翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 We're just coming from that direction. 刚才我们就是从那个方向来的。 What's showing just now? 刚才在放什么节目? What's the area of Congo in square miles? 刚果面积有多少平方英里? It's just below the limit. 刚好没超重。 Bid up! 高叫点数! High-quality wide angle lenses are very expensive. 高品质的广角镜头非常昂贵。 Tell the driver to step on it. 告诉驾驶员快点。 The boy is smart, I tell you. 告诉你,那孩子很精明。 Tell you, he's been taking drugs for a long time. 告诉你,他吸毒已经好长时间了。 Mind you I was not born yesterday. 告诉你,我不是小孩子。 To tell you the truth, I'm not interested in physics. 告诉你实话,我对物理不感兴趣。 Tell the people at the front to step out! 告诉前面的人快点。 Tell me, are we in danger? 告诉我,我们是否处于危险之中? Gordon was offside. 戈登越位了。 Mrs. Green has often talked about you. 格林夫人常常谈起您。 Could you give us the report now, Mr Green? 格林先生,请您现在报告好吗? The next room is called the Hall of the Wheel of the Dharma. 隔壁是法轮殿。 How often should I use it? 隔多久用一次? No duty on things for your own use. 个人用品不用付税。 What would you say to donate some money to the church? 给教堂捐些钱您看怎么样? Deal five cards to each player. 给每人发五张牌。 Here you are. 给你。 Here. 给你。 Here's some mixture for you to drink. 给你喝点药水。 A ticket for you. 给你一张票。 You have booked on American Airlines flight 320. 给你预订了美国航空公司 320 班机。 Here are the admission tickets. 给您门票。 Give me half an hour to get dressed. 给我半小时换衣服。 Give me a ring. 给我打电话! Would you mind pouring me some coffee? 给我倒些咖啡好吗? Would you pour me some coffee? 给我倒些咖啡好吗? Can I have a cigarette holder? 给我个烟嘴好吗? Show me another pattern. 给我看另一个款式的。 Can you show me that beautiful ashtray? 给我看一下那个漂亮的烟灰缸好吗? Could you give me two in the balcony? 给我两张楼厅的票好吗? Drop me a line. 给我捎个信。 Give me a pound of boric acid. 给我一磅硼酸粉吧。 Give me a box of matches. 给我一包火柴。 Can I have some cough medicine, please? 给我一些咳嗽药好吗? Give me enough for two days. 给我足够两天的量吧。 Not in the least. 根本没问题。 No cause for alarm at all. 根本用不着大惊小怪的。 According to the shopping documents, transshipment and partial shipment are permitted. 根据装船单据,允许转船和分批装运。 Follow those signs. You can't go wrong. 跟着指示走。不会错的。 Are the working hours fixed? 工作时间固定吗? Tiredness after work is perfectly normal. 工作之后感到疲劳是很正常的。 I'm in a daze after work. 工作之后我总是头晕目眩。 There comes the bus, let's hurry. 公共汽车来了,我们快点。 How often does the bus run? 公共汽车是多久一班? Small as it is, this park is quite extraordinary. 公园虽小,却很特别。 That's enough! 够了! Drop it! That's enough! 够了!别说了! Why is Mr. Cooper so tired? Do you have any idea? 古柏先生为何如此疲倦?你有什么看法? Is it worthwhile to see the ancient city? 古城值得一看吗? The Palace Museum in Beijing is housed in the imperial palace formerly known as the Forbidden City. 故宫博物院坐落于旧称为"紫禁城"的皇宫里。 Surely the important thing is how to pool enough money. 关键当然是如何募到足够的钱。 The duty is 50 dollars. 关税为五十美元。 What do you know about the tenth century? 关于第十世纪你知道些什么? You're absolutely right about that. 