翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 TUN, Myat;敦妙;; Friends of the Secretary-General for Guinea-Bissau;“几内亚比绍问题秘书长之友”;; Human Rights Strengthening [programme];加强人权[方案];HURIST; Revised Supplementary Agreement concerning the Provision of Technical Assistance by the International Atomic Energy Agency;关于由国际原子能机构提供技术援助的订正补充协定;RSA; Cacique Crown of Honour;酋长荣誉奖;; Golden Arrow of Achievement;成就金箭奖;; European Union of Christian Democrats;欧洲基督教民主党人联盟;; Conference on Codification of International Law;国际法编纂会议;; Wetlands International Asia-Pacific;亚洲及太平洋国际湿地组织;; Joint ACP-EEC Assembly on the implementation of the Lome Convention;非加太-欧共体关于执行洛美协定的联合大会;; PARRILLA, Bruno E. RODRIGUEZ;布鲁诺·罗德里格斯·帕里利亚;; LITHGOW, Luis;路易斯·利思戈;; AHMAD, Shamshad;沙姆沙德·艾哈迈德;; MUTAWAKIL, Maulawi Wakil Ahmed;毛拉维·瓦基勒·艾哈迈德·穆塔瓦基勒;; haj;朝觐朝圣;; hadj;朝觐朝圣;; haj season;朝觐期;; Feyzabad;法扎巴德;; Pashtuns;普什图人;; Adviser for Special Assignments in Africa;非洲特别任务顾问;; Office of the Under-Secretary-General - Adviser for Special Assignments in Africa;副秘书长 - 非洲特别任务顾问办公室;; Office of the Representative of the Secretary-General on Internally Displaced Persons;负责国内流离失所者问题的秘书长代表办公 室;; AOKI, Mikio;青木干雄;; MORI, Yoshiro;森喜朗;; Special session of the General Assembly entitled "World Summit for Social Development and beyond: achieving social development for all in a globalizing world";题为“社会发展问题世界首脑会议及其后的 发展:在全球化世界实现惠及所有人的社会 发展”的大会特别会议;; Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity;生物多样性公约卡塔赫纳生物技术安全议定书;; Information/Communications Cluster;信息和通信组;; NONG, Duc Manh;农德孟;; GADIO, Cheikh Tidiane;切克·蒂迪安·加迪欧;; YALA, Kumba;孔巴·亚拉;; Knight Bachelor;英国勋爵中最低级爵士;KB; Knight Banners;方旗爵士;; Knight Commander;英国的第二级爵士;; Loloata Understanding on the Bougainville issue;关于布干维尔问题的洛洛阿塔谅解;; ONA, Francis;弗朗西斯·奥纳;; Regional Peace Monitoring Group;区域和平监测小组;; MacMILLAN, Ewan;埃文·麦克米兰;; National Committee on Bougainville;布干维尔问题全国委员会;; Bougainville Common Negotiating Position: Expanded Details;布干维尔共同谈判立场: 扩充细节;; Panel of Experts on violations of Security Council sanctions against the Uniao Nacional para a Independencia total de Angola UNITA;违反安全理事会对争取安哥拉彻底独立全国联盟安盟的制裁问题专家小组;; MOLLANDER, Anders;安德斯·莫兰德;; GANGUZZA, Franco;佛朗哥·甘古扎;; ROGER, Timothy;蒂莫西·罗杰;; Rapid Deployment Management Unit;快速部署管理股;RDMU; LEVITTE, Jean-David;让-达维德·莱维特;; MAWHINNEY, Tamara;塔玛拉·马维奈;; PATRICIO, Jose;若泽·帕特里西奥;; Law of Mongolia on its nuclear-weapon-free status;蒙古无核武器地位法;; Oppenheim's International Law;奥本海国际法论;; European Treaty Series;欧洲条约汇编;ETS; Iran-US Claim Tribunal Reports;伊朗-美国索赔法庭案例汇编;IUSCTR; N'TCHAMA, Caetona;卡埃托纳·恩查马;; IZATA, Margarida Rosa Da Silva;马加里达·罗莎·达·席尔瓦·艾泽塔;; PICASSO, Manuel;曼努埃尔·毕加索;; MAMBA, Clifford Sibusiso;克利福德·西布西索·马姆巴;; NGUYEN, Thanh Chau;阮成洲;; DIALLO, Mountaga;蒙塔加·迪亚洛;; National Transition Assembly;全国过渡议会;; LIU, Jing;刘京;; KULL, Caius;卡尤斯·库尔;; JUWAYEYI, Yusuf M.;优素福·朱瓦耶伊;; BHATTARAI, Durga P.;杜尔加·巴特拉伊;; LARA-CASTRO, Jorge;豪尔赫·拉腊-卡斯特罗;; CASTRO, Jorge LARA-;豪尔赫·拉腊-卡斯特罗;; TUPOU, Sonatane Tua Taumoepeau;索纳塔内·图阿·陶莫埃坡·图普;; BEN MUSTAPHA, Said;赛义德·本·穆斯塔法;; Front for the Restoration of Unity and Democracy;恢复团结和民主阵线;FRUD; Front pour la Restauration de l'Unite et de la Democratie;恢复团结和民主阵线;FRUD; Boka Kotorska Bay;博卡科托尔斯卡湾;; engaged the aircraft;对抗来犯飞机;; Our air defences, acting in self-defence, engaged the aircraft and, at X hours, drove them off.;我防空部队采取自卫行动,对抗来犯飞机, 于X时X分将将其赶走。;; Kotli;戈德利;; NIWA, Toshiyuki;丹羽敏之;; Joint Electoral Observation Mission;联合选举观察团选观团 由联合国及欧安组织共同派驻塔吉克斯坦 ;JEOM; Arab gulf programme for United Nations development organizations AgFund;阿拉伯湾支援联合国发展组织方案 阿联方案;AgFund;阿联方案 CROM, Michiel Netherlands;米希尔·克罗姆;; stun grenade;眩晕手榴弹;; A/RES/;Click Resource to get resolution;; ZHANG, Shougong;张守公;; SU, Ming;苏明;; LIU, Xin;刘昕;; ZHOU, Fang;周舫;; Treaty on the Customs Union and Unified Economic Space;关税联盟和单一经济区条约;; Leiden Journal of International Law;莱顿国际法学报;LJIL; ABOUD, Mahmoud Mohamed;马哈茂德·穆罕默德·阿布德;; GHEIT, Ahmed Aboul;艾哈迈德·阿布勒·盖特;; non-budgeted;未编入预算的;; budgeted;编入预算的;; SUN, Joun-yung;孙俊英;; overall orientation;总方向[方案概算];; Executive Office and Administrative Office;执行办公室和行政办公室;; inter-sessional departures request for;在闭会期间要求更改会议日历;; asbestos