翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 The fruit tree fruits in late summer. 这种果树在每年夏末结果。 This kind of cosmetics is not suitable for you. 这种化妆品对你不适宜。 The rapid spread of the disease is alarming the medical authorities. 这种疾病的迅速蔓延使医疗当局感到忧虑不安。 The plan will bring about good results. 这种计划将会产生良好的效果。 This experience will make me show my true color. 这种经历将使我暴露我的本性。 The empty theory can not interest people. 这种空洞的理论不会引起人们的兴趣。 The craze is sweeping over Japan. 这种狂热正席卷日本。 Such a miracle has never occurred before. 这种奇事过去从未发生过。 The act of violence made people boil with anger. 这种强暴的行为令人发指。 It's extremely bad and needs to be handled right away. 这种情况很糟糕, 需要马上解决。 This kind of skirt is fashionable this year. 这种裙子是今年时兴的。 This creature lives in the depth of the ocean. 这种生物生活在海洋深处。 The statements were of political character. 这种声明具有政治性质。 This sort of thing is quite a common occurrence. 这种事很平常。 Such things are common occurrences in some regions. 这种事在某些地区司空见惯。 Such trees can be found in the plains. 这种树木可见于平原。 This kind of rice is of the best quality. 这种水稻品质优良。 The view has been confirmed scientifically. 这种说法已得到了科学的印证。 Such a humiliation filled me with indignation. 这种污辱使我感到极其愤慨。 Such ignorance is truly laughable. 这种无知确实很可笑。 The new method has produced a marked effect. 这种新方法成效显著。 The new aircraft is undergoing safety tests. 这种新飞机正在接受安全性能检验。 This deduction is ridiculous. 这种演绎是荒谬的。 The medicine has special efficacy in your disease. 这种药对你的病有特效。 This medicine has no side effect. 这种药没有副作用。 The medicine relives pain instantly. 这种药能即刻解除疼痛。 The usage is now firmly established. 这种用法现已得到确认。 These plants must be sheltered from direct sunlight. 这种植物必须遮起来,免受阳光直射。 This kind of plant has exuberant vitality. 这种植物有旺盛的生命力。 The clumsy performance was disgusting. 这种拙劣的表演让人看了就作呕。 The latest model of this washer is now on sale in your shops. 这种最新型号的洗衣机目前正在你们的商店中出售。 This work will hardly stand close examination. 这种作品很难经得起认真的检验。 This method deserves recommendation. 这种做法值得提倡。 Whom does this property belong to? 这资产属于谁? The accident was caused by human error. 这宗事故是人为过失造成的。 The borderland village is picturesque. 这座边寨风景如画。 The castle was taken by surprise attack. 这座城堡被偷袭攻陷。 The castle stands out against the sky. 这座城堡矗立天际。 Highways radiate in all directions form this city. 这座城市, 公路四通八达。 Filthy streets were everywhere in the city. 这座城市到处都是肮脏的街道。 This is a crowded city. 这座城市很拥挤。 The city is held by the enemy. 这座城市已被敌人占领。 The city was the capital of China during the Tang Dynasty. 这座城市曾是中国唐朝时的都城。 The town has a beautiful position on the seaside. 这座城镇地处海滨,地点甚佳。 This big building is the principal part of the project. 这座大楼是整个工程的主体部分。 The bridge stands majestic astride the Yangtze River. 这座大桥巍然横跨在长江之上。 The large building stands towering like a giant on the square in the center of the city. 这座大厦傲然屹立在市中心的广场上。 The appearance of the building is beautiful. 这座大厦的外形十分美观。 This tall building towers into the clouds. 这座大厦高耸入云。 This house has captured my fancy. 这座房子我很中意。 The mountain stands tall and upright on the vast plain. 这座高山屹然矗立在广阔的平原上。 The road bridge is now open to traffic. 这座公路桥现在开放通行。 Tourists are in the park all day. 这座公园里游人终日不断。 The palace looks dazzlingly brilliant and splendid in green and gold. 这座宫殿看上去光彩夺目,金碧辉煌。 The seaport is very beautiful. 这座海港很美丽。 The design for the building shows a great deal of originality. 这座建筑物的设计非常新颖。 