, Mingjiang;宋明江;; Child Protection Section;儿童堡科;; United Nations Peace-building Support Office in the Central African Republic;联合国驻中非共和国建设和平支助办事处中 非支助处;BONUCA;中非支助处 consideration of draft resolution XXXX;审议决议草案XXX;; consideration of proposals;审议提案;; PAVLETIC, Vlatko;弗拉特科·帕夫莱蒂奇;; CLARK, Helen;海伦·克拉克;; Convention concerning Seafarers' National Identity Documents;海员国籍证明文件公约;; Government of Public Salvation;救国政府;; Statutes of the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology;国际遗传工程和生物技术中心章程;; Baltic and Black Sea Cooperation: To the Integrated Europe of the 21st Century Without Dividing Lines;波罗的海-黑海合作:争取实现21世纪无分 界线统一欧洲;; Meeting of the States Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and on Their Destruction;关于禁止使用、储存、生产和转让杀伤人员 地雷及销毁此种地雷的公约缔约国会议;; Maputo Declaration;马普托宣言;; microfinance;微额供资;; Division for Microfinance;微额供资司;; Division for Governance;施政司;; Special Unit for Microfinance;微额供资特别股;SUM; Kosovo Drug Regulatory Authority;科索沃药品管理局;; Subcommission for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights;促进与堡人权小组委员会;; Moratorium on the Importation, Exportation and Manufacture of Small Arms and light Weapons in West Africa;关于在西非暂停进口、出口和生产小武器和 轻武器的声明;; UNDP Trust Fund for Support to Prevention and Reduction of the Proliferation of Small Arms;开发计划署支助防止和减少小武器扩散信 托基金;; Committee on the Release of Prisoners of War and Non-Combatants;释放战俘和非战斗人员委员会;; countries in special development situations;处于特殊发展情况的国家;CSDS; United Nations Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All its Aspects;联合国小武器和轻武器非法贸易各方面问题 大会;; inter-civilizational dialogue;不同文明之间的对话;; Institutional Development Funds;体制发展基金体制基金;IDF;体制基金 Development Grant Facility;发展赠款机制发赠机制;DGF;发赠机制 Learning and Innovation Loan;学习和创新贷款学创贷款;LIL;学创贷款 Technical Assistance Loan;技术援助贷款技援贷款;TAL;技援贷款 Regional Seminar on the White Helmets Initiative for International Cooperation and Humanitarian Assistance;促进国际合作和人道主义援助白盔倡议区域讨论会;; White Helmets Special Fund;白盔特别基金;; Forum of Ministers on Poverty and Environment;贫穷和环境问题部长论坛;; United Nations Mine Action Assistance Programme;联合国排雷行动援助方案;; multilateral trading system;多边贸易体制;; International Centre for Tropical Ecology;国际热带生态学中心;CIET; special project on enhancement of learning and training opportunities for youth;为青年提供更多学习和训练机会特别项目;; Women on the Net;网络妇女;; Division of Cultural Heritage;文化遗产司;; multilateral trading agreement;多边贸易协议;; international trading system;国际贸易体制;; Plan of Action for the Least Developed Countries;支援最不发达国家行动纲领;; positive agenda;积极议程;; on the basis of undertaking balanced WTO rights and obligations;在平衡地承担世贸组织的权利和义务的基础上;; with the participation of their secretariats and the member states and observers of the United Nations;在其秘书处以及联合国会员国和观察员的参 与下;; dispute settlement mechanism;争端解决机制;; 5 May Agreement;5月5日协定;; International Meeting on Biosphere Reserves;国际生物圈堡区会议;; Mother and Child Health Forum;母子保健论坛;MCH Forum; new supplementary funding;新的补充资金;NSF; International Conference on Poverty and Social Exclusion;贫穷和社会排斥问题国际会议;; Women Organize for Peace and Non-Violence in Africa: a Pan-African Women's Conference on a Culture of Peace;妇女组织起来争取和平与无暴力非洲:泛非 妇女和平文化会议;; strategic results framework;战略成果框架;SRF; climate of compliance;“遵守气氛”;; United Nations Working Group on Trafficking of Women and Children in the Mekong Subregion;联合国湄公河分区域贩卖妇女儿童问题工 作组;; Mekong HIV/AIDS project;湄公河艾滋病毒/艾滋病项目;; Lima