翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 acid cell 壁细胞 delomorphous cell 壁细胞 oxyntic cell 壁细胞 parietal cell 壁细胞 wall effect 壁效应 parietal pleura 壁胸膜 pleura parietalis 壁胸膜 Alpheratz 壁宿二 Algenib 壁宿一 parietal fold 壁旋褶 wall pressure 壁压 wall stress 壁应力 frieze 壁缘 wallpaper 壁纸 wall board 壁纸板 wallpaper colour 壁纸色调 pilaster 壁柱 wall post 壁柱 bench table 壁柱台座 muriform 壁砖状的 wall mounting 壁装 wall outlet 壁装插座 wall outlet 壁装电源插座 wall winch 壁装绞盘 wall-mounted switchboard 壁装开关板 wall crane 壁装起重机 disease-escaping 避病性 klendusity 避病性 lay-by 避车岔道 turnout 避车道 turnout lane 避车道 refuge platform 避车台 bomb shelter 避弹掩壕 harbor of refuge 避风港 cyclone cellar 避风窖 wind free skylight 避风天窗 anemophobes 避风植物 calcifuge 避钙植物 lucifugous 避光的 photophobic 避光的 photophygous 避光的 photophobe 避光生物 aphototropism 避光性 photopathy 避光性 flood shelter 避洪工程 lightning conductor 避雷导线 lightning switch 避雷开关 arrester 避雷器 lightning arrester 避雷器 lightning protection 避雷 lightning arrester gap 避雷器间隙 lightning arrester characteristics 避雷器特性 lightning conductor 避雷线 lightning arrester 避雷针 lightning conductor 避雷针 lightning rod 避雷针 avoidance 避免 tax avoidance 避免纳税 agreement on avoidance of double taxation 避免双重征税协定 refuge harbour 避难港 port of refuge 避难港 right of asylum 避难权 phobotaxis 避逆趋性 collision preventation 避碰 anticollision regulation 避碰规则 anticollision computer 避碰计算机 anticollision sonar 避碰声呐 photophygous 避强光的 Solifuga 避日目 Solpugida 避日目 summer house 避暑别墅 tax avoidance 避税 tax haven 避税场所 tax haven 避税港 tax paradise 避税港 tax shelter 避税港 tax haven activity 避税港活动 tax-sheltered annuity 避税年金 tax investment 避税投资 tax haven 避税掩蔽所 oxyphobe 避酸植物 diethyltoluamide 避蚊胺 butopyronoxyl 避蚊酮 side cut 避心下锯法 heliophobic 避阳的 heliophobe 避阳植物 chameleon 避役 Chamaeleontidae 避役科 Chamaeleon 避役属 photofobotaxis 避荫趋性 ombrophobous 避雨的 lew 避雨棚 ombrophobe 避雨植物 contraception 避孕 contraceptive prescription 避孕方 intrauterine device 避孕环 contraceptive device 避孕工具 contraceptive 避孕剂 contraceptive device 避孕器 condom 避孕套 contraceptive suppository 避孕栓 test for hole of condom 避孕套针孔试验 acyeterion 避孕药 contraceptive 避孕药 postpill amenorrhea 避孕药后闭经 clutter gating 避杂波选通 vibration damper 避震器 aphercotropism 避阻性 Biguan 髀关 DHU arm DHU臂 arm 臂 brachium 臂 arm ratio 臂比 arm restraint 臂部固定装置 arm length 臂长 brachial plexus 臂丛 plexus brachialis 臂丛 brachial 臂的 brachial artery 臂动脉 shoulder elevation 臂关节弯曲件 nervus cutaneus brachii posterior 臂后皮神经 posterior brachial cutaneous nerve 臂后皮神经 posterior brachial region 臂后区 interarm star 臂际星 arm support 臂架 boom lowering equipment 臂架放倒机构 derricking rope 臂架钢丝绳 jib support 臂架搁置架 boom balancing system 臂架平衡系统 boom hoist 臂式起重机 jib angle indicator 臂架倾角指示器 jib fold mechanism 臂架折叠机构 pericentric inversion 臂间倒位 interarm pairing 臂间配对 brachial fascia 臂筋膜 fascia brachialis 臂筋膜 fascia brachii 臂筋膜 brachial nerve 臂脉 brachial nervures 臂脉 medial brachial intermuscular septum 臂内侧肌间隔 septum intermusculare brachii mediale 臂内侧肌间隔 medial brachial cutaneous nerve 臂内侧皮神经 nervus cutaneus brachii medialis 臂内侧皮神经 paracentromeric heterochromatin 臂内异染色质 nuclei parabrachiales 臂旁核 parabrachial nuclei 臂旁核 medial parabrachial nucleus 臂旁内侧核 nucleus parabrachialis medialis 臂旁内侧核 lateral parabrachial nucleus 臂旁外侧核 nucleus parabrachialis lateralis 臂旁外侧核 anterior brachial region 臂前区 regio brachialis anterior 臂前区 brachial plexus 臂神经丛 arm elevator 臂式升降机 brachial cell 臂室 minimum turning radius of jib nose 臂头最小转弯半径 lateral brachial intermuscular septum 臂外侧肌间隔 septum intermusculare brachii laterale 臂外侧肌间隔 nervus cutaneus