关于那方面你是绝对对的。 Let me give you some advice as to how to apply for a teaching assistant's position. 关于如何申请助教的职位,还是让我来为你提些建议吧。 The Guanyin Bodhisattva is fighting against the turtle. 观音菩萨正和鳌鱼搏斗。 Where is the Curator's office? 馆长的办公室在哪? Cantonese food is rather light. 广东菜比较清淡。 Behave yourself! 规矩点! Front desk, may I help you? 柜台。有什么事吗? Get lost! 滚蛋! Disappear! 滚开! The show of Chinese paintings will end in two days' time. 国画展将于两天后结束。 Is the National Art Gallery open on Sundays? 国家美术馆星期天开放吗? We'll land in about 25 minutes. 过 25 分钟我们就要着陆了。 Mustn't grumble. 过得去吧。 Too much worry has aged me greatly. 过多的焦虑使我老得很快。 Transit passengers have to go through transit formalities. 过境旅客必须办过境手续。 It's a wonder that you remember me after all these years! 过了这么多年你还记得我,这真是令人吃惊。 All the out-dated magazines are half-price. 过期杂志一律半价。 A cab will be there in fifteen minutes. 过十五分钟会有一辆到那儿。 Well, good of you! 哈,好极了! I say, it's raining at last! 哈,终于下雨啦! Harris went on top in the last lap. 哈里斯在最后一圈跑到了最前面。 Here we are! We've come just in time. 嗨!我们正好及时赶到。 Hey, fill up the tank. 嗨,把油箱装满。 Hey, Peter. Just the person I was looking for. 嗨,彼得。我正要找你。 Hey, don't start any trouble! 嗨,别闹事! Hey! For goodness sake! 嗨,看在上帝的份上! Well, haven't you any interest in knowing it? 嗨,难道你没有兴趣知道这事吗? Well, wouldn't you know that? 嗨,你不想知道吗? Come on, are you sleepy? 嗨,你想睡了吗? Now you're talking. 嗨,你这么说才合我意呢。 Well, do you know she came off prison two years ago? 嗨,你知不知道她两年前从监狱出来了? Hey, stupid! 嗨,傻瓜! Well, I can tell you, but it's between ourselves. 嗨,我可以告诉你,但是只能你我知道。 Hey, I'm out of ink. 嗨,我墨水没了。 Hey, bartender! Are you going to serve him? 嗨,招待员!你去招待他吗? Now children, run along! 孩子们,快! I always feel shattered after children's birthday party. 孩子们过生日之后我总感到疲劳极了。 Children like the dandelion very much. 孩子们特别喜欢蒲公英。 Monkeys are always very popular with the children. 孩子们总是喜欢猴子。 Boy, I am glad to see you back safe. 孩子我很高兴看到你安全归来。 Customs officers are in charge of the customs inspection. 海关官员负责海关检查。 Customs house is this way, please. 海关请这边走。 In the sea there's a huge legendary turtle. 海里有一条传说中的大鳌鱼。 Jelly fish isn't to my likings. 海蜇不合我的胃口。 Any plans for the winter vacation? 寒假有何计划吗? Air mail will be quicker. 航空要快些。 It's doubtless that you'll have a good time at the dance party. 毫不疑问你在舞会上会玩得十分开心。 No trouble at all. 毫无问题。 There can't be any doubt. 毫无疑问。 There's no question about it. 毫无疑问。 There's no doubt that you'll pass the entrance examination. 毫无疑问你会通过入学考试的。 Fine! 好! Good! 好! Yes, of course. 好,当然。 Yes, let's. 好,就这样。 Good, that's great. 好,妙极了。 Good, that wraps up all we have to do. 好,那包含了我们该做的一切。 OK, you win. 好,你赢了。 Now, let's see what we have on the program. 好,让我们看看剧目上有些什么。 Good. It sounds very nice, thank you. 好,听起来很合胃口,谢谢! Well, that's settled, isn't it? 好,问题解决了,不是吗? Yes, I'll do what I can. 好,我会尽力而为的。 Yes, I'll have a try. 