翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991; International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia;起诉应对1991年以来前南斯拉夫境内所犯严 重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者的国际法 庭前南问题国际法庭前南问题国际法庭;ITFY;前南问题国际法庭 matrix management;矩阵管理;; Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Burundi;联合国人权事务高级专员驻布隆迪办事处 人权专员驻布办事处;OHCDHB;人权专员驻布办事处 United Nations Interagency Gender Group;联合国机构间性别问题小组;; Framework Agreement for the Conservation of Living Marine Resources in High Seas of the South-east Pacific;养护东南太平洋公海海洋生物资源框架协定;; Dinka Committee;丁卡族委员会;; Special Rapporteur on the right to education;教育权利特别报告员;; Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery;当代形式奴隶制特别报告员;; SAMI, Shafi;沙菲·萨米;; Special Rapporteur on the right to freedom of opinion and expression;意见和言论自由权利特别报告员;; Ouagadougou Declaration;瓦加杜古宣言;; Iran-United States Claims Tribunal;伊朗-美国索赔法庭;; Statement on security assurances in connection with Mongolia's nuclear-weapon-free status;关于针对蒙古无核武器地位的安全保证的声 明;; unilateral negative security assurances;单方面消极安全保证;; United Nations Day for Women's Rights and International Peace;联合国妇女权利与国际和平日;; Claims Resolution Tribunal for Dormant Accounts in Switzerland;瑞士休眠帐户理赔法庭;; International Conference on War-Affected Children;受战争影响儿童问题国际会议;; Trust Fund for Sierra Leone;塞拉利昂信托基金;; International Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks;养护和管理鲨鱼国际行动计划;; Post Employment Fund;就业后基金;; European Agency for Reconstruction;欧洲重建机构;; Division for Finance and Administration;财务和行政司;; Human Resources Management Division;人力资源管理司;; Division for Business Development and Strategic Planning;业务发展和战略规划司;BDSP; Congr鑣 des progressistes pour la lib閞ation;争取解放进步人士大会解进大会;CPL;解进大会 Network of Space Science and Technology Education and Research Institutions for States of Central Eastern and South Eastern European Countries;东中欧和东南欧各国国家空间科学技术教育和研究机构网;; Sahel and Sahara States Grouping;萨赫勒和撒哈拉国家集团;SSSG; Task Force on Trafficking in Persons;贩卖人口问题工作队;; Danube Subcommission on Missing Persons;多瑙河地区失踪者小组委员会;; Zero Tolerance Campaign against trafficking of women;对贩卖妇女行为零容忍运动;; Euro-Mediterranean conference on investment;欧洲-地中海投资会议;; Euro-Mediterranean Observatory for Employment and Vocational Training;欧洲-地中海就业和职业训练观察站;; Stuttgart Ministerial Conference;斯图加特部长级会议;; Council of Ministers responsible for Equal Opportunities;平等机会部长理事会;; Initiative "Lifelong Learning";“终身学习”倡议;; Working Group on Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Mechanisms of the Commission on Human Rights;加强人权委员会机制的效力工作组;; Working Group on Communications;来文工作组;; judicial calendar;审案日程表;; SESSAY, Issa;伊萨·塞萨伊;; Scheveningen;斯海弗宁恩;; Commission on War-affected Children;战乱儿童问题委员会;; STEFANEK, Drahoslav;德拉霍斯拉夫·斯特凡内克;; MUL, Erick de;埃利克·德穆尔;; de MUL, Erick;埃利克·德穆尔;; Centre for Emergency Preparedness and Response;应急准备和反应中心;; growth with equity;讲求公平的增长;; New Global Human Order;全球人类新秩序;; Like-minded Group;观点一致国家集团;; Miami Group;迈阿密集团;; Compromise Group;妥协集团;; Cease-fire and Disarmament Committee;宛和解除武装委员会;; Center for Social Action;社会行动中心;CSA; Central American Commission for Human Development;中美洲人类发展委员会人类发展委员会;CCDH;人类发展委员会 Central American Commission on Science and Technology;中美洲科学技术委员会;; Central Coordinating Unit;中央协调股;; dollar-driven expenditures;美元推算的开支;; performance-related pay;按业绩计薪;; ektachrome colour slides;爱克塔彩色反转片;; Conflict Management Centre;冲突管理中心;CMC; YOUN, KEUM Ki;尹锦基;; GUL, Ahn Byong;屈安秉;; Charter on the Rights of the Arab Child;阿拉伯儿童权利宪章;; SAMANTHAP, Sinchai;信猜·沙曼他;; ATUTUBO, Angel G.;安杰尔·阿杜杜博;; Sinchai, SAMANTHAP;信猜·沙曼他;; principle of common but differentiated responsibilities;共同而有区别的责任原则;; Christian Welfare and Social Relief Organization;基督教福利和社会救济组织;; Classification of Commodities by Industrial Origin;按工业原产地分列的商品分类;CCIO; merit pay;量才计薪;; HA, Jae Pyung;何斋秉;; lump-sum bonus;一次整付的奖金;; statement of worth;价值说明书;SOW; airfield handling;机场装卸;; field expendable supply system;外地消耗性供应系统;FESS; field procurement management system;外地采购管理系统;FPMS; cooperative investigation in the North and Central