brachii lateralis superior 臂外侧上皮神经 superior lateral brachial cutaneous nerve 臂外侧上皮神经 inferior lateral brachial cutaneous nerve 臂外侧下皮神经 nervus cutaneus brachii lateralis inferior 臂外侧下皮神经 Ancalomicrobium 臂微细菌属 A.C.H. index 臂胸髋指数 armband 臂章 arm shaft 臂轴 brachiate 臂状物 arm population 臂族 plica 皱襞 edge 边 margin 边 side 边 margin plate 边缘板 bang board 边板 side board 边板 side plate 边板 edge plane 边刨 boundary effect 边壁效应 edge listing 边编目法 side wave 边波 side lobe 边波瓣 edge-disjoint circuit 边不重的回路 edge and profile sander 边部及型面砂光机 kink 边部浪 edge minting clamp 边部压机 side-to-center shading 边部中部色差 alburnum 边材 sap 边材 sapwood 边材 splint wood 边材 percent sapwood 边材百分率 sap stream 边材斑纹病 sap stain 边材变色 sap rot 边材腐朽 sapwood rot 边材腐朽 sap shake 边材轮裂 list 边材木条 interior sap stain 边材内部变色 sapwood tree 边材树木 side bowl 边槽 side rabbet plane 边槽刨 brink 边侧 side filling fork 边侧纬纱叉 side weft fork 边侧纬纱叉 mean square error of side length 边长中误差 side car 边车 side car buffer lever 边车缓冲杆 side car frame brace 边车架撑 side-car body 边车身 side car handle bar 边车手柄杆 temple 边撑 acrodont 边齿动物 cut-and-fill 边冲边淤 scour and fill 边冲边淤 anaplasmosis 边虫病 gall-sickness 边虫病 Anaplasma 边虫属 flanking window 边窗 setting-out of side plumb-bob 边垂线标定 edge cut 边锉纹 edge cutting angle 边锉纹斜角 sideband 边带 sideband transmission 边带传输 sideband telephony 边带电话 sideband amplifier 边带放大器 sideband interference 边带干扰 sideband power 边带功率 sideband splash 边带溅落 sideband equalization 边带均衡 sideband attenuation 边带衰减 sideband suppression 边带抑制 sideband amplitude 边带振幅 edge cutter 边刀 edge guide mode isolator 边导模隔离器 origin of edge 边的起点 edge-vertex dual 边-顶点对偶 side-construction tile 边端结构瓦 edge polisher 边端抛光机 edge-emitting light emitting diode 边发射发光二极管 outstation 边防哨 edge cover problem 边覆盖问题 side arch 边拱 marginal ray 边光 edge-lighted display 边光显示 side weld 边焊 bark mark 边号 edge tracking 边痕 ray flower 边花 side table 边几 frontier set 边集 marginal yield 边际产量 marginal product 边际产品 marginal product operating 边际产品生产 marginal value 边际产值 marginal cost 边际成本 marginal cost equation 边际成本方程式 marginal costing 边际成本计算 marginal cost price 边际成本价格 marginal cost curve 边际成本曲线 marginal output 边际出产 marginal propensity to save 边际储蓄倾向 marginal deposit-loan ratio 边际存贷率 marginal rate of substitution 边际代替率 marginal lender 边际贷款人 marginal unit cost 边际单位成本 margin stop setting control 边际档定位控制器 margin stop mechanism 边际档机构 margin stop indicator 边际档指示器 marginal pricing 边际定价 marginal pair 边际对偶 marginal distribution 边际分布 marginal classification 边际分类 marginal analysis 边际分析 marginal risk 边际风险 marginal disutility 边际负效用 marginal probability distribution 边际概率分布 marginal land 边际耕地 marginal cultivation 边际耕作 marginal wages quota 边际工资率 marginal company 边际公司 marginal supply price 边际供应价格 marginal supplier 边际供应者 contribution margin 边际贡献 marginal contribution 边际贡献 contribution margin analysis 边际贡献分析 contribution margin ratio 边际贡献率 marginal contribution ratio 边际贡献率 buying on margin 边际购买 marginal desirability 边际合意性 marginal activity 边际活动 marginal rate of technical substitution 边际技术替代率 marginal price 边际价格 marginal value 边际价值 marginal value product 边际价值产品 marginal value productivity 边际价值生产率 marginal checking 边际检验 marginal relief 边际减免 marginal borrower 边际借款人 marginal relief arrangement 边际宽免办法 marginal rate of interest 边际利率 marginal profit 边际利润 profit margin 边际利润 contribution margin analysis 边际利润分析 contribution margin ratio 边际利润率 marginal profit ratio 边际利润率 profit margin rate 边际利润率 marginal trading 边际贸易 marginal density 边际密度 marginal effort 边际努力 marginal frequency 