Accord;利马协议;; subregional programme aimed at benefiting Central America's indigenous population groups;旨在使中美洲土著居民受益的分区域方案;PROMAYA; Joint Strike Fighter;联合攻击战斗机;; Declaration of Guatemala II;危地马拉宣言二;; Kosovo Serbian Resistance Movement;科索沃塞族抵抗运动;; LANCRY, Yehuda;耶胡达·朗克里;; WARD, Curtis Anthony;柯蒂斯·安东尼·沃德;; IBRAIMOVA, Elmira S.;埃尔米拉·伊布赖莫娃;; MORALES, Ramon;拉蒙·莫拉莱斯;; ASHCROFT, Michael Anthony;迈克尔·安东尼·阿什克罗夫特;; Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration;解除武装、复员和重返社会;DDR; Mixed and Independent electoral Commission;独立混合选举委员会选委会;CEMI;选委会 Antananarivo Agreement;塔那那利佛协定;; Action Plan for the Implementation of the Declaration on the Guiding principles of Drug Demand Reduction;关于执行减少毒品需求指导原则宣言的行动 计划;; Offshore Initiative;海外倡议;; International Symposium on Torture: Torture as a Challenge to the Health, Legal and Other Professions;国际酷刑专题讨论会:酷刑向卫生、法律和 其他专业人员提出挑战;; Expert Workshop on Innovations in the Delivery and Financing of Social Services;社会服务的提供和筹资方面的创新措施专家 讲习班;; Rom;罗姆人;; Lusaka Accords;卢萨卡协定;; Group of Friends of Guinea-Bissau;几内亚比绍之友小组;; request for quotations;征求报价报价单估价申请书估价书;; Special Session of the General Assembly for follow-up to the World Summit for Children in 2001;2001年关于世界儿童问题首脑会议后续行动 的大会特别会议;; Ottawa Convention;渥太华公约;; RANA, Victory;维克托里·拉纳;; Sirte Declaration;苏尔特宣言;; Norwegian Risk Fund for Developing Countries;挪威发展中国家风险基金;; Norwegian Debt Relief Strategy;挪威减免债务战略;; Cologne debt initiative;科隆减免债务倡议;; Jobs for Africa programme;非洲就业方案;; Global Business Council on AIDS;艾滋病问题全球商业理事会;; African Girls' Education Initiative;非洲女童教育倡议;AGEI; Programme of Action for the Decade of Education;教育十年行动纲领;; Forum on the Future Competitiveness of African Economies;非洲各国经济未来竞争力论坛;; Good Governance and Conflict Management for Durable Peace and Sustainable Development;善政与冲突管理促进持久和平与可持续发展;; Principles to Combat Corruption in African Countries;非洲国家打击腐败行为原则;; Blue Crane Exercise;蓝鹤行动;; Exercise Blue Crane;蓝鹤行动;; regional meeting on small arms;小武器问题区域会议;; workshop on illicit trafficking in small arms in Africa;非洲境内非法贩运小武器问题讲习班;; Symposium of Targeted Sanctions;目标明确的制裁专题讨论会;; Interlaken Seminar on Targeting United Nations Financial Sanctions;因特拉肯联合国财政制裁目标讨论会;; Mediation and Security Committee;调解和安全委员会;; Ambassadorial Meeting of External Actors;外部行动者大使级会议;; Special Consultation on Guinea;几内亚问题特别协商;; Special Conference on Sierra Leone;塞拉利昂问题特别会议;; TMK;科索沃堡团;TMK; United Nations Mission in Kosovo;联合国科索沃特派团科索沃特派团;UNMIK;科索沃特派团 Joint Meeting of the Executive Boards of UNDP/UNFPA and UNICEF, with the participation of WFP;开发计划署/人口基金执行局和儿童基金会执 行局联席会议,粮食计划署列席;; Declaration of Principles on cooperation between the GCC States and the States members of the European Free Trade Association EFTA;海合会国家和欧洲自由贸易联盟欧贸联 成员国合作原则宣言;; Ministerial Posts and Communications Committee;部长级邮政和通信委员会;; Planning and Development Committee;规划和发展委员会;; Scientific and Technical Cooperation Committee;;; Treaty of Eternal Friendship between the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Uzbekistan;哈萨克斯坦共和国、吉尔吉斯共和国和乌兹 别克斯坦共和国之间的永久友好条约;; NAZAROV, Talbal;塔尔巴尔·纳扎罗夫;; focal point for issues related to missing persons;失踪人员问题协调中心;; political party support centres;政党支助中心;; human rights training unit;人权训练股;; International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition;贩卖黑奴及其废除的国际纪念日;; Black Peoples' Day;黑人日;; inter-agency secretariat for natural