This theater is set up for children. 这座剧院是为儿童设置的。 The foundation of the building is firm. 这座楼房地基牢固。 Ancient trees in this temple touch the sky. 这座庙里古木参天。 This bridge is very solidly built. 这座桥梁很坚固。 The top of this mountain is three kilometers above the sea level. 这座山的山顶海拔三千米高。 The peak towers above all the others. 这座山峰高耸在群峦之上。 High and precipitous, this mountain is strategically located and difficult of access. 这座山峰坡势陡峻, 极为险要。 The mountain is 3500 meters high. 这座山有3500米高。 There is a forest of tall buildings in the modern city. 这座现代化城市高楼林立。 The bell tower is the emblem of this city. 这座钟楼是这个城市的象征。 Acupuncture anesthesia does take the course of its own in the medical science of the world. 针刺麻醉在世界医学上真可谓独树一帜。 Really?? You are so bad! 真的吗?你真棒! What a disgrace! 真丢人! A lie which is half a truth is ever the blackest of lies. 真假参半的谎话最险恶。 How disappointing! 真叫人扫兴! Truth needs no color. 真理不需要打扮。 Truth develops through its struggle against falsehood. 真理是在同谬误的斗争中发展的。 It is hard to believe. 真令人难以置信。 That's queer indeed. 真蹊跷。 It's strange for her to be so rude. 真奇怪,她竟然会如此粗暴无礼。 Truth will be out. 真相终会大白。 True love never grows old. 真正的爱永不衰老。 This is courage in a man: to bear unflinchingly what heaven sends. 真正的勇气是:无所畏惧地接受上天给你的一切。 This is courage in a man: to bear unflinchingly what heaven sends. 真正的勇气是:无所畏惧地接受上天给你的一切。 The foundation of true happiness is in the conscience. 真正的愉快之根本在于良心。 Sincere friendship is everlasting and unchanging. 真挚的友谊天长地久。 Jack's shoes were caked with mud in a country road after a shower. 阵雨过后走在乡村小路上,杰克的鞋子上沾了些泥块。 The shower was so thick that it made a curtain of rain. 阵雨密密麻麻,织成了雨帘。 Brace up! 振作起来! The enemy that garrisoned the city surrendered. 镇守这座城市的敌军投降了。 The class is divided in opinion. 整个班级意见有分歧。 The whole project was delayed. 整个工程被耽搁下来。 The whole market town knows of it. 整个集镇都知道这件事。 The whole nation made concerted efforts, shared bitter hatred against the enemy, and jointly resisted foreign aggression. 整个民族团结奋斗,同仇敌忾,共御外侮。 The whole society should show concern for handicapped children. 整个社会都要关心残疾儿童。 In all the village, no garden was so lovely as his. 整个乡间没有哪家的花园比他家的美。 The police took the burglar by surprise as he opened the window. 正当窃贼把窗打开时,警察冷不防逮住了他。 They came to help just when we were short of hands. 正当人手少的时候, 他们来了。 A square has four sides but a circle has no sides. 正方形有四条边,而圆形没有边。 The principal room faces south. 正房朝南。 Sweep before your own door. 正人先正已。 As he predicted, the wind changed. 正如他所预料的一样, 风向变了。 It was the Greeks who shaped the thinking of Western man. 正是希腊人影响了西方人的思维。 As we were just thinking of asking him for help, he happened to come. 正想找他帮忙, 可好他来了。 He that makes a good war makes a good peace. 正义的战争创造持久的和平。 An appeal is being made for help for those who lost their homes in the earthquake. 正在呼吁援助在地震中失去家园的人们。 The evidence proved his guilt. 证据证明了他有罪。 The witness stated the facts very clearly. 证人把事实叙述得很清楚。 The policy has changed by the course of events. 政策已随着形势的发展而改变了。 The government promulgates a decree. 政府颁布法令。 The government must act to firm prices up. 政府必须采取行动使物价稳定下来。 The government didn't allow reporting the terrible accident. 政府不允许报道那起严重事故。 The government forbade gambling. 政府查禁赌博。 The government issued an order of commendation to them. 政府给他们颁发了嘉奖令。 The government planned to complete several big projects this year. 政府计划今年建成几项大工程。 The government will pursue a new policy. 政府将推行一项新政策。 