翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 It's priced at 45 dollars. 标价为 45 美元。 The reading on the meter is six dollars and seventy cents. 表上的钱数是六美元七十美分。 Oh, it has stopped. I must have forgotten to wind it. 表停了,我一定是忘了上发条了。 Don't honk! It's a silent zone! 别按喇叭!这里是安静区! Don't lift that! 别把那东西举起来! Don't take it to heart. 别把它放在心上。 No kidding! 别把我当小孩耍了! Don't drop your ashes on the floor! 别把烟灰掉到地板上! Don't tire these horses; we'll need them later. 别把这些马累坏了我们过会儿还要用它们呢。 Don't push me too far, or I'll divorce you. 别逼人太甚,否则我要与你离婚。 Don't push me! 别逼我! Please don't be. 别不安。 Don't butt in! 别插嘴! Don't eat so many chocolates! 别吃这么多巧克力! Don't bother me, or I'll tell your boss. 别打扰我,否则我将告诉你的老板。 Don't mind, you'll pass the exam. 别担心,你会通过考试的。 Don't worry, I'll help you. 别担心,我会帮助你的。 Don't worry, I think you'll pass the exam this time. 别担心,我想这次你会通过考试的。 Don't worry, I'm right behind you. 别担心,我作你的后盾。 Don't worry, everything will turn out fine. 别担心,一切都会变好的。 Don't worry, it's all going to be fairly good. 别担心,一切都会好的。 Don't worry, things will work out fine. 别担心,一切都会好的。 Don't worry, all will turn out right. 别担心,一切都会好的。 Don't worry. I can make it. 别担心。我能让你赶上。 you mustn't worry about me! 别担心我! A story for the child. 别当我是小孩。 Don't move! 别动! Don't move, or I'll fire. 别动,不然我要开枪了! Don't move and say 'cheese'. 别动,笑一笑。 Don't give up now! 别放弃! Don't get fresh! 别放肆! Don't say that to him. 别跟他说这事。 Don't talk to me about that. 别跟我谈这个。 Mind your own business! 别管闲事! Mind your own business! 别管闲事! Mind your own potatoes! 别管闲事! Mind your own business. 别管闲事。 Don't be afraid, I'll help you. 别害怕,我会帮助你的。 Don't be afraid. We are going around a curve. 别害怕。我们正过一个弯道呢。 Don't talk rot! 别胡说八道了! Keep your chin up! 别灰心! Keep your chin up! 别灰心! Don't lose your head! 别昏了头! Don't be nervous, just some friends. 别紧张,都是些朋友。 Don't pull my leg. 别开我的玩笑。 Don't drive so fast! 别开这么快! Don't watch so much TV. 别看那么多的电视。 Don't mention it. 别客气。 Not at all. 别客气。 Forget it. 别客气。 Don't waste your time. I've been to a lot of cowboy films. 别浪费时间了,西部片我看过许多了。 Don't be a rubberneck! 别老爱打听别人的事! Don't leave your car! 别离开你的车! Don't pay any attention to him! 别理睬他! Don't get lousy! 别令人讨厌! Don't be a little bug! 别乱丢杂物! Don't throw your cigarette away! 别乱扔你的烟头! Just don't do that, that's all. 别那么做,就是这样。 Keep away from that woman, or you'll regret it! 别碰那女人,否则你会后悔的! Leave me alone, or I'll call the police! 别碰我,否则我要叫警察了! Don't touch me, I'm pooped out. 别碰我,我累坏了。 Leave my daughter alone! 别碰我的女儿! Don't sit cross-legged! 别跷着二郎腿! Don't go to the game or you'll be sorry. 别去看球赛,否则你会后悔的。 Leave it alone! 别去碰它! Don't let that stop you! 别让那个阻止了你! Don't let anything obstruct the lens. 别让任何东西挡住镜头。 Get out of my sight! 别让我看到你! Don't let it get to you. 别让这事影响你。 Don't be silly. I wouldn't dream of letting you do that. 别傻了,我就是做梦也不会让你做那事的。 Don't try any tricks! 别栓招! Don't take it too hard. 别太想不开。 Don't play with fire! 