翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 enteric microorganism 肠道微生物 intestinal microflora 肠道微生物区系 enteric bacterium 肠道细菌 intestinal bacteria 肠道细菌 enterotoxin 肠毒素 enterotoxaemia 肠毒血症 enterohepatic circulation 肠肝循环 Enterobacteriaceae 肠杆菌科 Enterobacter 肠杆菌属 intestinal trunks 肠干 trunci intestinales 肠干 enteroglucagon 肠高血糖素 ileus 肠梗阻 intestinal obstruction 肠梗阻 ilium 肠骨 juxtaintestinal lymph nodes 肠管旁淋巴结 nodi lymphatici juxtaintestinales 肠管旁淋巴结 myenteron 肠肌 myenteron 肠肌层 myenteric plexus 肠肌丛 plexus myentericus 肠肌丛 myenteric 肠肌的 Auerbach's plexus 肠肌神经丛 myenteric nervous plexus 肠肌神经丛 myenteric plexus 肠肌神经丛 enterokinase 肠激酶 intestinal disease 肠疾病 incretin 肠降血糖素 enterosympathetic 肠交感神经的 enterophthisis 肠结核 intestinal tuberculosis 肠结核 tuberculosis of intestine 肠结核 enterospasm 肠痉挛 intestinal spasm 肠痉挛 intestinal caecum 肠盲管 entero-oxyntin 肠泌酸素 immunology of the gut 肠免疫学 facies intestinalis 肠面 intestinal surface 肠面 borborygmus 肠鸣 goldbeater's skin 肠膜 goldbeater's-skin hygrometer 肠膜湿度表 Leuconostoc mesenteroides 肠膜状明串珠菌 enteroendocrine cell 肠内分泌细胞 acoprosis 肠内空虚 acoprous 肠内空虚的 intestinal mucosa 肠粘膜 volvulus 肠扭转 enterocystocele 肠膀胱疝 gastrocutaneous pores 肠皮孔 intestinal phase 肠期 gas 肠气 wind 肠气 diverticulosis 肠憩室病 retractores ventriculi 肠牵缩肌 scarabiasis 肠蜣螂病 enterectomy 肠切除术 enterotomy 肠切开术 enterococcus 肠球菌 enterococcin 肠球菌素 intestinal villus 肠绒毛 villikinin 肠绒毛促动素 enteric coatel tablet 肠溶片 Enteropneusta 肠鳃纲 enterocele 肠疝 gut-tie 肠疝气 enteric epithelium 肠上皮 enteric nervous system 肠神经系统 alvinolith 肠石 enterolith 肠石 enterochromaffin cell 肠嗜铬细胞 enterohydrocoel 肠水腔 gut oedema 肠水肿病 erepsin 肠肽酶 invagination 肠套迭 intussuscipiens 肠套迭鞘部 entembole 肠套叠 intussusception 肠套叠 intussusceptum 肠套叠 enterocoele 肠体腔 enterocoelic cavity 肠体腔 enteralgia 肠痛 enterodynia 肠痛 abenteric 肠外的 apenteric 肠外的 extra-intestinal 肠外的 extra-intestinal digestion 肠外消化 intestinal crura 肠腕 entero-epiplocele 肠网膜疝 entero-gastric reflex 肠-胃反射 flatus 肠胃气 flatulence 肠胃气胀 flatulency 肠胃气胀 wind 肠胃气胀 parenteral 肠胃外的 parenteral feeding 肠胃外饲法 gastrointestinal microflora 肠胃微生物区系 entero-anastomosis 肠吻合术 intestinal anastomosis 肠吻合术 mesenterium 肠系膜 mesentery 肠系膜 mesenteric 肠系膜的 mesenteric artery 肠系膜动脉 radix mesenterii 肠系膜根 radix of mesentery 肠系膜根 intermesenteric plexus 肠系膜间丛 plexus intermesentericus 肠系膜间丛 arteria ascendens 肠系膜间动脉 arteria intermesenterica 肠系膜间动脉 ascending artery 肠系膜间动脉 intermesenteric artery 肠系膜间动脉 mesenteric vein 肠系膜静脉 mesenteric hiatal hernia 肠系膜裂孔疝 mesenteric lymphadenitis 肠系膜淋巴结炎 plexus mesentericus superior 肠系膜上丛 superior mesenteric plexus 肠系膜上丛 arteria mesenterica superior 肠系膜上动脉 superior mesenteric artery 肠系膜上动脉 superior mesenteric vein 肠系膜上静脉 vena mesenterica superior 肠系膜上静脉 nodi lymphatici mesenterici superiores 肠系膜上淋巴结 superior mesenteric lymph nodes 肠系膜上淋巴结 ganglion mesentericum superius 肠系膜上神经节 superior mesenteric ganglion 肠系膜上神经节 inferior mesenteric plexus 肠系膜下丛 plexus mesentericus inferior 肠系膜下丛 arteria mesenterica inferior 肠系膜下动脉 inferior mesenteric artery 肠系膜下动脉 inferior mesenteric vein 肠系膜下静脉 vena mesenterica inferior 肠系膜下静脉 inferior mesenteric lymph nodes 肠系膜下淋巴结 