Western Indian Ocean;北印度洋和西印度洋中部合作调查;EINCWIO; Parliamentary Vision of international cooperation on the eve of the third millennium;在第三个千年前夕议员对国际合作的展望;; Cooperative Programme of Trans-national Research in Family Planning Behaviour;计划生育行为跨国研究合作方案;; Coordination and World Disarmament Campaign Section;协调和世界裁军运动科;; Coordination Committee on Multilateral Payments Arrangements and Monetary Cooperation among Developing Countries;发展中国家间多边支付安排和货币合作协调委员会;; open, equitable, rule-based, predictable and non-discriminatory multilateral trading and financial system, an;开放的、公平的、有章可循的、可预测的和 非歧视性的多边贸易和金融体制, 一个;; Coalition of Labor Union Women;工会妇女联盟;CLUW; Coalition on the Rights of the Child;儿童权利联盟;; Coastal States Group on the Exclusive Economic Zone;专属经济区问题沿海国小组;; International Migrant's Day;国际移徙者日;; Global Ministerial Environment Forum;全球部长级环境论坛;; Malmo Ministerial Declaration;马尔默部长级宣言;; Southern African Regional Police Chiefs Cooperation Organization;南部非洲警察局长区域合作组织;SARPCO; crisis responses and analysis team;晰应付和分析工作队;CRT; Declaration on Strategic Partnership between the Republic of India and the Russian Federation;印度共和国和俄罗斯联邦战略伙伴关系宣言;; Strategy for the Promotion of a New Global Human Order, a;促进全球人类新秩序的战略;; Independent expert on the right to development;发展权利问题独立专家;; deprivational index;贫穷指数;; Dirigiste Period, the;统制经济期;; Convention of the Organization of the Islamic Conference on Combating International Terrorism;伊斯兰会议组织关于打击国际恐怖主义的公约;; Mini Summit on the Democratic Republic of the Congo;刚果民主共和国问题微型首脑会议;; BIREEDO, Omer Yousif;奥马尔·优素福·比里多;; FLOGAITIS, Spyridon;斯皮里宗·弗洛盖蒂斯;; subregional conference on the protection of women and children in armed conflicts;在武装冲突中堡妇女和儿童问题分区域会 议;; KANDANGA, Gebhard Benjamin;格布哈特·本杰明·坎丹加;; UNESCO International Congress on Inter-religious Dialogue and a Culture of Peace;教科文组织宗教间对话与和平文化国际大会;; Expanding Contraceptive Choice and Improving Quality of Reproductive Health Programmes;增加避孕选择改善生殖健康方案质量;; Subregional Conference on the Question of Refugees and Displaced Persons in Central Africa;中部非洲难民和流离失所者问题分区域会议;; Summit Meeting of Heads of State of Central Africa;中部非洲国家元首首脑会议;; crisis management team;晰处理工作队;CMT; Declaration and Agreement on Education;教育宣言和协定;; STERN, Brigitte;布里吉特·斯特恩;; Forum on China-Africa Cooperation-Ministerial Conference 2000;中非合作论坛-2000年部长级会议;; Comprehensive Judicial Reform Strategy;全面司法改革战略;; Working Group on a Postal Public Corporation;邮政公用事业公司工作组;; Telecommunications Regulatory Agency;电信管理署;TRA; Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems;监督控制和数据收集系统;SCADA Systems; Joint Power Coordination Centre;联合电力协调中心;; Bosnia and Herzegovina Road Infrastructure Public Corporation;波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那公路基础设施公用事业公司;; Broadcasting Infrastructure Corporation;广播基础设施公司;TRANSCO; Joint State-Entity Ministerial meeting on the fight against drug;打击毒品国家实体联合部长级会议;; Democratic Socialist Party;民主社会党民社党;DSP;民社党 Common Market of the South;南方共同市场;MERCOSUR; World Radiation Data Centre;世界辐射数据中心;WRDC; Africa Bureau;非洲局;; Human Resources HR;人力资源司;HR; Director, Human Resources;人力资源司司长;; Strategy and Policy;战略和政策司;SP; Feeding Support Unit;供餐支助股;; Interagency Affairs Branch;机构间事务处;RECI; Office of the Humanitarian Adviser;人道主义事务顾问办公室;OHA; Senior Programme Adviser;高级方案顾问;; Africa Region;非洲区域;; democratic and equitable international order, an;民主和公平的国际秩序, 一个;; Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order, an;促进建立一个民主和公平的国际秩序;; China-Africa Products Exhibition Center;中国-非洲产品展销中心;; Joint Business Council;工商联合会;; African Human Resources Development Fund;非洲人力资源开发基金;; Beijing Declaration of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation;中非合作论坛北京宣言;; Programme for China-Africa Cooperation in Economic and Social Development;中非经济和社会发展行动纲领;; China-Africa Cooperation Forum;中非合作论坛;; China-Africa Joint Business Council;中国-非洲工商联合会;; It is so decided.;就这样决定。