翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 You are very kind. 您真好。 You are most understanding. 您真能体谅人。 That's extremely kind of you, but I believe I can manage. 您真是太好了,不过我相信我能应付的。 That's very kind of you, but I won't. 您真是太好了,但我不想要。 That was extremely good of you. 您真是太好了。 You are very considerate. 您真体贴人。 Are you aware of your daughter's falling into bad company? 您知道您的女儿正在交坏朋友吗? Are you aware that you're hurting me? 您知道您弄痛我了吗? Are you keeping that small bag as hand-luggage? 您准备把那小包作为手提行李吗? The card in your seat pocket will tell you where the emergency exits are. 您座位口袋里的卡片会告诉您安全门在哪儿。 Writing a paper is preferable to sitting in for an examination. 宁可写一篇论文,而不要参加考试。 Lemon pie, chocolate sundae and custard pudding. 柠檬派、巧克力圣代和软冻布丁。 People on the farm get up early. 农田上的人起得早。 Where is the Ladies' Room? 女厕所在哪? Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Table for four? 女士、先生们,你们好。要张四人餐桌? Ladies and gentlemen, have you all taken your places? 女士们,先生们,各位都坐好了吗? What may I offer you, ladies and gentlemen? 女士们、先生们,你们要什么? Where is the ladies' room? 女洗手间在哪里? The leading lady is to be played by a well-known actress. 女主角将由名演员担任。 Oh, come off it. 噢,别胡说。 Oh no! 噢,不! Oh, no! 噢,不! Oh, before I forget, have you finished the book I lent you? 噢,趁我还没忘记,你看完了我借给你的书了吗? Oh, come on, I promise it'll be fun. 噢,得了吧,我保证一定很开心的。 Oh, I'm sorry. 噢,对不起。 Well, thank you for a pleasant evening. 噢,感谢你与我们一起度过一个愉快的夜晚。 Oh, something's wrong with the machine. 噢,机器出毛病了。 Oh, absolutely. 噢,绝对正确。 Oh, surely not. 噢,肯定不是。 Well, that doesn't get us very far. 噢,那并不能使我们十分信服。 Well, in that case, a sit-down dinner is out of the question. 噢,那样的话,坐着进餐是不可能的了。 Why, are you expecting a lot of people? 噢,你希望有很多客人吗? Oh, surely you can! I'd really appreciate it. 噢,你一定能来的!我非常希望你来。 Oh, incidentally, what time will the movie begin? 噢,顺便问一下,电影什么时候开演? Oh, I don't agree. 噢,我不同意。 Well, I must say that alcoholism is still a great problem. 噢,我得说酗酒仍是一个大问题。 Well, one of my big interests is walking. 噢,我的最大爱好之一是散步。 Oh, I know what I meant to tell you. 噢,我记起要告诉你的事了。 Oh, I agree entirely. 噢,我完全同意。 Oh, I knew there was something I meant to tell you. 噢,我想我有事要告诉你。 Why, yes! 噢,行! Well, to my mind, the medicine has side effect. 噢,依我看,这药有副作用。 Oh yes, it's ready. 噢,已经洗好了。 Well, now you're asking. 噢,这倒是个难题。 Well, this table is free. 噢,这张餐桌空着。 Why, it's lovely. 噢,真不错。 Oh, really! 噢,真的! Well, really! 噢,真的! Well, I'm sure. 噢,真的! Ooh! 哦! Oh, come on, just for me, eh? 哦,帮帮忙吧,为了我而去,行吗? Oh, it's a rather changeable. 哦,变化无常。 Oh, don't bring anything. 哦,别带任何东西。 Oh, just leave me alone. It's none of your concern. 哦,别管我。这不关你的事。 Oh, no! 