翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 peroneal artery 腓动脉 calcaneum 腓跗骨 fibulare 腓跗骨 fibula 腓骨 musculus peroneus longus 腓骨长肌 peroneus longus 腓骨长肌 msulcus for tendon of peroneus longus 腓骨长肌腱沟 sulcus tendinis musculi peronei longi 腓骨长肌腱沟 plantar tendinous sheath of peroneus longus 腓骨长肌足底腱鞘 vagina tendinis musculi peronei longi plantaris 腓骨长肌足底腱鞘 musculus peroneus brevis 腓骨短肌 peroneus brevis 腓骨短肌 peroneal trochlea 腓骨肌滑车 trochlea peronealis 腓骨肌滑车 retinaculum musculorum peroneorum superius 腓骨肌上支持带 superior peroneal retinaculum 腓骨肌上支持带 inferior peroneal retinaculum 腓骨肌下支持带 retinaculum musculorum peroneorum inferius 腓骨肌下支持带 common sheath of peronei 腓骨肌总腱鞘 vagina tendinum musculorum peroneorum communis 腓骨肌总腱鞘 collum fibulae 腓骨颈 neck of fibula 腓骨颈 corpus fibulae 腓骨体 shaft of fibula 腓骨体 caput fibulae 腓骨头 fibular head 腓骨头 articular surface of fibular head 腓骨头关节面 facies articularis capitis fibulae 腓骨头关节面 ligamentum capitis fibulae posterius 腓骨头后韧带 posterior ligament of fibula head 腓骨头后韧带 apex capitis fibulae 腓骨头尖 apex of fibular head 腓骨头尖 anterior ligament of fibular head 腓骨头前韧带 ligamentum capitis fibulae anterius 腓骨头前韧带 arteria nutricia fibulae 腓骨滋养动脉 arteria nutriens fibulae 腓骨滋养动脉 fibular nutrient artery 腓骨滋养动脉 facies articularis fibularis 腓关节面 fibular articular facet 腓关节面 fibular veins 腓静脉 peroneal veins 腓静脉 venae fibulares 腓静脉 venae peroneales 腓静脉 fibular lymph node 腓淋巴结 nodus lymphaticus fibularis 腓淋巴结 nervus fibularis superficialis 腓浅神经 superficial peroneal nerve 腓浅神经 fibular notch 腓切迹 incisura fibularis 腓切迹 deep peroneal nerve 腓深神经 nervus fibularis profundus 腓深神经 peroneal nerve 腓神经 communicating branch of peroneal nerve 腓神经交通支 ramus communicans fibularis 腓神经交通支 common peroneal nerve 腓总神经 nervus fibularis communis 腓总神经 case of libel 诽谤案 defamatory libel 诽谤名誉 character defamation 诽谤名誉的侵权行为 libel action 诽谤诉讼 obesity index 肥胖指数 crime of defamation 诽谤罪 Fibonacci series 斐波纳契级数 Fibonacci sequence 斐波纳契数列 Fibonacci search 斐波纳契搜索 generating function for Fibonacci sequence 斐波纳契序列生成函数 Fibonacci search 斐波纳契寻优法 Fiji disease 斐济病 glands of Filippi 斐氏腺 Fizeau toothed wheel 斐索齿轮法 Fizeau interferometer 斐索干涉计 Fizeau experiment 斐索实验 Fizeau fringes 斐索条纹 olive 榧螺 Olividae 榧螺科 cockroach 蜚蠊 Blattidae 蜚蠊科 Blattaria 蜚蠊目 jade 翡翠 lung cancer 肺癌 jade green 翡翠绿 lung 肺 pulmones 肺 lung cancer pathology 肺癌病理学 pulmonary valvotomy 肺瓣膜切开术 pneumocystis carinii pneumonia 肺孢子虫病 pneumocystosis 肺孢子虫病 lung disease 肺病 - 中医 pneumonosis 肺病 differentiation of lung disease 肺病辨证 pathogenesis of lung disease 肺病病机 pneumology 肺病学 pulmonology 肺病学 pulmonary atelectasis 肺不张 atelectasis 肺不张症 pneumoenteritis 肺肠炎 pneumonoconiosis 肺尘埃沉着病 pneumonokoniosis 肺尘埃沉着病 pneumonemia 肺充血 pulmonary congestion 肺充血 stethemia 肺充血 pneumorrhagia 肺出血 Goodpasture's syndrome 肺出血肾炎综合征 magnetopneumography 肺磁描记术 magnetopneumography 