翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 freight yard 货场 goods yard 货场 freight 铁路货车 freight car 货车 freight train 货车 freight vehicle 货车 goods train 货车 goods van 货车 lorry 货车 truck 货车 goods wagon 货车 marked loading capacity of wagon 货车标记载重量 dynamic load of wagon 货车动载重 wagon weighbridge 货车轨道衡 wagon number 货车号 truck and trailer 货车和挂车 static load of wagon 货车静载重 wagon static load 货车静载重 wagon flow 货车流 wagon flow diagram 货车流图 wagon density 货车密度 wagon shed 货车棚 method of car sampling 货车取样法 average daily output of serviceable wagon 货车日产量 wagon kilometers per wagon day 货车日车公里 allowable loading capacity of wagon 货车容许装载量 free wagon 货车上交货 wagon seal 货车施封 haulage 货车使用费 coefficient of double goods operations 货车双重作业系数 wagon box 货车厢 truckage 货车运费 wagonage 货车运输费 efficiency of wagon utilization 货车运用效率 indices of utilization of wagons 货车运用指标 wagon load 货车载荷 wagon brake 货车制动器 wagon turnround time 货车周转时间 wagon traverser 货车转车台 team yard 货车装卸场 wagon list 货车装载清单 wagon group 货车组 cargo ship 货船 cargo vessel 货船 freighter 货船 cargo certificate 货单 manifest 货单 shipping list 货单 waybill 货单 cash against delivery 货到付款 cash on arrival 货到付款 cash on delivery 货到付款 pay on delivery 货到付款 payment against arrival 货到付款 cash on delivery sale 货到付款销售 COD sale 货到付款销售 cash on arrival 货到付现 cash on delivery 货到付现 freight payable on delivery 货到付运费 freight payment on delivery 货到付运费 delivery on arrival 货到即提 collect on delivery 货到收款 sales on arrival 货到销售 order follow-up 货到验收 receipt of goods dating 货到折扣发票 cargo telegram 货电 storage card 货垛牌 container service port 货柜港 air freighter 货机 all-cargo aircraft 货机 commodity price 货价 price of goods 货价 del credere 货价保付 cost and freight invoice 货价加运费发票 goods shelf 货架 pallet board 货架 sheft stock 货架存货 shelf life 货架期 shelf life extension 货架期延长 shelves 货架式寄存器 transmittal note for goods 货件转送单 money for buying or selling goods 货款 payment for goods 货款 factoring 货款保收 value received 货款收讫 salesman problem 货郎担问题 travelling salesman problem 货郎担问题 claim for shortage 货量短少索赔 freight flow 货流 goods traffic 货流 geography of goods flow 货流地理 geography of goods traffic 货流地理学 volume of goods flow 货流量 frequency of freight 货流密度 freight 货轮 palletization 货盘化 palletized ship 货盘货船 pallet traffic 货盘运输 pallet shipment 货盘装运 freight house canopy 货棚 freight shed 货棚 goods shed 货棚 copies of way-bill 货票 freight bill 货票 freight invoice 货票 kinds or types of goods 货品 quality of mark 货品标号 designation of goods 货品标志 invoicing 货品计价 freight label 货签 goods area 货区 damage of cargo 货损 damage of goods 货损 survey of damage to goods 货损检验 rate of damage of goods 货损率 rate of damaged cargo 货损率 allowance for damage 货损折扣 shopboard 货摊 stall 货摊 goods allocation 货位 stacking bay 货位 slot charter 集装箱货位租用权 freight 货运货物 freight 货物 cargo 货物 commodity 货物 goods 货物 merchandise 货物 removal permit 货物搬移许可 freight handling 货物搬运 material handling 货物搬运 manipulation of goods 货物搬运和操作 freight handling area 货物搬运区面积 cargo handling equipment 货物搬运设备 drum 货物包装桶 charter of cargo 货物包租 custody of goods 货物保管 custody-of-cargo receipt 