abatement;消除石棉;; asbestos removal;清除石棉;; asbestos encapsulation;密封石棉;; asbestos enclosure;封闭石棉;; SAR Convention;国际海上搜寻救助公约;; Project Personnel Service;项目人员处;PPS; Poverty Eradication and Employment Unit;消除贫穷和就业股;PEEU;就业股 National Information, Strategies and Institutions Branch;国家信息、战略和机构处;NISIB;国家信息处 Oceans and Land Unit;海洋和陆地股;OLU;海陆股 Policy Integration and Programme Coordination Branch;政策整合和方案协调处;PIPCB;政策整合处 Statistical Development and Analysis Section;统计发展和分析科;SDAS;统计发展科 Methodology and Analysis Unit;方法和分析股;MAU;方法科 Centres Operations Section;中心业务科;COS; Radio and Television Service;无线电和电视处;RTS;电视处 Radio News Unit;无线电新闻股;RNU; Promotion and Planning Service;宣传和规划处;PPS;宣传处 Acquisition and Checklisting Unit;采购和清单核对股;ACU;采购股 active nationality;实际国籍;; Harvard Draft Convention on the International Responsibility of States to Injuries to Aliens;关于国家对外侨受损害所负国际责任的哈佛 公约草案;; Annual Digest and Reports of Public International Law Cases;国际公法案例年度摘要和汇编;; Hague Codification Conference;海牙编纂会议;; PCJI Reports;常设国际法院案例汇编;; League of Nations Treaty Series;国际联盟条约汇编;LNTS; international law materials;国际法材料;ILM; Cartographic Unit;制图股;; UN Publications Sales and Marketing Section;联合国出版物销售和推销科;; chapeau article;起首条款;; contributory fault;共同过失;; digital wallet;数字钱包;; LEE, Shin-wha;李新禾;; General Orientation;总方向;; financial shock;金融震荡;; poverty reduction strategy paper;减贫战略文件;PRSP; aid fatigue;援助疲劳症;; co-location;共用机房;colo; Centronics interface;Centronics 接口;; Video Electronics Standards Association VESA;视频电子设备标准协会;VESA; bastion host;堡垒网关;; proxy server;代理服务机;; green PC;绿色PC;; raw data;原始数据;; Wireless Application Protocol WAP;无线应用协议;WAP; Wireless BitMap WBMP;无线位图;WBMP; graphics processing unit GPU;图形处理器;GPU; codec;压缩解压程序编码译码器;; loopback interface;环回接口;; doctored data;捏造的数据动过手脚的数据; ; massaged data;捏造的数据动过手脚的数据; ; minder; escort;陪同人员; ; 6.5 mandate;第六章半任务; ; Office of Logistics, Management and Mine Action;后勤、管理和排雷行动厅; ; Multinational Peace Force South-Eastern Europe;东南欧多国和平部队;MPFSEE; NATO Extraction Force;北约撤出人员部队; ; Task Force on Forests in Sustainable Mountain Development;可持续山区发展森林工作组;; African Highlands Initiative;非洲高地倡议;AHI; Alpine Observation and Information System;高山观察和信息系统;AOIS; FAO/European Forestry Commission Working Party on the Management of Mountain Watershed;粮农组织/欧洲林业委员会山区流域管理工 作组;; Regional Community Forestry Training Centre;区域社区林业训练中心;RECOFTC;林训中心 Technical Cooperation Network on Watershed Management in Latin America and the Caribbean;拉丁美洲和加勒比流域管理技术合作网;; World Mountain Forum;世界山区论坛;; International Forestry Advisors Group;国际森林顾问小组;; Sustainability Issues in Forestry: the National and International Challenges;森林可持续问题:国家和国际挑战;; Ministerial Meeting on Forestry on "Sustainability Issues in Forestry, the National and International Challenges";题为“森林可持续问题,国家和国际挑战”的部长级森林会议;; Joint Working Party on Agriculture and the Environment;农业和环境联合工作队;; Pan European Biodiversity and Landscape Development Strategy;泛欧生物多样性和地貌景观开发战略;; International Registry of Innovative Practices Promoting Education, Public Awareness and Training for Sustainability;促进可持续发展方面的教育、公众认识和训练国际创新做法登记处;; International Debate on Education for Sustainable Development;教育促进可持续发展国际辩论;; European Conference on Environmental Education and Training;欧洲环境教育和训练会议;; Joint Programme on Education for Sustainable Development;教育促进可持续发展联合方案;; Inter-American Strategy for Public Participation in Sustainable Development;美洲公众参与可持续发展战略;; EFA 2000 Assessment;普及教育2000年评估;; Human Development Week;人类发展周;HD Week; Project against Trafficking in Persons;打击贩卖人口项目;; Preparatory Committee for the Special Session of the General Assembly for Follow-up to the World Summit for Children in 2001;2001年关于世界儿童问题首脑会议后续行动 的大会特别会议筹备委员会;; International Partnership against AIDS in Africa;非洲防治艾滋病国际合作;; World Education Forum;世界教育论坛;; special representative on the situation of human rights defenders;人权维护者境况问题特别代表;; human rights defenders;人权维护者;; Special Rapporteur on the right to food;粮食权利特别报告员;; right to food, The;获得粮食的权利粮食权利;; International Strategy for Disaster Reduction;国际减少灾害战略;ISDR;减灾战略 Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues;土著问题常设论坛;; Caribbean education