disaster reduction;机构间减少自然灾害秘书处;; Royal Government of Cambodia;柬埔寨王国政府;RGC; Regional Monitoring Report;区域监测报告莫内报告;MONEE Report;莫内报告 TransMONEE database;TransMONEE 数据库;; Children in the Mediterranean;地中海儿童;; Relocatable Over-the Horizon Radar;移动式超视距雷达;ROTHR; advance pricing agreements;预定价格协议;APSs; Maritime Military Demarcation Line in the West Sea;西海海上军事分界线;; West Sea;西海;; United Nations Family Rights Committee;联合国家庭权利委员会;; Control Self-Risk Assessment Programme;自我风险控制评估方案;CSRA; UNDP Asia;开发计划署亚洲局;; Front Bersama Pro-Otonomi Timor-Timor;东帝汶自治联合阵线;UNIF; Summit on the Democratic Republic of the Congo;刚果民主共和国问题首脑会议;; Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute;荷兰多学科人口研究所;NIDI; Kodam;军区;; BASHIR, Omar Hassan Ahmed al;奥马尔·哈桑·艾哈迈德·巴希尔;; close of business;下班打烊;COB; Treasury Division;财务司;TREAS; Programme for Applied Research in Fertility Regulation;生育调节应用研究方案;PARFR; Programme for Astronomical Research and Scientific Experiments concerning Space;天文研究和空间科学实验方案;PARSECS; IONATANA, Ionatana;艾奥纳塔纳·艾奥纳塔纳;; Tsurphu Monastery;楚布寺;; Karmapa;噶玛巴;; Ugyen Trinley Dorje;伍金赤列多吉仁;; Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism;制止资助恐怖主义活动的协定;; Time Warner;时代华纳公司;; Future Logistics Operations Unit;未来行动后勤股;; Current Logistics Operations Unit;当前行动后勤股;; International Conference on the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil;防止海上油污国际会议;; wire fraud;电信欺诈;; ECHOLS, Marsha A.;玛莎·埃科尔斯;; NAO;纳奥现象;NAO; public goods;公益物公益服务、活动;;服务、活动 global public goods;全球公益物;GPG; public bads;公害物;; global public bads;全球公害物;GPB; United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission;联合国监测、核查和视察委员会监核视委;UNMOVIC;监核视委 Lagos, Ricardo;里卡多·拉戈斯·埃斯科瓦尔;; Global 2000;2000年全球组织;; SANTOS, Jaime de los;海梅·德洛斯桑托斯;; President of the Federal Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia;南斯拉夫联盟共和国联盟政府主席;; ETINSKI, Rodoljub;罗多柳布·埃廷斯基;; KACIC, Hrvoje;赫尔沃耶·卡契奇;; umbrella organization;伞式组织;; Advisory Committee on Procurement;采购咨询委员会;ACP; authorized programming levels;核定方案额;APL; component and budget line;构成部分和预算项目;CMBL; country office administrative cost;国家办事处行政费用;COA; General Administration Manual;一般行政手册;GAM; government disbursement report;政府付款报告;GDR; Interagency letter of agreement;机构间协议书;IALA; preparatory assistance;筹备性援助;PA; programme support objective;方案支助目标;PSO; Private Sector Review Group;私营部门审查组;PSRG; resource planning framework;资源规划框架;RPF; strategic area of support;战略支助领域;SAS; source of funds;资金来源;SOF; support to the resident coordinator;对驻地协调员的支助;SRC; living Buddha;活佛;; Soinam Puncog;索朗平措;; Reting Lama;热振喇嘛;; reincarnation of the sixth Reting lama;第六世热振喇嘛转世灵童;; Reting Monastery;热振寺;; Raiqen living Buddha;热振活佛;; SANCHIS MUNOZ;桑奇斯·穆尼奥斯;; MUNOZ, SANCHIS;桑奇斯·穆尼奥斯;; HOSSAIN, Shahdat;萨达特·侯赛因;; AMIN, Ruhul;努鲁尔·阿明;; SORCAR, Muhammad Ali;穆罕默德·阿里·索卡尔;; KAN, Gloria;简李志英;; HAO, Jianxiu;郝建秀;; YANG, Qingwei;杨庆蔚;; SU, Guo;苏国;; HU, Angang;胡鞍钢;; WANG, Huijiong;王慧炯;; WONG, Linda;黄黎若莲;; GUO, Jianmo;郭建模;; KANG, Xiaoguang;康晓光;; DING, Yuanzhu;丁元竹;; WANG, Lusheng;王禄生;; LIU, Rongcang;刘溶沧;; WANG, Linxia;王林霞;; CHICOTI, Gorges;戈杰斯·奇科蒂;; major conferences and summits of the United Nations;联合国各次主要会议和首脑会议;; advance authorization of TRAC;TRAC的预先核准;; activities;活动;; aid management;援助管理;; approval;核准;; audit;审计核查;; backstopping;支助;; budget lines and sublines;预算项目和分目;; conclusion;结论;; contribution-in-cash;现金捐助;; contribution-in-kind;实物捐助;; delegation;授权;; designated