翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Don't sit so near the TV set. 不要坐得离电视机太近。 Not really. 不一定。 No, thank you. I'd like some Vaseline. 不用,谢谢。我要一些凡士林。 No, thanks. I'm just leaving. Bill, please. 不用,谢谢。我要走了。请拿帐单来。 Thank nothing for it. 不用客气。 Have no fear. 不用怕。 It's needless to say that the experiment will be successful. 不用说,实验会成功的。 It goes without saying that he'll be made the chairman. 不用说,他会被选为主席的。 It's my pleasure, good-bye and good luck. 不用谢,再见,祝您好运。 You are welcome. 不用谢。 You are more than welcome. 不用谢。 No. It was a flop. Few people showed up. 不愉快。晚宴糟透了,几乎没人出席。 Nothing much. 不怎么好。 Don't know. 不知道。 In all probability, he will not accept the position without knowing the exact terms. 不知道具体条件,他多半是不会接受这个职位的。 No idea where he's gone. 不知道他去哪儿了。 I wonder whether you remember his address. 不知你记不记得他的地址。 I wonder if you got any vacancies for waiters. 不知你们有没有服务生的空缺? I wonder if you can tell me how to use the camera. 不知你能否告诉我怎么用照相机。 Can you take care of that? 不知你能关照一下这件事吗? I wonder whether you remember it? 不知你是否还记得它? I was wondering if you could teach me how to do it. 不知你是否能教我怎么做。 I was wondering what your advice would be. 不知你有什么忠告。 I wonder whether you'd like to go to the concert this evening. 不知您今晚是否想去听音乐会。 I was wondering whether you could help me. 不知您能否帮助我。 I was wondering if you can help. I'm looking for the Eastern Airport. 不知您能否帮助我。我在找东方机场。 I wonder whether you'd mind telling me where they're going this weekend. 不知您能否告诉我他们本周末去什么地方。 I was wondering whether you could let me know how to use this camera. 不知您能否让我知道如何使用这照相机。 I was wondering whether you remember when they got married. 不知您是否记得他们是什么时候结婚的。 I wonder if I might give you a brooch. 不知我是否可以给您一只胸针。 I wonder whether I could possibly renew this book? 不知我是否可以续借这本书? I wonder if I could. 不知我是否行。 No luck. 不走运。 The Potala Palace really looks resplendent and magnificent. 布达拉宫看上去真是宏伟辉煌。 I'm delighted to meet you, Mr. Brown. 布朗先生,很高兴见到您。 The terra-cotta warriors are clad in armor and the chariots are down by four terra-cotta horses. 步兵俑披甲袍,战车由四匹陶马拖着。 Is it far to walk? 步行路远吗? It's too far to walk, you'd better take a bus. 步行去很远,你最好还是乘公共汽车去。 Walking can't compare with flying. 步行无法与飞行相比。 It's about ten minutes' walk. 步行约十分钟。 The procedure is as follows:... 步骤如下所述:...... Apply the oil to the affected parts till the oil is absorbed by the skin. 擦擦患处,直至油液为皮肤吸收。 Some mousse will help to set the hair. 擦些摩丝能帮助头发定型。 Any brilliantine or hair cream? 擦些润发油或发乳,好吗? Some pomade will be helpful to your dry hair. 擦些润发脂对您干燥的头发有益。 Guess how old I am. 猜猜我多大。 There goes the ref's whistle. 裁判员吹哨了。 The ref is placing the ball for a free kick to the visiting team. 裁判员正在安排让客队罚任意球。 You were fool enough to join that club. 参加那个俱乐部你真是蠢极了。 A fancy style will be great for a party. 参加晚会梳个时鬓发型很合适。 The dining car is serving meals now. 餐车现在正在卖饭。 The Classics Pavilion houses a rich collection of historical records. 藏经阁内存有丰富的历史资料。 Just about. Look, the house is filling up. 差不多吧。看,屋子都快坐满了。 It's about time to go to the airport. 差不多该去机场了。 That's about it. 差不多是这样。 The difference between them chiefly lies in their alcohol content. 差异在于它们的酒精含量不同。 Maternity ward is on the second floor. 产科病房在二楼。 Long and straight hair looks natural. 长而直的头发看上去自然。 I was completely pooped after the long talk. 长时间谈话之后我累极了。 I'm shagged out after that long walk. 长途步行之后我累极了。 The long ride has quite laid me out. 长途坐车使我感到相当累。 It's very dangerous to exceed the speed limit. 