and research unit;加勒比教育和研究股;; Working Group on Elements of Crime;犯罪要件工作组;; Memorandum on Change;变革问题备忘录;; Advocates for Community-based Training and Education for Women;社区妇女训练和教育促进会;ACTEW; Global Campaignon Urban Governance;全球城市治理运动;; World Charter of Local Self-government;世界地方自治宪章;; International Commission of Inquiry on East Timor;东帝汶问题国际调查委员会;; United States Fund for UNICEF;美国儿童基金会基金;; DAC Guidelines on conflict, peace and development cooperation;发援会关于冲突、和平与发展合作的准则;; Cities without Slums;无贫民窟城市;; United Nations Council on Forests;联合国森林理事会;; United Nations Partnership on Forests;联合国森林伙伴关系;UNPF; Brigade Steering Committee;旅指导委员会;; UNESCO/SELA 'Communication for Integration' project;教科文组织/拉美经济体系“传播为拉丁美洲 一体化服务”项目;; Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Serbia and Montenegro, the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina;南斯拉夫联盟共和国塞尔维亚和黑山、克罗地亚共和国、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 境内人权情况特别报告员;; oil for food programme;石油换粮食方案;OFP; sustainability assessment;可持续性评估;SA; strategic environmental assessment;环境战略评估;SEA; Conclusions of the Chair;主席的结论;; Lessons Learned Resource Centre;总结经验资源中心;; WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control;卫生组织烟草管制框架公约;FCTC; tobacco control;烟草管制;; Working Group on the WHO framework convention on tobacco control;卫生组织烟草管制框架公约工作组;; Ad hoc Inter-agency Task Force on Tobacco Control;烟草管制特设机构间工作队;; Senior Communication, Information and Media Adviser;通信、信息和传媒高级顾问;; United Nations Affairs Unit;联合国事务股;; Information Technology Officer;信息技术干事;; Liaison unit with PLO and PA, and Civil Society and Donors;同巴解组织和巴勒斯坦权力机构、民间社会和捐助者联络股;; Factor Four Scenario;倍数四假想;; Factor Ten Scenario;倍数十假想;; North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation;北美环境合作委员会;CEC; Nairobi Initiative on Small Arms and Light Weapons for State and human security;关于管制小武器和轻武器堡国家和人民安 全的内罗毕倡议;; Nairobi Declaration on the Problem of the Proliferation of Illicit Small Arms and Light Weapons in the Great Lakes Region and the Horn of Africa;关于大湖区和非洲之角非法小武器和轻武器 扩散问题的内罗毕宣言;; Ship for World Youth;世界青年之船;SWY; joint commission of the entities;实体联合委员会;; International Advisory Council on Global Scientific Communications;国际科学交流咨询理事会;ACOSC; Regional symposium on socio-economic policies during macroeconomic stabilization in countries with economies in transition;关于转型期经济国家宏观经济稳定期间社会经济政策问题的区域专题讨论会;; Visegrad Four;维舍格勒四国;; Special Envoys of the Secretary-General for the Balkans;秘书长巴尔干问题特使;; Declaration on the Economic and Social Agenda for Africa at the Dawn of the Third Millennium;关于第三个千年之始非洲经济和社会议程的宣言;; Ad hoc Open-ended Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Energy and Sustainable Development;能源和可持续发展问题不限成员名额特设政府间专家组;; Lima Appeal;利马呼吁;; Directory of forest-related international and regional organizations;森林领域国际和区域组织名录;; Coastal Zone Management Unit;沿海区管理股;CZMU; United Nations Task Force for long-term food security, agricultural development and related aspects in the Horn of Africa;联合国非洲之角长期粮食安全、农业发展和有关问题工作队;; Partnerships in Statistics for development in the 21st Century;21世纪统计促进发展伙伴关系;PARIS21; Joint UN/OECD/World Bank/IMF Senior Expert Meeting on Statistical Capacity Building;联合国/经合组织/世界银行/货币基金组织统计能力建设高级专家联席会议;; Declaration on the foreign policy of Turkmenistan in the twenty-first century based on permanent neutrality and the principles of peaceableness, good-neighbourliness and democracy;关于二十一世纪土库曼斯坦在永久中立以及和平、睦邻和民主原则基础上的外交政策 的宣言;; Revitalization Team;振兴工作队;; Global Division;全球司;; Urban Secretariat;城市事务秘书处;; Nairobi Monitoring and Evaluation Network;内罗毕监测和评价网络;; General Service Development Programme;一般事务人员发展方案;; Technical Advisory Branch;技术咨询处;; Shelter Branch;住房处;; Urban Development Branch;城市发展处;; Resource Mobilization and External Affairs;资源调动和对外事务股;; Land and Tenure;土地和保有权;; Housing Finance;住房筹资;; Shelter and Construction;住房和建筑;; Infrastructure [Habitat];基础设施;; Urban Development and Economy;城市发展和经济;; Environment [Habitat];环境[生境];; Urban Governance;城市治理;; Risk and Disaster;风险和灾难;; Activity Evaluation Officer;活动评价干事;; Division of Planning and Operations;规划和业务司;; Biological Weapons Unit;生物武器股;BW; Chemical