翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 Excuse me, sir. Can you give me some information? 对不起,先生。你能提供我一些消息吗? Sorry, I can't change the note right now. I'll give you the change in a moment. 对不起,现在找不开零钱。我一会儿再找给你。 I'm sorry, the new appointments have all been filled. 对不起,新的职位都有人填补了。 I'm afraid Sunday's a bit difficult. 对不起,星期日有些困难。 I'm sorry the booking should be three days in advance. 对不起,要提前三天预订。 I'm sorry, perhaps I misunderstood you. 对不起,也许我误解你了。 I'm sorry, I'm engaged for this first waltz. 对不起,已有人约我跳这支舞了。 Sorry, colors are washed off. 对不起,有点褪色了。 I'm sorry, there has been some misunderstanding. 对不起,有一些误解。 I'm sorry, but the book is out. 对不起,这本书已借出去了。 Sorry, this string of pearls is on display, and not for sale. 对不起,这串珍珠是陈列样品,概不出售。 I'm sorry. I'm new around here. 对不起,这儿我也不熟悉。 Excuse me, is this the right counter for telex service? 对不起,这里是办理用户电报的柜台吗? I'm sorry, there's some misunderstanding here. 对不起,这里有误解。 Excuse me, does this bus go to Market Street? 对不起,这辆公共汽车去马克大街吗? I'm sorry, that's not allowed. 对不起,这是不允许的。 Excuse me, is this the bus to the airport? 对不起,这是去飞机场的车吗? I'm sorry, it was my fault. 对不起,这是我的过错。 I'm sorry, this table is already reserved. 对不起,这张餐桌已有人预订了。 I'm sorry, the position has been filled. 对不起,这职位已有人填补了。 Sorry, only morning liner is available. 对不起,只有早上的船票了。 I'm afraid there's nothing available before noon. 对不起,中午前没空。 Sorry, better postpone it. 对不起,最好还是延迟。 Excuse me. 对不起。 Excuse me. Is Park Street straight on? 对不起。派克大街是不是一直往前? I beg your pardon. Please speak more slowly. 对不起。请说慢一点。 Excuse me. Do I go straight on for the King Theater? 对不起。去国王剧院是一直往前走吗? Sorry to interrupt, but do I hear you say that you'll have a party this Saturday? 对不起打断你的话,我听你说这星期六你们将举办晚会,是吗? Excuse me for interrupting you, but I really have something urgent to say. 对不起打断一下,我实在是有要紧的事要说。 Sorry to butt in, but do I hear you say you'll get married next month? 对不起打断一下,我听说你下个月要结婚了? I'm sorry to bother you, but the lavatory drain is blocked. 对不起打扰你,盥洗室的排水管堵塞了。 Sorry to bother you, but would you mind telling me how to play the violin? 对不起打扰你了,你是否能告诉我怎么拉小提琴? Sorry to trouble you, but have you got some matches? 对不起打扰你了,你有火柴吗? Sorry to trouble you, is there a post office near here? 对不起打扰你了,这附近有邮局吗? Sorry to bother you, but could you get me some drink? 对不起麻烦你,你能不能给我弄点喝的? I'm sorry, I'm a poor dancer. 对不起我的舞跳得不好。 I'm sorry if I'm being a little slow, but I'm not sure I understand. 对不起我理解得比较慢,我不能肯定是否听懂了。 And there's no doubt in your mind about that? 对此你毫无疑问吗? You can be sure about it. 对此你可以确信。 I'm a hundred per cent certain about that. 对此我百分之一百的肯定。 I'm not so positive about it. 对此我并不那么肯定。 I'm not so sure about it. 对此我并不那么肯定。 I wouldn't be too sure about it. 对此我不太敢肯定。 I'm quite convinced about that. 对此我很相信。 I'd rather not say anything about it. 对此我宁愿不发表任何意见。 I'm not really sure about that. 对此我确实不能肯定。 I can't say I have any particular views on it. 对此我说不上有什么特殊的见解。 Yes, it's way down the road. 对的,沿这条街走过去。 Your opponents will hardly suspect you of being strong in their suit. 对方几乎不会怀疑他们手中同花色牌的大牌在你手中。 You're absolutely sure about the result? 对该结果你绝对有把握吗? That's the point. 对啦。 Right? 对吗? Yeah? 对吗? Is it OK? 对吗? I can't work up any enthusiasm for that book. 对那本书我实在是提不起热情。 I don't hold any particular position on that plan. 