翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 secondary key retrieval 辅助关键字检索 combination of secondary key 辅助关键字组合 subsidiary conduit 辅助管道 service cage 辅助罐笼 auxiliary boiler 辅助锅炉 donkey boiler 辅助锅炉 subairport 辅助航空站 service road 辅助巷道 auxiliary kernel 辅助核 auxiliary slide 辅助滑板 rubbing strip 辅助滑木 subsidiary loop 辅助回路 satellite field 辅助机场 auxiliary crate controller 辅助机箱控制器 auxiliary machinery 辅助机械设备 auxiliary integral 辅助积分 auxiliary energizing quantity 辅助激励量 secondary activation word 辅助激励字 auxiliary pole 辅助极 auxiliary feed pump 辅助给水泵 auxiliary counter 辅助计数器 satellite computer 辅助计算机 secondary computer 辅助计算机 auxiliary computing system 辅助计算系统 auxiliary record 辅助记录 adjuvant 辅助剂 assistant 辅助剂 auxiliary relay 辅助继电器 supplementary relay 辅助继电器 auxiliary relay driver 辅助继电器驱动器 auxiliary register 辅助寄存器 auxinotron 辅助加速器 subsidiary building 辅助建筑 auxiliary 辅助舰船 auxiliary ships 辅助舰船 auxiliary vessels 辅助舰船 auxiliary vessel 辅助舰船 subsidiary craft 辅助舰艇 auxiliary keyboard 辅助键盘 supplementary keyboard 辅助键盘 auxiliary angle 辅助角 auxiliary winch 辅助绞 auxiliary contactor 辅助接触器 auxiliary earth 辅助接地 secondary contact 辅助接点 auxiliary air intake 辅助进气口 auxiliary carry bit 辅助进位位 auxiliary alarm 辅助警报器 auxiliary drum 辅助卷筒 auxiliary switch 辅助开关 pilot switch 辅助开关 auxiliary PROM module 辅助可编程序只读存储器模块 auxiliary PROM chip 辅助可编程序只读存储器芯片 para-transit 辅助客运系统 pilot hole 辅助孔 minor control 辅助控制 auxiliary control unit 辅助控制部件 additional control storage 辅助控制存储器 subsidiary control loop 辅助控制回路 auxiliary controls 辅助控制机构 auxiliary control unit 辅助控制器 secondary control unit 辅助控制器 sub-control 辅助控制器 auxiliary controller bus 辅助控制器总线 auxiliary console 辅助控制台 secondary console 辅助控制台 supplementary controlled system 辅助控制系统 service shaft 辅助矿井 auxiliary feeder 辅助馈电线 auxiliary stay 辅助拉线 auxiliary labor 辅助劳动 subsidiary labor power 辅助劳动力 auxiliary condensate pump 辅助冷凝泵 auxiliary condenser 辅助冷凝器 auxiliary strut 辅助立柱 auxiliary routine 辅助例行程序 auxiliary connecting rod 辅助连杆 subconnector 辅助连接器 subsidiary beam 辅助梁 auxiliary quantity 辅助量 auxiliary route 辅助路径选择 auxiliary screw arc 辅助螺钉弧形板 service code 辅助码 auxiliary seal 辅助密封 auxiliary seal ring 辅助密封圈 auxiliary plane 辅助面 subpanel 辅助面板 auxiliary aiming point 辅助瞄准点 auxiliary exhaust 辅助排气 auxiliary exhaust system 辅助排气系统 subsidiary discriminant function 辅助判别函数 auxiliary cartridge 辅助炮弹 auxiliary jet 辅助喷管 auxiliary ejector 辅助喷射器 service drift 辅助平巷 service entry 辅助平巷 auxiliary mean 辅助平均值 auxiliary starting winding 辅助启动绕组 auxiliary landing gear 辅助起落架 auxiliary crab 辅助起重绞车 auxiliary air regulator 辅助气动调节器 auxiliary air valve 辅助气阀 auxiliary tank 辅助气室 auxiliary headlamp 辅助前灯 auxiliary cavity 辅助腔 compensated cavity 辅助腔 service bridge 辅助桥 auxiliary curve 辅助曲线 auxiliary actuator 辅助驱动件 auxiliary drive turbine 