institution;指定机构;; development objective;发展目标;; direct beneficiaries;直接受益者;; direct payment;直接支付;; environment;环境;; expenditures;开支;; feasibility;可行性;; global programming;全球方案拟订;; government contributions to local office costs;政府对当地办事处费用的捐助;GLOC; government coordinating authority;政府协调当局;; Government counterpart contribution;政府对应捐助;; Immediate objective;即期目标、短期目标;; Indicative planning figures;指示性规划数字指规数;IPFs;指规数 input-output budgeting;投入产出预算编制法;; Inter-agency letter of agreement;机构间协议书;IALA; intercountry;国家间;; Interoffice voucher;部门间列帐凭单; [UNDP]办事处间列帐凭单;IOV; least developed country;最不发达国家;LDC; Legitimacy;正当性,合法性;; Local office costs;当地办事处费用;; management services;管理事务;; micro-capital grant;小额补助金;; national execution;国家执行;; non-credit;非信贷;; NGO execution;非政府组织执行;; objective;目标;; operating unit;业务单位;; operational policies and procedures;业务政策和程序;; other resources;其他资源;; outcomes;结果;; participation;参加参与;; personnel;人员工作人员;; pipeline;编审中方案/项目;; policy;政策;; pollution;污染;; principal project representative;特等项目代表;PPR; procedures;程序;; programme advisory Committees;方案咨询委员会;PACs; programme logistical support;方案后勤支助;PLS; PMOC sub-committee;方案管理监督委员会小组委员会;; project delivery reports;项目交付情况报告;PDRs; project document;项目文件;; Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan;阿富汗伊斯兰酋长国;; Security Council Committee Established Pursuant to Resolution 12671999 Concerning Afghanistan;安全理事会关于阿富汗问题的第12671999 号决议所设委员会;; rating system;评级制度;; recommendation;建议;; suggestion;意见[见大会议事规则];; region;区域;; regional programming;区域方案拟订;; regular resources;经常资源;; renewable resource;可再生资源;; Resource mobilization strategy;资源调动战略;; results;成果;; Standard Basic Assistance Agreement;标准基本援助协定标准协定;SBAA;标准协定 strategic evaluation;战略评价;; Strategic Framework;战略框架;; success;成功;; successor programming arrangements;后续方案拟订安排;; synergy;协同作用;; transparency;透明度;; United Nations agency execution;联合国机构执行;; United Nations exchange rate;联合国汇率;; verifier or "means of verification";核查手段;; principle of subsidiarity;辅助原则;; THOMAS, Joan Elaine;琼·伊莱恩·托马斯;; MAIGA, Issouf Oumar;优素福·奥马尔·马伊加;; MUSTAPHA, Said Ben;赛义德·本·穆斯塔法;; AYARI, Fadhel;法迪勒·阿亚里;; ACHOURI, Radhia;拉迪亚·阿舒里;; CHERIF, Ali;阿里·谢里夫;; YOUSSEF, Anouar Ben;阿努阿尔·本·优素福;; HAJJAJI, Nabiha;纳比哈·哈贾吉;; KUCHYNSKIY, Valeriy P.;瓦列里·库欣斯基;; KROKHMAL, Volodymyr G.;沃洛迪米尔·克罗赫马尔;; Good Friday;耶苏受难节;; UNAIDS Inter-Agency Working Group on Gender and AIDS;艾滋病方案关于性别和艾滋病问题的机构间工作组;; Gender Focussed responses to address the Challenges of HIV/AIDS;以性别问题为中心迎接艾滋病毒/艾滋病的挑战;; project on Guidance, Counselling and Youth Development for Africa;非洲指导、咨询及青年发展项目;; Regional Workshop on Preventive Education against HIV/AIDS;艾滋病毒/艾滋病预防性教育区域研讨会;; Preventive AIDS programme;预防艾滋病方案;; Convention 156;156号公约;; Global Fund for Women;全球妇女基金;GFW; Inclusion International;融入社会生活国际组织;ILSMH; International League of Societies for Persons with Mental Handicap ILSMH;国际援助智力迟钝者协会联盟援助智力迟钝者协联;ILSMH;援助智力迟钝者协联 International Union of Technical Associations and Organizations;国际技术协会和组织联盟;UATI; Athlon;速龙;; Personal Representative of the Secretary-General to the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority;秘书长派驻巴勒斯坦解放组织和巴勒斯坦权 力机构个人代表;; DOLOGUELE, Anicet Georges;阿尼塞·乔治·多洛盖尔;; Rassemblement democratique centrafricain;中非民主联盟中非民盟;RDC;中非民盟 Administrative Department of Youth;青年管理局;; KOLINGBA, Andre;安德烈·科林巴;; NGOUPANDE, Jean-Paul;让-保罗·恩古潘德;; LAKOUE, Enoch