The government must not ignore these symptoms of discontent among their supporters. 政府切不可忽视其支持者中间所表现出的这些不满征候。 The government infringed on the freedom of the press. 政府侵犯了新闻自由。 The government is the highest authority in the country. 政府是国家的最高权力机构。 The government cut back military expenditure. 政府缩减了军费。 The government initiates collective welfare work. 政府兴办集体福利事业。 The government declared the implicated diplomats persona non grata. 政府宣布有牵累的外交官为不受欢迎的人。 The government should always keep the people's interest in mind. 政府要时刻为人民利益着想。 The government should listen attentively to the masses of people. 政府要注意倾听群众的意见。 The government has taken measures to preserve order. 政府已采取措施维护秩序。 The government has promised to take measures to help the unemployed. 政府已答应采取措施来帮助失业者。 The government has the situation well in hand. 政府已完全控制了局势。 The government should try their utmost to exclude the difficulty and anxiety from the masses. 政府应该尽力为群众排忧解难。 The government is discussing the proposal. 政府正在讨论这项提案。 There has been much gossip in political circles. 政界里已有许多闲言碎语。 The political situation was unstable. 政局不稳。 Politicians should not engage in business affairs that might affect their political judgement. 政治家不应该参与那些可能会影响其政治判断力的商业事务。 A politician should be a servant of the people. 政治家应是人民的公仆。 A statesman never fails to see how the wind blows. 政治家总会见风转舵。 The check becomes invalid after the specified date. 支票过期作废。 The flowers on the branches are in bud. 枝头的花朵含苞待放。 Intellectuals should be esteemed. 知识分子应受到尊重。 Intellectuals play an important part in society. 知识分子在社会中起重要作用。 Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。 Knowledge stems from practice. 知识来源于实践。 Wisdom is to the mind what health is to the body. 知识之于心灵正如健康之于身体。 Easier said than done. 知易行难。 Enough is as good as a feast. 知足常乐。 He is wise that knows when he is well enough. 知足为智者。 The shuttle flies back and forth on the loom. 织布机上梭子来回飞动。 Refractory children disobey their parents. 执拗儿童违抗父母。 The Strait of Gibraltar connects the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. 直布罗陀海峡连接着地中海和大西洋。 The Strait of Gibraltar is the strategic passage between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. 直布罗陀海峡是地中海通向大西洋的咽喉。 The Straits of Gibraltar are the strategic passage between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. 直布罗陀海峡是地中海通向大西洋的咽喉要道。 Only a few days before the examination, he began to read the books at random like a man who was not particular about his food when hungry. 直到考试前几天,他才饥不择食地胡乱看起书来。 People do not know the value of health till they lose it. 直到失去健康,人们才知道健康的可贵。 I didn't wake up until I heard the alarm clock. 直到听到闹钟的铃声我才醒来。 A helicopter can take off vertically. 直升机可以垂直起飞。 He that plants trees loves others besides himself. 植树的人,不但爱己,而且爱人。 A botanist can differentiate varieties of plants. 植物学家能区分各种不同的植物。 The plant died for lack of water. 植物因缺水而枯死了。 The plants luxuriated in the new soil. 植物在新的土壤里生长繁茂。 The people in the colony recovered their lost territory. 殖民地的人民光复了失地。 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只工作不玩耍,聪明杰克也变傻。 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只工作不娱乐使人愚钝。 A saturating rain was expected to end the drought. 只盼下场透雨,解除旱情。 There is only one can of meat left. 只剩下一听肉了。 There are only a few days left, We must get a move on. 只剩下有数的几天了, 得加把劲儿。 After only a month's learning, Xiao Zhang was already able to operate the machine. 