nodi lymphatici mesenterici inferiores 肠系膜下淋巴结 ganglion mesentericum inferius 肠系膜下神经节 inferior mesenteric ganglion 肠系膜下神经节 mesenteric vascular occlusion 肠系膜血管闭塞 central mesenteric lymph nodes 肠系膜中央淋巴结 nodi lymphatici mesenterici centrales 肠系膜中央淋巴结 intestinal stenosis 肠狭窄 catgut 肠线 gut 肠线 gutstring 肠线 crypt of Lieberkuhn 肠腺 intestinal gland 肠腺 intestinal digestion 肠消化 intestinal dyspepsia 肠消化不良 intestinal dyspepsia 肠消化不良症 intestine deficiency and diarrhea syndrome 肠虚滑泻证 intestine deficiency instability 肠虚失固 enteritidis 肠炎 enteritis 肠炎 Bacillus enteritidis 肠炎杆菌 Bacterium enteritidis 肠炎杆菌 Salmonella enteritidis 肠炎沙门氏菌 intestinal juice 肠液 succus entericus 肠液 entero-insular axis 肠-胰岛轴 enterogastrone 肠抑胃素 gastric inhibitory polypeptide 肠抑胃肽 acute appendicitis 肠痈 intestinal carbuncle 肠痈 periappendicular abscess 肠痈 enterogenous cyanosis 肠原性发绀 intestinal lipodystrophy 肠原性脂肪代谢障碍 Whipple's disease 肠原性脂肪代谢障碍 enterostomy 肠造瘘术 ankylenteron 肠粘连 intestinal adhesion 肠粘连 appendices epiploicae 肠脂垂 appendices omentales 肠脂垂 epiploic appendices 肠脂垂 enterokinase 肠致活酶 phleboedesis 肠肿 intestinal neoplasm 肠肿瘤 intestinal tumor 肠肿瘤 entrail pahoehoe 肠状绳状熔岩 ptygma 肠状体 ptygmatic fold 肠状体 ptygma 肠状褶皱 ptygmatic fold 肠状褶皱 ptygmatic folding 肠状褶皱 mickey-mouse 尝试 try 尝试 trial and error learning 尝试错误学习 approximation method 尝试法 method of trials and errors 尝试法 trial and error method 尝试法 trial and error procedure 尝试法 try and cut method 尝试法 try-and-error method 尝试法 cut-and-try process 尝试过程 attempt frequency 尝试频率 trial and error decoding 尝试译码 taster 尝味者 gustation 尝味 standing cost 常备成本 standing credit 常备信用证 multiplying constant 常倍数 normally closed push button switch 常闭按钮开关 normally closed contact 常闭触点 normally closed contact 常闭触头 normally closed valve 常闭阀 normally closed contact 常闭合触点 normally closed contactor 常闭接触器 normally closed control element 常闭控制元件 normally closed gate 常闭门 - 电路 unconstant 常变的 ordinary representation 常表示 constant error 常差 ordinary difference equation 常差分方程 ordinary difference differential equation 常差分微分方程 English ivy 常春藤 Hedera helix L. 常春藤 steadiness 常定度 normal closed valve 常断阀 polymictic lake 常对流湖 permanent fault 常发故障 recurrent chain 常返链 ordinary distribution 常分布 mesokurtosis 常峰态 mesokurtic distribution 常峰态分布 normal closed valve 常关阀 convention 常规 conventional rule 常规 routine 常规 ordinary sheathed explosive 常规安全炸药 conventional liner service 常规班轮业务 conventional indication 常规标志 financial regularity audit 常规财务审计 conventional mining 常规采煤法 conventional program 常规程序 conventional programming language 常规程序设计语言 conventional punching machine 常规穿孔机 conventional head 常规磁头 conventional memory 常规存储器 conventionalized data 常规代数据 conventional collateral for loans 常规贷款抵押品 conventional 常规的 routine message 常规电报 conventional scheduler 常规调度程序 conventionally-powered submarine 常规动力潜艇 conventional animal 常规动物 conventional multiprocessor 常规多处理机 conventional waste water treatment 常规废水处理 normal distribution 常规分布 conventional taxonomy 常规分类学 routine analysis 常规分析 conventional grouping 常规分组 conventional drying 常规干燥 regular work 常规工作 regular observation 常规观测 routine observation 常规观测 