哦,不! Oh, no! Poor Dick. 哦,不!可怜的迪克。 Oh, no! Poor thing. 哦,不!可怜的人哪。 Oh, no! Why should it be me! 哦,不!为什么是我遇上这种事啊! Oh, no! How could this happen to me! 哦,不!我怎么会遇到这种事啊! Oh, no, think of the mess after the party! 哦,不,聚会后一片狼籍! Oh, no, I'm ever so sorry! 哦,不,我太难过了! Oh, exactly. Why don't you ask her for a dance? 哦,不错。你为什么不请她跳一曲呢? Oh, no, thank you. I've already had too much. 哦,不行谢谢。我喝得太多。 Oh, yes, gladly. 哦,当然,很愿意。 Oh, it's sure. 哦,当然。 Oh, come on! 哦,得了,得了! Oh, come on. I'm sure you wouldn't like taking the risk. 哦,得了。我肯定你不会希望冒这个险的。 Oh, a full house! 哦,都客满了! Oh, sorry! 哦,对不起! Oh, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you. Then I agree with you. 哦,对不起,我误解了。那样的话,我同意你的观点。 Well, what a nice meal! 哦,多丰盛的一顿饭呀! Oh, how dreadful! 哦,多可怕! Oh, how terrible! 哦,多可怕! Oh, it's a nice cinema. 哦,多漂亮的电影院。 Oh, what a terrible thing to happen! 哦,发生了多么可怕的事啊! Oh, bloody hell! 哦,该死的混蛋! Oh, good, I'm very much in favor of that. 哦,好的,我非常赞成。 Oh, one drop of a strong drink won't hurt. 哦,喝一点烈酒没有关系。 Oh, let's just hope it stays warm. 哦,还是让我们希望天气一直暖和下去。 Oh, there's just one other thing. What time is the lunch? 哦,还有一件事,什么时候开午饭? Oh, hell, no! 哦,混蛋,不! Oh, hell! 哦,见鬼! Oh, hell! 哦,见鬼! Oh, Jack, you're a marvel! 哦,杰克,你真了不起! Hum, it could be the distributor. Have you had a look at it? 哦,可能是配电盘的毛病。你检查过配电盘吗? Oh, that's typical! 哦,老是这样子! Oh, Robin, that's marvelous! 哦,罗宾,你真了不起! Oh, my fault for not doing it earlier. 哦,没把早点做好是我的过错。 Oh, never mind, it doesn't really matter. 哦,没关系,实在没有什么要紧的。 Oh, that's all right. 哦,没关系。 Oh, nothing! I'm just a bit fed up, that's all. 哦,没什么!我只是有点厌倦,如此而已。 Oh, isn't that lovely? 哦,那不是很可爱吗? Oh, that'll be fine. 哦,那很好。 Oh, that's funny, but I do agree with his opinion. 哦,那就有意思了,但是我完全同意他的观点。 Oh, that's all right, then. 哦,那没什么。 Oh, wouldn't that be nice? 哦,那真好。 Oh, that was really a close game. 哦,那真是一场势均力敌的比赛。 Oh, you don't need to do that. 哦,你不必这么做。 Well, would you pop out and buy one? 哦,你出去买一个? Oh, you've overcharged me! 哦,你多开帐款啦! Oh, I'm flattered. 哦,你过奖了。 Well, you could consider going away for a short rest. 哦,你可以考虑一下度个短假的。 Oh, would you? Thanks a lot. 哦,你肯帮忙?多谢。 Oh, how did you do it? 哦,你是怎么做的?! Oh, nothing to it, actually. 哦,其实没什么。 Oh, look, Jane's here! Jane, meet David. 哦,瞧,简在这儿!简,认识一下大卫。 Oh, dear, nothing too terrible, I hope? 哦,亲爱的,你们没有谈论我什么可怕的事情吧? Oh, dear, I can't. Can't you make it another day? 哦,亲爱的,我不行啊。你不能换个日子吗? Oh, get on with you! 哦,去你的! Oh God! 哦,上帝! Oh, yes, science fiction is also largely read. 哦,是的,科幻小说也很受青睐。 Oh yes I --- well, that's to say, I did have two tickets. 哦,是的--嗯,这就是说,我的确有两张票。 Oh, come, my little child, it will do you no good. 哦,算了,我的孩子,这对你没什么好处的。 