辅助驱动汽轮机 auxiliary winding 辅助绕法 auxiliary winding 辅助绕组 auxiliary thermal source 辅助热源 supplementary heat source 辅助热源 auxiliary person 辅助人员 ancillary jack 辅助塞孔 accessory pigment 辅助色素 auxiliary brake 辅助刹车 subsidiary commercial transaction 辅助商业交易 accessories 辅助设备 accessory equipment 辅助设备 additional equipment 辅助设备 ancillary device 辅助设备 ancillary equipment 辅助设备 ancillary facillities 辅助设备 auxiliaries 辅助设备 auxiliary appratus 辅助设备 auxiliary assembly 辅助设备 auxiliary installation 辅助设备 backup utility 辅助设备利用 auxiliary application 辅助申请 auxiliary view 辅助视图 helper phage 辅助噬菌体 sumplementary pollination 辅助授粉 auxiliary output signal 辅助输出信号 auxiliary input-output statement 辅助输入输出语句 secondary attribute 辅助属性 auxiliary data 辅助数据 secondary data 辅助数据 auxiliary data processing equipment 辅助数据处理设备 auxiliary data processing system 辅助数据处理系统 auxiliary data translator unit 辅助数据译码装置 pilot brush 辅助刷 auxiliary servomotor 辅助伺服电动机 auxiliary servomotor 辅助伺服马达 auxiliary rope 辅助索 secondary index 辅助索引 baby still 辅助蒸馏塔 ancillary character 辅助特征 intermediate synoptic observation 辅助天气观测 auxiliary condition 辅助条件 subsidiary condition 辅助条件 auxiliary governor 辅助调节器 accessory channel 辅助通道 assisted draft 辅助通风 auxiliary ventilation 辅助通风 auxiliary ventilator 辅助通风机 assisted ventilation 辅助通气 assistance traffic 辅助通信 subsidiary communication 辅助通信 ancillary statistic 辅助统计量 auxiliary projection 辅助投影 attachment lens 辅助透镜 auxiliary propulsion 辅助推进 auxiliary propulsion system 辅助推进系统 secondary gyroscope 辅助陀螺仪 auxiliary network 辅助网络 auxiliary network address 辅助网络地址 secondary network support 辅助网络支援 auxiliary differential equation 辅助微分方程 auxiliary unkown quantity 辅助未知量 service bit 辅助位 auxiliary thermometer 辅助温度计 auxiliary file 辅助文件 secondary file 辅助文件 auxiliary file processing 辅助文件处理 auxiliary file format 辅助文件格式 wireless auxiliary station 辅助无线电台 secondary weapon 辅助武器 auxiliary 辅助物 accessory system 辅助系统 accessory cell 辅助细胞 auxiliary line 辅助线 auxiliary circuit 辅助线路 ancillary circuit 辅助线路 auxiliary core 辅助线芯 supplementary group 辅助线组 gathering pump 辅助小水泵 service incline 辅助斜井 accessory heart 辅助心脏 ancillary credit business 辅助信贷业务 auxiliary signal 辅助信号 subsidiary signal 辅助信号 pilot relay 辅助信号继电器 side information 辅助信息 ancillary credit 辅助信用 subsidiary landing 辅助性登陆 helper T cell 辅助性T淋巴细胞 complementary trade policy 辅助性贸易政策 auxiliary utility model 辅助性实用新型 Th cell 辅助性T淋巴细胞 helper T cell 辅助性T细胞 helping professions 辅助性专业 booster battery 辅助蓄电池 subsidiary battery 辅助蓄电池 auxiliary circulating pump 辅助循环泵 auxiliary compressor 辅助压缩机 subsidiary deduction 辅助演绎法 auxiliary anode 辅助阳极 auxiliary anode material 辅助阳极材料 SCA channel broadcasting 辅助业务信道广播 accessory instrument 辅助仪表 supplementary instrument 辅助仪表 co-factor 辅助因子 auxiliary cathode 辅助阴极 auxiliary lead 辅助引线 secondary