好,我会试一试的。 Very well, I'll bring the soup right away. 好,我马上去端汤来。 OK, I'll get it for you right now. 好,我这就去给您拿来。 That's good, thank you. 好,谢谢。 Good. Here's your change. The tickets are inside the change. 好。找您钱。车票也在里面。 All right, so you think I'm a fool. 好啊,那么你以为我是个傻瓜了吧。 Well, I'd agree with you to a certain extent. 好吧,从某种程度上说我同意你的观点。 All right, I'll do that, Jack. 好吧,杰克,我会做的。 OK, very well, just for you. 好吧,就这样,为了你。 Well, that's settled. 好吧,就这样决定了。 Yes. Surprise me. 好吧,令我吃惊。 Well, you know, er, I want my books returned. 好吧,你是知道的,呃,我想有人把我的书还了。 OK, I'll take one if you "force" me to. 好吧,如果你"逼着"我抽,那我就来一支。 Well, I'll go if you really want to. 好吧,如果你真的想去,那么我就去。 OK, I'll take your advice and wait for the wind to die down. 好吧,我采纳你的建议,等风小下去。 All right, we'll be expecting you. 好吧,我们等着你。 Yes, I'd love one. 好吧,我想再来一杯。 All right, I'll have some. 好吧,我要一点。 All right, sir. How much do you want of the medicine? 好吧,先生。你要买多少? All right, thank you, but next time you should take mine. 好吧,谢谢你,不过下次你得抽我的。 All right. 好吧。 All right. 好吧。 Fine! 好的! All right, but first you make it brighter please. 好的,不过请先把颜色调亮点。 All right, put it on the counter. 好的,放在柜台上。 Okay, come with me. 好的,跟我来。 All right, which kind do you prefer, ordinary or fine art? 好的,你要拍普通照还是艺术照? Yes, please. 好的,请吧。 Yes, a cup of tea, please. 好的,请来一杯茶。 Okay. Come this way, please. 好的,请这边走。 Yeah, if it's nearby. 好的,如果就在附近。 OK, if you insist. 好的,如果你坚持的话。 Well, if you insist. 好的,如果你坚持的话。 Yes, madam. Here you are. 好的,太太。给你。 OK, I'll tell you something, but never one single word even to your girlfriend. 好的,我告诉你一件事,但即使对你女友你也不能说一个字。 Yes, I'd like to. When is it? 好的,我很乐意。几点呢? Fine, I'll go. 好的,我会去的。 Ok, I'll try my best. 好的,我将尽力而为。 Ok, I'll come right away. 好的,我马上就来。 Yes, let's have a drink. 好的,我们去喝点什么吧。 Yes, and let's stretch our legs a bit. 好的,我们去活动一下筋骨。 Yes, let's. 好的,我们跳吧。 Good enough, let's go. 好的,我们走吧。 Good. I'm looking forward to it. 好的,我盼着去参加聚会呢。 All right, I don't like this channel at all. 好的,我一点儿也不喜欢这个频道的节目。 Good, I won't miss it for anything. 好的,我一定不会错过的。 Yes, I'd like to. 好的,我愿意。 Yes, sir. 好的,先生。 Yes, sir. 好的,先生。 Yes, sir. This way, please. 好的,先生。请这边来。 Yes, thanks. 好的,谢谢。 OK. Here's your account. 好的,这是你的帐单。 Naturally, as long as the weather is fine. 好的,只要天气好。 With pleasure. 好的。 OK. 好的。 Yes, please. 好的。 Fine. 好的。 Yeah. 好的。 All right. 好的。 It's all right. 好的。 All right. Give me your card. 好的。把你的卡给我。 Much better, thank you. 好多了,谢谢你。 Fantastic! 好极了! Super! 好极了! Lovely! 好极了! It's wonderful! 好极了! It's great! 好极了! It's super! 好极了! It's terrific! 好极了! It's splendid! 好极了! Marvelous! 好极了! Awesome! 好极了! Terrific! 好极了! Great! 好极了! Terrific! 好极了! How smashing! 好极了! Great! 好极了! Excellent! 好极了! How nice! 好极了! Perfect. 好极了! Great! Our set isn't broken any more. 好极了!我们的电视机不再出毛病了。 Very good! I'm looking forward to it. 好极了!我期待前去参加。 