Weapons Unit;化学武器股;CW; Ballistic Missiles Unit;弹道导弹股;M; Multidisciplinary Inspection and Operations Unit;多学科视察和业务股;; Baghdad Ongoing Monitoring and Verification Centre;巴格达不断监测和核查中心;BOMVIC;不断监查中心 Division of Analysis and Assessment;分析和评价司;; Data-processing and Archives Unit;数据处理和档案股;; Division of Technical Support and Training;技术支助和训练司;; Export/Import Joint Unit;进出口联合股;; Land-Use and Cover Change initiative;土地使用和土地覆盖面积变化倡议;LUCC; social fencing;“社会圈地”;; water resources inventory;水资源清查;; Martigny Global Consultation;马蒂尼城全球协商;; Core Corporate Commitments;核心共同承诺;CCC; The UN works;联合国在发挥作用;; Joint Declaration by El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua: Establishment of an inter-ocean multimodel transport corridor;萨尔瓦多、危地马拉和尼加拉瓜三国宣言:建立洋际多式联运走廊;; Joint Declaration by El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua: integration for the twenty-first century;萨尔瓦多、危地马拉和尼加拉瓜三国宣言:在二十一世纪实现一体化;; Joint Implementation Committee for the Lome Peace Agreement;洛美和平协定联合执行委员会;; United Nations Peace-building Support Office in Tajikistan;联合国驻塔吉克斯坦建设和平支助办事处;; Portoroz Conference on Inter-ethnic Relations and Minorities in South-eastern Europe;东南欧族裔间关系和少数民族问题波尔托罗日会议;; Framework Programme of Action;框架行动纲领;RPA; Advisors on Minorities;少数民族问题顾问;; Working Table on Democratisation and Human Rights;民主化和人权工作小组;; Task Force on Human Rights and Minorities;人权和少数民族问题工作队;; Awareness-Raising Campaign;提高认识运动;; Leipzig International Conference on Plant Genetic Resources;莱比锡植物遗传资源国际会议;; Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Animal Genetic Resources;动物遗传资源政府间技术工作组;; Guidelines of Best Agricultural Practice to Optimize Fertilizer Use;有效使用肥料的最佳农业做法指导方针;; Best Agricultural Practices to Optimize Fertilizer Use;有效使用肥料的最佳农业做法;; Code of Good Agricultural Practice;优良农业做法守则;; Integrated Pest and Plant Nutrition Management;虫害和植物营养综合管理;; Global Crop Protection Federation;全球植保联合会;GCPF; Safe Use Initiative;安全使用倡议;; Fertiliser Advisers Certification and Training Scheme;肥料顾问认证和培训计划;FACTS; Citizens Network for Foreign Affairs;公民外交事务网络;CNFA; Regional Organization for the Conservation of the Environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden;堡红海和亚丁湾环境区域组织;; Red Sea Regional Framework Plan;红海区域框架计划;; Costa Rica-Canada Initiative Approach;哥斯达黎加-加拿大倡议办法;; Costa Rica-Canada Initiative;;; International experts meeting of the Costa Rica-Canada Initiative;哥斯达黎加-加拿大倡议国际专家会议;; Regional meeting of the Costa Rica-Canada initiative;哥斯达黎加-加拿大倡议区域会议;; World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies;世界水土保持方法和技术概览;WOCAT; Nile Basin Water Resources Project;尼罗河流域水资源项目;; Lake Victoria Water Resources Project;维多利亚湖水资源项目;LVWRP; System-wide Initiative on Water Management;全系统水管理倡议;SWIM; Popular Coalition to Eradicate Hunger and Poverty;消除饥饿和贫穷人民联盟;; International Research and Training Centre on Erosion and Sedimentation;国际泥沙研究培训中心;IRTCES; International Union of Soil Sciences;国际土壤科学联合会;IUSS; tele-medicine;远程医学;; G-8 Action Programme on Forests;8国森林行动纲领;; Action Programme on Forests;森林行动纲领;; International Society for Mangrove Ecosystems;国际红树生态系统学会;ISME; Economic Policy Stance Index;经济政策态势指数;EPSI; Economic Sustainability Index;经济可持续性指数;ESI; Meeting on the underlying causes of deforestation and forest degradation;毁林和森林退化的根本原因会议;; Study on the global outlook for plantations;全球人工林前景研究;; International expert meeting on the role of planted forest;人工林的作用国际专家会议;; plated forest;人工林;; International expert meeting on protected forest areas;堡林区国际专家会议;; protected forest;堡林;; protective forest;防护林;; International expert workshop and in-depth study on forest conservation and protected areas;关于森林堡和堡区的国际专家讲席班和深入研究;; Space Generation Forum;空间一代论坛;; Office for Territorial Administration;领土管理处;; The Space Millennium: Vienna Declaration on Space and Human Development;空间千年:关于空间和人类发展的维也纳宣言;; Global Campaign for Secure Tenure;全球保障住房权运动;; Administrative Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development;农业、林业和农村发展管理局;; Administrative Department of Labour and Employment;劳工和就业管理局;; Administrative Department of Post and Telecommunications;邮政和电信管理局;; Administrative Department of Reconstruction;重建管理局;; Public