;; Korean Armistice mechanism;朝鲜停战机制;; durable peace-ensuring system;确保持久和平的制度;; Forum Kumunikasi Perempuan Lorosae;;FOKUPERS; BLANCO DOMINGUEZ, Ramon Osiris;拉蒙·奥西里斯·布兰科·多明格斯;; DOMINGUEZ, Ramon Osiris BLANCO;拉蒙·奥西里斯·布兰科·多明格斯;; open, rule-based, accountable, predictable, just, equitable, comprehensive, development-oriented and non-discriminatory system of social and economic relations;开放、尊重规则、职责分明、可预测、公正 、平等、全面、注重发展和非歧视的社会经 济关系,一个;; Conference Row;会议街;; programmes and funds;各方案和基金;; hydro-abrasive cutting;水磨切割;; hydro-jet cutting;水力切割;; warrant;授权令;; Working Group on Trade Facilitation and Liberalization;简化贸易手续和贸易自由化工作组;; Committee on Comparative Analysis of Fertility and Family Planning;生育率和计划生育比较分析委员会;; transitional rules of criminal procedure;过渡刑事诉讼规则;; exhumation;挖尸检验;; Committee on Parliamentary, Juridical and Human Rights Questions;议会、司法和人权问题委员会;; Committee on Poverty Alleviation through Economic Growth and Social Development;通过经济增长和社会发展减缓贫穷委员会;; Force Commander-designate;候任部队指挥官;; Commander-designate;候任指挥官;; Convention on the prevention of illegal transfer of funds and repatriation of funds to their countries of origin;防止非法转移资金及将资金汇返原 主国的公 约;; High-Level Event on Financing for Development 2001;发展筹资问题高级别活动2001年;; Vilnius Statement;维尔纽斯声明;; Namibian Defence Force;纳米比亚国防军;NDF; OPAND, Daniel ISHMEAL;丹尼尔·伊斯梅尔·奥潘德;; Declaration of the UNESCO International Congress on Inter-religious Dialogue and a Culture of Peace;教科文组织国际宗教间对话和和平文化大会 的宣言;; International Congress on Inter-religious Dialogue and a Culture of Peace;国际宗教间对话和和平文化大会;; LUBBERS, Ruud;吕德·吕贝尔斯;; FU, Zhigang;付志刚;; UNGASS-WSC;关于世界首脑会议后续行动的大会特别会议;UNGASS-WSC; United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Children;关于儿童问题的联合国大会特别会议;; Alliance for Sustainable Development in Central America;中美洲可持续发展联盟;; Stockholm Declaration on the effects of Hurricane Mitch;关于米奇飓风影响的斯德哥尔摩宣言;; PADILLA TONOS, Pedro;佩德罗·帕迪利亚·托诺斯;; TONOS, Pedro PADILLA;佩德罗·帕迪利亚·托诺斯;; Common African and Mauritian Organization;非洲和毛里求斯共同组织;OCAM; Bangkok Declartion: global dialogue and dynamic engagement;曼谷宣言:全球对话和有利的承诺;; funded operating reserve;基金性的业务准备金;; GONZALEZ, Juan Ramon;胡安·拉蒙·冈萨雷斯;; Commonwealth Programme for Sustainable Tropical Forestry;英联邦可持续热带森林方案;CPSTF; developing country parties;发展中国家缔约方;; dichloropropane;二氯丙烷;; Pan-European Forum on Business and Investment for Renewable Energy;泛欧可再生能源商业和投资论坛;; Conference and Exhibition on World Solar Cooking and Food Processing: Strategies and Financing;世界太阳能做饭和食品加工会议和展览:战略与融资;; World Renewable Energy Congress;世界可再生能源大会;; African Solar Forum;非洲太阳能论坛;; capacity-building facility;能力建设融资机制;CBF; Conciliation Rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law;联合国国际贸易法委员会调解规则;; International Peace Monitoring Team;国际和平监测队;IPMT; Honiara Peace Accord;霍尼拉和平协议;; Marau Communique;马劳公报;; Panatina Agreement;帕纳蒂纳协定;; Buala Peace Communique;布阿拉和平公报;; Auki Communique;奥基公报;; National Provident Fund;国家储备基金;NPF; Malaita Provident Fund;马莱塔储备基金;; Suava Bay Fisheries Centre;苏阿瓦湾渔业中心;; Wairokai Industrial Sea Port;怀罗凯工业海港;; Leili Island Tourism Site;莱利岛旅游区;; Peace Monitoring Council;和平监测委员会;PMC; Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Transitional Administrator;秘书长特别代表兼过渡行政长官;; Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Transitional Administrator, the East Timor Transitional Administration;秘书长特别代表兼东帝汶过渡行政当局过渡 行政长官办公室;; freedom of the air;航空自由;; Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Humanitarian Assistance and Emergency Rehabilitation;主管人道主义援助和紧急复原的秘书长副特 别代表;; Office of the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Humanitarian Assistance and Emergency Rehabilitation;主管人道主义援助和紧急复原的秘书长副特 别代表办公室;; Department of Police and Emergency Services of the East Timor Transitional Administration;东帝汶过渡行政当局警察和紧急事务部;; National Planning and Development Agency of the East Timor Transitional Administration;东帝汶过渡当局国家规划和发展署;; Darwin Liaison Office;达尔文联络处;; administrative/logistics rear base;行政/后勤后方基地;; Office of the Communications and Public Information;传播和新闻处;; heavy crude and tar sands;重质原油和沥青砂;; cultural pluralism;文化多元性; 多元文化;; cultural diversity;文化多样性;; plasma physics;等离子物理;; controlled nuclear fusion research;受控核聚变;; Office of the