对那个计划我并不持有任何特殊的立场。 I can't say I'm at all pleased by your impolite manner. 对你不礼貌的举止我很不满。 I'm most angry about your dishonesty. 对你的不诚实我很生气。 Be a little more polite to your customers, or you'll lose your job. 对你的顾客再客气些,否则你将被开除。 I can't say I'm at all pleased about your laziness. 对你的懒惰我很生气。 Which seems better, as far as you're concerned? 对你来说哪一个显得更好? I should like to express my gratitude for your help. 对您的帮助我谨表示我的感谢。 I should like to say how grateful I am for your kindness. 对您的好意我谨表示我深切的谢意。 I can never thank you enough for your kindness. 对您的好意我永远感激不尽。 I should like to express my appreciation for your timely help. 对您的及时帮助我谨表示我的谢意。 I really can't thank you enough for the invitation. 对您的邀请我真的是感激不尽。 There's surely some doubt about the success of the experiment. 对实验的成功还是颇有些疑虑的。 Is there any doubt about his ability? 对他的能力有什么可怀疑的吗? For me, the best thing is to get a color TV set. 对我来说最好是买一台彩色电视机。 What would you say to our cycling to Beijing? 对我们骑车去北京你觉得如何? It's a great experience for me. 对我是一次了不起的经验。 I don't know anything about modern painting. 对现代绘画我一窍不通。 I'll say! 对呀! Right. It's wonderful after the downpour last night. 对呀,昨夜一场大雨之后天气好极了。 For a beginner, you are pretty good. 对一个初学者来说,你是相当不错了。 We offer an 80% infant's discount. 对婴儿二折优惠。 I can find no words adequate to express my sorrow for her death. 对于她的去世我无法找到适当语言来表示我的悲哀。 I feel his passing in a very personal sense. 对于她的逝世我个人感到非常悲伤。 There's still an element of doubt about his good behavior. 对于他是否具有良好行为还不能完全肯定。 What's your attitude towards the program? 对这计划你的态度如何? We have opposite views on this. 对这件事我们观点相反。 I just can't get worked up about that. 对这我实在提不起兴趣。 I haven't the foggiest idea how to make a dress. 对做衣服我一窍不通。 Do you charge for checks? 兑换支票你们收手续费吗? How unfortunate that I should have failed in the exam! 多不幸,我考试没及格! A colossal fool! 多蠢的人! What a fabulous thunderstorm! 多大的雷雨啊! How wonderful! 多好啊! How marvelous! 多好啊! How lovely the weather is! 多好的天气! What a nice day! 多好的天气啊! What glorious weather we're having! 多好的天气哪! A super place to live! 多好的住处! Drink more liquids and plenty of water. 多喝流质和开水。 What a hard day it's been; I feel quite done in. 多累的一天哪我感到疲乏极了。 What a disappointment! 多令人失望! How very disappointing! 多令人失望! How very disappointing! 多令人失望! How scandalous! 多么丑恶! What loves of roses! 多么可爱的玫瑰啊! What a shocking waste of money! 多么浪费钱啊! How marvelous! 多么了不起啊! Good pronunciation! 多么美妙的发音! What a super dinner! 多么美味丰盛的晚餐! How absolutely fascinating! 多么迷人啊! What a party! 多么热闹的聚会! A fabulous kid! 多么神奇的孩子! What impertinence! 多么无礼的话! What an endless and tedious talk! 多么无休无止、沉闷的讲话! How annoying! He kept stepping on my foot. 多气人!他一直踩我的脚。 How annoying! There's so much interference. 多气人啊!有这么多干扰。 Thanks a million. 多谢,多谢。 Thanks very much, but I'm driving. 多谢,我还要开车。 Many thanks. 多谢。 Thanks a lot. 多谢。 Oh, thank you so much. 多谢。 Thanks a lot. 多谢。 Many thanks for coming. 多谢光临。 Thanks a lot for your concern. 多谢你的关心。 That would be very kind of you. 多谢你的好意。 That's very nice of you. 多谢你的好意。 Many thanks for your invitation. 多谢你的邀请。 Thanks a million for inviting me. 多谢你的邀请。 Thanks a lot for the present. 多谢你给我的礼物。 Thanks a million for the book. 多谢你给我这本书。 What a fix that I left my key inside. 多糟,我把钥匙忘在里面了。 Mount Emei is among the four mountains held sacred by Buddhists in China. 