边际频数 marginal enterprise 边际企业 marginal cost of acquisition 边际取得成本 marginal production 边际生产 marginal production well 边际生产井 marginal productivity 边际生产力 law of constant marginal productivity 边际生产力不变法则 law of diminishing marginal productivity 边际生产力递减法则 law of increasing marginal productivity 边际生产力递增法则 law of equi-marginal productivity 边际生产力均等法则 marginal productivity 边际生产率 marginal productivity theory of wages 边际生产率工资理论 marginal productivity theory 边际生产率论 marginal physical-product 边际生产实物量 marginal producer 边际生产者 marginal survival 边际生存 marginal physical-product 边际实物产品 marginal revenue 边际收入 marginal revenue curve 边际收入曲线 marginal revenue production 边际收入生产量 marginal income 边际收益 marginal returns 边际收益 marginal income statement 边际收益表 marginal income ratio 边际收益率 marginal income chart 边际收益图 marginal seller 边际售主 marginal rate of tax 边际税率 marginal tax 边际税收 marginal tax rate 边际税率 marginal cost of acquisition 边际所得物成本 marginal rate of substitution 边际替代比率 marginal clause 边际条款 marginal investment 边际投资 marginal land 边际土地 marginal stability 边际稳定性 marginal physical-product 边际物质产品 marginal propensity to consume 边际消费倾向 marginal efficiency 边际效率 marginal effectiveness 边际效益 marginal effect 边际效应 marginal utility 边际效用 marginal degree of utility 边际效用程度 law of diminishing marginal utility 边际效用递减律 marginal utility theory of value 边际效用价值论 law of equi-marginal utility 边际效用均等法则 marginal utility theory 边际效用说 marginal credit 边际信贷 marginal cost of information 边际信息成本 marginal demand 边际需求 marginal demand price 边际需求价格 marginal need 边际需要 marginal factor cost 边际要素成本 marginal business 边际营业 marginal oilwell 边际油井 marginal well 边际油井 marginal oil product 边际油品 marginal oilfield 边际油田 marginal principle 边际原理 marginal crude oil 边际原油 marginal principle 边际原则 marginal prime cost 边际主要成本 marginal rate of transformation 边际转换率 marginal capital coefficient 边际资本系数 marginal capital expenditure 边际资本支出 side paddle dyeing machine 边桨式染色机 linear intersection 边交会法 edge gluing 边胶合 triangulateration 边角测量 linear-angular intersection 边角交会法 margin trowel 边角抹子 triangulateration network 边角网 edge joint 边接合 edge knot 边节 mid-side node 边节点 np boundary np边界 border 边界 bound 边界 boundary 边界 brink 边界 frontier 边界 periphery 边界 boundary edge 边界边缘 boundary coding 边界编码 boundary tag method 边界标志法 boundary representation 边界表示 boundary wavelength 边界波长 boundary parameter value 边界参数值 boundary survey 边界测量 boundary layer 边界层 boundary layer blowing-off 边界层吹除 boundary layer capacitor 边界层电容器 boundary layer equation 边界层方程 boundary layer stratification 边界层分层 boundary layer separation 边界层分离 boundary layer thickness 边界层厚度 boundary layer jet stream 边界层急流 boundary layer acceleration 边界层加速 boundary layer control 边界层控制 control of boundary layer 边界层控制 boundary layer control cascade 边界层控制叶栅 boundary layer theory 边界层理论 boundary layer flow 边界层流动 boundary flowmeter 边界层流量计 boundary layer meteorology 边界层气象学 boundary layer combustion 边界层燃烧 boundary layer velocity profile 边界层速度剖面 boundary layer suction 边界层吸除 generating flow 边界层增长期流动 boundary layer growth 边界层增厚 injection of boundary layer 边界层注射 boundary layer transition 边界层转捩 boundary layer transition test 边界层转捩试验 bounding parallelotope 边界超平行体 boundary treatment 边界处理 boundary light 边界灯 boundary point 边界点 boundary alignment 边界定位 boundary alignment 边界对齐 boundary correspondence 边界对应 boundary complex 边界复形 boundary height 边界高度 border following 边界跟随 boundary following 边界跟随 boundary tracking 边界跟踪 boundary estimation 边界估算 boundary function 边界函数 boundary cost 