Principal Legal Advisor;首席法律顾问办公室;; Deputy Principal Legal Adviser;副首席法律顾问;; Legal Policy and Law Reform Division;法律政策和法律改革司;; Legislative Division;立法司;; Deputy Human Rights Adviser;副人权顾问;; human rights field coordinator;人权外地协调员;; Radio UNTAET;东帝汶过渡当局电台;; TV UNTAET;东帝汶过渡当局电视台;; Department of Political, Constitutional and Electoral Affairs;政治、宪政和选举事务部;; Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia;密克罗西亚联邦议会;; East Timor Transitional Administration;东帝汶过渡内阁;ETTA; Office of the Inspector General;监察主任办公室;; Central Administrative Service;中央行政处;CAS; Civil Service Academy;公务员学院;; Cabinet Secretariat;内阁秘书处;; temporary security zone;临时安全区;TSZ; Security Council Working Group on the Brahimi Report;安全理事会卜拉希米报告工作组;; Office of Legal and Procurement Support;法律和采购支助处;; Donor Coordination Unit;捐助者协调股;; Gender Affairs Unit;性别事务股;; Census and Statistics Unit;入口普查和统计股;; Office of the Police Commissioner;警务专员处;; Office of Civil Security, Fire and Emergency Relief;民事安全、消防和紧急救济处;; Civil Security Section;民事安全科;; Government Security Section;政府安全科;; Joint Statement on Cooperation on Strategic Stability;关于在战略稳定贩卖进行合作的联合声明;; East Timorese Building Guard Service;东帝汶大楼警卫处;; Joint statement on principles of strategic stability;关于战略稳定原则的联合声明;; Information and Liaison Service;信息和联络处;; Document Protection and Classification Service;文件堡和分类处;; Strategic Stability Cooperation Initiative;战略稳定合作倡议;; Pan-African Conference of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies;泛非红十字会和红心月会会议;; Economic Planning and Project Assessment Unit;经济规划和项目评估股;; Joint Center for Early Warning Systems Data Exchange and Missile Launch Notification;预警系统数据交换和导弹发射通知联合中心;; No exit without strategy;没有战略,就无法撤出;; Declaration on allied cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia directed towards the twenty-first century;俄罗斯联邦与亚美尼亚共和国面向二十一世 纪的联盟合作宣言;; Eurasian Economic Community;欧亚经济共同体;; Townsville Peace Agreement;汤斯维尔和平协定;; Malaita Eagle Force;马莱塔鹰部队马鹰部队;MEF;马鹰部队 Isatabu Freedom Movement;伊萨塔布自由运动伊自运;IFM;伊自运 Solomon Islands Government, the;所罗门群岛政府;SIG;所岛政府 Malaita Provincial Government;马莱塔省政府马省府;MPG;马省府 Guadalcanal Provincial Government;瓜达尔卡纳尔省政府瓜省府;GPG;瓜省府 SAFRONKOV, V.K.;萨夫龙科夫;; Joint Statement on the Global Compact;关于全球协约的联合声明;; STERNIK, A. V.;施特尼克;; Moscow Centre for the Exchange of Information on Missile Launches;莫斯科导弹发射情报交流中心;; Procurement Adviser;采购顾问;; CAO, Qing;曹青;; Joint Data Exchange Center;联合数据交换中心;JDEC; Global Control System for Non-Proliferation of Missiles and Missile Technologies;不扩散导弹和导弹技术全球控制系统;GCS; Declaration for Peace and Harmony;和平与和谐宣言;; Community Assistance to Reconstruction, Development and Stabilization programme;共同体援助重建、发展和稳定方案;CARDS programme; Personal Representative of the Secretary-General for the United Nations Year of Dialogue among Civilizations;负责联合国不同文明之间对话年的秘书长个人代表;; Royal Australian Regiment;澳大利亚皇家步兵团;RAR;步兵团 Key actions for the further implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development;为进一步执行国际人口与发展会议行动纲领采取的重大行动;; Asia-Africa Expert Group Meeting on Promoting Value-added Activities in the Informal Sector in Africa;关于促进非洲非正规经济部门增值活动的亚非专家组会议;; Working Group on Environmental Measures and International Trade;环境措施和国际贸易工作组;EMIT; Working Group on Export of Domestically Prohibited Goods and Other Hazardous Substances;国内违禁商品和其他危险物质出口问题工作组;; Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1928 2000 concerning the situation between Eritria and Ethiopia;安全理事会关于厄立特里亚与埃塞俄比亚间 局势的第19282000号决议所设委员会;; ECOWAS Committee of Six on Sierra Leone;西非经共体塞拉利昂问题六国委员会;; ammunition and explosives;弹药和爆炸物;; Implementation Monitoring Committee;执行监测委员会;IMC;执监委 State-of-the-art Information Technologies in Aviation business;航空业最新信息技术协会;SITA; International Day of Solidarity;国际团结日;; PETRIC, Ernest;埃内斯特·彼得里奇;; Agreement on Ceasefire and Cessation of Hostilities;宛和停止敌对行动协定;; KPOSOWA, Jonathan Jim;乔纳森·吉姆·波索瓦;; Committee of Six on Sierra Leone;塞拉利昂问题六国委员会;; convention of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law Unidroit on international interests in mobile