Derant;埃诺克·德朗·拉库埃;; Union bancaire en Afrique centrale;中非银行联盟;UBAC; Societe des eaux en centrafrique;中非水公司;SODECA; Societe d'energie centrafricaine;中非能源公司;ENERCA; Societe centrafricaine de telecommunications;中非电信公司;SOCATEL; Societe generale de surveillance;监督总公司;SGS; Banque internationale pour la Centrafrique;中非国际银行;BICA; PETROCA;中非石油公司;PETROCA; Final Declaration of the Conference on Facilitating the Entry into Force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty CTBT;促进全面禁止核试验条约全面禁试条约生 效会议最后宣言;; Royaumont Initiative Process of Stability and Good Neighbourliness in South-East Europe;拉姚蒙特倡议 东南欧稳定和睦邻进程;;东南欧稳定和睦邻进程 BAJWA, Anis Ahmed;阿尼斯·艾哈迈德·巴杰瓦;; map of Herceg Novi-50-6H5-Ja;赫尔采格诺维-50-6H5-Ja地图;; Herceg Novi-50-6H5-Ja;赫尔采格诺维-50-6H5-Ja;; Anti-Fascist Council for the National Liberation of Yugoslavia;南斯拉夫反法西斯全国解放委员会;AVNOJ; Avnojske granice;Avnojske granice边界;; Kosovo Post and Telecommunications;科索沃邮政和电信局邮电局;PTK;邮电局 full-scope safeguards;全面保障监督;; full-scope International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards;国际原子能机构的全面保障监督;; information terrorism and criminality;信息恐怖主义和犯罪;; ROBERTSON, George;乔治·罗伯逊;; Departmental focal point for women in the Secretariat;秘书处部厅妇女问题协调人;; regroupment site;集结地点;; PURRYAG, Rajkeswur;拉杰克斯武尔·普里亚格;; RAMSAMY, Prega;普雷加·拉姆萨米;; Lusaka Ceasefire Agreement;卢萨卡宛协定;; Litani River;利塔尼河;; SREENAN, James;詹姆斯·斯里南;; Tetun;德顿语;; Kandahar;坎大哈;; YANDARBIEV, Z;扬达尔比耶夫;; human condition;人的境况;; El Nino Centre, Ecuador;厄瓜多尔厄尔尼诺研究中心;; National Meteorological and Hydrological Service;国家气象水文部门;NMHS; National Institute of Space Research;国家空间研究所;INPE; Naval Oceanographic Institute;海军海洋学研究所;INOCAR; National Meteorological and Hydrological Institute;国家气象和水文研究所;INAMHI; National Fisheries Institute;国家渔业研究所;INP; International Research Institute for Climate Prediction;国际气候预测研究所;IRI; Coastal Zone Polytechnic Institute;沿海地区理工学院;ESPOL; CORPECUADOR;厄瓜多尔工作队;CORPECUADOR; Regional Study of the El Nino Phenomenon;“厄尔尼诺”现象区域研究;ERFEN; Climate Warning Bulletin;气候警报公报;; Centre for Scientific and Technical Research;科学技术研究中心科技研究中心;CICYT;科技研究中心 Resolutions adopted at the 102nd Inter-Parliamentary Conference, held in Berlin from 10 to 16 October 1999;1999年10月10日至16日在柏林举行的各国议会联盟第102届大会通过的决议;; Permanent Representative Designate;候任常驻代表;; Afghanistan Task Force;阿富汗问题工作队;; amir al-muminin;穆民的埃米尔;; Grand Assembly;大国民议会;; Group of friends and neighbours of Afghanistan;阿富汗友邻小组;; Hezb-i-Wahdat faction;阿富汗伊斯兰统一党;; Joint Technical Committee;联合技术委员会;; National Islamic Movement of Afghanistan;阿富汗伊斯兰民族运动阿伊运;NIMA;阿伊运 Northern Alliance;北方联盟;; Six plus Two group;六国加两国小组;; talebs;塔利班;; United Islamic and National Front for the Salvation of Afghanistan;拯救阿富汗伊斯兰民族联合阵线 联合阵线;UINFSA;联合阵线 United Islamic Salvation Front of Afghanistan;拯救阿富汗伊斯兰联合阵线;; United National and Islamic Front for the Salvation of Afghanistan;拯救阿富汗伊斯兰民族联合阵线 联合阵线;UNIFSA;联合阵线 gender apartheid;性别隔离;; United Nations Special Mission to Afghanistan;联合国阿富汗特派团联阿特派团;UNSMA;联阿特派团 VENTO, Sergio;塞尔焦·文托;; JARBUSSYNOVA, Madina B.;马季纳·贾布瑟诺瓦;; United Front;联合阵线;UF; Administrative Department of Sports;体育管理局;; CLODUMAR, Vinci Neil;芬奇·尼尔·克洛杜马;; Abuja Treaty;阿布贾条约;; Association of Medical Doctors of Asia;亚洲医师协会;AMDA; Center for International Health and Cooperation;国际卫生与合作中心;CIHC; European Forum for Victim Services;欧洲受害者事务论坛;; Comite europeen des assurances;欧洲保险委员会;CEA; International Hotel