legal regularity audit 常规合法审计 traditional bombing 常规轰炸 conventional degree of distortion 常规畸变度 normal polarization 常规极化 routine monitoring 常规监测 routine inspection 常规检查 routine check test 常规检查试验 conventional minefield 常规雷场 law of exception to routine 常规列外法则 conventional routing method 常规路径选择方法 regular code 常规码 conventional energy sources 常规能源 regular annual continuous survey 常规年度连续调查 regular annual audit 常规年度审计 conventional diving 常规潜水 ordinary curve 常规曲线 conventional equipment 常规设备 conventional life table 常规生命表 conventional oil 常规石油 conventional beam unit 常规式游梁抽油机 routine test 常规试验 ordinary life 常规寿命 conventional algorithm 常规算法 conventional solar cell 常规太阳电池 ordinary privileged slave program 常规特许从属程序 ordinary privileged slave request 常规特许从属请求 conventional file 常规文件 conventional airplane 常规飞机 conventional weapon 常规武器 conventional significance level 常规显著性水平 mass radiography 常规X线胸片普查 conventional mandrel 常规心轴 conventional information system 常规信息系统 conventional bomb 常规炸弹 traditional bomb 常规炸弹 conventional warhead 常规战斗部 normative order 常规秩序 conventional data 常规资料 routine work 常规作业 ever-bearer 常果植物 ever-bloomer 常果植物 constant functor 常函子 ordinary composition series of group 常合成群列 ordinary composition series of subgroup 常合成子群列 normally engage clutch 常合离合器 constant sum game 常和博弈 constant sum game 常和对策 avoirdupois system 常衡制 - 英制商业惯用的重量计量制 avoirdupois pound 常衡制磅 - 16英两 normalizing furnace 朝炉 ordinary valency 常见价 normal angle aerial camera 常角航摄仪 normally open contact 常开触点 normally open contact 常开触头 normal open valve 常开阀 normal open control element 常开控制元件 normally disengaged clutch 常开离合器 normal open gate 常开门 - 电路 ordinary case 常例 constant 常量 constant quantity 常量 method of variation of constant 常量变分法 macro-qualitative inorganic analysis 常量定性无机分析 macroanalysis 常量分析 macroanalytical balance 常量分析天平 constant function 常量函数 macrochemistry 常量化学 macrofeed 常量馈给 constant input 常量输入 constant declaration 常量说明 constant factor 常量因子 macronutrient 常量营养素 macronutrient 常量元素 constant letter 常量字母 Changlin diamond 常林钻石 perennial stream 常流河 constant flow hydraulic power steering gear 常流式液压动力转向器 aiphyllus 常绿的 evergreen 常绿的 evergreen fruit tree 常绿果树 evergreen broad-leaved forest 常绿阔叶林 laurel forest 常绿阔叶林 laurisilvae 常绿阔叶林 aiphyllium 常绿林 aiphyllus 常绿林 evergreen 常绿林 aithullium 常绿群落 conodrymillm 常绿群落 evergreen species 常绿树种 evergreen leaf 常绿叶 evergreen plant 常绿植物 ordinary helicoid 常螺旋面 ordinary helix 常螺旋线 annual tax on wealth 常年财富税 perennial lake 常年湖 permanent lake 常年湖 room temperature 常温 annual profit or gain 常年收入 annual land tax 常年土地税 perennial rhinitis 常年性鼻炎 perennial allergic rhinitis 常年性变应性鼻炎 constant-mesh gear-box 常啮合齿轮变速箱 constant mesh transmission 常啮式变速器 constant frequency cyclotron 常频回旋加速器 gimbal 常平架 - 罗盘用 gimbal lock 常平架锁定 gimbaling error 常平架误差 gimbal axis 常平架轴 gimbal freedom 常平架自由度 normal-gap switch 常气隙结构开关 constant curvature 常曲率 space of constant curvature 常曲率空间 autosome 常染色体 euchromosome 常染色体 autosomal inheritance 常染色体遗传 autosomal recessive hereditary disease 常染色体隐性遗传病 euchromatin 常染色质 euchromatization 常染色质化 standing auditor 常任审计人员 normochromic 常色的 permanent 常设 