equipment, draft;国际统一私法协会关于对流动设备的关注公 约草案;; Space Mellennium: Vienna Declaration on Space and Human Development;空间千年:维也纳空间与人类发展宣言;; Vienna Declaration on Space and Human Development;维也纳空间与人类发展宣言;; Cambodian Mine Action Authority;柬埔寨排雷行动管理局排雷局;CMAA;排雷局 Landmine Survivors Network;地雷幸存者网络幸存者网络;LSN;幸存者网络 Working Group on Victim Assistance;援助受害者工作组;WGVA; Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Action;阿塞拜疆国家排雷行动署排雷署;ANAMA;排雷署 Survey Action Centre;普查行动中心;SAC; Assistance Programm for Demining in Central America;中美洲排雷援助方案中美洲排雷方案;PADCA;中美洲排雷方案 Mine Clearance Assistance Mission in Central America;中美洲排雷援助团中美洲排雷团;MARMINCA;中美洲排雷团 Programme for Demining Assistance in Ecuador/Peru;厄瓜多尔/秘鲁排雷援助方案;PADEP;厄秘排雷方案 Mine Action Programme for Afghanistan;阿富汗排雷行动方案;MAPA;排雷方案 National Mine Action Institute;国家排雷行动研究所;INAROEE;排雷所 Mine Action Programme;排雷行动方案;MAP; Instituto Nacional de Desminagem;国家排雷研究所;IND;排雷所 Somalia Mine Action Centre;索马里排雷行动中心;SMAC; Somali Civil Protection Programme;索马里平民堡方案;SCPP; Thai Mine Action Centre;泰国排雷行动中心;TMAC; National Demining Commission;国家排雷委员会;NDC; Firman;法令;; Prosecutor Service;检察官处;; Office of the General Prosecutor for East Timor;东帝汶检察长办公室;; General Prosecutor;检察长;; Office of the Deputy Prosecutor for Serious Crimes;主管重罪的副检察官办公室;; Deputy Prosecutor for Serious Crimes;主管重罪的副检察官;; Deputy Prosecutor for Ordinary Crimes;主管普通罪的副检察官;; Office of the Deputy Prosecutor for Ordinary Crimes;主管普通罪的副检察官办公室;; Serious Crimes Investigation Unit;重罪调查股;; Judicial Reform and Court Administration Service;司法改革和法院管理处;; Law Reform Commission;法律改革委员会;; Public Defence, Legal Aid and Legal Training Service;公设辩护律师、法律援助和法律培训处;; Penal Management and Training Service;刑事管理和培训处;; Prison Service of East Timor;东帝汶监狱处;; Land Registration Office;土地登记办公室;; Land Mediation Office;土地调解办公室;; Land Tribunal;土地法庭;; Land Court;土地法院;; Division of Political Affairs;政治事务司;; East Timor Revenue Service;东帝汶税务局;ETRS; Deputy Director for Political Affairs;政治事务副主任;; Division of Constitutional Affairs;宪政事务司;; Deputy Director for Electoral Operations;选举事务副主任;; Department of Finance;财政部;; Budget Office;预算司;; Department of Internal Administration;内政部;; Civil Service and Public Employment Service;公务员制度和公众就业处;; Office of District Affairs;地区事务处;; District Administration;区管理处;; Office of the District Administrator;区行政长官办公室;; Border Service;边境事务处;; Border Control Service;边境管制处;; Dalap-Uliga-Darrit;达拉普-乌利加-达里特;; Civil Registry Service;民事登记处;; National Archives Service;国家档案处;; Department of Infrastructure;基础设施部;; Infrastructure Advisory Council;基础设施咨询委员会;; Division of Information Technology, Post and Telecommunications;信息技术、邮政和电信司;; Convention and Protocols for the Protection and Management of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the East African Region;堡和管理东非区域海洋和沿悍境公约和议定书;; Information Technology and the Internet Service;信息技术和因特网处;; Division of Transportation;运输司;; Vehicle Registration Section;车辆登记科;; Maritime Service;海运处;; Aviation Service;空运处;; Roads Service;公路处;; Division of Energy, Water and Sanitation;能源、供水和环卫司;; Power Service;供电处;; Office of Electricity;电力处;; Water and Sanitation Service;供水和环卫处;; Public Works Service;公共工程处;; National Institute of Cadastre and Geodesy;国家土地清册和大地测量研究所;; Department of Economic Affairs;经济事务部;; Department of Finance, Budget and Economic Affairs;财政、预算和经济事务部;; Division of Agricultural Affairs;农业事务司;; appropriate medical qualification;适当医疗资格;; defence;被告方[包括被告及其辩护律师]; 辩护方;; Convention concerning Equal Opportunities and Equal Treatment for Men and Women Workers: Workers with Family Responsibilities;有家庭责任的男女工人同等机会同等待遇公约;; Convention concerning Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize;结社自由及堡组织权公约;; Convention concerning Vocational Guidance and Vocational Training in the Development of Human Resources;人力资源开发职业指导和职业训练公约;; Convention concerning Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of the Disabled Persons;残疾人职业康复和就业公约;; Convention establishing the Latin American Economic System;建立拉丁美洲经济体系协议;; Convention establishing the Solidarity Fund for Economic