Advocacy Unit;公共倡导股;; Policy and Planning Officer;政策和规划干事;; Department of the Police Commissioner;警察专员部;; Office of the Internal Auditor;内部审计员办公室;; Regulations Division;条例司;; Office of Human Rights Affairs;人权事务处;; Port of Spain Consensus;西班牙港共识;; Beijing Declaration on the Rights of People with Disabilities in the New Century;新世纪残疾人权利北京宣言;; Mountain People, Forests, and Trees: Strategies for Balancing Local Management and Outside Interests;山区居民、森林和树木:本地管理和外地利益平衡战略;; Tropical Montane Cloud Forest Initiative;热带高山云雾林倡议;; Union internationale des associations d'alpinisme;世界登山协会联合会;UIAA; World Mountaineering and Climbing Federation;世界登山协会联合会;UIAA; Working Group on Access and Conservation;进山和堡工作组;; Participatory Watershed Management Training in Asia;亚洲参与性流域管理训练;PWMTA; Senior Forensic Pathologist;高级法医病理学家;; Senior Gender Affairs Officer;两性平等问题高级干事;; Director of Communications and Public Information;通信和新闻主任;; Media Development Unit;媒体发展股;; Radio Broadcasting Unit;无线电广播股;; TV - Video Production Unit;电视-录像制作股;; Publications Unit;出版物股;; Senior Civil Affairs Officer;高级民事干事;; Chief Census Officer;首席人口普查干事;; Senior Census Officer;高级人口普查干事;; Geographic Information Systems Officer;地理信息系统干事;; Database Analysis Officer;数据库分析干事;; East Timorese Civil Service Commission;东帝汶公务员制度委员会;; Civil Service Development Officer;公务员制度发展干事;; Land and Property Claims;土地和财产索偿;; Claims and Adjudication Officer;索偿和裁决干事;; Director of Judicial Affairs;司法事务主任;; Evaluation and Monitoring Officer;评价和监测干事;; Director of Public Services and Administration;公共服务和行政主任;; Telecommunications and Postal Affairs Officer;电信和邮政干事;; Telecommunications Engineer;电信工程师;; Postal Affairs Officer;邮政干事;; Senior Water and Sanitation Engineer;高级供水和卫生工程师;; Transport Specialist;运输专家;; Database Planning and Management Officer;数据库规划和管理干事;; Capacity Development Officer;能力建设干事;; Public Administration Officer;公共行政干事;; Human Rights Trainer;人权培训员;; Public Information/Donor Relations Officer;新闻/与捐助者关系干事;; Cashier's Unit;出纳股;; Language and Training Unit;语文和训练股;; Movement Control Section;调度科;; Property Management and Contingent-owned Equipment Verification Unit;财产管理和特遣队所属装备核查股;; Contract Management and Verification Unit;合同管理和核查股;; Regional Engineering Operations Unit;区域工程业务股;; Tehran Process;德黑兰进程;; undiminished security, principle of;安全不受减损的原则;; principle of undiminished security;安全不受减损原则;; nuclear-weapon-free space;无核武器空间;; Global Programme of Action Coordination Office;全球行动纲领协调处;; remainder of the term of office …;... 未完成的任期;; GOOS Initial Observing System;全球海洋观测系统的初步观测系统;GOOS-IOS; Integrated Global Observing Strategy;综合全球观测战略;IGOS; Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea;海洋法专家咨询机构;ABE-LOS; Working Group on Compliance;遵守问题工作组;; Renewed Call to Action;二次行动呼吁;; Inter-sessional Meeting on the Operations of the Convention;公约运作情况闭会期间会议;ISOC; offshore all-purpose self-elevating service;海上万能自升服务;OASES; Joint IMO/ILO Ad Hoc Expert Working Group on Liability and Compensation regarding Claims for Death, Personal Injury and Abandonment of Seafarers;海事组织/劳工组织关于因海员死亡、人身伤 害或遭遗弃而索偿的责任和赔偿问题联合 特设专家工作组;WGLCC; Mediterranean Forecasting Project;地中海预测项目;; Coordination Office of the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities;堡海洋环境免受陆基活动影响全球行动纲 领协调处;; port waste-reception facilities;港口废物接收设施;; adequate reception facilities;适当接收设施;; Action Plan for the conservation of marine vegetation in the Mediterranean Sea;堡地中海海洋植物群落行动计划;; sunkist;新奇士[柑橘];; Stability Pact Initiative on Organized Crime;稳定公约有组织犯罪倡议;; Training Course on Integrated Management of Coastal and Marine Protected Areas for the South Asian Seas Region;南亚海洋区域沿海和海洋堡区综合管理训练班;; Database on Education and Training in Integrated Coastal and Ocean Management;沿海和海洋综合管理教育训练数据库;; Meeting on Marine Pollution Preparedness and Response;防备和应付海洋污染会议;; action plan and framework convention for a regional seas programme for the East Central Pacific region, draft;中太平洋东部区域海洋方案行动计划和框架公约草案;; Adriatic and Ionian Universities Network;亚得里亚海和爱奥尼亚海大学网;; Sub-regional Contingency Plans;分区域应急计划;; Project Coordination Unit;项目协调股;PCU; Joint Comprehensive Environmental Programme for the