货物保管收据 quality of caring 货物保管质量 goods insurance 货物保险 cargo insurance policy 货物保险单 cargo premium 货物保险费 cargo insurance rate 货物保险费率 cargo insurance clause 货物保险条款 returns of premium-cargo 货物保险退费 goods declaration 货物报告单 goods label 货物标记 label 货物标签 cargo marking 货物标志 cargo consolidation 货物并箱 supplement traffic of goods 货物补送 notice of lack of conformity 货物不符通知 exception list 货物残损报告 damage cargo report 货物残损报告书 broken and damaged cargo list 货物残损单 broken and damaged cargo record 集装箱货物残损记录 inspection on damaged cargo 货物残损检验 residual value of cargo 货物残值 merchandise warehouse 货物仓库 cargo insurer 货物承保人 haulier 货物承运人 date of acknowledgement of consignment 货物承运日期 measurement of cargo 货物尺码 material treatment charge 货物处置费 cargo papers 货物单证 cargo billing system 货物单证制 transfer of load 货物倒装 cargo book 货物登记册 goods credit 货物抵押贷款 freight lift 货物电梯 goods lift 货物电梯 loss of goods 货物丢失 risk of shovtage 货物短量险 goods yard 货物堆场 time limit for dispatch 货物发送时间 forwarding instructions 货物发运细则 transire 货物放行单 freight classification 货物分等表 product load 货物负荷 harbor dues on goods 货物港务费 weight dues 货物港务费 valuation form 货物估定价格表 valuation of goods 货物估价 freight control computer 货物管理计算机 cargo navicert 货物航运执照 balance on goods and services 货物和服务的平衡 imports of goods and services 货物和服务进口额 export of goods and service 货物和劳务出口额 incompatibity 货物互抵性 transshipment and rearrangement of goods 货物换装整理 tax on goods and possessions 货物及财产税 tax on goods and property 货物及财产税 cargo container 货物集装箱 freight container 货物集装箱 charged weight 货物计费重量 computed point of goods 货物计算点 inspecting order 货物检查单 examined cross-section of goods 货物检定断面 goods delivery 货物交付 date of delivery 货物交付日期 rate of interchange 货物交换比率 barter trading 货物交换式贸易 acceptance and delivery list of goods 货物交接单 list of freight delivered and received 货物交接单 table of interflow of goods 货物交流表 cargo winch 货物绞车 cargoes imported and exported 货物进出口量 import duty risk 货物进口税险 rejection risk 货物拒收险 commodity card 货物卡 Convention on the Valuation of Goods for Customs Purposes 货物课税估价公约 air transit of goods 货物空运过境 through freight traffic 货物联运 goods train 货物列车 goods train formation plan 货物列车编组计划 density of goods trains 货物列车密度 lien on cargo 货物留置权 rhocrematics 货物流通学 passavant 货物免税通行证 particular of cargo 货物明细单 particulars of goods 货物内容 category of goods 货物品类 nature of goods 货物品名 certificate of quality 货物品质证书 average storage time 货物平均堆存期 freight lift 货物起卸机 freight tonnage originated 货物起运吨数 latent defect of goods 货物潜在缺陷 detailed list of goods 货物清单 manifest 货物清单 zoning rate of goods 货物区域运价 octroi 货物入市税 landing of goods 货物上岸 charge plate 货物赊销牌 merchandise declaration 货物申报单 risk of leakage 货物渗漏险 actural measuring width of goods 货物实测宽度 legal weight 货物实重 receipt of goods 货物收据 stock debit note 货物收入凭单 certificate of quantity 货物数量证书 commodity tax 货物税 excise duty 货物税 excise tax 货物税 goods tax 货物税 damaged cargo report 货物损坏报告 owner of goods 货物所有者 cargo claim 货物索赔 special commodity rate 货物特别运价率 goods statistics 货物统计 goods operation on route 货物途中作业 cargoes loaded and unloaded 货物吞吐量 