超出限速是很危险的。 The extra charge is for the water bed. 超额费用是因为有水床。 It's 3 kilos over-weight. 超重 3 公斤。 The rate for excess baggage is $9 per kilogram. 超重行李费是每公斤 9 美元。 Go that way for two blocks, then turn left. 朝那边走两排房子,然后向左转。 Move aside a bit, and I'll get the falls in the background. 朝旁边稍移一点,我把瀑布拍进背景去。 Turn left and then turn right at the first crossroad. 朝左拐弯,然后在第一条十字路口朝右转弯。 The crank handle of the door window is missing. 车窗的摇手不见了。 It's not safe, you know, to drive that fast. 车开得那么快,你知道,是不安全的。 It's dangerous to drive that fast. 车开那么快是危险的。 The car didn't hit the little boy. 车没有撞着小男孩。 Do I have to keep my ticket till after I get off? 车票要保留到下车吗? Do you go to Nanjing Road? 车去南京路吗? Is there a dining car on the train? 车上有餐车吗? Why does the bus stop here? 车为什么停在这儿? The train shakes a great deal. 车摇晃得厉害。 There may be someone inspecting your ticket at the bus stop. 车站可能有人查票。 I was driving along and the engine cut out and it just stopped, and I can't start it again. 车正走着引擎突然熄火就停了,再也发动不起来了。 Some of the books in the display window are in short supply. 陈列窗里的有些书现在缺货。 Books on the exhibit racks are not for sale. 陈列架上的书不出售。 These include carpets, shawls, waistbands, stitched garments, saris and so on. 陈列品包括地毯、披巾、腰带和纱丽服等。 One button on the shirt is missing. 衬衫上的一粒鈕扣掉了。 Yes. There was plenty to eat and drink. 成功了,吃的喝的足足有余。 You're too kind. 承蒙夸奖。 Are there any driving ranges in town? 城里有高尔夫练习场吗? Take bus No.76 and get off at the Prince Hotel stop. 乘 76 路车,在王子饭店那站下车。 It takes ten hours to get to Florida by Greyhound. 乘"灰狗"要 10 小时到达佛罗里达。 Have an apple. 吃个苹果。 Some vitamin B and C will build up your resistance. 吃些维他命 B 和 C 能增强你的抵抗力。 Before eating breakfast, I read the newspaper. 吃早餐前我看报纸。 The water lily in the pond is in full blossom now. 池塘里的睡莲正盛开着。 Better later than never. 迟做总比不做好。 Passengers with laissez-passers this way, please. 持免验证的旅客请这边走。 Have mine. It's imported. 抽我的,是进口的。 Would you like a pipe? 抽烟斗吗? Smoking is dangerous to your health. 抽烟对你的身体十分有害。 Smoking relieves stresses of everyday life. 抽烟可减轻日常生活中的压力。 Cigarettes? 抽烟吗? Have a smoke? 抽烟吗? Have a fill of tobacco? 抽一斗烟草? Cut a card. 抽一张牌。 What's the problem? 出了什么问题? Finesse against the opponent on the right! 出小牌来飞右方对手的牌! How much does a taxi into the city cost? 出租车开进城要多少钱? Where is the taxi stand? 出租车停靠站在哪儿? Unless you apologize, I'll make you know whom you're talking to. 除非你道歉,不然我要让你知道你在跟谁说话。 Unless you maintain a minimum balance of 300 dollars. 除非你一直维持着至少有三百美元的余额。 Not unless you want the matinee. 除非你愿意看日场。 Only if somebody cancels. 除非有人退票。 There appear to be no other alternatives than to give the plan up. 除了放弃计划没有别的选择。 Automatics are OK, except for special effects. 除了拍特殊效果外,自动相机是不错的。 Apart from the monthly salary, you'll be given an additional $2000 per year. 除了月薪,我们将另外给你每年 2000 美金。 Anything else besides these? 除这些以外还有什么? Cross the street and you'll see the right bus stop. 穿过大街,你就会看到要找的车站。 The deck is heaving uncomfortably. 船摇得很厉害,令人很不舒服。 The vessel is pitching a good deal. 船摇得很厉害。 The sheets haven't been changed. 床单还没换。 Straight up, sir? 纯饮,先生? It might be a good idea to quit the job. 辞掉这份工作倒是个好主意。 I would ask you to accept our earnest condolences at this time. 此时此刻我希望你能接受我们诚挚的哀悼。 There's nothing I can do about it. 此事我无能为力。 I can do nothing about it. 此事我无能为力。 I really can do nothing about it. 此事我已确实无能为力了。 I can do nothing else about it. 此事我已无能为力了。 There can't be any room for doubt about that. 