and Social Development in Non-Aligned Countries;建立不结盟国家经济和社会发展团结基金的 公约;; YUDHOYONO, Susilo Bambang;苏西洛·班邦·尤多约诺;; Convention for Safe Intermodal Transport of Containers;集装箱多式联运安全公约;; Convention for the Establishment of the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization;建立欧洲和地中海植物堡组织公约;; Convention for the Protection and Development of the Natural Resources and Environment of the South Pacific Region;堡和开发南太平洋区域自然资源和环境公约;; plenum;合议庭[法院];; Qiblah;礼拜的朝向;; intrusive search;侵入性搜查;; intrusive search of the body;体内搜查;; alleged victim;声称受害人;; Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean;堡地中海海洋环境和沿海区域公约;; forensic pathologist;法医病理学家;; convict;犯人;; suspected crime;可疑罪行涉嫌犯罪;; question;讯问[法庭];; Office of the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Humanitarian Assistance and Emergency Rehabilitation;主管人道主义援助和紧急复原的秘书长副特 别代表办公室;; Receipt and Inspection Unit;收货和检查股;; Santa Cruz massacre;圣克鲁斯屠杀事件;; Suai church massacre;苏艾教堂屠杀事件;; East Nusa Tenggara;东努沙登加拉;; TALLO, Piet;比埃特·塔洛;; Udayana;乌达亚纳;; SYAHAKRI, Kiki;基基·谢哈克里;; Fisheries and Forestry Service;渔业和林业处;; Food and Horticulture Service;粮食和园艺处;; Agricultural Research, Training and Extension Service;农业研究、培训与推广处;; Division of Commerce, Industry and Tourism;商业、工业和旅游司;; Investment Institute;投资研究所;; Joint Committee on Investment;投资问题联合委员会;; Division of Health Services;卫生事务司;; Central Health Authority;中央卫生局;; Division of Education, Youth and Cultural Services;教育、青年和文化事务司;; Division of Labour and Social Services;劳工和社会服务司;; Public-Private Partnerships for Infrastructure Development;公私合作促进基础设施发展;; YANG, Dazhu;杨大助;; International AIDS Conference;国际艾滋病会议;; PASTIKA, E Made Mangku;埃·马德·芒库·帕斯蒂卡;; Noelbaki refugee camp;诺埃巴基难民营;; Haliwen refugee camp;哈利文难民营;; Umaklaran resettlement site;乌马克拉兰重新安置点;; Komnas HAM;国家人权委员会;; King's College London;伦敦金斯学院;; ex-TNI reservists from East Timor;东帝汶的前印尼武装部队预备役军人;MILSAS; Pro-integration Armed Forces;赞成合并的武装部队;PPI; NASCIMENTO, Bishop Basilio do;巴西利奥·多纳西门托主教;; RATU, Bishop Anton;安东·拉图主教;; Eurico Guterres Case;欧里科·古特雷斯案件;; Jigyansu Tribal Research Centre;吉格扬苏部落问题研究中心;JTRC;部落问题研究中心 BAKONIARIVO, Jean Delacroix;让·德拉克鲁瓦·巴科尼亚里沃;; KUCHYNSKI, Valeri P.;瓦列里·库欣斯基;; VALDES, Gabriel;加布里埃尔·巴尔德斯;; Information and Technology Services Division;信息技术事务司;ITSD; principle of "prosecute or extradite";“不引渡就起诉”原则;; partnership agreement;伙伴关系协定;; certifying authority;核证机构核证人;; Secretary-General's certificate;秘书长证明书;; Special Rapporteur on the right to adquate housing;适当住房权利问题特别报告员;; KOTHARI, Miloon;米隆·科塔里;; special rapporteur on measures to combat contemporary forms of racism discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance;向当代各种形式种族主义、种族歧视、仇外 心理和有关不容忍行为进行战斗的措施问题 特别报告员;; Executive Coordinator for the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance;反对种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和有关 不容忍行为世界会议执行协调员;; London Intergovernmental Meeting on Conflict Diamonds;关于冲突钻石的伦敦政府间会议;; World Diamond Council;世界钻石理事会;; South Africa-led Kimberley process;南非领导的金伯利进程;; Kimberley process;金伯利进程;; Kimberley Joint Ministerial statement;金伯利联合部长声明;; Dherinia;泽里尼亚;; SESAY, Issa;伊萨·塞萨伊;; Lofa County;洛法县;; Voinjama;沃因贾马;; Operation Thunderbolt;霹雳行动;; Force Engineering Unit;部队工程股;; Mabang River;马邦河;; Moyamba;莫扬巴;; Koinadugu;科伊纳杜古;; permaculture;永久性农业;; Midrex Plant;米德莱克斯炼铁厂;; Krio;克里奥;; Mende;门迪语;; Temne;滕内语;; Limba;林巴语;; Kambia district;卡姆比亚地区;; Okra Hills;奥克拉山;; Gbetis, the;格贝蒂斯派;; West Side group;西边集团;; Bo;博城;; Benguema training centre;本古埃马训练中心;; ZAKI, Hossam;霍萨姆·扎基;; Kabala;卡巴拉;; BumBuna;布姆布纳;; Timor Lorosae Police Service;东帝汶警察[部门];; Ad Hoc Committee of the General Assembly for the Announcement of Voluntary Contributions to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East;宣布向联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程 处提供自愿捐款的大会特设委员会;; clear, credible and achivable mandates;明确、可信和可实现的授权;; Working Group on Relationship Agreement between the Court and the United Nations;法院与联合国之间的关系协定工作组;; Working Group on Crime of Aggression;侵略罪问题工作组;; Working Group on Financial