Oh, what a shame! I'm going to a movie. 哦,太可惜了!我正要去看场电影。 Oh, too bad! 哦,太糟了! Oh, God! 哦,天哪! Oh, gosh! 哦,天哪! Oh, God! 哦,天哪! Oh, dear! 哦,天哪! Oh, Good Heavens! 哦,天哪! Oh, dear! I've forgotten my key. 哦,天哪!我忘了我的钥匙。 Oh, it's delicious! 哦,味道好极了! Well, I don't want to over-stay my welcome. 哦,我不想待到别人讨厌我。 Oh I don't know. I just feel a bit depressed, that's all. 哦,我不知道。我只觉得有点抑郁,如此而已。 Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. 哦,我才不会为此担心呢。 Well, I've got to be running along. 哦,我得赶紧走了。 Well, I'd better hurry up. 哦,我得快点了。 Well, I'd better be going. 哦,我得走了。 Oh, I have got another cable to send to Antarctic. 哦,我还要发一份去南极的电报。 Well, I'll give you a call. 哦,我会给你打电话的。 Oh, I can assure you I'm qualified enough to take this job. 哦,我可以向你保证,我有资格取得这份工作。 Oh, could I trouble you with one more thing? 哦,我可以再麻烦你一件事吗? Oh, we're in a traffic jam. 哦,我们遇上了交通阻塞。 Well, I suppose aspirin is okay for me. 哦,我想阿司匹林对我管用。 Oh. I must keep it in mind. 哦,我一定记住。 Well, I must say goodbye to you now. 哦,现在我得向你告辞了。 Well, I must be going now. 哦,现在我得走了。 Well, I've got to be going now. 哦,现在我得走了。 Oh, thank you. I always seem to be smoking yours. 哦,谢谢你,我好像总是抽你的烟。 Oh, OK. Anything you want. 哦,行。你要什么都行。 Oh, would you, Simon? 哦,行吗,西蒙? Oh, there's a new bar round the corner. 哦,在拐角处有新设的一间酒吧。 Oh, awful! 哦,遭透了! Oh, that's all right. I don't mind having time in Georgia. 哦,这没关系,在乔治亚玩一会儿我不在乎。 Oh, it was nothing really, nothing at all. 哦,这其实没什么,一点儿也没什么。 Oh, it's nothing special, actually. 哦,这其实没什么特殊的地方。 Oh, thank goodness for that. 哦,这事真是谢天谢地。 Well, it's for the lady in that corner. It's a 'pousse-cafe'. 哦,这是给坐在那角落的女士调的。这叫'彩虹酒'。 Oh, my fault. 哦,这是我的错。 Oh, that's too bad! 哦,这太糟了! It's really good news. 哦,这消息太好了。 Oh, that's a bit of bad luck. 哦,这真有点不走运。 Oh, bad luck! 哦,真不走运! Oh, hard lines! 哦,真倒霉! Oh, hard luck! 哦,真倒霉! Oh, how nice! 哦,真漂亮! Oh, that's a weight off my mind. 哦,真使我松了一口气。 Oh, blast! 哦,真是活该! Oh, how awful! 哦,真讨厌! Oh, it's really a pity. 哦,真遗憾! Oh, what a shame! 哦,真遗憾! Oh, that's a pity. 哦,真遗憾。 Oh, that's a shame. 哦,真遗憾。 Oh, what a bit of bad luck! 哦,真有些不走运! Well, the whole piece is over. 哦,整出戏结束了。 Oh no, give me rice every time. 哦不,每次都给我米饭吧。 Oh no, just what I was afraid of. 哦不,正是我所担心的。 Oh God! I just don't know what to do. 哦上帝!我真的不知道该怎么办了。 My God! I really don't know how to do next. 哦上帝!我真的不知道下一步该怎么办。 Oh dear, I'd been hoping to pass the exam. 哦天,我一直希望能通过考试的。 Oh dear, I was hoping to go with you. 哦天,我原希望和你一起去的。 Oh dear, I'd hoped to meet my friend at the station. 哦天,我原希望会在车站接到我的朋友的。 Oh dear, I was hoping for a chance to go to Paris. 哦天,我原希望有机会去巴黎的。 Oh dear, I was really longing to find him in the office. 