峨眉山是中国四大佛教名山之一。 Er, let me see, it's six dollars all together. 呃,让我想一想,一共是六美元。 Um, I haven't decided yet, but most probably I'll not come. 呃,我还没有决定,但很可能我不会来了。 Um... I don't know yet, but I'll probably go to Paris. 呃......我还不知道,但我可能去巴黎。 Children must be protected morally. 儿童在道德上需要受到堡。 And what's more, there is the question of cultural advancement of a nation as a whole. 而且,还有整个民族的文化水平提高的问题。 And the typhoon destroyed 90 houses in the country. 而且台风摧毁了农村中 90 间屋子。 Will 200 dollars be enough for a minimum deposit? 二百美元作最低存款额够了吗? Two spades. 二黑桃。 Twenty. 二十本。 Second-hand smoke may cause the same lung damage as smoking eleven cigarettes a day. 二手烟对肺造成的损害如同一天吸 11 根香烟。 The sender may use whatever language permitted by the country of destination. 发报人可以用收报国准用的任何语言。 What is the rate per word for an ordinary telegram to Chicago? 发到芝加哥去的普通电报每字多少钱? How much will the telegram cost? 发电报要多少钱? What is the charge for sending an urgent telegram? 发个急电要多少钱? There has been a car accident. Please come right away. 发生车祸了,请赶快来。 What happened? 发生了什么事? Don't change the style, just trim it. 发型不改,只要修齐就好了。 How much shall I pay you for a letter telegram? 发一份书信电报我要付多少钱? The valve chamber cover is missing. 阀室盖不见了。 The judge decided the case in favor of the plaintiff. 法官判定原告胜诉。 AF flight is a direct flight to Paris. 法航是去巴黎的直达班机。 It's going to be all right. 凡事都会好的。 It'll work out all right. 凡事终会好的。 There are always two sides to everything. 凡事总有两方面。 Oh bother! 烦死了! What a bore! 烦死了! That is a bore! 烦死了! Bother it! 烦死了! Those against? 反对的? What sundry services does the hotel offer? 饭店提供哪些服务? Does the hotel have a sauna? 饭店有蒸汽浴吗? A smoke after a meal is very relaxing. 饭后一根烟赛似活神仙。 These words are called mantra in Sanskrit. 梵文管这些话叫符咒。 The direction indicator seems all right. 方向灯看上去没问题。 The steering wheel is working very well. 方向盘很好使。 Miss Fang is a beautician as well as a hair stylist. 方小姐是位美容师,也是位发型专家。 It faces south, and there's such a lovely view of the city. 房间朝南,还能看到城市美丽的风光。 The room number is..., hang on a second, 1508. 房间号码是......等一下,1508 ,对。 There are six people in the room. 房间里有六个人。 What movie will be shown? 放什么电影呢? Relax, don't overtax yourself. 放松一下,别劳累过度。 Surrender your arms, or we'll fire! 放下武器,不然我们要开火了! Take it easy, I know how to go about it. 放心吧,我知道怎么办。 Relax. It's nothing at all. 放心吧。这根本没什么。 Did you have a meeting after school? 放学后你去开会了吗? I was quite relieved when the plane took off safely. 飞机安全起飞时我感到十分欣慰。 Has the plane arrived? 飞机到了吗? Will the flight be departing on time? 飞机能准时起飞吗? The plane's taking off. Please fasten your seat belt. 飞机起飞了。请系好安全带。 Please remain seated until the plane has come to a complete stop. 飞机完全停止以前请不要离开座位。 The plane's cruising at an altitude of 92000 meters. 飞机现在正在 92000 米的高空飞行。 The plane's been delayed by wretched weather. 飞机因天气不好而误点了。 Are the flights to Hong Kong non-stop? 飞往香港的都是直达班机吗? I'm terribly sorry, I didn't realize. 非常抱歉,我没注意。 I'm extremely sorry for my carelessness. 非常抱歉,我太粗心了。 A thousand apologies for taking up so much of your time. 非常抱歉,占用了你那么多的时间。 Much appreciated. 非常感谢。 Thanks very much. 非常感谢。 Thanks very much. Same to you! 非常感谢。你也一样! Thank you so much. 非常感谢你。 Thank you very much. 非常感谢你。 Thank you very much for coming. 非常感谢你的光临。 Thank you so much for coming. 非常感谢你的光临。 Thanks very much for coming. 