port cargo throughput 货物吞吐量 port freight volume 货物吞吐量 consignment of goods 货物托运 invoice 货物托运 tax on sale and turnover 货物销售及周转税 quality of discharge 货物卸船质量 time ready for discharge 货物卸船准备时间 collateral trust bond 货物信托债券 optional right for cargo 货物选择权 overlanded and shortlanded cargo list 货物溢短单 overlanded cargo list 货物溢卸单 physical unit of goods 货物有形计算单位 preentry of goods 货物预先申报 country of origin 货物原产国 freight bill 货物运单 consignment note 货物运单 time limit for delivery 货物运到期限 transit period of goods 货物运到期限 date of arrival 货物运到日期 advice of arrival 货物运到通知 freight charges 货物运费 goods freight 货物运费 goods tariff 货物运价 classification of freight rate 货物运价等级 goods tariff No. 货物运价号 tariff distance 货物运价里程 freight rate 货物运价率 goods rate 货物运价率 freight traffic 货物运输 freight transportation 货物运输 cargo transportation insurance 货物运输保险 cargo insurance policy 货物运输保险单 freight forwarder 货物运输行 basic condition of goods traffic 货物运输基本条件 plan of cargo transport 货物运输计划 freight volume 货物运输量 volume of goods traffic 货物运输量 volume of transport 货物运输量 prediction of freight volume 货物运输量预测 density of goods traffic 货物运输密度 agreed duration of freight transport 货物运输时限 cargo transportation insurance 货物运输险 freight tonnage carried 货物运送吨数 phisical distribution 货物运销 measurement of cargo 货物载重测定 freight station 货物站 goods platform 货物站台 warrant for goods 货物证书 freight transfer station 货物中转站 nature of goods 货物种类 goods weight 货物重量 tonnage 货物重量 - 船舶的 lateral shifting of gravitational center of goods 货物重心的横向位移 freight mileage 货物周转量 freight turnover 货物周转量 tonnage mileage 货物周转量 freight release 货物转让 goods turning rack 货物转向架 freight forwarder 货物转运人 quality of loading 货物装舱质量 cargo handling 货物装卸 freight handling 货物装卸 unit cost of cargo handling 货物装卸单位成本 volume of cargo transferred 货物装卸量 lift van 货物装卸箱 railway advice 货物装运通知单 unit load 货物装载单位 local car 货物作业车 number of goods operations 货物作业次数 packing box 货箱 packing case 货箱 measurements of packing cases 货箱尺码 sample 货样 cargo oil tank heating system 货油舱加热系统 cargo oil thermal oil heating system 货油舱热油加热系统 cargo oil tank stripping system 货油舱扫舱系统 water cleaning system for cargo oil tank 货油舱水洗舱系统 cargo oil tank venting piping system 货油舱透气系统 cargo oil tank cleaning system 货油舱洗舱系统 cargo oil steam heating system 货油舱蒸汽加热系统 cargo oil hose 货油软管 cargo oil handling system 货油装卸系统 cargo oil branch pipe 货油装卸支管 cargo oil main line 货油装卸总管 merchandise resources 货源 source of freight 货源 supply of goods 货源 freight survey 货源调查 coordination of freight sources 货源管理 information of cargo resources 货源信息 arrangement of shipments 货源组织 freight management 货源组织 cargo traffic 货运 freight traffic 货运 freight transport 货运 freightage 货运 goods traffic 货运 freight office 货运办公室 cargo reservation 货运保留 freight forwarder 货运报关行 shipping tag 货运标签 freight enquiry 货运查询 freight department 货运处 freight forwarder 货运代理行 shipping agent 货运代理商 freight bill 货运单 waybill 货运单 shipping document 货运单据 general list of shipping document 货运单据总估单 unitization of cargo 货运单位化 freight yard 货运调车场 freight ton 货运吨 air truck 货运飞机 freight