哦天,我原希望在办公室找到他的。 Oh dear, I'd been longing for a cooler weather here. 哦天,我原希望这里会有比较凉快的天气。 A continental breakfast with hot tea will be fine. 欧式早餐和热茶就可以了。 How many exposures have you made? 拍了几张了? Remember to take off the lens hood before you take a photo. 拍照前要记住先取下遮光罩。 Keep the sun behind you when you're taking a photo. 拍照时要背对着太阳。 One must focus the camera before taking a picture. 拍照之前先要对焦距。 The gears have been worn out. 排档磨损了。 It's good manners to wait in line. 排队等候是好习惯。 The exhaust pipe is broken. 排气管坏了。 Volleyball isn't interesting at all. 排球运动一点儿都不有趣。 Send a doctor here, on the double! 派个医生来,要快! Park Street? I'm afraid I've never heard about it. 派克大街?恐怕我从未听说过。 I'm flogged after the climb. 攀登之后我累极了。 The helical spring can no longer be used. 盘簧不能再用了。 I am in keen anticipation of your visit. 盼望着您的来访。 Chuck your hearts! 抛掉你的红心! Get rid of your baby spade for the end play. 抛掉你的小黑桃准备最后一搏。 The running lays me flat. 跑步使我累坏了。 The one in the third lane is a Gold Medalist, John Henry. 跑在第三跑道的是金牌得主,约翰·亨利。 All claims must be made within 24 hours after returning and accompanied by the original list. 赔偿要求必须于收件后二十四小时内提出申请,并出示原始洗衣单据。 Nothing is wrong with the injection pump. 喷射泵没毛病。 Cooking is not too difficult to me. 烹饪对我来说并不困难。 A shoulder-length style will suit your face. 披肩长发适合您的脸型。 What is the difference between beer and wine? 啤酒与葡萄酒区别在什么地方? It's too bad that the tickets have all been sold out. 票都售完了,真太糟了。 How much are the tickets? 票价多少? Here it is. 票在这儿。 The average number of visitors amounts to 120,000 every year. 平均每年参观人数达十二万人。 Paperbacks are much cheaper. 平装本便宜得多。 Can I stop over the journey on this ticket? 凭这张票我能在中途停留吗? Apples, um, what do you call it, oranges? 苹果,嗯,你叫它什么来着,叫桔子? The apples are here. 苹果在这里。 The image on the screen is shimmering. 屏幕上的图案不清晰。 The dosage is on the bottle. 瓶上标明了。 It was widely acknowledged that our business is going downhill. 普遍认为我们的经营在走下坡。 The minimum charge for an ordinary telegram is seven words. 普通电报最低收费按 7 个字计算。 They are ten dollars each for the general public. 普通观众每人十美元。 How long does it take for a letter from here to Beijing by regular mail? 普通邮件从这儿到北京要多长时间? Two yuan plus regular postage. 普通邮资再加两元。 Make sure that you have the correct time for exposure. 曝光时间要掌握好。 Pick me up at the train station at 7:00. 七点到火车站接我。 At 7:00 o'clock, er,... maybe at 7:30? 七点钟,呃......也许是七点半? Seventy to sixty-seven. 七十比六十七。 The periodical rack is over there. 期刊架在那边。 Where is the periodical room? 期刊室在哪? It's reasonable to expect that his dream will come true. 期望他的梦想会实现是有道理的。 Is there anything worth watching on the other channels? 其它频道有什么好看的节目? It contains original manuscripts of modern Japanese writers. 