Regulations and Rules;财务条例和规则工作组;; VASSILEV, Giorgi;乔治·瓦西列夫;; LEMA, Robert;罗伯特·莱马;; KO, Ko Shein;高古幸;; Investigations Division;调查司;; Intelligence and Tracking Team;情报和侦查队;; Press and Public Affairs Unit;新闻和公共事务股;; Appeals Support Unit;上诉支助股;; Chambers Support Section;分庭支助科;; Court Management Section;法庭管理科;; Judicial Proceedings Unit;司法程序股;; Judicial Records and Archives Unit;司法记录和档案股;; Foundation ECO-HABITAT;生态-人居基金会;; Tyre City;提尔城;; Commission for Historical Clarification;查明历史真相委员会;; Fiscal Pact for a Future with Peace and Development;关于和平与发展的未来的财政协定;; Miyazaki Initiatives for Conflict Prevention;宫崎防止冲突倡议;; International Centre for Humanitarian Demining;国际人道主义排雷中心;; Special Account for the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon;联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队特别帐户;; Task Force for the Settlement of the issue of East Timorese Refugees in East Timor;在东帝汶安置东帝汶难民问题工作队;PMP; PEREIRA, Dulce Maria;杜尔西·玛丽亚·佩雷拉;; Amman Declaration on Peace through Tourism;关于旅游促进和平的安曼宣言;; Global Summit on Peace through Tourism;全球旅游促进和平首脑会议;; EGAL, Mohamed Ibrahim;穆罕默德·易卜拉欣·埃加勒;; Declaration of Itacuruca;伊塔库鲁萨宣言;; Somali National Peace Conference;索马里全国和平会议;SNPC;和平会议 Info-Ethics Seminar;信息伦理讨论会;; InfoEthics 2000 Latin American and Caribbean governmental experts Consultative Meeting;2000年拉丁美洲和加勒比政府专家信息伦理 协商会议;; International Congress on Cyberspace's Ethical, Legal and Societal Challenges;国际网络空间伦理、法律和社会挑战大会;; Maktab al-Khidamat;服务办事处;MAK; Services Office;服务办事处;; International Islamic Front for Jihad Against the Jews and Crusaders;国际伊斯兰反犹太人和十字军战士圣战阵线;; Famagusta-Dherinia Road;法马古斯塔-泽里尼亚公路;; Kokkina pocket;科基纳袋状区;; Varosha;瓦罗沙;; fenced Varosha;瓦罗沙围栏区;; Toros II;公牛二[演习];; Festival of Mutual Understanding;相互理解节;; Maronites;马龙派教徒;; Karpas;卡帕斯;; Nusa Tenggara archipelago;努沙登加拉半岛;; State-owned enterprise;国有企业 国企;SOEs; SEMAKULA KIWANUKA, Mathias MULUMBA;马赛厄斯·穆隆巴·塞马库拉·基瓦努卡;; Word of Life Christian Fellowship;生活之道基督教联谊会;WOLCF; Correctional Services Production Company;劳改服务生产公司;COSPROD; International Krimnlistische Vereinigung;国际犯罪侦查学学会;; Nouvelles Etudes Penales;新刑法研究;; International Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Sciences;国际刑事犯罪学高级研究所;IIHSCS; United Nations International Commission of Inquiry;联合国国际调查委员会;; Accessing Support Services and Entrepreneurial Technology, Inc.;使用支助事务和企业技术公司;ASSET; Action for Economic Reforms;经济改革行动组织;; Asamblea Por Los Derechos Sociales;社会权利大会;ADS; Centre d'Echanges et Cooperation pour l'Amerique Latine;拉丁美洲交流与合作中心;CECAL; Community Development Concern;社区发展关怀组织;; Danish Association for International Cooperation;丹麦国际合作协会;; European Disability Forum;欧洲残疾人论坛;EDF; European Migrant Union;欧洲移徙者联盟;; Global Forum for Health Research;全球卫生保健研究论坛;; Institute for Family Health Education and Promotion;家庭保健和推广研究所;; International Foundation for Population and Development;人口与发展国际基金会;; Italian Confederation of Workers' Trade Unions;意大利工人工会联合会;; Leadership for Environment and Development;环境与发展领导组织;LEAD; Liaison Committee of Non-Governmental Organizations;非政府组织联络委员会;; Platform of European Social NGOs;欧洲社会非政府组织平台;; Social Alert;社会警报组织;; Social Watch Asia/Philippines;菲律宾亚洲社会观察;; ACP-EEC Courrier;非加太-欧共体通讯;; Independent National Electoral Commission;独立的全国选举委员会;CENI; Committee of Central African Police Chiefs;中部非洲警察首长委员会;CCPAC; United Nations Human Rights Office in Sukhumi;联合国苏呼米人权办事处;; joint statement on the Strategic Stability Cooperation Initiative;关于战略稳定合作倡议的联合声明;; Joint Statement on Principles of Strategic Stability;关于战略稳定原则的联合声明;; Joint Statement on Cooperation on Strategic Stability;关于在战略稳定方面进行合作的联合声明;; Memorandum of Agreement between the Russian Federation and the United States of America on the Establishment of a Joint Center for the Exchange of Data from Early Warning Systems and Notification of Missile Launches;俄罗斯联邦和美利坚合众国关于建立交换导 弹发射早期预警系统数据和通知导弹发射的 联合中心的协定备忘录;; Mahila Dakshta Samiti;达克什塔妇女组织;; Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Meteorology;气象组织-海洋学委员会海洋学和气象学联 合技术委员会;J-COMM;联合技委会 J-COMM-I;气象组织-海洋学委员会海洋学和气象学联 