此事无可怀疑。 I'm just relieved it's all over. 此事已经结束,我甚感欣慰。 Exciting sports are enjoyed by everyone. 刺激的运动是人人都爱的。 To judge by the address, the school is far away from the museum. 从地址来判断,学校离博物馆很远。 The restaurant is across the street from the hotel. 从旅社那里穿过街便是餐馆。 To a certain extent, I'm in favor of your project. 从某种程度上说,我赞成你的方案。 To a certain extent, yes. 从某种程度说,是的。 Turn right there, and walk about five minutes. 从那儿右拐弯,再走约五分钟的路。 Judging by his manner, he must be from a very rich family. 从他的举止判断,他肯定出身于一个富有的家庭。 Judging from his letters, he seems to have quitted his job. 从他的来信判断,他似乎放弃了他的工作。 From the way they talked I presume them to be married. 从他们说话的举止看他们是一对夫妻。 From where I stand, it's a quite controversial problem. 从我的立场看,这是个颇有争议的问题。 What's the first-class fare from here to New York? 从这里到纽约的头等舱票是多少钱? Get the hell out of here! 从这里滚出去! It's bad manners to be rude to people. 粗鲁地对待别人是坏习惯。 Anything wrong? 错了吗? By air, sir. 搭飞机,先生。 A diamond lead allows a ruff in dummy. 打方块牌,名家就可以出王牌压。 Hunting is one of my favorite pastimes. 打猎是我最喜欢的消遣之一。 A club lead runs up to North's J-K. 打梅花可引出北手的 j 至 k。 What about having a round of tennis? 打一场网球怎么样? What is the rent for a type-writer? 打字机的租金是多少? Most books have fixed prices. 大部分书籍是定价的。 Serious pollution in big cities gives some cause for anxiety. 大城市的严重污染令人担忧。 Most of the unearthed relics remain intact. 大多数出土文物仍保持完好无损。 Most of the programs are not to my liking. 大多数的节目都不合我的口味。 Kind of looks that way. 大概是这样。 It's probable that he won't go to Paris again. 大概他不会再去巴黎了。 It takes roughly two hours so you'll arrive just before 11:35. 大概要两小时,因此你在 11:35 就能到。 Everyone's happy about it, then. 大家都对此满意了。 The Hall displays porcelain, jade and handicrafts. 大厅陈列着瓷器、玉器和手工艺品。 David Uh, do you know his name? 大卫,呃,你知道他的名字吗? David, the toast! 大卫,干杯! David is as tall as Mike. 大卫和迈克一样高。 David seems to be able to deal with this well. 大卫看来能很好地应付这件事。 David's the first to open the score. 大卫是首开纪录者。 Is the coat liner removable? 大衣的衬里是可以拿下来的吗? About 30 minutes. 大约 30 分钟。 About half a day. 大约半天。 It'll take about half an hour. 大约要半小时。 Mention me to Jane! 代我向简问好! Remember me to Prof. Lindorff. 代我向林道夫教授问好。 He couldn't be British with an accent like that. 带有那种口音,他不可能是英国人。 Yes, my watch says ten to eight. 戴了,我的手表是 7 点 50 分。 David, well, I can't remember clearly, is it David Colby? 戴维,嗯,我记不清了,是戴维·考尔比吗? David and I will start things off. 戴维和我一起跳,来开个头。 Danny, what's he called, Danny Stone? 丹尼,他叫什么来着,丹尼·斯通? One way, or round trip? 单程,还是来回? One way, please. How much is the fare? 单程。车票多少钱? One-way or round trip? 单程还是往返? It's $45 single, including boarding. 单程票 45 美元,包括膳食。 It's 62.00 dollars one way. 单程票 62 美元。 Single. 单人房。 But the background is a bit dull. 但背景有些单调。 But the forward made a foul in the penalty area. 但前锋在禁区内犯规了。 But one must remember it is harmful to one's health. 但人们必须记住它对人体健康有害。 But if you're in a hurry, you'll get it back in the evening. 但如果您很急的话,您可以晚上来拿。 But half-time score was 2-0 for Forest. 但上半场比分是 2 比 0,森林队领先。 But seen from another angle, one might say learning English is not so easy. 但是从另一角度,人们也可以说学习英语并不容易。 But if a strong man beat a small boy, what do you think then? 但是假如一个强壮的人打了一个小男孩,那你怎么想呢? But surely it's in your interest to give up smoking. 但是戒烟肯定是为了您自己的利益。 But don't you think she'll find a new job soon? 但是你不认为她很快就会找到一份新工作? But surely you can see it would be in your interest to take this job. 但是您一定明白,接受这份工作对您自己有益。 