Adriatic-Ionian region;亚得里亚海和爱奥尼亚海区域联合综合环境方案;; Campaign on Global Interdependence and Solidarity: Europe against Poverty and Social Exclusion;全球相互依存和团结运动:欧洲反对贫穷和社会排斥;; Agreement to Regulate the Relationship between the United Nations and the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization;规定联合国同全面禁止核试验条约组织筹备委员会之间关系的协定;; Ocean CO2 Panel;海洋二氧化碳研究小组;; International Ocean CO2 Symposium;国际海洋二氧化碳专题讨论会;; Joint Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology;海洋学和海洋气象学联合委员会;; Guidelines for Integrated Management of Coastal and Marine Areas, draft;沿海和海洋区综合管理指导方针草案;; sustainable coastal tourism;可持续沿海旅游业;; Strategic Action Plan for the Eastern African region;东非区域战略性行动计划;; Coordinated Extended Pollution Control Operations;协调扩展污染管制行动;; ballast water management areas;压载水管理区;; anti-fouling system;防污系统;; Management/Auditing Strategy;管理/稽核战略;; Sewage Strategic Action Plan;污水问题战略行动计划;; GOOS-Africa Committee;全球海洋观测系统非洲委员会;; Commission of the Gulf of Guinea;几内亚湾委员会;CGG; Summit of Heads of State, Government and Delegation of the Gulf of Guinea;几内亚湾国家元首、政府首脑和代表团团长会议;; Political Committee of the Implementation of the Lusaka Ceasefire Agreement;执行卢萨卡宛协定政治委员会;; Grand Bay Declaration and Plan of Action on Human Rights in Africa;非洲人权问题格朗德贝宣言和行动计划;; Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Area;欧洲-地中海自由贸易区;; Africa-Europe Summit;非欧首脑会议;; Declaration of the South Summit;南方首脑会议宣言;; Havana Programme of Action;哈瓦那行动纲领;; G-77 science and technology award;77国集团科技奖;; South-South high level conference on science and technology;南南高级别科技会议;; Ministerial Meeting on Transit Transport Cooperation;过境运输合作问题部长级会议;; Trade Development Bank;贸易发展银行;; High-level Advisory Group of Eminent Personalities from the South;南方知名人事高级别咨询小组;; International Plan of Action for the Management of Fishing Capacity;管理捕捞能力国际行动计划;; Expert Consultation on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing;非法、不管制或不报告的捕捞问题专家协商;; FAO Ministerial Meeting on Fisheries;粮农组织渔业问题部长级会议;; Rome Declaration on the Implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries;关于执行负责任捕鱼行为守则的罗马宣言;; Vienna Declaration on Crime and Justice: Meeting the Challenges of the Twenty-first Century;关于犯罪与司法:迎接二十一世纪的挑战的 维也纳宣言;; Ministry of Civil Affairs and Communication;民政和通讯部;MCAC; Property Legislation Implementation Plan;财产法实施计划;PLIP; Stabilisation and Association Process;稳定与结盟进程;; Declaration of the Peace Implementation Council;和平执行会议宣言;; Facilitator for the Inter-Congolese Dialogue;刚果间对话调解人;; subregional network of francophone population research centres in Western Africa;西非法语人口研究中心分区域网络;; Internet for Population Research;利用因特网进行人口研究;; Interregional Adviser on Population;区域间人口问题顾问;; Technical Meeting on Population Ageing and Living Arrangements of Older Persons;人口老龄化和老年人生活安排问题技术会议;; Specialist in Causes and Consequences of Population Trends and Variables;人口趋势和变数起因和结果技术服务支助专家;; Round Table on environmental cooperation and the safeguarding of water resources in the Adriatic and Ionian areas;亚得里亚海和爱奥尼亚海区域环境合作与保障水资源问题圆桌会议;; Experimental Scientific Cooperation Project;科学合作实验项目;; Adriatic and Ionian Highway project;亚得里亚海和爱奥尼亚海公路项目;; Adriatic and Ionian Council;亚得里亚海和爱奥尼亚海理事会;; Adriatic and Ionian Initiative;亚得里亚海和爱奥尼亚海倡议;AII; Ancona Declaration;安科纳宣言;; Conference on Security and Development in the Adriatic and Ionian region;亚得里亚海和爱奥尼亚海区域安全与发展会议;; Stability Pact Anti-Corruption Initiative;稳定公约反腐倡议;; Joint Declaration of the Head of Police of the Adriatic and Ionian countries;亚得里亚海和爱奥尼亚海国家警察局长联合宣言;; Adriatic Sea Initiative against Organized Crime;亚得里亚海打击有组织犯罪倡议;; Round table on organized crime in the Adriatic and Ionian basin and the rule of the coastal states and the supranational and multilateral organizations;亚得里亚海和爱奥尼亚海流域有组织犯罪与沿岸国、超国家组织和多边组织的作用 问题圆桌会议;; Gender Analysis Unit;性别问题分析股;; Gender Analyst;性别问题分析员;; murahleen forces;穆拉林部队;; Civil Military Alliance;军民联盟;; Humanitarian Coordination Unit;人道主义协调股;; Regional Meeting on Information Technology for Development;信息技术促进发展区域会议;; Declaration of Florianopolis;弗洛里亚诺波利宣言;; European Conference on Social Development;欧洲社会发展会议;; Conference of Women of La Francophonie: Women, Power