肺磁图描记术 plexus pulmonalis 肺丛 pulmonary plexus 肺丛 bulla 肺大疱 bullae of lung 肺大疱 base of lung 肺底 basis pulmonalis 肺底 basis pulmonis 肺底 pulmonary arteriovenous fistula 肺动静脉瘘 pulmonary artery 肺动脉 pulmonary valve 肺动脉瓣 valva trunci pulmonalis 肺动脉瓣 valve of pulmonary trunk 肺动脉瓣 pulmonary stenosis 肺动脉瓣狭窄 pulmonary valve stenosis 肺动脉瓣狭窄 pulmonary artery atresia 肺动脉闭锁 bifurcatio trunci pulmonalis 肺动脉杈 bifurcation of pulmonary trunk 肺动脉杈 sinus of pulmonary trunk 肺动脉窦 sinus trunci pulmonalis 肺动脉窦 pulmonary trunk 肺动脉干 truncus pulmonalis 肺动脉干 valva trunci pulmonalis 肺动脉干瓣 valve of pulmonary trunk 肺动脉干瓣 bifurcatio trunci pulmonalis 肺动脉干杈 bifurcation of pulmonary trunk 肺动脉干杈 sinus of pulmonary trunk 肺动脉干窦 sinus trunci pulmonalis 肺动脉干窦 orifice of pulmonary trunk 肺动脉干口 ostium trunci pulmonalis 肺动脉干口 pulmonary hypertension 肺动脉高压 orifice of pulmonary trunk 肺动脉口 ostium trunci pulmonalis 肺动脉口 pulmonary artery stenosis 肺动脉狭窄 abnormal origin or developmental abnormaly of pulmonary artery 肺动脉异常起源或发育异常 bronchi segmentales 肺段支气管 segmental bronchi 肺段支气管 rami bronchiales segmentorum 肺段支气管支 segmental bronchial branches 肺段支气管支 pulmonary J receptor 肺J感受器 pulmonary sequestration 肺隔离症 Pediculus pulmonis 肺根 radix pulmonis 肺根 root of lung 肺根 pulmonary infarction 肺梗死 pulmonary function test 肺功能检查 pulmonary sulcus of throax 肺沟 sulcus pulmonalis 肺沟 pneumography 肺X光摄影术 pulmonary hypersensitivity vasculitis 肺过敏性脉管炎 lung cold 肺寒 brown induration of lung 肺褐色硬变 gangrene pulmonis 肺坏疽 pulmonary gangrene 肺坏疽 lung biopsy 肺活检 vital capacity 肺活量 spirometry 肺活量测定法 pneumatometer 肺活量计 pneumonometer 肺活量计 spirometer 肺活量计 spiro-index 肺活量指数 lung disease 肺疾病 apex of lung 肺尖 apex pulmonalis 肺尖 apex pulmonis 肺尖 apicolysis 肺尖萎陷术 interpulmonary 肺间的 pulmonary tuberculosis 肺结核 tuberculosis lungs 肺结核 pulmonary tuberculosis pathology 肺结核病理学 surgery of pulmonary tuberculosis 肺结核外科学 pulmonary tuberculosis diagnostics 肺结核诊断学 pulmonary tuberculosis therapeutics 肺结核治疗学 anatomical pulmonary shunt 肺解剖分流量 Qsan 肺解剖分流量 pneumography 肺解剖学 Aletris 肺筋草属 lung channel 肺经 pulmonary veins 肺静脉 venae pulmonales 肺静脉 pulmonary veno-occlusive disease 肺静脉闭塞性疾病 orifices of pulmonary veins 肺静脉口 ostia venarum pulmonalium 肺静脉口 pulmonary cavity 肺空洞 lung-governed breathing apparatus 肺控呼吸器 phthisis 肺痨 pulmonary tuberculosis 肺痨 tuberculosis of lung 肺痨 phthisiology 肺痨学 pneumonometer 肺量计 spirometer 肺量计 spirogram 肺量图 pulmonary fluid dynamics 肺流体动力学 juxtapulmonary capillary receptor 肺毛细血管旁感受器 pulmonary capillary wedge pressure 肺毛细血管楔压 pulmonary capillary partial pressure of oxygen 肺毛细血管血氧分压 pneumomycosis 肺霉菌病 pneumonomycosis 肺霉菌病 pulmonary mycosis 肺霉菌病 hilum of lung 肺门 hilum pulmonis 肺门 diffusion of lung 肺弥散 facies pulmonalis 肺面 pulmonary surface 肺面 intrapulmonary 肺内的 intrapulmonic 肺内的 intrapulmonary pressure 肺内压 intrapulmonic pressure 肺内压 lung abscess 肺脓肿 