standing 常设 permanent body 常设机构 permanent organization 常设机构 standing body 常设机构 standing organization 常设机构 permanent tariff bureau 常设税务局 permanent commission 常设委员会 permanent committee 常设委员会 rainforest climate 常湿气候 wet climate 常湿气候 common knowledge 常识 common-sense 常识 general knowledge 常识 commonsense reasoning 常识推理 reasoning commonsense 常识性推理 commonsense physics 常识性物理学 constant 常数 constant multiple 常数倍 constant multiple 常数倍数 constant approximation 常数逼近 constant percentage growth model 常数比率增长模型 method of variation of constant 常数变易法 variation of constant 常数变易法 variation of constant formula 常数变易公式 constant identifier 常数标识符 constant table 常数表 constant expression 常数表达式 constant table entry 常数表登记项 constant surface deflection 常数表面变位 adopted value of constant 常数采用值 constant sheaf 常数层 constant component list 常数成分表 constant multiplier 常数乘法器 constant propagation 常数传播 constant propagation 常数传送 constant storage 常数存储器 constant area 常数存储区 constant pool 常数存储区 constant storage 常数存储区 constant address 常数地址 constant definition 常数定义 constant definition part 常数定义部分 constant delimiter 常数定义符 constant variance 常数方差 constant component 常数分量 constant symbol 常数符号 constant mark check 常数符号检验 constant specification 常数规格 constant sum game 常数和对策 ring of constants 常数环 literal register 常数寄存器 constant weighting 常数加权 angle constant 常数角 constant intercept 常数截距 constant matrix 常数矩阵 constant absolute amount 常数绝对量 constant mean 常数均值 constant type code 常数类型代码 enumeration of constants 常数枚举法 constants method of fiting 常数拟合法 constant area 常数区 constant area 常数区域 constant weight 常数权 constant weight 常数权值 constant input 常数输入 data type of constant 常数数据类型 constant declaration 常数说明 constant declaration section 常数说明部分 constant declaration syntax 常数说明语法 constant elasticity 常数弹性 constant error 常数误差 constant coefficient 常数系数 constant limit 常数限 constant vector 常数向量 constant term 常数项 constant-term variable 常数项变量 constant-term estimate 常数项估计量 elimination of constants 常数消去法 constant factor 常数因子 field of constant 常数域 constant element 常数元素 constant workspace 常数暂存区 constant growth model 常数增长模型 constant matrix 常数阵 constant instruction 常数指令 conversion of constant 常数转换 evaluation of constant subexpression 常数子式求值 constant word 常数字 normal water level 正常水位 constant speed test 常速试验 horotely 常速完成 constant state 常态 normal state 常态 ordinary state 常态 non-degenerated 常态的 normal 常态的 proper quadric 常态二次曲面 proper quadric surface 常态二次曲面 proper conic 常态二次曲线 normal distribution 常态分布 non-degenerate plane 常态面 normal erosion 常态侵蚀 non-degenerate sphere 常态球 proper sphere 常态球 non-degenerated curve 常态曲线 normal shrinkage 常态收缩 normal cycle 常态旋回 proper circle 常态圆 normal impedance 常态阻抗 ordinary character 常特征标 eversporting race 常突变宗 ordinary differential 常微分 ordinary differential equation 常微分方程 degree of ordinatary differential equation 常微分方程的次数 singular point of ordinary differential equation 常微分方程的奇点 singular solution of ordinary differential equation 常微分方程的奇解 order of ordinary differential 常微分方程的阶 ordinary differential operator 常微分算子 constant dimension 常维数 normal temperature 常温 ordinary temperature 常温 room temperature laser 