只学习了一个月, 小张已经能操纵那台机器了。 Persevere and you'll succeed. 只要你坚持不懈,你自会成功。 The article may be generalized by mentioning only those main points. 只要提一下那些要点即可概括那篇文章。 A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. 只要一个人还有所追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。 So long as there are conflicts between peoples and religions, world peace is not within the foreseeable future. 只要有种族间和宗教间的纷争, 世界和平就遥遥无期。 As long as we are fully prepared, we'll have full assurance of success. 只要做好充分准备, 一定能稳操胜券。 Only one or two people asked for leave. 只有个别人请假。 Only truth that is tested by practice is irrefutable. 只有经过实践检验的真理才是颠扑不破的。 Only those who fish for fame and compliments by fair means or foul can do such shameful things. 只有那些不择手段地沽名钓誉的人,才能做出这样不知羞耻的事。 Only human beings are capable of speech. 只有人类才具有说话的能力。 Only a few journalists were allowed inside. 只有少数记者被允许入内。 Only time will tell if you are right. 只有时间才能证明你是否正确。 Only people with a strong constitution could climb the Himalayas. 只有体格强健的人才能攀登喜马拉雅山。 Only a versatile person can settle the complex problem. 只有通才,才能解决这个复杂的问题。 It's only the idle will be tired. 只有闲人才会感到疲倦。 Only by reasoning can we convince people completely. 只有以理服人,才能使人心悦诚服。 Only competent and well-trained person could do this job. 只有有真才识学的人才能胜任这项工作。 Paper burns easily. 纸容易着火。 Nobody knows where he has gone. 至今他仍去向不明。 The volunteers are in training. 志愿人员在接受培训。 Prevention is better than cure. 治病不如防病。 The only way to cure backache is to rest. 治疗背痛的唯一办法是休息。 It was in a state of chaos. 秩序紊乱。 Don't forget your friends when you become rich. 致富后不要忘了老朋友。 Take a pain for a pleasure all wise man can. 智者能视苦为乐。 The trouble-ridden Middle East commands the attention of the whole world. 中东是举世瞩目的多事地区。 The press in China widely reported these events. 中国报纸广泛报道了这件事。 China will not attach itself to any big power. 中国不依附任何大国。 South China has green hills and clear waters and is full of beautiful scenery. 中国的江南山明水秀,风景美丽。 China has a vast area, a remarkable place producing outstanding personalities. 中国幅员辽阔,人杰地灵。 The ancient Chinese people paid great attention to human relations. 中国古代非常注重人伦。 The classical Chinese poetry paid much attention to implication. 中国古诗非常注重言外之意。 The national flag of China was raised on the summit of Mount Everest. 中国国旗插上了珠穆朗玛峰的顶峰。 China does a lot of trade with many countries. 中国和许多国家进行多方面贸易。 The Chinese people have backbone. 中国人民有骨气。 The Chinese eat with chopsticks. 中国人用筷子吃饭。 China boasts the world's largest number of lakes on plateaus. 中国是世界上高原湖泊最多的国家。 China is a developing country in Asia. 中国是亚洲的发展中国家。 The Chinese silk is known all over the world. 中国丝绸驰名天下。 China lies to the north of Vietnam. 中国位于越南的北面。 The Turpan Basin in Xinjiang is the world's lowest-lying basin. 中国新疆的吐鲁番盆地是世界最低的盆地。 China has been famous for its silk trade. 中国以丝绸贸易闻名。 China has emerged with a new visage in the East. 中国以新的面貌出现在世界的东方。 Chinese art works stress alikeness not only in appearance but also in spirit. 中国艺术作品不仅讲究形似, 而且讲究神似。 China has a very long coastline. 中国有漫长的海岸线。 There are a lot of magnificent ranges of mountains in China. 中国有许多巍巍壮丽的山脉。 China has a splendid ancient civilization. 中国有着灿烂的古代文化。 At no time will China be the first to use nuclear weapons. 中国在任何时候决不首先使用核武器。 The Chinese nation is hardworking and peace-loving. 中华民族既勤劳又热爱和平。 The Chinese nation possesses thousands upon thousands of men of courage and uprightness. 