pulmonary abscese 肺脓肿 alveoli pulmonis 肺泡 alveolus 肺泡 pulmonary alveolus 肺泡 alveolar wall 肺泡壁 alveolar surfactant 肺泡表面活性物质 pulmonary alveolar proteinosis 肺泡蛋白沉着症 alveolar duct 肺泡道 alveolar 肺泡的 alveolar arterial oxygen gradient 肺泡动脉血氧梯度 alveolar septum 肺泡隔 alveolar duct 肺泡管 ductuli alveolares 肺泡管 vesicular breathing sound 肺泡呼吸音 pulmonary alveolar macrophage 肺泡巨噬细胞 alveolar pore 肺泡孔 alveolar-capillary block syndrome 肺泡-毛细管阻断综合征 alveolar sac 肺泡囊 alveolar saccules 肺泡囊 alveolar period 肺泡期 alveolar gas 肺泡气 alveolar-arterial oxygen difference 肺泡气-动脉血氧分压差 alveolar gas exchange 肺泡气体交换 alveolar epithelium 肺泡上皮 alveolar ventilation 肺泡通气 alveolar hypoventilation 肺泡通气不足 alveolar hyperventilation 肺泡通气过度 alveolar ventilation 肺泡通气量 microlithiasis alveolaris pulmonum 肺泡微结石症 pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis 肺泡微结石症 alveolar dead space 肺泡无效腔 alveolar pressure 肺泡压力 alveolar oxygen pressure 肺泡氧压 pneumatocele 肺膨出 pneumocele 肺膨出 lung Qi 肺气 lung Qi obstruction 肺气不宣 lung Qi upward reversal 肺气上逆 lung Qi obstruction 肺气失宣 lung Qi deficiency 肺气虚 broken wind 肺气肿 emphysema of lungs 肺气肿 heaves 肺气肿 pneumonectasis 肺气肿 pulmonary emphysema 肺气肿 pulmonary stretch reflex 肺牵张反射 pulmonary stretch receptor 肺牵张感受器 pneumectomy 肺切除术 pneumonectomy 肺切除术 pulmonectomy 肺切除术 pulmonary aspergillosis 肺曲霉病 lung heat 肺热 ligamentum pulmonale 肺韧带 pulmonary ligament 肺韧带 lungworm 肺蠕虫 pneumomalacia 肺软化 lung-kidney concurrent treatment 肺肾同治 lung-kidney Yin deficiency 肺肾阴虚 physiological pulmonary shunt 肺生理分流量 Qsphy 肺生理分流量 lung Qi obstruction 肺失清肃 lung calculus 肺石 pneumolith 肺石 pulmolith 肺石 pneumolithiasis 肺石病 nodi lymphatici juxtaesophageales pulmonales 肺食管旁淋巴结 pulmonary juxtaesophageal lymph nodes 肺食管旁淋巴结 pneumonic plague 肺鼠疫 Feishu 肺腧 pneumonedema 肺水肿 pulmonary edema 肺水肿 lung compliance 肺顺应性 pulmonary compliance 肺顺应性 pneumonolysis 肺松解术 elastance of lung 肺弹性 pulmonary elastic recoil 肺弹性回缩力 lung elastic recoil pressure 肺弹性回缩压 pulmonary anthrax 肺炭疽 pneumochirurgia 肺外科 pneumosurgery 肺外科 collapse of lung 肺萎陷 pulmonary collapse 肺萎陷 consumptive lung disease 肺痿 lung Qi obstruction 肺卫失宣 lung fluke 肺吸虫 paragonimiasis 肺吸虫病 diseases of pulmonary system 肺系病证 pulmonary acinus 肺细叶 lungworm vaccine 肺线虫疫苗 pneumotropism 肺向性 pulmonary lobule 肺小叶 cor pulmonale 肺原性心脏病 pulmonary heart disease 肺原性心脏病 pleura pulmonalis 肺胸膜 pulmonary pleura 肺胸膜 visceral pleura 肺胸膜 angiopneumography 肺血管造影术 angiopulmonography 肺血管造影术 pneumoangiography 肺血管造影术 pulmonary thromboembolism 肺血栓栓塞症 pulmonary hemodynamics 肺血液动力学 lesser circulation 肺循环 pulmonary circulation 肺循环 pulmonary circulation mechanics 肺循环力学 lung bud 肺芽 pneumonia 肺炎 pneumonitis 肺炎 pulmonitis 肺炎 pneumobacillus 肺炎杆菌 Klebsiella pneumoniae 肺炎克雷白氏杆菌 Klebsiella pneumoniae 肺炎克雷白氏菌 Klebsiella pneumoniae 肺炎克氏杆菌 pneumococcus 肺炎球菌 pneumotoxin 肺炎球菌毒素 pneumococcus polysaccharide 肺炎球菌多糖 pneumococcus