别玩火! Don't puff smoke into my face! 别往我脸上吐烟! Don't forget he's your boss. 别忘了,他是你的老板。 Don't forget to keep in touch. 别忘了保持联系。 Mind you tell her. 别忘了告诉她。 Don't forget to give him a ring. 别忘了给他打个电话。 Don't forget to write to us. 别忘了给我们写信。 Don't forget your umbrella! 别忘了你的伞! Don't forget about your homework. 别忘了你的作业。 Remember it's not easy to get another high position. 别忘了要另谋高职并不容易。 Don't let that distress you. 别为这事忧伤了。 No more of your cheek! 别无礼! Don't smoke, will you? 别吸烟,好吗? Don't try to cash in on me, or I'll leave. 别想在我身上占便宜,否则我将离去。 Keep back! 别向前! Don't remind me. 别再对我说了。 Stop making fun of me, or I'll beat you black and blue. 别再取笑我,否则我就狠狠地揍你一顿。 Don't spend too much time at the snack bar. 别在快餐店里待太久。 Don't cross the street here! 别在这里穿越街道! Don't make a U turn here! 别在这里调头! Don't be so dumb! 别这么沉默寡言! Snap out of it! 别这样了! Don't sit on that chair, it's broken! 别坐在那只椅子上,它坏了! Don't work so hard! 别做得这么辛苦! Don't be a moocher! 别做个寄食者! The hotel's name? Just a moment. 宾馆的名字?让我想想。 Not too bad, thanks. 并不太坏,谢谢。 The patient is much the same. 病人的情况还是老样子。 The museum houses a collection of mementos, materials and documents. 博物馆保存着很多回忆录以及文献资料。 The museum gives permanent exhibitions. 博物馆陈列品是永久性展览。 The collections of the museum are classified into 6 sections. 博物馆的收藏品分为六个部分。 The museum also shows rare plants and animals found only in China. 博物馆还展出了中国特有的珍奇动、植物。 The museum is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 博物馆开放时间为上午九点至下午四点。 What are the museum hours? 博物馆什么时间开放? The museum has a valuable collection of modern Japanese literature. 博物馆收藏了极有价值的现代日本文学作品。 The Museum is located at City Square. 博物馆坐落于市政广场。 No! Stop that at once! 不!马上停止! No, I can't turn a deaf ear to his advice. 不, 我不能不听他的劝告。 No, don't bother. 不,别费心了。 No, don't touch it! 不,别碰它! No, it is not for sale. 不,不出售。 No, but you can take some days off later. 不,不过你可以在以后调休几天。 No, don't bother, really. 不,不用费事了,真的。 No, but look, she wasn't that useless. 不,但是瞧,她不是那么没用的。 No, but we can change place. 不,但我们可以换换位置。 No, we only go as far as Haining Road. 不,到海宁路掉头。 No, Fifth Avenue is the second on the left. 不,第五大街是第二个拐角处左转。 No, I'm sorry. But thanks all the same. 不,对不起,不过,我还是得谢谢你。 No, not so far. 不,还没有。 No, I'm afraid not. 不,恐怕不行。 No. It's too strong for me. I want two bottles of Royal Jelly. 不,鹿茸太强烈了。我要两瓶蜂王浆。 No, it's all right; I can do it myself. 不,没关系,我自己能做。 No, it's all right, thanks. 不,没关系,谢谢。 No, you can't. 不,你不能。 No. You've got to check in at 12. 不,你得在 12 点通关。 No, you've got it all wrong. 不,你全弄错了。 No, please don't worry. 不,请不必担心。 No, that's all wrong. 不,全错了。 No, it isn't, actually. 不,确实不对。 No, actually, fishing isn't for me. 不,实际上钓鱼不合我的胃口。 No, can't really see them lending us the money. 不,实在看不出他们会借钱给我们。 No, they are charged at full rate. 不,是按全价收费的。 No, it is a copy. Yes, it is. 不,是复制品。是,是真品。 No, it's a local. 不,是慢车。 No, do as you like. 不,随你的便。 No. It'll soon pass over. 