and Development;法语国家组织妇女会议:妇女、权力与发展;; migrant;移民;; Ad Hoc Consultative Group of Experts on Population Policy;人口政策问题特设协商专家组;; Ad hoc Group of Experts Meeting via Internet on Weakened Systems of Public Financial Management: Solutions for Enhancing Transparency and Accountability;公共财政管理系统薄弱问题特设专家组因特网会议:加强透明度和问责制的办法;; Regional Support Services Section;区域支助事务科;; Security Coordination Section;安全协调科;; Mine Action Unit;排雷行动股;; Civil Affairs Office;民事办公室;; Political Affairs Office;政治事务办公室;; HQ Guard and Administration Unit;总部警卫和行政股;; Field Engineer Company;野战工兵连;; Quick Reaction Company;快速反应连;; Border Service Working Group;边境事务工作组;; working group on small arms and light weapons;小武器和轻武器工作组;; European Union-United States Action Plan on Small Arms and Light Weapons;欧洲联盟-美国关于小武器和轻武器的行动 计划;; Protocol to Combat the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Their Parts and Components and Ammunition;打击非法生产和贩卖火器、火器零部件和弹药议定书;; United States-European Union Statement of Common Principles on Small Arms and Light Weapons;美国-欧洲联盟关于小武器和轻武器的共同 原则声明;; United States Comprehensive Initiative on Small Arms and Illicit Trafficking;美国关于小武器和非法贩运的综合倡议;; Interim Media Commission;临时媒体委员会;; Temporary Media Commissioner;临时媒体专员;; interim media regulatory commission;临时媒体管理委员会;; Media Appeals Board;媒体申诉委员会;; Administrative Department of Environmental Protection;环境堡管理局;; Environment and Population Education and Information for Human Development;环境和人口方面的教育和信息促进人类发展;; Preparatory Committee for the Special Sesstion of the GA in 2001 on the Overall Review and Appraisal of the Habitat Agenda;2001年全面审查和评价生境议程大会特别会 议筹备委员会;; split session;分期会议;; Surgeon General;公共卫生署署长;; CADY, Jean-Christian;让-克里斯蒂安·卡迪;; MEHROTRA, Lakhan Lal;拉坎·拉尔·梅赫罗特拉;; LIMA, Carlos;卡洛斯·利马;; Greenhouse Memorandum;绿屋备忘录;; Bougainville Interim Provincial Government;布干维尔临时省政府;BIPG; AKASAKA, Kiyotaka;赤阪清隆;; Kiyotaka, AKASAKA;赤阪清隆;; International Strategy for Disaster Reduction Inter-agency Task Force;国际减少灾害战略机构间工作队;; Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office on the conflict dealt with by the Minsk Conference;欧安组织轮值主席明斯克会议处理的冲突问 题个人代表;; HAVEL, Vaclav;瓦茨拉夫·哈维尔;; MESIC, Stjepan;斯捷潘·梅西奇;; JEICHANDE, Mussagy;穆萨吉·杰伊昌德;; CHUNGONG AYAFOR, Martin;马丹·中贡·阿亚福尔;; SMILLIE, Ian;伊恩·斯迈利;; PELEMAN, Johan;约翰·佩勒曼;; SANDHU, Harjit Singh;哈吉特·辛格·桑德胡;; BODIAN, Atabou;阿塔布·博迪恩;; withdrawal line;撤退线;; Geneva/Conference on Disarmament Secretariat and Conference Support Branch;日内瓦/裁军谈判会议秘书处和会议支助处;; Bademe;巴德梅;; sudden infant death syndrome;婴儿骤死综合症;SIDS; NIUMPRADIT, Boonsrang;汶颂·纽拉迪;; Expert Panel on illegal exploitation of natural resources and other forms of wealth of the Democratic Republic of the Congo;非法开采刚果民主共和国自然资源和其他形 式财富问题专家组;; WELDENSAE, Haile;海尔·韦尔登塞埃;; sherpa;筹备官员;; EL-YOUSSOUFI, Abderrahman;阿卜杜勒拉赫曼·优素菲;; small staff;人数不多的工作人员;; International Presentation Association of the Sisters of the Presentation;圣母进殿派修女国际协会;; Ath Thamad;塞迈德山;; Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela;玻利瓦尔委内瑞拉共和国;; Bur Fu抋d;福阿德港;; Bur Sa抜d;塞得港;; Great Bitter Lake;大苦湖;; Information and Strategy Analysis Secretariat;信息和战略分析秘书处;ISAS;信息战略秘书处 ad hoc scale of assessments for the United Nations peacekeeping operations;联合国维持和平行动经费的特设分摊比额表;; Qiryat Gat;加特村;; Qiryat;村;; Qiryat Shemona;谢莫纳村;; Ra抯 an Naqb;拉斯纳克布;; Ra抯 Sudr;拉斯苏德尔;; Holy Qur'an;可兰经;; Commission for the Study and Reform of the Civil Code;研究和改革民法典委员会;; continued service;连续工作;; regional task groups;地区工作组;; Workshop on the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol;京都议定书清洁发展机制讲习班;; Majuro Statement on Climate Change;关于气候变化的马朱罗声明;; High-level Steering Group on Disarmament and Development;裁军和发展问题高级别指导小组;; Forum on Emerging Democracies;新兴民主国家论坛;; Sana'a Declaration;萨那宣言;; Cartagena de Indias Declaration Rio Group 2000: Commitment for the Millennium;里约集团2000年卡塔赫纳德印第亚斯宣言:千年承诺;; Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Mobilization of Human Resources for Scientific and Technological Development in Developing Countries;动员人力资源促进发展中国家科技发展特设专家组;; Angola-Zambia Joint Defence and Security Commission;安哥拉-赞比亚共同防御和安全委员会;; Joint Verification Team;联合核查小组;; hunger gap;饥荒期;; Memoranda of