capsule swelling reaction 肺炎球菌荚膜肿胀反应 pneumolysin 肺炎链球菌溶血素 Diplococcus pneumoniae 肺炎双球菌 pneumococci 肺炎双球菌 pulmonary inflammatory pseudotumor 肺炎性假瘤 Mycoplasma pneumoniae 肺炎支原体 diffusion capacity for oxygen of lung 肺氧弥散量 inflammatory pseudotumor of lung 肺氧弥散量 bronchi lobares 肺叶支气管 lobar bronchi 肺叶支气管 diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide of lung 肺一氧化碳弥散量 Lobaria 肺衣属 lung-Yin 肺阴 lung Yin deficiency 肺阴虚 pulmonary abscess 肺痈 lungfish 肺鱼 Dipnoi 肺鱼纲 Dipneusti 肺鱼亚纲 corpulmonale 肺原性心脏病 pulmonary heart disease 肺原性心脏病 lung pathology 肺脏病理学 lung dryness 肺燥 lung-distension 肺胀 pneumomycosis 肺真菌病 pneumonomycosis 肺真菌病 pulmonary mycosis 肺真菌病 pulmonary branches 肺支 rami pulmonales 肺支 middle lobe syndrome 肺中叶综合征 lung tumor 肺肿瘤 total lung capacity 肺总量 lung resistance 肺阻力 histoplasmosis of lung 肺组织胞浆菌病 pulmonary histoplasmosis 肺组织胞浆菌病 baboon 狒狒 cullet 废玻璃 waste 废材 refuse 废材 refuse wood 废材 used oil 废机油 waste wood 废材 wood refuse 废材 wood waste 废材 hydraulic briquetting press 废材制棒液压机 wood waste briquetting 废材制棒液压机 landfill 废碴埋填 baling 废碴压块法 Phauloptera 废翅类 abatement 废除 abolishment 废除 abolition 废除 elimination of customs barrier 废除关税壁垒 dismantlement of import tariffs 废除进口关税 abatement order 废除令 abatement of debt 废除债务 obsoletism 废词 scratch tape 废带 ruderal 废地杂草 depleted bath 废电解液 garabo 废纺 waste cotton spinning 废纺工艺 slubbing 废纺粗纱 condensed yarn 废纺棉纱 condenser yarn 废纺纱 scrap baling machine 废钢打捆机 segregation 废钢分类 scrap heat 废钢熔炼法 scrap practice 废钢法 abandoned workings 废巷道 waste alkali 废碱液 alkali waste liquid 废碱液 scrap rubber selection 废胶分选 scrap rubber chopping 废胶切碎 scrap rubber washing 废胶洗涤 abandoned well 废井 dead well 废井 disused well 废井 waste and scrap 废旧材料 waste and scrap account 废旧材料帐 junk market 废旧品市场 junk 废旧物资 waste and old materials 废旧物资 junk market 废旧物资市场 scratch volume 废卷宗 abandoned mine 废矿 spent ore 废矿石 garbage 废料 junk 废旧杂物 refuse 废料 salvage 废料 scrap 废料 spent material 废料 waste 废料 waste material 废料 spoiled material report 废料报告 scrap yard 废料场 waste treatment device 废料处理装置 waste heap 废料堆 scrap cutter 废料切断刀 waste account 废料帐 odd part 废零件 aluminium-foil scrap 废铝箔 scrap aluminium alloy 废铝合金 waste coal 废煤 final molasses 废蜜 molasses tank 废蜜罐 molasses tank 废蜜塔 waste mold gypsum 废模石膏 offal timber 废木 culled wood 废木材 refuse wood 废木材 waste wood 废木材 refuse wood 废木料 waste wood 废木料 spent clay 废粘土 invalid ticket 废票 allowance ticket 废票转换券 discarded product 废品 junk 废品 rejected material 废品 scrap 废品 spoilage 废品 waste product 废品 throw-outs 废品 waster 废品 program for evaluation of reject 废品测定程序 discarded product recovery 废品回收 salvage of waste material 废品回收 wastes recovery 废品回收 rate of spoiled goods 废品率 rejection rate 废品率 loss on defective product 废品损失 bad air 废气 discharge gas 废气 effluent gas 废气 exhaust air 废气 exhaust gas 废气 off-gas 废气 spent gas 废气 waste 废气 waste air 废气 waste gas 废气 waste