不,它马上会过去的。 No, the sun is shining. 不,太阳好得很呢。 No, I don't smoke. 不,我不抽烟。 No, I shouldn't take all of them. 不,我不该把这些全部拿走。 No, I'm not interested. 不,我不感兴趣。 No, I couldn't. 不,我不能。 No, I can't help thinking that I am a loser. 不,我不能不认为我是一个失败者。 No, I don't feel like talking to you any more. 不,我不想再跟你讲话。 No, I oughtn't to refuse to help him. 不,我不应该拒绝帮助他。 No, I don't think so. 不,我不这样认为。 No, I don't know how to fill it in. 不,我不知道怎样填写这些表格。 No, I never smoke a cigarette. 不,我从不抽烟。 No, I have to say I'm very disappointed with you. 不,我得说我对你感到很失望。 No, I should say that the book is worse than I thought. 不,我得说这书比我想的要糟。 No, I'm with my family. 不,我和家人一起旅行。 No, I don't think much of this TV series. 不,我觉得这部电视连续剧并不怎么样。 No, I'm trying to quit smoking. 不,我在设法戒烟呢。 No, I'd better not go with her. 不,我最好不和她一起去。 No, the next stop is the terminal one. 不,下一站就是终点站。 No, thanks. I'm not interested in fox-trot. 不,谢了。我对狐步舞不感兴趣。 No, thanks. I'm tired. 不,谢了。我累了。 No, thanks. Not before meals. 不,谢谢,饭前不抽。 No, thank you. I don't take alcohol. 不,谢谢,我不喝酒。 No, thanks. I've just had one. 不,谢谢,我刚抽过一支。 No, thanks, imported cigars are too strong for me. 不,谢谢,我觉得进口雪茄太厉害。 No, thanks. Not while I'm driving. 不,谢谢,我开车是不抽烟的。 No, thanks. My girlfriend hates people who smoke. 不,谢谢,我女朋友讨厌抽烟的人。 No, thanks. I'm trying to cut down. 不,谢谢,我在设法少抽烟呢。 No, thanks. I'm giving up. 不,谢谢,我正在戒烟。 No, thanks. I only smoke Chinese cigarettes with a filter. 不,谢谢,我只抽有滤嘴的中国烟。 No, thanks. Not now. 不,谢谢,现在不抽。 No, thanks. I don't feel like to smoke now. 不,谢谢,现在我不想抽烟。 No, thanks. The doctor has asked me to give up. 不,谢谢,医生要我戒烟。 No, thanks. I'm familiar with the area. 不,谢谢,这个地方我很熟悉。 No, I really won't, thank you. 不,谢谢你,我真的不要。 No, thank you, I can do it myself. 不,谢谢你,我自己能做。 No, thank you. 不,谢谢你。 No. On Tuesdays it doesn't start until 9. 不,星期二 9 点才开始。 No, not at all, do as you please. 不,一点也不,随你的便。 No, I haven't done anything like that before. 不,以前我从来未做过这类事。 No, it's occupied. 不,有人了。 No, that's not at all right. 不,这根本不对。 No, there's nothing wrong with it. 不,这没有什么不对。 No, just give me some mild drink. 不,只要杯温和的饮料。 No, it's a short drive. 不,坐车路不远。 No. The summer here is usually marvelous. 不。这里的夏季通常美极了。 Don't be afraid. I'll help you. 不必担惊受怕,我会助你一臂之力。 Don't worry. I'm sure you'll do better this time. 不必担心,我确信这次你会做得更好。 Not to worry. 不必担心。 Don't be nervous, just the immediate family. 不必紧张,都是一家人呀。 It'll do you good not to smoke. 不抽烟对你有好处。 No. 不对。 No bother at all. 不费事。 It's a rotten thing to do. 不该这么做的。 No, I'm afraid they only sell soft drinks. 不供应,恐怕也就卖点软饮料。 It is none of your goddamned business! 不关你的屁事! No matter how deep the water is, you can see the bottom of the lake. 不管水有多深,你可看到湖的底部。 I hate standing in a line anyway. 不管怎么说,我讨厌排队。 Well, a little cold weather never hurt anybody. 不过,天气冷一些绝不会伤害任何人的。 However, thank you for inviting me. 不过,我感谢您的邀请。 But that's not the point we're discussing now. 不过这不是我们目前讨论的问题。 