中华民族有着成千上万的血性男儿。 The Chinese nation has a long and splendid civilization. 中华民族有着悠久灿烂的文化。 The Chinese nation has had good traditions since ancient times. 中华民族自古以来就有优良的传统。 Never stop halfway. 中途不准停留。 At noon the thunder was accompanied by lightning and a fierce gale sprang up.. 中午,雷电交加,狂风大作。 At noon the red sun is hanging in the sky. 中午赤日当空。 Advice when most needed is least heeded. 忠言逆耳。 Honest advice, though unpleasant to the ear, benefits conduct. 忠言逆耳利于行。 The seeds haven't come up yet. 种子还没有发芽。 Mr. and Mrs. Jones have 3 daughters. 仲斯夫妇有三个女儿。 Tastes differ. 众口难调。/人各有所好。 All expected his return earnestly. 众人切盼他归来。 As opinions vary widely, no unanimous conclusion can be drawn. 众说纷纭, 莫衷一是。 As opinions vary, no unanimous conclusion can be drawn. 众说纷纭,莫衷一是。 It is widely known that the overseas Chinese are a hardworking lot. 众所周知华侨是刻苦耐劳的。 Huge forces have been deployed along the border. 重兵压境。 A bad cold can lead to pneumonia. 重感冒可能导致肺炎。 Nothing was stirred around. 周围一点动静也没有。 With people around, it wasn't convenient to talk about the matter. 周围有人,不便启齿。 The late Premier Zhou's noble sentiment will inspire us for ever. 周总理的高尚情操将永远鼓舞着我们。 Judy bent her face low over the notebook. 朱迪把脸凑近笔记本。 Professor Zhu was content with poverty, caring only for his principles. 朱教授安贫乐道。 All is satisfactory. 诸事顺心。 All is satisfactory. 诸事顺心。 A pig is a domestic animal. 猪是一种家畜。 The prime culprit has been fallen into the net. 主犯已经落网。 Red flags are fluttering on both sides of the rostrum. 主席台左右, 红旗迎风飘扬。 The chairman declared the result of the vote. 主席宣布表决结果。 I wish you a happy New Year and that everything turns out as you wish. 祝大家新春佳节万事如意。 Good luck and happiness to you! 祝你吉祥如意! Happy birthday to you! 祝你生日快乐! I wish you a good journey. 祝你一路平安。 I hope you'll get well soon. 祝你早日恢复健康。 I wish you the best health. 祝您安康! I wish you good health and a long life. 祝您健康长寿! Experts will appraise the painting. 专家将对此画进行品评。 The experts make a further exploration on this problem. 专家们对这一问题进一步探索。 The experts examined and verified the budget. 专家们审核了预算。 In a twinkling he came to us. 转瞬之间, 他就来到我们的身边。 Crops are growing luxuriantly. 庄稼长势旺盛。 The noble peaks tower into the clouds. 壮丽的山峰高耸入云。 The heroic man won't return after he's gone. 壮士一去不复还。 The mourning hall was filled with a solemn silence. 追悼会会场庄严肃穆。 As I look back, scenes of the past leap before my eyes. 追忆往事,历历在目。 When is the best moment to release news? 准备什么时候发布新闻? There is a fruit bowl on the table. 桌上有个水果盘。 Various objects were on the table. 桌子上摆着各种各样的物体。 The things on the table were all in a muddle. 桌子上的东西杂乱无章。 There are some oranges on the table. 桌子上有几个橘子。 The smoke of the burning house could be seen many blocks away. 着火的房子的冒出的烟在几个街区外都能看到。 The bullet hit him in the chest. 子弹击中了他的胸膛。 Children supporting their parents is nature's law and earth's way. 子女奉养父母是天经地义的。 After midnight, the party broke up. 子夜后晚会结束。 In writing, make the characters square and upright. 字要写得方方正正。 Things have changed in this small town since you left years ago. 自从你数年前离开后, 这个小镇已物换星移。 He led a dissolute life after he made a lot of money in business. 自从他经商赚了许多钱后,生活变得腐化。 We've been friends ever since we met at school. 自从我们在学校认识之后,我们就一直是好朋友。 The young girl's longing for love started since she met him. 自从遇见他,这个少女春情萌动。 Conceit is the quicksand of success. 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司