边界耗费 borderline mechanism 边界机理 boundary integral method 边界积分法 boundary integral equation method 边界积分方程法 boundary node 边界节点 boundary detection 边界检测 boundary detection 边界检查 boundary angle 边界角 limit angle 边界角 boundary solution method 边界解法 boundary cluster set 边界聚值集 boundary costa 边界壳线 boundary space 边界空间 boundary control 边界控制 marginal bar 边界矿柱 boundary edge 边界棱 boundary continuum 边界连续统 boundary chain 边界链 boundary current 边界流 boundary face 边界面 boundary plane 边界面 boundary surface 边界面 module of boundary 边界模 boundary film 边界膜 boundary friction 边界摩擦 boundary collocation 边界配置 collocation of boundary 边界配置 boundary frequency 边界频率 border zone 边界区 boundary cavitation 边界区空蚀 boundary surface 边界曲面 boundary curve 边界曲线 boundary lubrication 边界润滑 boundary scan 边界扫描 maximum at boundary 边界上极大 pavement epithelium 边界上皮 frontier production function model 边界生产函数模型 boundary contraction method 边界收缩法 number of boundary 边界数 boundary characteristic 边界特征 boundary condition 边界条件 edge condition 边界条件 iterative fulfilment of boundary condition 边界条件的迭代实现 relaxation of boundary condition 边界条件的松弛 boundary node 边界网点 boundary network node 边界网络结 boundary pseudograph 边界伪图 boundary temperature 边界温度 boundary problem 边界问题 boundary vortex 边界涡流 boundary error 边界误差 sideline 边界线 border effect 边界效应 boundary effect 边界效应 boundary cycle 边界循环 boundary element 边界元素 boundary element method 边界元素法 edge load 边界载荷 marginal forward pruning 边界正向修剪 boundary value 边界值 boundary value theorem 边界值定理 boundary value analysis 边界值分析 boundary value function 边界值函数 boundary value problem 边界值问题 boundary optimal constant control 边界最佳常数控制 border frontier 边境 exchange at frontier 边境兑换 border control 边境管制 border price 边境价格 frontier trade 边境贸易 border tax 边境税 currency exchange at border 边境外币兑换 edge distance 边距 edge control rotary switch 边控旋转开关 siding 边宽 cheek 边框 frame 边框 peristyle 边廊式 arris 边棱 edge tone 边棱音 side rod 边连杆 boundary beam 边梁 dumb iron 边梁配件 edge listing 边列表法 edge fracture 边裂 side wheeler 边轮车 marginal vein 边脉 side entrance 边门 wicket door 边门 wicket gate 边门 edge gluing 边粘合 flange thickness 边盘厚度 length between flanges 边盘间的长度 bore diameter of flange 边盘孔径 disk diameter 边盘直径 flange diameter 边盘直径 trimmer 边炮眼 flaw-piece 边皮 side frequency 边频 sideband 边频带 slope 边坡 slope failure 边坡塌落 side cutting 边坡挖土 observation of slope stability 边坡稳定性观测 slope stake location 边坡桩测设 side wall 边墙 rimstone 边石 rimstone dam 边石坝 edging 边饰 mount 边饰 marginal mould 边缘饰条 outer beam convergence shift 边束会聚位移 edge-biconnected graph 边双连通图 boundary water drive 边水驱动 track-while-scan 边搜索边跟踪 exploring mining 边探边采 side flight 边梯 edging 边条 side condition 边条件 edging grinder 边条切碎机 edge graph 边图 peripheral flooding 边外注水 border tie 边纹穿吊 side milling 边铣 marginal test 边限校验 boundary line 边线 border line 边线 edge-vector 边向量 squint brick 边斜砖 read-while-write 边写边读 write-while-read 边写边读 apothem 边心距 edge sequence 边序列 porch 脉冲的边沿 edgewise distortion 边沿变形 edge-triggered flip-flop 边沿触发的触发器 edge-triggered bistable circuit 边沿触发双稳态电路 margin-punched card 边沿穿孔卡片 edge definition 边沿精度 epithallium 边叶状体 epithallus 边叶状体 lateral 边音 beading enamel 边釉 irregular beading 边釉不齐 limbus 边域 margin 意识域边缘 border 边缘 boundary 边缘 brink 边缘 edge 边缘 fringe 边缘 limb 边缘 limbic 边缘 periphery 边缘 rim 边缘 verge 边缘 edge-notched card 边缘凹口卡片 marginal depression 边缘拗陷 border parenchyma 边缘薄壁组织 edge coding 边缘编码 edge labeled graph 边缘标号图 marginal moraine 边缘冰碛 edge wave 边缘波 ruffling 边缘波动 marginal operation 边缘操作 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司