and Restaurant Association;国际旅馆和饭店协会;IH&RA; European Hospitality Technology Show;欧洲接待技术展览会;EURHOTEC; World Information Transfer;世界信息传输机构;WIT; World Ecology Report;世界生态报道;; Representative for United Nations Management and Reform;主管联合国管理和改革事务的代表;; Licensing and Supervision Department;执照和监督部;; malfeasance;渎职;; malpractrice;渎职;; psychiatric user;接受心理治疗者;; vulnerability index;脆弱程度指数;; public transfers;公共资金转移;; WU, Tao;武韬;; designate, Prime Minister;候任总理;; designate, permanent representative;候任常驻代表;; One World Group of Broadcasters;一个世界广播员组织;; Group of Fifteen;十五国集团;G-15; G-24 Update;24国集团新情况;; G-24 Update Monthly;24国集团最新月报;; Global Action Plan for Environment and Development in the 21st Century;二十一世纪环境与发展全球行动计划;Agenda 21; Amnesty International Newsletter;大赦国际业务通讯;; Amnesty International Report;大赦国际报告;; ZHOU, Qiangwu;周强武;; World and the School, the;世界和学校;; Reports;报导;; SCAO Newsletter;大西洋组织常设会议业务通讯;; Communaute economique des pays des grands lacs;大湖国家经济共同体大湖经共体;CEPGL;大湖经共体 CEPGL Quarterly Review;大湖国家经济共同体季评;; Trialogue;三边对话;; Triangle Papers;三边日报;; Ad Hoc Coalition of Countries;特别国家联盟;; Council for Postal Operation;邮政经营理事会;; Union Postale;邮联;; K4 Committee;K4委员会;; West and Central African Action Plan;中西部非洲行动计划;WACAF; Committee for the Development and Management of Fisheries;渔业开发和管理委员会;; West and Central African Association of Soil Science;中西部非洲土壤协会;AWCACS; LIAISON Bulletin;联系公报;; Scientific Journal;科学杂志;; West and Central Africa AIDS Research Network;中西部非洲艾滋病研究网;WCAARN; WCAARN Newsletter;中西部非洲艾滋病研究网信札;; S/RES/...;Click Resource to get resolutions;; Bible;圣经;; International Women's Media Foundation;国家妇女媒体基金会;IWMF; Reseau africain de recherche sur le SIDA - Zone de l'Ouest;中西部非洲艾滋病研究网;RARS; Association ouest et centre africaine de la science du sol;中西部非洲土壤学协会;AOCASS; Institute for Civil Administration;民政研究所;; Commission des peches pour l'Atlantique centre - Ouest;中西部大西洋渔业委员会;COPACO; Groupe de Contadora;孔塔多拉集团;; Union postale universelle;万国邮政联盟万国邮联;UPU;万国邮联 Alliance des petits Etats insulaires;小岛屿国家联盟;; Commission Trilaterale;三边委员会日美欧委员会;;日美欧委员会 Conference permanente des organisations atlantiques;大西洋组织常设会议;; Association du traite atlantique;大西洋公约协会;; Centre atlantique d'information pour les enseignants;大西洋教师信息中心;; Centre d'etudes et de recherche sur la population pour le developpement;人口和发展实用研究中心;CERPOD; Human Rights Watch Annual Review;人权监察站年度评论;; Human Rights Watch in the News;人权监察站新闻;; Human Rights Watch World Report;人权监察站世界报道;; Human Rights Watch Newsletter;人权监察站信札;; Pop Sahel;萨赫勒人口;; Etudes et Travaux du CERPOD;人口和发展实用研究中心的研究与工作杂志;;杂志 Mount Soufriere volcano;苏弗里耶尔火山;; Soufriere, Mount;苏弗里耶尔火山;; ChildHope - UK;英国儿童希望;; ChildHope - USA;美国儿童希望;; ChildHope - Northern America;北美洲儿童希望;; ChildHope - Southern America;南美洲儿童希望;; ChildHope - Asia;亚洲儿童希望;; ChildHope - Europe;欧洲儿童希望;; ChildHope - Souhteast Asia;东南亚儿童希望;; Let Us Speak;让我们说话;; Our Child - Our Hope;我们的儿童 - 我们的希望;; Study Ideas;研究思想;; Educating Children in the Streets and in the Community;教育流浪儿童;; Street Education;街头教育;; Central and East European Publishing Project;中东欧出版工程;CEEPP; Programme de publications et de traductions d'auteurs de l'Est et de l'Europe Central;中东欧出版工程;; Central and Eastern Media Centre Foundation;中东欧媒体中心基金会;EMFFCP; Centre de communication pour l'Europe central et orientale;中东欧媒体中心基金会;; Comite centroamericain de cooperation economique;中美洲经济合作委员会;; Comite