rescue facilities 辅助营救设备 auxiliary oil pump 辅助油泵 subsidiary oil pump 辅助油泵 auxiliary cylinder 辅助油缸 auxiliary fishing gear 辅助渔具 auxiliary and protective equipment 辅助与堡设备 auxiliary element 辅助元件 auxiliary circle 辅助圆 auxiliary remote control console 辅助远程控制盘 accessory movement 辅助运动 auxiliary motion 辅助运动 subsidiary transport 辅助运输 auxiliary operation 辅助运算 secondary plasticizer 辅助增塑剂 auxiliary station 辅助站 auxiliary account 辅助帐 auxiliary book 辅助帐簿 auxiliary 辅助者 backing vacuum pump 辅助真空泵 ancillary shoring 辅助支撑 auxiliary shoring 辅助支撑 supplementary knowledge 辅助知识 auxiliary staff 辅助职员 auxiliary instruction buffer 辅助指令缓冲器 auxiliary pointer 辅助指示器 auxiliary braking 辅助制动 auxiliary brake 辅助制动器 accessory terminal 辅助终端 auxiliary station 辅助终端 auxiliary species 辅助种 auxiliary bearing 辅助轴承 coagent case 辅助主动者角色 secondary dump system 辅助转储系统 aided matching 辅助装定器 charge of supplementary handling work 辅助装卸费 assistor 辅助装置 auxiliary device 辅助装置 auxiliary cone 辅助锥面 auxiliary landing field 辅助着陆场 auxiliary information 辅助资料 secondary subroutine 辅助子程序 subsidiary subprogram 辅助子程序 supplementary subroutine 辅助子程序 special character 辅助字符 auxiliary unit 辅助总成 - 汽车水泵、汽油泵等 breakers 辅助钻眼 auxiliary process 辅助作业 auxiliary work 辅助作业 man-hours for auxiliary work 辅助作业工时 accessory operating time 辅助作业时间 corepressor 辅阻遏物 proline 脯氨酸 prolinemia 脯氨酸血 prolinase 脯氨酰氨基酸二肽酶 fu-organ syndrome 腑证 putrescine 腐胺 necrosis 腐败 putrefaction 腐败过程 necrotic 腐败的 putrefactive 腐败的 putrefaction bacteria 腐败菌 phleomycin 腐草霉素 peptoxine 腐蛋白毒碱 butt rot 腐根病 humin 腐黑物 corruption 腐化 degeneration 腐化 corrupt element 腐化分子 corruptionist 腐化分子 crime of corruption 腐化罪 decay accident 腐坏事故 slough 腐痂 dead knot 腐节 - 木材的 residue rate of decay 腐解残留率 decay 腐烂 rot 腐烂 putrefaction 腐烂过程 rot 腐烂病 putrid fermentation 腐烂发酵 rate of decay 腐烂率 unsound knot 腐烂木节 rotten beet 腐烂甜菜 carriomycin 腐霉素 rotted wood 腐木 rotted knot 腐木节 wood destroying fungi 腐木菌 Clusiidae 腐木蝇科 sapropel 腐殖泥 saprofication 腐泥化作用 sapropelic coal 腐泥煤 sapropel-clay 腐泥粘土 sapropelic 腐泥上生的 saprolite 腐泥土 sapropelic rock 腐泥岩 sapropelite 腐泥岩 sapropel-peat 腐泥质泥炭 slough 腐肉 Chinese cheese 豆腐乳 saprobic 腐生的 saprogenous 腐生的 saprophytic 腐生的 saprozoic 腐生的 saprozoite 腐生动物 saproplankton 腐生浮游生物 saprophytic root 腐生根 saprobiology 腐生环境学 saprogen 腐生菌 saprophytic bacteria 腐生菌 saprophyte chain 腐生链 Saprospira 腐生螺旋体属 saprogenous ooze 腐生软泥 saprobe 腐生生物 saprogen 腐生生物 saprophyte 腐生生物 saprophage 腐生物 saprophytism 腐生现象 saprophytic nutrition 腐生营养 saprophyte 腐生植物 saprophytic plant 腐生植物 saprozoic 腐生植物 Leiodidae 腐尸甲科 biting-in 腐蚀 corroding 腐蚀 corrosion 腐蚀 erosion 腐蚀 edge etching 腐蚀边 etched-foil pattern 腐蚀箔图案 corrosion product 腐蚀产物 corrosion product activation 腐蚀产物活化 escharotic 腐蚀的 corrosion cell 腐蚀电池 corrosion current 腐蚀电流 corrosion potential 