gas treatment 废气处理 exhaust gas valve 废气阀 - 工业炉 exhaust gas analyzer 废气分析器 exhaust analysis test 废气分析试验 exhaust steam heating 废气供暖 blast pipe 废气管 exhaust pipe 废气管 flue-gas leading 废气管 exhaust heat boiler test 废气锅炉试验 dust content in stack gas 废气含尘浓度 exhaust gas purification 废气净化 waste gas cleaning 废气净化 waste gate 废气门 waste gas emission standard 废气排放标准 exhaust nozzle 废气喷口 exhaust nozzle seat 废气喷口座 exhaust air chamber 废气室 exhaust passage 废气通道 exhaust turbine 废气透平 exhaust trail 废气尾迹 exhaust turbine 废气涡轮 exhaust turbosupercharger 废气涡轮增压器 exhaust-gas turbocharger 废气涡轮增压器 waste gas pollution control 废气污染控制 exhaust scrubber 废气洗涤器 waste stack 废气烟囱 exhaust gas recirculation 废气再循环 gas recirculation system 废气再循环系统 waste gas pollution control 废气治理 multipurpose use of waste gas 废气综合利用 exhaust stand 废气座 obsolescence 废弃 throwaway compiling 废弃编译 abandoned property 废弃财产 depleted 废弃的 dumped 废弃的 obsolete 废弃的 abandonment charge 废弃费用 abandonment value 废弃价值 abandoned well 废弃井 reject pocket 废弃卡片袋 abandonment loss 废弃损失 loss from obsolescence 废弃损失 denunciation clause 废弃条款 abandoned oil 废弃油 throwaway character 废弃字符 exhaust steam 废汽 spent steam 废汽 dead channel 废渠 waste fuel 废燃料 spent dye liquor 废染液 used heat 废热 waste heat 废热 waste heat boiler 废热锅炉 waste heat recovery 废热回收 waste heat utilization 废热利用 waste heat losses 废热损失 attal 废石 gob 废石 spoil 废石 waste rock 废石 gob bin 废石仓 refuse bin 废石仓 dump pit 废石场 gobbing 废石充填 gobbing-up 废石充填 gob pack 废石充填带 gob pillar 废石充填区 dump 废石堆 dumped fill 废石堆 gob dump 废石堆 hillock 废石堆 spoil dump 废石堆 tan bark waste 废树皮鞣料 effluent 废水 spent water 废水 waste 废水 wastewater 废水 chemistry in water reuse 废水重用化学 economics of wastewater ozonation 废水臭氧化的经济性 wastewater treatment 废水处理 process chemistry for wastewater treatment 废水处理工艺化学 wastewater treatment system 废水处理系统 wastewater disposal 废水处置 waste pipe 废水管 wastewater management 废水管理 effluent monitor 废水剂量监测计 effluent recovery plant 废水检查装置 wastewater purification 废水净化 equalization 废水均化 controlling waste water 废水控制 wastewater utilization 废水利用 wastewater rate 废水排放率 waste lagoon 废水氧化池 wastewater boilling tank 废水蒸煮罐 multipurpose use of waste water 废水综合利用 silk waste 废丝 waste silk 废丝 waste silk spinning 废丝纺 spent acid 废酸 waste acid 废酸 acid pickle 废酸液 acid waste utilization 废酸渣利用 final molasses 废糖蜜 waste molasses 废糖蜜 scrap iron 废铁 waste iron 废铁 scrap balling press 废铁压块机 obsolescence 器官的废退 obsolete 废退的 vestigial 废退的 scratch file 废文件 offscourings 废物 refuse 废物 waste material 废物 waste matter 废物 waste product 废物 waste substance 废物 wasteyard 废物场 waste disposal 废物处理 waste treatment 废物处理 waste disposal unit 废物处置装置 waste dump 废物堆 waste management programme 废物管理规划 waste chemistry 废物化学 waste recovery 废物回收 waste reclamation 废物回收利用 waste recycling 废物回收利用 waste monitoring 废物监测 waste utilization 废物利用 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司