de Cooperacion Economica de Centroamericana;中美洲经济合作委员会;CEC; China - Europe Management Institute;中国 - 欧洲管理学院;CEMI; International and Comparative Law Quarterly;国际法和比较法季刊;ICLQ; corporate restructuring;公司结构调整;; Reports of Judgements;[国际法院]判例汇编;; Mont Soufriere Volcano;苏弗里耶尔火山;; ZYKOV, Andrey S.;安德烈·济科夫;; YATSYUK, Vyacheslav V.;维亚切斯拉夫·亚秋克;; SHEVCHENKO, Oleksandre D.;奥列克桑德·舍甫琴柯;; HERASYMENKO, Oleh V.;奥列赫·海拉西蒙科;; SOBKO, Vsevolod O.;弗谢沃洛德·索布科;; Confederation of Central African NGOs;中非非政府组织联合会;; Confederation des ONG d'environnement et de developpement de l'Afrique centrale;中非环境与发展非政府组织联合会;CONGAC; Communaute economique des Etats de l'Afrique centrale;中非国家经济共同体;CEEAC; Bank of the Central African States;中非国家银行;; Banque des Etats de l'Afrique centrale;中非国家银行;BEAC; Etudes et statistiques;研究与统计;; Annuaire du Commerce Exterieur;外贸年鉴;; Bulletin de Statistique;统计公报;; Union monetaire de l'Afrique Centrale;中非货币同盟;; Monetary Committee of Ministers of Finance and Economic Affairs of Member States;成员国财政和经济事务部长货币委员会;; KIM, Phuc;金馥;; Intersecretariat Working Group on Price Statistics;秘书处间价格统计工作组;; Treaty on the Establishment of a Union State;关于建立联盟国家的条约;; Supreme State Council;最高国务委员会;; Costa Rica-Canada Initiative;哥斯达黎加-加拿大倡议;CRCI; Decision on further measures for the settlement of the conflict in Abkhazia, Georgia;关于解决格鲁吉亚阿布哈兹冲突的进一步措施的决定;; Assembly of Governors;行长大会;; Boletin Estadistico;统计简报;; Carta Informativa;新闻文献;; Marche Commun centroamericain;中美洲共同市场;; Tripartite Commission of Ministers and Deputy Ministers of Finance and the Governors of Central Banks;财政部长、副部长和中央银行总裁三方委员会;; Compendio Estadistico;统计梗概;; Sistema de Integracion de Centroamerica;中美洲一体化体系;; Boletin Informativo de Educacion;教育新闻公报;; Boletin Informativo Laboral;劳工新闻公报;; Conseil monetaire d'Amerique centrale;中美洲货币理事会;; Statistical Bulletin;统计公报;; Economic Report;经济报道;; Bureau central des telegrammes astronomiques;中央天文电报局;; General Meeting;大会;; Twenty Five Years of the Non-aligned Movement;不结盟运动25年;; Bureau de coordination des pays non-alignes;不结盟国家协调局;; Non-Aligned Movement Summit;不结盟运动国家首脑会议;; Standing Ministerial Committee of the Non-Aligned Movement;不结盟运动常设部长级委员会;; Coordinating Bureau of the Non-Aligned Countries Pool;不结盟国家协调局;; Committee for the Functioning of the Non-Aligned Movement;不结盟运动功能委员会;; Radio Active;有源电台;; Pacific Islands Marine Resources Information System;太平洋岛屿海洋资源信息系统;PIMRIS; Systeme d'information sur les ressources marines des iles du Pacifique;太平洋岛屿海洋资源信息系统;SIRMIP; PIMRIS Newsletter;太平洋岛屿海洋资源信息系统业务通讯;; Round Table on Business Survey Frames;商业调查框架圆桌会议;; Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing;非正规就业妇女:全球化和组织化;WIEGO; payment;薪资;; Association of Development Financing Institutions in the Pacific;太平洋地区发展筹资机构协会;ADFIP; Astronomical Society of Pacific;太平洋地区天文学学会;ASP; Publications of the ASP;太平洋地区天文学学会刊物;; Mercury;《使者》;; Universe in the Classroom, the;教室中的天地;; Societe d'editeurs de journaux de la region du Pacifique;太平洋地区报纸出版商协会;; PANPA Bulletin;太平洋地区报纸出版商协会公报;; Conseil economique du bassin du Pacifique;太平洋盆地经济理事会;; International General Meeting;国际大会;; International Director General;国际总干事;; Union democratique Pacifique;太平洋民主联盟;; Association scientifique du Pacifique;太平洋科学协会太平洋科协;;太平洋科协 Pacific Science Council;太平洋科学理事会;; PSA Information Bulletin;太平洋科学协会新闻公报;; Conseil des Telecommunications du Pacifique;太平洋电信理事会;; Pacific