charges 货运费 shipping cost 货运费 goods working programme 货运工作方案 goods traffic plan 货运工作计划 transport company 货运公司 cargo-transport plane 货运机 freight locomotive 货运机车 average daily output of freight locomotive 货运机车日产量 freight base station 货运基地车站 freight unit 货运计费单位 goods traffic record 货运记录 material ropeway 货运架空索道 freight waybill 货运里程单 freight traffic 货运量 volume of freight traffic 货运量 shipping statistics 货运量统计 freight train 货运列车 goods train 货运列车 cargo berth 货运码头 cargo terminal 货运码头 transit van 货运蓬车 goods traffic day-to-day management 货运日常工作组织 goods traffic equipment 货运设备 freight market 货运市场 market survey of cargo transport 货运市场调查 freight traffic accident 货运事故 goods traffic accident 货运事故 classification of goods traffic accidents 货运事故等级 quick report of goods traffic accident 货运事故速报 freight earnings 货运收入 freight revenue 货运收入 key terminal 货运枢纽站 cargo consolidation scheme 货运统筹计划 mode of freight transportation 货运形式 carrying trade 货运业 cargo service 货运业务 freight service 货运业务 goods traffic plan 货运运输计划 miscellaneous fees of goods traffic 货运杂费 freight depot 货运站 freight station 货运站 freight terminal 货运站 goods station 货运站 freight steam locomotive 货运蒸汽机车 goods traffic indices 货运指标 quality of freight transport 货运质量 quality of freight transportation 货运质量 rotation volume of freight transport 货运周转量 rotation volume of goods transport 货运周转量 forwarder 货运转运人 cargo boarding advisory 货运装运指南 cargo data interchange system 货运资料交换系统 certificate on cargo weight and measurement 货载衡量证书 payload 货载质量 storage 货栈 storage 货栈 storehouse 货栈 warehouse 货栈 warehouse warrant 货栈存货单 warehouse stock 货栈贮存 genuine goods at a fair price 货真价实 mass-distance 货重-距离 freight agent 货主 owner of cargo 货主 unclaimed goods 货主不明的货物 owner's risk 货主负责 owner's risk rate 货主负责运价率 shipper's usance 货主远期汇票 sample drawn by owner 货主自抽货样 acquirement 获得 gain 获得 binding over 获得保释 acquired 获得的 bonus earned 获得奖金 acquired resistance 获得抗性 gain profit 获得利润 acquired immunity 获得免疫性 acquisition model 获得模式 cost of obtaining evidence 获得审计证据的成本 commission earned 获得手续费 acquired character 获得特性 acquired character 获得性 acquired variation 获得性变异 acquired hypothyroidism 获得性甲状腺功能减退症 acquired immunity 获得性免疫 acquired immunological tolerance 获得性免疫耐受性 acquired immunity deficiency syndrome 获得性免疫缺乏综合征 acquired immunodeficiency 获得性免疫缺损 acquired tolerance 获得性耐量 acquired hemolytic anemia 获得性溶血性贫血 acquired character 获得性特性 acquired character 获得性特征 acquired character 获得性状 inheritance of acquired character 获得性状遗传 discount taken 获得折扣 at a profit 获利 paying well 获利井 profitability ratio 获利能力比率 profitability accounting statement 获利能力会计报表 profit earning efficiency 获利效率 capacitation 获能 endoergicity 获能度 catcher resonator 获能腔 acquisition 获取 profit taking 获取利润 heat gain 获热量 winner 获胜者 yield 获益率 harvest moon 获月 bane 祸根 Houben-Hoesch synthesis 霍本-赫施合成 Horn clause 霍恩子句 Hall-Heroult process 霍尔-埃鲁特法 Hall converter 霍尔变换器 Hall constant 霍尔常数 Haldane-Oparin hypothesis 霍尔丹-奥巴林假说 Haldane's rule 霍尔丹法则 Haldane apparatus 霍尔丹分析仪 Holder's inequality 霍尔德不等式 Holder condition 