常温激光器 normal temperature and pressure 常温及常压 normal temperature strain gauge 常温应变计 frequently asked question 常问问题 managing director 常务董事 managing board of directors 常务董事会 standing committee 常务委员会 constant coefficient 常系数 equation with constant coefficient 常系数方程 differential operator with constant coefficient 常系数微分算子 linear differential equation with constant coefficients 常系数线性微分方程 multiplier coefficient unit 常系数装置 normal pressure 常压 atmospheric pressure process 常压法 atmospherical pressure filling machine 常压灌装机 atmospheric pressure tyre 常压轮胎 Arnold sterilizer 常压灭菌器 constant load synchronizer 常压式同步器 constant pressure hydraulic power steering gear 常压式液压动力转向器 atmospheric pressure carbonyl process 常压羰基法 atmospheric refining 常压纤维分离 atmospheric refiner 常压纤维分离机 atmospheric pressure residual oil 常压渣油 atmospheric residuum 常压渣油 long residuum 常压渣油 atmospheric distillation 常压蒸馏 normoxic nitrogen 常氧氮 - 混合气 normoxic helium 常氧氦 - 混合气 working standard 常用标准 working standard penicillium 常用标准青霉素 common logarithm 常用对数 normal power 常用功率 notional abstracts 常用关键词摘录 working chart 常用海图 common integral 常用积分 common scale of notation 常用记数法 conventional cryptosystem 常用密码系统 normal elevation angle of nozzle 常用喷射仰角 active master file 常用主文件 regular signalling link 常用信令链路 active constraint 常用约束 service braking 常用制动 service application position 常用制动位 service position 常用制动位 coefficient of service braking 常用制动系数 active card 常用卡片 active master item 常用主文件项 active master item 常用主项 ordinary subroutine 常用子程序 eumitosis 常有丝分裂 ordinary finite difference method 常有限差分法 pluviifruticeta 常雨灌木群落 pluviilignosa 常雨木本群落 constant atomic proposition 常原子命题 constant parameter 常值参数 constant function 常值函数 constant function rule 常值函数法则 constant mean 常值均值 constant unfolding 常值开折 constant mapping 常值映射 permanent office 常驻办事机构 resident office 常驻办事机构 residence editor 常驻编辑程序 resident compiler 常驻编译程序 resident development system program 常驻编制系统程序 resident buyer 常驻采购员 residence operating system 常驻操作系统 residence routine 常驻例行程序 resident program 常驻程序 residence handler 常驻处理程序 residence memory 常驻存储器 permanent delegate 常驻代表 resident representative office 常驻代表机构 resident representative office registration certificate 常驻代表机构登记证 resident 常驻的 resident segment 常驻段 - 程序的 residence access method 常驻访问法 resident supervisor 常驻管理程序 resident nucleus 常驻核心程序 resident macroassembler 常驻宏汇编程序 resident assembler 常驻汇编程序 resident monitor 常驻监督程序 residence volume system 常驻卷系统 resident control program 常驻控制程序 resident routine 常驻例行程序 resident on-line hardware 常驻联机硬件 residence link library 常驻链式程序库 resident module 常驻模块 in-core compiler 常驻内存编译程序 resident area 常驻区 permanent personnel 常驻人员 residence software 常驻软件 resident auditor 常驻审计人员 resident auditor 常驻审计师 residence data memory 常驻数据存储器 resident text editor 常驻文本编辑程序 residence error recovery routine 常驻误差恢复程序 resident executive 常驻执行程序 resident executive program 常驻执行程序 residence executive module 常驻执行程序模块 payback 偿付 reimbursement 偿付 repayment 偿付 tenderer 偿还人 reimbursing credit 偿付代理行 recourse function 偿付函数 compliance credit 偿付行对代付行所开的偿付信用证 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司