腐蚀电势 corrosion potential 腐蚀电位 corrosion kinetics 腐蚀动力学 corrosion fracture 腐蚀断裂 etched foil process 腐蚀箔法 corrosion voltmeter 腐蚀伏特计 corrodkote test 腐蚀膏试验 corrosion engineering 腐蚀工程 corrosion technology 腐蚀工艺 evidence of corrosion 腐蚀痕迹 corrosion environment 腐蚀环境 caustic 腐蚀剂 corroding agent 腐蚀剂 corrosive 腐蚀剂 corrosive agent 腐蚀剂 etchant 腐蚀剂 etches 腐蚀剂 corrosion medium 腐蚀介质 corrosive medium 腐蚀介质 acid gold etching 腐蚀金 mordanting 腐蚀浸蚀 corrosion science 腐蚀科学 corrosive wear 腐蚀磨损 corrosion fatigue 腐蚀疲劳 corrosion fatigue limit 腐蚀疲劳极限 corrosion fatigue test 腐蚀疲劳试验 corrosives 腐蚀品 corrosion evaluation 腐蚀评定 corrosion gas density deviation 腐蚀气体浓度误差 corroding lead 腐蚀铅 etch cutting 腐蚀切割 etch out method 腐蚀切割法 corrosion depth 腐蚀深度 corrosion test 腐蚀试验 corrosion rate 腐蚀速率 corrosion damage 腐蚀损坏 corrosion damage 腐蚀损伤 corrosion system 腐蚀体系 etch pattern 腐蚀图形 corrosion microbiology 腐蚀微生物学 coefficient of corrosion 腐蚀系数 corrosion effect 腐蚀效应 etch state 腐蚀形态 corrosivity 腐蚀性 corrosive atmosphere test 腐蚀性大气试验 caustic 腐蚀性的 corrosive flux 腐蚀性焊剂 corrosive cargo 腐蚀性货物 cavitation erosion 腐蚀性空化 corrosive corporation 腐蚀性物品 etching mask 腐蚀掩模 mordant 凹印的腐蚀液 corrosion allowance 腐蚀裕量 erosion drilling 腐蚀凿岩 corrosion number 腐蚀值 etching process 腐蚀制版法 etch state 腐蚀状态 bite 酸对蚀刻版的腐蚀作用 corrosiveness 腐蚀作用 corrosion 腐蚀作用的生成物 mull 腐熟腐殖质 decayed stable manure 腐熟厩肥 foot rot 腐蹄病 rot 腐蹄病 saprozoic 腐物寄生的 heart rot 腐心症 decay 腐朽 doze 腐朽 - 木材 rot 腐朽 red rot 腐朽变红 - 木材缺陷 decay 腐朽材 decayed timber 腐朽材 punk wood 腐朽材 rotten timber 腐朽材 rotten wood 腐朽材 punky 腐朽的 rotten 腐朽的 punky knot 腐朽节 rotten knot 腐朽节 dote 腐朽木材 dozed wood 腐朽木材 rotten streak 腐朽条纹 sapremia 腐血症 mull leaf beds 腐叶层 sanies 腐脓液 humic-sapropelic coal 腐植腐泥煤 humic soil 腐植泥 huminite 腐植体 geochemistry of humus 腐植质地球化学 humus geochemistry 腐植质地球化学 humus tank 腐殖沉淀池 gyttja 腐殖黑泥 humification 腐殖化 degree of humification 腐殖化程度 humification coefficient 腐殖化系数 humification 腐殖化作用 humic coal 腐殖煤 humic acid 腐殖酸 humus acid 腐殖酸 humic fertilizer 腐殖酸肥料 humic acid-decomposing bacteria 腐殖酸分解细菌 humic acids 腐殖酸类 humic fertilizer 腐殖酸类肥料 humus 腐殖土 muck 腐殖土 humic soil 腐殖土 humic substance 腐殖物质 chromophonic group of humic substance 腐殖物质发色基团 fractionation of humic substance 腐殖物质分级 physiological effect of humic substance 腐殖物质生理效应 net structure of humic substance 腐殖物质网络构造 humus 腐殖质 humus horizon 腐殖质层 sombric horizon 腐殖质淀积层 humus accumulation 腐殖质积累作用 humus analog 腐殖质类似物 rendzina 腐殖质炭酸盐土 humus carbonate soil 腐殖质碳酸盐土 humification 腐殖质形成 theory of humus nutrition 腐殖质营养学说 oxodium 腐殖质沼泽群落 oxylium 腐殖质沼泽群落 humus plant 腐殖质植物 oxygeophytia 腐殖质植物群落 humus form 腐殖质组型 male parent 父本 fertility male 父本繁殖力 father node 父节点 - 软件 father link 父连线 - 软件 father chain 父链 - 软件 parent's duty to protect child 父母堡子女的责任 parental rights and duties 