合技术委员会第一届会议;J-COMM-I;联合技委会第一届会议 Head of Department of Navigation and Oceanography;航行和海洋学部主管;HDNO; Methodology Task Team;方法学工作组;MTT; marine and coastal protected area;海洋和沿海堡区;MCPA; Service Peace and Justice in Latin America;拉丁美洲和平与公正服务会;SERPAJ-LA;和平与公正会 SAIL;赛欧;; Provisional Technical Secretariat;临时技术秘书处;PTS; van Boven Principles;范博芬原则;; Victims Declaration;受害人宣言;; Pacific Islands Forum;太平洋岛屿论坛;; Forum Foreign Affairs Ministers Meeting;外交部长论坛会议;FFAMM; Forum Economic Ministers Meeting;经济部长论坛会议;FEMM; Multilateral High Level Conference;多边高级别会议;MHLC; Pacific Regional Trade Agreement;太平洋区域贸易协定;PARTA; smaller island states;较小岛屿国家;SIS; GRANDJEAN, Bernard;贝尔纳·格朗让;; MADARSHAHI, Mehri;梅赫里·马达尔沙希;; provisional outcome document;暂定结论文件;; draft provisional outcome document of the Preparatory Committee for the Special Session of the General Assembly in 2001 for Follow-up to the World Summit for Children;世界儿童问题首脑会议后续行动大会2001年 特别会议筹备委员会暂定结论文件草案;; a world fit for children;适合儿童生存的世界;; Asia-Pacific Spatial Data Infrastructure;亚洲-太平洋空间数据基础设施;APSDI;亚太空间数据设施 Permanent Committee on GIS Infrastructure for Asia and the Pacific;亚洲及太平洋地理信息系统基础设施常设委 员会;PCGIAP;亚太地理信息设施常设会 Programme of Action of the Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island;小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展全球会议行动 纲领;; de MISTURA, Staffan;斯塔凡·德米斯图拉;; KNUTSSON, Rolf Goran;罗尔夫·约兰·克努特松;; STROMMEN, Wegger Christian;韦格·克李斯蒂安·斯特罗门;; Interreligious Peacemaking Forum;宗教间建立和平论坛;; Saint Danil Monastery;圣丹尼尔修道院;; LARAKI, Azeddine;阿兹丁·拉腊基;; LARAKI, Azzedine;阿兹丁·拉腊基;; Hymn to the UN, A;联合国颂;; Rocard-Konare report on the role of a small arms control regime in stemming small arms and light weapons proliferation;关于小武器管制制度对于遏制小武器和轻武 器扩散的作用的罗卡尔-科纳雷报告;; Central European Chambers of Commerce Initiative;中欧商会倡议;CECCI; International NGO Committee on Human Rights;国际非政府组织人权委员会;; National Data Centre;国家数据中心;NDC; Hydroacoustic Monitoring System;水声监测系统;HMS; Seismological Monitoring System;地震监测系统;SMS; Infrasound Monitoring System;次声监测系统;IMS; Radionuclide Monitoring System;放射性核素监测系统;RMS; Technical Training Programme;技术训练方案;TTP; Standard Event List;标准事件清单;SEL; Reviewed Event Bulletin;已审查事件公告栏;REB; SVILANOVIC, Goran;戈兰·斯维兰诺维奇;; Malcolm Shabazz mosque;马尔科姆·沙巴兹清真寺;; economy of communion;共有经济;; culture of giving;分享文化;; MALUNGO, Albino;阿尔比诺·马伦戈;; MAHMOUD, Youssef;优素福·马哈穆德;; HAEKKERUP, Hans;汉斯·海克鲁普;; Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects;防止、打击和消除小武器和轻武器非法贸易 各方面问题行动纲领;; AGWAI, Martin;马丁·阿格瓦伊;; DUNCAN, Alastair;阿拉斯泰尔·邓肯;; Atmospheric Transport Modelling;大气输运模式;ATM; Tampere Convention on the Provision of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations;为减灾救灾行动提供电信资源的坦佩雷公约;; cutting-edge technology;尖端技术;; LAKE, Anthony;安东尼·莱克;; Convention on Terrorism and Kidnapping of Persons for Purposes of Extortion;恐怖主义和为敲诈目的绑架人质公约;; Convention on the African Migratory Locust;非洲流蝗公约;; Convention on the Civil Liability of Owners of Air-Cushion Vehicles for Damage Caused to Third Parties;气垫船所有人对第三者造成损害的民事责任公约;; Convention on the Civil Liability of Railways and Trucking Companies which Provide International Transport Services in Latin America;在拉丁美洲提供国际运输服务的铁路和汽车货运公司的民事责任公约;; Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage;设立油类污染损害赔偿国际基金公约;; Convention on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, draft;订立国际货物销售合同公约草案;; Convention on the International Classification of Patents for Invention;发明专利国际分类公约;; Convention on the Natural Resources and Environment of the South Pacific Region;南太平洋区域自然资源和环境公约;; Convention on the Navigation of the Rhine;莱茵河航行公约;; Convention on the Operations of Insider Trading;内线交易业务公约;; Convention on the Principles and Norms of International Economic Development Law, draft;国际经济发展法原则和规范公约草案;; Convention on the Protection of Lake Constance from Pollution;堡康斯坦茨湖免受污染公约;; Convention on the Protection of the Archaeological, Historical and Artistic Heritage of the American Nations Convention of San Salvador;堡美洲国家考古和艺术遗产公约圣萨尔瓦多公约;; 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司