Telecommunications Review;太平洋电信评论;; Home Planet, the;我们的星球;; Greatest Adventure, the;最大的冒险;; G-5;五国集团;; Group of Five;五国集团;; Commission interunions de la physique solaire et terrestre;太阳 - 地球物理学特别委员会;CIUPST; Groupe des cinq;五国集团;; Advocats sans frontieres;无国界律师组织;ASF; Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers;马利诺神父和修士会;; Perhaps Kids Meeting Kids Can Make a Difference;促进儿童交流组织;; School Sisters of Notre Dame;圣母学校修女会;; National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans;国家生物多样性战略和行动计划;; Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work;关于工作中的基本原则和权利宣言;; Declaration on the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work;关于工作中基本原则和权利宣言;; South Pacific Subregional Workshop on Intergovernmental Forum on Forest Issues;关于政府间森林问题论坛的南太平洋分区域讲习班;; International Centre for the Olympic Truce;奥林匹克休战国际中心;; Tenth Session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development;联合国贸易和发展会议第十届大会第十届贸发大会;UNCTAD X;第十届贸发大会 Nationless Worldwide Association;无国界世界协会;; Association anationale mondiale;无国界世界协会;; Broken Rifle, the;《破枪》;; Internationale des resistants a la guerre;反战者国际;IRG; Panel of Eminent Individuals;名人小组;; Commission internationale sur l'education et l'apprentissage pour le 21e siecle;为二十一世纪教育和学习国际委员会;; ICEL XXI;为二十一世纪教育和学习国际委员会;; KPP-HAM;东帝汶境内违反人权状况国家调查委员会;KPP-HAM; Revolutionary United Front Party of Sierra Leone;塞拉利昂革命联合阵线党;; Economic and Social Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean;拉丁美洲和加勒比经济社会委员会;; SANTOS, Jose Eduardo dos;若泽·埃德华多·多斯桑托斯;; United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, revised draft;联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约修订草案;; Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime;联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约关于打击陆、海、空偷运移民的补充议定书;; Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime;联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约关于防止、 禁止和惩治贩运人口特别是妇女和儿童的议定书;; Mouvement international contre toutes les formes de discriminations et le racisme;反对一切形式的歧视和种族主义国际运动 反歧视运动;MIDRA;反歧视运动 IMADR Bulletin;反歧视运动新闻;; Peoples for Human Rights;为人权奋斗的人民;; Centre international contre la censure;反对检查制度国际中心 - 第19条;; Article 19 Bulletin;第19条新闻简报;; Censorship News;检查制度新闻;; Censorship Reports;检查制度报告;; Centre de la paix mondiale par le droit;以法律求世界和平中心;; World President;世界主席;; World Jurist;世界律师;; Law and Computer Technology;法律与电脑技术;; Law and Technology;法律与技术;; Law and Judicial System of Nations;各国法律和司法系统;; Climate Action Network;气候行动网络;CAN; Climate Network Europe;欧洲气候网络;; CAN International NGO Directory;气候行动网络国际非政府组织名录;; World Centre for Research and Information on Peace;和平研究和信息世界中心;; University of South America;南美洲大学;; BASMAJIEV, Zvetolyub;兹韦托柳布·巴斯马吉耶夫;; CHOY, Seok Young;崔瑞永;; CHOI, Seok Young;崔瑞永;; Intersecretariat Working Group on National Accounts;秘书处间国民帐户工作组;ISWGNA; electronic discussion group;电子讨论组;EDG; ZHOU, Keren;周可仁;; Alianza del Clima;气候联盟;; Benelux;《比荷卢》;; Union economique Benelux;比荷卢经济联盟;; WCCES Newsletter;比较教育学会世界理事会业务通讯;; Conseil mondial des associations d'education comparee;比较教育学会世界理事会;CMAEC; Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical Data Analysis Services;天文学和地球物理学数据分析机构联合会;FAGS; ANRPC Newsletter;天然橡胶生产国协会业务通讯;; ANRPC Statistical Bulletin;天然橡胶生产国协会统计简报;; Association des pays producteurs de caoutchouc naturel;天然橡胶生产国协会;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司