Understanding/Contracts Management Section;谅解备忘录和合同管理科;; Movement Control/Air Support Section;调度和空中支援科;; Building Management Support Section;房舍管理支助科;; Central Integrated Support Service;中央综合支助处;; Seminar on prospects for Palestinian economic development and the Middle East peace process;巴勒斯坦经济发展和中东和平进程前景讨论会;; international development strategy for the first decade of the new millennium;新千年第一个十年国际发展战略;; Charter on Good Neighbourly Relations, Stability, Security and Cooperation in South-eastern Europe;东南欧睦邻关系、稳定、安全和合作宪章;; American Centre for International Labour Solidarity;美国国际劳工团结中心;ACILS; Sierra Leone Labour Congress;塞拉利昂劳工大会;; Gems and Jewellery Export Promotion Council;珠宝出口促进理事会;; Engineering and Technology Division;工程和技术司;; Global Renewable Energy Education and Training Programme;全球可再生能源教育和训练方案;; Africa solar forum;非洲太阳能论坛;; Expert Meeting on Renewable Energy;可再生能源专家会议;; Business and Investment for the World Solar Programme 1996-2005;1996-2005年世界太阳能方案商业和投资会议;; Business and Investment Seminar for Renewable Energy in Latin America;拉丁美洲可再生能源商业和投资讨论会;; Island Solar Summit - Renewable Energies for Islands;岛屿太阳能首脑会议-岛屿可再生能源;; Business and Investment Forum for Renewable Energy in Africa;非洲可再生能源商业和投资讨论会;; Yankee CD;美元定期存单;; International Banking Facilities;国际银行设施;IBFs; ABN AMRO Bank;荷兰银行;; general capital increase;一般资本增加;GCI; Civilian Military Coordination Cell;军民协调小组;CIMIC; Office of Legal Aid and Detention Matters;法律援助和拘留事务处;; International Banking Facility;国际银行设施;IBF; robust rule of engagement;强力接战规则;; Inter-Parliamentary Union Conference of Presiding Officers;各国议会联盟千年议长大会;; Interparliamentary Union Conference of Presiding Officers;各国议会联盟千年议长大会;; HEINBECKER, Paul;保罗·海因贝克尔;; Observatoire Gouvernance-Transparence;透明施政观察所;; Belgian Research and Information Group on peace and security in the Great Lakes region;比利时大湖区和平与安全问题研究和信息小 组;GRIP;和安研究组 Compagnie aerienne des Grands Lacs;大湖航空公司;CAGL; International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement;国际红十字和红新月运动;; dzud;暴风雪;; Multilateral Development Banks;多边开发银行;MDBs; Multilateral Development Bank;多边开发银行;MDB; poverty reduction strategy papers;减贫战略文件;PRSPs; highly-leveraged institutions;高度举债机构;HLIs; highly-leveraged institution;高度举债机构;HLI; international financial institutions;国际金融机构;IFIs; Nuclear Power Plant;核电厂;NPP; Shelter Implementation Plan;掩蔽工程实施计划;SIP; South-East European Cooperation Process;东南欧合作进程;SEECP; Agenda for Stability;稳定纲领;; Conseil National d'Observation Electorale;全国选举观察委员会;CNO; staff and affiliates;工作人员和有关人员;; HOLKERI, Harri;哈里·霍尔克里;; Administrative Radio Conference;无线电行政会议;; Additional Protocol to the Treaty of Asunci concerning the institutional structure of MERCOSUR;亚松森条约关于南锥体共同市场组织结构的附加议定书;; Administration and Finance Information System;行政和财务信息系统;AFI; Administration and Management Information Systems Section;行政和管理信息系统科;; Administration and Training Division;行政和训练司;; Administrative and Operational Services Costs;行政和业务服务费用;AOSC; Administrative Telegraph and Telephone Conference;电报电话行政会议;; United Nations Transnational Organised Crime Convention;联合国跨国有组织犯罪公约;; Ministerial Conference on Combating Transnational Organised Crime;打击跨国有组织犯罪部长级会议;; Anti-bribery Convention;反行贿公约;; Six Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention on Climate Change;气候变化框架公约缔约方第六次会议;COP6; International Oil Pollution Compensation;国际油污赔偿;IOPC;油污赔偿 International Oil Pollution Compensation Convention;国际油污赔偿公约;; Nuclear Safety Account Grant Agreement;核安全帐户赠款协定;; Verification Protocol to strenthen the Biological Weapons Convention;加强生物武器公约核查议定书;; HOFFMANN, Wolfgang;沃尔夫冈·霍夫曼;; Central African Multinational Force;中部非洲多国部队;FOMAC; Defence Commission for the Central African Countries;中部非洲国家防务委员会;; Subregional Conference on the Problem of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in the Central African Region;中部非洲区域难民和境内流离失所者问题分 区域会议;; Africa Task Force Secretariat;非洲工作队秘书处;WPTS; African Association for Cartography;非洲制图协会;; Interamerican Center for Research and Documentation on Professional Capacity Building of ILO;劳工组织美洲专业能力建设研究和文献中心;CINTERFOR;美洲专业能力建设中心 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司