霍尔德条件 Holden permeability bridge 霍尔登磁导率电桥 Hall conductivity 霍尔电导率 Hall electric machine 霍尔电机 Hall generator 霍尔发生器 Hall process 霍尔法 Hall accelerator 霍尔加速器 Hall angle 霍尔角 Hoare logic 霍尔逻辑 Holman stamp 霍尔曼捣矿机 Holman counter balanced drill rig 霍尔曼平衡钻车 Holman dust extractor 霍尔曼型吸尘器 Holman airleg 霍尔曼钻机气腿 Hallpike caloric test 霍尔派克冷热试验 Hall device 霍尔器件 Hall mobility 霍尔迁移率 Hall three dimension structure 霍尔三维结构 Hall sensor 霍尔式传感器 Hall transducer 霍尔式传感器 Hall displacement transducer 霍尔式位移传感器 Halsted's radical mastectomy 霍尔斯特德根除性乳腺切除术 Hall probe 霍尔探针 Hortvet sublimator 霍尔特维脱升华器 Hall coefficient 霍尔系数 Hall effect 霍尔效应 Hall-effect multiplier 霍尔效应乘法器 magnetic field control by Hall effect 霍尔效应磁场控制 Hall effect magnetometer 霍尔效应磁强计 Hall-effect gaussmeter 霍尔效应高斯计 Hall-effect isolator 霍尔效应隔离器 Hall-effect power meter 霍尔效应功率计 Hall-effect relay 霍尔效应继电器 Hall-effect switch 霍尔效应开关 Hall-effect device 霍尔效应器件 Hall-effect modulator 霍尔效应调制器 Hall-effect chopper 霍尔效应斩波器 Hall cyclic thermal reforming 霍尔循环式热重整 Holtz machine 霍尔兹起电机 Hofbauer cell 霍夫鲍尔细胞 Hofmeister series 霍夫迈斯特序 Hofmann amine separation 霍夫曼胺分离法 Hofmann exhaustive methylation reaction 霍夫曼彻底甲基化反应 Hofmann rearrangement 霍夫曼重排 Hofmann reaction 霍夫曼反应 Hofmann rule 霍夫曼规则 Hofmann degradation 霍夫曼降解 Hofmann mustard-oil reaction 霍夫曼芥子油反应 Hoffman binant electrometer 霍夫曼双象限静电计 Hoffman kiln 霍夫曼窑 Hoagland solution 霍格兰溶液 Howard protection system 霍华德堡系统 Hopcalite 霍加催化剂 Hopcalite 霍加拉特 Hogarth chair 霍迦斯式椅 Hawking's theorem 霍金定理 Hawking's theorem 霍金理论 Hawley retainer 霍利保持器 Hollybush limestone 霍利布什灰岩 Hollybush sandstone 霍利布什砂岩 Holliday structure 霍利迪结构 Hawley-Smoot tariff 霍利-斯摩特税则 Holuridae 霍留鱼科 cholera 霍乱 choleragen 霍乱肠菌素 cholera toxin 霍乱毒素 cholera vibrio 霍乱弧菌 El Tor vibrio 霍乱弧菌埃托尔生物型 Pfeiffer phenomenon 霍乱弧菌溶菌现象 cholera vaccine 霍乱菌苗 cholerophobia 霍乱恐怖 Hohmann trajectory 霍曼弹道 Hohmann orbit 霍曼轨道 Homan's sign 霍曼斯氏征 Holmberg radius 霍姆伯格半径 Holmgren theorem 霍姆格伦定理 Horner's method 霍纳方法 Horner's syndrome 霍纳氏综合征 Honigmann process 霍尼希曼分段钻进法 Hopfield neural network 霍普菲尔德神经网络 Hopf invariant 霍普夫不变量 Hopf algebra 霍普夫代数 Hopf bifurcation 霍普夫分岔 Hopfner process 霍普夫纳法 Hope's nose limestone 霍普岬灰岩 Hopkins host selection principle 霍普金寄主选择原理 Hopkins-Cole reaction 霍普金-柯尔反应 Hopkinson bar 霍普金森杆 Hopkinson test 霍普金森试验 Hopkinson-Thring torsion meter 霍普金森-思林扭力计 - 反光镜式 Hopkinson coefficient 霍普金森系数 Hopkin's bioclimatic law 霍普金生物气候律 Hoppus foot 霍普斯英尺 Hope Shale 霍普页岩 Hotchkiss superdip 霍奇基斯超倾磁力仪 Hotchkiss drive 霍奇基斯传动 Hodge structure 霍奇结构 Hodge scheme 霍奇氏图式 Hodgson number 霍奇逊数 Hodge's pessary 霍奇子宫托 Houskeeper seal 霍斯奇伯密封 Hoyt's metal 霍特金属 Ageratum conyzoides L. 霍香蓟 tropic ageratum 霍香蓟 Hoyer method of prestressing 霍耶预加应力法 Hoyle-Narliker theory 霍伊尔-纳利卡理论 Heusler alloy 霍伊斯勒合金 Heuser membrane 霍伊泽膜 exempt from commercial and industrial tax 豁免工商税 exemption from rates 豁免捐税 exempt zone 豁免区 immunity 豁免权 right of immunity 豁免权 absolve tax 豁免税捐 exempt tax 豁免税捐 exempt from income tax 豁免所得税 exempt from estate duty 豁免遗产税 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司