其中有现代日本作家的原始书稿。 It includes insects, fish, reptiles, mammals and birds. 其中展出的有昆虫、鱼类、爬虫类、哺乳动物和鸟类。 Oddly enough, modern painting leaves me cold. 奇怪得很,我对现代绘画不感兴趣。 How about that! 岂有此理! How do you like that. 岂有此理。 After getting up, I go into the bathroom and take a shower. 起床以后,我到浴室洗淋浴。 The temperature will drop to 10 degrees centigrade. 气温将降至摄氏 10 度。 It's going to be in the low sixties, cloudy and cool. 气温将在 60 至 64 度之间,多云凉爽。 The weatherman predicts a storm tomorrow. 气象预报明天有暴风雨。 There goes the siren for passengers to go aboard. 汽笛响了,旅客们该登船了。 You cannot carry this tank of petrol on board, for it's combustible. 汽油是易燃品,你不可携带汽油上船。 There's a leak in the gasoline tank. 汽油箱有个裂缝。 Keep at it! 千万别松懈! Make sure not to push this button. 千万不要按这个按钮。 Be sure not to forget to turn off the light. 千万不要忘记关灯。 It's 100% true that he was once a murderer. 千真万确,他曾是个杀人犯。 What distance can you throw the shot? 铅球你能掷多远? Cut the deck. 签牌吧。 What about the front wheels? 前轮怎么样? The road ahead is blocked. 前面的路堵了。 Would you keep the fringe as it is? 前面刘汗保持原样吗? Is that enough off the front? 前面头发剪得够多了吗? You want to keep the front as it is, is that so? 前面要保持原样,是吗? There're some vacant seats in the front. 前面有一些空位。 Skin-diving interests me a lot. 潜水运动使我很感兴趣。 The ring studded with a cat's eye is extremely expensive. 嵌有猫眼的戒指非常昂贵。 A collect call for Mr. Johnson. 强生先生的对方付费电话。 Jonathan's first attempt was 5.71m. 乔纳森的第一次试跳是 5 米 71。 George doesn't know French, to say nothing of Chinese. 乔治不懂法文,更不用说懂中文了。 Look, the policeman is waving to you. 瞧,警察在向你打手势呢。 You see, there are so many copies of magazines there. 瞧,那儿有这么多杂志。 Look here! What a mess! 瞧,你弄得这么一团糟! Look, he's got the ball. 瞧,他得到了球! Look what you've done! 瞧你到底做了些什么呀! There he comes. 瞧他来了。 Make sure you remember to put some sugar in the water. 切记往水里放些糖。 Behind the Resting Hall is the Hall of Saint's Activities. 寝殿后面是圣迹殿。 Black coffee isn't to my liking. 清咖啡不合我的口味。 Things could be much worse. 情况还不算太糟。 Things are getting me down a bit. 情况使我有点沮丧。 It could have been a lot worse. 情况原本会糟得多。 Things are getting worse and worse. 情况越来越糟了。 The situation is not as bad as that. 情势还没那么糟。 Please be quiet! 请安静! Please prepare some medicine for me according to this prescription. 请按照这张处方给我配药。 Please take the medicine according to the instructions. 请按指示服药。 Would you please pass the change to the lady for me? 翻译行业术语translation company 翻译 fanyi fy 翻译公司 翻译软件 翻译词典 翻译技术 翻译服务 翻译公司 021-68862395 广州翻译公司 翻译应用 英语 英语研究 英语应用 英语学习 英语词典 英语软件 英语培训 英语考试 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT 北京翻译公司 研究生 背单词 英语学习软件 翻译公司translation service 上海翻译公司