There'll never be a second chance. 不会再有第二次机会了。 The flight will be announced soon. 不久就要广播这班飞机的起飞时间了。 It's absolutely true that I'll get a promotion soon. 不久我会被提升的事绝对是真的。 Inevitably, some of them will drop out from the competition. 不可避免,他们中的一些人会在比赛中被淘汰。 Impossible! 不可能! Probably not! 不可能! There's no way. 不可能。 Not a chance. 不可能。 No, that's not possible. 不可能。 It just can't be done. 不可能的。 To get this job is not likely. 不可能会获得这项工作。 It can't be the combustion chamber. 不可能是燃烧室出问题。 It surely can't be six o'clock already? 不可能已经六点钟了吧? Won't you take one? It's mild. 不来一支吗?味道很淡的。 No matter how she explained, he still didn't understand. 不论她如何解释,他仍不明白。 No matter where you go, you see cars and people. 不论你到哪儿去,你都看到车和人。 Whatever you say. 不论你说什么都行。 No matter who said it, I don't believe a word. 不论是谁说的我一个字也不信。 No matter how hard he tried, he still could not succeed. 不论他如何努力,他仍是不能成功。 One can't exclude the possibility that he will succeed. 不能排除他会成功的可能。 Couldn't you be persuaded to give me another chance? 不能说服您再给我一次机会吗? Unfortunately, I'll have to see my friend that day. 不巧,那天我得去看我的朋友。 Quite a number of tomb engravings are displayed over there. 不少碑刻陈列在那儿。 Either you or I am wrong. 不是你错就是我错。 Not really. 不太多。 Not much chance of that. 不太可能。 No way! 不行! Nothing doing! 不行! No way! 不行! No, but we need a part-time worker. 不行,我们需要一位非专职工作的工人。 No. 不行。 Can't be done. 不行。 It's not on. 不行。 It just won't do. 不行的。 No. This is a through train. 不需要。这是直达车。 No noise! 不许出声! Stop lecturing me like that! 不许那样教训我! Don't talk to me like that! 不许这样对我说话! Think nothing of it. 不要把它当一回事。 Don't be unreasonable. 不要不讲理。 Don't overtake, it's too dangerous. 不要超车,这太危险了。 Don't bet on horse races, you must lose. 不要赌马,你肯定会输的。 Don't open your book. 不要翻开你的书。 Don't give up now! 不要放弃啦! Don't give up your hope. 不要放弃希望。 Don't feel embarrassing, your pronunciation is excellent. 不要感到不好意思,你的发音十分出色。 No problem. I'll come to help you at once. 不要紧,我马上来帮助你。 Don't be scared. He's just like a turtle on its back. 不要惊慌失措,他已无能为力了。 Seriously, oh, come. 不要开玩笑,哦,行了。 Don't take any chance! 不要冒险! Let it alone! 不要碰它! Don't give up! 不要气馁! Don't let you down. 不要气馁。 Don't look so awkward, your performance is wonderful. 不要如此尴尬,你的表演棒极了。 Take it easy. 不要生气了。 Don't lose confidence, I believe you'll pass the exam. 不要失去信心,我相信你能通过这次考试。 Don't lose your heart. 不要失去信心。 Don't try to contact her! 不要试图与她接触! Don't brake suddenly, there's something wrong with my heart. 不要突然刹车,我的心脏不太好。 Don't let it bother you. 不要为此不安。 Don't let this get you down. 不要为此灰心丧气。 Don't try to stack the deck! 不要洗牌作弊。 Don't eat your heart out. 不要忧伤过度。 Don't do it again! 不要再干这种事! Don't think any more about it, it's nothing serious. 不要再想它了,没什么严重的。 Don't stand too close to the subject. 不要站得离被摄物太近。 Don't be so silly. 不要这样傻。 Don't expect me to believe you. 不要指望我会相信你。 Don't go that way, it's dangerous. 不要走那条路,那是很危险的。 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司