But if we look at it in another light, the rich people are not always happy. 但是如果我们从另一方面考虑,富人并不总是快乐的。 But I'm afraid we haven't got anything better. 但是我恐怕没有更好的座位了。 But what about being refused? 但是遭到拒绝,该怎么办呢? But isn't it more a matter of personal affair? 但是这不更是件私事吗? But is it worth the risk? 但是值得冒这个险吗? I'll tell you as soon as possible. 但我会尽快告诉你的。 But I think the music is too noisy. 但我觉得音乐太闹了。 I wish I could do as well. 但愿我能做得一样好。 I wish I could do as well. 但愿我也能做得好。 But isn't it more to do with the procedures? 但这不是与步骤更有关吗? But the home team is the best in Asia. 但主队是亚洲最好的。 The local number is 121-9164. 当地的电话号码是 121-9164。 Today cigarette smoking is a widespread habit. 当今吸烟已成了很多人的习惯。 When you called me, I was eating dinner. 当你打电话给我的时候,我在吃晚饭。 When you see a skyscraper, turn right. 当你看到一座摩天大楼时往右转弯。 While you were writing letters, I was reading a book. 当你写信的时候,我在读书。 Rather! 当然! Certainly, without ice. 当然,不要加冰块。 Surely, it's the bus which ran into the truck, isn't it? 当然,是公共汽车撞了卡车,对不对? Certainly, I'll get a fresh supply. 当然,我给你们拿最新鲜的。 Sure, I'll be glad to. 当然,我将很高兴去做。 Yes, of course. 当然。 Of course. 当然。 Of course. 当然。 Sure. 当然。 Sure. 当然。 Certainly. Please fill in this form. 当然。请填写这张单子。 Surely not! 当然不! Of course not. 当然不反对。 Surely not! 当然不可以! Of course not. 当然不可以。 Certainly not! 当然不了! Certainly, but you have to help me. 当然可以, 不过你得帮我。 Certainly, for what time? 当然可以,您什么时候需要? Sure thing. Have a nice evening. 当然可以,晚安。 By all means. 当然可以。 Of course. 当然可以。 Sure. 当然可以。 Certainly. 当然可以。 By all means. 当然可以。 Sure. 当然可以。 Certainly. 当然可以。 By all means to use it. 当然可以用了。 That may well be. 当然可以这样说。 Sure! 当然乐意! Of course, but keep it a secret. 当然啰,不过要保密。 Certainly, as long as you don't back out. 当然啰,只要你不打退堂鼓。 Of course, as long as you should pay for it. 当然啰,只要你出钱。 Sure. 当然能。 Of course Channel 8, there's variety show at 7:30. 当然是八频道啦,七点三十分有一综艺节目。 Pink champagne, of course! 当然是粉红香槟! Certainly something to look forward to. 当然是值得盼望的事。 Certainly something to long for. 当然是值得盼望的事。 Surely something to wait happily. 当然是值得愉快等待的事。 Of course I don't want to gossip about him, but do you know that he should have had a fierce quarrel with his wife? 当然我不想对他说长道短,不过你知不知道他竟然和他的妻子大吵了一场? Now of course I don't want to say anything bad about anybody, but do you notice his strange manner? 当然我不想说任何人的坏话,但是你注意他的奇怪举止了吗? Of course I want to know what your opinion is! 当然我想要知道你是什么意见了! Of course a play seldom starts on time. 当然戏很少准时开演的。 Surely, the main thing is that it keeps people fit. 当然有意义,最主要的是能使人健美。 Of course it may not be true, but he really drinks a lot. 当然这可能不是真的,但是他确实喝得很多。 Of course it's only gossip about Mr. Green and what he's done. 当然这只是关于格林先生及其所为的流言蜚语。 When people smoke, the nicotine goes right into the blood stream. 当人们抽烟时,尼古丁就直接进入血液之中。 I don't like it when the weather gets real cold. 当天气变得真正寒冷时我不喜欢。 What were you doing when I called you on the telephone? 当我打电话给你的时候你在做什么? I felt annoyed when I found many students were absent. 当我发现许多学生缺席时,我很恼火。 Have a care! 当心! Mind out! 当心! There! 当心! Watch out you don't fall sick! 当心,别病倒了! Look you deadbeat! 当心,你这赖账的混蛋! Mind, there's a car coming this way! 当心,有辆汽车朝这边开来了! Mind the street! 当心街上来往车辆! Look out for the truck! 当心卡车! Watch out for the traffic! 当心来往车辆! Mind the doors! 当心门! Be careful of the dog! 当心那条狗! Mind your head! 当心你的头! Be ready for the oncoming cars! 当心迎面而来的汽车! Beware of the oncoming car! 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司