父母的权利与义务 parent's investment in children 父母对孩子的投资 parent's responsibility for child's crime 父母对于子女的犯罪行为的责任 parent's liability for child's torts 父母对子女侵权行为的责任 parents figure 父母形象 patriline 父系 agnate 父系的 agnate 父系亲属 paternal reproduction rate 父系再生产率 patromorph 父性表型 paternal inheritance 父性遗传 set membership 父子关系 father-son farm 父子农场 father-son information 父子信息 - 软件 father field 父字段 - 软件 pay earnest money 付保证金 pay to bearer 付持票人 debit slip 付出传票 outs 付出的税款 disbursement 付出款 interest paid 付出利息 payout status 付出情况 pay earnest money 付定金 pay forfeit money 付罚金 fee-junction circuit 付费交界线路 pay tone 付费音 net income after dividends 付股息后净收入 overpay 付过多的报酬 repayment 付还 pay 付款 method of payment 付款办法 certifying bank 付款保证银行 payment insufficient 付款不足 paying counter 付款处 place of payment 付款地 pay television 付款电视 toll television 付款电视 country of payment 付款国 months after payment 付款后……个月 cash before delivery 付款后交货 grace of payment 付款缓期 document against payment 付款交单 documentary against payment 付款交单 document against payment bill 付款交单汇票 cash on delivery 付款交货 delivery against payment 付款交货 grace of payment 付款宽限 grace payment 付款宽限期 period of grace 付款宽限期 statement of payment 付款明细表 bill for payment 付款票据 paying certificate 付款凭单 payment voucher 付款凭单 warrant 付款凭单 voucher clerk 付款凭单记帐员 voucher system 付款凭单制 flowchart of a voucher system 付款凭单制度流程图 time for payment 付款期限 time of payment 付款期限 schedule payment 付款清单 payer 付款人 payer's liability 付款人的责任 pay day 付款日 date of payment 付款日期 day of payment 付款日期 requisition for payment 付款申请书 time for payment 付款时间 payment commission 付款手续费 presentment for payment 付款提示 payment clause 付款条件 payment terms 付款条件 terms of payment 付款条件 advice of charge 付款通知 payment order 付款通知 bill of credit 付款通知书 notice of payment 付款通知书 authority to pay 付款委托书 authorization to pay 付款委托书 postponement of payment 付款延期 paying agent 付款银行 paying bank 付款银行 payout bank 付款银行 paying bank's charge 付款银行费用 paying teller 付款员 account of payment 付款帐户 evidence of payment 付款证据 payment order 付款指示 type of payment 付款种类 paid 付讫 prepaid 付讫的 discharged bill 付讫票据 cancelled check 付讫支票 paid check 付讫支票 pay in full 付清 square accounts 付清 pay-off 付清工资 net payoff 付清贷款本息 fully-paid shares 付清股份 clear off an account 付清帐 payment of duty 付税 net profit after taxation 付税后纯利 after-tax yield 付税后收益 after-tax yield 付税后收益率 taxable capacity 付税能力 payment of interest 付息 earnings before interest and tax 付息及税前利润 interest payment period 付息期间 cash payment 付现 pay cash 付现 payment by cash 付现 payment for cash 付现 payment in cash 付现 out-of-pocket expenses 付现费用 cash send 付现金发货 cash 付现钱 pay in cash 付现钱 cash terms 付现条件 prompt cash discount 付现折扣 out-of-pocket manufacturing cost 付现制造成本 pay-check 付薪金用的支票 pass sheet 付印样 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司