Fantastic, Bob cleared 2.3 meters without difficulty. 好极了,鲍伯轻松地越过了 2.3 米。 Great. Give me a double whisky and soda. 好极了,给我双份威士忌和苏打水。 First rate. I don't know when I've enjoyed myself so much. 好极了,我从来没有这么尽情地玩过。 Great, I'll count on it! 好极了,我就指望它了! Great, thanks. 好极了,谢谢你。 That's great. 好极了。 Haven't seen you for a long time. 好久不见了。 Haven't seen you for ages. 好久不见了。 It's been a long time. 好久不见了。 Come on! It's OK. 好啦!这没关系。 Well, you can't win them all. 好啦,你不可能全赢的。 Well, my advice would be to sell immediately. 好啦,我的建议是马上卖掉。 Well, I know what I'll do. 好啦,我知道该做什么。 Well, the worst of the winter should be over. 好啦,严冬快过去啦。 Now, don't get upset about your failure. 好了,别为你的失败烦恼了。 There, there. 好了,好了。 All right, ladies and gentlemen, I declare the meeting open. 好了,女士们、先生们,我宣布会议开始。 Well, I'm glad that's over. 好了,我很高兴都已过去了。 Yes, I see. 好了,知道了。 Cleared. 好了。 Well done! 好球! What a beautiful center! 好一个漂亮的传中锋! Good idea! 好主意! Great idea! 好主意! Good idea! I love parties. 好主意!我喜欢聚会。 Good idea, but I can manage. 好主意,但我自己能应付。 Good idea. 好主意。 The phone number is on the dial. 号码就在拨号盘上。 I dialed the right number, but nobody answered. 号码我是拨对了,可是没有人接。 Oh, marvellous! 呵,太好了! Oh, that's a relief. 呵,真叫人宽慰。 Oh, what a relief! 呵,真叫人欣慰! How about a nice cup of tea before you leave? 喝杯好茶再走好吗? A cup of coffee? 喝杯咖啡? What would you say to a cup of coffee? 喝杯咖啡好吗? How about your drink? 喝些什么? That comes to two yuan and fifty fen. 合计两元五角。 When will it arrive? 何时会送到? The monks are chanting the sacred texts. 和尚们正在念经。 What's the use of making friends with him? 和他交朋友有何用呢? It'll be good to go to Paris with him. 和他一起去巴黎一定会很快乐。 What about having a coffee with me? 和我一起喝杯咖啡怎么样? I like Chinese better than Western paintings. 和西方的相比,我更喜欢中国画。 Compared to other prices in Western Europe, it's really quite reasonable. 和西欧的其他价格相比,这个价格还是比较合理的。 It's useless to reason with such an unreasonable person like you. 和像你这么不讲理的人讲理是没用的。 Black & White film is good for portraits. 黑白底片照肖像效果很好。 A spade run! 黑桃同花顺子! Well, you have your nerve! 嘿,你好大胆子! Hey! I nearly forgot! Tom will come to see you next month. 嘿,我差一点忘了!汤姆下个月来看你。 Well, I'll be damned! 嘿,我完了! Well, I'm blest! 嘿,我运气真好! Well, I declare! 嘿,真想不到! Well, I never! 嘿,真想不到! I'm awfully sorry about the delay. 很抱歉,耽搁了时间。 I'm sorry I don't know anything about it. 很抱歉我对此一无所知。 I'm sorry I can't answer this question. 很抱歉我无法回答这个问题。 True enough. 很对。 That's quite true. 很对。 It would be very nice to go to London with you. 很高兴和你一起去伦敦。 Nice to see you, Tom. 很高兴见到你,汤姆。 Pleased to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 I'm glad to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 I am glad that it's all over. 很高兴那都已过去了。 It was a pleasure to help you. 很高兴能帮助你。 I'm very glad to have the opportunity to meet you. 很高兴能见到您。 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司