非常感谢你的光临。 Thank you very much for the encouragement. 非常感谢你对我的鼓励。 Thank you so much for your help. 非常感谢你给我的帮助。 It's very kind of you to come to see me off. 非常感谢你来为我送行。 What's the point of abolishing this system? 废除这个制度又有什么意思呢? Nonsense. Look at the post office, it's making a fortune. 废话。就说邮局,它就赚了很多钱。 Fair and sunny. 风和日丽。 Will Musk Rheumatic Oil do? It works wonder. 风湿油行吗?它效果很好。 Flattery will get you nowhere. 奉承是行不通的。 Buddhism, Christianity and Islam are the three major religions in the world. 佛教、基督教和伊斯兰教是世界三大宗教。 Buddhists call it the 'Buddhist Country of Lotus Flowers'. 佛教徒称之为莲花佛国。 I'm afraid we can't launder embroidered items, ma'am. 夫人,恐怕我们不能洗绣花衣物。 Was everything satisfactory, madam? 夫人,每道菜都吃得满意吗? Your table is ready, madam. 夫人,您的餐桌预备好了。 Your clothes are ready, ma'am. 夫人,您的衣服洗好了。 What's the problem, ma'am? 夫人,什么事? Is this for laundry, madam? 夫人,这个要洗吗? Is the service charge included? 服务费包括在内吗? Waiter, may I have steak sauce, please. 服务生,请给我一些牛排酱汁。 Waiter, my food has not come yet. 服务生,我的食物还没送上来。 Waiter, I need some cream and sugar, please. 服务生,我要一些鲜奶油和糖。 Waiter, a table for two, please. 服务员,请安排一张两人用餐的桌子。 The bellboy will take you to your room. 服务员会带你去你的房间的。 The costumes and the scenery were marvelous. 服装和布景好极了。 Dress designing intrigues me more than teaching. 服装设计比教书更吸引我。 Please dress rather formally. 服装要比较正式。 The Temple of Happiness and Longevity is made of grey bricks and iron tiles. 福寿寺是由青砖瓦建成的。 Is there a pizza parlor in the neighborhood? 附近有没有比萨店? Are there any good Chinese restaurants nearby? 附近有没有好的中式餐馆? What 18-hole golf courses are in the vicinity? 附近有什么 18 洞的高尔夫球场? Is there a library close by? 附近有图书馆吗? Easter is round the corner. 复活节就要来了。 Have a good Easter! 复活节快乐! Happy Easter! 复活节快乐! It's time to go through your exit formalities. 该办理出境手续了。 The museum was founded in 1960. 该博物馆建于 1960 年。 It's time for lunch! 该吃午饭了! The lake is characterized by its vast expanse of water. 该湖以水域广阔为其特色。 It's time for an interval. 该幕间休息了。 It's your go! 该你了! It's time to go to bed! 该上床了! Popular editions of the book are now out of stock. 该书的普及版现在销售一空。 Whose deal is it? 该谁发牌了? Whose bid is it now? 该谁叫牌了? Whose shuffle is it? 该谁洗牌了? Damn it! 该死! This is his bid. 该他叫牌了。 This is my turn to bid. 该我叫牌了。 It's you who should decide it. 该由你来决定。 Now how should I put it? 该怎么说好呢? Bottoms up! 干杯! Cheers! 干杯! Toast! 干杯! Drink up! 干杯! Bottoms up! 干杯! Cheers! Oh, My. This Mao-tai is certainly very strong. 干杯!哦,哎呀,这种茅台肯定很烈。 Cheers, old chap! 干杯,老朋友! Good business! 干得好! Nice going! 干得好! It's just the job! 干得好! Well done! 干得好! Good job! Now fire! 干得好!开枪吧! What for? 干吗? Why not, but do it alone. 干吗不,不过你自个儿干。 Why not? 干吗不? What for? 干什么? Dry cleaning usually takes three days. 干洗一般需三天时间。 The infection may lead to respiratory problems. 感染可能会引起呼吸道问题。 It was kind of you to come to our dinner. 感谢你来我们这儿吃晚饭。 Thank you for offering, but I can manage. 感谢你提议帮助我,不过我能应付。 Thank God! 感谢上帝! You should thank God for passing the exam at last. 感谢上帝,你总算通过考试了。 Was the last call on heart? 刚才叫的是红心吗? What was the last call? 刚才叫的是什么? That had me upset for a while. 刚才那真叫我不安了一阵。 That had me worried for a moment. 刚才那真叫我担心了一阵。 You saw the boys in the classroom just now, didn't you? 刚才你看见男孩们在教室里,是吗? 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司